
Race and Ethnicity and Latin America’s United Millennium

Development Goals

Edward E. Telles


December 2007

California Center for Research On-Line Working Paper Series

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Latin American and Caribbean Ethnic Studies Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/title~content=t724921261 Race and Ethnicity and Latin America's United Nations Millennium Development Goals

Online Publication Date: 01 October 2007 To cite this Article: Telles, Edward E. (2007) 'Race and Ethnicity and Latin America's United Nations Millennium Development Goals', Latin American and Caribbean Ethnic Studies, 2:2, 185 - 200 To link to this article: DOI: 10.1080/17442220701489571 URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/17442220701489571


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The publisher shall not be liable for any loss, actions, claims, proceedings, demand or costs or damages whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with or arising out of the use of this material. © Taylor and Francis 2007 Downloaded By: [CDL Journals Account] At: 21:12 11 September 2007 ai mrc’ rbeso nedvlpetms desl fetteregion’s the affect adversely most underdevelopment of problems America’s Latin O:10.1080/17442220701489571 DOI: mlmnaino oiyatoscniu ob aprdb lista such the that especially, claims by and, hampered issues be these to about continue actions Discussions policy government real about. of cases, made few come implementation a have persistent in countries the have and, democratization, Some discussions addressing these peoples. actions in in of race others governments have mixed than their countries headway process and greater with region’s black dialogue a the indigenous, a of of through exclusion begin several to change in Largely real able activists to been movement region. commitments black that and suggest the indigenous Durban of throughout All of goals region. the issue vary although the of the there, throughout pursuit presented 2001, fore resolutions in the the in actions adopted to Durban officially come countries in has American America Racism Latin Latin on in Conference inequalities Nations racial United the Since 2006. peoples; October indigenous in blacks; City Mexico in in Statistics’ Keywords: Bank Construction Public the World in on the Variables Seminar Ethnic ‘International at be the of presented at Use can 2004 presented and and in later development Race prepared was was equitable It on that 2006. that paper’ Consultation February ‘concept survey so Inter-Interagency a exist national on the collection currently based and for that data is data article census improve This the for monitored. describes to properly need paper Millennium how This urgent by proposes data. an their such do region and or is collecting the data begin in there ethnic in to and American thus systems race exclusion ethnicity collect and Latin social not inappropriately do and reduce that countries so American to Latin argues race seek most However, paper which 2015. incorporate (MDGs), This Goals thus citizens. Development should mulatto and governments black indigenous, dadE Telles E. Edward Goals Development Millennium America’s Nations Latin United and Ethnicity and Race Studies 2 Ethnic Vol. Caribbean and American Latin SN14–22(rn)IS 7423 (online)/07/020185–16 1744–2230 (print)/ISSN 1744–2222 ISSN , o 2 No. , ai mrc;MleimDvlpetGas foLtn racism; Afro-Latin; Goals; Development Millenium America; Latin etme 2007 September , p 185–200 pp. mestizaje ß 07Tyo Francis & Taylor 2007 Downloaded By: [CDL Journals Account] At: 21:12 11 September 2007 o atclrsca itntosecp ygne,idvda onre have countries Nations individual gender, (United mandated by water them. not except make are drinking distinctions themselves to the safe targets social opted of back the to particular proportion primary Although cutting the for access 2004). half two-thirds, universalizing Report, by sustainable include by poverty, reducing Development and rate without which in three-quarters mortality goals, by people living rate child these 189 mortality persons Fully the maternal achieve 2015. of reducing a by to proportion reached out education, be themselves of set the to creation targets committed which halving recent or (MDGs), have goals the measurable Goals been countries sustainable and Development has precise encourage area Millennium of and series this Nations goals in United rights advance the promising human A pursue development. to pressure international rzli ieyt civ ieo h ee Dsbtaprslo hsdt o blacks for data this of perusal a but of MDGs seven case the that the of expects in five (2002) achieve greater Bank to World is some the likely challenge example, is For the Brazil indeed groups. region, ethnic and the and racial in particular region countries some the for achieved in population be to countries unlikely Colombia, very deemed the Dominican is Bolivia, MDG of this the Guatemala. for but for half goal Chile, unlikely this for achieved Brazil, already primary very likely have achieving Similarly, for but 24 is performance. recent likely Jamaica education on among based For is and Venezuela, considerably goal. and rate Salvador, Paraguay development varies poverty particular El goals the the Republic, Bank to UN poor, World halving the according achieving the the and example, Since to of countries of According American conditions citizens. likelihood Latin challenges. life among serious the the face on unevenly (2002), countries focused especially American are Latin goals spread wealth, national Development Thus, is regions. Millennium world considerable, among inequality income while of levels highest the rmteUie ttso htteepolm r io oprdt h so-called the to compared imports minor are are development.’ rather problems economic but these of exist that problems not or ‘greater do States them United produces the that from racism the and inequalities 186 elrto fteUie ain ol ofrneo aim Racial Racism, official on the Conference ‘without Also, following: World the respected religion.’ promulgates Nations or Intolerance be Related United ethnicity and should the race, Xenofobia Discrimination, ‘rights’ gender, of that on declaration based notes distinctions Declaration Millennium agl hog h ntdNtos ebrcutishv oeunder come have countries member Nations, United the through Largely hl hr a eltl ifclyi civn oeo hs ol o h general the for goals these of some achieving in difficulty little be may there While has standards, planetary by income middle although region, American Latin The aefraladacs osf rnigwtr 20,ie 176) item (2001, water. drinking safe to universal access rate, and health reproductive all illiteracy health for mortality, discrimination, the care child racial under-5 regarding racism, mortality, significantly especially infant of education, closing victims intolerance, primary to by related for faced view and Summit conditions a World living with the in 1995, of gaps Programme in existing the Copenhagen of reliable the in 36 the on held Paragraph meet to in Development, based commitments forth Social the policies set of all 2015, development of by needs attainment social basic the implement on centered and and data adopt statistical to States Urges .E Telles E. E. 2 lhuhntseii