
Riekofen Schwarzach Walting Thalmassing Kirchdorf Spiegelau Wolferstadt Schernfeld Bogen Altmannstein Saal Kirchberg im Abtsgmünd Hüttlingen Wechingen Solnhofen Teugn Hagelstadt Atting Eschach Eichstätt A 9 an der im Wallerstein Wald Neuschönau Mauth bach Donau Sünching Straubing A 3 Wald Schechingen Lauchheim Wemding Otting Mörnsheim Philippsreut Deiningen Stammham Durlangen Bopfingen Hausen Pfakofen Perkam Grafenau Heuchlingen Nördlingen Hitzhofen Mindelstetten B 15n Innernzell Hohenau Alerheim Rögling Aiterhofen Monheim Adelschlag A 93 Feldkirchen Iggingen Aalen Oberdolling Mariaposching Mögglingen Huisheim Tagmersheim Wettstetten Langquaid Geiselhöring Haid Mutlangen Reimlingen Wellheim B 20 Abensberg Ringelai Möttingen Kösching Pförring Freyung Gaimersheim Neustadt Schwäbisch B 15n Laberweinting Oberschneiding Grainet Heubach Daiting an der Biburg Zenting Gmünd Harburg Egweil Herrngiersdorf Oberkochen Buchdorf Donau Perlesreut Mönchsdeggingen (Schwaben) Kirchdorf Mallersdorf-Pfaffenberg Leiblfing A 3 Saldenburg Waldstetten Kaisheim Großmehring Vohburg Rohr Bergheim Forheim Rennertshofen Ingolstadt in Bartholomä Neresheim an der A 92 Moos Schöllnach Niederbayern Neureiche Marxheim Donau Königsbronn Neuburg B 15n B 20 ch A 7 A 93 Wildenberg Amerdingen Tittling Waldkirchen Niederschönenfeld an der Bissingen Donauwörth Weichering Mengkofen A 3 Fürsteneck Donau A 9 Eging Bayerbach Nattheim Dischingen Burgheim Rottenburg Pilsting Oberpöring am Steinheim A 93 bei See Rain Rohrenfels an der Wallerfing Sonnen en Böhmenkirch am Asbach-Bäumenheim Karlshuld Geisenfeld Ergoldsbach A 92 Heidenheim Karlskron Laaber B 15n Moosthenning Aicha Albuch Zöschingen Tapfheim Landau Künzing Hutthurm B 2 Königsmoos vorm Gingen Weng an der Syrgenstein Ziertheim Schwenningen B 300 Wald Hauzenberg an der Lutzingen Gottfriedingerschwaige Ruderting Fils Mainburg Ehekirchen Berg Eichendorf Bachhagel Blindheim Brunnen Dingolfing Vilshofen Gerstetten im Gau A 92 Geislingen Herbrechtingen Wittislingen an der A 3 Pörnbach Essenbach Salzweg an der Höchstädt Holzheim Langenmosen Niederviehbach Donau Buttenwiesen Wolnzach Weihmichl Haunsheim an der Ehingen Ellgau Volkenschwand Roßbach W Steige Hermaringen Hohenwart bei Baar Rudelzhausen Aldersbach Donau Pöttmes Altheim Dillingen Wertingen Amstetten Ergolding Untergriesbach (Alb) Medlingen an der Thierhaupten Reisbach Aidenbach Simbach Arnstorf Donau Wertingen Schrobenhausen Au in Weidenstetten Gundelfingen Altdorf Marklkofen Obernzell A 7 Meitingen der Hörgertshausen Kröning Beutelsbach Nellingen Lonsee Adlkofen Ortenburg Niederstotzingen an der Hallertau Landshut Johanniskirchen Donau Laugna Aresing Pfaffenhofen Malgersdorf Egglham Fürstenzell Westerstetten Rammingen A 8 Holzheim Biberbach an der Mauern A 92 gen Villenbach Aindling Inchenhofen Kumhausen Ilm Schweitenkirchen Attenkirchen Gerzen A 3 Neuburg Engelhartsze Bernstadt Gundremmingen Gachenbach Scheyern Haarbach Langenau Gerolsbach Wang Dietersburg am Emersacker Hollenbach Schalkham Offingen Rehling Münzkirchen B 2 Wolfersdorf St. B 10 Paunzhausen Geisenhausen Aegidi Winterbach Altenmünster Schiltberg Moosburg Rimbach Heretsried Aichach Kirchdorf Haselbach Günzburg Gablingen Affing an der Schärding an der Buch Vilsheim Vilsbiburg Bad Isar Bad Tettenweis Bonstetten Langenbach/Obb am Gangkofen Griesbach Bubesheim Burgau Landensberg Jetzendorf A 9 Pfarrkirchen Birnbach A 7 Erlbach im A 8 Gersthofen Obergriesbach Blaustein A 8 Baierbach Rottal aubeuren A 8 Pram Sielenbach Kranzberg Kirchberg Eggenfelden Neu Steinheim A 92 Pocking A8 Ulm Horgau Neusäß Triftern Sigharting Altomünster Neufraunhofen Unterdietfurt Finningen Rieden Kammeltal A 9 Bodenkirchen W Biburg Kößlarn Andorf Vierkirchen Fraunberg Velden Adelzhausen Markt Neumarkt-Sankt Rotthalmünster Pfaffenhofen Diedorf Wurmannsquick Laab Raab Gerlenhofen Waldstetten Dinkelscherben Indersdorf Fahrenzhausen Veit Bad Eggerding an der Schönberg A8 Peue Burtenbach