

WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1925 OPENING LEGION APPEALS FOR 20 Page*—5 Cents TOMORROW NIGB MOORE ELECTED GOVERNOR en Cast with Brillian THE JHp FUND WESTFIELD'S VOTE IN DETAIL Choruses to Give Three Endowment Fund to Close 1st WARD Sntl WAItn 3rd WAHlJ BY A LARGE MAJORITY ith WAHD lot n. »nd ix Perofrmances at H. S. Armistice Day; Westfield'* Arthur Whitney. R lstr;. giid D. anG 35 IT 61 43 34 3.01 711 rlbuUons, Individual gifts have William W. French, D 69 41 4t Tl 41 >8 •S E8 (38 tented mind. William Wank, Doaiocratlc can- jl music and siff. that he coiM3 not ranged In amount! from one dollar didate for Councilman In the fourth «induced to knve, " Councl!inau~- The Republican party wllh Ar- to as high as one single contribu- ward was defeated by Wm, St«u«r- Under the direction of Miss Ger- tion of one hundred dollars. Many- II. JI. MaeCowatt, I) S«0 336 38S 883 thur A. Whitney ae Ita ho»d for ROV- jade Olga Hodman the cast and J. Huesell Marsh, D 48 35 11 nngel, Ilonubllcan candidate by a persons very generously came for- Burr A, Towl. H ernor p«t np a very stiff fight hut ionises have made ra,pla progress ward with contributions of five, ten, 4(11 very clono majority, Bteuerntgel gene Gerhttrt, H, 279 S4U lost out and A. Harry Moore, of Jer- rehearsals and judging from the twenty and twenty-five dollare. Thomas Jutlson, I>. sei making a total ot 385 and Blank 1S7 264 sey City, waa elected Governor on M dress rehearsal "Marcheta" Is William P. Bteuornagel, R 97 S2Q, Mr. lllunk won out la his own llog lo he a show that will plasa Expenses Incurred were, for the 111 385 the Democrat!* ticket, winning by n William Blank, D m 320 district. reryone. Intermixed in the danc 'ollowlng 'purposes; typa eetUiiE; m 138 plurality of about 80,000. and ringing there Is good fun $20.50, paper and printing $11.51, 1'nrk Proposition W«, i Tho public ouestion voted upon re- Yea 817 lit 241) 144 US 174 240 118 148 Members of tho General Assembly it would please a typical Obautau- Envelopes, $26.64; PostaKO, $53.28; No created, won out by it total vote of S3 42 68 SI 43 tl 61 95 nnd Man bars of Hoard of Chosen audience while the Intellectuuls Addressing and mailing, $28.77; moneys for maintaining public pull* appreciate clever lines and the 'ota! $143.70. Freeholders won out on the Repub- Park I'ropotltiau No, 2 and road and parkways, built In «on- 7 gods who want slap-stl=k Subscriptions to the fund will Yes 116 212 126 343 in 161! 165 S37 111 140 lican ticket In "Wostlleld. nectlon with tliu public part! ayateni |y will be entirely satisfied. lose on November 11, after which a No . 34 40 60 SI 43 14 74 t.2 85 The Republican candidates for The section o! the play occurs In nal report will be made to Ainerl- In the counties of the Stato, in w&teti id around a Spanish town. The an Legion Headquarters, and pub- Uouncllnien in the four wards wero a public park syatum ahull have baen COLLEGE WOMAN'S CLUB aide ol the village is heloved hy ished In these columns. No further WELL-KNOWN RESIDENT also elooted: H. H. MaoCowntt, (lr«t or shall hereafter be adopted and i beautiful daughter and his fdllh- ixpense will be undertaken In wlnd- HOLD ANNUAL DINNER MOUNTAINSIDB ward; Ilurr A. To^wl, socond ward; created, wn oil if • tOUl vod il dependents hut Is nagged unmcr- ng up the campaign. It Is earnestly Kugcno Oerhart, third %vard and ully by his domineering wife. The second annual dinner of the KIJEOTION IWI'IIXH OF WESTFIELD DIES 1818. oped, however, that $ny who have Win. Stoucnugel, fourth. 'Ith a view to bringing Industry and ad it In mind to share, no matter College Woman's Club was held The second question on the ballot Hiram Fink, Automobile Mer- Mrs. Ilockwoll, doinocrtitlo eandl- •osperlty to his town, which has !n what amount, In the work at pro- Monday evening at tho Kcho Lako Moore 11 pertaining to a mipnlomsnt to the Country Club. There wero seventy chant, Passed Away This me to seed, the alcalde imports an homes for the orphans of Whitney 169 dato, for member of General Assem- »ct entitled "An net to establish pub- mertan engineer, Strong, to open Vorld War Veterans will semi in his members present and each one Morning bly, although defoatod, ran ahead in oil well In the mountains. The agreed that It wag one of the most Rumpff 153 lic parks In certnln counties In this ontrlbutlons on or befora Armistice Wosttlold receiving SI81 votes. State and to regulate the game, etc.," llagers, 8a well as tho alcalde, 'ay to Mr. Frederick J. Holmea, delightful affairs ever glv^n by the Voorhees ....lost Hirum Ij. Flnlt, ii pronilnptit uud we Invested their all in the enter- club. During tho dinner tho presi- Ayers m respected citizen and DUHIIIOSS man Thomas H. Jtidson, Jr., Democriit- also won in WesUichl by a total vote trea»u*<>r, care of WSStfleld Trust dent Mrs. K. A. PI inner graciously lc ctnulldato for Councilman In tho I ot X727. Ice, but oil has not been struck. Company. Donovan 114 of town, passed away Niiddonly at At the opening of the play the pro- welcomed both old and now lneniberFi his home 10!) Walnut strt'ol, this Roil n« :t haa ]»=t been abandoned, the It will be recalled that this char- and «ach one responded as the roll morning, Itv was conceived as a nation-wide call of the collegia wag read. There j\ir. Fink was horn In Jersey COUNTY VETERANS 1 WOMAN'S CLUB TO HOLD ira Is tankniDt, and the three effort to provide temporary care and were forty-four colleges represented Khori , l*a., niiil wns ti(»vcnty-livo INSTALL OFFICERS nertcans—Strong, the engineer; permanent homes for tho orphans ot from many parts of the country, yoai'fi of iige. He o of us realize perhaps tho suffer- tho Collego Club play to ho given when tho automobile came in the Heads of Neighboring Organ! town, Wnmedlatu pant proaldeot ot :alflo'9 daughter, Marcheta, but herIns and neglect to which these little December 4 and 5 announced that market, he discontinued thla Imsi- zations to be Guests at tUa SUto Departraeut American Le- >ther has arraneed for her mar-ones may he subject. In Juno of rehearsals were In progress nnd a and opened an up-to-tUvto auto gion Auxiliary, wue eloctod preal- .?e with tbe Russian Duke, Boris, thla year it was stated that there most successful entertainment as- IN MOTOR shop pn Kltti street which buslnosa Meeting next Monday doat of tho Union County Council to ord°r to retrieve, the foHunea and! wero nearly 35,0.00 of. t.nese sured and It Is hoped that n very e crs lg still being condueWd. Sticcoed MISB Nfllllo Hordor, or 11111- iors ot the family. Chuck hasj ' —fatherless, motherless—and substantial amount will ho added to 1 Mrs. Arthur AHegar in Muhlen- Mr. Fink hns boen In pour heal)) Tho next, nicntlnir of tho Woman' dldo, at a Joint mooting of Union ss'oppd a ronmnee with Marcheta's, mostly without adequate guidance the Scholarship Fund. for thu si;i*t d.ubtotMi mnntliH, but. hirt Club will ho held Monday, Novombe (6" nlflir. The bursting of thei and care. Another phase of tho berg with Fractured Skull; County Post, Amorlcan f-oglon nnd At tho close of. tho evening tho old Car Overturned dcuth cinno vt>ry ^ntldcnly. Hi! WIIH ft, and will bo somewhat of ml June- brought such crlef to the! wor,k Is tQ provide temporary assist- a former president of tho Hoard or vntlon, Thin meeting Is to bo In Union County Council, Ladies' Aux- that they have temno-l ance to. disabled'veterans, who forand now members felt very well ac- otle quainted and there la every Indica- EdutiitloiiEdut'iitloii,, and nt uim timti e » iiiem- the uatui'o of n rocoptlon and recltu iliary at Martin Wnllbcrg Post Houd- rflr foirotten their fear of the reason or another are unablo to TWO ACCIDENTS AT SPOT l«,r of the town roundl; for tho vlsltliifr ijrcwtdonta of neigh- 'anS who has secure tiulck anrt effective assistance tion that the work of tlio year wl WcdnOBilay night, Mrs. been terrorizing he carried on with groat Interest nnd of tho Bxempt Flri-mcn; Ilotary boring eluliH, and It Is expected thnt country. from other sourc&s. cl b Minnie Lomloiiliam, of , enthusiasm. Mm. Arthur AllOKar, ol 215 Englo- " ' former prculdont of tho Wont- miosta will l)n jirenont from Moiit- load to the WowlnR The movement Is commended by ,, ,, , ,. ,, , field Huildhijr & Ionn ARHtjcijttion elnlr, Aliijilevvootl, tho OriuiKoa, former proaldont of tho county wom- «f the oil wpli by tho brltrand. rresident Coolidffe, tll<3 Governors of of till! 1'roubytnrlan church, 1'lnlnlleld and Kllzabuth, A h en's organization, aorved as Install- •«M of destroying It however tho| the various states, and many per- S. A. R. DINNER from a ftaduie of the skull n9 of also an older ami fonnor stiporlu- and vocal reoltal will lie given by ing otllcor for tho women, whllo 'Wil- il la shot and .proves t,o be a ' ro national prominence. It Is TUESDAY, NOV. 24 and other Injurles which she re- tendent of tho Sunday .School, MrH. Anna S. Tlolt, itnd her di*u liam K. Foley, of Bllzalioth, lnstaUut» to The mirceos of the oil ven-j enrnestly hoped that those who have ter, inins Mlldrod Holt anil tholr pro- wealth and happine=ig to not contributed will come forward celved In nil nuldiiiobllo accident Ho IK survived by his wlfn Mrs. the post officers. pp The annual dlnnor «C tbe Wi«rt Sunday morning ;t three o'clock, "orthil Pink, tliroo dnuuhtei-B, Julia | firiini will furnish a rare, treat for r ^'wit ith any amount, no" matter how Fields Chapter of the Sons of the L nmsle lovoro. Tho olllcern of tho post, who wore tho piny ends In a when "a Lincoln tuutH.K car owned %"%*"• *:,«• "•'"••««y. »»• •'• I small, on the occasion of this last American Revolution -will be held tit MIHS Holt, who 1H a Kratluato ot Installed, wore-: Commander, Wll- II. MacLaiiKhllii nnd one son, Illrttm llftm G. Mcliowoll, o( rlainfleiil; la a porireoua display of Public appeal, and thus enable tho the Shacltamaxon Country Club on and driven by Louis Walker, of Kant c FJnk| „,„„ t,,rc(, ^rjuHichu,,,.^ Mount Molyoke, Clnss 1323. hit' *•» throuehout end Its beatitv Is, town of Westneld to meet Its quota. the evening of Tuesilay, Novembi'r llrnud stroot, ovcrluined. Tho fuiifirrU sorvico will bo mnde nn onvlnWo renutatlon n the vlco-comnittiulor, Francis M. Mul- fi bv the blending of the! 24th. Tbo ollu^r ootnipant.s of th« cur. t his lafe home Friday afternoon musical world )>y her finished |ier- i«nrn, of Kliznbotli; ilnanco oillcer, - K. Dnloy, of Hillside; Suito » Hrh nirl colorful costumes. N. J. SCHOOL WOMEN'S The upoaltcr of tho evening will •Mr. itiul ilrrf. Wulkor, Mr. and Mrs.2 o'clock, Ilov. \v. K. McKlnnoy, l»> formancufl on tho harp. SHo ri°« S .. to yon hi) Dr. Arthur K Host or, I'roslden tor of tho rresbytorlan Church, wil HCSSOS n lyric nnprnnn voice, whleli oxocutlvo commlttecman to /III the CLUB WILL MEET Allen Henderson, and Arthur Alln- ! m* full" of compdy lines and slt- of Chantniiqtia Institution, Chautau- bo In charge. Interment will be ntldH grenlly to tho nopiilarlty of unoxplrvd term of K Otto I-IIIKO, xa- 1 j J *". i scare that ahnuTids with aua, Now York. Dr. IJoKlor in an in- j?iir, wero iitihurt. tnatlo in Fuirvl^w Coimitery, her |iro£nunn. Sho Ifi ft thoronirr BlBned, IIO8S O. Fowler, of Railway J •«'«! and • eatchv melodies antl The New Jersey School Women's ternationally known student 'of Mr. Wnllosr haft rcailii-il the "8" musician nnd Intorprols hor nttmbnrn o«t, former oounty commander. f!Iul> will hold itg next meeting Sat- that 'Will Burpasa world a/fali-H, and will sneak on the turn at the (irt-cn Itrnolt road, when SENIOR AUXILIARY TO with flnn dl.stlnetlon nnd charm. Tho Council Installed Mru. I^udlow n-fiv'm,»iv urday, Ri 5:30 sharp, at the Down topic "The American Republic and resident. Tho other ollleera instal- hero. Town Club, Eroad and Market the hondllfc'hlrt nf a <:ar coming in GIVE BRIDGE FOR C. C. H, Mra. TFolt and her daughter have iss Helen Oaubls. "West- tho British Commonwealth." a varied and well chosen progrnni od were: Vice-president, Mrs. Mln- Streets, Newark. Members are per- tho opposite direction prevented him nrfma flirinn, os M«rche- The wives and friends of nioi Tho llttlo crlpplRH at tho Chil- showing ftklll and finish, and a rorn lfo liOjtdonbarn, of IClizabetb: secra- t0 othCT Vr'omen teiich" of Uie S. A. II. arc invited to IK; from siH'lnt an aliandoncd csir with- dren's Country Home nro tho hap-treat Is In utoro for all member^ and nry, Mlsfl Klcanor POCIKO, of Weet* ent. Tlie annual dinner ot tho local out lights at, the «ld0 of Urn piest children. Thoy know thny arii old; treasurer, Mro. A. J. Mttell, of Dr. John H. LoKan, Commissioner chautor has alivays hoen th« banner road. To avoid hltthii; tho car, hp Bolng to pot well and thoy know wo •lanflcld. EdllC8tl stflt or event of tho year, and tho committee to avoid \"MV York Ilnlly l:«|.rf.«. Movln PIOSRC th titrnod hand-on have promised to tnlto caro of tli 1 n Jersov, will° "bo the honored ?guest of rueUlnix. ^ Httmerlirtm. J'lxiirC"'*. i tersnprRed In cl proposes that this year it collision with the ontoinliiK car. Ho wh|1<) nor Clirlnflnflin «tovfe In tn> It with the tho Club on this occasion. h|1< ()thol y aro Actlliif; well. Of pay ran '« nnd 1i!dw«ird TTuhp.'-t parts of the State Indicate a largo at- went into a ditch and overturned. ,]oal but not ,,,]OU(ch yPt t0 ke our '' "' "MnvaMfl evening for tendance. Tho cur at thi! side of Hie road was ptomiRa ,„ Diem. So tlie Senior MISS SORTOR HEADS (.no driven by Henry Keller, of Ho- Auxiliary U, the Children's Country , Mips Adelo Cor, of Jersey City. LEGION AUXILIARY gullo Park, which had bee/. In an ac- Home aro giving the nicest kind of President of the Club, will preside. cidont earlier In the evening. Kelle Charity Ilrfdge on Tuesday, Novom- Miss Gladys Rortor wns elected Kenneth Davles, of the iloulovarti bor 1^. (it KlmeU:i!imxo>i Country Stntt. f'»nk nnd IJn*en—C afer S president of the Ladies' Auxiliary o: Mrs. Oraeo AV'ebfM' ninl Mis^ Florenci Club. We avo counting on you. MTH. Cti*vy'f* Vrnts MiorP. Nnvcwfur 7, n* TO tbo Martin Wallhcrfr Post No. .' Williams, of KllKiibeth were rldln n. m,t under MIIIIICPH **t Woman's JI- W. H. On\ Gift Trcmont avcntio, will American Legion at its annual meet In thn Keller car when It overturne bo glnd to toil you about tho tlekoto. ( Adv. inn Monday ntelit. Oilier officers at tho abarp 'urn of the road. The: elected word na follown: First vlce- were taken t° Muhlenliw^ Hnsplta jjresident, Mr£i. Martin Ooddingtnn; where their Injuries wero droapKHl WOMEN VOTERS TO second vlce-proaldent, Mrs. Charles and all but Keller were ably to loiiV' GIVE ANNUAL DINNER WallberK; secretary, Mra. Stanley S. (he hoHiiltal. The automnltllo vva Snrtor; treasurer. Miss Victoria Har- badly damaged. On Monday evening, N(fvembr;r - ARLTON ROAD DEVELOPMENT ris; historian, Miss Margnrat Iloyd; the LcaKiio of Women Voters will giro their annul] dinner In the Bnii- cb;ipliilii, MrH. Charles O. I.piKQ salo will bo dergarten ten oh or at tho (Jr;in1 bn!. heeattHe Kjiestlters of note ,'tri' 'rees will be 72 feet. If your negotiable securities upon which your hold soon lo defray tl'e CXPL-IIHCH. chool ai](Ircs;»(;d a iu*:t!liii£ of the tiglit here to address the KUefU.'i. 'nront-Tcaoher AHS(»cI«iUm of tl\« Thin year Mr. Alilon (1. Alley, of tlie income dupendu were stolen or destroyed, how '• sold to those build in tlic ear to 1 per foot. " CHILDREN AT HOME lionl Monday afternoon on the, ;i*l iKuo of Nations Non-Par!Imm As- could you replace them? If you keep auch vnnta^on of kIndnr£fiH«Mi tr:tlni« sociation will talk an "Amerlea'u Let us sho GIVEN PARTY p.ipura at home there is constant risk of Josa, you our property and tell you more oC our iiltms. for c.hiUlt'tMi. Mr;i. Wlfnom.tnn Mitt Piirt In Intern.itlon.-il Tcnni I'lay". Tho ciilldrmi (if the fllilhlrnn's (•(I t!r.it c!iM(Ir*Mi who hail rdcolvftd but if you deposit them in our Safe Deposit § CouiWry Home had a very happy af- 'vuiiilng at. IniHliM'^ai'tO]) wero bcN 1IAI,W)WWN I'AHTV Vault you have protection from fire and theft. ternoon )n.';t Friday whrn they -vi '.cv ])roj)iirt>d to t;tko up firnt. %vnftf' A Ilallovv'en Mii.'ffiner.ide Tarty I ph'cn a Hallowe'en pnt'ly Ijy tlm OFFICE v, urk th;ii thnno who never nrojvod w.-ie gvnn at the liomn of Maro K. mid rnoMiIj^i'h; of tho k'mjinon Club of tho -urh training, and who enh.'iVf] dio Anna M. O'ottlcK. 710 Prosprel St., fDay-168 Cong! PL;;I l ionnl Church. Oatncci I Tel.-I Night-1037 first K**n'lo without tniinin^. of any 'ast Thtirsil.'iy evcnliic, Octcilier 2» suitable for all ngoa wcro played jincl nort. Sfivonty innrnhoni atl \bont forty pne.'itH wore pnvirn} LNight-91-W fcf cronm 1 hold roin SomervUle, Railway, Mevri^- ' Wa& f § each child was dcH in vo- thifj fa)}. Tweiily-flvf! now uinmhcr own. Summit, Craiiford, Kcnllworlh o a p:i.jicr cap isntl worn rocolvcd. Sirs, Jitirr A. Tow* Sllzabeth and this town. WESTPIELD.N.J. Ima A. M. SORTOR, ot lilUui with candy. tho pronldent, illrvxtvd tho. uwotlnK. Secrtl Tntterer Yam van'l know iOldestBank^^^jn WestfieJd » 1 h- n pnn» I In it, A il ni- hvnt vniiifw In OvereantM utfer f« unMI you' i f'nr«e* Sluift. tH7 Wntebunir ArA c Pli art fourtl at Jolio K. N^ 1'fag flrwt flelil* near Vant Oflflef.—Adv. itf *ilnrr, l'/nlnnrli-:.Ai: ii:\iit received during the past year: Pei.uuls: Chaperon, Mrs. John Kailwa^ ontp m i M Kin.f ,v,ii .l..|,i rliir(> for • I!Y Till': PRESIDENT OF THK Coumbe; Dorothy F. Slulls, Margar- Hse- i in i I ivliere wilh ymi iy bridt r.VlTEll STATK.S OK ( h ulf-f -. in dl i ill ! II) I et U. Tack.ljcrry, Hohme csiadivni. inme ,' I two .vcurp at'o. o r I'nrn'spiin'U'nt-e has ; A.MICKK'A. I w of thf t ini i iin ^ \ d 1 \ IMOlls Hudson Ilifi Mrs. R. U. Hu-se.l, Kveiyn Valentino, J ; been of (he chilb arid fever sort, I fur- 1 ••A pitoria.M.vrm.v. whuh will i OIK i ii Hi iliillol v ibti ll u m a :„ Gmc j J hiI,ij)i, Kalhryn IHcAiiony, I nl.sliiliB llip chill uiui you flic fever. si t tilt iu 111 i 1 Ann M. Hawkins, Harold A. (Joiim !"•. "Tho t'nason ap3>rnarln\s wlti-n. ill it -.poil llnlit> in ih d .isli nil lu id, j 1,-ileriiiillilil nt tlinl. : 1 Isfa Hi 111V1 i K. H'i accord iin" e witii a lull- e.-!!alili.- hed 1 ll >o<. ll)/p [I , ,iu[ t I ol O;H l itlo i Raymond Force, H. B. Russell, liar- ttti^i in in i^( i II iinhl I It WIIH iiliout this Fjinie time a year und resjKriPii nislom, a day i.s yet W!iitr:i i old K. Morgan. Norman Tliorn, h'v- 0 id Kiviit \. (11 in linif )i' i i issi int niiii i ; fi^ liinl "'at jircii-i'iiemy of nmn's npar! to i-ivc thanks to Aim i^'iit •• eret Joilne, Arnold Palmer mid i uintd ilio I i! 11 i i i H i_( n Jin i i ru e til in I eomf'irt, i\i^.lon 1 ll Up 1 V 11,11111, I iid( i ih Murial Lee, Kallierim.* llornuil.c, .lu-] of whom had itinny, lirul many of "Wo have been hrouulit wilh safe- mi i-i i f h i i i Win hum iv llti-.mii in ui lis Davidson. Maiparut Kanllin.-l. uiiom you know—too many, no doubt, •ly and honor thniuiUl another \o[ir, i 1 I i in h ij,» r and too often, find the help I got was ', \\l Hi tin i II i n roroiliy Saiiih, Mrs. Allan S. Pelri'o, and, through Hit; !-'vjiM'rusiry ol' na- nil. j Helen Viiliams and Murion All- ture hi' his hie. i Hi in i ii i u ii ii tlioay, Weil, out? evening- 1 mot wari'iinj; my I whose iKjiciitialily in wealth is al- 111 111 I 1 S I ^ I lit Kiote.5 Group: Chaperon, Mrs. J. shins hefore my open (Ire, tlreaming t most incn jcnlahlc-; ivt? arc at pence at of v\ hut iniKht have happened Inul 1 j mi! It 11 ill. ii in t i H. Ye;li>iiflen; Giwe Weed, Frances home and ahroid, (he puhiic health married ISlhel, us you uryil. As I rl i ul unlit" S. Kell r, Dnrolhy Hammer, Marlon is 2{)o ..f (IK- f'i.iin 01ii;y Dancers: Chaperon, Miss Kl- godfather to tills creation of my liniin, j ""''""• Kpr fls over tlie uiiolc world, field Slrei I Itailnuiy I'iimi,ai!>- AII.;U:-;L Inor Tiinlsrjn; Mnxlne Mettlach and and now you will, no doubt, be inte-r- alii] labor has been well rewarded Is'i'i. II- was npiio Morgan Orr; (iertrudo Darby and estc.d lo learn the dentils of Its re-for its rf-imnicralivo service. rlainlii'li! in Novet'lubern , i.s!!!}, ;;a.l ii Alan Clifford; Vivian Clouterman and sults If you hui'e not nlready heard "AM \VI- have Ki'own and ]irospered l!i:i:>. tt a.s inaile HIIaipcrvisc| r in char;-'' Holiert Everett; (Catherine I'lpraon of them. My Idea was no less than in malerial things, so also should \vp ihe I'liion i..ine riainlit'hl lin : and Julin Meeker. (lie transposition or exchango of stom- Iiro^riiss in moriil and spiritual iuid Hie liabway line. I'arailo Number: Chaperon, Mrs. achs. In which I sftw a hope for atblnsH. Wo arc a Gnd-fearliis Mr. Miignin' entered tin' , nij'lw.v .jf (!. II. Trenialne; Mrs. It. S. Foiisl, new anil healthy existence In my old vviio should .set ourselves Ilic maintenance of tv:iy ilejiarl mcnl role of (jourmt't. To curry out tnypeople, MariLtte MeAiiuny, Itutli Penchoon, against ivll and strive lor rlKhtoous- .April I, 1:11Mi, to t-.iin further oxper:- Mary Slacker, Carolyn Francis. Mar- thought I needed the help of one we | dice in this wnik and was :i Jijuiin i r ! both know, (he distinguished Burgeon, ness in llvlng, and nhsorvlng tho garet Faulkner, Harriet West! ako, rule we should from otir Hfisi.slilul suprrin: .'iHieiil of inaiaii Doctor Dlckson, and of another per- iioldell nance of way in 1111".. lie hi, lic.-n Helen Sim, Jeanete Him and Mar- Hliund nice help and serve tlioso less son, whom wo did not know. You well sliperintemliu: of lln> ('ciilral IiifK-ii.i, There Is No gare Ludwlg. fortunately placed. Wn ahould how know of the doctor's wonderful op- since March. l!tl!i. Cabtt et Number: Chaperon, Mrs. erations, utid I knew him to he the In gratitude- lo ns.saic, lii-M'g ii and Central divi CHARLES P. W00DNUTT Adams. Carolvn Jones, Carol Clotil- 1 has In.en you know you have. " My the President, I'l'Clilf j!| Ml'.iHl Of iTMi. lie was foreman in the m:iia to do. ard, Felen Shofllold, Rita Jamos, In lin "With great pleasure, sor." "FRANK ]J. KELLOGG, f'ouilii'-n dlvl.-ion toiumci. of way depiirimuiil in Hi Dorothy Olelm and Marjorlo Soarle. and sn1: fu The «ay he closed with that beef "Secretary of State." 'ills i(i imii, Mi- '.'','iili'al Division. HL> was cxivtitlv. Queen's Bodyguard: Cbaporon, |:tll>1>:- llllil I Mrs. Win. B. Plumor; Dorothy would have mado n reputation for a • uiy liuve reniillcd. ' ll'tU to file supi'rinteniient of ma a Its e.\len-. rl r [Tips are the pitfalls of the market Plu-ner. Alberta Crane, Marjorlo tackle on u collegu eleven and I. look- ART ASSOCIATION n' .•'• inp.iu\ 's other icinince of way I'rom March, liilfi. I. Msllalort, Margueric Bowers, Cnor- ing on, green with envy, said: y I i'.i veil hy ihi-ilciobi'i, HII7, and ai'lins roadiii-'n . lor the unwary. There is no way to "Have you n big appetite, Jerry?" HAVE EXHIBITION evec in Iho Cenlrul Divisimi until Apn lce O'lTnra, Dorothy Kruglor, Mar- The. Westfleld Art Association will closer ll : i'i h 'I Wl'CII till' l!Hs. He thi'ii saw military arrvlie jori« s?arle, Dorothy Hlchards, Mil- "So big, sor, that I iilver saw the null judge events for the long pull as end of It." liav0 n private view of an exhibition C IHlllI' ii,'"i ic aitihori;Ic-; ovei-K m until August. HUM. On re dred Grove, Prances Williams, Ruth of paintings and sculpture by mem- • . jioiLiill-'e for I h" turning to'this country he was :i;i bankers and financiers do except by Grndyatid Eve'yn StruKiiell. "Is It always with you, Jerry?" hfirs of tho association, at the Pub- reinpiiny'.s survice ill varkiii.s di- poiiiled loadniaster in the H.sscx l;i- Queens Court Dancers: Oliaporon, "I nlvcr yet lost sight of It," he lic Library, Saturday, November tlsious. and is a great step forward. VIKIUII. knowing the news. mumbled, with his great mouth full Mrs. Leo J. Humes; Maude Burnes, 14th. Tho exhibition will l)ft open Marraiet Isaacs, Nadlno Gilbert and of beet. lo tho public November Iflth lo L'Xth Doris Johnson. "Just one mole question, Jerry. Do from 3 to 0 and 7 to II p. m. •It is necessary to have all the impor- Tta'n flro'ti: Chape-ron, Mrs. A. I).you ever have t* feeling of distress READ THE LEADER FOR REAL NEWS ArniFt'TnT; Matilda Ahlfold. Doro- after your meals?" tant news. Money, prices, records, thv 15oflen. Jean J'earsall. Doris "Yls, sor, I do Hint, fur It's Hie big ITchard.snn. Marparot .Slocum, Bar- meals 1 like, and It's the small ones icrop, trade and company reports, bara llmvdn'n. Holcn llutnlilnpri, I do be gettln' .some days; It's after exchange and commerce statistics I'oln ("''irr^ii, Itetty Westorber^, thlin that 1 huve that same feeling of Do Is Ho tic, Dorothy Plant and Grace dl&litrcss Hint there wasn't more of It.' THE FASHION SHOP promptly and correctly gathered M.iyham. "I reckon you are sound, Jerry, In ('h ihlrcn'H Cast:. Chaperon, l\lrs. Klonincli IUH] uit. Don't spare the and printed, and the events of tlie I fi. J. l-iirn"*; Ointa, Queen of tlie beer, tor I have n MR Job for you to 15O E. FRONT ST. PLAINFIELD financial world intelligently inter- ^1 itcliarhnq Maria CabaiH'lliiH; Don consider, and no mistake." I'cd-o. fvpt-i'ii of the Qttecn'H liody- "What Is it, sor?" lie asHed. The Most Exceptional Sale in All Our Career! 1 preted; all this news must be had to piriard, l-'inr !!!;? Po\ver«: Don Alaea- "WellWe, , Jerryrry,, yoy u havaee a iliue m •dn'Ti. (ho O'leen'.s Manlelan, Illlly ncb, and 1 haven't. I have plenty of | t*.-f fririti;^ llelcflf ylmuM "Tivent.v-live thousand," sold I. j Opportunity 1 paper. Tlie Times presents daily a lin nrr«'.iiled at Frulcbey'. : and e\- "Whew !" siiitl he. "lliui how tihout I chnn''ed fo- a reserved neat, tlrh't. Norn anil tin1 children. If--" j for Those more comprehensive news report of '""•11 i'" "]•••! diy thorn will l>o tlirop $15 "Ji'rr.v," Nitid 1, "lieiv it 1*; before ; 11 Active rx")>an-e (••'•'PS. one for rve thousand dollars in caw I ;,-..! If 1 v rp^t n n'-» plnnntm: to altoml. "Knlth I do. sur. and for the sake DRESSES OF FLANNEL securities prices because of their sr.,.ii™ ii,,,i- •nlviitice tlcliels at once. of Kura and the kills, mm your faith correctness and completeness. In j )• big doctor, bi'gorrn I'll try It, j Kasha and Scots' Heather .98 so I will," I Balbriggan Well, when the doctor heard all ; A n'alhorinjr of wonderful WATCHUNG CAMP NO. 37 thin lie wns roinie. anil curried out | The financial news of The New his part al the Park hospital before i styk's ami still mori" wonder- V-MMI-I" (',•,,„,, No. ;J7, iiniip,) a select low of the profession. As to ful values. Mado with superb York Times is your best guide. R-n-i l, v.r Vct.erana, will bnld the ivKiill~-«i'll. 1 inn writing this mid i liiilorinjr. trimmed wilh vel- La 1 t\.,.'r :!,..i ,.\.,,,„.,| j>,:,u, on Tlinns- shiill HOIIH rt'riuine ioy ink us gour- i vet touches, self fabric, etc.,

