Models, Media, and Methods Frei Otto's Architectural Research
EXHIBITION CHECKLIST project, Atelier Warmbronn, ca. 1970 FREI OTTO AT WORK Soap bubble model, Three drawings by Frei minimal surfaces of mem- Models, Otto, Atelier Warmbronn, branes with low-lying points, ca. 1969 Atelier Warmbronn, 1963 Three images of Frei Otto Soap bubble model, photographing a model, minimal surfaces of Media, and Atelier Warmbronn, ca. 1971 membranes with low-lying Two images of Frei Otto points, photograph, 1963 taking photographs of Four photographs of Methods the model of the canopy for Frei Otto, suspended chain the tem p orary stand of the model, Atelier Warmbonn swimming pool in the EL (Develop ment Center for Two models of pneumatic Munich Olympic Park, STRUCTURAL DESIGN Lightweight Construction), structure, plaster Atelier Warmbronn, ca. 1970 Parabolic pavilion, contact sheet, Berlin, 1956 Design for intersecting Frei Otto with his team, Entwicklungsstätte für den Membrane (L. Stromeyer, wave pavilions, Internationale Atelier Warmbronn Leichtbau EL (Develop ment Kostanz), Entwicklungs stätte Gartenbauaustellung (IGA), Center for Light weight für den Leichtbau EL model, marble, wood, metal, NATURE STUDIES Construction), plan and photo (Dev el op ment Center for plaster, 1963 Nature studies, detail of a collage, Berlin, 1952 Lightweight Cons truction), Hanger design model for spider web, Atelier Warmbonn High low study, Entwick- Berlin, plan, 1956 a church, wood, metal, textile, Nature studies, feather, lun gs stätte für den Leichtbau Tent for the BUGA horticul - stones, dried plants, 1964 Atelier Warmbonn
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