Geratskirchen Füssing Roth (Vils) heim Gessertshausen Röhrmoos Wittibreut Erbach Senden (Schwaben) A 94 Münsterhausen Reut Lambrechten Bockhorn Tann Ort im Zell an Weißenhorn Neuburg Innkreis der Oberdischingen Staig Kissing Schwabhausen Eching Zeilarn Ering Kirchdorf Pram an der Fischach Ried Hebertshausen A8 Vöhringen Kammel Thannhausen am Inn Roggenburg Pretzen Mining Weilbach Schnürpflingen Unterschleißheim Neumarkt iesingen Langenneufnach Bobingen Mering Winhöring Geinberg Forchtenau Achstetten Dachau Julbach im Oberschleißheim Ampfing Braunau Wehringen Altheim Aurolzmünster Hausruckkreis Regglisweiler Krumbach Merching Wörth Gurten Balzhausen Mühldorf am Inn A8 Weng Tumeltsham Laupheim Walkertshofen Großaitingen Karlsfeld am Inn Altötting Illertissen Niederraunau im Innkreis Isen Tüßling Haiming Ebershausen Wildenau Ried Rottenbach Pastetten Unterroth Unterföhring Kastl im Schemmerberg Wain Markt Mauerkirchen Aistersheim 1. THE WATER EXPERIENCE bei Kettershausen Schwabmünchen Adelshofen Aspach Innkreis Haag Mittelneufnach Schwaben Burghausen 11. Achensee 22. Maria Valdrast Monastery: 32 Cortina d’Ampezzo emmerhofen 42.Balzhe Mestreim Illertissen am -Jenbach (western route) Burgkirchen In the Fjord of the Plateau at the foot of the The Olympic city with Between the mainland Untermeitingen Haag in Hausruck Munich-Jenbach (eastern route) Dornach Gars an der Alz Uttendorf B 30 Osterberg MÜNCHEN Oberbayern Taufkirchen Schöngeising am Inn Lohnsburg Gaspoltshofe an international atmosphere and the lagoon Markt Pramet A 7 am Kobernaußerwald Warthausen Wald 1 Sankt Johann Weil Gräfelfing an der Alz Gutenzell Gilching am Walde Tussenhausen Ettringen 2 Mattighofen Biberach Sankt Erolzheim Lamerdingen an der Kaufering Radegund The largest bathing lake in the , it is has earnt the title of “Fjord The Maria Waldrast monastery is set in a beautiful valley basin at the Cortina d’Ampezzo offers a perfect blend of nature, history, art and The itinerary goes through the city of Mestre, commercial and Riß A 7 Penzing Weßling of the Alps” not only for its elongated shape: yachtsmen appreciate foot of the Serles (2718 metres); it is the highest pilgrimage destination culture that makes it unique in the world, the destination of the industrial center,Ochsenh asaus wellen as an important railway junction. an der Alz Frankenburg A 96 Gauting Auerbach Munderfing 1. Türkheim am the winds, the swimmers the banks which are accessible everywhere in Tyrol (1641 metres). The site has a restaurant and can be reached by international jet set. Cortina is not only about shopping, glamour and Special attractions are the central Piazza Ferretto with the medieval Grünwald Grafing bei Pfaffing Berkheim Mindelheim Taufkirchen Hausruck Puchkirchen Touching science and and nature lovers the play of colours of the transparent waters. Don’t bike or car from using a well asphalted toll road a series of very important cultural and sporting events: it offers much tower, the only remains of the ancient city walls, and the large San am 7 München A 96 Buchloe Seefeld Kienberg technology miss the tour with the oldest European cog railway which is still steam about 6.5 km long. Touristic and thematic paths around the monastery more, as it has an absolutely stunning naturalistic and panoramic Hochdorf Giuliano ParkS twhicheinhaus eoffersn a beautiful view of the lagoon and of the Lech Finning Utting Riedersbach Schneegattern Apfeltrach Baierbrunn Höhenkirchen- Bruck Desse an der Rot an Steinheim am Palting operated from Jenbach to Maurach, on the lake. lead to the natural and cultural environment (Ochsenalm) and up to the patrimony like the Natural Park of the Dolomiti d’Ampezzo, which city of . Ungerhausen -Siegertsbrunn Lengau Vöcklabruck Rottum der Dirlewang Bad Ammersee Altenmarkt Fridolfing Vöcklamarkt Tannheim Jengen Starnberg Au Berndorf top of the Serles, the altar of Tyrol. includes the group of the and Mount and