bu h ol hmevs the themselves, goals the about specific not Although 1 Downloaded By: [CDL Journals Account] At: 21:12 11 September 2007 n stewrdwtesdtehroso aiGray ayLtnAmerican Latin many Germany, Nazi of horrors the witnessed world the as and countries. eugenics other to American in contrary used Latin miscegenation,’ means the ‘constructive repressive of and more 1991). avenue eugenecists the (Stefan, the for scientists pursued theme American largely Latin dominant community 19th leading a late the became the sought by in which Race embraced emerged eugenics, of was breeding, of but and better and science Argentina, through century Sarmiento the their humans particular, only F. in not In improvements Domingo of 1990). genetic problem Indeed, (Helg, leading America achieve. the Latin white as largely all race the would saw of Bunge they superiority O. that presumed Carlos the goal century 19th of a the because in race, whitening elites would for Argentine population, advocated land indigenous traits prohibited. strongly and and was African subsidies immigration white large Asian ship a and that African With through while whitening immigrants expecting European assured to European mixing, grants example, of for racial numbers Brazil, large encouraging dominate. importing by and status included doomed This immigrants apparently their . from nonwhite their escape large whitening to had sought countries actively American elites Latin populations, many Since various inferior. from intellectually suffer and as to others, continue while systems. would century labor peoples, 19th exploitative of the indigenous or descendants into repressive conquered the well of the Many until as Eventually, America. enslaved Latin the well slaves. be of and rest for to Brazil the to continued Africa of especially Africans most to World, to New turn also the but to would Caribbean brought Europeans were Africans 1542, Indian million slavery in several reduced indigenous disease, because illegal and and brought weakened needs made labor the was their and As for inadequate enslavement survivors. wars often indigenous the indigenous was either population of waged the and population groups of colonists indigenous displacement various the or European of found decimation and the the in 1492 resulting after, encounters as of Soon early sites as peoples. were came Europeans shores America terms, American broad Latin In upon in Africans. and countries Europeans peoples, many indigenous among States, United the Like countries. Background American the Historical Latin on for gaps challenge racial/ethnic great the a itself, sometimes reducing remains and standard 2015 Thus, reducing, by inequality. the not MDGs ethnic thereby achieving best, of at than levels groups, increasing, rather across poverty similar standard the be measure national generally may absolute than goals progress where behind an since and further Peru, towards indicators generally related and progress are and poverty Ecuador minorities on in dominant and differences while racial persons Since ethnic non-indigenous increased. for no than were in slower in reduction were there poverty that Guatemala of find and rates (2006) Bolivia (1994–2004), Patrinos Mexico, Decade & People’s Hall Indigenous Similarly, so-called otherwise. the indicate may mulattos and ssinii aimwsbcmn nraigydsrdtdi h al 0hcentury 20th early the in discredited increasingly becoming was racism scientific As degenerate were nonwhites that deemed had racism scientific century, 19th the In ae tnct,adMDGs and Ethnicity, Race, 187 Downloaded By: [CDL Journals Account] At: 21:12 11 September 2007 ouainadvrulyeeyn lei osdrdmsio eadeso their of regardless mestizo, considered the of is cent indigenous else per or color. 10 everyone African skin about virtually some comprises What of and population white. appearance persons indigenous population on many as the based Mexico, is includes designated Brazil In ‘white’ is in cent) of ancestry. category race per that that the cent (6 is cent that small States per per United the so the 39 53 to from closer different roughly about it much the makes are comprises than that which chances population life population, black of have status this to the tends person, elevated Brazilians, ideology race democracy such because racial mixed in Mexico the certain in the Although for sustain both available. to this not harder In know is are We countries. this data chances. while both particular statistics life the official in determine through to evolved to Brazil due appears have of largely color function also that skin a is systems countries, partly but classification be elite may and the This among itself ideologies white. calls miscegenation Mexico considered of in are extent population they the dominant Brazil the in that while is mestizo, region, the in countries largest countries in actors and Venezuela. models overrepresenta- and blonde a Brazil the and example, Mexico, reveals looking like quickly For European television region. light-skinned, has and the of skin adverting tion throughout white American observers Latin for social at preference are look many data the such for though, where obvious availability, data, become data socioeconomic of other and Regardless education available. income, in up shows eeae oteifra etradudreeoe ein.Dsiesignificant Despite regions. ‘pigmentocracy’ and underdeveloped its marginalized or and inequalities been racial sector have America’s Latin informal Indians miscegenation, and the the Blacks to than customs. on based relegated mixing and discrimination racial language and prejudice more color, and widespread prevent skin often historical not While was did blood. this there States, Indian United that or among suggests black fluidity has evidence great their everyone the contemporary of nearly in because that made exist and be cannot categories region. not distinctions the racial did of that racist, nations racism not other the that in accept proclaim adopted eventually be also would would (Knight, and notions race Mexicans Similar ideologies mestizo and country. Jose superior these Brazilians a Education of of of generation tenants of production new the Secretary A and 1990). the hybridism racial Mexico, of proclaimed values post-revolutionary and about in At wrote Brazilians. Vasconcelos time of meta-race superior same and Gilberto a Indian of create 1930s, the African, to narrative blended the cultures the uniquely and on had In people they based Portuguese efforts. that democracy proclaimed -building racial which made a (1933), new that itself Freyre their consider ideologies to of national began promoted centerpiece Brazil Mexico the their and mixture among a Brazil of demonstrate racial segregated unity north. racially to the but used national glorification powerful be to America’s fostering now neighbor Latin The could and for time Germany miscegenation. over same tool superiority the moral a at their and as populaces promote disunited used often be to could begin miscegenation would countries 188 nipratdfeec ewe rzladMxc,t eto nytetwo the only mention to Mexico, and Brazil between difference important An icgnto a itrclybe sdb ai mrcn spofta hyare they that proof as Americans Latin by used been historically has Miscegenation .E Telles E. E. aRz Cosmica Raza La hc iial xoldthe extolled similarly which , 3 consistently ´ Downloaded By: [CDL Journals Account] At: 21:12 11 September 2007 eusi 04btol eie rzl uaaadTiia-oaorglrycollect regularly and Trinidad-Tobago 1998 and in Guyana (Florez Uruguay’s Brazil, information like Belize, this countries only of but 2004 handful in a Peru’s in surveys household national are niaos o xml,wiefgrso h vrg er fshoigo lieayis illiteracy or schooling of years average the on figures collected. while be example, For to indicators. income likely or less water. even to poverty access are example, or mortality mortality for For infant maternal the ethnicity level. on on of and information national Data than race counts the often by more of at collected information merely indicators are best data consist of at handful often and a produced ethnicity at only the data and data of the race ethnic all and by but on race population another collected sought or have is data. region time information the the one that of in assure format countries Most and must indicators. collection efforts MDG the collection by data limited is, is That targets MDG measuring for data nacmrhniewyrte hnfrol hs htrsddi nAfro-Colombian an time in first resided the that those for only data for race community. than 2010 rather gathered in way census Census first comprehensive next Colombian a the their the in in for 2005, data nationally race In collect data 2006). to these (Stubbs, plan Uruguay collected and (2001), have Argentina in Honduras and (2005) began (2001), time Peru Ecuador Rica Bank, Costa and World and (2005) the persons of Nicaragua assistance origin a the African had 2000, With has for 1990s. Until Cuba data the data. region. collecting such the collected of in region tradition the countries long begun in of country only number speaking have data Spanish we significant large-scale no blacks a almost for of of among but basis because this countries, the American establish mulattos Latin on to most and inequality in blacks about Indians for know for sets We than availability. peoples data indigenous greater for greater generally appropriate hypothesis. until this Latin speculative test most remain to For available assertions are discrimination. such data racial racial though, current differences apparent countries, than and the systems American rather class recognize development unequal highly regional may from in they derive substandard racial they while in producing that today claim in others, reside inequalities, discrimination Americans age, many racial Latin of younger Some although importance abuse. a inequalities the police at recognize of to die burden begun greatest illiterate, have the be more bear be poverty, the and to in ended, housing continue mostly live groups have these to exploitation that likely demonstrates labor consistently underdevelopment. of the evidence throughout and systems first available Indians egregious poverty the and most from blacks for the suffer that collection Although disproportionately know although data to we MDGs, ethnic data, continue the available and region the assessing race on for begun of Based handful format recently time. a appropriate have only the for countries fall available mulattos in several been and rarely have blacks data and Indians, these available, countries However, are MDGs. data the such on where behind countries few the MDGs In the and Race on Needs Data utemr,dt edt ecmie na prpit a o raigMDG creating for way appropriate an in compiled be to need data Furthermore, appropriate providing collected, regularly been have data race/ethnic where Even h blt fLtnAeia ttst oio rgestwr h Dsis MDGs the toward progress monitor to states American Latin of ability The 4 nte orefrrca aata nld fia rgnpopulations origin African include that data racial for source Another tal et ,20;Sub,2006). Stubbs, 2001; ., ae tnct,adMDGs and Ethnicity, Race, 5 189 Downloaded By: [CDL Journals Account] At: 21:12 11 September 2007 hni eio ntems eetpro,pvrydcesdmr for more decreased poverty period, recent most poor the be to In likely more Mexico. is population in non-indigenous the than because mostly stark less afo eso o-nin r or lhuhol esta 0prcn of cent per 20 than less only although poor, roughly poor, are are peoples non-Indians poor. Indigenous were past of of Mexicans the majority non-indigenous less over large and or countries a five While half all so. in or index decades poverty two the on non-Indians behind the well for comparisons Ecuador. non-indigenous plus vs. countries, indigenous of set of Psacharopoulas Patrinos same analysis updated & which (1994) Hall studies, available. Patrinos’ country indicator of & reliable collection most a the their edited is recently therefore this (2006) that and have consensus nations languages a American to indigenous Latin come most an numbers speak Nevertheless, significant speaks underestimated. not is are do that population there actual that one that persons claim as Bolivia, who indigenous indigenous critics of for the Guatemala define are While There poverty, countries available. language. population in other were indigenous proportion data the indigenous when the self-perception, years computed the scattered uses for have indicator, on and MDG Peru first surveys and from Mexico data household groups 1850 examined Guatemala, and indigenous (1994) the dress and several Patrinos since & language, of Psacharapoulos censuses one including on 1984). to indicators Domschke, and pertaining & of (Goyer off or variety indigenous historically wide as captured a self-identification using been several Census for have available Bolivian widely data more These been has decades. information such peoples, indigenous For similar a involve Peoples Indigenous generally ancestry. countries both. indigenous of or particular African numbers either in significant of have populations predominance Panama. countries and mixed American Cuba Brazil, Central Racially Bolivia in and group Guatemala, prevail. primary Andean the Mexico, may clearly Some in origin are mulattos ‘minority’ indigenous and race/ethnic or blacks while predominant African the America, are Latin Indians of subregion ( or race country mixed and black looming indigenous, a become Thus, data place. adequate that first is the ethnicity in or race collected the by available. are to goals data development or conform reaching relevant to statistical in the issue data and as formatting computers long in as personal ease MDGs, with permits in locally which data data analyzed software, Individual-level individual-level spreadsheet-like be data. producing can published of aggregate-level form capable only electronic be issuing should than the rather region electronic improvements sets reveals of the rapid production in With that in to ease issue. countries and indicator another governments data, technology still computer MDG Getting of is affordability the race education. greater to and primary find according complete data to such that difficult publish persons more of is percentage it available, often 190 al hw htidgnu epe nBlva utml,Mxc n eufall Peru and Mexico Guatemala, Bolivia, in peoples indigenous that shows 1 Table white, of categories the involves primarily America Latin in ethnicity and