December 31, 1976
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-- R.I. JEWISH HISTORICAL ASSOC. 130 SESSIONS ST. PROVIDENCE , RI 0 2906 Church Reiects PLO Moves To Become Acceptable To The US By JOSEPH POLAKOFF the Near East, the Syrian-Saudi WASHINGTON (JTA): Idaho's Arabian-Egyptian "unity" of Arab Senator Frank Church, the most "moderates" towards negotiations senior Democrat on the Senate for Israel's withdrawal from oc Tl-'E v''hY ENGLISH JEN!Srl NEEKLY ,,.._, R I ANO SCU~'"iEAS: 'IASS F~reign Relations Committee after cupied territories. chairman John Sparkman of On human rights in international Alabama, is wary of the flood of affairs and Soviet emigration, VOLUME LIX, NUMBER 42 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1976 20¢ PER COPY statements and activities related to Church found the Soviet Union had the Arab-Israeli conflict and will " solemnly promised" in the not comment on them yet except on Helsinki accords of August, 1975 to one major matter. On the Palestine adhere to the right of emigration Liberation Organization's efforts to which, he said, "surely include Rus become acceptable to the United sian Jews" but• "the evidence is that States, he is firmly negative. "I have rather than opening doors, the Rus always said the Palestine question sian government has tended to pull has to be settled in a peace them closely shut." "The United conference," Church said in an States should give emphasis and interview with the JT A "Who publicity to the failure of the should represent the Palestinian Russians to adhere to the Helsinki people is a very sensitive matter. agreement and should endeavor to Terroris t groups arc hardly get other governments to do the qualified to pose as governments, in same," he said. "In this way, we or out of exile." don't have to rely on citizen groups In recent weeks, the PLO has to protest, although that is very thrown up hints it may become a helpful." provisional government and con He stressed that "expressions" by s idc r Is rael' s e xistence "in the government "would add to the Palestine" if the PLO is seated in a normal force that could be brought peace conference equal to other to bear on the Soviet Union." participants. The United States has Church, who delivered a major insisted it will not accept the PLO address at the Second Brussels as a party to negotiations until it Conference for Soviet Jewry last recognizes Israel's sovereignty spring, has reiterated that the within UN Security Council Jackson-Yanik provisions of the OFACHS INSTALLID: Offlcen ~ c:ong....,t1on S-S of .,__ w- IMtallecf at a i...aW..t fflfffl,. held - Resolutions 242 and 338 which the Trade Reform Act has "failed to December 19. Rabbi Morris Drazin was instating officer. Shown above, left to right, in the fint row, are terrorist organization continues to work" an.d suggested its dis Alex Gooclblat, board member; George Labush, financial -retary; Nathan Waldman, fint gabbai; Jack oppose. appearance wnen the act expires in Glantz, chairman; Rabbi Drazin; Hyman ParMSs, gabbai, ancl Harold Silverman, recording MCNtary. In the Church said he will not comment 1980. He urged "an alternative -ond row, left to right, are JOHph Seigel, gabbai; Professor Harold Stembach, Israel Schwartz, Aloert .._ "right now" on other aspects of the course" that would arouse a dy and Isadore Friedman, board rnemben; ancl David Bramson, member. Officen missing when picture - Middle East political process pen maximum effort of public opinion taken are H.B. St-, treasurer ancl J. Matzner, vice chairman. ding his close study of their mean "as expressed by citizen conclaves ing. His position is much like that and govcrnments"·to "persuade the being taken within both the Ford Russians that it would be in their Mrs. Wolf To Chair Ceremonies Administration and by the prin own interest to begin opening the cipals in the incoming Carter Ad gate (of emigration) again." For Dedication Of Miriam ICU ministration. He w_amed against "deals" such Mrs. W. Irving -Wolf, Jr., has years. Mrs. Woll has been in The interview was sought with as proposal by American co r been appointed chairwoman of the volved in fundraising fo"r Brown Church in the light cif the .PLO porations _for the US to lend the dedication ceremonies for The Mi University, serving as national co moves, Egypt's view that the US is Soviet Union seven or eight billion riam -Hospital's new Intensive chairwoman of the Brown Univer obliged to provide it with weapons, dollars for development projects Care Unit. The 20-bed unit, which sity · Fund and as first cochair and its call for a conference that it near Moscow and in Siberia, will open in early February, is woman of the