stretches Rot Wörishofen 3 Aßling an der Alz Lamprechtshausen Herrsching bei Memmingen Unterdießen Rott to the Fanes Park – Sennes – Braies. The Ampezzo territory is a am Ammersee Schäftlarn Seeon am Inn Untereching Inaugurated over a century ago, the Deutsches Museum is in real outdoor park at the centre of the and is perfect for Hawangen Pöcking Berg Irrsdorf Taching the heart of Munich and is one of the most important museums Kirchanschöring A1 A1 excursions and mountaineering: the guides were born here who Markt Halfing am See Waidach Schleedorf 12. Tyrolean petroleum 43. Venice Baisweil Feldafing Neumarkt A1 of science and technology in the world, appreciated by both Dietmanns Aitrach Rettenbach B 12 Oberostendorf Obertrum 23. Gschnitztal accompanied the explorers of the Dolomites, coming from all over the Leeder Laufen Unique active substances The city in the lagoon Eggstätt am See am Wallersee children and adults. In its many sections (there is also a wonderful world to conquer the most prestigious peaks. A 7 Germaringen 4 Sondermoning Großkufhau The Laponesalm Eggenthal since ancient times Otterfing Gstadt am St. Leonhard Petting planetarium) natural and physical laws are explained, all the main ee Bad Irsee Pähl Tutzing Haidgau Rott am Weyregg alpine farm house Wurzach Ronsberg Valley Reindlmühl scientific inventions and discoveries made by man. Opening hours: Stöttwang Großkarolinenfeld Seekirchen am A 96 Holzkirchen every day, 9 – 5. Kaufbeuren Bruckmühl am Wallersee Attersee Friesenried Saaldorf-Surheim Neukirchen Bernried Thalgauberg A 7 am bei Above Lake Achen, bituminous schist petroleum, used for the 33. Pieve di The legendaryArnach canals with their famous gondolas and evocative ute Chiemsee Altmünster Obergünzburg 8 Zilling production of creams, ointments, lotions and shampoo has been Towards the end of the Gschnitztal, a side valley of the , there is The Dolomites, art and culture historical buildings make Venice unique. Among the numerous Immenried Weilheim in Freilassing the village of Gshnitz, surrounded by splendid meadows and crystalline attractions we point out the Rialto Bridge, St. Mark’s square with the Bidingen Plainfeld Thalgau extracted since 1902. If you want to know more about the healing Leutkirch Oberbayern 2. The Isar River Wolfegg Günzach Ruderatshofen effect, you can visit the Erlebniszentrum Tiroler Steinöl Vitalberg streams. Among the various walks, we recommend the one that starts basilica, the of Our Lady of Health, the Fondaco dei Turchi, the Königsdorf Ainring Ebe Clear, cool and green waters Altusried Bergen Unterach centre, in Pertisau, or try out the pleasure of petroleum compresses, at Mühlendorf with the Sandes waterfall and leads to Laponesalm, Doges’ Palace, the Libreria Sansoviniana, Ca’ d’Oro [Golden house].A 7 Its Peißenberg Eberfing Salzburg Fuschl Kißlegg am See baths or massages. Museum opening hours: May to November, every where you can taste the Tyrolean gastronomic specialities while position on the sea, its islands and the beautiful buildings have earnt B 12 Staudach Viehhausen ogt Marktoberdorf Rettenbach Aschau im Pöllach day, 9-5.30; December to April, 10-4.30. enjoying a marvellous view over the valley. Opening hours: mid-May- Historical capital of Cadore, today is the cultural Venice and its lagoon a place in the Unesco Heritage site list. Huglfing Iffeldorf 5 Glasenbach Wildpoldsried Anger end of October. At , there is also the spectacular centre of the area: birthplace of Tiziano Vecellio, the is now Bad Tölz Gmund Glanegg Wiggensbach downhill cycling park, Bikepark Tirol with a structure for going back up. home to precious documentation and works of art by the famous A 96 Stötten Obersöchering Unterwössen A10 Gschwand With its transparent, green waters the Isar invites relaxation and 9 Renaissance painter. The house where the painter was born, together Kempten Wald Bad Strobl a picnic along its banks, many families