.-i-.i..,r ,-,.„ Mnv<-nilinv ?T>. in th(,met. I many mi >;ini [ilc. straight I l«,.n'.i I5..l,-,,1, WoMlfleld aveiilH-. .I'-ri-y Is f\r.i> nil rl::lii sill niiiiid, • lines. 1 thou;;!i ho .snys he Inis no aitpcilie, ; Ai M"-iil I !;. wm ]„> „ nlnm,|,,,. pour chitn, nnd is I-IMMTIIII US; I ^j..ir. 'i''f •""' '•'•'" liall. Mimic will in- S I'i row. Nil wonder, frum his .-iHinlp"iot, j "Fashion Shop" is noted for "Sample" f"""'"'1"'' '•- 'be Mind >w:i!(lilnn O-- Read (nr. ntlenii jo Mils! liirertjy he ^ot ! ,,h^«.r^ l'r'-M ,vni |,0 ivlven |n I),., Sales, but NKVKH have we olYered anything HIIOU! be '.wilt lo JI friend ol his. ewn , like this. This sale is a surprise for the wo- lolli;l:iT Iliilli he Wiis. i a lie I slii-rec'li'd In ilrhin^ Ihe ^miii1 iilenlicnl ber-'Miti men who thought a fine evening gown must r> 1 n"-»- -'-""t, v.'ill Iio rervoil, a ••vim him fin- llw llioiisnnd! SH. If all • be expensive. Nan ftotli . roiil t'-f r- nil In (Irlr motto.' Ewn well, .lorry will . luivo II heller ! H Htoiiiiit-li ilniii lu-eiei h:ul ami lv\eoly ! Here Are the Finest Illouiitlllil diiMar." in till' hanH. Wlutt ; Afrt vmi n *='i'i'Jerlhor of the* T.pruler? \\lil €>velitiiiill.v- heionie <>i my oiil : COATS kuth ir „„. KM,,, vntr Otilv $2.00 per tuimiiub, t ejin'l nt tuesi'Ml lell: per- i yoar fnr, all thi> latest ticwn. But nt: "Fashion Shop" they cost no more Svery "Day tuipy ( limy lit* ahle to iiiinrni yon Inter. J than the ordinary kind. all d, rn "" >"^'-. AND PACTS READ POR NI'UVS AND FACTS HEAD $19.75 to $85.00 *• J. KVIStlY PAfiB. EVEIiy rAOE. '\ Tx*L "U i^z". I ~I FOOTBALL MAS TO SPEAK FiiOK QU^jXi rtsIXEK OI -V.IL *jHi>o5 PUR c-'i- i, i

El ALT « t Fur Coats That Bespeak Luxury In Every Line

We fere fcttitbed tktt yeu wilt ti ij- tppn-cmxe the* T&luef aSemd ve»u ir. £»ur dlsp'isy of Ear cai.li. WhMi furt »-fcr* S tie utmost £B vtiu* fcusi nerrie* a.* ve-ii e.t ttirstctiveRisS* of ctyifc. W e «r, ms-s unrs*er»«ni:i y reeonwaestd to yoa tW (Icscribesl belcw. *E4 lu' is i III Winter Weather Is Just Around the Comer—Be Prepared il;K MUSKitAT COAT, worked V n.j i' »«'< bj tfce Club wnt .- tii, '* f* $155.00 -i -t i Il.^UUC'AT 45-.S i.'.f i--«i < Ml'SKRAT COAT, mitk dre; worked V :4SlBfh

I d(, • . lrfr-rbw* cf i*e i"U * « \ $2llw Pi.Rs.IAX LAMB COAT, ir.n.t t ^r " $250 JO it,1": i.e]etted SEAUNEGOAT, 45 inches- lanf, T - I ! crushed coiJar und cuff*.; ,,, *~ -M tii t»w Ji*n u • «• „+.* . nc fu J cui $m£M PaCCOON MODEL 4g mche*. k uc Rtik crepe lined M tie HUDSON SEAL COAT, -kmt $325.00 brown fox collar; 4,vni lni,g i W A US BUVG UESCLT; l~P EACCOOK MOBEL. » Ti .if browa fox HUDSON SEAL COAT, real Koltnsiy • * w flare front; $350.00 crushed foiitr tud SILVER MUSKEAT COAT, wri..ii.ii r % a 1 >6rt" cf L" — u \ SQu&rt- Khawl collar and re* HUDSON SEAL COAT. Ume vuxeio shswl Ge ii-rt^x \ - bnrder of durt rsi; all silk t-nliiir: e.xi.ra firr fifk-nted dye; self- Canton Cr^pe lined $185.00 Kkins; ikiu-y i.mjip SILVEE MUSKRAT COAT. c u ht a L ^ ^ ^«t GRAY SQUIRREL COAT, nicely fan'-* s 1 " c shswi foliar and dwp border; pouch i all silk lined with embroider- ffiQC Aft skin?.; frrty fo\ collar aiid @C*7C j\A LEOPARD uiAT *i.( >"• i^ct crept* border »pl«f*J.t/W c ufff ; ih-My iiiiir.p #51 3. W collar atd cuf^ SILVEK RAT COAT, marmot dye; rsccoon GUAY SQUIRREL COAT, 4&-in-lonc: gray LEOPARD COAT, with red nhiiw] coilij-r tnd faffs; ^f OP Aft fo\ coilnr, cuffs and For Caipet Cleaning fox collar, ruff? and border S295.00 Tom P.J.J- model $103.1111 border Fur Ajifmrei Stctiun—T«j>jw>-«'—Third Floor Telephone PkinfieM 3145 H. 0 BOGERT TEPPER BROTHERS •^ S.4/£ PLACE TO SHOP" Dane's Oeanmg~& Dyeiog PLJUNFIELD, N. J. TAILORING mad DRESSMAKING CALL WESTFIELD 1208 FOR DIRECT CONNECTION We ratkf <-ld suits look DCW. We chETijri (id style stresses io NfW. Lonely Spat i Boyish Tailored Lints 4 Euh« • mOBtli—43.50 214 « year j. little ship, the Mo- in Fell Sweater Mode* £ fircwd H Sprine St. Wettfieid, N. i revian. crosses tiit Ailtincic to More- LET US HAVE viiin niiBBioBs nmoitz Iht Esktmoi of r//£ PAwr s/fop Tel. 119-J Lehriicior. A foUtt.rj EitisBtorxutTi of ilie Church of Ettpiund IE studoned Welch Brothers, Int. tlicre nt t!w 2nd.HE ncttlom«nt o! Uu- ARTHUR 0. DRAKE Your PRINTING Order DECOEATORS. PAINTERS CARPENTER AND BUILDER TIERCE'S J.ATIN FSNISH PAINTS Ctnii-Liv Tul-.en arid Mtterid Ever See Job't Co&n? PniT-ished. It is visiMfc i.U it ten c'ekiefc «t The Itlci.) rk, B«tii- 1 We Print Ofiffr or persons! Station try. Circu- r.nhr.u-.'.? CheerfulV Given ci^bt, diret !!.^- :ii t»*e s^uth, north (*f r-V,t wi '•'KniK Krtl'h<'lis I east from Altuir. The coastellatioii fihcTI fffect.. 629 NORTH AVE-, W. lars, Gii'jJornes. Bni'kk-ts—in Pact Every- Flirt, it.urr.. Tel. SS7-M celled .Ui.'i't C-iffli; IF a Jlttl* erocp of icm; ihrniF, l\-e.t h> s!arN rttlicr i;kis> iofethfr, liKikine t thing irora a VisiUnp Ci-rd tf> a Kc i nltimst ,,i,,r ::.:>u-mi. wii.Vi i!, soiueuhEt liif s S-i R-jiii s drooping mil. Rent » .Wim..r,-. ESr-rt-ir Fifn. P*,!i6J.rr To Clean Satin Pamps The \\7estfieki 'Lender' Press The rrirti.t i-fiU-u^-.*. ui;y t-:i cieKTi Notary Public Kiitm ;iutt'(is :f. :u Ivv.fh 'Jit Bt'.in s>S witli ii x:iiti! t'i•-".•{ cf VC:\M_ If ibis. Printing of Quality !.!* Slllill Till I'M I't'C'CKie rovi^l; fcE-Ll L. E. TAVTtM WESTFIELD. N. J. j Every shave a delight "Leader" Office Pbonc WrMfidd '»'• I easy to make your blades 'Velvet shavers" 50 Elm St. Cave Name to Far c. » >•• hz i ' fvuLtf*, r fiif, s3er Mc'u'ei >i.r i> :i :radc EtKic t.'Bp3 ! ^»> * 1/ l.lfldf ciirriCK Ihf ;hnl! of ii.f- ir-rtk Ave. Weitfceli, N. J ::>e !:r icd'jstrj. Ii; rcn::tv 1: Ifc tli £A.' !h( fiTiost shave j'ou r-vor li.-ii of u !••;•(•<•:*•). •.'.' Asittic- iM-i-js. Ti.i : fur >''Uf first r'Jt (O tfie ;;.!Lrtf t !.v bcr r'.ti\".. " • i v • i, M MI; i J I KKTiUfif! For the Relief cf j elfish ii >•• sat .r u •! ^,II ,s und 1 COUGHS Antiquity of the Oliee it Is Wf f" !,' ••<•' ulc.i^ ' Ask A frw 7>u)ls ftTi Ilif James At J arris' Drug Store 1 StTf'T>r>f-r makes even a new 27 Eim St. WeuiieSd, H. J. blade kroner than ever. j.iux.-<-J in ltd.* i. Romance and Gloict it inu. CaH: urniu S""'"'"ir l t""L *"* "**s #- I; ft (I t»ti'nftfttlii il, 1 f"r»iiitft ^^ ^f _

hfc II UCM The Wife's Complimenti lb* Medici iE din>»s.:n{: of rivtls, per- TILING fumed gk)vefc vvf-.'v- rf^ert-.i \y Stivers. F;rep!ace», Porche* mi EDWARD R. .IAHVIS. inc. Cannon Bait Hail Storm Vestibule* IE Kim*!. S •D:), Afrit-!:. »ii A;.ri! 17 ^Ul't* it «'H> V-'L'!—L-CTJCiCJli Itlti:!. 1 ?T4, l;ini?;i<'7H*? w^'r'.iTig '''1H> an'J e^ THOMAS H. ROSS, bhtf ('TOiuis f«"l!, imd t'B isiL-lr K-E.T to A Valuable Accomplishment 383 HiSicrett Avenue '•ID crJ-.T UI ;i: fK:ESe j.rurliral r^ Tel. 3567 PLAtNFIEXD, N. J tults." said l':ic-U' r,!.eii. "it Ppraki.r wun's t-. l.t r.i!L-!'tj- »fffini;ilisli«*Viis.liin^nin Star. ( "vot) oiiFt huve ;udg-rnprtt n? w-fll WM. A. PARKHURST , f'Ci);as;.'iKni. Ocwid iMrstJims is and His Orchestra On BacAs antf Head$ ; Ep(insj!'!e foh some <>' de wtirta Ein TJUC- ll» Uit1 li^S-'Hr-r oT iTIillS-'flWtS- In de eiitiir."—W|,f,!i!nn™ Rt«r. Brg to feT.rjii".iiii*f'ihj;' . ihry AIT J.'^M.- c>prn for Wir^c-r f'n.ca^f'n-j^rit.s. i SAND AND GRAVEL s'.on fiiciliT"^^. thousiiBfis of tons uf Ten, nvm nnd fi»v-p'f»i I.'U. IMiiinwrlrl. Nev, Jersey, M O.orjre B. ilie borfe of natives. Klgii In i3il'>"r liathhouw—Perfmn* Tel. Wett&eld 1738 hEtt-.U.i; for t\w ilv^i t'nie Erf r^qn^Kted Swallows in Profusion to lnf-inn tit* ittipridtnt cf the fact— "P'ur dosed to pre- Westfield, N. J. vrat ewalloum balidlng toide tue rhiirrh," ri'gds a twuce jiOMnd on tie Bed Effect on Troife ritun-ti dcxir in no Enclisli village. In Bn~-iinH) ih* tn:i)e in b)urfc lamberl's Taxkab Sertue wit» «t» rnilifd for u penprm\n he- Wften in £>ecp Wafer nMnriruis rcnrdcn-EE clcrted DAT OF. KIGHT Hav.Bg a ruf! cf frinBds oftra tn- to fie SiaEifPd In her hlnrti silt dress. a tnan lo keep iifloal.—Bustwi ' AJts FOU SXJU «»CASIOKS lYaoscrlpl. Limit in Belief Einhtis—"Ttmi fimir (isit Sllllcns !« S WiuM'u.T ST., Quick Though Dead t lie most predulfiDB Mlovu I ever U }«u are dea!l in eu."nt*i .voO T""1I1 tnew." StiiWw—"Vre. on'ncrljnt* I 1>P ulive M .voar uipp.inuaities.—ill*- Brtouny thin!; IK* hitlleves 1ft litoiBelf." toa Transcript Root of All Taxation Seasonal Changes disvvtj tn 5h Hail's Catarrh One BA^lUnv itihy xifi uuk* a Suta- roer. bui ii pair of biibjr-lriue fj'es c»4 rsntt. Medicind e k^.^ cause a faU.—H'eslpj'uc Wasp. Bfore '»; «ii'J internal, srnl b»» Pertinent Question Empty U tht Cradle If children witilji lie i-i'iirprl tret ..r over 40 Sold bj &t—Hyi}ii!!>* tuwnaug, blyck ' hag rrotn fear «* of II now will, but so muvli Heaven lias Us troubles us well as ing inconvenience later. e tremendous dig- trouble {uis"H thr02 tlie lirsi Htnlue of Wash- son would repl.v iluit Sir Isaac was 'ihou P ainfield are you always sure that MEMORIAL tc right, dear," BIIO ington ivna placed on the. petlestul It sitting under the ule It's rrnpwtit nni! Ask Those Who Know trie "Real Keller Service" . >/\ — <*nrrvlni.* OM( of the fli&t gre»t ad Of .—^>—4—*i—'*** **" P»j!f-tfs]!rri1n{|or. and each new g(H of ni"iii-y'Hmy bf ft renewal of the hk'8'i- HARPER METHOD PERMANENT erhii'ss of eullre consecration.—An- or the small amount of 25c drew Murray. BEAUTY CULTURE WAVING the cost: of a VVanr Ad in STAYMAN WINE SAPS ROME BEAUTIES Wishbone and Hoiseshoo llit: Lender, you can rent SELECTED—HAND PICKED—JERSEY GROWN Tlie tiellef dial the "wishbone" of n that vacant room :: :: Will Keep All Winter THE VANITIE SHOPPE, Inc. iMrltrn enn tiring Hick Ig hnsed on Call and See Them NEW WESTFIELD BUILDING 871 thp nlmlWUy In nhnpe of the wlnh 62 ELM S f. Open MonJny & Saturday Evening until 9 T«s). ' " Imnj* f> iW hfrnpahoe. IV hrenk the ln»nt» ttUnwR the luck lo escape, nnd It J. B. WILSON APPOINTMENTS pii>» \o lite person who get* tho larger TELEPHONE WESTFIELD FOUR-O-SEVEN " 697 WESTFIELD AVENUE Man barber specializing in Laclien' and Cl.ilclren"« h»>' cutting. piece, Phono 752-J -•-•-•-*• -*~*~fr. •if . THE WESTFIELD LEADER, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 19S Page FiV«

.Mis. t-'unse Totivi.'. Mi.ss Kilna Fe'.ers, Mr. and Mrs. Hartley, Miss Eleano)- He:e:unU9, '\Vil»on Steininjter. Mr. and Mrs. Lc;ir and djushlei1, Doro- LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF thy, Miss Helen Knapp and Mr. Her- hime ami Aibei't Hltikio. Thero was muitr ami siiising. Mr. Slokip nnd Good I Tho Hoard ol Kducation met ot! Tho Men's League uf tlie Hapiifi MifS Knajip sang. After which they j ihe lilyii school Tu.sday evening. Church held their nr-,t ni.-.-siu;: of all re:urned home declaring they Had // You Make a Will the seusou Tue-sttuy esoniii^, the a woudrrful time. j Hc-oonler Augustus C. Nafli has r«-27th. Tho mcmliB-.s nnd ihcir aimed from a visit at Spring Lake, j It will serve to remind you to build up an friends wei'f well eutt'vtanud by th.> estate worth leaving. Miss Mary Steuenwel, of Cum-Ui..:ht Qviiulet o-f Ki*\\ York, after herlaud street, is visiting In Boston. which refreshments were scrvid. It will enable you to distribute your estate | The College Men's Club, of West- The regular mcetlnr of tlie Wom- as you direct, not according to -arbitrary law. field, will hold its annual smoker on an's Missionary Society of the I'ren- November 9. byteriuu Church will be held In the You can name this institution your executor Parish House at 3 p. m. Thursday, and obtain for your estate the benefit of the Mrs. Robert H. Summer has re November 5th, 1925. This will 1»> en wisdom and ability that have built up this bank turned from a two weeks visit In tlie annual thank ofterin;.; service. from a small beginning. Buffalo, N, V. As announced last week, a second William, the Infant son of Mr. and meeting of nien Interested in a Men's We can supply your needs, with choice eating .Mrs. William C. Hathaway, died on Glee Club In Westflelii will I,R h.>id Saturday morning. In the Parish House of St. Paul's appies, nuts and all kinds of tasty tid-bits for the Hallo* Hplscopal Church, on Monday even- we'en party or big hearty meal. Martin Wallberg Tost, No. 3Ing, , November 9th at S o'clock. All "He's s regular sponge. I'll never American Legion, held a regular men interested In glee dub work are jet Hie ten he owes me nmv I" meeting last night. cordialy Invited to attend this meet- "Cuu't Boueeze it out of him. ell?" Ing. Order an extra supply of everything good for Hallowe'en. Mrs. J. C. Hall, a former resident ot Westfield, Is vIsltlnB Mrs. A. J. Vico-Chancellor Griffin in Jersey Peoples Bank&TrustCompany Kennt-y, of First street. City ruled this week that Kiley a- FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASIOtV of Fcreign Wars, gave a smoker and ium. Dr. W. A. Messier, of tho .T"r- coming more snd mom popular Place Your Order EARLY and Avoid Ditapp entertainment at Britz Hall, Gar- sey City training school, will ho flip in Weitfield. A fow of our in- o r wood, Saturday night. speaker, hts sublect will be "Sir«i> TELEPHONE 1142 • tallatiomt Tha second annual banquet of theAopects of Child Life." Dr. Messier S01 Grove Stre.t, WESTFIELD, N. J. alms to reach In his address both MULTIPLE LISTING No, 25S College Woman's Club of Wostflold I'tSOI'LIOS BANIS mill THIJST CO. was held Monday evening at thetho father and mother. HKSTKI1M.I) I.1:A|)1CH Bl.UCi, A REAL HOME FOR $9,500 Echo Lake Country Club. William C. (Daddy) HcnRO. foun- Here ts a very fine little home of the bungalow type Ralph I. Vervoort left for Florida der of the Fathers' Aiixlllnrv of Dm CIIU,imi!N'S COUNTRr IIUMIS ideally located in a very desirable nejghborhooil and about Amorlcan Le-Klon, left Monday with twelve minutes walk from ttte station. by steamer on Saturday to take over 4 «IM)IM:I.I)T noii a new position. He will be Joined by Gcors-e L. Ap?ar, of North Plalnflold "GRAY" Mrs. Vorvoort thiB month. for a ten-dayB trip thran^h New Jer- TOWN PIlIBIIOtlSU sey. Maryland, Delaware, nnd Vlr- Funeral Directors The Sjnior Auxiliary of tho Chil- Klnia. Apgar was tlin first com- MANY I'lHVATK dren's Country Homo will give a mander ot tho Ball-Kirch Post, 253 Eait Broad Strert Weitfield, N. J. located. The tot Is hteh and dry and has 67H feet frontage. charity bridge on November 10 at tho Amorlcan Legion, of North Plain- TEL WESTFIELD 143 f This house was hull! In 1923 and has Just been re- Shackuraaxon Country Club. fold. Dodw and Aprar will rnnki! IT-- decorated in a very artistic manner. The next regular meeting of thetlhelr first stop nt tho Capo Afav For further particulars apply to any of the High School P-T Association will be County prison, where (hoy w'll visit I'HOIJIICKS EVEN HEAT LAEGEST nnd FINEST ASSORTMENT held on November 18th, Instead of Drl(?.-Cen. Stono. Thov will vtilt lOl.miNAi'l'.H COM, (SAS following members of the other Jails, prisons, nrrtiv barracks, KUMINATICH CUNKKIl OF PICTURE FRAMES IN TOWN November 11, Armistice Day. , and American keplon poats. •—* also •—• The Ladies' Aid Society ot Moun- HIIIlllCISS A911 WESTFIELD tainside Chapel held a meeting Fri- Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Wells, of .123 SAV1SS C'OAIi FRAMES MADE TO ORDER day afternoon at the home of Mrs.Wcstfelrl avenue-, and W. W. Town- Mirrors Kodaks Supplies Charles Murphy on Mountain ave- Iny. took a party of UHr friends to BOARD of REALTORS spend the week at with tholr cousln'fl nue. TUTTLE BROSL THEO. J. HINTZ II. I.. IIECKER. Inc rT3 Ontrnl A Mr.l and Mrs. Pe-oy Sclsco, nt I!el- Rummage sale for benefit of Luth- inar, to attend a dinner In honor o' PHONE MCJ1 WBSTFIEln.NJ. Jllll\ K. millVALL 4» Kim "Sturdy malcricitj for sturdy amtriwtim.' Portrait and Commercial Photographer A. II. IIHIKK «2» ftnrlk A eran Mission on Prospect street. Mr. SCI^I'O'H birthday. Tho num. \». W. PHHSrit in Kim Any one having any articles to do-bers of the party wero as follows' 109-111 Central Avenue Phon« 287 lit llol.II <;cilOV Frutrbrr mils. IW Kim nato kindly call, Weattiold, 1583 or JIIIIN W. I1KINS A SOX I r.»l,.r,l, \ 652-M. !„ A. KI'.NT Mil HV.Iflrl.l A W. J. l.r.K H» Kim Mr. anil Mrs, Guy Edwin Jiickson. UKRIIKRT T. Mrt'OV !•» Klin of Clark street, announce the en- liKHHtil'. C. MILLAR T!ll> l.»>vrnirr .» gagement of th.»ir daughter, Ruth AII.MV l-l'IIK i: Prutfhfy Illilu.. IN Kim Lois, to It- "' 'as Wylie Mclnnes, AHUM It S. I'lKRunV, Jr SS Kim jf Brooklyn, N. T. K. *. F. niVlllll.l'll ....** I'lm T. H. «* *. K. IIKVNHMIS Illallii Illillf*. K. llrtiml The, wej.il.ii,; of Miss Virginia. «;l'.i>lll.'IC II. IIII.KV .''I* >"rlh A Nicholas ami ltobert l'latt both of II t flit V III II SI" Ni.rlh * this town, will UiliB place Friday af- lIAIIItV I.. Ill SSI:i.l 2^.1 IODKI llmnil to.noon at tho Church ot thu Traiis- ( I llil.\< I! II. ••Ill III * Him iiguiution in Now York City. STHOIT tl.l-:\

lCdllli II. Alibott, s.nlor Instructor "BEAtJTY_SHOPPE, Your Portrait at the Metropolitan Museum (if Art, 84- Elm. St. Westfie Id. AM. A present that your friends cannot go to a store Now York". (.KB .1 incline un jllogio-is Phone 1746 in art at «« open nieetin;; he.'d unil.-r and buy for themselves. thu auspices of thu U'e-nii'.'lil Art As- A present that best represents you nnd your indi- socKiiion Tliiii-.scl.-iy at the high viduality. st-iiool auditorium. 7l.JK.axwe* A present that your absent friends will prefer Oi umi^iKLl inUiriiLU u» Hadio f:m;i ;>;zo wi;!iTnr.LO above all others. ts tho aiiiumiu uaieut li.ai Ihe Me- Watch Your Step, Wood Thieves! St. & 430JVcAt. winioy I'.-T. Association intend; Ot'TN CVGMU-iGS A present, that will delight the members of your Unli'ss wcinl thifvosi who liave been in tlw li.'iliit "f ciiterinf; family. give a ltailio cnti'iiainiiienl on th- property "t" 'flu' l'<'Urtfull ('oni])any, niori^ purtifulai'ly thir liri^hl Wduil cveniiiR Hi' December 1st. They tell I'Virest "sct'liiin, .'mil helping tlicmsi'lvi a tti wnuil, ovi-n In cultinir A present for everyone on your Christ list us tli.il all ilm.se mi! enjoying a good down hi':'llliy Irccs, stop this tliievcry, they will lnon- tlian lilii'ly that you can purchase fit one time, with a mini- laiiph will he. ielil:.eil ailiin tlance. wind up i/i (lie Tuwn lock-up. We have FUll'ieu nt cviilfiu-c ni;\v to mum of trouble and expense. !• tiillii.T details Lifer. c-:iuvfi the iirri :l of nt least three wood thieves, hut notion will li« uithlirh! in the l"'l>c that this w.-irniiij? will put n stop t" the ilii v- Miw.i Virginia Apgar '2H wai, inc. If tlieyc Oiievcs need wood they will find lli.-il hnth Tuttli.' awarded a Varsity "II" for Irene.™ I*toK. and the .1. S. Irving Otmpan.^ sell it ;it f'i':ison;il>le fifir s. Iirnlii'ie.iicy In soccr at Mount lloly- BUY your n 1, don't STEAL it, We have liven tippi'd I.IT In (•<•!•- uko Colie;o hy tin; AthUdlc A;o- triii wood thieve-, n.it upper Prospect Street, N' therwood Avcine, ci.llion fidlowlii': llm iiiiinr.!l Tah Kaiiwoiid AviMiue iind in (hut m'icliliol'lio'xl :i ml any I'llrther Ire-- prriMusr i:jn>n pi"jf the law. conipcleil in .-iiH'cer. linclH'V. liask't- 13 ELM STREliT ball, nrehery mij Viillev ball. THE PEARSALL COMPANY Miss lOlhi-l .Mi re of i;:: Nil. 1 Prt>sprct Strrel, Wriiriclil Miilll'1"- Make an appointment now—Phone 569 , In the

n\tt IJU

(if amlri- ili!m, of NOW OPEN Shampooin;j I'nlici' Di'ic r I'.il-ar I!. Wrl/ht uc- Waving Bobbing Westfield Riding School VIOLET RAY TREATMENTS 1 lie U'ill.-ird \V. C. T. V. held It.'i DICKSON FARM ,,II,JI h!v !n."-:i!!-; at ! .'if Inimc n! .MI-H. I, j|. .[(.hii'Mit 'in Mnnil i.v afternniin. WILLOW GROVE ROAD ROSE GREY BEAUTY SHOPPE ' 'J-J|M tililil '•MIlH-fl tlilllier Of 111'1 | |.ea"li" of Wimif-n Voters will he n cur n invtructionB ' * K« Facial nnd Scalp Treatments Irnld in tin' II-'I'N'-t I'lmrcli Novnii- Saddle Horn! Z Under Competent ELM ST. Open Tl.ur., Fri., Sat.—8 p. in. her I',. Ald''ii <'•• Alley of (ho For Him. Phone for Appointment—Wcstficid 1G45 I ,,.,,.„,. of N'Kinii!! Non-Partisan As- tiorvei BoardfftS •mtiivtlim will li« tho speaker. . Six THE WESTFIELD LEADBB, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1925

