Congressional Record—House H149
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January 25, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H149 powerful symbol of victory over tyranny. His personal congratulations to Mr. Yushchenko Whereas on January 24, 2005, the United inauguration ends a bitter chapter in Ukraine’s and wish him all the best as he works to bring Nations General Assembly, in response to a history and paves the way for the country to Ukraine into the community of democratic na- resolution proposed by Australia, Canada, become a democratic leader in the former So- New Zealand, Russia, the United States, and tions. As freedom and democracy descends the European Union, convened its first-ever viet Union. on Ukraine, I hope that their peaceful transi- special session marking the liberation of As a founding member and former Co-Chair tion to a modern democratic country will serve Auschwitz and other concentration camps on of the Congressional Ukrainian Caucus, I have as a further catalyst for the growing inter- the 60th anniversary of that event; regularly spoken out in favor of a democratic national movement to bring liberty to all peo- Whereas on January 27, 2005, the Govern- Ukraine. In 2002, I introduced a resolution urg- ples of the world that still suffer in the shad- ment of Poland will host a state ceremony at ing the Government of Ukraine to ensure a ows of tyranny and dictatorship. Auschwitz/Oswiecim, Poland, to mark the democratic, transparent, and fair election proc- Mr. LANTOS. Mr. Speaker, we have anniversary of the liberation of the camps in ess leading up to the March 2002 parliamen- which the Presidents of Israel, Germany, Po- no further requests for time, and I land, and Russia, and the Vice President of tary elections. This resolution passed over- yield back the balance of our time. the United States, and leaders of many other whelmingly and let the Ukrainian government Mr. HYDE. Mr. Speaker, I have no countries will participate; know that the U.S. would not simply rubber- further requests for time, and I, too, Whereas January 27 of each year is the of- stamp aid to the Ukraine without also consid- yield back the balance of my time. ficial Holocaust Memorial Day in many Eu- ering the serious issues involved in Ukraine’s The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. ropean countries, including Denmark, Esto- democratic development. SHIMKUS). The question is on the mo- nia, Germany, Greece, Italy, Sweden, and the Unfortunately Mr. Speaker, the former tion offered by the gentleman from Illi- United Kingdom, and has been designated by Israel as a National Day to Combat Anti- Ukrainian government continued to turn a nois (Mr. HYDE) that the House suspend blind-eye to the international community’s in- Semitism; and the rules and agree to the concurrent Whereas the Department of State in the sistence on truly democratic elections. The resolution, H. Con. Res. 16, as amended. Report on Global Anti-Semitism transmitted November 21 runoff presidential race was The question was taken. to Congress in December 2004 noted that plagued by voter fraud, intimidation, and wide- The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the ‘‘anti-Semitism in Europe increased signifi- spread use of counterfeit ballots. However, a opinion of the Chair, two-thirds of cantly in recent years’’, ‘‘Holocaust denial truly significant event occurred after Viktor those present have voted in the affirm- and Holocaust minimization efforts’’ have Yushchenko’s opponent was initially declared ative. found increasingly overt acceptance in a number of Middle Eastern countries, and the winner. Thousands of Ukrainians took to Mr. LANTOS. Mr. Speaker, on that I the streets in protest, surrounding the govern- anti-Semitism has appeared ‘‘in countries demand the yeas and nays. where historically or currently there are few ment buildings and refusing to leave until a The yeas and nays were ordered. or even no Jews’’: Now, therefore, be it new and fair election was announced. Their The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Resolved, That the House of Representa- faith and determination was signified by the ant to clause 8 of rule XX and the tives— donning of orange scarves, and came to be Chair’s prior announcement, further (1) recalls with gratitude the sacrifices known as the Orange Revolution. It was in- proceedings on this motion will be made by Allied soldiers, as well as partisans and underground fighters, whose service and strumental in forcing the Ukrainian government postponed. to hold new elections on December 26, which dedication resulted in the defeat of the Nazi f regime and the liberation of Auschwitz and Yushchenko won handedly. I want to com- COMMENDING COUNTRIES AND OR- other concentration camps during World War mend the Ukrainian people for their commit- II; ment to ending their political crisis in a peace- GANIZATIONS FOR MARKING (2) expresses gratitude to those individuals ful and democratic way. 60TH ANNIVERSARY