I for Off Season Travel

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I for Off Season Travel Vol. 5, No. 2 February 15, 1978 Bargain Excursion Fares Offered I For Off Season Travel Amtrak is offering bargain fares on tickets are 33 per cent off regular Harrisburg through Pittsburgh to all 21 routes beginning January 31, with round-trip coach fares and may be us­ other stations on both routes. Harris­ savings up to 46 per cent off regular ed within 32 days of the first travel burg fares apply to points west only. fares. Still other excursion fares go date. Night Owl fares will not apply Silver Meteor, Silver Star and Pal­ into effect February 10. from February 17-20 or March 18-26. metto - Round-trip coach excursion The excursion fares, most of which Broadway Limited and National fares already in effect for New York­ apply only to round-trip coach travel, Limited - Passengers on both routes Florida and Baltimore/Washington­ are intended to boost ridership during may take advantage of a seven-day Florida passengers will remain in ef­ the late winter and spring months, round-trip coach excursion fare for fect until October 29. Passengers usually a light travel period. only $5 more than the one-way fare. from New York to any Florida So me of the fares are new while The excursion fare applies between destination pay only $109 for a others are extensions of fares already end point cities, and stations from round-trip coach ticket, while pas- in effect, or rein statements of fares which expired last November. Most of the discounted fares are not of­ Gareliek Named Executive Vice President fered during holiday periods such as the Washington's Birthday or Easter Martin Garelick, vi ce president of with traditional railroad organiza­ weekends. operations for the Milwaukee Road, tional structures." Amtrak stresses that many of the has been appoint­ Reistrup stressed, "Our aim in this excursion and special fares contain ed to the new coordination is to bring improved ser­ restrictions on dates and conditions position of Am­ vice to our passengers . " of travel and that trip planners should trak's executive Except for a two-year period as check with an Amtrak travel or vice president and general manager of the Des Moines reservation agent on wh ich of the new chief operating Union Railway, Garelick has been fares best meets their travel needs. officer, effective with the Milwaukee Road since 1947, Following is a route-by-route des­ February 1. where he started with the line's engi­ cription of each type of fare. Unless Garelick, 53, neering department after graduation noted otherwise, the excursion fares will report dire<;t­ from college. expire on May 25. ly to Amtrak Garelick subsequently rose through Lake Shore Limited - Passengers President Paul H . Martin Gareliek the operating ranks as trainmaster , traveling round-trip between Boston/ Reistrup and will coordinate the ac­ superintendent at various locations, New York and Chicago, or between tivities of four major departments: assistant general manager at Seattle, several other long-distance city-pairs, the Northeast Corridor, national assistant vice president of marketing can ride for only $5 more than the operations, marketing and operations development and pricing, vice presi­ one-way fare. The round trip must be support. He wil also be responsible dent of transportation and, finally in completed within seven days of the for the company's mechanical, engi­ May 1976, vice president of opera­ date of first travel and the discount neering, police and security, and safe­ tions. does not apply between March 18-26. ty functions. Garelick was born in Rochester , For passengers traveling the farthest Said Reistrup, '''We are delighted New York, and was graduated from distances, the discount adds up to a to have a man of Marty Garelick's Purdue University in 1947 with a savings of 46 per cent. broad experience and capabilities join bachelor of science degree in civil Lake Share passengers mayaiso the Amtrak staff. engineering. He has also attended qualify for Night Owl fares , which "His joining Amtrak enables us to management training courses at are round-trip coach fares for select­ bring our marketing department, plus Northwestern University, University ed cities served during the "wee all of the company's major operating of Salt Lake City, Harvard and the hours" of the night. Night Owl elements under one person, a break University of Wisconsin. sengers froin Baltimore and Washing­ trains in Philadelphia or Washington, and October 29. A person from Min­ ton pay only $99. Discount tickets do or those from the Shenandoah, Car­ neapolis can thus travel to Miami for not apply during several peak travel dinal or Blue Ridge connecting in $65. periods. Agents have the specific Washington. Montrealer - Amtrak now offers dates. Connecting