with children go there, (Allgäu) Gaißau Bad with the museum dedicated to the same, is well worth a visit, as l 44. The Venetian lagoon Görisried Reichenhall 13. nature reserve Lengenwang Oberalm students, people taking their dogs for a walk or doing footing. Locals are the two monuments dedicated to the illustrious Tiziano and the Buchenberg Riegsee Ischl Argenbühl Isny A masterpiece of ligh Bad In pristine alpine landscape Wangen Rottach-Egern and tourists can end the warm summer evenings pleasantly in the valiant Pietro Fortunato Calvi, and the fifteenth-century Palazzo im Bayersoien 10 Erl Hallein Prem Großweil Reit im im and water B 12 Kössen numerous barbecue areas that are well signed up. There is also the 3. AN ALPINE-MEDITERRANEAN WAY OF LIFE della Magnifica Comunità, now home to the Cadore Archaeological Allgäu Bad Winkl Bad Allgäu B 19 A 7 historical Tierpark Hellabrunn on its banks. -Dobbiaco Museum, which conserves Roman ruins. Also notable is the Glasses Seeg Roßhaupten Kohlgrub Bischofswiesen Dürrnberg Gestratz A 7 Museum, dedicated entirely to eyewear, a business that began Weitnau a. See Sankt Bad Altau Heimenkirch Grünenbach A 7 Halblech Ebbs Schwendt Berchtesgaden Koloman Goisern spreading across the Cadore region during the late 19th century. Nesselwang Kuchl The Venetian lagoon is a very delicate eco-system of more than five- Unterammergau On the western bank of the Achen Lake there is the enormous ensweiler Eisenberg Rieden Wertach am Ramsau Karwendel nature reserve, which stretches between Tyrol and , hundredLindenb squareerg kilometres that Mincludesissen-Wilh islands,ams small islands and Schönau Stiefenhofen Forggensee Oberammergau bei Berchtesgaden A 3. Schäftlarn Monastery henweiler sand banks with an intricate network of canals: this is also part of the a. Königssee Rußbach and is part of the Nature 2000 project, an association of protected im Hinterthiersee A10 Gosau A Bavarian monastery 6 am European areas. The many paths for walking or for mountain bikes will UnescoAllg Heritage.äu We advise you to make a stop at Lido, where the Pfronten-Steinach Füssen Ettal Oberreute Abtenau Paß 34. Möggers Immenstadt Kirchdorf Sankt Martin Obertraun lead you into contact with the uncontaminated flora and fauna: here, nz famous Film Festival Otakesberstau place,fen another stop at Murano, the island Gschütt 24. Vipiteno and Tasso Castle Vils in Tirol bei Lofer for example, there is the greatest concentration of royal eagles of the Fascinating encounters with of glass, then the picturesque fishermen’s island, Burano;B uTorcello,rgberg Niederbreitenbach A fascinating alpine city u San Lazzaro degli Armeni and San Francesco del Deserto are also St. Ulrich whole Alpine area. history Scheffau am Sulzberg St. Johann am Pillersee Annaberg fascinating. Sonthofen Pflach Kirchbichl Wilden Kaiser Langen Bad im Grän Söll in Tirol The Schäftlarn monastery, with its convent church dedicated to the z bei Ofterschwang Hindelang Garmisch-Partenkirchen Lammertal saints Dionysus and Juliana, is one of the main cultural monuments Bregenz Reutte Wörgl Krumbach A10 Höfen Grainau of and is still a very lively centre today. The monastery Belluno, capital of the province, is an enchanting city located above t Kundl is still inhabited by Benedictine monks; there is a high school inside 2. THE TREASURES OF TYROL Vipiteno, the most important city in the Upper Isarco Valley, offers so the river; its rich historical centre hosts prestigious old and Hittisau 11 Pfarrwerfen 45. Fossalta diOb ePiavermaiselstein Heiterwang Radfeld Kirchberg Sonnberg rzach Weißenbach Kitzbühel as well as some shops, restaurants, an open-air beer garden, a sales Jenbach-Brenner Pass much: art and history in its city museum, relaxation in the many saunas frescoed palaces, beautiful monumental doors, streets with porticos, Pertisau Hopfgarten in Tirol Egg On Ernest Hemingway’s path am im Thale Filzmoos point for