POLICE COURT NOTES proper parking. avenue, Cranford, tv;is fluid $2 furThursday nisht and plans were ten- MAN THROWN FROM imp.o]ier parking. With the Folks at Mrs, John May, ol fi 12 Alden tatively outlined for the operation of HORSE AT PLAZA • At Police Court Monday nlphi a struct, Vestii )d, was fined $2 for Lawrence B. French, of 163 Elmthe organization.- Henry K. Mueller W. P. STEUERNAGEl n« in bur of residents were fined for improper parking. street, was fined $2 fyr operating an was ejected director, and Honaer Thomas Stcpliensou rucpivsd lac- Sanitary Engineer MOUNTAINSIDE ! m",'lfEence in licensing tlieir dogs. automobile without a tail light. French, el.rk. Frank Flaherty, of 416 Chestnut erations uf the head and a bruised says.- | They were lined $i eacli. Tliev were A. II. Maxwell wag appointed street, Scrauton, 1'a., ™s fined ?5 Recorder Nash .tusjiendod sen- i chairman of a committee to canva.ss knee when he ivas thrown from : ICin barr* '^;-:n-T ?.liKi:f.}i!^? As ii Mrs. L. \v. O'Connor, of 3.11 Central for driving an aulomobi'e with Penn- tence on Owen Doud, wh» was ;. 1 j the merchants and business men of horse he was riding at the Plaza custom on evei'y Suailny al'iterjiooii avenue; P. B. Haivley. of 40!l Cen-sylvania rcfiistratiou piates in Neiv rested by Se'geai.t Kdivard Millf,' i the town to enlist their interest, and Thursday afternoon. SLeplicnson to <-ali OH oun ;)[ his neighbors a tral avenue: Charles Eustice. of 339Jersey, longer than the fifteen days' and Motorcycle. Ollicer Ernest 11. i to promote generally the business in- was iiriniiiny iive horses beJoa^in^ t,, "'Councilman" as usual was in thfi Centra) avenue; Mrs. M. Andrews, of period permitted by State law. FJa- Lons at Uyslip aveijur, and West | teicsu of the town. Other members the Wcslfield Jliduis Academy into home or iiU friend and talking over 122 Central avenue. iicrty's sister, Mrs. II. Downs, of Broad street early Friday ovenlti'.', * of this committee are: Emil Brun- town with tho aid of two helpers! "Lodje" affairs and general mat- William H. Orr, of Tremont ave- 3 025 Kast Uroad Ffreet, appeared and subsequently cliarsed with lis- uer, Jidward W. Wiltke, and J. J,i wlieu the horses became frightened ters (hat tht;y '.ire vitally irilo'-pgled nue, was fined $2 for parking Ills for him. i"S Intoxicated. Ihnvd was locked 1 up at police headquarters Friday liutciiinaon, by u tralu which was passing. Two in, wert interrupted with a knock at automobile improperly. A fine of f 3 was Jrannsed on Miss the door, when Jo! wiio enlen><] bill a evening, and remained there over the Tlio new bureau wil] meet at the of the borsKs ran away, but were Klwood J. Wright, of 17 Wa«l.inK- Elizabeth Ilarbt-r, of Hi) Manning later found. Steplienson was taker 2nd Councilman on a '"Vote" hunl- ton uJac«, Caldwell, wag fined $2 for week-end. Town Hall tomorrow night. The avenue, Plainfleld, for improper Ilnsiness Men's Association for theto the. ofQco of Dr. R. H. Sinclair, ing expedifion, apologies uore ex- Improper parkins.'. parking. tended in ;ill, wilh ft promise nf an organization or the. Merchants where his Injuries were dressed by A deposit of JIB left by Lucius early return upon No. 2 sctiiiK No. Miss Mildred Manner, of ISOBUSINESS MEN ORGANIZE ISureau. consists of the following: Dr. Charles T, Decker. William Crow, or Sheridan, W.to., cnaraed 1, receiving a "lot" Information. Johnson avenue, Scotch Pbiim, WHS MERCHANTS' BUREAU Henry K. Musller, chairman; Homer Reilly, Jr., was the one who found with operating an automobile with- allowed to go on suspended sentence French, secretary, and T. O. Hahn. the horses that had run away, near out a license, was forfeited. for parking her automobile improp- the Lehigli Valley tracks on Itahway Kesuhir Council merlins this A Merchants' Bureau was organ- William H. Murphy, of 330 Moun- erly. avenue. Thursday, November 5, at S.00 p tn. ized by members of the Hiisiness tain avenue, was fined $2 for Im- Mrs. Helen Ha.cer, of -107 Union FOR NEWS AND PACTS READ WE) DON'T KNOW IT ALT Post Mortems of the ejection will Men's Association at a meef.ns EVERV PAGE. surely be broadcasted. BUT!

Muhlenberg Hospital has its rep Thla one thing we know » can assure you ur comfort In ,„ ' resentative In the noi'ou^li and lie r home ,hl» winter It «,-, |n,Uil" busy co'Ieetins inward the "Fund' Dfaung system for you—or r, to aid this institution's good work. pair your u.^ one. We »re |,e,," Have you donated? lnK experts of high OeBrt.e and —o— we win immediataly im,,r,,ve ,J! "Race Suicide"! received another heat.cont«nt of your home. jolt lsst week, when two births oc- curred; Mrs. H. Ayeris, Jr., (rive bMh A Bath a Day to a hoy and Mrs. H. Weber did Keeps You Fit Every Way likewise only difference was that she gave birth to a girl. Both of the mothers and babes are doing as well as can be expected. —o— William P. Steuernagel| Several resignations are being an- 17 Elm St. WESTFIELD, N.J. ticipated If either of the "Cand1- dates" ore elected, let us s

The Men's Club of the ConKrega EXPRESS AND LIVERY STABIO tlonal Church opened the PP'-III "' 224 ELMER STREET Its affairs with a muscale which was presented at the chu'eh on Thurs- Mo»io« a Spcci.lt, day evening. The participants were All Kindt of Trucking all loenl people and the proT.Tn which they pivc wns well rendered. Those who took part were: Ml"s Grace Darnnll the organist of the church; Miss Elizabeth Insalls, soprano: Joseph Dntter, French horn; Mrs. Noel 0. Evans, p'n"o: THORP'S Mrs. John McGlono 'cello and Os- ANTIQUE SHCPPE good R. Rogers, flute. m «« >.arl< The programs was as follows: We Buy and Sell "Slrad'lla," overture, Flotow, Mrs. McGIonc, Miss natter, Mr. Tinkers: ANTIQUES Largetto, Mozart, Mrs. Mr.Glnne. Mrs. Evans. Mr, Itofifirs; "Ad'ou. Ie Calaliliahrd IMM Foret," from "Jeanne P'Are," Tsch'iikownliy, Ml?s Installs and Ming Telephone 3£?1 Darnell: serenade, Till, Sin. lOvnns, Mr. D"itf". Mr. Unffen: Ku't'- (lo'li- Ique, Boellmann; No. 3, Chorale; No, 2, Minuet Oothinue; Kn. 3, I'r'or a Notre Dame; No. •!. Toccata, Mlsi R. A. HOPE Darnell: Berceuse from "Joco'yn," Carpenter and Builder Godard, Mr. Datler n"il Sirs. Kvms Trees, RaEbtch: Wild Il'rd, Dour ance, and "Love's In My HerTt,' Jobbing of All Kinds Mtint'n'rton-Woofl'nnn. Mi.^ In^all", Estimates Furnished Mlfs Dirndl, Mr. Ro:er-; K'"in1mn Ic MU'ta'ro. Hayden. Mrs. McOlon Miss Darnell. Mrs. SeliPiikman, M 416 W. DUDLEY AVE. Uatter, and Mr. Hosiers. WESTFIELD NEGRO S^NT TO STATE TBI.L'1'Ulp.Mi isrtl PRISON FOR BURGLARY Fat is a Disease— Ilow'trd I-ee. colored, of this town who broke Into the lime of Charles Get Rid of It! E. Webb and stol- cinth'ntr v.-il.. Mire tha'n 100.000 r«t l,,.,,l.iP n«v» re r lllcft) to normal ^t.i^hi ,iinl li.tililiil at 3(i:]-. >« on October :! and also tool; Miinfnrl Mild Hafely, ulili tit H 1, Orfl- 1510 worth of jewelry from Mrs. Veronica II. I'elton. was sonlenecd to f«»rniitt« dru^s, are pl«amint H> tflltB serve f-nui our to thro ye-irs in the iriif hliihi)' ell'erilve State Prison at T'eiiton by .Turl'-e Sulil ,m a IIIIKHIVP punrn I »»in- James r. Klrkpalrick at Special Sns- '•- ^ m..nej rofulide,! nI-Kml- Rions FrirViv iMO'it'ir1". .AH-ist'Tit P:-u-(-cutor John T\. (Dr. GRAHAM'S Walsh said the. records rhnw lint Ii"B wis hcfiir' th" emi'-t o'l serious char«ftH In l:ii:i. hut was plpci-d on prob-lllrn. Tin i,.,;. „,,,.,,,.., (!)nn (,n DlackWPl"s Island, for petty ofOn-es In New Yurie City. lie is mn-rl"d. nccn-'-'riT fn t'-o Di-T.-ciitor's od'rn. 1 Nlcholns Hrmthniay. of Vest fiir- ^S^/'/^L '^) Gustav A. Neumiin vlllp. I,. I . who was a-n^lod here by local pol'ce last Momby fo- tran"- MASON po-t'ii-r t v- cases of whiskev was fined $200. AND BUILDER Frogs and the Weather WESTFIELD, N. J.

expected. si,,,,,),,. |,uwpviTi /,,„," 814 EMBREE CRESCENT COIIlH IlL-Kll, I,, 11Si Ulne „ bri)wa hiie_ KS" thai bud weailier will Bllurtl}' urrlvc.

Chinese Civilization [\ T \h CHAS. DAVAL GEO. STEFFEN

Whpn the ,,e,.|,i,. i,, ,.;„,.,. w Tel. 1279-J Tel. 7-12 ing «i,om dr,Ks,rt in Bkl,,s. un,, ,1Kf iisYVs-'iiA - pk-ri-s of Si..nt. ii,.,i ,o slil.,.s fllr "* Building Contractors and «vwii>,,,,«. u.e n , , ,_ M B( ro u sH| Rppniriag of all kinds ful ..nd hD-Wj. ,-,iii,lr,.(| „„„„„ wU, Uleruture iilrmdy u-,.|| delii.cd. I'ointi"' Procrastination's Cost Homei Planned nnd E»liiii»'cl There un- l.e« ,.„ fllr „„,„„ lnn tliinjjs, .in,] tin- nun, w ,,„.„„., ,,„ Furnished till-Ill llwtt IlKlllill.v Ituu to I,,, tiyiiaii,.,! With H second best achievement.—li* GAS ON STOMACH Works Both Ways WON'T LET YOU SLEEP j Nell—"Jneli l;il|ii(illv IMIH the rcputn- Ras l>lf»slli« nri l;i-m-I ali.l '"I"1 lll tlon of beliift rniher fnsr, IIUNI'I lie?" tfl"i» s< ..iiiiivj o-ilixv* a "••• '-""'lll,

Belle--"! puppi*. e so. In suite vt iu<* n-.i iii.li'o „;*> cm,f ^,1.1 i>n n.v -i'-"';1 tact that he hus tbe reputation of hb- iifl lint, m ii,.t.|,-;ii'.i IIMI ^ .tu.-'>. ' ug tuUiur loose." »-'K ilCtlMH ^lll .-.III J,MM' >'"> '»M( -\il.L-rilii. Is auili .in 1-.V.J1-I.''1'1 lv.il,,,,,l v\ui.o;ilil H la .-I'l'IJ1,

FKUTC'H HVtf I'll.A ISM VCV 51m and lUvatt sut'cty THE WESTFIELD LEADER, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 192E Page Seven

1 ii AMUSEMENTS AMUSEMENTS AMUSEMENTS AMUSEMENTS Tonight and Tomorrow—Cecil B. DeMille's With the Plays and Players "THE TEN COMMANDMENTS" * * * Friday and Saturday—Milton Sills in "The Knockout" and Old Events Now Being Presented sjliiMJ—I I IIM 11 i D Extra Sat. at 4 p. m.—"Racing For Life" 1 I i i REGENT THEATRE 11 == at Various Playhouses === lit A i J I rl I 1 BROAD ST. ELIZABETH "l-iilT That Or 11J is appeal iiiK al * * \Vall;,,k'B Til and tur..ay, K,.v. ti ,n,d T, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, November 9, 10, 11 ilI;l1 1 l :iMt '"" "' "- ' ' «rc ,„ ,,,,., ,. .S.itui y, -T! Half-CMS!,-." Tiu •«. Shirley li ,„!),, Ko:.valKviVli"u' U1 RICARDO CORTEZ and BETTY COMP5ON J'.e.-.lv,,.|l r.rnl Alan limne (;i 1 rali,sjii! ;u! if>> M'lie WeBlliekKf). "ifrj v.-ror.ltn. anil New I'm k ,.,-,mpanv n' I livfinj -live. Minul,,', r,i,.lillei' ami * * * ' liifillt, NIIV. il, ,[ Hi.ui-k I"!;«;, wpi-i-iiy. t Next Week Commencing Monday, November 9, 1925 l.iuo* I,KIK 'IVlill.. liaui'i tilllesiull' licvile in twu aria .-iiiil 111 Tlif .Sllerfkkl I'luy frwhuins Co. M.-I-IH-S, '•Itiiuinl The Tinvn " Coinjia 11 v "THE PONY EXPRESS" "pens itH s{'{!Hiin at tin. i.v>:ax Liti[t. >>f 30, Jlnstly Clrls RIcardo Cortex and Noah Beery in Theatre willi "Wliiiu Gold," u play by Regent REGENT r J. J'alnu-r I'arso • * * Topics , "THE SPANIARD" * * •* News FAMOUS ORCHESTRA > Mermaid Comedy—Al St. John in -• node Iu Am«i™" '—1»"'«- «•>• 14"'" Thursday, Friday and Saturday, November 12, 13, 14 "Fares Please" •„_-• lUKlre imli-i- ">« Blow" "f Ibsen's "The Master JUHLler" w|ll lv ,' ". „ „ ^ ," " ' "'"""^ ""' ' »">• International New* Weekly ROD LA ROCQUE and DOROTHY GISH in F —•• A nr> ••»"• "<•<•»" Conway Tearle and Aileen Pringle in K,,ll..n—-lln- •»"»» S'B * + * maintained ceinniunira tion I'riivinoiloivu—"Adam .SolKalrr" lOasl and tlie West In tlie enrly iia\s of "MYSTl C" Tin- i'rovim-elovvri Players arc the "NIGHT LIFE OF NEW YORK" Ufit). '11K- cDiilitry- i\as al Hi;,! ti . Ollly ixjujilo wllu iirt! having ii la!e-lii- ilu uniiei-KoiiiK a ntaiile jiniun-al uplie-ivul Comedy—Clyde Cook in "Moonlight and Noses" Christie Comedy—Neal Burns in "Call a Cop** the-uvek openin,;. On Kridny nlKl,| line to 111.- sl.lvery Issue and slreiiuiuia limvn oil Marduugnl Street thry will ell'iu-ts were l.eln made In !.uiaF. i-ull- Single Heel—Sportlight: "Barrier Busters" In present (heir first o./'erlm; ut I lie sea- elforts ivere Iteiny ma.ie lo swiim rail- REGENT FAMOUS ORCHESTRA ,.„„,!_. Thi- «l«»« Sllplier son—"Adam Solittiire," a t>lay l>v (Ou fiirnia 10 the Soiilllern uui.-.,-. H was 1 1 Jo LSnsog. HrriHa Ijiiscullea, John HUH- News Fable Scenic I,.»,.l»n ---"«'"" " iargely tiiiuu^ii tin. iiiHtiinni-nlaiil y til' Reginald Denny in , , ton and others me In Hie ea.sl the INmy PJ^in-ens dial tin- linldi-n ,S| ate r l»—"Tfce CarolinianThe Vortex" " llnrv >llllir'« * * * wax saved to tlte Union i-ailsi- "I'LL SHOW YOU THE TOWN" All Next WeeU_Harold Lloyd in "The Freshman" filiud St,—1<\ MUII'M Mmi" * * * Comedy—Lloyd Hamilton in "Waiting" , "A Man'8 Man," presented \>y the suriiKiir— \i;uAHK innmiiwiiii 1 Stagers at tho fj2inl .Street 'I'tieatre i* Internationa! News Weekly "i(to().H ..-i-br student Prince * one of the finest examples of Anujiieaa "Sky HIKII," a fast, rhylhinie lnuxlrnl eiiinedy In wliich Willie Howard is maH- Kl«»—'•""•> Kmr™ WL"' Th'r piayuritiiiK that we have seen. It is Extra Sat. at 4 p. m.—Johnny Hines in by J'ntrlek Kcarm-y nnd la an hdiiest, IliK Ilis first appearance alone a» i, slur, l '" slneere. diania of middle elasH ljfL. |n LEADER CENT-A-WORD ADS. PAY "Speed Spook" I,„„!_'• WbltF Hold" Atnerlcrt Unlay, li ia tlie stury of a Newark. Mtmila^-, November illui, and LILi-ri)-"Tbe CIO Chap" yonns niaiTled couple, Kdlc anil Mel- for one week t h-'leaf ler. After placing l f , ullr_"'I'hr Sclioiil ror Scandal" vllle Tut tic who want to be lmppy and ti.iu'ther for twenty .mils, ,Iiirln(; « liidl diiy with her lilllilillni; SCOTCH PLAINS WILL "Sco These Newark Shows" "See These Newark Shows" l,onK"—\«*» Towiwlilp OalnmltLeu Thursday oven- Miilnr written unil acted with sim-erc pathon tirnurorri I'liKM' uuil IIn»ail Slrr«l IBIK'M Wire" l'» .lospiihliio lltitchinson ami I>wiiihI nf his brother Willie. Mi-inHi"K with It nil ornilssl()ii WHS clvcn to tlie M:\VAIIK, N. J. . Manic »"1—•"Cradle Siialfherii" i'Tie git the honorw of truthfully nnd "Sky IHKII" has lo do ivltn a London iH-lUii nf Columbiii Hilrlrs. Music Hull, li beauty shop In Horn) • ii)r Jtono Una Line to a lino MtiufiKriiit'iii m. H. ScltteMlMaer National—"Aralii-wiue" understarid'nyly fn-esenilug- the picture s tn sty viiurtcvilli! imm JT16OO Sfl«bli»rbimd—»'UrMnil Street PolUc»" of tllOBu pallletically handicapped Ktreet nml tlie 'orrilile pliRiil of 'draco HfKt Klmw In Town" prctnjs "i'l'i'h through that i>liu:e. l)everlili;e, wliose love for Florence THIS WEK1C N,,V Aninlrra'ani—"Suunc" .voting people, %vho after nil are meie- ff tiring for tin) I'Utrrht inttifiit if the Mityor IMuir fnid Cofnmittoetiu'ii t). All Week Starting Monday MesHfs. Sliubcrt in Association • Y sropin lowurd better thinga In u itiKC iitnde him IIKSIIHH! tho tith; anil patronH of Uinfv'ti K t f- Ihtair , nest Puliicr—VuutU'vllle K Cocil lllnclini't nnd Honry Knutnintir Galaxy of Famous Stars I with FtiRi'ito Ilow.nril Present I'luvhouwr "l.utky Sam McCarver" very drill) world. Udward lloiiwun. Ill noeh> of Lord JlriuienHler. , connnonciiiR sutnliiy m.itiii«-i% No- iifut on WodnoMdio ovnniiiR for u few NAN HALPERIN The Superlative Comwlinn I'hm.iulli—"Tlie l'ellcau" his direction, hn.s Ktruck the keynote + •* + vember «• Wlllldlll UntMilrll, (lie [)r«- WILLIE HOWARD I'rlu €•<•««—"Barrfool" soundly anil his |,layers stay up to llrnuil S(—\oinrk (tiKMM' bus aval Ind 1111rin• • * f <'f cvi'ry (»j>- mnmoiiti) Jitid decided V<'.v would WALTER C. KELLY In Tn<> Mimiciil Comi dv Hit PriUliifHow"—"Ailnm Solllalro" pitch mid Keep the notes true. Uavld llelasco, lonjr recoKiiiKed as tho portlinily to lend to HIIM ;ilti;n! iim ;ill ••all iv mofitlni; to ttiMtruct l'liili|i "SKY H I G H" lean nmoni;- American tlu-atrlcal pro- of tho scenery n"'l I'lrUunn1 ('hMini-niiun WEBB'S ENTERTAINERS Ilcinil.ll. Alilf'n Irish ll»««» * * * Hoiu), of prcH'dcnl After n Muceessful N, Y. Mis—"Tlir Mn" With n Lund of SII»- (lucerH is presentltiK one of his notable. that art* fnviml In the l;<-y MIHUV.M on the tho compiiny, th:it lio I'ould opornlo Dillion and Parker Ravue lOHJiicr—"Slvlra Krull" KntfaKement clilc-f*' •nut-esses, "The Ilarcni," lit tho Broad Ooluiiililn "Wheel." l)U;e» th'i'f. Tho flclit to rim flu1 Etlio] Hook—Russell & Marconi Popular Price Mat. Snturdajr llonry W. KnvaKe nnd A. II. U'tiodn Street Tlicalle. Nowiuli IhrouKhnut HIIBI "Tlio ^eHt Show In Selivju—"The Gorilla" IJUGOS, howevoi1, is conditional upon Many Othor Notable Stum Nights 08c to $2.50 ai-D to lie eunyrudiluted for ttieir pro' weeK heiilnnlnn November li. t eleven changes of nia;;nili Saiilierl—"Unr I'arre" KOod soi'vico, and niay hn rovokcil v\ Hluljert Kverv S indny Tlnii'n Suuarr—"Tlie Pelican" ductloii of -Httilcn Krull" by Mario Mic- to tile fuel that this play ran ali of wroUhilH frn- its |irliiei|i,il> wllh funr- Vaudeville and Pictures VandiTlilH— "Mr-rrr. Merry" codeini, nilaptetl by Gladys Ungor. Not last season at Iho Helnsre, Theatre, In toe" changes of ruHttniM> hy the. pleasure ot tho Township Com Wi elc of November Uth Wallnck'*—' Lall TUot Off" that tlie play In llself Is tit all na- Xow York il 1H not wholly unknown to CoiimH-nclnK .Sunday unit l inlttee. USUHI. It Isn't! But the uctini;- Is n. 1 "Land of Romance" Winter (inrdeu— local lovers of the theatre; 111 fart. It bc;r 15, "Ijiiclty SunilliiMVi» Tliemre Co. one night and a busy tlmo II was forintf an entire change of bill for the |iid l<>ii. - l-'rutclujy I'linnnncy Co. ents will now havo Iliem sent, liv Inr Popular Price Mat. Saturday acrobats, tumblers and side show U't>4»iK Nov. inn—Urflct- living* ta all! second nf their three weeks' engai;e- freaks Including Londy, the nutcli "She Had To Know" * * * ment at the Hippodrome. These danc- Giantess, 7 fl., 6 Inches tall; Llonelle, llelmont—"Vouns AVwudley" ers are the rage In Paris whence lliey the llonfacod girl; Muilamo Heatrire, At Ihe Uelmont. Glenn Hunter made will return at tho end of their engage- Hie Bnake Charmer: Victoria, t lie tat- MARCUS GIGANTIC his first apiioariince in Now York "In ment Ju:re, Another hendllner for the ied lady; and Jolly Irene, the fattest LOEWS CIRCUS INDOOR pi'mm" since his Ereal popular suc- current week is Cantor Josef liOHen- woman In iho land, f> ft., 11 inchu,, tn'l, cfss "Mprlon of the Movies"-—a suc- LILLIAN ST. LEON «nd COMPANY blatt, the famous .Icivifch tenor who ap- tyelchiiu* 620 pounds, will lie the main America's Create** H^t-flj^rlt R dpt- cess that settled h'.t atcllnr Hiatus at pears at each performance except Fri- ltractlon al Ijoow'ji State Clli-iis nni-,.. arid - .r n'l time. Ills new play ,^. i.AMILLE'S day iiljilit mill Saturday tnatlnco. Olbors entire week slarting Superlative a piny by John on the bill nre Weir's elephants; John MINERS Wooulc Rlimduy, Nov. 2nd. 6 LEAPING HOUNDS 12 POMERANIANS 12 Van Pruton, produced by George C Ty- Miller ami .Tamos Mack; Jack Wyntt •Uiilnlllc of tlie liarliary Coast," with MARCtLlNE EMl'IItK ler unit sluRed b" nnsll Der.n. An ex- A-it ii his Scotch lada and lassies; (he Mae UuHch and Owen Moore in tile titlf, ci." I.I supporting Ciiat Includes Holm lute KicwenlBS; tin, Pouter Girls; Me- King nf Clowns Wmliinglon & Market St., Newark rolea will he Hie mala film attraction:!; BOSTOCK'S RIDING SCHOOL <:-• -i:i|!nn. flrnnt Stewart, Horliort Htin- Iirmald and Oakc ami the Arena supplemented by the regular prugnun I.fiiJies Matinee Daily—Tel. Mui. 0U33 8lim, George Walcotl, Geoffrey Har- HrnllierM. 0, short subjects In Startling Feats of Equestrianism SmoUIn;; Permitted r r iviii.il. [<:.-r- rl (»,; I i>I In*' l.i-.uli-i '.' tlio Shubcrt musical version of "The "The Kneel.(HI I." Kxtr.'l Saltnilay ai|fr"lit of f'i netiii'a I'iilaee 'J'lieatie next Also "CAMILLE OF THE BARBARY COAST" It nut, W'liy Not? Only $2.0 0 per Gem; Slutler Artie I.eeming t •!- i :-• • ,-r of Zenda" has reached tin: 1 p. in.. "Rat-in;;- For Life." .Monday J week, wln-re she will Iie.nl a delu\e with Mne Buficli, Owt-n Moorr; year tar all tins latest ntnv;). 1111(1 ('HiUiry Theatre with 'TrinceM flavin" and T'ui>-(!ay, Rieardo C'oritK and Noa h ; j.i";;i am thai Is .'nt u ra t e-i wllh "r]a.^.." !({ Famous Blue Strrnlc Chorus 18 in- I", firal life, Harry Vv'fk'hnian still U.-ery in "The Kpiminrd." Mermaid .Van llalpcrin, chic, d:sl Inctive, and NOW SHOWING LOEWS STATE IN.i'lri; llic male lead. l>ut with Kvclyn Kxtr:, Six Sunshower Gtrl» Extra •nr i... -Vi St. John hi "RIMM I'leane," • ea p! iva lln;,', alter a !<;!;>: aiis-rne fi'i.'n FOR N'HWH A.\ll KACTK ItHAII U'-rl-iTt flniilly selected as the !><:;uill- NEWAKK, N. J. Int. rnati'ina! Ke\\.^ \\'eekl>', jvatldevilie cullies liae'k to tlie t'A,,-a- iVKKV l-ACl-J. Week Nov. I5tli—"LUCKY SAMBO" fi;l luincpKS of tho ston Khini'iid KefnU-ri-v hits written tin MUM lim\ r K.iiiiii the lmnk .mil Iviki \\ itson JiuT.itf made tlir- settinj "\i i ^ "" !'< ' illr.riivd llie dam-os mi! 1 ' Vith tl iliit riiiil tho product I r 'I'1 ef ' lititie east fire H ri \"> ' n i:>'•'• n lli-rhcrl, Bar t I 1 I Clarke, .lames M I 11 M r • >'•' ". William I'll I M ' ' n ''ouvlnas It. Ilumhrlll 1 1 i r i * -fc * llnrrts—-Tlie ( nn II it "> J. K. Ifaro'il T r 1 1 ll.'if iel S'fil.al till in hit i 1 l.'ii' IHslnrlcni novel "The ('iin'iniin fl 1300 PHONE 2932 PHONE 679 "' the stare. The jitory, -i^ rvrtv <*ru> [•1 PHONE >''i".'", Is nf (tie part |lnnl ' '• '''• PERSONAL DIRECTION OF WALTER KEADE—D. W. ROGERS, Resident Manager l*:i r.|'ii,;,M it, iho American He-'tiili' TI •\'"'l we have Tories anil Whin plnttim,- I Vl.d,.i,il,. against i-nrh oilier. In I lie )'' • > - Klilne.v lilaclwiier |ilm tlie tltti ' TODAY and All Week—2.15, 6.45, 9.15 ToJay and Tomorrow Friday and Saturday—Nov. G and 7 '•"•'• ••- lie did In .Mr. Sali-itlnl'i ' ."•' " '- "•••uehe." \Vhllo Mnrlha Iir.-nl-A'lei 11 i Rcgulitr Oxford Prices U Matinee Saturday '•»>« n:i hl.'i Tury sweetlitiirt ttli'in h" The Greatest Dramatic Spectacle of All the Ages ai-neni |f,.;,,., |,Prails-_> of )<'<•> lo.altl to '!•• IJi'Vii'ul itmary caUiU'. dtller feahlr- "THE HALF-CASTE" '••1 Hv ,.,"-• in a east of thlrt • me with with tlio Nolod Parisian Actreas Arllntr Forrest, ReKinalil llwpn, I'.nrlei "THE TEN AVariairton and lltliry Mnrdinf f'iall''4 '•• "'aimer Is t lie producer Together willi Florence Vidor and Matt Moore tVI'LLt; VERONICA * -k * KFTTIl' VAUDKVILLE .'ititl Ntw York (.''unipaiiy of Twcnty-fivo -•'I h's contril.utlnti to 111,- l"|ni|.ln '"''! Imer7i, ICarl Cai-roll has. i ••-( hi i'-len- Matinee~$ 1.00-75c-50c Eve's—$2.00-$ 1.50-$ 1.00-50c ' il hU 1,-ttr.s.: popular init'-iea]