passengers from any ci­ a 25 per cent discount on coach The New York-Florida excursion ty in Virginia can purchase the inter­ round-trips between Montreal and fare is being cut even further , to $87, route tickets for $99. stations from New York through or $1 over one-way, on Mondays, Inter-route excursion tickets are be­ Washington. The excursion does not Tuesdays and Wednesdays only from ing offered through October 29, with apply to travel beginning on Fridays February 10 through June 15. certain exceptions, details of which or Sundays and the fare is being ex­ New Florida "inter-route" excur­ are available from Amtrak ticket and tended indefinitely. si on fares, designed to encourage travel agents. Effective April 1 through May 25, travel to Florida by passengers from Within Florida itself, Amtrak will Montrealer passengers between Mon­ other Amtrak routes, became effec­ have available a special intra-state, treal and stations south of Philadel­ tive on January 31. Passengers from 17-day excursion fare of $5 over phia through Washington will be able New England states may connect with regular one-way fares from February to ride round-trip in coach for $5 Florida trains in New York and pay 10 through June 15. more than the one-way fare. Travel only .$129 for a round-trip coach Passengers on the Si/ver Meteor, must be completed within four days ticket from their origin city to any Si/ver Star or Palmetto traveling bet­ of the first travel date. By the time Florida destination. ween Savannah and New York, Tren­ this fare goes into effect, the Mon­ The $129 fare also applies to pas­ ton, Baltimore, Washington and trealer should be operating with Am­ sengers originating at stations from Richmond can also save on round­ fleet equipment plus rebuilt sleeping Columbus, Ohio through Terre trip coach tickets. The 30-day excur­ cars. Haute, Indiana, on the Naitonal sion fares, in effect February 10 Adirondack - Beginning January Limited route; from Canton, Ohio, through May 25, vary in savings and 31, Amtrak is offering a new "cus­ on the Broadway Limited route; from the tickets will not be honored tom class" on the Adirondack. The Muncie, Indiana, on the Cardinal February 17-20 or March 18-26. new service will cost $3, in addition to route; and from Erie, Pennsylvania, More service will also be available basic coach fare between any two on the Lake Shore Limited route. to and from Florida, beginning points on the route, and will guaran­ Florida-boundtraveIers from Am­ - February -26-; with the reirrslatement teetffe passenger a searin tl1e'furbo-:. trak routes in Pennsylvania (west of of the Champion, linking New York club. First-class club service, with at­ Philadelphia), Maryland, West with Tampa and St. Petersburg. your-seat food and beverage service, Virginia and Kentucky are now able Floridian-A special one-way $60 will not be offered. Custom class of­ to purchase excursion tickets for coach fare, currently in effect be­ fers a passenger the convenience of a $119. Ohio cities served by the tween Chicago and Florida, will be guaranteed seat on an otherwise unre­ Shenandoah also qualify for the $119 extended for only $5 more to cities on served train, plus the extra comfort of fare. This, fare include passengers the connecting Detroit-Chicago, Min­ the roomier Turbo-club seats. from the National or Broadway neapolis-Chicago and Cleveland­ The Adirondack already offers two Limiteds connecting with Florida Chicago lines, between February 10 excursion fares: a 30-day round-trip excursion between any two stations for 25 per cent less than the regular U .S.A. Rail Pass Goes On Sale round trip fare; and a three-day round-trip excursion for $33.50, Amtrak 's unlimited travel rate. which can be used between the end U.s.A. Rail Pass goes on sale The sale-priced passes will in­ point cities and any other two stations between February 10 and May 15 clude those purchased both in for wh ich the excursion fare offers a at prices that make it one of the North America and overseas, and saving. Custom class may be pur­ best travel bargains in the United are good for unlimited coach chased in conjunction with the 30-day excursion. States. travel 01) any non-Metroliner Cost of the 14-day U.s.A. Rail train throughout the 28,000 miles Blue Water Limited - A new Pass drops from $185 to $159, of Amtrak's and Southern round-trip off-peak coach excursion t he 21- day pass from $250 to Railway's systems. fare for travel between any points on $215 and the 30-day pass from Passes can be purchased at any the Chicago-Port Huron route began $295 to $255. Amtrak station or ticket office January 31. The excursion fare offers Children under 12 pay approxi­ or through Amtrak-authorized a saving of 25 per cent off the regular mately one half the new adult travel agents.
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