Race .E Telles E. E. mestizo 6 o h te onre,ehi ifrne are differences ethnic countries, other the For , mulato , pardo t..Dpnigo the on Depending etc.). , Downloaded By: [CDL Journals Account] At: 21:12 11 September 2007 onr n tncgroup ethnic and Country ewe coln n noefrubnadrrlBlva utml,Mxc,Peru, Mexico, Florez Guatemala, Bolivia, Paraguay. rural and and urban for 2002. income to and schooling Peru, 1994 between from In groups non-indigenous. In both the for indigenous. for stable the greater relatively 2002 remained proportionately among to poverty was 1994 cent from decline but groups per both the 80 for 2002) (1994– although similar Ecuador fully were to declines in already point (1997 indigenous percentage was Guatemala, the Bolivia poverty for in than although non-indigenous indigenous 2001), the the for more for increased than persons non-indigenous (1990) Paraguay 2001) (1991, Peru (1989) Mexico 2000) (1989, Guatemala 2002) (1989, Bolivia 2 Table pns speakers. in Spanish used variables control y in Bolivia. variation urban of for because **Data comparable directly function. be earnings not the may return of *Rates Source: eio(90 06––1. – 57.9 17.9 50.9 39.6 – – 40.1 52.5 37.6 – 80.2 49.7 57.0 46.9 80.6 79.8 63.1 48.1 53.9 62.3 – – 73.9 73.7 2000–2002 79.0 1989–1999 1981–1988 2000–2002 1989–1999 1981–1988 74.6 84.2 Source: 2001) (1994, Ecuador 2002) 64.3 1994, 86.6 (1981, Peru (1990) Mexico 2000) 1989, (1981, Guatemala 2002) 1997, (1988, Bolivia Country tncdfeecsi aauywr aeacrigt hte rdmntl urn or Guarani predominately whether to according made were Paraguay in differences Ethnic o-nieos8181–––12.0 11.7 – – – – 9.3 8.7 – 11.0 0.57 10.0 10.5 – – 9.1 9.4 6.4 0.43 – – 8.6 0.49 5.7 0.30 – 5.9 8.1 – 0.46 5.5 0.42 – – 8.1 – 3.8 2.5 0.61** 7.3 5.7 – Non-indigenous 1.3 Indigenous 4.6 6.9 Non-indigenous 9.9 7.4* Indigenous 10.0** Non-indigenous Indigenous Non-indigenous Indigenous pns . – 8.2 – – – – Spanish Guaranı al hw iia tncdfeecso coln,icm n h relation the and income schooling, on differences ethnic similar shows 2 Table shrplu n arns(94,Hl n arns(2006). Patrinos and Hall (1994), Patrinos and Pscharopolous scaoolsadPtio 19) aladPtio (2006). Patrinos and Hall (1996), Patrinos and Psacharopoulos enyaso coln fautmlsadteices nerig soitdwt nextra an with associated earnings in increase the and males adult of schooling of years Mean ´ ero coln yehi ru n onr,18–91ad2000–2001 and 1989–1991 country, and group ethnic by schooling of year al 1 Table y ecn iigi oet,18–98 9919 n 2000–2002 and 1989–1999 1981–1988, poverty, in living Percent tal et 1989– enyasof years Mean 1991 . .4–82– 8.2 – 0.64 – 8.2 schooling 20)cluae eneuainlatimn for attainment educational mean calculated (2001) . 2000– 2002 nieosNon-indigenous Indigenous nieos non-indigenous Indigenous: 1989– 1991 annsratio earnings ae tnct,adMDGs and Ethnicity, Race, 2000– 2002 1989– 1991 aeo return of Rate oschooling* to 2000– 2002 191 Downloaded By: [CDL Journals Account] At: 21:12 11 September 2007 susfcn hmaeotnqiedfeet h fia rgnadindigenous and origin African discrimina- the racial cultural and different, the marginalization quite Although tion. disproportionate assimilated. often face culturally generally are populations more them always, facing not who issues mulattos, though and blacks often, than regarding rights are cultural other differences and traditions the large language, in territory, degrees are different to there controlled are since that studies. on groups especially separate comparison ethnic direct difficult of but characteristics Guatemala, is other in in smaller measure language schooling and to by Bolivia this returns differences in in differences large no each ethnic relatively were period, for were 2000–2002 there salary the almost By Similarly, are their 1990. there country. in of Florez 2001 Paraguay that by cent where but in per 6.2, 1991, differences earn 2.6 in non-Indians no additional while Peru schooling an An of in earn year schooling. is additional Indians of schooling that amount to report equivalent like returns (2001) the endowments for in capital more difference human earn both extreme they of because because and earn indigenous education peoples the non-indigenous than words, other wages In higher peoples. indigenous for lower generally ftettlpplto n tlat1 aeppltosta r 0prcn rmore or cent per 40 are Latin that populations 20 (Flo cent have per least descent 15 10 least at African least at of 1992, at and comprise population since total that estimates the populations of other origin African and have surveys nations American counts, census on Based Population Origin living. African of the standard and decent Color a being with like lives rights healthy social and and economic long for enjoy respect to seek able leaders their thus and societies aesgiiatArcnoii ouain,priual i ogl descending roughly countries (in these particularly colonization Portuguese of populations, and origin most Spanish of African of countries exception significant important large populations the have several course, of the the However, with, by Haiti. standards, and regional colonized of by were off, French that well relatively Caribbean and are the around Dutch and English, in countries small relatively o-nieos h tncerig ai nrae nPr n utml but Guatemala earnings and the Peru of column cent in second per increased 66 the Bolivia. ratio to in in earnings 30 shown declined from ethnic ratio anywhere The earnings earn in the non-indigenous. found people Also, are indigenous well. differences that where Educational as demonstrates starker, shown). to countries were compared not other years (data areas 1.2 the only non-indigenous rural of the attainment in for educational differences average 4.5 an ethnic to had appears 1989 although ratio in 2002, that Indians and 7.4 in non-indigenous had the similar peoples for indigenous 10.1 be Bolivia, to compared urban year schooling In additional of period. each years per 1989–1991 groups the the two and for the groups education of two of members the average to of accrue ratio which earnings earnings the people, non-indigenous and indigenous 192 nieospolsmr fe utcnrn oiatgopatcso their on attacks group dominant confront must often more peoples Indigenous ial,tels ouno al sacueidctro aildsrmnto in discrimination racial of indicator crude a is 2 Table of column last the Finally, 8 lcsadIdasivral oiaetelws oiin fLtnAmerican Latin of positions lowest the dominate invariably Indians and Blacks .E Telles E. E. 7 n hw htfrpol odn iia eeso dcto,erig are earnings education, of levels similar holding people for that shows and ´ rez tal et ,20,Tbe3.Aothl ftoecutisare countries those of half About 3). Table 2001, ., tal et . Downloaded By: [CDL Journals Account] At: 21:12 11 September 2007 fo43 52– – – 2.8 10.5 100.0 5.0 45.2 10.5 55.0 70.8 6.8 77.4 54.6 40.0 63.0 4.3* 8.7* 15.9* 37.6 26.3 9.0 20.0 4.0 available. 