SVRI Forum 2017 Being Heard

Risk Assessment Introduction

Rio de Janeiro has many risks, but is also a beautiful and friendly city Main things to remember:

• Any concerns always contact Victoria Page

• Keep a copy of important numbers and the hotel address with you

• If you are not sure, ask!

• Always refer back to the Risk Assessment

• Use common sense

• All crimes need to be reported to police

• All injuries should receive medical attention

High and Medium level risks

2 Context overview

• Rio suffers from large inequalities particularly economic and racial inequalities • Over 700 in the city of Rio (favelas are informal settlements that are located throughout the city) • There is widespread organized drug trafficking and many of Rio’s favelas are controlled by one or more of the cities drug factions • Recent attempt to “pacify” a number of favelas and implant permenant police forces • Ex-military dictatorship • Machista culture

3 SVRI Forum location and around

• The Sheraton is located on the Beach front near two favelas – Chákara do Céu and Vidigal, and further along,

• Short walking distance from upmarket area of Leblon and metro stations nearby

• In daytime should not have any problems walking around

• Always get taxi’s at night to come back to the hotel

4 5 High Risk – Robberies/Assaults (possibly armed)

• Armed assaults are unfortunately quite common in and can happen in any place at any time • Never resist attackers, always hand over your bag/wallet/phone immediately • Go to a bar/restaurant/café/police officer – ask to be put in touch with the tourist police - DEAT (Delegacia Especial de Apoio ao Turismo) • Contact travel insurance • Cancel all bank cards and block phones

6 DEAT (Delegacia Especial de Apoio ao Turismo) - Av. Afrânio de Melo Franco, 159 - Leblon, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, 22430-060. Tel: (21) 2332-2924

7 High and Medium Risks - Saftey and security (Armed) robberies and assaults

• Mass robbings

• Robbings at ATMs Favelas and organized crime

• Violence from drug traffickers

• Caught up in fighting between groups and police Mosquito born diseases

• Dengue, Chikagunya, Zika, Yellow Fever Accidents

• Swimming

• Motor accidents

8 Favelas and organized crime

• Visible differences between buildings in a (self- made houses) and non-favela areas • Don’t enter a favela unless accompanied by a organisation from the favela • If you think you may be entering a favela, ask someone, or turn around and stay to the main roads • If you do enter a favela without realising, drug traffickers may ask you who you are and why you are there – stay calm and try to answer their questions and leave immediately when they say you can

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• If you do enter a favela without realising, drug traffickers may ask you who you are and why you are there – stay calm and try to answer their questions and leave immediately when they say you can – do not run if they try to talk to you. • If you are caught in a shoot out (between groups or groups and the police) – seek cover immediately until all shooting has stopped – follow locals and ask – they will help

10 Mosquito born diseases • Dengue

• Daytime biting mosquitoes

• Mild - life threatening

• Reduce temperature, keep hydrated, take paracetemol (never ibuprofen) • Wear insect repellent on exposed skin

• (but beware they can bite through thin clothing) • Symptoms can take 2 weeks to appear – so when you go back home, still be vigilant for symptoms

• High fever, aching joints, rash • Seek medical attention immediately and inform your doctor of recent travel to 11 Accidents and physical injury

• Swimming:

• The sea is very strong and has a strong undercurrent

• Do not swim / Only enter the water only where lifeguards are situated • Transport:

• Avoid taking motorbikes and wear seatbelts in cars, including taxis and ubers.

• Be vigilant when crossing roads (traffick may come from the opposite direction to what you are used to) • Seek medical attention immediately in the case of accident or injury

12 Sexual Violence and VT

• Sexual harrasment & “cat-calling” • Avoid walking on your own especially at night and avoid empty roads and deserted places • If taking a taxi or uber on your own at night, be sure to inform someone through message or calling of the liscence plate number and your location

Vicarious Trauma: Exposure to traumatic topics via research that results in negative thoughts, perceptions and interpretations • If you feel that a particular topic may have a negative impact on you, speak to a member of the Being Heard team to access whether or not it is necessary for you to attend, and if so, to ensure that the necessary support is made available if required.

13 Sexual violence and VT support process

Step 1 &2:

The order of these steps may overlap and will depend on the needs of the victims, particularly on the physical injury and immediate medical attention required. The victim will either go first to:

The Police Station (preferably one a Women’s Police Station): Police Occurrence Bulletin - the complaint is what establishes the Police Inquiry towards prosecution of the aggressor.