OF LIBERA- and organizations that assisted and cared for The United States Congress stands ready to TION OF AUSCHWITZ the survivors of Nazi brutality and helped work with President Yushchenko as he under- Mr. HYDE. Mr. Speaker, I move to those survivors establish new lives; takes the political and economic reforms nec- suspend the rules and agree to the reso- (3) commends those countries that are essary to bring about a bright future for marking the 60th anniversary of the libera- lution (H. Res. 39) commending coun- tion of Auschwitz, as well as the United Na- Ukraine. I am hopeful, Mr. Speaker, that Presi- tries and organizations for marking the tions General Assembly and other inter- dent Bush will soon invite President 60th anniversary of the liberation of national organizations, for honoring the vic- Yushchenko to Washington so that Congress Auschwitz and urging a strengthening tims of the Holocaust and using this tragic can congratulate him and hear firsthand his vi- of the fight against racism, intoler- anniversary to increase awareness of the sion for bringing about a reformed Ukraine ance, bigotry, prejudice, discrimina- Holocaust; dedicated to freedom and justice. tion, and anti-Semitism. (4) urges all countries and peoples to Mr. BURTON of Indiana. Mr. Speaker, I was The Clerk read as follows: strengthen their efforts to fight against rac- regrettably delayed in my return to Wash- ism, intolerance, bigotry, prejudice, dis- H. RES. 39 ington, DC, and therefore unable to be on the crimination, and anti-Semitism; and House Floor for rollcall votes 8 and 9. Whereas on January 27, 1945, the Nazi con- (5) urges governments and educators Had I been here I would have voted ‘‘aye’’ centration camp at Auschwitz, including throughout the world to teach the lessons of Birkenau and other related camps near the the Holocaust in order that future genera- for rollcall vote 8, on H. Con. Res. 16—Con- Polish city of Oswiecim, was liberated by tions will understand that racial, ethnic, and gratulating the people of the Ukraine for con- elements of the Soviet Army under the com- religious intolerance and prejudice can lead ducting a democratic, transparent, and fair mand of Field Marshal Ivan Konev; to the genocide carried out in camps such as runoff presidential election on December 26, Whereas, according to the United States Auschwitz. 2004, and congratulating Victor Yushchenko Holocaust Memorial Museum, at a minimum The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- on his election as President of Ukraine and his 1,300,000 people were deported to Auschwitz ant to the rule, the gentleman from Il- between 1940 and 1945, and of these, at least commitment to democracy and reform. linois (Mr. HYDE) and the gentleman 1,100,000 were murdered at that camp; The voice of the Ukrainian people spoke from California (Mr. LANTOS) each will loudly on December 26th as Ukrainians united Whereas an estimated 6,000,000 Jews, more than 60 percent of the pre-World War II Jew- control 20 minutes. and re-affirmed their commitment to reform, ish population of Europe, were murdered by The Chair recognizes the gentleman democracy, and further Trans-Atlantic co- the Nazis and their collaborators at Ausch- from Illinois (Mr. HYDE). operation with their selection of Mr. witz and elsewhere in Europe; GENERAL LEAVE Yushchenko as President. The peaceful, or- Whereas in addition, hundreds of thou- Mr. HYDE. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani- ange-clad demonstrators who rallied through- sands of civilians of Polish, Roma, and other mous consent that all Members may out Ukraine and helped achieve this historic nationalities, including in particular handi- have 5 legislative days within which to moment should be an inspiration to all of us. capped and retarded individuals, homo- revise and extend their remarks and in- And Mr. Yushchenko’s peaceful inauguration, sexuals, political, intellectual, labor, and re- clude extraneous material on H. Res. and smooth transition to power, displays yet ligious leaders, all of whom the Nazis consid- ered ‘‘undesirable’’, as well as Soviet and 39, the resolution under consideration. another positive sign for a bright future for the other prisoners of war, perished at Auschwitz The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Ukrainians and sets an exceptional example of and elsewhere in Europe; objection to the request of the gen- the power of freedom and democracy for the Whereas the complex of concentration and tleman from Illinois? entire region. death camps at Auschwitz has come to sym- There was no objection. As a senior Member of the House Inter- bolize the brutality and inhumanity of the Mr. HYDE. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- national Relations Committee, I extend my Holocaust; self such time as I may consume. VerDate Aug 04 2004 02:54 Jan 26, 2005 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A25JA7.016 H25PT1 H150 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 25, 2005 Mr.