54.9 not 33.2 information illiteracy since schooling no Source with percent to *Refers 10.3 Indigenous 4.8 Afro Total 28.2 8.0 2004 Peru Ingles Negro Garifuna Total 2001/2002 Honduras, indigenous Mestizo mulatto) & (Negro Afro White 2001/2003 Ecuador, n esss hr satmtto ortr oteododro collecting of support, order technical old and resources the only not to need system countries return a race, consolidate to on to that gathering temptation shown data has of case a Brazilian learned The is lessons information. surveys the subsequent demographic There for or planning modules censuses. in are and incorporated not and questions commitments are new term often experiences the Long these as these from institutionalized. point data, data become this race further having collecting at to in questionable from barriers made far major been are two has currently progress efforts much are While color efforts. or collection ethnicity race, of by Institute identify Brazilian the with response 2006). but and (Stubbs, staff Statistics Bank questions World and intensive on civil only Geography involved agree not Census with Afro-descendant Columbian to work 2005 efforts cooperative The and difficult possible. as the staff across inasmuch experiences’ included terminologies census of This cross-fertilization technical region. national encourage the and sought and among also ‘support financial have and dialogue They organizations, provided results. interpreting promote has and developing populations to interviewers, the Bank rural training reach with questions, World to drafting largely Conference strategies on the countries Durban began these then 2001 to the population assistance Since following origin countries Racism. widespread these African The of on many the available. by is of taken data initiatives efforts initial some collection thus data and populations origin that those African like on indicators data statistical collected into organized systematically MDGs. be has the can none address that Cuba, data and provided or (Florez Brazil race of Paraguay exceptions and the Honduras Venezuela, With Uruguay, Colombia, Peru, Brazil, Ecuador, Republic, Dominican Nicaragua, the Panama, Cuba, proportions) aigrc eua ato esstkn n nossec nhwpeople how in inconsistency and taking census of part regular a race Making on data collect to begun have countries these of several earlier, noted as However, al 3 Table Benavides : eetscocnmcidctr o h ainladArcnoii ouain in populations origin African and national the for indicators socioeconomic Select tal et 20) Gonza (2006), . cao,Hnua,adPr,2001–2005 Peru, and Honduras, Ecuador, lieayPvryPreto population of Percent Poverty Illiteracy ´ e 20) oc (2006). Ponce (2006), lez ae tnct,adMDGs and Ethnicity, Race, tal et ,2001). ., 193 Downloaded By: [CDL Journals Account] At: 21:12 11 September 2007 ttsis(BE ae hmesl vial.Sne19,teIG asked IBGE the previous in terms: ‘color’ 1991, only five used Since uses it and in while available. it Geography color’ available of and or easily Institute ‘race been Censuses Brazilian their them most the designate have in to and makes data and respondents years 1940, 25 (IBGE) Moreover, in least began 1976. Statistics at which or for since censuses, race form modern collected surveys electronic seven has its household Brazil race, of population. on annual six origin data in African disseminating data its and color to formatting regard collecting, with for especially model a provides Brazil by Model Brazilian and The Ecuador. region such or country, for Brazil by control as can comparisons which such systematic made countries make be in can indicator. college to those that need as and and analysis large differences grained unemployment do as fine differences nearly more like racial be Certainly, although indicators to disadvantaged is be appear there other to that not Peruvians reveal Also, Afro race by show the difference. comparisons attainment and along racial overall concentrated off better little are is region populations (Benavides coast Afro Pacific report literacy of countries, Peru terms The in both off coastline. better In them show poorer. of data terms Honduran in though better the population is and indigenous population and poverty the origin and especially poor and literacy Afro be population the national to that the likely show than more data off Peruvian is the population However, Afro-descendant illiterate. the which in differences efud pcfcly on oprbedt nprcn lieaeadprcent per and illiterate cent Peru. per and on Honduras data Ecuador, shows comparable for for 3 found could countries statistics Table poor I American comparable available. Specifically, which Latin made for found. speaking and be available be Spanish to are data three yet national have for published data which data these literacy of and most poverty writing, this of as as of identify levels to by increased people be for can 2006). incentives it (Stubbs, and that such found recognition staff raising, Census awareness but information, region, limited Afro the be self- throughout of to Although increasing continues participation been Afro-descendant. it has as the Afro-descendant self-identification and or of black support as rate technical identification low quality of a the was level despite there the lighter that leaders, asked, discovered in questions staff identification the Bank the because are World of often Afro in preferable. or categories, problems socially black such special is as in categories treated entails self-identify and it to identified though willing are not who even people method collection many acceptable data Apparently, most region. ethnic and and standard racial accepted of internationally the is identification from encouragement and 2006). with (Stubbs, discussion society constant and civil willingness political also but 194 amarello ic aacleto fot aeol eetybe opee nsvrlcountries, several in completed been recently only have efforts collection data Since Self- problem. a be to continues self-identification color or racial Also, .E Telles E. E. ylo rAin,and Asian), or (yellow indigena branco tal et 9 (indigenous). cao hw h xetdblack–white expected the shows Ecuador (white), ,20)md pca eto htthe that mention special made 2006) ., pardo (brown), preto (black), Downloaded By: [CDL Journals Account] At: 21:12 11 September 2007 s ojsiyteriatnint aao ae seilyfrteAfrican the for especially race, on data to they inattention that assumptions their major two justify made to commonly have use analysts American Latin region. Race the to of Inattention countries Regional major sharper The the a among but MDGs unique the is 1977 of time any since examining over decade for both and capacity for first race Brazil’s decline second. by the sharp the a in in shows nonwhites between 1987. 62 for in and whites decline 72 37 to and especially of 43 example, possible rates but and for 1977 1996 is groups in 1996), above it blacks/browns the (Cunha, and with 1976, whites race comparison for since by A 96 and mortality race 76 infant on of Given rates of information shows water. study of to with A that access series progress. with half data examine population than the mean of less of mortality, existence percentage child is and the the poverty infant and in in education remain whites of gaps years of Large combined. cent presents browns per and 4 blacks The website. goals. Table IBGE development the example, the on from For not taken information are do with (www.ibge.gov.br). and that tables MDGs website those many to For its makes related areas. indicators IBGE on small the or available according technology, regions tabulated race this by be to further can access and Survey have ethnicity Household collected can and National is they race that or CDs, variable to Census on any level example, Brazilian For individual the computer. the personal in at a the analysis on of for analyzed much available easily including be for are accounts data blacks, the discrimination Since racial of gap. that and inclusion inequalities racial greater profound and the racism of seek existence that discrimination the action. accepting racial affirmative policies now from to to pursuing change due dramatic democracy actually Brazil’s racial largely fueled a many largely are itself have in persist they considering studies may These inequalities that inequalities 2004). 