

The three-week period beginning with the 17th of (Friday Night, July 3rd) and ending with the fast of the 9th of (observed this year on the 10th of Av - Sunday, July 26th) is a period of mourning for the destruction of and the two Batei Mikdash. The mourning intensifies as we move closer to Tisha B’Av.

I. Restrictions of “The Three Weeks”

1. Weddings/Engagements. Weddings are prohibited. Engagements are permitted, though engagement parties should be postponed until after the Three Weeks.

2. Music. It is prohibited to play or listen to music. Even a student should not practice during the Three Weeks unless his/her skills will be set back considerably by the lack of practice. According to most, this prohibition includes taped music. Although it may be permissible to listen to tapes with singing alone (“acappella”), it is preferable to refrain from the joy associated with music altogether. Singing is permitted on Shabbos.

3. Haircutting is prohibited for both men and women. In cases of need, children’s hair may be cut.

4. Shaving is prohibited according to most authorities, if not needed for business purposes. A woman may shave her legs even during .

5. Home beautification may continue until (Thursday Night, July 16th). However, it is best not to begin painting or beautification of the home during the Three Weeks. If there are no other dates available, one may begin during this time.

6. Important Purchases that require the berachah of “shehechiyanu” should be avoided, i.e. a new car, sheitel, expensive clothing, major appliances, furniture and the like. If there is a major sale, or one is left without a car or important appliance, these objects may be purchased even during the Nine Days.

II. Restrictions of “The Nine Days”

With Rosh Chodesh Av (Thursday Night, July 16th), the more intense period of mourning for the destruction of Jerusalem and the Batei Mikdash begins. The days between Rosh Chodesh Av & Tisha B’Av (observed this year on the 10th of Av- Sunday, July 26th) are known as the Nine Days.


1. Home Repairs. All building for beauty or pleasure purposes, not required for dwelling, should be suspended. Painting, wallpapering and general home decoration should not be done. Similarly, one should not plant for pleasure. Functional home repairs can be made.

2. Meat and Wine. The custom is to refrain from eating meat / poultry and drinking wine / grape juice. This pertains to young children as well. The prohibition of meat includes foods cooked with meat or meat fat. However, foods cooked in a clean “meat vessel” may be eaten. Eating meat and drinking wine is permitted on Shabbos. Even one who has ushered in Shabbos on Friday afternoon before sunset, or extends the seudah shlishis into Saturday night, may eat meat and drink wine at those times but may not eat leftovers for Melava Malka after Shabbos. A child who usually eats early Shabbos dinner on Friday afternoon may continue to do so. One may taste meaty dishes being prepared to insure that they taste appropriately for Shabbos after midday on Friday afternoon. Similarly, one may drink the wine / grape juice of havdala. Some are of the opinion that grape juice is preferable to wine. Meat and wine are also permitted at a seudas such as a bris mila, or a . One should not, however, intentionally schedule a siyum for the Nine Days.

3. Purchases and Clothing Repairs. New clothing may not be worn. One may not purchase new clothes or shoes, even for use after Tisha B’Av, except in cases of great necessity (like for one’s wedding). One may buy clothes - even "items of joy"- during the Nine Days, if they will be difficult to find after Tisha B'Av, or if they will be more expensive at that time. If one forgot or was unable to buy special shoes for Tisha B’Av, one may do so during the Nine Days. Repairing torn garments or shoes is permitted.

4. Laundering. Laundering is prohibited, even for use after Tisha B’Av. One may not give clothing to a non-Jewish launderer. The prohibition of laundering includes linens, tablecloths and towels. A person who has no clean clothes may wash individual garments in private as needed. While one may polish shoes with liquid or wax polish, shining shoes should be avoided.

5. Wearing Freshly Laundered Clothing. It is forbidden to wear freshly laundered clothing. This does not apply to undergarments, socks or other clothing worn directly on the body which are changed when one perspires. The prohibition of using freshly laundered items includes linens, tablecloths and towels. It is advisable to prepare before the Nine Days by using freshly laundered linens, tablecloths and towels and wearing freshly laundered suits, pants, dresses and the like. If they are used or worn even for a short period of time before the Nine Days, they may be used or worn during the Nine Days. One may wear freshly laundered clothing for Shabbos and use freshly laundered tablecloths and towels. New garments are prohibited, even on Shabbos. Changing bed linens is also prohibited, even for Shabbos.

6. Bathing and Swimming. The custom is not to bathe for pleasure, even in cold water. Showering is permitted when necessary, but should be done as quickly as possible and with lukewarm water. One may bathe with hot water on Friday, in honor of Shabbos. A woman


at the conclusion of her Seven Clean Days bathes, washes herself and immerses as usual. Although some permit instructional swim, many hold that swimming during this period is permitted for medical reasons only.

7. Haircutting and Shaving. Haircutting and shaving are prohibited. Even those who shave during the Three Weeks should avoid shaving during the Nine Days.

8. Nail Cutting. One may cut fingernails and get manicures during the Nine Days, though it is preferable to refrain from doing so during the week in which Tisha B’Av falls out (July 19-25).

9. Trips. Pleasure trips are permitted until Tisha B'Av. However, one should refrain from purely pleasurable, major trips during the Nine Days. Trips abroad should be avoided.

III. Laws of Erev Tisha B'Av (Friday Night, July 24th & Shabbos Day, July 25th)

1. Tisha B’Av Observance. Since Tisha B’Av occurs on Shabbos, its observance is delayed until Sunday. The usual Tisha B’Av restrictions are permitted on Friday Night & Shabbos. Marital relations, however, are forbidden - unless Friday night is the night of immersion in the mikvah.

