City of Grafing b.München

The City of Grafing b.München is a small town in the District of with

Energy Storage for the Alpine Space round about 13.000 inhabitants. It is situated 32km south- east of and well integrated in the regional and national transport system. The city is historically grown and has a rich cultural life which is mostly AlpStore Kick-Off Conference borne by various clubs and other organisations. Together with the city of February 25th and 26th 2013 Ebersberg Grafing fulfils many specific needs for a wider radius concerning secondary schools, adult education, public administration and hospitals. With a multiplicity of shops and crafts enterprises Grafing is the most important shopping city within the District of Ebersberg. The various brands of beer brewed by the local brewery Wildbräu are also well known outside of Grafing.

Situated in the alpine upland, between the City of Munich, the Chiemsee, also called “Bavarian Sea”, and the Alps, the city offers attractive living General Information conditions and a scenic ambiance. At the southern border of the city, you City of Grafing b.München can find the Dobel, a woodland with steep gradients. Its distinctive profile has been formed during the latest Ice Age. Alongside Arrival by plane, car or train woodlands there are agricultural areas, extensive Map of Grafing b.München grasslands and swamps.

Venue Due to the connection to suburban railway services and Stadthalle, City of Grafing b.München regional trains, Grafing is a particularly favourable starting Jahnstraße 13 point for hiking, walking and biking tours. 85567 Grafing b.München To To Ebersberg To Munich

City of To Ebersberg Grafing b.München

Train Station Grafing Stadt

Hotels in Grafing 1: Hotel Kastenwirt Marktplatz 21 Parking accessible 1 round the clock, 2: Hotel Hasi no parking fee Griesstraße 5

2 Conference Location To Stadthalle Grafing Jahnstraße 13 85567 Grafing b.München

To Munich

To Aßling

In the City of Grafing b.München follow the car-park routeing system direction “Stadthalle” or the signs to “

Source of the Map:, modified by B.A.U.M. Consult GmbH

Rapid Transit Network

Arrival by plane: Take S8 direction Herrsching or Weßling to Leuchtenbergring, change to S4 direction Ebersberg (change the platform to track 4), get off at Grafing Stadt [travelling time approx. 65 minutes]

Arrival by train: You will arrive at Munich Central Station or Munich East (Ostbahnhof). From both stations take the S4 direction Ebersberg, get off at Grafing Stadt [travelling time approx. 40 minutes]

Source: Münchner Verkehrs- und Tarifverbund (, modified by B.A.U.M. Consult GmbH

How to get to Grafing b.München by car

Venue Stadthalle, City of Grafing b.München Jahnstraße 13 85567 Grafing b.München

Please also consider the map of the City of Grafing b.München (above). Accommodation

City of Grafing b.München  Hotel Kastenwirt  Hotel Hasi Marktplatz 27, 85567 Grafing Griesstraße 5, 85567 Grafing

Phone: + 49 (0)8092 / 50 83 Phone: + 49 (0)8092 / 700 70 Mail: [email protected] Mail: [email protected] Internet: Internet: Price: 65€ per night (single room) Price: 68€ per night (single room)

Reachable by foot from S4 station “Grafing Stadt” Reachable by foot from S4 station “Grafing Stadt”

City of Ebersberg (approx. 6 km from Grafing)  Hotel Hölzerbräu  Hotel Seeluna Sieghartstraße 1, 85560 Ebersberg Am Priel 3, 85560 Ebersberg

Phone: + 49 (0)8092 / 85 25 89 0 Phone: + 49 (0)8092 / 82 85 0 Mail: [email protected] Mail: [email protected] Internet:

Price: 74€ per night (single room) Price: from 59€ per night (single room) Reachable by foot from S4 station “Ebersberg” Reachable only by taxi from S4 station “Ebersberg”

City of Ebersberg (continued) Markt Kirchseeon (approx. 8 km)  Hotel Gasthof Huber  Hotel Bildungsblick Oberndorf 11, 85560 Ebersberg Moosacher Straße 31, 85614 Kirchseeon

Phone: + 49 (0)8092 / 86 70 Phone: + 49 (0)8091 / 51 49 00 Mail: [email protected] Mail: [email protected] Internet: http://www.hotel-gasthof- Internet: Price: from 79€ per night (single room) Price: from 65€ per night (single room)

Reachable only by taxi from S4 station “Ebersberg” Reachable by foot from S4 station “Kirchseeon”

You can get to Ebersberg and Kirchseeon by car or suburban train

Accommodations are also offered by individuals. For further information and booking please consider the sites of the Tourismusverein Grafing.

Taxi Taxiunternehmen Tschanter Phone: + 49 (0)8092 / 86 29 12 Taxiunternehmen Pawelczyk Phone: + 49 (0)8121 / 3141 Limousinenservice Preuss Phone: + 49 (0)172 / 292 60 07