1994, and such racial (Telles, that growth profound shown the economic have over demonstrating they inequality despite society, from racial Brazilian Brazil’s Aside of analyze dimensions years. and document 25 to past IBGE the by produced al eosrtsrca iprte nteeidctr,wihrpeetms of most represent which indicators, these on disparities racial demonstrates 4 Table and widespread demonstrate to analysts permitted have data Brazilian The data individual-level the used have demographers and sociologists Economists, enyaso dcto . 4.6 48.0 62.3 62.3 76.1 23.0 6.6 37.3 82.8 45.7 Source: water piped to access with Percentage education of years 1,000) Mean (per mortality (<5) Child 1,000) (per mortality Infant poor Percent nwww.ibge.com.br/home/estatistica/condicaodevida on al 4 Table o ecn or acu n ehn(02;alohrifrainavailable information other all (2002); Beghin and Jaccoud poor, percent For D-eae niaosfrwieadcmie lc n brown and black combined and white for indicators MDG-related ouain nBai,1996–1999 Brazil, in populations ht Black/brown White ae tnct,adMDGs and Ethnicity, Race, 195 Downloaded By: [CDL Journals Account] At: 21:12 11 September 2007 eoeahrl ncnicn kpiso h tlt fcletn aildt in data racial collecting has of classification utility in the ambiguity of long of income, skeptics have issue convincing Latin region. predict ethnographers the in uniquely the sum, as helps a hurdle In region is a race countries. This the become better if various around. throughout are way for emerges understanding they other shown because that is the for white issue not it whiteness problem are and American then, their education they a context, because or whether the this creates off occupation or which less In Latin better This advantage in off. an are are off. in tendency, worse them whites whitens’ the distinctions given in whether classification than ‘money has ambiguity disentangle such whiter a color to more considered follow where impossible much that are to off is States, believed argue better there often United is that skeptics is into the America show shade Furthermore, America. Color that data in Latin distinctions subjective. continuous. throughout Brazil fluid than be the highly to captures the classification likely and color become of is of other it categories concept distinctions as each color American Brazil, racial Latin in the term The that make common to more fluid the thought so these often of census is myth. treatment miscegenation a siblings is for Extensive class nonwhite except reflects merely their success, race economic That educational than and race. social predict by relevant success all children would for educational control that to seem greater white variables would that study have demonstrates This 2004). study girls siblings (Telles, That of that categories. origins and population color fact occupational significant distinct the boys a into similar of classified in advantage with are resulted takes that fathers has study miscegenation than have another extensive occupations Yet they Brazil’s status 2004). higher when Telles, into 1979; men, move (Hasenbalg, to brown likely or more are like black men factors 1978, white (Silva, for that characteristics controlling shown market Barros after labor 1989; and on and Lovell, before gender 1985; influence that income education, found on region, no and origin, effect that class just has significant the done is, For a have race tests. sociologists has That statistical and race that of region. economists stringent several or hypothesis Brazil, most of the origin case the to class income like examine like variables especially socioeconomic may variables considered of analysts independently been skeptical flawed. important are has is assumptions both race population that shows indigenous/non- data origin Brazil While on African and based used. color Analysis the of be problematic. capture statistical should of into the fits race categories ambiguous, particularly who also on what often that consensus are and even no distinctions is or class indigenous or little analysis assumption large is serious category there permit the that not second what claim does reflect it Some words, The that they inequalities. other America social that America. Latin of In in extent subjective Latin redundant. so the is is of classification to it only inequalities therefore exist territorial epiphenomenon and race an inequalities merely by is regional inequalities data and race collecting class that of is first The population. origin 196 nte yhi htrca lsiiaini ennls nLtnAmerica. Latin in meaningless is classification racial that is myth Another whether of examinations permit data individual-level of analyses statistical Modern .E Telles E. E. tal et ,19;Tle i,19) te tde aealso have studies Other 1998). Lim, & Telles 1996; ., Downloaded By: [CDL Journals Account] At: 21:12 11 September 2007 els&Lm(98 on ht1 e eto neveesadrsodnsdisagreed respondents Brazil. and in interviewers white of cent was per who 13 about that found self-classification, other (1998) a and Lim classification Using the & interviewer themselves. Telles both classifies respondents collected classify respondent which often survey, others household interviewers national of practice categorization single in the using and A is collected members self-classification. are The race Brazil issue. than in Since important data rather an race indicators. is most self-identification that reliable the through is whitening. accordingly, reality data them fairly race of treat like collecting often provide direction just of and precise, other practice the they each as categorize in treated people data, be because occur not important disability should necessarily color or not or race income does on it based estimates that Although shows far thus rpriedsicinsnewie,bon n lcscmrs oethan more comprise of blacks side and the population. browns national on the whites, err of since cent to per distinction 99 likely tripartite thus a and are census the inequality in collection racial inequality. data racial of for others. underestimating a used of estimates had partly perceptions least the race surveys, at self- on that is hypothesis, based self-identification whitens inequality showed Since money racial the classification underestimates to race of contrary identified and, forms on effect based both independent those showed substantial than is, area, greater urban That were the classification of self-classification. interviewer size on the based and inequalities region that education, gender, age, for controlling eeindtecnu usinadtecuto foClmin nrae by greatly number increased