""''• I'ou" has iiecn titiiflint; (Jc» York A Sparkliiif/, Kpoody, Spity Girle;;(iue Hovtiu iti Two Acts | r"r !.o,n,. weeks and dolnf rood ii'l-i Next Tlnif.day. Friday ;md Saturday """ worlt for a pi.,,pv 11riHlueil1.11 j and 10 Scene.'! py "THE PONY EXPRESS" UBiial, Mr. Cnrrfill hoi pli-ke ei ••l"l to rilh Betty Compson, Ricardo Cortc*. Ernest Torrence "ROUND THE TOWN" ,i|nK h:i Che-Ben thPl ve '•lia ii.,.,. C|H vivl me Sesral. i,,,,.r,»II.. Matinee: Children, 10c; AcJull., 20e, 30c, 35c. l-r. lit. (,ns t,l:,eetl lotder Allen c nil tie 30c: Chilrlren, !Oc; L»BO«. 83c Company of I!5—Mostly Girls ""•' filled the prodtn-tlon with e:iti:hj M,nlin«.-Orrhe.lr.llinw>_OrthtStr,, •40c• c : Bnlcon» —r' Ch.ldren. 20c, Logcs, D'Je Ev*nillK, S«lurdoy, Holi'layi "»iiln nnd Kood dnnclnK. Children, 15c; Atlultn, 25c, •lOc; 50c, Matinee, SOc-25c Evening, $1.10, 83c, 50c, 2Sc * * * Wiillnrk'n—"Lull Ttint HIT1 """ Mullallj's Intent play In called WESTFIEID 1K4I/I-Ji V'UiM^UAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1025 Pmgg Eight THE Measure of the Griat OBITUARIES 1M7ES; flrpM fiii'js jii'e (hi' ;iinbi:s^'!>'1';; TIME LIMIT Prov/iloiiw twil to rcvcril In tlic-ir (' low njf-ji Ihfir unknown .^e'ves. 1'Uo Following an atlacli of Acceptance isi huini'lhiri;; aiiout tlu'Ut lit-tter tha ^ wliile playing golf ut tl; ilify do or say. If nii'tiKiireil at iU lirovo Goir u,ul,_ i,, i(,.,invt' TUESDAU at 6 p.m. MINIMUM CHARGE 25c ihey are to l(e inciiKari-'U in the r day, Francis F. UaUeiuim,' spoiisive ttcllon of wlisit titiitrs (io < doniy before lie could. !u (. ; -l say. They tome uiul so. In iiort a mys liis home on Carltua Itoad "Ads" Accepted by 'Phone i«ry. In !>art the simplest of nil es Telephone 407 iBiiline bad ii slight attuck pfripnee, the compelling influence i day but feeling better yest truth. They leave no sueoes&or. T!s cided tu play a tew rounds heritage of greatness descends to til Uu ciiai nir, Novtmhcr Slh, 1925, for the lm an the Huks only a shun time wh HfcLP WANTED HI:! Jit VI MUSICAL <.Mt.nR'i! I oj Washing! or Street from! peoyie,—Calvin Cooliujre, 9 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE it c, ^siiielti AVOIIUG lo Sunn uit Avenu ' the second and fatal attack same ' •<>. J. U n I'llMIS TO It KM1— -Tel. 2Z WustlicW 'iliu KiiKintHi-'-s approximate esllmat Si LOTS UU<(,.\1\ H40.90 EACH on JOIMKHS iillil Ceiil ral Ave jiorte 287. tho ivork is us fullowy: Mr. ualientne was born jn N Trenton Ave., beiwtyfi MelGuh! Buiiie- ."Jaxivell's Book Borrowers ) I n 1 latOJjneal feet cojicrety curb and York ami was thirtj-fiVe years * wich. H, A. Baffa, US Main St., Mln- Jurty u'junli AJI I'H>-,I"VKKI> to i isuiier. All of tie suffer from people wli tola, N. V. U>-2S-2t to d'i p 'In , )>l,ini, liiatrlli- age and had been a J\ < miwllilltiat V. ii. A. Frlcli lion, liiiBinneru, A\uy,i Hluoil, 17 200 cuhlc yards excavallon. In borrow our booka and tlieu forget t rasi4<.at n a in WiMhcltl, N 1 Gfc-i ilaiTiaou Ave., WI-KIIU Ju, N. ,' I'hun eluding pocket excavation fo.' Westfield only about t'!!R RB»T or FOR SALE—A Bevel] 10-7- 362, 10-14-4 curb, KU'ter and macadam, return them. la liiue we cannot re- eighteen room house, newly decorated v'tm- 8i>7 Byuaro yarda new penetm months. eult, Walter J. Lee, Jr., CO ISIm fit. member wliat hns becotue of tli« mis; I'hoiw 40!. SOVAI. Ascu'r «».vrs for Kir l.vSTIlrtTION CilVUN on the Violin by tlon macadam. rur. Cuurleg ii. Beyfrleo, Musical IJIrecter anil tag- voiuiiitB. Keep a curd or smu He la survlvea by hla wife, M Girl JJeauty operator. Ai>- .S(.';iii-l->r(MiS. wiil ijL< on display 124(1 lineal feet concrete curb anil A BARGAIN—For s,sle: a 6 mom nousp .- ui;ty iitauty wnuppc, t,* HIKi .S(.';iii of the Westfleld Bymphotiy Orchesiru Each p oposal mustt b e accompanieid notebook at hand near the booKsnelve; Julia J. Baileutiae, his mother, u J Tliurs'lny n'i Friday at Tim Frcno I'ur arii4ijK«mtntK, t-iili al Hejfrfed' slid garage, In choice neighborhood u'efcUu:ld. w. J. i nuue 164., MuBie Bhup, 221 Kasl Broad Ml., o c c k toe a ll0Ok is borrowed l William J. Iiallentine, tlirce siete Consu't, Walter J, L»ee, Jr. 60 Elm Slifi)>, jta olph Airtule. ft .V o!iu? oV, h e '•?«£!!,;? .TO «•"•«"«" ' ^'SI-; ouEaJde Tel. 65-VV. Studio at 612 Wesiflel one of whom is Mrs. Oiinoer St. 1'iione <07. l/I VIS YOI'Ik I Avenue. K-16-t Town of Weslileld as an ovldenco tt down the title, the borrower and tni ol iiUe new, lawn cut, huutsewe Scotch IMuins avenue, also VOH SAIX—Eight room houBe In pet- nihci- jabs. Iiy A. (.2. Nevious. f nilJ faith, and thtoe successful bidder dilIe_ fhen when a reasonahle lengtl two feet condition. Two car ^araKe, Price SITUATIONS WANTtU iy-7-t •JA,\U IW8TKCCTION--Glven at imyll' of the estimat'e^' of time h«« elapsed do not hesitate brothers. 691-H. ' homes by Mian Haniova Na^ltj, studen mini in ^<|ual Hum reasonable for quick sale, at 1C9 Har- _. of the work, _ ,._. rison Ave. Tel. 1Z«-M. 8-J«-tf THE WRSTKIICIJI Lfc^IIKH PRESS of ljiimrosch School oi Mimic. Hew to r Kuumntee (li», asi( for the return of the book. K—Hospital utid private exjjtir- methods used for beginners. For ar t'atthfui iterfoiinanre of tho contriicl Ho wa3 a. World War veteran n,.. uae, Will a.aa^ Ex pel; ?nced j>rintei s in first cius riiiiuemoiits address, 7u7 t.'lark m., or Plans, ^peLllicatlona, and forms of Di;silMnl.n lti;sil)i;NCr; property at otniir eEittlKiU reicr- wurfc. Give i trial." 60 iilin K ing a member of the Keservs offl^ ft bargain, 662 Boulevard. Lot S0s210. Tal. Weutfiold 674. 10-7-tf propoe.ila may be obtained in the olfica \v rit JNure.e, ii> Ji. 2na tot,, Tel. 407. of Alexander Hlnir, Knglnoor, 121 Pros Honor From Reproach era '7th Division, member of the Al- Four rooms and den on first (loot, rtl jH4 l^ouir sleeping rooms and two batha in:ru:ii m; I\SI inD before it \s n- TAMUUHHIST.T. W, Slsty, (HsIahllBli pect Street, WesUtekl, N. .1. Many words used as terms of con fred Wilson I'ost American Legj0)1 Klnlehtjti rdorns on third. Inquire on MAS Hud WIJT; wish pfjyftiun in lu-I- lute. We rct»r«a«nt all ttie tvadinv cd 25 Juara). Studio at new Colonla (.'(luncfl irserves the ri^ht t( tempt and reproach have since becom of Brooklyn, having received a clt?' p/emlfces or realtors. 8-2tj-u esllie»u, companies, Aetna, I JIB u ranee Co. > hoime (opp. Dunellon Car ISurniO. Tel any or ail hldH or to accept any vai t; lamib, 3 56 yprfriy **t., VVn- 4-21 North America, Westchester and Fi Illinellen, 4046. Moat hmly of name hid as thoy deem bust In the inter*; titles of honor. Iioth the Methodls' tlott during the war. FOR SAf*B—A small Home for you, ver; deltty and Casualty Co, W. J. L«e returned while you wait. Mounting of Ihe Town, und the Quakers were BO called in handily located for train, troiley o GO Kim St., Weilfleld. 2-lH-t in natural positions. Tannins—Fu AMOXANDHM 13r.AIH, He waB a membsr of Holy Trinltj •ho|i|,lng. Six rooms ui J bath, all Im AL-L ivl!VJ>.s of Jmuae work and out side and complete phoasuot hals, (any contempt, as Indeed were the I'uritun rn lurnacu cared for. i'i KIUC- 'l'ovvn Knglneer. church. The funeral service with tirpvtnieins. Small lot. No garas ( SALE— Thursday and Friday. , Koya styly) made to order ItDltey IUIH U 11-4-H and the Roundheads. It u-st not be Cheap for quick purchaser. Call Wes' I'lll Jnttold 8-UtS. Ascut Coat?, for Women and Misses. Heads, D»or, gun, and Jlatracks, Re- high. mass, will be b.«l and lispress Service, office A. Ji he account of tile subserlber, 10>ci;t:utor used ID Antiocb by (be enemies of the 4uuble garage, very reasonable on I>ecker, 421 North Ave. ^hoiie &ti. IIKM8TITC1IINU done at tll« VVestllold if the last will and testulnont of Ira II new religion. will be made in Newark. count of owner leaving town. In HIM KLM HOUSK—Table boarders, Formally with American Rftllwav Ex- Hemstitching; Shop, Pout Oftlce IJIdg., lull, deceased, will be luulittMl and iUifre 328 Bright wood Ave, Tel aiso Ulnncra swrvt'd, prompt service JH-SSH Co, lt-4~if .stated by the .Surrogate, and reporte*l 1203-J. 6-3-t 1 M floor. Whila hemstitchlns Is only and fcuoO home cooking . Tel. 12^2M a detail of fashion. It Is nevertheless 'nr settlement to the Orphans Court of •104 j;Jm Wt. 1U-2 Heroic Roman Matron POn |iAti&—At bargains, B new house an important featnm In tliat It often ho County of Union, on Wednesday MvHKJAIiET MAItCUH uu tJurj i'lttta, 2 IIMW houauii on H Btves tlio very touch that Is needed ho ninlh day of December next, (/M' J'KU'S, 37 Arnold Ave., I'oiiu Dat.-tl October 31, 1925. Cecono, wife of Citllgula, emperor e: tnond St., * new houses on rho«it l'lt'iiKant JJcniih, N. J. Only elg to perfect tha boauty of the Kiirmunt Rome, v,n» killed bv .Tullua Lupus, A Margaret Marcus, wife of Harry nuc St., t new bouses on Parkview miles troin l^akewood. Unusual sur- I lain, plcot edKe, polnls and curves, TIIIO WKKTKIKI.U TlitJKT VAX, Avti, See your BKeni or W. H. A>< also gold ana silver. r«-I. 339-W. D. 41, while weeping over the body o] Marcus, died tiitldenly at her home h«*t. owner. Plalnfield, N, J. T+> roumiiiitfsi, Superior Food, VVeek-enrf Kxeevilor. S2S6, 10-7't i4~uetecial Dining ll-4-4t •AI1L Q. OUVKK, Prui:l«r her murdered husband, when slie saw on Chestnut street, yesterday after- Itoom for Private I'art ion, open till S63O 10-4-5 noon, following an attack of pneu- year. Just off the Hoard walk. For HONl^ your ordel'S curly for fiosfon Ihe UHsassIn nplnnaclilng and dlscov reservations, phono Aunt i'eg\ I'oint Hakod Beans anil IJroivn Bread, Al«i ered his purpose, she calmly presented monia. Pleasant &41, 10-21-31 Apple und Mince Pies. 451-W. Wi>- K \ KVUTUH'X HBTTIEMEIVT . IF* have eeveral Sand 6 room rnodpr man's Kl 6 Win ;. Ker- NOTICB IS IlrJUEljy Q1VKN, Tha her breast to the sword, urging him to Mrs. Marcus was horn la Cranfoid a«w homes ol pleasing designs, wli *A MKAh WORTH WHILE"—"It was shaw. ll-4-4t ho account of tho subscriber, Kxec-utor finish th« tragedy bis companions had and was twenty-nine years of nge. tun purcnee, etaam heat, open nrcptaces such a dellcloua dinner"—That I if the last will anil testament of lOnocb begun. Her two daughters died by tbe b«th room a with hutlt in (uhs and tl!< whnt they are saying about the din- >. Miller, deceased, will bi^, audited and She was a member of the First Meth- Qoorft. The reasonable prices of thefl ners at "They Reynolds", 129 Ferris GARAGES FOR RENT tatfid hy the Surrogate, and reported B»m» hand.—Chicago Journal. odist Church of Westfl eld. hum eg will warrant your Immedtat 1'lnce, Westllekl, N. 3. Vhone West- or settlement to tho Orphans Court o£ field 841. We Invite you to uome In fttttlpt MARCIIKTA hi; County of (Jnlon, on "Wednesday Besides her husband, she is sur- I.BT day of the cities of Cyalctis and tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock'iit QlfRISN CITY TtfltllACfl. IM-A1VL IICLI terwards if ynu miss ft. LEGAL NOTICES I'urwint lo the order of CHAltUStJ Phocaea etectrura, u natural alloy of her lata home, Uev. Chaa. tt'. An Heal, complete, Colonial Homo SCHISICJVS tot ..iuiiovva, aoora, porcties. I. (JODUINO, SurroKnt8 of tho Count;.' f I'nlon, marie on tho twenty-HovcntU gold and illver, was used In making Wright, pastor of the Methods, OPJS.S l^OK tfOUIt INrfl'lOCTtON A. W. NIcoIson, Phone 782, 10-7-tf MOTICM OF Suneay, 10 A, M. to 5 IJ. M, ay of October, A. 1)., 1U2B, upon tho coins. church will bo In charge. Inter- J. J, SCllWARTX, Hesllo 'THK HMVNOLIlH", 12(1 Ferris l'ltice, Notice Is hereby given tliat Joliu |j|>!lcatlnn of tho undersiKned, as 15xo ment will be made in the family plot will spet'IallKG each Tlmrsfiay, at ti.30 nynor, (Joorife 11. X,. MortoMorton and u(or of the estate of nald deceaBed UfttJtMKk BId«M IMnlnfteli) otieo Is hel'ehy ffiven to the creditor* ThoiiQ 3777 p. in., In a chfefcen dinner. ChiL-keii ;eno O. llalllordd, ThTh u iloarildd off ASKOH- in Falrvlew cemetery. u la Maryland with wnffles. U-4-ti ors In and for tho Town ut Wosttleld, f .said deeeflHeUs to exhibit to the mib- Hit Wealth of Learning n the County of Union, havo llleil theii rrlber under oalh or affirmation thet," Willie was Just buck from the cir- "oports, mapB and asseHHinonts for ttpne- :laiins and demnndH against the entato 'U henetlts done umler JL cerlnlii ordl- f Kald (loKfiuseii within six months from cus. He bounded Into the room with MISH. SA1SAH JAOK80N LV — Old liletorjc house, IS WANTED aico (herein named. That Ihoy have i) (lute of Haid order, or they will bo a hop, skip and n Jump, "It was y (>ld, brtck ftltatl, oalc beams, sccrtulnetl the whole cost of nialeilals, i-evor barred from prosecuting or re- Mrs. Sarah Jackson, 61 years old, rooms, bail], electric \lght, voraml •lcldenlal fgrracJJntt; and expensva Ineurr- vHtitf tho same affalnst tne «ubserih great I" he cried. "But what did you BxlH, beautlfuJ gliade [rees, 2-car B—lr«m cot or coucli wlili rtroji [l in tllo coiiBtructlon of the hnurove- learn!" asked his sntnilmother. "What died at the home of her niece, Mn. go rage, plot 200x200, one of the muHl bo In ^ootl eoliilltioil. To! ,ent therein named, and havo assessed .lOHBI'JI n. OONNOI-Y, Leslie Jackson, on Tiernoy road choicest buys In IVestfield, K. Hr 107 Smith Av(., W»«l. tio lands and premises frontlnfj on the ICxeciitor. did I learn?'" he echoed. "Just let we Bt. and Springfield ltd, J. B. Davis, iprovemont to tho arnoiint that they 122 Kiihit Uudley Ave, tell you. I learned lo eat peanuts with Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Jackson Tel. 1340. 11-12 iVA>"i'i;i)—(in enri avo boANI1;I. JI. ROBINSON Scoich Plains, 25x100, on Fan wood IIHI KASI0I) weeks. She IB survived by two sons Ave, Smith 8t, .Jerusalem Iltl. 2 REPAIRING, ETC. I'I'I.I'Is — Ktaytnan wine HUJIH, Homo nnta^ea and Hpecial a^se.s.snienlM ;ire Utilizing the Watte and a daughter, alt of whom reside cash, easy terms. J. B. Davis, T Ituaullrs, .Selected, ilan«l I'lckeil, Jor- * folunvn: I'urstinTit to tho order of CHARLES Hemarkuhlc pruisretis In utilizing the J34O, n-) wi>.v Krmvn, will keep all winter. Cull 1. I. CODDING, SurtoKOte of tho Count} n New York. The funeral was held tM', jotib and ooe them, .1. 11. Wilson, 591 Wcsl- improvements under an Ordinance en- f Union, niaile on the twonty-slxtt waste products of the corn crops, such A1J VOIN p r HLMI "An Onllnawce to Imnrovo North 'rotn St. Jolm'B IJaptlst Church on FOR SAI.R—Stucco house alaa lot, &21 lmlrn. 42!) Wiiahlnaton St., Weat- Iillil Ave. I'hono 7. .2-.7. ay of AuffUSI, A. C, 11)25, upon tin as corn cobs, stiilUs anil leaves, bus venue botwoen tho Plaza ami Contrr a pplication ot the vinueralg-nea, a Monday afternoon at two o'clock and Central i\ve.; curner lot 57x172, and ld, N. ,1. ri\um> 147H. 10-21-8t ntio" ptiBBcd and ndopteid l Jull h xccutors of the eatato otfeald decoased been made In the lust few years. The frame bulidlntr. Inquire, 531 Central i. A., I'ltK KM ANN aen«rul CartlnR. i!4 and known an Boeclftl On 14th Ave. ll-43 tlc Is horeby Klven to the creditors was conducted by Rev. Mr. Hamc- II.lIll CANIUKi In oil tiranclica, split B«p|j;ase ond ISxpr BS. Tel. WeBttlelit il. D70. .J saidd deceased to exhibit to tho sub list contains 148 products and ranges ette. Interment was made in Fair. reed and rus^i butuims, all kinds of 13BS-H, VVestflelil, N. J. 10-7-tf 'Ot serlbers under oatli or alTlrmallon the! from absorbents for nltrojrlycerln to reed work. Win, E. von (Jrubell, 4Q . Nanio of t>wner ProntitKo Ain't claims and deinanflB np-alnst the estau view Cemetery . Orovo St. Tel, SS8-VV. 9-33-tt The IVarHnll Co II3.H4 $ 750 72 of said deceftsod within six montha frou xylose, a kind of sugar. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT FOR SALE 2 I.ovl I). Darby 48.9B 3yi 60 the date of said order, or they will be IIIIMTUIIIS UEI'AIIUCII, Polished nnii .'! Lclifh Al. I'ciiraall .,135.80 814'80 forever barred from prosecuting or re rAn RENT—8 rooms. All upholstered also now furniture made 4 Itoliiut F. llulienateln 10.13 17C.6M covoring the flame ngalnut the suh The Game of Polo OEMJSTINB tOPEZ linpruvementu. tu order. Max Harht, 913 Rahway riione 11121. IV«I>II;H HanH anil scriberi*. &i6 OumberJanfl Si. J-ll-tl Modern polo wits played almost In Phone 1560. S-B-tf Avo. Tel. 1875-J. 9-16-tf Trust Cn 100.00 800,01) JOHN ALEXANDEn BOBINSON, Celestino Lopez, whose home was Itoliert M. Krinch . 80. 1SQO0 THE! WBSTFIEIJD TRUST CO. Its present form by tlie princes of at Tampa, Florida, died yeaterdny JNSS I'KOPIrlRTV FOR RENT—• WINDOW MIIAUlSil—Made corructly by Kuril Inn ml .t Alliort "Candle Inn", 226 Eaat Broad St., I.I U HO and MA1VNINO, Oaraere bulla- accurate machines; best quality tna- (Srltznor .V. tUistivv ! Kxecutora. Byz«ntlum, nnd th« Emperor Com- ftornoon at tho home of his dau?!i- era, concrete and cement work, drain oca nine rooms, eli Improvements, heart aKe, and driveways. Telephone West- terialH; quick Bervlce; work guaran- Neuiniui .17.50 aoo.oo "' nenus was Injured I'.v falling from his :er, Mrs, John W. White, 803 Boulc- of business district, opposite niaUo teod. American Window Shado Co. John '/,. llntlleld 60. Theatre; fine location for restaurant Mold 1012-J, 664 Downer St., Weat- 141 North Ave. Walnfleld. Tel. 704. •100.00 ~ horse in the game. The game became fleld. 5-S-tf !l U'psllldit Ht iiv n B o ord, where he bad been visiting for or similar business. References re* D-30-St lliillery 80. popular In England In 1872. ;he past threo weeks, quired, No agents. See Owner. MTH. 0 and Supply ('ompany "Ii, MICKIE SAYS— Bawley, 'tie Central Xve. ib-j'-tf SZAMX.A « GUINTA—Sewer, cess 'OH .SAI.M—"Thatcher" IMpeteaa Furn- 1 Oharloa 0, c- fan-tan, a tennis fun, "fan me with a lluhlenberg hospital. proVemetUR, Cook Avo,, Fe-'-*i 1'hiins oro tho thiK. for sm,i Tneetliiir brick." The funeral service will be held N. J, Phone Fanwoort, 3877-11. Foil .HALI'J — Nine plcco dining room ^HAItLKS DLAKK. MISCELLANEOUS suite In golden oak, porch tnviiifr. and Thursday afternoon at 3.30 In All for sale or rent, 6 rooms, gar- hoy's bicycki with conslor brako In •-jL»i« Town 'i;:a:,t Needs Skilful Handling laluts Church, Fanwood. Inter- Phono 182<-W. O IIUNTINCI or Sl« THIOsrASSINfi cxcellont condition. Call (126 South ment will be mad© In the Baptist KI^UH, prinlfd on muslin, fur wule at Ave, I't'iiliii; \OTICB Tlie human inlnti Is to be treated like tin: header Office. 'emetery, at Scotch Plnlns. J'ii hilt Noiir,. |» i,,,roby Klvon that an • gkein of raveled silk, where you must APARTMENTS FOR RENT ITOR SALB—A Vwo liurnor Florence rdluarito of which tlio following Is H cautiously secure one free end before •dtt SAI>IS — Barberry ready now-— Kerosene Stove, one year old, KOOO HK py was rend and paased on first read- choice plants. See. them at our nursery, now, cost $17.50—price 110.00. K K,hiyntho '-"""c11 of 'lie Town of you fun mi :e any progress In disen- APMITMBNT roll I»UNT—5 rooms and 7iili I'loxpoct Wt. I'hone 89G. Caro- Gules, 204 Walnut St, Phono 1102. ostllcl.l al a miifjtliiB helU October 2R, tangling It.—Scott. Mtterly Family at Pavperm bath, large porches tind pleasant fiur- •• -Loin , Flora_ l• Artist• . 10-28-tf !U5, and thai the |,| Council will roundlncrs; close to BUitlon, M'ltll KOIl SAI,R—Bed, Spring and maltreas, «»lder the limd |,,, sasagB thereof on After the death in thi Koutbnmp- heat ana 'Igrhi: also garage. 3 22 Fer- Till': IlKVXOI.Ils — 120 Ferris Place, Good condition, Keaaonnblo. Tol. S ris PI. Tsl. 341. 10-28-tf Westileld, N. J. will «l>eclnlize. In a io 9th day of November. HS5. nt .'liiht :«n, England, workhoust. of I'hlllp eiileken dinner every Thursday, at 186-R. cloclt p ni., In the Council Chamber, Couldn't Be Worte Henier, whose father and mother had 11 s ;l SIre APAHTJIE1VT TO l.riT, with hent. Tlunt if.J0 p. m. Chiclien a la Maryland FOIl s.vi.M—Cabinet SIB raime, works Vo"!lleT,l! Now jit,™} '-° '"" «'' Muggins—"Scribbler's poetry strikes een burled as paupers, $1 'AS> In fold, $50.00. Union Ave., Cranford, N. J. with wnffles. Phone 341. 10-28-tf ood as new, cheap. 261 Seneca PI, me as hfltiB rather clumsy." Busttlns— Inqulrs John Darsh, Weatflold, N. J. CIIAItUSS CLARK, Jlver and securities was . »HI:«S.AKI.\C 11-4-21 "Cl"ni9y? Why, it positively trips over TO THOSli WHO i.OVIO QUALITY In etoh«r 28, 11125. T0W" Clcrk- In the home where tlie thr^e had llieti •'(HI s.\Lli—Kldulo Coop, Good as now, Its own feet." millinery, in lieinBtttthlnK nnd plcot- Hiieilnl ll,,l|,,nnct, No. ogether. lnn, In fur remoduiing and machine (151 fifteen Dollars. Phone 23 West- AN i:l ROOMS FOR RENT made buttonholes, come to u > l-,.Vi'lVK. ' ° APJI'llOPHI.VTlNli Miss IIANKIN'S MILUNHIiV HTUDln, N, All > IMONALS-Ii.M OP POUItTKKN As They Sound Struml Theatre Iluilcllng. HUDSON SEAI^ nUvmK trimmed. IOUK lS.' ,',U;:1J. |IO'-1"MIS TO MEKT HII0 Best Months for Saving* furnished rooms, alao one Up One Pll(rin, coal for sale, |75.0O. Seal coat, »olt /AT13H" uiM.ft!':TINO TKSTS ro" A It mar bo true Dial a man and his or tivd rooms ivlth private tmlh: S January and October are the h«n- Thono l'lulnllold 4389 1'lulnlleW, N..1. trlmmcil, fCO.OO—beautifully linen. leioaH Hi,. upiuDprlalloiiH horut.i- wife ore one. lint (here are times, It) sr months for savings accounts. Afler boflrd If desired. Close to siatlon and 9-30-tl \V«»tllcl—-raucriiiK, ralnlliif; und FOR SALH—Baby L'arrlatfo and illn dozen.—New Orleans States. Flnor CleaninK j)roin[iH.v JlttelHlet] lo. ing HUpply of ,i,,,,p W(ll, W]lter |1Ilvc :hrlstmns are put In savings fund.1 room tnMo, leather couch. Cheap, 'Olt C-MlllUHIi'il, ullll O rtK.N'T— Furnished room conven- t:ll Downer Sr, Tel. 1012-H. 3-30-tf W. Uroad Ht. ants for summer vacatlona and l& ient >o station. 406 First St. Phono Whcrens n further .mil nildltional sum .... . I — I. H. t fonrtnote n hiinilreil dolluis (51,400) la Moorhh Superstitions Philosophical Thought ctober Balnrled ppople begin to *«T* Ynrnall. D. 'J. l'almer Method. Orrico Mltllrcd fer tltluu: i>\ii)>oso of completing Life Is like a game of whist. 1 iant or the holidays. TIVO CUXKKCTI.NQ rooms, furnished liours, Monday to Friday t> to It )>. m. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE ich testa: and One of the llr.-t things u traveler no- Whereas no li> ]>r!vale tamlly, wltliln ten minutes 415 Boulevard, Wcatfiold. Phono 9S-.I. i appropriation, for tho Jlces In a Moorish tot;n lire the enjoy tho game much; but 1 like to walk to town und Railroad »>-.t«. 0-30-tf urpo;iL of iiu tii!)^ rticll aodll nul - •— Franklin louring cat l was maih- "hands," painted or Oriovn, on thp play my cards well, nnd see whnt will Ph 450M flioni,, AtldreHH "Cnr", c-o Leader Of- in rJio budjret tor tli be the end of It.—George Eliot. The Interesting Emu KI'.AI, iiiiati: in Scotland. .sweaters, «:,If anil Arrong the Indigenous birds ol • and one snirle, 5 mlnutea walk to sport hoae. scarfs, chamois and spor! lueensland the emu rlvnln the ostrich utiillon. I'hone 1040-W, 11-4-lf Jaekels for UHMI, women nnd children, FOIl SAL11—One ton Ford truck. •Wil- Another Traffic Rule for voracity. In the stomnrh of R .lulin Milllluriirt, 417 Klmhall AveC y, liam Wlnkler, Division Avp., Wost- Von RKNT—4 rooms and bath, newly Evening ApiiolntinontB, t'honr _ 2- . neld. •When turning n corner nl high specltnen recently killed were found drter-rjueu1, 112 1'rospect St. I'nonc ccd gee that you nre trnvcllns on ine four pennies, nine nulls, five marbles, FOR SAI.K— llulck, mor Weifueiii.'county "f Union, men have to live.—Mlnml Tribune. FOFl RRXT—Larjro front curnte" Mclal \Vc;ither Klrliin. Koei' rnad, nny dernonslratiiMi, .•Irst $100.00 Jle rain (if fmirteon hundred dol- "Gold Is II wonderful ilieuter of (ha clock wheel nnd crockery. lorntlon. Six minutes •to lion. nut wlml and dust. Distributed and takes cur. Phone Wnstlleld 04. h'1 iiui! tlm Bi\mc Is hereby I'hone 13I-J. lustiill^.l In- A. W. Nlcolson, Phom. teil for Hi,, purpose nf nice1 antlcretnndlng. It dissolves every m-as-st IVi. ' 9-23-tf »st of n>m|iietliifr tcstH for riTI doubt uni) scruple In mi itiHtunt. It itc> FOH HEST—Larjio, comfortfiblelv Always Worth While Wonderful Opal LAUNDRY supply of eop woll wider lr coimniviliitca Itself to ilio mennest ca- iRht'fl front room in private f PIIIKTI.VU OP iM'Ai.rrr—Bill TTeniiB, f \v, .siiield, and thai In An cltort iniide for tbe bupphieaa of One of tho flneit opnls of modern Terms pensionable. Breakfnal o Letter lle:u)R. Ncjtt> llciiila, HOOUIGIP rulp ll)e motley llc-rthy ap- puclty, ^ilcticcfl the loud find tremulous •tiers Hfis us ttbovo ourselves.—Mr* times belonged 10 Empress JoaenWno, at. Phone 393-Ft. •invtliliii; In the yirlntlnit lino, Mil irnprlm, d l-.'n' 'iri-ni-v Notes ar,, hero- and brings over tht' most obstlnuie nnd . M. Child. Mi-stllolil 4117. "I.oariT Press.1' Wo |i"AJIII.Y >v nnthi dl I" tie lulled from Mn'e and ivas Imown us Ihe "llurulnjr •>' J-OII Flf/NT—One or two very (lc In!l«ll)lc."—Aildison. o.in to sa'.iafy our cuatoinorfl. ("ALLKU KOH ANI» 1)1:1.l\'l?nnri i) I line t ')'>inil not evrcedln^-, In Troy," from the Innumerable flames ronniB. choice ni»l*?hborhf>nd. Yonr liiumlry ivimhed In rnln soft ivotpr he Hirer, BUrrounrtfnsrf. !ar*rp porcli. K U'KKKl.v TI1IPS TO ABliurv Pn"rk nnd with i'roetor A Unuihle Sonpn anil tlrled Iri-d ilni Where Napoleon Rested which apjienrcd to be blaiioa witliba r.>n^nntiblp rates, n«ar Rtntlon. Mha'l hen tini,i,ai|ii»n lioach. Call, II. P. Tnwn I" frefiii mterod air—nn Irk marlts iiHed. »»« 11,,' Of a Hllltem,,-- He Pats 'Em to Sleep The cn|»!t:il ,4 tlie Island of St. Its depths. uend, 1021. 1-16-t( CoEit lens than a ivashwo:nan and morn "f tlie e jvllli eiU'C lo Whti- l Helena Is known iis Jamestown, and dependable. lalo and peril, An InveiHor in Cheshire. IIK RRAItV VIIH FALL lll'SII—Plnco Sl:\ll-I IMSIII'll SKIIVICK thereof. bse produced u mucliltio wbkb Is sutd Is strongly fortified. Easy to Give Up LOST AND FOUND your order MOW wtth "Leod^r Presia," (•'lat work Ironed, wearing apimrol dried oi'ilnim-il tlvn ihi" to lie u mire alcep iiroiltu'er. Tbt nm- tor any iirlnllnK you may need soon ,] , It la, an a rule, fur easier !• Bacri i" Inm at \iiur leisure: 10c per MOIIIII!- clTect Inime'l-ai.'i-- ,, . , - ,„ ,,„ . r CO Kim St., Went Drill. Tel. 401. •"••"il •111,1 :,,!„ rtflce eeli'—to tfve up, that !^ «» old ttnd blseh frnternltv pin. "il'ilnmni luindlf, * I 00—or wriirltn- rip' JS.10 cbltic llinivva a series of 12 dlffpr«nk Millet in the Lead PeUi to P. O. Bos t55, WeBtfielii, VMS, WM till IIIIVELOI'INO nnd nrllit. I'lirol n'sn nnntly Ironed at additional moral eilstence to tlio first one wbo ii'K rlprTH horc In our own laboratorj 'lornlTinl cost. colored lll'hl rnjd ucrosg tlie liwom- Millet Is DIP world's most prolific N. J. also copylnK and en'nrKWR- '''ini1 I-IKIM; WTOTFIB1.D 12(10 AXI> mitt nla flcilni'n fine, imttlng liltu lo »1 <•»•() frnin crop. chooscR to take It—(hnn lo fulfill oil' Poel

