••-•«•• /s » Tonic 1 THE WESTFIELD LEADER to LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY Business WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1925 OPENING LEGION APPEALS FOR 20 Page*—5 Cents TOMORROW NIGB MOORE ELECTED GOVERNOR en Cast with Brillian THE JHp FUND WESTFIELD'S VOTE IN DETAIL Choruses to Give Three Endowment Fund to Close 1st WARD Sntl WAItn 3rd WAHlJ BY A LARGE MAJORITY ith WAHD lot n. »nd ix Perofrmances at H. S. Armistice Day; Westfield'* Arthur Whitney. R lstr;. giid D. a<m ith D. 1st D. 2nrt P. let D, 2nd p. Total 33t 628 861 til l!'O 2<7 Quota not Reached A. Harry Moore, D 216 245 3OI1I Tomorrow night the cast of th 7S 60 62 100 81 60 119 126 jsnleb musical comedy "Marcheta1 Members of tbe General AMTU All County and Town Candidates on Repub- ABOUT $400 YET NEEDED Thomna M. Mulr,, HH J0« till jnake its bow to the public i 810 Sit 801 262 285 331 24! school auditorium unde George Compton, K , 341) 834 358 801 26S lican Ticket Have Won by A Large John W. Clilt, n 337 296 347 241 2S4P icos of the Westfield Tenni contributions to the -Ameri- 831 358 «r 241 298 239 aJP HHerbert J. PaBCoe, R. J,; 255 SS80 T!is same comedy with th 300 341 1SS 243 871 321 230 27.1:1 can Legion Endowment Fund for the»•, Winston, D .'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.".".' 56 31* Majority in Westfield 3C 43 48 44 «6 89 rJii'ipsls and cast will be r.» orphans of the World War have now | Scnnepsel, D ."....!.. 51 87 98 «S6 Friday and Saturday even reached th« total of 51109. New I honls stavvekl, D. 31 40 34 67 16 83 10S 686 50 n 88 It 45 84 Jersey State Headquarters ot tlie Belsita Hull Hockwell. D es 57 87 19 95 IH 111 100 83 It iS 106 128 981 Ta8 dress rehearsal last nieh American Legion placed Westfield's Coroners- 40 BOTH PARK QUESTIONS ARE CARRIED 103 tewed th« results of weeks of In quota at $1500, this figure being Clayton A. Mentzer, it. based on the population and wealth drinks and rehearsing and a Gnetano 5?lng-ales, IX. The big day Is over and everything reporter, who drifted la to of the town. The committee in third ward, made a good run re- by the j charge of the appeal In Westileld, uf Member* Board of Ckoeea this morning seemed cftlm and tch itit,, was so d b h ceiving 25J votes In »!« district, but wd wit ott the prtneiua'.s, which M. Q. B. Whelpley is chair- Charles M. Affleck, R 841 338 343 903 SOS peaceful although many may not James G. Casey, H 2«0 2»7 341 84(1 262 was defeated by Eugene Gerhart, tbe and nlmblenesa ot the man, announces that there have been 339 889 888 S08 S00 267 181 845 337 Individual and two group con- GeorgG e HH. Rtley, 13 6( Stl set 200T have had a very peaceful and non- oandldate, onm, 1ld lhs calchy an<1 tl>nG 35 IT 61 43 34 3.01 711 rlbuUons, Individual gifts have William W. French, D 69 41 4t Tl 41 >8 •S E8 (38 tented mind. William Wank, Doaiocratlc can- jl music and s<v>iff. that he coiM3 not ranged In amount! from one dollar didate for Councilman In the fourth «induced to knve, " Councl!inau~- The Republican party wllh Ar- to as high as one single contribu- ward was defeated by Wm, St«u«r- Under the direction of Miss Ger- tion of one hundred dollars. Many- II. JI. MaeCowatt, I) S«0 336 38S 883 thur A. Whitney ae Ita ho»d for ROV- jade Olga Hodman the cast and J. Huesell Marsh, D 48 35 11 nngel, Ilonubllcan candidate by a persons very generously came for- Burr A, Towl. H ernor p«t np a very stiff fight hut ionises have made ra,pla progress ward with contributions of five, ten, ISO 4(11 very clono majority, Bteuerntgel gene Gerhttrt, H, 279 S4U lost out and A. Harry Moore, of Jer- rehearsals and judging from the twenty and twenty-five dollare. Thomas Jutlson, I>. sei making a total ot 385 and Blank 1S7 264 sey City, waa elected Governor on M dress rehearsal "Marcheta" Is William P. Bteuornagel, R 97 S2Q, Mr. lllunk won out la his own llog lo he a show that will plasa Expenses Incurred were, for the 111 385 the Democrat!* ticket, winning by n William Blank, D m 320 district. reryone. Intermixed in the danc 'ollowlng 'purposes; typa eetUiiE; m 138 plurality of about 80,000. and ringing there Is good fun $20.50, paper and printing $11.51, 1'nrk Proposition W«, i Tho public ouestion voted upon re- Yea 817 lit 241) 144 US 174 240 118 148 Members of tho General Assembly it would please a typical Obautau- Envelopes, $26.64; PostaKO, $53.28; No created, won out by it total vote of S3 42 68 SI 43 tl 61 95 nnd Man bars of Hoard of Chosen audience while the Intellectuuls Addressing and mailing, $28.77; moneys for maintaining public pull* appreciate clever lines and the 'ota! $143.70. Freeholders won out on the Repub- Park I'ropotltiau No, 2 and road and parkways, built In «on- 7 gods who want slap-stl=k Subscriptions to the fund will Yes 116 212 126 343 in 161! 