Plans Progressing for Nat'l Sweepstakes on River Herenext
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«a All tbs Nowf of SECTION BED B ANK and Surroundlof Town* Told Fe*rlw»ly and Without Blu RED BANK REGISTER Iituad WtlVlr. •nt«r«d •• Buccnd-Clm. Mutter at th» Post, Subscription Price: On« Year $2.00, VOLUME LIX, NO. 6. offltt it R«d Bank, N. J., undir th« Act o! March I, 181». EED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, JULY 30,,1936. Six Months, {1.00. Single copy, 4c. PAGES 1 TO 14, Biddle Garrison Large Creamery Freak'Election Bet; Plans Progressing For No More Liquor Burnett Overrules Hero Of Fascist May Be Located One For The Book On Credit Capt. Charles P. Irwin and James Nat'l Sweepstakes On E. Curley are the participants In the "Town Fathers" In I). Frederick Burnett, state Revolt In Spain In Middletown first freak presidential election bet commissioner of alcoholic bev- of the season to be made at Red River HereNext Month erages, has Issued the following Reports from Embassy Tell of The Matter Discussed at Com-Bank. The winner is to receive a notice to all retail Uoensees: Stetson hat and a wheelbarrow rids Favor of Licensees "Liquor In a luxury. gales Rescue of Woman and Child mittee Meeting in Connection on Broad street from the Intersec- made cm credit to those who by Biddle H. Garrison, Son of With Back Taxes Owed on tion of that street and Front street, Enthusiastic Meeting of General and Finance Com- cannot afford U> pay cash cause commonly known as "The Fountain," Beverage Czar Refers to "Cracker Barrel" Decision* in untold hardship. Wives and Mr*. B. H. Garrisons Former Brewery. to Monmouth street. The loser Is to families have suffered because provide the hat and to push the Ordering Licenses of Three Dealers Renewed-** mittee Monday Night—Everybody "All wheelbarrow. The winner Is to wear of liquor purchased at the ex- A story of the heroism of Biddlo pense of the necessities of life. The large building formerly used the new headgear while taking the Praised by Councilman Degenring. Pepped Up" and "Rarin' to Go." Children have had to go hun- H. Garrison, Jr., son of Mrs. Biddle as a brewery on the west elde of ride.. The bet ia to be paid Saturday gry. H. Garrison of Vista place, who isPalmer avenue, in Middletown town- afternoon, Nuvember 6, at. 3 o'clock. A icore or more mernbera of the connected with the United States ein- ship, near James C. Hendrickson's Commissioner D. Frederick Bur» "Moreover, putting; It 'on the Capt. Irwin Is engaged In tho boat nett of the state department of aJco» executive and finance committees of L. Endlcott chairman. United States Bu- Tjassy In Spain, is contained In a re- Old Cherry Tree farm, may be con-building business. He Is a former reau of Standards; MISB M. Louifie Leldiu, cult' eventually costs you both port made by Hallett Johnson, coun- verted into a creamery. The matter hollo beverage control reversed tho the Community Begatta association, Phelfi Innrioll, William A. Brunn, Wil- cash and customer, councilman and the father of Coun- Plans Completed aelor of the embassy, last week. Mr. discussed at considerable length action of the Red Bank mayor and incorporated, met Monday night at Ilim Roiett, Sr., W. E. Wills, Peter Ilent- "Tlie following rule Is hereby wa3 cilman Joseph P. Irwln, Republican council In refusing to renew the plen- the Maryland Tea room on Riverside Garrison la reported to be at St. Jean |n t lll0 moetinK of the township com- assembly candidate. Mr. Curley Is a Measurer's committee—J. S. Y. Tyson promulgated effective August 1, ary retail distribution licenses of de Luz, France. A cablegram, re- jmltte e o, Middletown townshihipp last member of the real estate and Insur- For Harvest Home •venue, and reports of members of ihalrman, Frank Adler, Oluf NikkeUan. 10S6: porting his safety, was received by y afernoon, when , Tony Pingitore of 75 Lelghton ave- the various committees were re- Registration committee—Henry Kroeiike "Rule 10: 'No retail licensee ThurBda a request ance firm of Curley & Bray and a Mrs. Garrlaon on Saturday. It Is ex- wag mado that back taM, nue and Mra. Rosarla Costa of 62 ceived. It wan a most enthusiastic ihairman, Edward Kroepke, Charle« s. shall sell, serve, deliver or al- Justice of the peace. Mr. Curley is And Big Bazar West Bergen place and the plenary gathering, and each one present low, permit or Buffer the sale, pected that she will hear from him | piTperty~amountl"ng~'to about $6,000 betting on President Roosevelt, and BroadcsBtlrig committee—Hnrolil 8. Al- within a few days. Capt. Irwin Is betting on Governor retail consumption license of Patsy showed doop Interest In the regatta