==* REVUE AT HAHKE & CO, - -*. ff.-rst*? EWAR OVE B 2 ABOUT TOWN WITH SALLYi * f^ * « Two Days Sale of t— ™

*-4 «-* s -ii —- i»i ROYAL ASCOT COATS Friday - s. t~» Vk j^iSi -^i* - -v. _.»*. ~ ,t THE FRENCH SHOP ex;**! . '•- ~e iS -x T\.« tfc-e . T t e5i aad n^ojc esc?u.5;ve Fifth Av«5«


Th#y have b**a cspt^ialiy jeteried for tte d»- iristi^iiiEg tiiintei* o.f \VestS*!d. Mas c{ them are trin»»-eJ with the te«st and Tsi itt* i i i. R-OSS lus-iirsoui Furs obtaicab!* in Use ican Fur Market, acd i«

J,lot. - Sp«Jml!y Priced For ThU S*I« .2 Ch -fv. Th**e yansests will b* oa display far, TWO DAYS ONLY list e » '-»- | Rid i o» V THURSDAY *»dl FRIDAY . KGTV_ ivf.-i k" ' 1 -!.- Ijrood sisj:!r. irood fc?odl iEdtS'^x^ fas. Tie Old Tu«*a»T a.ifb: brsdte " io have s5;e^ Tte usual seareS for oae'j ha', if -are can ceip i W MC Iportli fursitore, eSot!s«s t £tj«i „soia, e {o kave ii Ssed for t . Hill Fr'sU* »:*St A. Hirr'-j 1TAA. ; to go on Sna .>"•,* tit Your tester. rictim ot a S^ic: lie sf-.er The Little Brown House to Barb " MARCHETA " «&« pneseautloa vf '"M *r«h*U"" Real Ttel^» OBW were well,,. ,h,ch^ M thaf MRS. BARBARA ELDRiDCC A Re*! S9*iuiJ> Mnkal Ccmedy wilfc mttsdtd fey oar iswjssEieai EOWISS- Dc&r Mrs £idri

••it p Helen Gaubis Edward C. Hubert Esther NichoJ* Ms of Westgelii enthusiasis !a sision. Title c? Mortgage Wallace Hall Doris SSeuen>ag«l Alien S. I¥irt» Kew Hsvea this las* Guaranty Co. Clifton 3. Hopf Joseph A. West Raskin Watls *• a < an Ruth Hubert T. Wooihouse Eds&r Wright V.L %vith 14 BriHiant Choruses EXTERN TERMINUS OF AIR MAIL SERVICE The Christmas ^ard? *.h:s year sro Vfry ccSorf\.l Y a * the eri^raved eartis are lovely ar^d th-o Iv-^er priced e^" ^ All Seat* R «r^ed—Prv^j, TSc, $1.00, $I4S aad SIJ ?^tisfactory. e COMPLETELY LIGHTED FLYING FIELD Asa:n let us thank yea for y»iur kf^n interest fa TICKETS NOW ON SALE AT rRUTCHEVS THE LITTLE BROWN HOUSE OF WESTF1ELD Remember "The GJorJ«u* Girf", 108 Harrisoa Ansyi HCUB "M A R C H E T A** Her,

_*-*-*• .»..».»•»•»-•.•-»• •»••«• ,1 GLOVES ^.HOSIERY I I I THE BAILIE SHOPPE Coats-Dresses-Hosiery-Lingerie PLAINFIELD'S LEADING MILLINERY STORE 115 East Front Street PLAlNFIELD There are no K'ttrr sJiot~> Whatever you require; you'll find hero in the in the v»t*rid fcr }ixin>; folk* greatest assortment, superior qualities and th.in Tru Trcd*. smartest styles. COATS tc ihtir dfciil^ Beautiful Drew Hat — $5 to $24.50 je in comfort irni We arc showing a lino of smart sport and dress of Velvet, Velour, Satin, all coloring coats, in plain and fur trimmed. All size:*. Priced very Street or Sports Hats — $2.95 to $9-50 The moderately $15.00 to $90.00 all colorings, of Felt. Velour or Velvet to function as natiire in % tend"!. f ' "- nt ^c&d tight 0/ 73j. Soys, Girls, Infants "''id u shown in the utovt DRESSES H«4' . "I FielJ, New Br-juswick. jPanicaJar *tt J3 cze cf tie l One and two piece dresses in cloth, velvet and silk - -"a itrminas of the air lighting units manufactured. ma I , -'.r» !>stweeD New York Tha hangar buHcjD^B are 8oo< * 'n f«!d for nisht op^ra and up to date. Priced to euit all purses. These will ^ M"tn)p3jitaa diftric:. 81 i Bread Street A twenty-four inch i>saciia on sop 105 Marfcrc Strcvt of erne of tb? hangars guides the , appeal to the woman who vvants to be smartly dressed. air IV Eastara jeroplacrj pt'iots to ibe fieiQ. This NEWARK, N. ). 0 3 hM See our special values io Hosiery and Lingerie. T ,'Tld is ouUintd byj^ . . * «ncei)tr3i«3 ixaal f,rt d'.darj- iishts tach r fet't o' right kind of PelU. t(ri n^ 'hro^^yriners of z :-it.;!it incii ti!e w;re iah), open ICE CREAM i tin I ghi In a!! directions i*chts *.v^re covert-il and tfev first " ' I11 desrwi. in ihi~ lansar b'jiMins; was built- R-.S'j!ar In other words. Better Coats, and they cost -- w> b-ish'. at nishl tha: pvralions at the fl';Itl were staru-d no more. Enjoy The Fall Coloring of the Trees in the Hills i< of (ho fl-Kid light or the fi'-'W in f1Jrni'-h'--1l by Pub- 1 ' 'H"ninatR th« ground ic Service Kl':ctrlc and foci] iiL-ht and fit:!! !f- BLUE HILLS PLANTATION i! 'ijrkii « |i ;* «aM titt" j sUt ih'vf c Greenbrook Road (Off of Dunellen) ii TODAV D. DRYSON & SON DINE WITH A GREAT DEAL OF SATISFACTION IN THE TEL. WESTFIELD 843-W Master Furriers HERMAN AHLFELD 3 PROSPECT STREET WestfieldCsiifJylitcki! NEW WINTER GARDEN HIE. BROAD STREET, Everything For Your Comfort BUILDING CONTRACTOR WESTFIEU) Dancing Every Week-dap Evening PROSPECT STREET WESTFJELO. N. J. READ THE LEADER FOR REAL NEWS THE WESTFIELD LEADER, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1925 Pmge Ten

-s-Bna NEW AUTO LICENSES asf Lessons in READY FOR ISSUE NOV. 15 CAN BUY IT FOR LESS AT The i:>2i; aliliinioliile retistro tiim iiiates i'nr thi^ >taie me. to he ready for issuance- «u November 15. ar curdin.-'. (o aii anihiiincriiH-tit h.v State Jliilor Vehicle CiHiiiniy.-iioii .__.—jJby WYNNE FERGUSON H'iliarii I... Dill. Chain Slot® Mr. Dill liaH UfKeci lhaf nuto.'no- ELECTRICAL APPLTAWCES 'Author of "Ferguson on eduction Bridge" kllUU obtain their ta ncis u hu i d t < r lu w,n uiiiiVi J-IK'dcs — O, J, 10.9, B '•year alter year," slid !)!!!. "mo- Mmle of lirnvy GUARANTEED ELECTRIC IRON st M «1 % h tt \Q do u ill t< Hi in typrs of Should you bid one no-trump or one retopplng nn JiiiuK M' ^t j>' i\u& I * w vJn-n lo hid torisls are nrKert l>y ihe ileiuir'mi This handsome, well spadc.'This is a very close hand, per- to ask for their plates well ii) ad- matp-rlnl OtJv nt is urnpuroni t ( L M i it {•vt:?y nmv sonally the writer prof ITS a spade bid OTHER CABB nnd OK i lJir\ Jj ! i { ut i th.it [>U7vU- vance of tin; last day? !n IHWinlmr made Iron Is highly pol • ^ .,. l-ui woi'M nut m'lidze a no-trump. Heavy felt tJitm / or c\ mif!( uj j. <• <- yoif i. nn. Heater OltADBS "E" and ALASKA fiC Hearts — K, J ti ii - 1 5 p. ni. Saturdays iii'"iisi\c-. Hearts— JO, 8, 7 tVV Noveinhei- Hi Illlli] 1 leeenil)."r 1 Gal. Can Sealed DOC Chshs— f,0,3, Z ; Y CIIIIIH — none Diamonds — 9,3, 2 :A II ; )>i;iiii I in- 8 Gallon Sental CHII $2.70 Spades— A, K, 10,4 ; Z Spaf Irs-•-<>, 7, 3, •/ ei't.-ivp, the HKL'IICIPS will rviii-ji fiHAl>B "A," 1 Gallon Sealed Can 71 Rubberized m nj>en until ti o'idock in tlio evening. S Ottllon Can Grndo "A" 3,10 Sufficiently large to heat (lie In Ivory, pink or blue, tvidi No score, rubber game, Z dealt and 1 jdate.s may lie placed o« :att.o- largo room or office. A 910 cr<1 anil Htfatchnipnt 7. fulled to follow suit on tin peeoiul n passed, A bid otic* sj\\*!t% V out* no- rmmil of :>|i,!(!cs. A w.<.^ now in a posi- P« imy time on Decvmher :u, GREASE value. plug. CniflUjr 91.78. trump, II p.r.sed and '/. hid two hearts. tion where he rouhl routit V.'s hand Mild Dill. A am? V passed and Ii hid two spades, very iienirauSv. \ s lead of i he ace a nil 1 Pound Cuii lBc S Pound <'an . . , 05c An entirely iif"w .-.y^tem will ho. in- Z hid tliree rlulis, A and V pasu-d ;md trey of he.nis ;uM the fut that II held B hid three £.paden. Z bid four cluh.s A miatrated with the advut of 1B2(! FAMOUS EVERHOT liir- denee iued i'or .AUTOMOBILES f eiulj^ iiidirated 1 hat he must: hate •ecuest* for low nniulrM's hy persons tiattcrifiN nre on. ace of hearts and then led iho tn y, held :•( le.e.t live chilis ft thai Ills orij;- FLU2H FLOOR TYPE 8-Cup Aluminum How should Aplay(hecoinbm<*d iiand'----1 hiiilum: that low re'dstralion mini- ensrri In molilrd I lioMiru,' must Imvr liei-n M\ hearts, For small Sedans, $| A.95 After winning the second tr'wk w'aU t he (iM-w dcslRtia- 20% x 6% .95 lon also, said •Oonim.ia-donRr Dill AUTO Two buvniis; 2 licnt inches conti-iils. I'suiilly SiO -v111 operate lo inane the highest li-'l For Fords, 0 V—It pinto, 85 am., ,Sl^.»r, l.iniis • - unite ense Miimh.'rs only fivo dibits in-1 Diamond.i- ~ none I) V—13 plate, 100 mil.. .914.05 lo.-l(! ot' .six. PftTlVi 95c Sjjadea — K, V, 5, 3 Mont nnil Colfl Drflwfors SprHnl nodfro, 12 Volt..9 Hearts — Q, 7 Hearts—10, 7,4,Z FAMOUS EVERHOT Clulis— nonet Another new feninro to be Itiniii-.u- Chilis— none tttetl wi'li : he J92IS jilntca is Unit ah HKAT1WJ PADS Diamonds-- none :A I! : 1 )iaruonds —• none SPECIAL STOVE Spadt-s — A, U, 8 ollcft depiuiments will he supplied KMCCTUIC 39 Z : Spades — 30 $1 Hydrometer, 39c Onn limner. S(llrfl.v '•til the numbers «f Plali's Ipsucd Ip' ;l hPiit tliernioNhitlc $6.89 control, HCJIIJICPH tbt* Gunruntrcd. 3 Herts -K,y ach of the various a^eneie': tlifii- lioi wntcr boitl<\ IMstilli-d Wnloi', )ier bottle, S2c I'.s.mlly S.-J.riO Ch\hn — II Oi 10 ttt the .Slate, in order to make- oaa- a —none er (lie idenMlieat'-m of molorista. THIS SALE EFFECTIVE ONE WEEK ONLY -J.0, 2 The plate:; will contain an or:t ijm Them are no trumps nnd 7. iff m (heam! lead the ei^tit of hearts. If B plays lead. Haw can YZ win three o( tlie five (lie ten, Z sljoukl pluy tho kine, and ai'lifiroiind with white, uumoialii RADIO tricks against any defense? (lien lead tlie nine. 11 H playH Itnv, V. ased on figures of tho present ve'ir Micro will he an estimated n'lii'ber Answer to Problem No. 3 should /.lay the nine, forcing A in the AUTO lead. A ('an now lead a heart or a spade. of CSO.OOU voKlstratlons issued for 7 '-mild Uv-uHhu jad;ofspiideHiirKl A':; If [he former, Z wins the trick and the coming year. 109-111 PARK AVENUE, Near Front St., PLAINFIELD, N. J. (.'onijilrte 1; ,i"p]yy i* the quee-it. ff A B1U>UM pby I. ails it spade. If A leads tin- ace and t.»r ;u-t', ^'/ will win Hie l-alaucc con. 15x40, only $7.98 venicnt articles for 1.1-.3 $•& |A Mahogany Copswell Chair la tiJOO Cft household, '•! for ej) I . 1 H fcttractlve eoTering* «6J.3U GJIS Heaters—a NUKIII <|tiantily, will g,> at onc-hnlf tho princ. Set1 tlioso. Step Ladder*. 4-foot, (f 1 «>A Five-ltnee U'uroom Suite, consisting of dresser, cliilTorett*, Ilmfted ouantity OV Door Miits, keep the dirt out, fin full bow-end bed, vanity table, and chair—compl<»t» with Tvn-piccc Dining "Boom Suite, furnished In French or AmtV- only OUV. Cortnmert, oak or mahogany, d»t OA iciiii waln«.t finish. These suites »r« solidly eonstrneted «nd Who v.'onld fail to pet one or two of these? spring and mattress at the surprisingly low ^19'^' limited nnnntity «P1 .OV will :uli] lo tlio refinement and beauty of the horns. 8om*< Window Shades—nil colors, every one frtinr. Anniversary price of *^ *' FooMobe Radiola, $7C AH fiateed perfect and assures snl' fnelion. tlrn-,' worth while in the Budget price, $139.50. completely Installed W*«J»UU Take them with you at d»| AiiMivciKiiry price of. ,.....,,, Silk Covered *1 A A 3 for only «P 1 In lots of three to a customer. Budget price, $139.60, Bed Light $1*UU Those interested in Floor Coverings will Boadoir Lamp*, pottery basei, d»1 QA find it to their decided advantage to visit with rflk shades tpl.JSf this department for remnant values Floor Lamps, polychrcma g»A j'fi as low as, square yard 29c bases with «!lk shades «Pt?.3U Anniversary Special of yard goods ent Card Tables, leatherette tf»«J OA from full rolls APJ UU or felt tops ®U*UV from 4/C. Columbia Phonojfraphs at exactly linlf of Bed Spring and Mattress, any size, all fin- the original selling price, which then was ishes, quite. tf»i Q | low- special $1 3., End Tables, genuins mahogany top and Three-burner Gas Range, fully Riisiranti mahogany finished base, rf»«j AQ large size $1 Q I onljusty thinNOkW o f it, limited, yL.ifO hakincr oven «J^ " 5I,« Kitchen Chairs of oak finish,9x1 2 BrnwelAO i Seamless Rags, ot ntrions patterns, and something quite right, at 9x12 Velvet Seamless Rugs, good eoloring, new crea- i tions, and a real buy for you, at 27. Aside from the numerous barga.".. offered in W* 27x54-inch Axrainster Rug, long wearing, high foregoinc, wo have hundreds of attractive items at prit • Never overlook the generosity of our convenient RUGS pile niff. Spetinl NOW , that will briiur out the glorious satisfaction of mm;" *• $2.98 tho heart glad in the purchase price. credit plan. Otlier K!.:


