FEBRUARY 12, 1981 30¢ PER C OPY Local Chapter of Pioneer Women Sends Member to Israeli Leadership Seminar Shamir to Meet Haigl Discuss Mrs

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FEBRUARY 12, 1981 30¢ PER C OPY Local Chapter of Pioneer Women Sends Member to Israeli Leadership Seminar Shamir to Meet Haigl Discuss Mrs R. I . Jewish Historical Association 1 1 • 130 S ession s Street Providence , RI 02906 Support Read By Jewish More Than Agencies 40,000 With Your People Membership , THE ONLY ENGLISH-JEW/SH WEEKLY IN R. /. AND SOUTHEAST MASS - ,, VOLUME___________________ LXVIII, NUMBER 12 THURSDAY ..;..;;...;.;,.;~~.....;;.....;.;.~~;;.;;..--------------~::;:,.:~~~ FEBRUARY 12, 1981 30¢ PER C_OPY Local Chapter Of Pioneer Women Sends Member To Israeli Leadership Seminar Shamir To Meet Haigl Discuss Mrs. Rita Nash of Warwick will participate raiser chairman, donor chairman, mem­ with 17 other Pioneer Women in an intensive bership chairman, treasurer and currently Arms Sales-And Peace-Keeping three-week educational leade rship seminar serves as advisor to the club. She is the wife of in Israel from Feb. 8 to March I , according to Samuel Nash and their two children are JERUSALEM (}TA ) - Foreign Minister F-15 warplanes it purchased from the U.S. Yitzhak Shamir will mee t with Secretary of The additional equipment would enable the Dvorah Rothbard, national chairman of Wendy and Todd. State Alexander Haig in Washington later aircraft to attack targets in Israel. "As long Pionee r Wome n ' s Israel Leade rship The seminar, which has been arranged b y Seminar. Pioneer Women in conjunct ion with this month. News of the meeting was released as Saudi Arabia 'continues its policy of hos­ Mrs. Nash was selected as a seminarist by Na' amat, its sister organization in Israel, will in Washington by the Israeli Ambassador, tility towa rd Israel our feeling is it should Pioneer Women, which is the Women's include a thorough, first-hand investigation Ephraim Evron, following his 45-minute talk not be give ~ weapons which can be used Labor Zionist Organization of America, Inc. of representative Pioneer Women installa­ with Haig. Shamir is understood to have against us, " Evron was quoted as telling Haig. and is sponsoring the program, to he lp fu lfi ll tions in Israel; an in-depth tour of Israel's asked for the meeting to estal;,lish contact When the Carter Administration agreed her potential for a leadership role in the major cities; intimate discussions with Israeli with the new Ame rican Administration and to sell the F-15s to Saudi Arabia as part of a Qtganization. educational, military and government to discuss matters of immediate concern to controversial " package deal" that involved Israel. arms to Israel and Egypt as well, Israel was Active in the Shalom C hapter Club for leaders ; and home visits with Israe li Two subjects likely to be taken up a re the assured that the planes would be equipped about 13 years, Mrs. Nash has he ld the office ci tize nry, including Jewish, Arab and Druze U.S. arms sales to Saudi Arabia, which Israel for defensive operations only. The first are of president, vice-president Na' amat, fund- wome n and children. views with a la rm, a nd the creation of a due to be d eli vered to the Saudis before the Seminarists will not only stay in hotels, but multi-national peace-keeping force to patrol end of I his year. will spend time in kibbutzim, moshavim and Sinai a ft er Israe l comple tes its evacuation private homes. Also planned are visits to Slow Progress On Setting Up Pioneer Women-supported installations such of the pe ninsula in April, 1982. No date was Peacekeeping Force as a child care center, a legal aid center for announced for the m eeting, but Evron sug­ With little more than a year to go before gested the third week of Fe bruary whe n , wdmen, a family counseling service and a n Israel completes its withdrawal from Sinai, Arab wome n's-club. The group will also visit Shamir will be in the U.S. en route to Mexico the lack of progress in putting together a and Central America on a previously planned an immigration absorption center. peacekeeping force is troubling Israel. The trip. During the three weeks, Pioneer Wome n Egyptian-Israeli peace treaty provided for a will be briefed on the economic and political Speculation About A Tripartite Meeting United Nations force at Sharm el-Sheikh status of the State of Israel by top -govern­ The meeting will be the first be tween a and other strategic sites in Sinai, or, failing ment officials. senior member Qf Israel's Cabine t and a top that, a " multi-national force." The women attending the seminar have - Administration offi cial since President Reagan Efforts by the U.S. so far to pers~ade other alread y displayed an interest in and commit­ took office. It raised speculation here