JAMES MACRI Hurfh, 8-81 1880

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JAMES MACRI Hurfh, 8-81 1880 , •> * . \ X -1 J-. ■'vTmTWie kv MARY CHENEY UUKA :V ‘ . ' t gram. It is hoped that the canvass Maachestar Juvenlla Orange will wiU bo coraplotsd by Sunday, May 9,500 About Town hold Ita regular meeting Friday at Drive Starts SS. 7 p. m. in lin k e r halt A canvassers or w ork^ euppet mooting wlU be hold Saturday eve­ \iimm aiuiaa P. Ryu of 54 Saturday la the laat non-penalty Here Sunday ning at the church vestry at 8:80, Mamdiaetar^ C ity •/ V tO a f Charm •onM OrlTi WM «o««t «T ^ o r day fo r pasrment o f the first half when final instructions will be •t » natocdtaiiuu* ilK»w«r flT«n of town taxes. All taxes of 120 given and at which time the In- MANCHESTER, CONN^ FlIDAT, MAT 14, 1048 (IM BRIirPAOn) at the Comnninttjr hall, or under must be paid In full by Emanuel to Launch s^rational speaker, will be the y o u LZY IL, MO. If2 Lane. The color acheme ^ « that day to escape penalty. For Rev. Stanley Sandberg, pastor of pink, blue and white. A ^ e t the convenience of taxpayers, the Campaign for $75,000 the Emanuel Lutheran church, office of Revenue Collector Sam­ toch waa eetjed^ I A \ Hartford. RvaB aaalatad by Mr*. Harold uel Nelson w ill remain open until That Time Miss Ruth L Benson of 870 Eaat Railroad Engine Explodea, KflBng Three SbannoTand Mra^ Andrw Merll. 8 p. m. Saturday. center streeL vrlU serve as trea­ Ryan la to be married June ' At a meeting of the Pariah surer o f the Parish Building Fund. Steelworkers Bu* Jewish Declaration I t In at. Jaroea'a church to Albert The spring dance of the Rain­ i Building Fund committee of the A period of toro years is being al­ Hoy ot Providence, R. I- bow girls, and bo3rs o f John j Fmsnuel Lutheran church, last lowed for payment of pledges, and Mather Chapter DeMolay, will they may be nsade in yearly, quar­ ! evening at the home of Mr. ai U U expected that Vice Preat- take place tomorrow night at 8 terly, monthly or weekly Install- Mrs. Paul Anderson, 18 Ridge menta Advance pledgee total Communists Being f-’ " ■ , dant Bdward S. Mann o f the Eaat- o'clock in the Masonic Temple. At HALE’S Sell Serve and HeaUi Market ^ Jvt'" am N aurene OoUege, WoUaaton, Music will be furnished by Flls- street, final plans were made«to taioro than $8,000. Proclaim s Creation Maaa„ wUl be the gueat speaker at worth Mitten's orchestra. Worthy launch a campaign fo r 175,000 in ■■ Advisor Lola Doggart and Master the meeting of the Men's Fellow­ cash contributions and pledges fo r ship tomorrow evening at 7 :S0 at Councillor Eric 'S e tte r w ill lead Sunlightf Fre$h Freeh DOrich Let Hold Offices the grand march. The chairmen. the construction of a new Parish HEALTH MARKET the Church o f the Naxarene. building to provide more adequate FLOOR SANDING Creamery Miss Doggart and Richard Heady, rooni and facilities fo r the Sunday Washington Lk O. It., No. 117, and the members of their commit­ NEW Or OLD Nearly 3,200 DelegateB I s r a e l School and Youth Program of the O f S t a t e will confer the Royal Arch purple tee are working hard to make this TeL Wimamntle 45I-W5 Shotgun Seen church. rrooB 8 to 7 P. M. I BEEFSTEAK TREAT degree on a class of annual social event a real success. The campaign w ill get under Chdiige Union Consti­ caadldatea at its monthly meeting wav next Sunday, when pledges H ERM AN METER. JB. Butter First Hdirew NatioB fai tution to Prevent tomorrow evening at eight o'clock. James Munsie, Sr., of Campfleld will be received from all members Bonth Coventry, Conn. PORTERHOUSE, SHORT Against Reds ^ ■ jfc. Orangemen from this and sur­ road, who reached his 80th mile­ attending the morning worship OR CUBE STEAK Them Serving as Del­ Holy Land Mediator 2,000 Years Bom To* rounding towns are expected to stone Tuesday, waa surprised dur­ ■■ V sendee. More than 85 workers will lb. day in Deelaralion witness the degree, which usually ing' the evening by his children gather at the church vestry at 2 egates or Membera and grandchildren in recognition In House BiU la exemplified but once a year. o'clock in the afternoon to begin O f Independeaeo As* Past Master Frederick Cranston of the event Mra James V. canvassing the remaining homes O f Any Committees Proposal Is Favored will fill the position of worthy Munsie and Mra. W illiam Munsie of the congregation. Every mem­ Top Grade serting *HUtorie Ri|^t* I arranged for the dinner and music WANTED Old Faekiomed Ubby^a Pasaage ' of Measure master. ber of the congregation w ill be Smoked Boetan, May 14.