2. Seuda HaMafsekes & Tisha B’Av Restrictions. The usual seudah hamafsekes meal before the fast is omitted. Regular seudah shlishis is eaten at home following the 6:00 PM mincha. Three men may combine for a zimun. One must stop eating before sunset at 8:19 PM. All of the remaining Tisha B’Av restrictions, with the exception of wearing leather shoes, begin at 8:19 PM as well.

3. Leather Shoes. “Baruch hamavdil bein kodesh lechol” is recited at 9:07 PM. Tisha B’Av shoes are put on at that time. One may then drive to shul for Maariv and Eicha.

4. Havdala. The customary havdala is not said. The blessing over light is made in shul before Eicha. Anyone not attending shul for Eicha should recite the blessing over light at home. An abridged havdala is made on Sunday night after the fast.

IV. Laws of Tisha B’Av (Saturday Night, July 25th & Sunday, July 26th)

1. Eating and Drinking. Eating and drinking are forbidden. This includes rinsing one’s mouth and brushing one’s teeth. Swallowing capsules, bitter tablets or liquid medicine without water is permitted. Infirm or elderly people, as well as pregnant or nursing women, who suspect that may be harmful to them or their babies, should consult


with the . Those not required to fast should eat only what is needed to preserve their health. One who needs to break the fast on Tisha B’Av should say , consisting of Borei Pri Hagafen followed by Hamavdil before eating other foods.

2. Bathing and Washing. All bathing or washing for pleasure is prohibited - in both hot and cold water. This includes hands, face and feet. One may wash dirty or sullied portions of the body including cleaning the eyes of glutinous material upon waking. If necessary, one may use soap or warm water to remove the dirt or odor. Washing one’s hands upon waking, after using the bathroom, after touching covered parts of one’s body and before praying is permitted up to the knuckles. Washing for medical reasons or to prepare for a hefsek tahara is permitted.

3. Anointing. Anointing for pleasure is prohibited. This includes oil, soap, alcohol, cream, ointment and perfume. Anointing for medical reasons is permitted. Using deodorant to prevent or remove bad odor is permitted as well.

4. Marital Relations. Marital relations are prohibited. Couples should keep all of the “harchakos” and general rules pertaining to the time of nidus throughout Tisha B’Av night. These additional restrictions are relaxed in the daytime.

5. Wearing Leather Shoes. Even shoes made partially of leather are prohibited. Shoes made of cloth, rubber or plastic are permitted. Wearing leather shoes for medical reasons is permitted.

6. Learning . Since the heart rejoices from the study of Torah, it is prohibited to learn Torah on Tisha B’Av. One is only permitted to study topics relevant to Tisha B'Av and mourning. Amongst the items and books that one may learn are: a) the laws of Tisha B’Av and mourning b) the book of Iyov and its commentaries c) Megillas Eicha with its medrash and commentaries d) the portions of and other prophets which deal with tragedy and destruction e) the third chapter of Moed Katan - which deals with mourning f) works of mussar g) the story of the destruction in Gittin 56B-58A, 104 and in Josephus.

7. Sleep. One should deprive one’s self of some comfort during sleep. Some reduce the number of pillows, while others sleep on the floor. Pregnant women, the elderly and infirm are exempt.

8. Greeting someone with “good evening”, “good morning” and the like is prohibited. One who is greeted should respond softly, to show that greeting is prohibited. If feasible, one should inform the greeter of this prohibition.

9. Gifts. Gifts should not be sent on Tisha B’Av, except to a person in need

10. Idle Activity. Engaging in any activity that diverts one’s mind from mourning such as idle talk, reading the newspaper, taking a walk for pleasure is prohibited.


11. Sitting on a normal chair is prohibited until midday (1:03 PM). One may sit on a low bench or chair (under 12 inches) or on a cushion on the floor.

12. Smoking. Many authorities prohibit smoking on Tisha B’Av. One who is compelled to smoke may do so in private after midday (1:03 PM).

13. Work. The custom is to refrain from any time consuming work that diverts one’s attention from mourning until after midday (1:03 PM). If possible, one should avoid doing work and conducting business activities the entire day.

V. Tefilla on Tisha B’Av

1. Ashkenazim do not wear tefillin or a tallis at Shacharis. Men wear tzitzis without reciting a blessing.

2. Tallis and tefilin are worn with a blessing at Mincha. One who doesn’t wear a talis should touch his tzizis and recite the blessing at this time. At Mincha, the prayers Nacheim and Aneinu are added to the Shemone Esrei during the blessings of “VeliYerushalayim” and “Shema Koleinu”, respectively. “Sim Shalom” is said in place of “Shalom Rav.” If one forgot any of these changes, Shemone Esrei need not be repeated.

VI. Motzai Tisha B’Av (Sunday Night, July 26th)

1. Havdala is recited on a cup of wine or grape juice. This havdala only consists of “Borei Pri Hagafen” and “Hamavdil.” Spices and fire are not used.

2. Levana is recited.

VII. The Day After Tisha B’Av (Sunday Night, July 26th & Monday, July 27th)

1. Since Tisha B’Av occurs on Shabbos and its observance is delayed until Sunday, most of the laws of the Three Weeks and Nine Days are discontinued immediately at the conclusion of the fast. Eating meat and drinking wine (except havdala) are prohibited until Monday morning.

כל המתאבל על ירושלים זוכה ורואה בשמחתה

In the merit of our sincere observance of this time of mourning, may we merit the fulfillment of our hopes and prayers for the rebuilding of Yerushalayim speedily in our days.