the that Afro-Colombians claim of to continue count activists, activists the many black this, from and Despite pressure times. question facing several census, census taking. the case census the where such Brazilian in clear, redesigned the involved is greater stakes in case political to apparent Colombian large lead are The especially thus there is Also, and 2004). This boundaries Telles, may (see ethnic dimensions. race or these on racial based on policies of polarization especially hardening and the taking resisted to census increasingly contribute racial is that data claiming race of those the Collection by with circles. progressive it even collapse in to problematic reason. decide good category may for race analysts inequality mixed examining demonstrates, a when Brazil using category of most data black in gathering case important continue the clearly to as is sense mixture but, makes racial it that region, Given the both. of for available is it though seilygetadtesau fBaiin nte ssmlr oho hc lead which of both similar, or that nonwhite is single them is distinctions a into in categories white/nonwhite categories Brazilians the nonwhite collapse the of two to status analysts besides the many the between one and ambiguity great salient (roughly the especially most browns However, make. between the distinction Brazilians this made be ideology, is national to its that with this seems Consistent distinction minimize blacks. would and the category persons) one race is of mixed use race notable the The mixed so More data. specific great gathering be a problem. to of to likely purpose belonging especially the as is for individuals category one particular into referencing combined of are ambiguity they practice, in used hl miut scerygetrta nteUie tts miia evidence empirical States, United the in than greater clearly is ambiguity While nte aacleto su swihctgre oue rzlasbsclyrl on rely basically Brazilians use. to categories which is issue collection data Another ial,i sipratt oeta aildt ahrn otne obe to continues gathering data racial that note to important is it Finally, 10 oee,teretmtso ailieult,after inequality, racial of estimates their However, 11 lhuhmn ie aectgre are categories race mixed many Although ae tnct,adMDGs and Ethnicity, Race, negro aeoyeven category 197 Downloaded By: [CDL Journals Account] At: 21:12 11 September 2007 ailieult rdsrmnto al nterdt ytm ofrihthe furnish to systems data Notes their on have falls not does that discrimination nation information. places American or appropriate those Latin any in inequality that especially proof Latin racial needed, of burden throughout therefore and The discrimination are class, historical otherwise. racial claim of data after Plenty persistent statistical even constant. show Hard income, held data America. are like current variables outcomes soft race market relatively is, predicting labor That other in discrimination. and racial important region persistent persons be by of explained valuate to component is large continues gap to a ethnic that shown or used have racial available, the are temperament. are moral data and distinctions where motivation studies, intelligence, Econometric color as thus characteristics evidence that such The to discrimination. according shows from suffer overwhelmingly to continue far and pyramid all social of the life of of quality the in determining data for ethnicity important and are race Americans. they of Latin perfect, those collection not the particularly is While distinctions, region ethnic population. the and origin a race African greater on capture the requires race this that for by However, data MDGs countries. racial collecting American of at across Latin dissemination efforts fair for and essential is is calculation that is basis have the development regular race countries Thus, human of groups. American rhetorically, issue ethnic Latin least The and several at years. and pursue, several to Americas next begun the the in over important development MDGs particularly human or for Goals Development targets Millennium as defined has community international The Conclusion the underestimate grossly numbers official the population. that true contends Ecuador in (Sa movement population that undercounts 198 4 sarsl,te20 essyeddacuto fia rgnpolsa 06prcn fthe of cent per 10.6 as peoples origin African of count a yielded Census 2005 the that result, argued a Lipschutz As 1942. in Lipschutz [4] Alejandro economist Chilean by (World used and groups first ethnic officials for term MDGs A sought government has Colombia, American America, [3] Latin Latin in country one by least At commentary the [2] of much to refers This [1] 5 h iepeddt olcinefrso h fia rgnpplto ea agl ihthe with largely began population origin African the of efforts collection data widespread The [5] vial vdnefrtergo hw htbak n nin r ttebottom the at are Indians and blacks that shows region the for evidence Available nla ehdlg htcutda2 e etAr-ooba ouain number of a survey population, a (Sa Afro-Colombian activists to cent by compares cited per This widely 26 1993. be in to a cent continues counted which per that 1.2 methodology only unclear to compared population national terms characteristics. in cultural position or own physical their justify superior to their continued of groups privileged America, Latin throughout while and 2000. representative and 2005). 1997 Foundation Bank, between Ford forums bank a multilateral as and witnessed Nations United author attending the that representatives onre ndatn usin,tann nevees ecigrrlppltosand populations rural reaching on these Conference interviewers, to Durban assistance training technical 2001 and questions, the financial drafting provided following has countries on Bank World these countries the of then Since many Racism. by taken initiatives .E Telles E. E. ´ ce Garcı & nchez ´ ´ ce Garcı & nchez ,20) iial,teindigenous the Similarly, 2006). a, ´ ,2006). a, Downloaded By: [CDL Journals Account] At: 21:12 11 September 2007 1]Tesl-dniididgnu ouaini rzlcmrssol . e eto the of cent involved per this 0.2 of only most comprises but Brazil overall in classification population indigenous color self-identified on The disagreed cent [11] per 20 Fully [10] al .&Ptio,H .(d)(2006) (eds) A. H. Patrinos, & G. Hall, oe,D .&Dmck,E (1983) E. Domschke, & S. D. Goyer, (2006) L. M. Gonzalez, ars .Pa R. Barros, References aebl,C (1979) C. Hasenbalg, rye .