—(ff)— ^The and other aoiial pastimes that fol­ visited snd given an opportunity Of Jews in PalfiBtinii Store CKTs biggest union, the Making It Crime to Vote in Political Com­ Adyaitlsamant— lowed. The senior Munsie was re­ to share In this expuiidon pro- LouisimiiR Solon Dies membered with numerous con­ Bricklaytrt and CORNED Shonidard Staahrorkars, today barred Try to Set Up Die- mittee on Plop Spon­ To Reeonstitnte Na- pioa movlsa tonight, ten o’clock. gratulatory messages, gifts and a Bacon Comnranista from holding of- tionid Home There purse o f nMMiey. WcU Trimmed The Hayloft Coventry Lake, flea. Tha nearly 8.200 dela- tatorship Expected sored by V, S- and BEAL BSTATU Painters ^ BEEF a Mrs. Helalns Halsey, district BOLD—And wo bsngkt so gataa changed tha union con- Washington, May 14—<P>—Tha France le 37 to 0 Tel Aviv. PsdcstiiM. May president and her ataff of officers atitatlon to kem Communiats from "Hastlngar Tlw Bool I Apply In Person Houas aimed a tagUtoUvs shotgun, 14.— —^Ths tU te of laiBsl, will visit the American Legion fate Specialist. BBUIBTEB lb. out at any local or intama- Lake Succtas, May 14.— (/P) ftrat Hebrsw nstioo in 2,000 unit Monday evening and inltlaU at tbs Oommunlst party today and tWa office to Boy or BoO. tional office and to prevent years, was bom tod«y in • Bulldozer members who have Joined the Odd Fellowo Bondtag got set to pull tbs trigger. — The Political committee of Jarvis Realty thvm from oerring «a delegatm or the Special PaleatiiM Assem­ Jewish deeUration of ind«- auxiliary in recent montha Dele­ At Tho Oontsr •a immbw of any commlttco. It probably won’t fire until next gations from units in Rockville, Boom t. TeL » - n g l 5 Dover Road Lean Pork Freeh Dreeeed bly vote(d today send a pendenee aasertinf the “hi^ For Hire randara Majav PraMaaa week, whan It axpseta to past aai OMo fisIgM toeemettvs to a BMai Bae pipea from the to South Glastonbury and Eaat Hart­ tar CMlBoathe, Ohio, kUHag tbssa The loeomoUve United Nations mediator to toric riffht” of the Jews of ford are expected. Mra Roland Armour^* Tha aetloa cama aa tha union’s bin — Mwy It a crime to try to EzcaTetlng end greding, M Maw up. (AP wtrepb^). the Holy Land. The vote waa Phlettine to reconstitute their Irish Will serve as chairman of the Fraah R o a sU iig 14-man Bxaeutlva board ponderod set up n Oommunlst dictatorship loud dearlnc, cellar holes. tha major proUam of whether 37 to 0, with 16 sbatentiona. nstionsl home. refreshment commlttea to this country. No Job too larfe or ^oo TREET they should si|pi non-Oommunlat The proposal for B peace mia- Bffacttve A fter BOdaisht CHAMINADE CLUB Rice SkouMara C h ick en s affidavits under the Taft-Hartley Ih e MU doesn’t outlaw the Com­ The proclamation by tha Na­ H M dL tow. The major ateel oOmpanlca do munist party. But It would Plane Mishaps Minnesota Calls Guard sioner, sponsored by the Unit­ tional council ia affacUve at ooa A^OUNCES ITS not latend to make new wage oon- crimp tha p i t y ’s (operations and ed SUtes and m n o e , now goes minute after midnight, whaa tracta with the union, U I t doea expose Its owmbera and actlvitlss. to a plenary roaettag of the 68 na- Brltata'a 31-year nUe of the H<^ TANG Cost 20 lives Uona for final aetten. P«f«r tolashuis Third Annual Concert lb. not comply, Proaldant FhUp Mur­ Bsdssa Bauaa fa r ^ Land ends. The Britlah high coot- HALE’S 2 Lb. ray aald yeatarday. Out in Packing Strike A top JewiMi fspeaeantaUva hare nUasioner already baa le ft Pal«a- TeL ^2568 Boz said today the nawly proclaimed FRIDAY, MAY 14, 8:00 P. M. Only one or two dalagataa today Houas fo r dsbato today. wtOu tiac soil for a Britlah enUaer, aad oppoaed tha oonatitutlanal changa Perhatii '33 More Vic­ Jewish naUon oC larael wlU make the British .mandate govenuaant Headquarters wm.' Mc A plea ftoaa Hsbi. J. Parnell itself secure ret«rille» of what to bar Communists from union Thomaa (U, N. to take firm Governor Directs AcUonT haa ten the Holy City of Jonua- EMANUEL LUTHERAN CHURCH OUR POPULAR offica. tims in Six OasheB the United Nations doea. Icm. FOR aottoa to OSBS wHh *lha foremost News Tidbits The declaraUon waa made in Robert Ratnsr of Los AngMas lasnaci to dsMDsraey today.” On Four Continents After Mob Raids Cud­ While Jewish forces and aulihera Guest Artists: GnreBce Helsing, organ; Pnul Chetelat, oskod! statement issued by Dr.
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