honey and a distillery of spirits. The church is late Baroque and swimming pools, gastronomy in the famous restaurants and in the fascinating views, the Cathedral, interesting museums like the Civic 12 13 Brixlegg im Brixental A10 Lech Bichlbach Oberaurach Bischofshofen from the beginning of the XVIII century and important artists made many inns, an old castle like Reifenstein (Tasso Castle), to the south- Museum, the large piazza dei Martiri, the Rectors’ Palace. Pleasant n Andelsbuch Oberstdorf Auffach their contributions to it – Johann Fischer, Johann Baptist Jenbach Alpbach Mitterberghütten west of the centre. It initially belonged to the German cavalry order, coffee bars with panoramic views invite you to take a break and enjoy Saalbach Schladming Bezau Kelchsau Radstadt Zimmermann and Johann Baptist Straub. More than eighty different Biberwier 14 Jochberg Dienten until it was bought by the Thurn and Taxis family. Marvellous! the beauty of the city. Schlitters Mühlbach Forstau Bizau am Hochkönig Reitdorf kinds of perfumed roses grow in the wonderful garden. The walkway 15 Gallzein Maishofen am Hochkönig Maschl is on the right bank of the PiaveRiezler river,n 30 km north that crosses through it ends at the “Maria Rast” chapel, with a Mellau Flachau of Venice. It has become famous becauseH duringirschegg the First World War Schwaz Sankt Johann splendid view over the Isar Valley. There is the possibility to sleep and im Pongau Wagrain 14. The railway experience the young Ernest Hemingway was injured there: he wrote about this Seefeld dine there. Mittelberg Terfens Zell 25. Fortezza 35. National Park of the experience in his famous novel Farewell to Arms. Goldegg Junction of the Tyrolean Schoppernau Häselgehr 16 am See Barwies 18 A10 A cathedral in the desert A monument has been erected in his honour on the bank of the Piave Weerberg Lend railways Dolomiti Bellunesi Taxenbach Elbigenalp Rietz Kaltenbach Piesendorf quoting Hemingway – “I am a boy from the lower Piave” – completed A12 Rum 17 Uttendorf Steindorf A natural environment Hatting Mühlbach Mittersill Au Kleinarl with an audio-guided cycle-foot route in the places where he was a Zirl 19 Wattenberg Kaprun rich in water Tarrenz 4. Wolfratshausen protagonist. A12 20 Neukirchen am The rafting capital Steeg Zell am Dorfgastein From Jenbach a normal gauge railway starts and two cog railways, one Sonntag Imst Lans Großvenediger Großarl Ziller towards Achensee and the other towards . The first is one of The imposing structure of Fortezza was built between 1833 and The southernmost area of the Dolomites is part of the Dolomiti Gerlos Krimml Rauris Roppen üringerberg A10 the oldest steam cog railways in the world and in forty-five minutes it 1838 by the Austro-Hungarian Empire to protect from Bellunesi National Park: an environment featuring natural treasures of Lech Arzl im Oetz A12 gets to the banks of Lake Achen, while on the Zillertal line (32 km long) any possible attacks from the south; the structure of the fort brings inestimable value, ready to be discovered. The variety of landscapes udesch 46. Pitztal Gries im to mind an old mediaeval castle, while the lower part, the Talwerk, Sellrain – you can also enjoy the trip in an open top compartment. Bicycles go offered by these mountains is particularly striking during summer time, Hüttschlag Nüziders A narrow green strip of land in Tumpen From May to September, you can live the experience of travelling for free on the Zillertal line. with its small single forts, seems much more modern. when the rolling plateaus and grassy peaks transform into a profusion Wenns Mayrhofen Bad the Hofgastein on a raft just as it was on the Loisach and the Isar for centuries, Bludenz Mariapfa Between 1943 and 1945 the kept all the Italian state of colors due to the flourishing blooms. Außerbraz S16 Flirsch Jerzens travelling the 28 km between Wolfratshausen and Munich- treasure here, this was formed