• Military Police - Telephone: 190

• Police Station for the support of tourists (DEAT) - Address: Rua Humberto de Campos, 315. Leblon, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, 22430-190. Telephone: (21) 2332-2924

• Police Station for Women (DEAM). Rua Visconde do Rio Branco, nº 12 - Bairro: Centro. Próximo a Praça Tiradentes. Cep: 20060-080. Telephone: (21)2332-9994 or 2332-9996. Email: [email protected] or,

The Hospital (for medical treatment potentially including the Collection of biological material for use as evidence in criminal proceedings).

• Hospital Municipal Miguel Couto. Address: Rua Mário Ribeiro 117 - Gávea - CEP 22431-000. Telephone: (21) 3111-3800, 3111-3711 e 3111-3712

• Hospital Municipal Souza Aguiar. Address: Praça da República 111 - Centro - CEP 20211-350. Telephone: (21) 3111-2630 e 3111-2601

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Step 3, 4 &/or 5: Depending on the needs of the victim, they may be referred to one or more of the following services. Specialized Center for Assistance to Women in situations of domestic violence - CEAM Chiquinha Gonzaga / SPM-Rio It has psychologists and social workers who attend victims. There may be routing to shelters (the address of the shelters and shelter are confidential to prevent the attacker from finding the victim) Attendance: Monday to Friday from 09h to 17hAddress: Rua Benedito Hipólito, 125, Praça Onze Telephone: 2517-2726 - 98555-2151 (with whatsapp)

*See attached sheet for full list.

15 Key contacts

• The Sheraton Hotel. Av. Niemeyer, 121 - Leblon, Rio de Janeiro. Tel: +55 (21) 2274-1122

• Instituto Promundo: +55 (21) 2544-3114

• Tourist Police (DEAT): Avenida Afrânio de Melo Franco 159, Tel: +55(21) 2332-2924

• Police Department for Women Support (DEAM): +55(21)2332-9994

• Ambulance: 192 / Firefighters: 193

• Rio de Janeiro Military Police (for public order): 190 / Federal Police: 194 / Rio de Janeiro Civil Police (for crimes and investigation): 197

• Federal Highway Police: 191 / Sea Rescue: +55 (21) 2104 6119

16 Emergency Hospitals and Care Units (Public) – Rio de Janeiro

Emergency Care Units – 24hours

• UPA Rocinha: Address: Estrada da Gávea, 520 (curva do S) – Rocinha. Tel: 3322-7190 / 3322-7039 / 3322-7839

• UPA 24H : Address: Rua São Clemente, s/nº, Botafogo, Rio de Janeiro - RJ , CEP: 22.250- 040. Tel: 2334-4013

• UPA Paciência: Address: Estrada Santa Eugênia, s/n° – Jardim 7 de Abril – Paciência. Tel: 3406- 7697 / 3426-4410

Regional Emergency Units

• CER Centro (Souza Aguiar): Address: Rua Frei Caneca, s/nº (ao lado do nº 52) – Centro. Tel: 2507- 1311

• CER Leblon (Miguel Couto): Address: Rua Mário Ribeiro, 1.080 – Leblon. Tel: 3114-8480

• CER Barra da (Lourenço Jorge): Address: Av. Ayrton Senna, 2.000 – . Tel. 3870-3716

• CER Ilha do Governador (Evandro Freire): Address: Estrada do Galeão, 2.920 – Ilha do Governador. Tel.: 3353-6179

17 Emergency Hospitals • Hospital Municipal Souza Aguiar: Address: Praça da República, 111 – Centro. Tel: 3111- 2611 • UPA 24H Botafogo: Rua São Clemente, s/nº, Botafogo, Rio de Janeiro – RJ, CEP: 22.250- 040. Telefone: 2334-4013 • Hospital Municipal Salgado Filho: Address: Rua Arquias Cordeiro, 370 – . Tel: 3111- 4113 • Hospital Municipal Miguel Couto: Address: Rua Mário Ribeiro, 117 – Leblon. Tel.: 3111- 372 • Hospital Municipal Lourenço Jorge: Address: Avenida Ayrton Senna, 2.000 – Barra da Tijuca. Tel.: 3111-4603 • Hospital Municipal Pedro II: Address: Rua do Padro, 325 – Santa Cruz. Tel: 3365-0300 • Hospital Municipal Evandro Freire: Address: Estrada do Galeão, 2.920 – Ilha do Governador. Tel.: 3353-6179 Emergency Care Hospitals Hospital Municipal Rocha Maia: Address: Rua General Severiano, 91 – Botafogo. Tel: 2295- 2295 Hospital Municipal Francisco da Silva Telles: Address: Av. Ubirajara, 25 – Irajá. Tel: 3111- 2011 18 Questions?

19 Rua do Resende, 80 – Centro, Rio de Janeiro Phone/Fax: +55 21 2544-3114

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