Pembroke College says would bring nonbclligcrcncy in respectively. · equipped _ with the most current Fund which she developed in 1953. and comprel:tensive life saving and Mrs. Wolf, also a member of the monitoring · equipment and is Brown University Corporation. re Indian Jewry, Dying, slaffed with expert and ex ceived the Brown Bear Award for perienced critical care nurses. her outstanding service to the uni Members of the community will ¥ersity. Refuses To Leave be invited to guided tours. Mrs. Wolf is a member of The · CALCUTTA : Drastic rethinking proportion of India's Jews consists Miriam Hospital. Women's Associ is required concerning the future of of white-collar workers and some Mrs. Wolf, who graduated ation and the Temple Beth El Sis the Jews of India. arc in the professions. Of course, from Pembroke College in Broxn terhood. For tl)e past two years The is the. conclusion of Prof. there are· also shopkeepers, traders, University, and who received a she lias served as cochairwoman of Daniel J. Elazar of Bar-llan and etc. master of art in teaching in Eng Temple Beth El Interfaith Day. Temple Universities, who revisited All closely identify with Israel lish literature in 1974 from Rhode Mrs. Wolf resides in Pawtucket · Jeffrey Factor India after an absence of five years. and all have relatives living here. :r Island College: has taught English with her husband, W. Irving Wolf, On his previous visit he found an There are few who have not visitied as a volunteer in the Pawtucket Jr., who, as chairman of The Mi~ To Represent RI "aliya" mood in -the air; large Israel, at least once. Some have School System. She is _ former riam Hospital Building· and numbers were preparing to im- tried to settle in Jewish State but chairwoman of the Children's Grounds Committee, was in _In Washington migrate to Israel and the generaf have not succeeded and returned to Concert of the R.l. Philharmonic strumental in the planning and ex feeling was that the end of the coni- India. · Orchestra and is a former member ecution of the hospital's new · In Jeffrey M. Factor of Cranston munity was in sight. The famous synagogue in Cochin of the board of the R.I. Philh'l_r tensive Care Unit and other major High School West has been se- Today it is quite different. There in South India is still featured in the monic Orchestra. For the past 25 facilities. lected as one of two students to has indeed been considerable aliya guidebooks but.few Jews remain in represent Rhode Island at the but the bulk of the 7,000 Jews who _ this historic community. Almost all Dr. S. Goldstein Appointed - 1977 United States Senate Youth remain intends to stay. The coill- the "brown" Jews have gone to Program to be held in Washing- niunity is stabilized and even the Israel and the remaining "black" ton, D.C. frorri January 29 to Feb- numbers have changed little in Jews arc in relatively humble cir- To Dire.ctorate Of Project 12 ruary 5. · recent years as emigration has been cumstanccs, most of them living Dr. Sidney Goldstein, professor pher, is the author 'of al<jrge num . Together with 100 other el~cted offset by a high birthrate. from their retail shops. · of sociology and director of the .,ber of books and articles on mi high school student body officers, This situation- calls for new The contraction of the communi- Population and Training Center at gration · and urbanization. During t~o from each state and _the Dis- policies towards Indian Jewry on ty has led to the breaking down of l Brown University, has been ap 1975-1976 he served as president tnct of Columbia, they will spend -• countries for the richer and more the social barriers that always pointed a member of the Directo of the Population Association of a week looking_ into federal gov- sophisticated Jews, on the; other. existed between the white, brown '1 rate of Project 12, of the United America. Currently, on -sabbatical ernment operations and the U.S. Assimilation is limited. For most and black Jews. Only two syn- l States National Committee for leave from Brown, Dr. Goldstein S~nate in p11_rticular, . of the Jews, who arc jn the lower- agogucs remain open, compared Man and the Biosphere,~The Man is spending the first part of his . Each delegate will also be middle classes, there is no one with with eight, 20 years ago. - and the Biosphere program is an sabbatical as a Senior Fellow at a--:arded a· $1,500 college scholar- whom to assimilate, especially in Lack~ outgrowth of the 1967-1974 Inter the East-West Population Institute ship . to study _Amencan govern- view of the strong caste tradition. The Indian community as a national . Biological Program, a in Honolulu where he is engaged ment and related subJects.