len chairman, Alfred Lippmnn, Waller A service or delivery, directly or be cancelled. Red Bank Methodists to Have Borelll of 2 Morford place at a hear- planB, which assured the executive Heppner. , Indirectly, of any alcoholic bev- The committee wan urged to take Landon. The bet was made Satur- ing early thia month of the three ap- committee of a successful affair. Finance "committee—Hubert Farrow anigt> on credit or against dc- this action by Charles E. Campbell day in the presence of witnesses, and Two-Night Affair on Their chairman, Thomas Little, Tlieoilure J both participants say they will neith- peals. His decision was received by • The solicitations committee report- Lebrecque, Kenneth II. MccUueen, Wil- poRlt made In advance, or In representing the Industrial and Borough Clerk Mrs. Amy Shlnn Sat- ed that almost SO per cent of the llurn A. Miller, John Mulvlhlll. Jnmca H exchange for any goods, wares Chemical Consulting Engineers of er "give nor take quarter." Broad Street Grounds Next urd.-iy morning. Pni-kei, Lester R. Hoss, John Colt. Ncl or merchandise, or In payment Newark. Mr. Campbell said that his amount needed, over and above the Wolcott, Arthur Glbb, Jncob SelgjtL Month. The text of the three dcclslonB fol- previous amounts assured, had been George Dray, Howard LiMpincou, Courl- of any services rendered; pro- concern was entertaining a proposal low: vided, however, a l>ona flde club secured, and that by next Monday Undt White. M. V. Drown, P. J. Bcuisllle o finance Bine Burn Foods, Inc., In Plans ate completed and all conV- Tony lMngltore. right It was hoped to have the lull Thomas FUU1, Jc., llan-y Uuiicti. Jr.. Al- entitled to a club under opening a creamery in tho building Summer Card fred Llppraan, Ross E. KIIIK. Dr. D. A the law and the State Rules and mittees have reported excellent pro- This Is an appeal from the denial amount subscribed for. Lester R. Edwards, L. W. Lancaster, Percy Seller- n question. The property is owned gress townrds the coming Harvest of an application for a renewal of a Boss gave the boys a pep talk on man, R. V. B. H. Stout. T. D. Moore Regulations may sell on credit by Ferd Tedesco of South Amboy, plenary retail distribution license for to lt« members, and a hona fide Party To Be Home nnd Bazar to be held by the getting the necessary amount togeth- Harold S. Allen, Hush Ryder, John Haw- who, Mr. Campbell said, would re- Methodist church congregation and premises known as 75 Lelghton ave- kins. R. P. Lomborn, 11. II. Eckert. hotel may sell on credit to Its nue, Red Bank. er as quickly as possible. AnchoraBe and patrol committee—Theo- ceive stock to the value of $20,000 in societies on their grounds on Broad duly registered guests'." the Brae Burn company in return It is admitted that appellant has It was estimated that tho expense .ji-o D. Moore chairmnn. Comrnander S Held Tuesday street, nearly opposite L,eroy place, complied with all the statutory pre- of tho regatta will be around *3,uW. 11. Sands, U. 3. C. G. honorary chairman; for the place. Mr. Campbell said that Friday and Saturday afternoons and Harold M. Botkln, Frederick K. Buruhard, requisites. One thousand dollars of this amount Alan T. Field, Frank GrolT, C. Muury hie company would not advance The denial of the renewal license his been guaranteed by the mayor Jones, Harry Isaacs, Jr., Parko LOKHII, money to pay back taxes and that Plans for Woman's Club Event was by a divided vote of the Coun- »nd,council of Bed Bank; *500 will Roy PamonB, Holbrook Smith. Uichiinl T. Unless the taxes were cancelled the ollmen, two voting in favor and Smith, Harry Zobel, William J. Duncan, to be Completed at Meeting of till taken care of by tho bank bal- Proposed Change company would look for another three against. No formal answer BertBertraa m LLtnde, Boatswain M. M. Hymer, wai filed by the respondent but aa ance from last year's regatta, and a V. S. C. G. place for its creamery. Ways and Means Committee White The committee refused to comply teatlfted to by Councilman James A. Urge portion , of \ho remaining Housing; committee—Courtlandt VanSchoick, who voted against the amount needed is expected to be chairman, Leatep DrtwDt, , CheBUh r e. Of Coaches For with the request, but they said they on Monday. RlRalphh EEckert, Robert MacDonnld, Hugh lenewal, the reason for the refusal realized by tho disposition of a sail- Ryder. would enter into a covenant where- to renew was alleged "Sunday Sales" Doat now being constructed at Dlok- Marina isrvlce committee—Cant. ChnrleB Two School Teams by the back taxes would be accepted A meeting of the ways nnd means at the Iiccn3ed premises. jnan's Boat Works, and by personal T.