j 1925 UNION COUNTY |S. R. MEANDERERS r S P O R T S FOOTBALL RECORDS! TROUNCE SCOTCH PLAINS IN ? i' S?JVI2T Wnstlield THERE ARE A FEW VACANCIL *—+-+-+-+-•_,, Thu .shady .lie. I. M imunced I'aiby hiiE won „ iiermaiieni iI Westfield-. .. 1 MoiTiflnwi •i»U:(l to l,e DIP In! lu-.vu t.u see Hoi) In action against 14 Rosell.' .. ( war,, ul- tlle w. H. S. H_e und „_, Harvard on Saturday. sensational rnnnins by p,,t(S wi,,, 1038 PARK AVE., PLAINF1ELD, N. %. I Taverner Stars as Defeated th ?;ai- of tli.; prim; 46 i. got off on three occasions for dis- r (•lir:O. IHinn, at eml. played a ballf- - Willord Morgan again broke inlo I'l.ilntlehl tances of seventy yards or more. Eleven Outplays Blue Harvey scored tlmo of the Meander up came and smashed up nearly ail llie Huteers' line up last week he Plalnfleld 0 Summit <\ K your b' / is not doing we]j wbere he is, we iWHy ers' touchdowns, and McCoy took and White plays d'reeleil a t him. Clark, in th? • ug usud at fulllmok. Coach Wal- " 12 Mnntcl.tir (I lie abli' ../ licit-, hi,,,. Supervised study and play. the other over on a forward pa«: backlipld. iv;ij; the whole secondary lace thinks liisliiy of ••l-osfum's" " 27 Morrlstuwn .. fi Staff .if t" ive teuchcra. Uyrnnasium, Tennia anility as a passer and has been call- from Jackfeon. ; [n_y - uiiexnecttd streugtli. d -fem-e. Many tinies Ho^elio. run- " 7 Weettiehi o HiK on him resuhirly in the last fow Ccrls ar :! two n'.lilctic fieldH. liuil>!!,. II. K. lost tu XV. SI. H. last nerg broke lliroush with a clear 7 Trenton 7 Thero was no wcorlni; the (ir^i per. : :!! games. Sa'u"-il " Heorontioii Field, J 1 U. Held ahead of them only to have iod, but the, wiiniers got g,)ini; in Hie "Btid second and scored in every period Tii'o cn:in'. played in a sea of mud, ""•••"' ' ' ig- tht'in to earth when a Tel d80 ar 924 C. D. WARDLAW, Principal touchdown ,,s "i ilisiiijjuitilnieiit to the many ?:ired certain. Hariy Wliiton, regular tackle last Suniniii thereafter, two of lhe lonrhdowm. j iR .vea \y. . S. and now dei, JjL.v,,. .- of the local eleven as the '•oForr nosiMifi, Cohefoiien and FrieFricdd - ! r on H o. now :la stustudein Summit 9 PlalnfkHi n coming in the third quarter. ip V il. S. il.-lfiise «af the weakest of lander carried the hall for mo«t op' "' Mi'nf'rsl"'»-"- 'amc down to look 0 Railway . 13 The line-up of Hie teams: I l^WJ fllK, UP- cut season. Roselle had tho gains. These two nlaver'- I "IU b'"° 1""1 whil1' lu'-" ov('i' "» tlieii- i 32 Olen Ridge : ... d M(l iiiiM'iifhi'd ilia blue and white, lino worked vvdl offensively hut wa-!, , -" <» start tlie 85 U (irst extremely weak on defense The I lclawarc—''I'MIIH Ki'inc- last week iconic|i '" downs to but S foi KJIIIWUJ Left Tackle jy II. S- While Hie line looked bad, llno-upup : i However, , he brokee intintoo the line-up 1 Huhway 20 .nosellt? o H. lluintdirey . .. ncndall i WHEN ARE WE GOING TO PAINT j j ti:r»;ulary defense completely in tlie seeontl hal! and t e Westfield II. H. Hoselle II. ,s 13 Suininlt ... o Loft (iuard crumplcil and allowed Roselle to run helped tiam in ihoir :j.|-o vlc- Dunn Blerworlh 62 Per tli A in hoy (i Goosby Halnier | irild throughout the same. tory. AND DECORATE YOUR HOME? " 30 Orange u Cantor 1 Durow " 21 Irvlngloti 0 •Waller ... Iletllohl Taveriiei led the aKsattlt against • •• Koenan Tuvr-Hlor, Unvdon ;md Chirk, arc Left Tackle Hlght (Iuard EoBelli' and [ilayed about the best a combination haril to heat this year. 1 McOwIro .... 1 138 ,, t>. Humphrey Phono Today 551.W game "t hi;; career. Several timt'S rfnor AH arc plM.vins at (up form for W Smith Lfift Guard lilght Tackle lie iniikc through the line or skirted If. S. ltosell,- (lie ends for gains from tea to Gordon Itolto Kosclle 32 Dillon 0 Piirker .... Alberts twenty-livi! yards. . Captain Clark Center HlKllt ICnd That AVi^t licld-Sllllinlit battle lit' " 0 Rahwuy . 2u | carried the hall for many ioibstaiit|n Vance .Inckfion . .... Llano WILLIAM BRODERICK BislutiiBlij Saturday should prove a hummer. A 12 Orange .. . ;i ()»Brt«rlinck i gains and greatly assisted "Tavvy" Right Guard victory over Summit will place W. !!. :JB Cranford o Wester-berg HiU'vey by hi? excellent Interfering. . Conovi'i S, near the lop of the pack 0 Summit 2 1 .... Murlrk Left llalfhnek 25 ELM STREET The fiiiine started with Hoselle Right Tackle B W«wtlli'lil .. it WESTFIELD, N. J. Orr McCoy Cromption kicking; off to Clark who ran it !nei< Wiener OTIIIOIS I/XIOX corN'i'v riAMics ItlKlit Iliiiriinck to his 13 yard line. Failing to sain RlfSlit End 85 ill Clark (Cant.) I'lalnfieid and Trenton haltled to Potts Krail he pnnli-d lo It. II.• H. 2!) yard line. Swsu-tner liosellc lNnli Quarterback a 7-7 tie nt IMnlnfMd. The latter Iteelle cinic-cl end for a 11 yard liosi'lh' I'k... 2 Retnn Hall 1'i'i.p. ::s I tn:im has not linen defeated this ynar. Rcoro by , jsainatnl puntr-d to W. If. H. t!) yard Frledlnnder fCapt) IB Lincoln ii 1'ialnlield lost a K'>hl(Mt o]iportunlty .Meaiidcrot-fl 0 (i i line. T.n'Tner shot off tackle fo Left Halfback 0 Kearituy 12 (1 L' to win the. g.'nne In tli<' linal (itijirler Scotch Plnli 1 Conway Cohen 0 Morriatown tj 0 () 10yards anil a punt save Roselle the hut a I'ltnihle, near Trenton's nn;\\ n— o Right Hairhack 11 Union il line, cost them a. victory. llrtinner Outline i Aro you n Bubscrihcr of tho Leader? Summit liad 'io open date and did The Only Gift tliat Only You can Make — Fullback 35 If not, Why Not? Only 52,Oil nor not play. They were scheduled to op- Scorn by ijn.'jrters: Criiiiroitl year for all the Intent news, pose Chatham on 10leet ion ll.-iy. Wostlield IF. S 7 7 0 0—1-1 Cianlurd 7 SolllOrVllle Kaliway is a;::iln headed for tiic floselle II. S 0 0 0 0— (1 6 No. l'lninlield N'ortli Jersey cltninplonshlp. They 0 ItOKOllo Your Photograph Substitutions: W. II. S. — llennell j ran .... md over the slron« Ir- 0 Union . for Conway; r.ihnnrtin for lFenne31;j vlimtou •cu. 21-n. 'I'IIIK i-.lves llritten for Orr; Slcrciig for !lc- 0 Kcarnev Kahway a tntal of l.'itl ppoints for Make Tour Appointment NO W (iwiie; Kuekert for Vanco. She r''as'>n n^aili^t mmo f" her 19 Hoselle—Kelson for Friedlnmler; ilOll vll t il. Union Hcott for Outline; Uulwlgsen for Until" I'.ii'k HUM a I,liter in I'nlor I'nlon 0 Uoacile h'cott; Olson foi'Holte; rvlonlat'iie for nnil was lucky to turn In :i 1 l-il (I Carliiri'l Ac.ul. THEO. J. HINTZ Conover. victory, « Mlllliiirn f'r.-infiM-d liit-t lo K'enniey, M-n, Touclulown.-i: Cliirk; Cordon; Co- 15 Wood bridge hen, Lindi'ii \v;is ,;v,'.-inipr-d by Iternard-- Studio 7 (Jranford 1 ville liy a Feore of .'IO-0. I'J.vtra jioint; Taverner (L )—Place- 0 Hoselle 1-iirk Mfc ment kick. 109-111 Central Avenue Phone 287 W. H. S. INTER-CLASS Referee: Hiildivin, (.'oltmihin. 22 Hli'l Westfield, N.J. Umpire; Patch, Aniherst, FOOTBALL FRIDAY Linden Ile.ui Linestnnn: Cartter; Col^aio. Obs-erve our Arlist's idea Linden. Tlnifi of quartors—11 minutes, 'I'ho annual inter-ila~w foothall .. 7 Pinirrv Scrnlw for mothers to keep little The Finest Sludlo In ttie Slalo e:nnes will lje.'in tl'is w.-el; when the 25 N'n. iTiinticld boys spick and span I W. H. S. TO PLAY AT Hophoiintre iind Honlnr ela^r! team 0 Mllll.iiin ... . I battle In tlu> lirat. game. If posslhle, | 7 liomiii liroolt Good in theory, but lacks SUMMIT SATURDAY j the Fre.shtilpn and Junior t(;;tTiir, will « fieri. ' -jI:-io clash on th.-it day. 'V\i(: winnin prr.ctiailuy. On Snturllay, Wostdeld ii. S, OJI-tennis In those two will then 15 Better to admit little boys poses ^umiuit on the hitter's /ield in moot tlie fnllowlne week lo play offj lialtin Summit. Undoubtedly this will be play hard and dress 'em for the gchool olianipion^hip. j llatli (I Iliii-lliiKlon 1 one of tlie host i-'anies on the blue •I- II accordingly:— 0 Hnst Hide ..IS j mid -white schedule and will be well L:iKt ye:ir tho -TuniorH won on' af- i:i (battle Corduroy knickers, stout HAROLD "BUD" CLARK worth seeing. ter a i;reat battle with tho Seniors. 12 Soulh Ornt Captain This seitson, with a roul foothall s]i!r-| shoes, sturdy stockings, S'ummit defeated I'lainliebl early It at \V. II. 8., real competition lumberjack shirts or sweat- Personal ball oil her 20 yard line. Alter run- In tho soaBon, n-0 Imt was defeated should hp the result. .Several of the nlns the Koselle kick hacU to tlieir by Railway, 1,1-0. hi their last two er make an outfit for any teams have been p^ regularlgy TESTIMONIAL DINNER | id yard lino, \V. II. S. opened it]> n canies, easy victories over Olen playtime. and the largest numbor of candi- TO FREDDIE SPENCER | |V real offon.^ivo and after a .serieH of Riilso by 3 2-0 and Itosollo by 2 1-0, Christmas Cards dates in the last three years are t:*y- ': plays, dark circled left end for 9 were turned in. On paper, Summit IIIR to earn on their teams. A teritimonlal dinner will bo ^iven Dressier clothes for yard?- and a touchdown. Taverner in perhaps two touchdowns better These inter-ela.ss >;ame:i are ar- 'n'ddle Spencer hy hla iniiny adtnlr- adde.l the extra Point with a placc- than W. H. S. and Saturday's hnttl,. school, cr.urch or parties. ranged to yive those who fall to t'l-s thin "I'llitIM!ny iiisht In the audi- ;,- ment kick, Klvlna \V. II. 8. the lead will prove or disprove this, Persoiial engraved Chriatmas cards should bo nifiko either the first or Kccond terunn torium ol' the l']:iin!iekl High School : at 7-u. Coaches Batten and Wittpeun •in- a chance, to play football. They are! T'hi In field boy, All the regulation equip- very much dissatisfied with the play- V. II. S. lucked off to It. H. S. a I ways marked by k.i>n rivalry nniJ years (if ii tlif; Bk;yde Cliin ment if he's on a football ordered early. Samples are now on display. who ailvanceil the hall to mirllield us of the blue and white in JnM every yard Is Kiltnly fought for. ip of Aiiieric'i. |nst month, nn squad, or in a Scout troop. UKI 'marter ended. k'M iraine as-'iinst Ho.selle. The This J'flar, with «» much interest In arbleveineut of which hln many Early selection avoids delay and confusion. W. If. S. wn3 notlcealily weak tinil football nt W. II. S.. tbe:-e anie» will * /,'•*;/>(**r*vj Trrntfmnrk. «ll(l (jlliirU^ K friend^ arc very prouil and the pre- tho secondary dofonso was not much undoubtedly jirovr? highly ROGERS PEET COMPANY Hosclte hepan a lino snm^liin^ nt- v;ii!lne, iiviitliii'.'ut evDiessnd by many J better. TacklinR was ramrod' an.l i to tin; student body of the school of IIIK iidnilrcn; Ifi.it he bo tendered,' Broadwiy Broadway Broadway •ack and carried the ball to the ' will have to b1me holslercbolstered unnp collsiilconsid- a testimonial dinner to celebrate Hi' ; •t Liberty •1 Wariaa at IJlh S« H. H. !i yard lino for a fir*t down. erably if a victory over Summit N Here, however, their attack failed. ! FOOTBALL SCHEDULE event. ] to be expected. i HemUiSq, ,m York rVthAr% Weitli..;,! taking th<> bnll on downs j FOR THIS WEEK .Spencer, ;it the m-e of eighteen, •t 35 ih St. J .Many players arc helni; Rlvrn a City at *IM Bb liarcly s-x iaclH. s from her goal line boKiin his blcycli: c:ircc«r. The llrst chance to break into the lino.up thi* Tr«rnont at Bromft-14 Clark immediately punted out of j Tuesday — *I'lainfieid vs. *Ituhwny ram In willed he rnile was at the week and at this time no definite Boston, M_s«-cl_-a«u« A. WENZ ilaiiL-c, to YV. 11. a. -IS yard Iin , . , ° - ij Tuesdayy —--'Suntiiii—'Stimndtt v-:.. rhntlm(Miiith.'nnn j veiodrt.m,, at VallsbureVallsbure.. HHo rndo t(o wliere ito-rllc fumbled. Cordon lection ol the team has been made, j . _.. ,.,, , ,;,,„„,,.„„ J tl.L, meeting carryln,, hi, racing Dunn and on tho line ai' Fl 1(Iay ion v STATIONER Btuoiii (1 up the ball and ran Wi yards pr'(l;i *f:ranford vs. South Hiver on his nhcmlflifn!. for the second W. H. H. score. Tav- dxtures but thereat of thn l.ne U ho- ,,rjlIav.._. ,.,„„„,, Vn W(),.,,t)rl(,,.,. lin-s been his and early M-rnr u-.rniu added the e^'ra point. iim given a severe shakl.n; up and a Sat,mlai. w.^tn,.],] .-= -Summit jthl.M year, )\« and hi.-! liarfner, Bobh- 29 ELM ST. WESTFIELD, N. J. r few new faces may break into tho | Ka.1,rrI3y-.'U:.hw.',y v,= . Mtoscl (• j Witlthour, won tlio Madf!-'on O,'ird * Soon uftcr tho nexl kick-off, W. H. liiie-up. ' HUNTER'S S. took the hall on their III yard Vark j six day tacfl. Only last week this We-tlield defeated sjumuilt last , ,,,,.,,„ ,., , „,,„,,.,„„ ""'•'• Tiiiorner hit tho lino for 7 jSatiif? t^Min won the HIX day ^rrlnri Ir yonr in an exciting Manic. 7-3. Th..< | Sutunlnv—•Ilo=ollr> v.-i. Komersill yards and followed this up with a 29 Chicago. Ditrin.' tlio yirosont pnn- J'ard run around end to RoselleM "•! lratur team N out for revenue this •—Union Coinity IVanix. n. f'pf'nccr IIIH ' • n c r o w n f:• d tie ATTENTION! season and are expecting; to slop tin1 yard line as the half ended. j hicyelf: cll.'-lnplnn of A Ulericn throut'Il W. II. S. elovon. However, Halton WESTFIELD WINS AGAIN j ills <"xi>]nif"• ^"i working See us before you At- , ,r . . , . r, , , „ ,, ; youn^ men. to end" r.nr to make Uu 23 Kiitshts of Ooltimbua How ni- . . . . yard lino. On a reverse play, , , most of their n.-.-vif rMve talents, F<< MILLBURN H. S. HERE I l,e:r.'uo won tvo 'nnre i;ames at ! , , , ., ..it,, tempt to KG hunUnjf- Cohen ran around Orr for-23 yards as In pnah n tlu'rn fo nt aln the SATURDAY •md :\ touchdown. Tbe extra point, ARMISTICE DAY! Perth Amhoy Friday nlsht, i " : c.^t mark, aloni, r tho-, e jjarticula...r Hnr-:. - Let the Gun be the best vi.i forward pasa, vais Mocked by W. t mnrk alorur fho-'- particular Hnr;- Thr; local plniKTB, after winnin," ' ., c .„., , .,, ,i...-.p BETTER GOODS AT LOWER PRICES ". H. r at the right [trice and On Armistice. Day at 2:30 p. m., [,„. „-,. tw0 Kclnir,, bv mar--!nB nf t '„ , ' 1Ian r ! f After an exch.-inii0 of punts, fol- be Westneld H. 8. Scrubs will play tiv-ntv-Mvo ntid twentv^nne pins," re-i , " I' " "'" -"t Wrtw h:v< have the Hunter's .sup- First of the Month Weekend Sale thei.heir second gam_nm of tbthno SM=,,.)H'-.IFOII. heIn:-. ! „„„„,,"...,>.spectively., los.,.„t tbo n,.'final i JMTU...,-,P- t..o. th..,e„ i 1)r'en arnmsed for .-.n.! a in la time I lowing tho nest kick-off. W. II. S. sot In store for tho?r- who attend tlii- In-; opposed by the slrnrur Mlllburn van. bv a tot:,I of twentv-fouri '" st0™ ror """"* SaviriK from 5.75 to $2.!50 on a dre.sa, i;''-'-.--.-.-loii of tlie hall on her 2S yard q plies as they .should be II. S. 'Varsity team. Mlllbiirn lms a ^^ , dinner tomorrow at :<10 p. ni. 'lrl1'. Clark went through contcr for Jersey and Balbrijffran S6.00 well rounded team thi3 year andj rf] "A Number One." i S'.irds aa the (iiiarlrr ended. u Flannel and Rop $7.00 .should prove a ro.il oniioiient for the U'l'sf/iHil Y. M. C. A. TO ENTER tth quai-ter 181 17,S i:..i, STATE BOWLING LEAGUE Silk and Aftnr/ioon $7.50-$10.00 ler opened lh« lust quarter much is known of .Milli/uin's record ; ilfirtninn 171 210 In one and IV^Q piece styles with "I ••' (ItiPh off for 17 . for tin's se,)-.:i>n, tivo gn with i H,,-.vl;ind . 1.12 . ... Thn Westfield V. M. fi. A. has <•• - ncwwjt ncckliriCH. T"t;io:i Cnunty ( f FOOTBALL SPECIALS ' saino spot for 10 inorr "3 | ti.'red a lK;w!inir i'-:i!ii In th - Htn' -* hi.-dule. 1'nh.n H. 3, vn< held t<> a thrrn plu.VH falliTl am] 183 11S HIM I.e'ii-'ue, follo'-vitcr ,i fairly succ<---sfu: For the Enthusiast! 0-0 scon- and Linden '•••:>•• i!'-f.:.it'd FOR HUNTING, COLF or SPO|lT I over the R. II. 3. yw Kc-pplor 173 ISO Jflf team last year. Tiir-y boas! of ; 7-n. Wlien it is rccallod that this t'-.'irn *vltb -IH:I stars ;m An onr Men, Women and Children'ti ''' first dnwiifl In OIU:CCM»!OII. put j ''Ht'ir tfum d"fti:.t"l Nur'b Phln- Totals 341 835 84S| tin. Townlny. Scott. lionc. Do.in" jn-< i ! i: 1 "" "'l on \v. M s is v-ircl ]'v 'ti I '-'" , "'•-''. Hi" blue ,«ini vv'iirr_. p|;r.-- I'erth AmlKjy j 'iotllick In their Hne-up and cxprc' Chamoic windbrofikurft $13.50-^18.00 1 1 5 wI il:iV: P|>:-s(:;i=lon of Ilo?nl]", On a triple i'- ' ' " ' t'i 1)0 at top form to F. Mu=olf c;7 lfil 201'| to mnkii n trood 9ho*.vln? on tlie n! All NftWPst KhadcH, also Grey and Tn» v'''^' f""liPii ran around Mimn tuv HI i rpirln'or a victory. v Walsh SI leys this season. ds |n ||lo j,,,!,, _n|| „.),!(,, .H ..,>ri| Golf and Half Hose (men & boys) $l.Sr)-J4.50 Toil:iy, Cinch l:-,lt«ii will put 111-ri's<-ti!r 182 157 1S1 Any member of tho Y. M. ('. .<• ne. i[ _ «, [,„,,,,,„„, , j Prei v/ H lp ili/j iindrji' Jlrn .'ic.'ilnnt Pl.iinfii'kl Ft Musnlf 180 153 1.1° who wishes tn try on' for fh* fa"- Scarf.i and Swcatcra $2,50-$12.00 ""-•'•• !»!te,-|r,.. ,iofo,,.,, .„„, ,., f,,,, I hs and tho plnyr- HIIHWIM!,' lh Hal'litan - ISO. 15S is ur^Gfl to £et In touch with mann- PLAINFIF.I.D'S LEADING ettunpt.q, n -. ,.n , „-,]„_ _ ,, ,, , ' j",j '^^ "i| '"c" II"" l'rT 11).: r) : f )nBt s w n t form w t 0 n Ilnllalian 120 IS:! Ifl . Jamps S. Hope nr.d mnv add-i SPORTING GOODS STORE ]|j '"""" tbn ball on do-.vns on her Mlllbiim MIIIH. This namn bi e-t- him at 4 10 nnd'fly ttrrive, Wcstfl(:!il 127 W. Front St. entncr Apnnininients JULIA MAlLLKI'f-.'RT lll ! ' ;?/'' " - j p-cir,| to smrt at 2..10 p. lit. sharp Totnls ... 81!) 831 S7? N. J. or telephono 187S. i-i.Aivriri.n, N. J. Telephone 62 J 417 Kimliall Avenue f!?W BllOrt ! ll B Pun i " " " . Clark and will bo ptnypd on Itocrcatlon Phone PUinfiald 4 MS bByond wbero ( Field. G. A. W. AD3. BRING RESULTS (Hlicr Hporlg on raff" Twelve THE WESTFIELD LEADER, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1925 Page Ten "-igaas SPORTS I {Continued from page Eleven) Remember OTHER INSURANCE Our STORES I CRANFORD GOLFER Guarantee is the only positive protection against loss I WINS BANKER'S CUP It Means CREATORS from defects of title. Insist on a title policy K. H. WaiBinlii. of Oanford. ds Satisfaction. feated Charles U Holjerts, c>r Hei Com. SUITSAS* Gow$f °F STYLE when you buy your lot. We jiardsvllle, ia a play off for the I'flio- Guarantee FOR and Somerset counties iiankera goi & MISSES clmmpionslui) last Thursday at tlie Everything WOMEN Somerse! Hills Country Club. War Sold at Our AND sluki, o representative of live First Store to Be JS'alional Bunk of Kosulle, and Rob Exactly- Aa 185 East Front St. Cor. Watchung Ave. MISSES- ,,' GUARANTY COMPANY^! erts were tlefl witli eighty strokes Advertised. CLOTHING each on the first day's play. In the Every Price AT play-aft, the former wou out by a To Be a Real Union Building PRICES margin of five strokes. Money- Sftving Price. THAT ACADEMY FIVE DEFEATS You Are to PLAINFIELD, N. J. SAVE. ROBERT APPLETON ACES IN BOWLING MATCI- Be the Only SEE US Judge. FIRST. THE LINEN SHOP Ijast Monday night, the Academy WINTER COATS WHEN AT STRAUSS' YOU bowlers defeated the Five Acea on CAN BUY THEM FOR LESS 121 Watchung Avenue, (opposite Elks Club) the Academy alleys, winning two out Trolley Pa««e< the Door of the three mutches. The first WHY PAY MORE ELSEWHERE FOR YOUR FUR TRIMMED game resulted In a tie but In the last Phone Plsinfield 3S41 PLAINFIELD, N. J. two games, tho Academy team won out by a wide margin. Brown, with a score of 217, was high man for tlio winners while CHRISTMAS CARDS Koeliler turned in a score of 191 and With the red and green of the holly, the white led the losers. Tlie Fire Aces would like to hear of the snows and the gold of the sunlight make the from ony I earn in town who desire tu greeting seem more real. 5c to 25c each. Names to roll off « match. By cominuntcat- COLOW: match card lettering, $1.25 per 100. inir with their manager, James S. Hope, arrangements will bo made to accommodate them, Upfe STAMPED LINENS Onf Tho scores: Win* Make your own Xmas Gifts. We have all widths Academy ICO 180 and qualities of linen. Have it cut and stamped to Kelly 194 Cuelilnelln 151 180 1G0 •!*» your own measurements and tastes. Fritz .. - 172 180 216 Everything for Home Embroidery Brown 179 217 Oottlick 103 Vreel.ind 163 HEMSTITCHED PILLOW CASES Wells lit Konney 148 Pure linen $2.85 to $5.00 a pair Wamsutta Percale $2.30 a pair Totals 78!) S90 870 Pequot $1.10apair Five Ac^s Hope IBS 1G7 183 Wlmlen 173 170 17« Rowland ISO 170 17!) Woodruff 182 138 Koeltler 140 191 G Seller IBB C O ATS Id Douahuo ICO Totals 78!> 821 8,17 VERY SPECIAL MRS. ROCKWELL TALKS TO SOCIAL CIRCLE at

An Interesting talk on women in political life was given by Mrs. D. H. Rockwell at a mooting of the Lit- erary and Social Circle of the First Methodist Church, at the homo of Mrs. F. S, Tlpson, 737 Bouleva-d in Thursday afternoon. Mra. Rock- well, who ia Pres'dnnt of Urn lno.il branch, League of Women Voters and Democratic candidate for as- semblywoman said In part: New Frocks far Sport and "The groat question In this whole stibioct Is what spirit do women brltiK to participation in govern- Afternoon Wear ment? The spirit of the Idealist Is usually encountoroa In the woman who lias several 'causes' before tho PRICES franchise was granted whether this RANGING FROM •50 to $29.50 cause was that of universal suffrage, PUBLIC SERVICE of peace of public welfare, and these women have carried on unselfishly, Men and Women efficiently and to th© glory of wom- ankind, c i* ********** ******»Ht«f "Women of strong partisan loarn- Ing who have taken advantage of the fCHKVROI M The Field Engineer political opportunities won for them, Lehigh Valley Service PUBLIC SERVICE companies arc builders, con- with little or none of their own as- stantly adding to the material wealth and pros- sistance and who i"<"i on'i-ht nubile perity of the btate. They give work to thousands "oe. are lass happy examples of of mechanics, artisans ana engineers, practically women's bonoflcent women. For continuously employed in carrying ioriranl the they have been concerned not so tremendous PUBLIC SEHVICE construction pro- much with good citizenship antl effi- gram. cient government as with tho build- ing up of party organization and the determines the pride The Field Engineer—the man with tlie tran- securing of party prestige. To ac- sit—not only makes the preliminary surveys you take in your car cept and approve a political machine Qlitr In I" dutgn «nd finlih nuku you proud of upon which plans for improvements and iiilili- program ia uuually to fall In the it$ finetppearuice » tions to plant are based, but he takes an impor- achievement of Rood government. OuaHtyta Its chuiti comtrucdon slni you « biU- tant part in the construction job itself. "To the extent that, women break lUt petfoimamn of which you m»y well be proui. away from tire ulterior aim of par- Since the birth of PUBLIC SERVICE back in Became of the lairing pride to be found (a to «pp< ir- 1903, some $180,000,000 has been spent in exten- tisan politics, to the clear vision of »nce—and a performance worthy ot much co«dl«r sion and betterment of plant, and other millions good KOvernment through pnro and cart—more than two million people have become will bo spent in the future to keep utility service honest means win they sorve their Chevrolet owner*. abreast with public needs. country as good citizens. If they Come In and let «u »how you iomt of the quality have a 'passion for social Justice' as feature, that make Chevrolet preferred by milllom. For all this work The Field Engineer is a the outstanding: tenet of their nolltl- Let m explain how Inexpensive It it for you to become necessary and useful workman. eal philosophy, they will he rltlzena. the owner of a fine new Chevrolet. Otherwise they wll! ho only Rood Re- to Touring . $525 8edin. . #775 publica 's, - or good r>ftmocrat.s, or £.*e CommaftU! A7.K pood Socialists, or good lntlepend BUFFALO cuts. O/5 Trucll ^

Ask the Man who Bought Some of every dcsf?[)tror> CRE-ANODYNE For tho Relief of be obtained at COUGHS At Jarvis' Drug Store WILLIAMS CHEVROLET CO. LEADER CENTA-WORD ADS. PAY27 Elm St. Westfield, N. J, The "LEADER" Press, 50 Elm Street Westfiela 20 Prospect Street Phone 857 WesJ field, N. 3' THE WESTFIELD LEADER, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4 1925 Page Thirteen Exceptional Special Myatery of the Severed Hand VALUES THAT CdiliUM) ATTKNTION. MANUFACTUSEES' SAMPLES Of "* By M, E. BATCHEL1ER