that countries to participate in such a force have me nt to Israel, Je wish life a nd women's ri ghts Reagan might foll ow it up by inviting Presi­ no t b een successful. A Foreign Ministry here and abroad. They wili re turn to Ame rica de nt Anwar Sadat a ud Premier Menachem spokesman said today that Israel hoped the \;> ette r equipped to motivate other Pioneer Begin to Washington separately in March to Reagan Administration would revive those \ MRS. RITA NASH Women, said Mrs. Rothba rd. explore the possibility of a tripartite summit efforts and achieve greater success. meeting later. There has been no offi cial Israel has made it clear that it will not • word on that prospect from any of the par­ execute its final withdrawal from Sinai unless ties. and until the Jnatte r of peace supervision is R.I. To Survey Laws To Evron conveyed to Haig Israel' s concern resolved to its satisfaction . Shamir said that the U.S. might agree to Saudi Arabia's recently that Israel would li ke to see the request for ex tra fue l tanks and bomb racks U.S. itself participate in the -multi-national Counteract Anti-Semitism to enhance the combat capabilities of the 60 force. Rhode Island Attorney General Dennis J. reli gious and racial bigotry. Roberts II endorsed a proposal made by the Hailing the Attorney General's stateme nt, ..----------inside:·----------, Anti-Defama tion League of B' nai B' rith that H ~rman Selya, Chairman of AOL's Rhode his office immediately underta ke a survey of Island a rea committee stated ,"This is a vital existing Rhode Island state statutes that and important ste p in all of our efforts to Art Galleries Studying would be used to counteract the risi ng tide of counteract the threats, vandali sm a nd harass­ Abound_ ____ pagesB, 9 CholesteroL ___page 11 racist and anti-Semitic incide nts in the me nt that have disturbed all people of good Rhod~ Island area. will in our community. W e hope to be work­ Rescue Of Finance ing closely with the Attorney Ge ne ral's office Roberts appeared at Providence College page 12 on a program that included Father Thomas in these m atters. This meeting proved that The Falashas __ page 4 News _______ Peterson, Preside nt of Provide nce Coll ege, our vari ous communities are linked by com­ Martin Walsh, director for the Community mon bonds that go beyond the bitter hatred Re lations Division of the Justice Depart­ recently stirred up by a small group of ex­ me nt, Errol Hunt, Director of the Urban tremists ... League of Rhode Island, Rev. Paul Gil­ Attorney General Roberts appointed Assis­ les pie, Executive Minister of the Rh ode tant-,\,ttorney General Henry Gemma of his Island State Council of C hurches, and offi ce to begin working on the problem. Leona rd Zakim, C ivil Rights Director of the Anti-Defamation League's New England The m eeting at Providence Coll ege was ,Office sponsored by the Anti-Defamation League in Attorn-~y General Roberts made it clear cooperation with the Rhode Island Jewish that his office would cooperate with local law Fede ration, _the Rhode Island Council of enforcement authorities, the ADL a nd other C hurches, · the U.S. Department of Justi ce, community groups in the struggle to free the Urban League, and the Rhode Island Rhode Island from the illegal harassment of Human Relations Commission. Israel Does Not Want U.S. Troops For Defense Aid JERUSALEM - Israel wi ll not ask for Naftali e La vie, a Fore ig n Ministry the stationing of Ame ri can troops on its soil spokesman, said that if Washington asked for and docs not want to depend on any fore ign military facilities to meet its global strategic .. army for its security. requireme nts, lsrael would provide them , T he stat ement was made in respons'e to but would not make a request. Secretary of Defense Caspar W ein bergers La vie said I here was a difference between pledge to examine any such request ··sym­ Ame ri can troops for Israe l' s de fense and patheticall y a nd carefull y." Ame rican deployment in the Middle East. TWO RETIRING HIAS executives were honored at a recent reception and dinner In Senior Israeli Arm y officers oppose a n Israel support s a n e nhanced Ame ri can New York City. Shown at the event, attended by 125 Jewish leaders from HIAS and Its Ameri can milita ry pre~ence in the country, prese nce in the region to counter Soviet ad­ sister agencies, are (left to right): HIAS president Edwin Shapiro; Gaynor I. Jacobson, arguing that it would undermine Israel's vances. retiring executive vice president; Harry M. Friedman, retiring vice president/adminis• morale a nd de te rmination to take respon-'"' A se ni or Israe li offi cer said he would like to tratlon and finance; ahd Harold Friedman, president emeritus of HIAS and chairman of sibilit y fo r its own defe nse.
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