165 S37 111 140 lican ticket In "Wostlleld. nectlon with tliu public part! ayateni |y will be entirely satisfied. lose on November 11, after which a No . 34 40 60 SI 43 14 74 t.2 85 The Republican candidates for The section o! the play occurs In nal report will be made to Ainerl- In the counties of the Stato, in w&teti id around a Spanish town. The an Legion Headquarters, and pub- Uouncllnien in the four wards wero a public park syatum ahull have baen COLLEGE WOMAN'S CLUB aide ol the village is heloved hy ished In these columns. No further WELL-KNOWN RESIDENT also elooted: H. H. MaoCowntt, (lr«t or shall hereafter be adopted and i beautiful daughter and his fdllh- ixpense will be undertaken In wlnd- HOLD ANNUAL DINNER MOUNTAINSIDB ward; Ilurr A. To^wl, socond ward; created, wn oil if • tOUl vod il dependents hut Is nagged unmcr- ng up the campaign. It Is earnestly Kugcno Oerhart, third %vard and ully by his domineering wife. The second annual dinner of the KIJEOTION IWI'IIXH OF WESTFIELD DIES 1818. oped, however, that $ny who have Win. Stoucnugel, fourth. 'Ith a view to bringing Industry and ad it In mind to share, no matter College Woman's Club was held The second question on the ballot Hiram Fink, Automobile Mer- Mrs. Ilockwoll, doinocrtitlo eandl- •osperlty to his town, which has !n what amount, In the work at pro- Monday evening at tho Kcho Lako Moore 11 pertaining to a mipnlomsnt to the Country Club. There wero seventy chant, Passed Away This me to seed, the alcalde imports an homes for the orphans of Whitney 169 dato, for member of General Assem- »ct entitled "An net to establish pub- mertan engineer, Strong, to open Vorld War Veterans will semi in his members present and each one Morning bly, although defoatod, ran ahead in oil well In the mountains. The agreed that It wag one of the most Rumpff 153 lic parks In certnln counties In this ontrlbutlons on or befora Armistice Wosttlold receiving SI81 votes. State and to regulate the game, etc.," llagers, 8a well as tho alcalde, 'ay to Mr. Frederick J. Holmea, delightful affairs ever glv^n by the Voorhees ....lost Hirum Ij. Flnlt, ii pronilnptit uud we Invested their all in the enter- club. During tho dinner tho presi- Ayers m respected citizen and DUHIIIOSS man Thomas H. Jtidson, Jr., Democriit- also won in WesUichl by a total vote trea»u*<>r, care of WSStfleld Trust dent Mrs. K. A. PI inner graciously lc ctnulldato for Councilman In tho I ot X727. Ice, but oil has not been struck. Company. Donovan 114 of town, passed away Niiddonly at At the opening of the play the pro- welcomed both old and now lneniberFi his home 10!) Walnut strt'ol, this Roil n« :t haa ]»=t been abandoned, the It will be recalled that this char- and «ach one responded as the roll morning, Itv was conceived as a nation-wide call of the collegia wag read. There j\ir. Fink was horn In Jersey COUNTY VETERANS 1 WOMAN'S CLUB TO HOLD ira Is tankniDt, and the three effort to provide temporary care and were forty-four colleges represented Khori , l*a., niiil wns ti(»vcnty-livo INSTALL OFFICERS nertcans—Strong, the engineer; permanent homes for tho orphans ot from many parts of the country, yoai'fi of iige. He o<iine to Westllold tac'i" McCracken. his overseer: veterans wlioso families are being Smith College having the largest fifty yoars ago and encased In tho RECEPTIOWFOR PRES'T, d SIM, a n'wro laborer—are about left in circumstances. Mrs. SIdoon M, Ludlow, of this ev number present. Tlio committee of painting business but inter, leue. Strong; is In love with the| F > of us realize perhaps tho suffer- tho Collego Club play to ho given when tho automobile came in the Heads of Neighboring Organ! town, Wnmedlatu pant proaldeot ot :alflo'9 daughter, Marcheta, but herIns and neglect to which these little December 4 and 5 announced that market, he discontinued thla Imsi- zations to be Guests at tUa SUto Departraeut American Le- >ther has arraneed for her mar-ones may he subject.
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