' WAS at the btrlnnlng of « new Balbriggans radministration «t Washington. Ru- Two- mors were afloat that attempts tiad •piece suit«, made of genuine Balbriggan, with tttrtt be*n made upon the lives of some of collars and vplvet trim, in all the new Pall shades. Siiet fat the highest government officials, and misses and women. the police were on the alert. Then It was that the whole secret service of SPECIAL FOE SATOtDAY OHLT that city was thrown Into u violent commotion by a mystery so baffling that scores of skilled men and women, who worked as detectives Lp cltliens' drew, were uuab!e to get at the bot- tom of it .45 Because the entire secret service was unable to ferret out the mystery, the facts have never until this time been made known, and not even now Highly Individual Fall would they appear In print were tt not for • combination "f circum- stances almost as uiinuiiir&l urnl as FROCKS unreal as the crime Itself. On» morning In the eurly winter, NOVEMBER COAT EVENT ALL OUR *12.!if) AND *ir,.M UKKSgES there was a startling rumor that a TO (JO AT gardener employed In tlie Ki.tiinlml grounds had found a woman's hand 4 Master Groups of Luxurious Fur Trimmed to a barrel of water which luid been placed In the sunshine for the benefit $9.95 of his orchids. Terrified at the grue- Clot.!-, nnd Silk Dresses in new i'lare styles with long sleeves, in all some sight, he ran to the Dearest Ilio new Kail colorings. All sines. police elation and told his strange story, without taking time to remove COATS his working apron. An ofllcer accom- panied him back to his greenhouse Special Group of Felt Hats and secured the mutllnted member. It was evidently the hand of a FOR JU88KK AND V'Oll UN young lady of great delicacy anil re- finement, not too small, but beautifully formed, with delicate veinirnrlngs, For $1.79 perfect lines, nnd long, tapering V-AU.U0S Ul' TO $•',.% Hngers, with exquisite slrell-llko nails, once pink and rosy, but now cold and almost as white us Pnrluii marble. The members of tlip. seiTt'l service had followed up clew sifter clew, hut each hiul proven futile when filfieil to the bottom. November brings an event of groat importance to many, many women, women There WHS, however, cine link of taste! All who realize the true worth of soft rich new Fall fabrics—all who ap- which might form n part of the mys- preciate the meaning of beauty in workmanship and the value of trenerous fur trim- terious chain; but this link was now mings—will comprehend the extraordinary quality of those beautiful coats—all who missing. A (civ days imc-liut- the value quality will find these four prices more than appealing! All coats beautifully finding of the hand, several testified lined. to having seen n young ladv walking 178 E. FRONT ST. PLAINFIELD, N. J. early one evening In one of tlie HIIIHII Phone Plainfield 4200 out-of-thc-wiiy porks of the city, she Straight-Line and Flared Effects was described QS toll and graceful, modestly, but fashionably ilrt>»Ni'(l, Regular and Extra Sizes, nnd when at one time she drew off her glove It was noticed thnt tilie hutl an THE FABRICS THE COLORS THE FURS unusually beautiful hand. Nhe Imri Ormadale been Joined In the park hy n tall, dark, Cuckoo Natural Squirrel foreign-looking man who. uflcr n «lmrt Lustrosa Black conversation, left her. Krnin llmt eve- Needlepoint Platinum Wolf ning no trace of the tnttn or the wum- Pinpoint Wine Genuine Fox nn could be found. Stewart Bolivia Cracklehead Blue Korean Wolf After weeks of labor, the police Suedene Russet were compelled to give up the case, Veloura Raccoon and reluctnntly admit thomselvea de- Derona Platinum Gray Genuine Beaver feated. Finally "The Mystery of the Rich Brown Severed Hand," as It had grown to be I known In police circles, tftia almost Ready to Wear Dept.—2nd Floor i, forgotten save by the old gardener, who always afterward examined tho 't contents of his orchid barrel. I A German woman lay dying In one I A Wonderful of the wards of the churlty hospital. As the end approached, her mind seemed troubled and she sent for a clergyman, who, on reaching her bed- TM» ITOM Or ECONOMY % VALUt Opportunity If You side, henrd from her lips this strange Plainfield'* Popular Store confession: "I was born In Germany. As a child Front, Oppoiite Somerset St. PLAINFIELD, N. J. I attended school, and when old enough went out to service. One day Act Immediately I went to a fortune teller who was In I the vllluge where I lived, and a scret Never before have we been able to offer an opportunity like this to which she told me led me, years after- our customers. To every purchaser of the ward, to commit a dreadful crime. When my parents died I came to this country, where I worked In several families. Some years ago I entered the household of a wealthy Washing- Beauty' ton family where there was only one daughter, a beautiful girl, scarcely eighteen years of age. My duties were those of in a Id and companion to this we will give absolutely free the Squeez-Ezy self young girl. We grew to be fond of RADIOLA wringing mop—regularly sold at retail for #1.50. each other, KO that she confided In me more.perhaps, thnn In her own mother. "One night after she hud returned New 6 Tube A mop that is wrung without putting the from a reception at one of the foreign hands in water. Mop head is removable and can legations, she told me she hud discov- Super hetrodyne be renewed at little cost. Outwears old-fashioned ered that the roan to whom she was mpps many times. enguged to be married had a wife In Spain. She lind met him several times Marvelous Tone and True Reproduction secretly, and hail grown to love and trust him. She 'took on' awfully, and rr Order Your American Beauty Iron wished many times thut she was dead. A few days afterward her wish was The Artists' Personality is Brought Today #7.50 realized, for one morning we found her dead In her tied. She had taken 1 To Your Home an overdose of Bleeping powder, whl' and get your Squeez-Ezy Mop 1 ; I carelessly left In her room. I alo I' . was permitted to prepare the beautll. ABSOLUTELY FREE dead for the grim.1, Distant Stations are "Tuned In"

'About this time a little niece of ,:\ Without Effort mine came to this country with her 1 Terms Price #7.88 ! mother, my only sister. She was a '\ bright. Interesting child, und would 1 Only 88 Cents Down—#1 a Month have heeD beautiful but for a terrible > 0 Interfering Stations are "Tuned Out" birthmark on the Hide of her ffice. | 1 'When 1 looked ut this child there To Perfection came to me tho secret which the for- tune teller liiid confided to me long before—a charm which, It was said "The Most Wonderful Set since the Public Service umnug the workers In the Blnck Art, would remove Just such a m '.rk as Conception of Radio" was on my nk'ci'n fnce I must hnve hriiuded over It until my brain becnine Telephone V2S-J feverish urn] my tfjfiu^hi.'i inliunuin. Eaey Terms 10 Days Trial ESTABLISHED 1860 TELEPHONE 59 "It wan I who cut off tlie IIHIKI • found In (lie liutiinlral grounds, lie- : One Year's Service EDWARD N. BROWN FRANK O. YOUNG llevlni* thai the hlomt of tin Inriij 't*nt FUNERAL DIRECTOR—EMBALMER PLUMBING and HEATING yuUNji (ilrl. upl'lied nlrw» tlmea ut ill- | LADY ASSISTANT 47 ELM STREET nlfrhi. would remove tin' ugly birth- ; Jobbing Promptly A(l«»d«J I* murk." ' The Needed Word UNITED ELECTRIC STORES CO. WE SPECIALIZE IN "N'otiling tin fiUhw UIM! unit v>('t 413 Fourth Avenue | cnuHl any i\ cuihl Iiifliiff* tin* Ut marry 300 West Front Street, Cor. Madison Ave. Car Washing Polishing & Simonizing Chi'sror Tjilibuys; hur—h'tu !—** CAR WOOD. N. J. Our fii:r .vniiiii: lieiolin' WHS contld- 217 E. Broad Street Phone 295 Rear of Russell Bldg. j \nu in IHT fl*'iin's( friend. All work guaranteed, reasonable prices, Aro you a subscriber of the Leader? *•.._[( would require oniy a few PLAINFIELD, N. J. C. H. VAUGHAN, Proprietor If not. Why Not? Only J2.00 por >vnn|s from Chester hljnnejf to p^r- rear for all tho latest news. sniidH in**.*' Phone • Plainfield 3368 FOR NEWS AND FACTS HEAD LET THE LEADER PRINT IT EVERY PAGE. ADVERTISE ALL OF THE TIME THE WESTFIELD LEADER. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4. 1925 Psge F»urteer Pick's Paragraphs Special Fall Showing of i'.v Thu=-. i:. l-'ii-iniijii \< Credi". U ha ii^; L ;»-'ys. Explains Its The ilangurou--' '•' ^ when ilaugh- NEW : AUTOMOBILES ler is given a licy ;..> I In iruul duor. Thirty-niiie railroads run out ot To be held at the NEW BUILDING Chicago. We don't blame tlieai loi tunning out. Corner ARLINGTON AVE. and WEST SIXTH ST. .—o—• Woes the saiin" Ihing tliat makes PLAINFIELD, NEW JERSEY Great Britain ureat l;e<-i> tile United A smgle ride proves whv the results not found combined i6 States united? Chrvsler Four justi\ merits the cars of any type even beyond U tremendous popularity it has in price, Many * man li-ts siveu his right built up in a few short months. arm and Ills riijlit tender U find out In sustained high speeds—in pli- As distinctive as its performance Mho is iu the cur ahead. is a beautvso advanced thatpopu, abilitv of power—in economy— lar desire sweeps towards ij f au in durability and in freedom from November 7 to November 14 Wonder what Kiiui « Armis- inevitably. INCLUSIVE tice Day celiibrali"" t;nj<4}; Serial*. &>?W lltJruulic I bniKc-3 at slight Ktmt cusc CHRYSLER SIX JWtm. J,W5l Coach, iiw, Halloon pants interfere with bi- Roadttei. libii; Sedan, $1695; Unyul L»M»e, $1704; Exhibition will be Open from 2 p. m. to 10.30 p. m. cycle riding; but they our, hi to pro Brougham. Ji86s: hnfetial. *«wi: Crown Imperial, | very well wilh air (tiwoi'liiK. —o— AH •iccsi.ti.b.Detfou mbiect 1to curr<^\{ Ft•ieral e fltx, s by Fithn vn 1tl Chry ichsed madt:U All Music Evenings Admission Free They'%'e atrif-ken tin? word "obey" nifj( '5 cqt'i lined with 1i*U built- from tho niarriaso i-eremoiiy. -A lot NVe i«- pii"asi'ti to eucni J the convfni erne 13f til tic- pay m Ask *hiun Cl> inttsv t pi ;m. of fellows would liko tn strlkf lh<; <-"hi ''pay" from alimony. Wl)« •ri c AH lit ihc It by the Fed ) P.itentecl car 11 OH si-aiem,iJXCEUBI 'Hh Cl.i-yisi el, \•vhtditaniit,t be c •J and cam not Under auspices of Next to thut conclu sive evideinee club there's no on" wiio .mils liis O f 1 nperli "name hi Iho jtappi'" ;is often ;is a PLAINFIELD AUTOMOTIVE TRADE ASSOCIATION guy rut'nod Hainmeritiiil liond. -—o— MEMBERS Who romenilitM's when people were Kind to stand on tin? riinniiu; hoard JOHN CLINE PACKARD AUTO SALES COMPANY iuat to Kdt a ride hi an :iiit!)? Hoy I hem was tho days ! RAY FULLER A. J. MARINO FIKE MOTOR CAR CO. PLAINFIELD AUTO TIRE CO. You who am rollowlnu the debt funding negotiations lertniul.v must RUH MOTOR COMPANY GOODWIN MOTOR CORPORATION PLAINFIELD MOTOR COMPANY come to tho conclusion lh:-il what ti'o world llnsilly Rot was peace at any 318North Avenue Tel. 1681 WESTFIELD, N. J. GULF REFINING CO. PLAINFIELD AUTO TOP & EQUIPMENT and all kinds of pricis. COMPANY J. H. GERMERSHAUSEN Involution of an uraior: lirst lie HUTCHINGS MOTOR SALES CO. G. S. TREGLOWN says a word; then he uller.i n few re- marlis; soon he elves lillle talks; In LAING MACHINE AUTO REPAIR CO. SUBURBAN TRANSIT CO. the eonrso of time lie mnke t;poncli- c;i; before lorn; IK- delivers addfo.i R. L. McINTOSH H. O. B. MOTOR SALES COMPANY >;es; noxl. ho propounds let-tnre.y; ,vn' llnally ho olo'iuent'y orales, Hy tlilf THOMPSON AUTO COMPANY lime lie Is oitlior in CliaiilrnuiUR. In C'onfirosM, or in Iho liu^ liouso.

MAKISil. A UOOn TOWS' HHTTKR "A city without a plan." Would you resent, svioh H Htatotiu'iii. apjiliod to youv eity or town? Y<>t UK'I'O arc eomparativeiy fow cities or tovvnp Ui;tl have had Iho adv.'UHas'O of co- operative growth or whose lay-oul and expansion hag been tho result ot a well fnnnu'alfid plan. 1" rail!)1 cana.i non-tochiiical minds Hudson-Essex as well .-is occasional expert couasel have contributed su£KOstIons liero time payment costs World's Largest Selling and there which havo helped to solve 6-Cylinder Cars problems of traffic, architectural do si^'ii, relief of congested areas, and are Lowest * in the zoning of Industry, buslnoas and resi- dences. Hut commendable ivs tho=e Motor Car Industry Ideas have been, they nro temporary, because (he IIfo of one mnu is short- er than the life of the city. Buick time payment prices are IOx.po.vt .Toii«s soya what should be done In this generation, and then from $30 to $75 under prices of Expert Smith says what should be competitive cars. ThenetvGMAC done, in tlio next. The result la an Time Payment Plan adds still Inharmonious trend in community another economy to Buick development. The Idonl city plan is on^j formulated as a permanent ownership. Bchcmc of growth. Ton, twenty, liflv or even a hundred men and Actual comparison of DELIV» women may comprise tho plnnnlns|r;i , , EHMLING BROS. Phone 4 O 7 when you have something to sell or need CENTRAL and LENOX AVENUES WESTFIELD PO'f Ni-'wq AND FACTS HEAD Jtaae Payments OPEN EVENINGS Phone 98O PAOB. household help--Our Cent-A-Word Ads. Bring Results THE WESTFIELD LEADER, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1925 P'agci Fifteen

THE SELRITE SALES CO. if i SELLING OUT Published by arrangement with Metrn-Goldwyn Mayer p!Ctuires Syndicate INSTALLMENT 12. of his di-ciiniii. at uf l he I hose dear things of ^"Hl".'! child with the •••M .,« Mack j When Tummy's mother arrived Mrs. Smithers cro».- • 1 'he eyes, h... hnr: t imu a wall uf lei iir.' lUa scene, she found Dorelhy room atui put die roiiud jewfcl < J. S, Johnston's Furniture Store Al lust he (luieird c!mvii a,,,,:. nil in lh,. iippc-i- dri hut ci'Utimied lit iasl f. arful ^Uiii'i - er, not onco U.il Iho centre of a crowd of wiidly Ihe (hi lu's strane." black eyes at his tuesl fri.'in lime tu lime. 322 West Front Street Piainfield, N. J. ..jclti'd senant.H, holding in her ileiive he r. Ho seemed to be beck- Tluy had I'll' Use little fu:liul!:iK: .s a black-eyed baby whose stoic .!- b:u'li v.-ith them. arm ti) beil; and bis liny mniul f:u-.> indifference of face rivalled even • lii'i-e. Urae Ilorolhy sunnounleil by its *l iff hlark ha.i ' 1 ii lay on tin. pi!'i'\v willi a Kind u: ,t,e huller's hahitiml larlt of HI- Th • eider unman turnt'd and ap fsH •lull reKitiialion. As liorii'.hy s:iid uresMun. M Arlington had re- nroi.i'beil thi , rib leisurely. Al he was Inore like a (lull than : moved the ruliber coat, Khe now her every step. Hie eyes of the i-hiki. When he was l'laeed in :in\ child s-viucd In gruw brighter. It held Hie child firmly, if iiiisfieii- p;.siiion he retnaiiifd in that jmsi ! \\a-< a* tlio'lfh I bey relleiii-d the liflrally, disclosing the fact to the • ion until he WHS moved. Oil • Jill FURNITURE at Half Price I roll], seiui illiiiing luili nf lh' pr*' liial Ills l)e;i'Jy. steaill'.jsf eyi . iisUmishe-d group thiit. it wore mere. |Ciiiu* triune;-. N'ovv Mrs Smilhers would remain open till one tmieht . Iv the flimsiest of niKUUvowns. ; was b,..,ide him. 1)1. >yi her si™ We have succeeded in securing an extension of lease from the purchaser* of our building. the spring [hat closed them. Hi; 11K :er's dii'eclion«. she bent over th<- At this sight. Mrs. SrnitherH *U>- rmibiriMi seelni'd already to haw liny waif HO thai Ihe hi-cUac s,i.n(led the stairs with Home liepi hej'ii formed ihe iini!n(io;i to p We will bring in from time to time, stocks of FURNITURE, CARPETS and BEDDINQ j>\vu!ig just nlmve bis fu<". dalion. As is common with most IlirenMh life iis a stick of fumitiiri-: "(ion, goo, .mil.." lie fclirs-'lnl. nr.-l lh Mul, to li • lisi-il. tu hi which we buy up throughout the country from Bankrupt dealers and manufacturers, and women of her type, the pi thence of lien, het'nre Tn;n mys mot her ctiui il all unexplained I'aby In ihe IIUUSDI :lnined. nnd io re; dumb. A cry mil. lu fore llormhv cini'd offer them to you at ll l! hinted at disgracefudisKnieefnl intrigues—in-j"InlriiuioH—in- ' "' '••Miressimi , ,i, cunivul the j 'iiuve, a linn lillle hand shut un! he mind and Ihe an"•from Ihe bedclothes, neizeil |j,,. irifiucs thiit must be mm by right- iind, th Piilher Time as oflel; diallii'lii] nerklar.'. iind f.ulhd at il LESS THAN ONE-HALF THEIR REGULAR PRICES I foua KtornncH.s and tUwmi^sal. Be t of o ook eyes as be write with all its nivhl. Tb. re nib ,i uif; nal lire iorc the had readied the button) on our foreheads, cry uf iniliunalion and pain flvni wafi I v.i.udfi- ?lep, she firmly convinced that hy he dor, n't sa\ Mrs. Smillnrs, an exchiniaMon of tiiin^r, (.'ra Jenny, her maid—WIIOKP ambition '.'" aslied Dorothy surprise from llur'olhv. liiwi "D yuu Iliink Iliul bo's lo -hint) /map. The in eklnc pn'ei'. found expression in personal adorn- you nj??" ment - was implicated in this. slipped off ils miner's neck, ami "No; I should say ho was three remained in Hie child's eag.'r tin SALE NOW ON! "Well, what do you think, Grace'.'" 1'urliapi' he's dumb." •U'l'tf. aakeil Dorothy. "Do you want anyii,!i:t; to eat "(iood Heavens!" cried Mrs "I'm sure 1 don't know," aaiil dear?" said Dorolhy, belliling over Kniilhnrs IndiKmuilly. "He's broli hor protege We Were Fortunate to Buy Up the Complete Sample Line of Mrs. Smlthers weakly. "What do en my necklace! 1 hope you're sat- The thin red lip:-; never trem istled Dorothy!" She pried open you think?" liled;-tlle bliick beady eyes runiilin I Iho b;uids of the little wuif ami re- "1 think that It's an outrage!" i-if fixed on the roiling:. gained her property. •lied the. girl with spirit, "Why, "Oh, be is dumb! the ponr liHie "Don't he angry. Grace!" said ilie poor little thlug had nothing tliinr.;! I'erliap.s tbal'H the reaRon Dorothy; "I'm sure tbo baby didn't his wiclced parents wanted to jjei Upholstered Living Room Suites over it but that rubber coat! It's mean to hurt your necklace. He- rid of him. But we must give. I'i"' sides. It's only a link In the chain. muriler—that's what 1 think it la!" Homi'lhini! to eat. Nellie, run down You cm easily have It tixed. He As you know, samples are always made just a "It's h'oulrageous, ma'am," said stairs and loll the cook to .send up ivas just a trifle overeajfor, that's OPEN OPEN William with conviction, "and yet itsome milk toast. Hurry, please!" ail." little bit better than the regular stock, which .ipPDMS regular. When I wan in After tho milk toast had been "I should think he was! He's prepared, served and eaten, Mrs EVERY DAY makes these suites the best buy for the money EVERY DAY lionilon I 'eard of. cases. Il'aban- terribly .strong, too! Why, tho Smithers went up to her own room chain actually cut into iny ncek! ever. There are Mohairs in all shades. Mohair doned creaturca Is what I ca 1!H to KM some of the things she had Well. I'll put the necklace in my and and jewel bos and tako it down to Tit- and Tapestry combinations, all Tapestry funy'H tomorrow." MONDAY, Again Mrs. Rtnllhera crossed tho Suites, genuine Leather Suites, Velour Suites, MONDAY, room to the bureau; nnd again tbo child followed her with his eyoH. FRIDAY and, in fact, a larger assortment cannot be FRIDAY Dorothy wondered why tney should still wear thiit look of please,I an- found. ticipation now that his toy IVUR and and taken out. of bis reach. . It w;is strange bow dull they had been at SATURDAY SATURDAY first, rind bow bright they wero Buy That Living Room Suite Now now. The face of the baby seemed to lmve been changed by them, to EVENINGS EVENINGS have grown older—years older. and Save About 1-2 "Do you know (but wo'U be very late for dinner, Dorothy?" ankod All Overstuffed (*. her sister. "William nnnonnced It Velour or while ( w.ns mi stairs* getting my things together. I'm KOp^'in -ffeM.-ii" Veicur Suites - - Ti)!uiuX--'?'Tff'-h~ls prayers; nnd lh"ti we've got to go right down. You know how pleasant father la, when I we're late." $99-50 "Very well, (irnce. Hut gelling Tommy to say hlH priiyers isn't Tliero lire just 9 suites at thti 1^ such an easy mailer." |uii!i!. Coverings nro plain Yet Dorothy was wrong. Tom- " These are lai'K" roomy suites. my, for the once, showed a perfect blue, plain taupe and blue and 11M kind tlnvt fit in with the is; willingness to say his prayers. irold. All made up in combi- Now. more Ih.-in that. Instead o( best furnishing. All am very mumbling through them as he usu- nation with plain velours to well mado, soft nnd comfort- ally dhl. he now snld them slowly mulch. All are built on loose able, A bountiful riiiiire of And yet why is he stepping noiselt'vtily out o/ bed. nnd distinctly with a scared look s|>ring cushions and spring Tapestries and Velours. Every 1 from time to time at the little 'em, h'asktng your pardon, ma'am. loft there in tliu excitement of th, blaek-eyel witithh it for toniRhR t at least. You nut bis arms towards Mrs. .Smith- liulters groaned and muttered to don't think I'd throw him out in eiv with a stramje. uurgling noise, tie another; Hie window-panoH The Very Best Suites At Half Their Hie ruin again, do you?" like water running out id' Ihe end •fined Io weep great tears—tears Regular Price "There are charitable orainlza- ill' a bottle : ,'ir.d In a Hash Dorothy hill hid their once transparent •ions," BUEEOsteu Mrs. Kmltliers. knew u- l had e.xcil' d him HO -mystery by grief. Invisible lingers Bridge Lamps $25.00 Bridge timidly, "perhaps if wv. calliii up what he av.n •••doen lie long to have, a liltlo e>! nnd best hnnd-enrved solid mahogany frames. A very h.momo Itr!df;rj tight pressed lips and au'hoillni ive I have found ••onu'tbiiig hoily, like h!r, own, beside him •,•!•'• are: straight line smites, round front suites, and Lamp, in combinatloa mien, B» 111 lHildint; the chilli In her him!" now. It Btieins impossible. Anil yot black and trj>\il, hand- s;oo. goo," gurgl"d the B Very IKIII;!;. .,1 •-'rong arms, started up the 6.air- "(!oo, goo. goo," gnrgl'-d why In ho slipping noiselessly out ii" nf tlie finer kidney-shaped "'tc3- There nro really turned and '/ise, followed by her nlutcr. They child. nf bed- -why is he crawling HIOIIK ntrliieil mid |i iilvehnml i! ii'iind Tommy still sleeping; p m.'iiiy of them to describe individually. Come in and Completo witli Juat a moment. Dorothy—I've Hie floor like a huge black spider— a do til) Io 11 nod Hhudo of ••' the bound of their footsteps In put my jewel -case, In the vbv is lie bending over Tommy no ii"' nn:s:t wonderful ns?;ortment of Library nnd Living ly turned in st.yl*\ with a dm>p uio hustle attending the making «r er, I almost forgot it in the h ugly, BO tenderly, so enreafl- mi J-'uitos. If you arc in need of » suite nt present, pet or his old crib, he awoke. Ha.'dly wortli oi bis old crib, he awoke. Ami excitement.tenement. It would liavo 1 ingly? Iliind silk nhnili-.-i of ;••>• jjorhapn because his aunt's Btory j mo awake all night If I had. I can •e c'lrly t:i pel first clioicn. If you will wnnt one a loublo thvs i.utl*) prlco of (To bo continued) bullion frli';e. K-.iii "M woven Itself. Into the pattern fanner sloop unless thoy'ro near me ie ( •'(>!•, it r.-itl pay you to buy one at this lamplo sale. wortli ^ITJ.OC. SEW CAMPCS GfESED AT 4 Fifteen Yearn Ag® mtf¥&m& ufdVERsrnr - « AW* _.,. w J^ //if West field 5 * ir-^-C * V> * **- •» i Autd (MLtiers:— FALL FINANCIAL OFFER by M. Beaka, tooted st 429 Jfsrta A-»ess*- A sheets.; offer to casse wi-i wvdd *-3tst ts arrest* to take thei *iJ*s Weary Cs f Xeet «s a-i-*»j« » a# ****** r •*# tavr i» ,-.* t»* •** es *•< iy s

-yfeei: joo teed zit I PK.;« of ea? $4-fA, ENs-srs pajiaest 140. Monthly ete. s-'. 134.. es.«Esaer tt&i f'-^ pa? less aa

E"erT ear reacy to take the road and keep oa the road. E. L TURNBAUGH The reputation of twelve of the leadicg new-car dealeis in E&s- teth a behisn lea-yes oo odor sod i» eveffartin?. Yoa need at you woald do yoor not bother retie-wing. B«tt*T have me «top to and mt it your Piarjo has T* ',. Tr7 an oat lfcir«e*k. ¥he,nt\ j»*tfc*. TJi^e let me ttil yaa mom aboat it More in- P1aiBfi«!•/".'• v «-/' '>: ^TYPEWRTEFB Wm. DEAN SANFORD ^ Sggs**. ivirr1- «—iWer 28(h in New York Tho frath- f&4 JpBlllif* cring waB under tho au&i)!ccfl of the SOLD-RENTED New Yorlt Bfble Society. llesolu- Real Estate—Insurance tlons presented by Bishop Herbert REPAIRED I*:-'-* Shlpmun, D. D., of the Prolestnnt CRANFORD, N. J. P. O. BLDG. L. GLASSER WESTFIELD, N. J. 118 FERRIS PL. :~^Z-^ 5 Episcopal Church, seconded by Rev. KS .^.i Dr. Ralph VV. Sockman of the Metho- 116 East Broad Street dist Church and Rov. Dr. Wesley Mc- gaw of the Presbyterian Church, Phone 339 Westfield were unanimously adopted. Tlioo w resolut'ons urged that on Illblo Sun- v day, December 6th, the value of our D English Bible and our Immeasurable debt to William Tynlale bo forcibly Save from 20 to 30% on Electric and Impressed on the minds ;uu! hearta of those In all the churches. These 1^6 resolutions alao commemlert a pro- Radio Merchandise by Buying Here posal of the New York nible Socletv to circulate on© hundred thousand HERE English New Testaments as a t-ilj- Compare Our Prices with Others and be Convinced uta to the memory of William Tyn- Today and Every Day Until November 30th dale and recommended that through You Can Subscribe to public Bplrlted Indivlcluals a statue B BATTERIES or suitable monument commemorat- ing the Hru and work of William 45-VOLT EVEREADY (upright or flat) $2.7S Tyndale In hla translating of tho New 45-VOLT EVEREADY (double duty) $3.99 Testament Into Kncllsh. Rev. Dr. 45-VOLT BEACON (upright or flat) $1.98 v% v^nmtuativelreierred Stock Daniel A. Pollner, tlie Pre^rlont nt the United Society of Christian En- 45-Volt Red Seal, upright or flat $3.00 deavor, will lie the principal speaker. 46-Volt Everbest, upright or flat $2.30 f 22V4-Volt Red Senl, large $1.90 22Vii-Volt Kverbest $1.15 4 %-Volt C. Evcready SSc ONE LAST RUSH iVt V. C. Beacon 45c lutJic Service C^orporation OF BLOOMS, THEN? or 'mi,ni In Curlinj? Iron 65c Traveling Iron , $1.49 the latter country duo to tho fact that an orcrlv emnoror nrtnntcd mii flower us h's crost and Tok'o. «!<•'• Come in to see us abnut liKhfiiiK fixtures^ best quality at lowest prices. We ypar, CBlebr't^s tlm AMIIHII oiir-s- anthomii"i foto In 'lio TnTn"-ini n-.r. also cany a full and complete line of Boudoir.'rioor, Bridge and Table Lamps. donn wh'cli cilBtoii wa« Intnvluci'il CHAS. E. COX! Plant Now - PEONIES by tho Emperor OIKIT nimtit Sinn t\, , ;»„ BUILDER I), and thfl rn»nv fostlvMIno In Jimn Extra large clumps Over 100 varieties arcunrt "Kl'-n" an It Is rnllr'ii. nmotmtln"r almoir to a f"ti«h. Imvo STRAND ELECTRIC CO. Will bloom next Spring dono much to rinOrm [ho bnlfof nt 205 EAST FRONT STREET o Job Too Small—None Too Lutrgf Acres of all kinds of nursery stock Its .Tapuno'-e n p PLAINFIELD, N. J. GailmMt's Furnished The ( o to lc ]]•'-<- fln» nnd Rifir-dnv, Mon'mlior (I'll PLAINFIELD NURSERY mid 7th. fro~i n n. in. to to r>. m.. Fifteen Steps From Strand Theatre 'Phono 5442 Open Evenings on Sunday, November fith, from 1 to KIKHT BTIIBKT. WKHTFIEMl. N. J TTEL. »439 FANWOOD SCOTCH PLAINS, N. J. G p. ]>i. Ask For Catalogue and Estimate C. A. W. ADS. 1!IUN(} RESUI-TS L THE WESTFIELD LEADER, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1925 Page Seventeen