[93 (1986) race [1933] to due G. exclusion Freyre, social of cost the Understanding (2001) F. Urrea, & C. Medina, E., C. Florez, uh,E .Gri ePnod 19)‘ieecasn otldd o eoe eU Ano Um de Menores dos Mortalidade na ‘Diferenciais (1996) da Pinto de Garcia M. E. Cunha, (2006) N. Valdivia, & M. Torero, M., Benavides, 9 lhuhteCsaRc esso 00cletdteedt,Ihv e ofn published find to yet have I data, these collected 2000 of Census Rica Costa the Although [9] a than rather invention an is it that noted have many as controversial is race term persons The for income examines [8] it because discrimination of measure crude a is indicator This Mexico for then [7] since unavailable are ethnicity by down broken data poverty Unfortunately, [6] ainlpplto n sasaeaot05prcent. per 0.5 about are Asians and population national blacks. from browns distinguishing in disagreement or at inequalities. data. are maintaining people and discrimination, indigenous creating racial a for and through to basis blacks race, that according important and argue an other top others becomes and each the sociologists at treat Thus, are bottom. and the whites distinctions near which color is in However, or color. rather hierarchy race skin but racial on biology make based in often people basis among no people hierarchies has ordinary create for race to Clearly, intended control used. construct be social also not a should would thus and measure of fact income. refined biological determine proportion more also the that a variables by although other and only education, age of available region, levels were similar but of volume municipality. the (2006) in lived Patrinos that & people indigenous Hall the in n h aiba,NrhAeiaadOceania and America North Caribbean, the and akfrRcntuto n eeomn/h ol ak ahntn DC. Washington, Bank, World Development/The and Reconstruction for Latina Bank America en Afrodescendentes Promedios: ai America Latin rneeSenzala e Grande Civilization manuscript. Unpublished DC. countries. Washington, Caribbean and Bank, America Development Latin InterAmerican in background ethnic or ABEP. da Populacionais Estratificac eud Rac Segundo DC. Washington, Bank, Development/World and Reconstruction for Bank Poblacio la de Janeiro. de Rio .N Reyes, N. H. oprtv okwt o nyWrdBn tf u ihteBaiinIsiueof Institute Brazilian the with but staff Bank response intensive and World 2006). particularly questions (Stubbs, only involved Statistics on not and case agree Geography Columbian with to The efforts work possible. difficult cooperative experiences’ the as of included inasmuch civil cross-fertilization This terminologies Afro-descendant encouraged region. and and the staff ‘supported across census and the involved, among organizations dialogue promoted results, interpreting ˜ sd,Mendonc de, es ¸a ˜ nvriyo aionaPes ekly is ulse nPruus as Portuguese in published First Berkeley. Press, California of University . oil nulse aucit niuod eqia cnmcsAplicadas, Economicas Pesquisas de Insituto manuscript. Unpublished Social. o a oa Constatac Novas ¸a: Ma agaeMciln e York. New Macmillan, Palgrave , ´ foecninee lPeru el en Afrodescendiente n Discriminac ´ alla s n1933. in o Afrohonduren Los h atr n h lvs td nteDvlpeto Brazilian of Development the in Study A Slaves. the and Masters The ´ a .&Vlzo .M 19)OPpld o oPoes de Processo no Cor da Papel O (1996) M. T. Velazco, & R. ¸a, elsPoeis foecnetse mrc Latina America en Afrodescendentes Promedios: los de ¸a ˜ eiulae aii oBrasil no Raciais Desigualdades e o h adoko ainlPplto esss ai America Latin Censuses: Population National of Handbook The ¸o nieosPeoples Indigenous ˜ ˜ os. s,Aasd IEcnr ainld Estudos de Nacional Encontro XI do Anais es’, n ntesre fmonographs of series the in One orz,Discriminacio Pobreza, ´ ato h dtdsre yJ tbs& Stubbs J. by series edited the of part , d .Sub .N ee,International Reyes, N. H. & Stubbs J. eds , rewo rs,Wspr,CT. Westport, Press, Greenwood , ae tnct,adMDGs and Ethnicity, Race, , oet n ua eeomn in Development Human and Poverty ra,Rod Janeiro. de Rio Graal, , ´ oileIetdd lCaso El Identidad. e Social n Ma International , ´ lad los de Alla s Casa 199 Downloaded By: [CDL Journals Account] At: 21:12 11 September 2007 oel .(99 noeadrca nqaiyi rzl israin(h) nvriyo Florida, of University (2006) (PhD). J. Dissertation Ponce, Brazil. in inequality racial and Income (1989) P. Lovell, (1944) A. Lipschutz, scaools .&Ptio,H .(1994) A. H. Patrinos, & G. Psacharopoulos, and revolution ‘Racism, (1990) A. (2002) Knight, reaction’, N. popular Beghin, and & policies B. theory, L. 1880–1930: Cuba, Jaccoud, and Argentina in ‘Race (1990) A. Helg, 200 Sa iv,N oVle(95 Udtn h oto o en ht nBai’ in Brazil’, (PhD). in white Dissertation being not Brazil. of cost differentials: the ‘Updating income (1985) Valle White–nonwhite do N. Silva, (1978) Valle do N. Silva, ol ak(2003) Bank World Related and Xenofobia Discrimination, Racial Racism, against Conference World Nations United question?’ (2004) race Program the Development answers Nations who United matter it ‘Does (1998) N. Lim, & E. E. Telles, example’, (2004) Brazilian E. the employment: E. in Telles, inequality racial and 25. ‘Industrialization and (1994) 7 E. August E. correspondence, Telles, Personal (2006) J. Stubbs, (1991) L. N. Stefan, ol ak(2005) Bank World ´ ce,E Garcı & E. nchez, ansil,FL. Gainesville, Chile. Santiago, Nascimento, Editorial America Latin eosrcinadDvlpetTeWrdBn,Wsigo,DC. Washington, Bank, World Development/The and Latina Reconstruction America en Afrodescendentes in miia Analysis Empirical Governamental nvriyo Michigan. of University DC. Washington, Bank, Development/World and Reconstruction for Bank Reyes, N. H. noeac 20)Dra elrto n rgam fAto,[nie vial at: Available [online] Action, of Programme and Declaration html/racism/02-documents-cnt.html Durban (2001) Intolerance York. New Press, 465–474. pp. 4, no. NJ. Princeton, Press, University Review Sociological American NY. Ithaca, Press, University 42–55. pp. Brazil in ucms h ilnu Challenge Millenium The Outcomes: fLtnAeiaadteCrbenRgo,Snig,Chile. Santiago, Region, Caribbean the and America Latin of Peoples ansHl,Bx915,LsAgls A 09-51 S Eal [email protected]). (Email: USA 90095-1551, CA, Angeles, Los 951551, Box Hall, Haines Telles E. Edward .E Telles E. E. h dao aei ai America Latin in Race of Idea The eotN.304C,EvrnetlyadScal utial eeomn Unit Development Sustainable Socially and Environmentally 33014-CO, No. Report , d .Mce otie CACne o foAeia tde,LsAngeles, Los Studies, Afro-American for Center UCLA Fontaine, Michel P. ed. , o Afroecuatorianos Los ´ Ma d .Gaa,Uiest fTxsPes Austin. Press, Texas of University Graham, R. ed. , aei nte mrc:TeSgiiac fSi oo nBrazil in Color Skin of Significance The America: Another in Race h a Matters Gap The ,P (2006) P. a, nttt ePsus cnmc piaa Brasilia. Aplicada, Economica Pesquisa de Instituto . h oro ueis ae edradNto nLtnAmerica Latin in Nation and Gender Race, Eugenics: of Hour The 02Ana eiwo eeomn fetvns.AheigDevelopment Achieving Effectiveness. Development of Review Annual 2002 lIdomrcnsoye rbeaRca nlsAmericas, las en Racial Problema el y Indioamericanismo El ´ alla s ol ak ahntn DC. Washington, Bank, World , sa h nvriyo aiona o nee,Dprmn fScooy 264 , of Department Angeles, Los California, of University the at is ´ elsPoeis foecnetse mrc Latina America en Afrodescendentes Promedios: los de o Afrocolombianos Los o.5,p.46–63. pp. 59, vol. , n ntesre fmonographs of series the in One . : eiulae aii oBai:u Balanc um Brasil: no Raciais Desigualdades oet n elBigo foClmin n Indigenous and Afro-Colombians of Well-Being and Poverty ahntn DC. Washington, . d .Sub .N ee,ItrainlBn for Bank International Reyes, N. H. & Stubbs J. eds , indigenismo d .Gaa,Uiest fTxsPes Austin. Press, Texas of University Graham, R. ed. , ua eeomn eot2003 Report Development Human nieosPol n oet nLtnAeia An America: Latin in Poverty and People Indigenous eio11–90,in 1910–1940’, Mexico : ato h dtdsre yJ tbs& Stubbs J. by series edited the of part , Ma ´ lad o Promedios: los de Alla s ae ls n Power and Class Race, Demography xodUniversity Oxford , h dao aein Race of Idea The od Intervenc da ¸o International , n edition, 2nd Princeton , Cornell , o.35, vol. , ¸a ˜ o