hlc'es ag nun otily upon rails or SUMMIT CELEBRATES Tossed Away Fortune trades. PROGRESS THIS WEEK l RED C«3S3 YEW in Playful Scuffling AUTOMOBILE TALKS Who is the owner of an auto? Jit 1 is any person, firm, association or ESTFIELDER'S To intf a l,u,.i, worth c(ilisii|i r:il,l.v I'orporsitUw that buys or rents a Tfro ImsineHs men of .Sumriit luve insir- \\nin it rlHMl>;uld JIMUI!.}« Ih'-uvvn mnlnr velr'c'o or b:ia tlio f far last sum- everywhere uti auto goes except in a Tha ofticliil title, Summit Celebra- Town of WESTFIELD Home and Abroad. \ contains 81 pugus end dates from the I nier. Another car of tlio same make ditch or RavLiRP. yenr 14-50 : tion of Progress, has been bestowed Choice Residential Plots (25x100) and larger, at • cnnie up behind him. 1'he drivci One of the first tlilnm an auto- on the demonstration, and It will be Its former owner, Doctor Ehren- i sonndi'd big horn as if desiring to moMl*> owner should do is* to r^Kls- Virtual completion of the largest ^ felt, n Viennese lawyer. cnrn<* into pos- }uet what the name Indicates—a eei that are fair, just and much below the actual I pans. Tlio suortlng blond of myler his ear. To do OIIK bo fnt-ninhea peacetime project of post disaster re- Isession of the book In nu unusual i ny. celebration to mark tlie progress tun imbilllMlon ever known has been ae- j j liiond bcRan to flow fnslor, Far he Ihe tax commissioner a verified ap- city nan made. November 2. 3, and , value. In 1851 he wns u student flt Nyitt-a, In plication. Tills will give a descrip- eotnplished by We American Red :wluit WHS then northern Uim^ury. One | it from him to let rt car ot that i were devoted ID general sales days, 1 tion of thn cor. Tho tax coramlR- f reasons why you should buy and buy NOW:— 'j Cross in less than a year, as a part I I make t» by Htm. Ho utojipe-.l on the when tho merchant* put on bargains. eW thi.v. while he wns wrestling with » tioner then Issues nnmbnrod licensp of Its relief work In the more than ' iiiinpnnhin. this book WHS huricrl play- For tho Kth, (Uli and 7th the enter- i Kas und the race was ou. Tin. plates to tho owner who must display Because the value of these lots are daily increasing, 90 disasters In which It served In the fully at his hi»ud and he pocketed It. tainment committee has provided a ! tpucdonwtcr tiitllciilcd « lively rale them In tho front and rear of hip i i are being sold at prices ratably low and based ou past year. i It was only ninny years Inter thai he program chock full of amusement. • of procedure. Hut the other car machine. NPW plates must 1)0 se- • advent of cold weather; in the Spring and Summer, rediscovered It. examined It, nnd be- Thero will be parades, bicycle, This great program was undertaken ! ' won ami Us driver wns a policeman. cured every yenr. The foo for this ; asking price is appreciably increased. came awnre of Its unique character pushmoliila and unootf-r races, com- following the tornado which struck I For the fl''»t time in hla life my registration varies. Camiilnjr en- five mid-western States last spring, and frent value.—London Tit-Illts. petition amoni! the flremen, blo«k irioiid became aware of the tact thnt thusiasts with trallem, rtiUBt alBO Because if lots are not NOW purchased, your op- killing 796 people, Injuring 2,239 more, dance, an aerln! exhibition on % wire | New York State had n law limiting have them registered. Lrtunity to acquire these fine residential plots will be and causing inestimable property loss. strung across ono of the prominent Seems Born Only to the rapidity with which one cun le- lost; and there are choice plots NOW to be purchased. It left a huge area of devastation in There arc lew! restrictions ai*. to streets, eevoral hand concerts, and Its wake, presenting » real problem. Dance Through Life\ willy drive a motor vehicle. It coal who uhall operate, an autnmobilP. dozens of other attractions. Every- The Red Cross, however, went to him some Inconvonlonce and cush Id Under tUo Now York Stuto baw no A strange crenture, the dainty May f thing will be a» free ns tlio sir. Because the lots are ideally situated; they adjoin '•umploto this Hi""t » Ills education. work on the heels of the storm, car- fly. One of the strangest things 1» liersou undtvv 1C years ot ago is orl^f- Automobillsts will be assured of the Shackamaxon Country Club's beautiful golf course; Now he advances via auto with loss Ing for Use Injured, sheltering and that it eats nothing from lt» cradle Ible to drive a car under any eiraim- umple parking facilities. they are a stone's throw from beautiful homes on Dorian feeding whole communities, and help- velocity. The uljovo Illimtrntea tlio to the moment of Its deutli. Btancps. Kluhteon years, 1B the BKO It ig no uecret that 60 far as roads n»ri (which continues on the property and is, known as Ing every Individual sufferer from the .general Ignorance concerning the Thrust Into a world where nearly wlion people who have n H* tlooti not way with nevor n thought of food, machine la ndennalaly provided with cipalities, nut the Common Coun- ualty list with that of the entire pre- write! W. A. Dul'uy In Nature Maisa- cil, visualising a city that neednd bet- Because the lots are within easy walking distance ceding year, whose combined losses brakes. Steering niochunlnin must ilne. Surrounded hy creatures that What Is n motor which? In the tor roftdB, appropriated sufflcfont ' the Westfield Station of the Central Railroad of New wore 735 dead and not quite 2,000 In- bo In good working ordor. IIo must He In wult and devour ench other, the eyes o&r tho law? In New York have n sultablo horn, IIo must monoy to put down a hard and par- [Jersey. jured, as a result of the record num- May flyeat s not nor thinks of eating. ber of 192 catastrophles. it Includes all vehicles propelled hy have Hjrhts to use from onn-half manout pavamont a'oni? thesa atreot* It docs not even possess a mouth with any power other than muscular, ex- Because the prices are RIGHT and the terms are Tho atory of the Had Cross service hour after sunset to one-half hour wlioro huBlneHB Is carried on. In e -' which It might cat If It felt so dis- cept motor bicycles, motorcycles, before gunrino. He its roqulred to dltion, tho electric light company has BIGHT, In tho past year, recounted by tho re- posed. It comes IvUo the world with traction engines, load rallorq, lire display when runnlMK at night at just Installed new ntatiSards End In- port, ranges from fires heading tho list a certain amount of vitality in It* Because WESTFIELDERS should know about these wnKonx and engines, police patrol least two lighted lnrapa on tho front, troducod a lliditlnn syatom (hit 1 of destructive forces with 29 disasters, frail body, It dances gayly until that wngonp, ambnlanc.es, and mich vo- one on each «ldo of equnl power mvt not only ornamfintttl but off«ctlvc. lots and are now being informed. lo uiino explosions, tornadoes, ty- strength Is gone, un

j Tim Amt.-rlcnn H'-il Cro^s serves in • iie ''; t hMti. ir 'lil t(i null.,, j ' ! vnur nnint1; vim nui nuilie U more | t flie ,l< inrn..\'. iiad I:-- "I; it Sale of Girls' Winter Coals =Ni effective by inlilltiR your liar.ic t(i Us "It vi iiH tMit'i) ii! m liiiuf-e," !M' «;i!d ,Si?.c'!i 3 to H. Specially priced for .Saturday OF I membcr^'.iip during Ihe Roll Call, F"ICUL CADILLAC AND CHEVROLET SERVICE "ami II reciilar HII|':IIIIPIJ me on j Nov. 11-24. Hygrncle Repairs—All Makes I mv round- HI < $5.98 $9.98 $12.88

.„,.. r FRED RUMPF Ojion Sutjnlny K.v.iniii)! Until 10.00 O'clock NRWS AND FACTS READ 'ncfiold Rd., MOUNTAINSIDE Phone 1847 EVERY PAGE. C. A. V/. ADS. BfUNti HESOLTs Page Eighteen THE WESTPIELD LEADER. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1925 2.30 o'olocX, at [he hums of Mrs. home of Mrs. J. T. CCIO-MT. 5IP,'J Use Old Newspapers THE Charles E. Halsteud, 240 Post Dud- Mountain avenue tomorrow night. Tl) Kfn-.;'s Heiald wll ho d lh"'r NfwB|iui>i'rs ni.'ike an ex'-eu™i orzrk ley avenue. It will be a Thanksgiv- 6 filler. I'm ilif piijM'i's line HIIU Minsk Radiator Church Notes ing m-etincr In charge of Mrs. L. I!. regular monlhly me-tlns; In the then). Make u lui-stf t>v l>uiliu;i O.JT WASCO Dennlson. The Plrides Bible Cla.»s Chapel Friday, at 3;16 p. m. pound of flour in three quarts of umer poration and itj, will 1K» present and will tiug. and udd ,me teiispoonful <>f alum. BAPTIST VHVM-H Tins evening a serifs of fine Btere- HOKV Titi.MTY n. c rumen ISoil tlie shredded neu's||i>I"-'r In this :-: Garage Heating System:-: force, puts us in . ! ml.vlure urnil It lieeiuni's tlie eonslsi- j Morning Worship—10.30 A. M opt'eou Bl di*3 will bo sha^vn hi con- Weekday inasevs, 1 nnd 7.-.10 A. M. render you nection with a talk mi Kiel tits, Farms Sunday masses—7:15, 8:15. 9:15em-y of puny. Force this In"' the for private gatr&ges, to ten care. Bible School—IS M. cracks wllli u liliinl knife. When it and Factories In .inpnn. children's mass and 10:30. Christian Eudeavur 7 P. M. | becomes dry shiin or paint l! to niaieh SAVES THE CAR AND SAVES REPAIR BILLS Evening Worship—7.45 P. M. On Friday. November 6, the Wom- (he boards und you will liave a smootii Factory Midweek Prayer Meeting—Wed- an's Association will hold a Rum- surface. nesday. 8 p. M. mage Sale In the storeroom on Grove IA"THBUA\ cm r.rn •With the WASCO Heating System in your garage, there will Tomorrow tho Woman's Aysocia- Btref't at the junction of the Wt?tt~ .Services in Ki>j->!is)i evfrv Sundnyi be no frozen radiators or batteries—no cracked cylinders—no strain- tion will lioid mi all day meelii '.'. field and Kahway trollev linos. All 'evening at 8 o'clock in the Mission | Old English Tradition ing of a cold engine and starting device—no cracking or dulling of Who lias tieard it! tlie "clmrcii in the STAVlsj with lunehoon served at 12:30. All ft'ho ran contribute articles but fan ("Impel, I'ro-pect street near rtroad.1 the varnish—no gumming of the oil—no shortening of the life of opposite Town Hall, • wood' In the village of HuillugioaJ women of the cliurcli uud tungroga- not sand them there are requested to h your car which results when it stands in an unheated garage. AUTO RADIATOR Wfl tlon are earnestly requested (f> at- notify Mrs. Goodrich or Mrs. p. W. UegurdeU us une of t « quaintest tend. Workers on (lie Wblts Cross Jones. The Bale will begin at noon. I'UKSBVTKKIAV CIH'UCH ehurehes In England. ". i« Bituuted lu Call for Estima*'* in the EveniDg* the heart vt u wood. "• litre Isu leni;end work are urgently needed In order liihle School—-9: 4B A. M. PLAINFIELD, « that hospital bandages may be (hut the fouii(luif'.u were orlgiuuliy FIH8T M. K. OJIUKCH Morning Worship—11 A. M. laid In the villi'«,e. but tliB devil dis- speedily sent to tlie riaptlyt foreign ! Kvening Worship—8 P. M. Radiators &CorMfortg missionary hospitals. In the iif'.er- Sunday services 11 A. M.. 8 P. M. agreed with 'Us Kite »nt< WUB of orlt VI Inches UileU. 9 Elm Street Telephone 538 we also are thorough in from 2.00 to 4.00 P. M. at Ocean Grove. Tickets, fifty cents is one in which the Merchant cutting and finish of Tlie Woman's Aid S:i<:'e'y extends a'- himself has implicit faith— I Mark the Line WE5TFIELD Invitation to all friends of tin i New lead pipe is expensive, nnd also unusual designs. CONOItEGATIONAI/ CHURCH else he will not advertise it. Chu-cli. You are safe in patronizing j expensive to lay. hence this little stunt Sunday School -—(MB A. M. i may help you sale siune money. Where Vour inspection ft \ Following Iho luncheon Iho Worn the merchants whose udviso rubllc Worship—11 A. M. an's Alii Society will bold ;i shnrl ! lead pipes are covered by a rough cordially invited Christian Endeavor—7 1». M. huslnr-as session, appear in this paper because ! floor there Is always the dadjjer thut the stemnlltter may cut through the Mldveek Service—Wednesday, 8 Tho regular luoathly meeting of their gooda are up-to-date and floor and through the pipe, but If the The Re"ii1ar meeting of tho Wom- the Vomit? Woinnn'fi l^orel'^ii Ml^- not phopworn. Plainfield Granite Mi line of pipe Is marked ou the ttuor an's Association wll! bo hold today at ionary Society will be lield at thr there will be little danger. J. S. IRVING CO. LAMPERTI BROS, Richmond at Fourth stretlx^ Dealers in PLAINFIELD, |y. J, Plainfield 'Pbon««J7 Coal, Lumber and AUCTION SALE Builder's Supplies

Office and' Vard«: Central Ave., near R. R. Crossing i UPHOLSTER! FURNITURE HARTDEGEN & CO., Jewelers Phone 19 We.tficld Re*Fini»hed and Upholil E>tim*te> Civen Hitir Matlr«s(>> Madj CHARLES LeCM Phone 142? ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE 130 W. BrostfSt., LET HE illD YOO TO BETTER HEALTH near Plaza, WertMi VALUABLE STOCK OF HARTDEGEN & CO. There's No Excuse for Thinness and Weakness Let me make your toeth sound and en- 909 Broad Street, Opposite City Hall, Newark able you to enjoy life. There's no man, woman or child in the world who can safely Ignore keeping their teeth in order. If your teeth are not in perfect order come to me. AT AUCTION I am the Specialiit in Painless Dentistry TO SETTLE ESTATE of the Late Charles Hartegen DR. MALLAS 72 BROAD STREET ELIZABETH, N. J. Mon., Wed., Fri., 9 A. M. lo 8 P. M. By Order of RALPH E. LUM, Administrator TUM., Thun., Sat., till 6 P. M. HOW IS YOUR ROOF? If It is not in the best condition,?! should have it attended to before li stormy weather sets in. We make o specialty of Auction Started Monday and Continues Daily SHEET METAL WORK, Do You Want To Rent ? and can attend to thic job at " other satisfactorily. A If so, look over this 8 room house. In A-l con- "del to the cost, eo why put °S «" Select What A iy Article suiting us? You Wish! A Card to the Wif h~ Offered ditir.n. Newly decorated and painted. Garage and adjoining lot. JOHN L Mil Bid What Public ! at Avcticn On ' (quest 28 Prospect St. Westfield.N.J You Please Telephone 216 In order to settle tho s.te CONSULT f.BTIKN WRIST WATCHES it is necessary to turn the slock of this high- DIAMOND BROOCHES VCT's WRIST WATCWRS chiss jewelry store into cash. i ••? it\rs STERMVG SH.VBIITF.A SETtVICES DIAMOND BAR PINS CARPETS AND RUGS S'P-'UUN<; FLATWARE Probably never in the history of Newark DI -"'fES SHEFKIRl.D PLATE has :i stock as larjro and of as fino charac- DIAMOND TRACELETS 50 Elm Street Tel. 407 Opposite Post Office CLEANED AND SCOUR* MEAT niPRRS AND SALTS HAMILTON J. A. GREENE OARVINO RKTS Your special attention is i-nPrrl to the T nor n TINKS ECHO LAKE DAIRY HnrttlPKnn Diamond Slock which is includ- Springfield Road Tel. 1990 1061 ROSE 5TREE ed in this auction. Every stone a real gem! SO' I"1 n"'n "An n ( nul<1 VAf.ES ' riii;"' Home raised milk PLAINFIELD, N. J. ru TUAYS OF The auction will be conducted in n man- FINK nnd DOUr.Hf.RTY, Proprietor, ner in kcctunir with the tnvsliiT' of 1hi<: old- f^T" ^ i T- OUflRRS I.VRP. F DIAMOND Kili'M'1"? _Fmk. 1352: Dairy, 1279-W; Dougherty, 929-M RAT.All established store. Chairs will bo nrovided noons for ladies nnd every courtesy will be ex- n —T n BEIU. F. ELLENBERCfB MANv OTHVR ARTICLES tended to those attending. AND THOUSANDS OF Painter and Decorator SUITABLE FOR GIFTS OTHER ARTICLES CARPET "CLEANING WORKS You c-in tiv nl with our ppcci.-il radov ;mi! rcpnir dcpnrlment ihiriiii; Oriental RIIR ShnnipooinR p. Specialty tins suk' with Ihu Kiimo confidcnci; u.s luis been your custom in the pnsl. T. L. GRIFFITHS, Prop. 82B Ri.hmonJ Slr«-<-t Til. 811 Pl.infield, N. J. P'ion« JAMES L. HAND SI 7 CVMUBRLANI) BT.. CHAS. J. WILBUR Auctioneers RALPH E. LUM, Administrator


A Metropolitan Hospital at Your Door

Suppose YOU were For you— One of the Seven! On Sunday morning, November 1st, 1925, between one o'clock And your neighbor— and four, seven victims of automobile accidents in Westfield were rushed to Muhlenberg. Five of these patients are Westfield residents who found open doors and eager hands ready to speed them back to health and strength. And the other fellow— There are today 14 Westfield patients being cared for at Muhlen- berg. FACTS In 1915 there were 1,465 in-patients. When sickness comes— In 1924 there were 3,884 in-patients. During all this time of growing service the increased bed capacity at Muhlenberg was ZERO! You want every facility that science can Now Muhlenberg must expand! provide—skill and modern equipment and atten- Muhlenberg must have a minimum increase of 80 beds! One day recently Muhlenberg was filled to its capacity of 120 tive care. You want it for yourself so that when beds. Yet cots were set up in aisles and sun parlors to care for 33 more critically ill people. That made a total of 153 and no amount of crowding could possibly make room for any more. it is over you can take up the thread of life WILL YOU HELP again-- choosing the paths and the avenues ahead. $500,000 for Muhlenberg will build two stories of a new Ward Building and an addition to the Private Patients Pavilion. It will give— Ycu want it for those close and dear to you, 15 beds for Children's Ward so that they may grow and expand and ripen 15 beds for Maternity Ward IS beds for Men's Ward with usefulness and happiness. 15 beds for Women's Ward A total of 60 beds in the new Ward Building. It will give 12 private patient rooms in the addition to the Private You want it for your neighbor, the man next Patients Pavilion. And 8 semi-private beds—a grand total of 80 beds. These 80 additional beds will relieve desperate over-crowding and door, on the next block, the man on the street, permit more work in every department. in the train, driving the truck that carries sup- $30,000 IS WESTFIELD'S SHARE! plies for your using. MUHLENBERG Iiss WestfielcTwestrieiass Hospitanut l Ready Always to the extent of its capacity to ccare for you and yours in your extremity! $3O,OOO Is Our Share of the $500,000 being raised to make Muhlenberg bigger and better!

Have YOU Subscribed Your Share Yet?

"Giving to Muhlenberg Isn't So Much Charity as Common Seme!" THE WESTFIELD LEADER, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1925 Page Twenty SALE OF CHRISTMAS DR. RUDNICK TALKS AT Paris Suits Reveal Philadelphia Sr *LS SLGINo NOV 30 I INCO! N P.-T. A. MEETING Chic Elaboration I nefe>-i!ii-- oi (he Lincoln and return $3 00 The rmcm Cuaoty Tuitcr-: u'oMs NEXT SUNDAY and Not 2? -. 1 1 -Teacher A->^uriatiuH !*eggue luaKes but uu<- app^il earn n the auditorium of the and 20 ' ' fear for support. It bus sr-L Novem- «. j- I ci 1 1 t Wednesday afternoon Leave l'lsiinCo'el ii.Si A. hi ber 80 as the date for beginning the u uuily kiTie attendance.! Tictets good only •finusl salfi of Christinas seals. "The « i t on n Mrs. A. H. Moody, president of the! date fo which is il sale pi Christmas tesls has berome a organization, urged a closer co- Natioa-wfdo holiday custom of operation of ail members, for the ijaiflua character," Secietary Lawr- welfare of the association using as NEW JERSEY CENTRAL ence stated. "It links the move- an axiom "When a horse begins to ment for tuberculosis prevention kick he slops pullln'." with a gracioug expressioQ of the Christmas spirit, &nA has a great Mr. Hinmsti, iUiserinU'&dent of the educational value." ; athool, announced the week of No- The seals are issued by tiie Nat-! vember ICth an American Education Trouble tonal Tuberculosis Association, and Week and requested all pareutg to ar® being sent to all tuberculosis or- visit the school that week and eee gaalzationj throughout the country their children at work in their re- Eliminators! this month. The 1525 sea! ehows spective classes. | two Christmas candles wreathed in' The attendance ol Mothers was I holly, and between them a double taken and it was found that Miss 1 Hun your radio direct from barred cross, the International sym- Apgar's Class, 3-1, had won the at, j lighting circuit without bat- 1 bo! of the fight against tuberculosis. tendance prize for this month. teries. They carry the slogan, "Merry! After the regular business meeting Chrtstmas and Good Health." Mrs. William Orr very effectively' The activities of the Union County saug "Songs of Childhood" and! Tuberculosis League Include the con-| "Japanese Lullabyc". She was £ic- j ZENITH tacting of clinics in all parts of the i cornpanied on the piano by Mrs. (). i L. Kaiser. county, at which any person may The French, with their talent f« The best there is. Unequalled bare hla or her luns^s examined by a ! The assoclalon was very fortunate ingenuity, ftad opportunity for eier- specialist free or charge; assisting In • In having as lue speaker of tlie af- clslng it In all the modes for fall. for tone or distance. the promotion of the periodic healh ternoon, Dr. Sarah Rudnl^k of the Here la a formal two-piece suit ol examination eampaien, ssBistine th« State Board of Healtli. Dr. Rud- smooth-faced cloth, embellished with school authorities, wherever possible '• nick'B topic was "The Mother and embroidery and fur. Its ootatandtng Base Board In the teaching of health habits to : Her Child", which was very Interest- features are the huge collar and th« i ing as well as Instructive. short coat length that distinguish th« the children In the schools: getting design; la these particular* it la ex- pre-toberenlosls children under pre Everyone enjoyed the usual socin' Receptacles hour with Mr». J. H. Torry us hos- ceptional. »entor)uni care, and In every possible for radio, lamps or vacuum way eo-operating with the physicians tess. Boards of Health and other healtli cleaners installed without mar- aeencles in promoting the health of POLICE COURT NOTES ring walls or flooring. the people of this county. AH this Gay, Soft Fabrics work Is maintained solely by the sale Charles H. Simpson, R. Breiinon, in Fall Negligee* Of the Christmas seals. W. T. Post, Alonzo Stell and V. Hey. Birthday UOPE,"THEH A\UT The seal sale will begin Monday er, all of Westfleld, were fined $1 M *TOWU VWCRE MOO WU GET November 30, and continue until each In Police Court Wednesday and night for not securing licenses for • AS MUCH FER NER. MOuet Christmas Day. As In former years GWE *«l) \P MOO Ryder & Graves the eeale will be sent to purchasers their dogs in compliance with town by mall and also will be sold at ordinance. Wedding Gifts FEU TWS booths and In some of the lareer fac- Clara Ardea, of 41 De Hart place, Engraved |? Electric Co. Elizabeth, was fined $2 for parking tories. Approximately 36,000 let- In great abundance in the ters containing seals will be sent out her automobile without lights. She Greeting Curds \ 127 WEST SECOND ST. was summoned to Police Court by most attractive selections of the !n the territory covered by the latest creations in art. What r inf Union County League. Officer Joseph Orogan. is more satisfying than a de- 'j HE Holidays arc just round C PLAINFIELD, N. J. Donald Carberry, of 625 Westfield lightful gift of n handsome pic- •*• tiic corner. Have yuu or- J^ avenue, was fined $2 for parking ture for the new home? dered your engraved Greeting j COMMUNICATED. without lights. Officer George Mor- Cards as yet? Don't wait until £ ton Issued the summons. To the Editor: Have stocked in advance for the last minute; Ourassor"*--trt J* C. S. Richmond, of 60.1 Clieshtnut the holiday season; the selec- of beautiful and artiscic OIUM- £ As a dally pedestrian on the West- street, was fined $2 for Improper tion is more varied and pleasing. field streets, I would suggest that the mas and Now ^Var's cr.:. i» | parkin/?. Officer Edgar B. Wright You should really see the choice nowcomplctc,anj there in uw[~\>: | town provide some means of safety made the complaint. showings, and they are quite for the walking public who use the T reasonable, so you can well af- time for us to give you <.ur %-< :.\ i* Bonnell Motor Car Co. Earle N . Colo, of 70 Elm street, « careful attention a: J :.. r\.. <•. Plara every day. This Is a very was fined $2 for parking hla automo- ford a gift in art. U' Material j WILLIAM C. FARR DODGE BROS. MOTOR frfvtnn any signal or park their cars long graceful lines, garnitures of lace, anywhere. This la anything but J The Gift Shop CARS ADVERTISE ALL OF THE TIME ribbon or other fancies of their de- '.Elm Street, opp. post Office pleasont ant! T hope this warning will —not extravagently^ not wastefully, signers. Many of them are inside of SWAIN'S Art Store have attention. but DON'T OIVP.' ANYBODY A sheer materials, but eottons or light' The •Walking Citizen. CHANCE TO FORGET YO!\ weight wool goods are used. 317 West Front Street PLAINF1ELD, N. J. 107 Union Ave. Call 1707 Cranford, N. J. PATSY ALIOJ Telephone Cranford 668 Highest fricea l"ald for C R E-A NODYNE THE ADVERTISED ARTICLE «*ld Itagsi Iron, L'n|H:r Autozuubll* For the Relief of Is one in ivhirli tlie Mrrrlwtnt ( hirunrlf Im.s Implirit IMHII— Hhue* CR E-A NODYNE COUGHS t'lsu IK* will not advertise It, 19a 8«uth Avc. Weslfleld, S. J At Jarvis' Drug Store Von lire wife in jJiitronlzing For the Relief of 27 Elm St. Westfield, N. J. Hie nicfTliJiiits whose ml vis. T.I. ?89-J. fippcjir hi thin pnper hccatiHe COUGHS their £ootln aro tip-to-flitto a«

HI. I iJilliiJflttinill^iJniJiiiinHilllS^iliiUItiJii^^iaiKaitiiMiCHjI^njIIIH.TiJHHillEKifl^Iih'fiillHIMirJiiaLTISTrTr^; STORES IN PLAINFIELD NEW BRUNSWICK DOVER, N. J. j D. KATZ & SONS 124 WATCHUNG AVENUE, NEAR ELKS' CLUB Telephone 1747 PLAINFIELD, N. J. Autumn Sale of Floor Coverings Exceptional reductions in Floor Coverings' of every description, Big values. It's the right time to buy. Come down here tomorrow and see how much you can save.

LI NOLEUMS Inlaid linulcim; pattern through FALL SALE of RUGS and thnuirli; high grade in every respect: SU'HH nil over for $2 yard. Many Attractive Offerings In Our Rug Department OUR PRICE $1.29 AXMINSTER RUGS CORK LINOLEUM (penuino) cut in prison — not in communication. from full roll; guaranteed p.rfcct or Alexander Smith's Seamless Axminster Rugs your inunry returned; regular $1.50. 9 x 12 $29.00 and up OUR PRICE 85c For there is 27x52 Axminster Rugs $2.25 FELT BASE FLOOR The Tithlic Telephone. COVERING Soils all over for 75c. Gujiranleed It rearranges appointments. perfect. Our Price 39c Makes new engagements. GENUINE FELT BASE RUGS AM guaranteed perfect or money Changes the luncheon hour. returned. 'J.xli—Regularly $18.50 Saves the dinner. Relieves anxiety. Our Price $9.9S Retains goodwill. Kascs the mind. Six 1 (I..;—Regularly S 1,0.50 Our Price $8.95 7',ix!l—UoKiilarly $10.00 Our Price $6.95 ffiicml in 'Deed. lix'.l—Ue-Rulurty SS.00 Our Price $4.9S The Public Telephone. R •(; Borders 5.39 Per Yard Genuine Cold Seal Congoletitn Rug* 9 x 12 OUR PRICE $ 1 2.9 5 NEW YORK T E L E P H O N E CO M P A N Y PLAINFIELD'S EXCLUSIVE FLOOR COVERING STORE