by several wagonloads of gold. S16 Landeck Umhausen A10 The Monti del Sole mountains are the most wild and mysterious heart S16 Wald S16 Mauterndorf Thalkirchen. Opening hours: from May 1 to October 31, Tuesday-Saturday, 10-6. am S16 Tobadill 22 21 of the Belluno Dolomites and boast spectacles of incredible beauty Statz The vessel, made up of fir tree trunks tied together, is a perfect Arlberg Niedergallmigg Neustift Bad Unternber 15. Wolfsklamm Gorge such as the Soffia Waterfalls. The geological and geomorphological Noventa di Piave is about 50 km from Venice, on the banks of the im Stubaital Gastein reconstruction of those that sailed along the Loisach and the Isar Vandans Silbertal Steinach An evocative natural phenomena are a true attraction for visitors, such as the characteristic Piave river which is 220 km long, the river starts in the Alps at am Brenner A10 during the past centuries, transporting salt and other local products. “potholes” of the Brenton stream and the “cirques” of the Vette Feltrine, Schruns Sankt (BL), at the foot of Mount Peralba and it flows into the Upper Ladis Margarethen The rafting tradition is kept alive by three families. There is also an monument Kappl Sankt 26. Bressanone traces of ancient glaciers which have now disappeared. Adriatic in (VE). Whoever visits Noventa di Piave appreciates Fiss im orchestra on board and the inevitable barrels of beer... Leonhard im 23 Lungau Where the alpine atmosphere above all the area that is crossed by the river, transformed into a river Serfaus Heiligenblut Pitztal unites with the Mediterranean park, one of the most evocative green surfaces in the region Predoi A10 Tösens Prägraten The Wolfsklamm Gorge is one of the most beautiful in the Alps: climate with its landscape whichGortipo ishl unique in , its much loved greenIschg loasis, Brenner Virgen Matrei Kals am it weaves its way among savage mountains, noisy waterfalls and 36. with particular flora and fauna. Steinhaus Brennero in Osttirol Mallnitz 5. Bad Tölz Gaschurn Cadipietra emerald coloured waters as well as numerous wooden footbridges A lively Renaissance town Großkirchheim Tradition, culture and way of Galtür Pfunds and along the 354 steps which lead up it you can enjoy a breath-taking Bressanone was an important episcopal town and that left its mark Sölden A10 life along the Isar River view. You leave from the small town of Stans to reach the Saint on the fascinating historical centre, characterised by winding narrow Malta Samnaun Gergenberg monastery, the oldest pilgrimage destination in the Tyrol. roads, beautiful porticos and large plazas overlooked by coffee bars, 47. San Donà di Piave Gossensaß Huben ice-cream parlours and fashionable bars. There is a vast cultural Colle Isarco St. Jakob St. Veit On the thirteenth day of each month, from May to October, there are The river park and the in Defereggen offering that makes a stay here even more complete, one of the most Saas evocative nighttime pilgrimages. Feltre is a splendid Renaissance town with a typically Venetian Sculpture in Architecture Park 24 Campo Tures Gmünd In the centre of the spa town, full of traditions, at the foot of the important is an evening guided tour of the diocesan museum: it starts Nauders influence, with its long main road, with many prestigious palaces 28 Mühlwald Stall Vipiteno Selva dei Molini Alps there is a unique mixture of city fascination and being close to with a glass of wine and continues through the enchanting Hofburg of looking onto it, which rises to the picturesque Piazza Maggiore, Unterkolbnitz nature. Bressanone. adorned with the Column of St Mark and the statues of famous Ainet Along the historical Marktstrasse, you should see the Baroque Mühldorf 16. The Weisslahn swimming citizens like Vittorino da Feltre and Panfilo Castaldi,. There is also the San Donà di Piave is a delightful and busy town on the banks of the Gais Oberlienz facades decorated with the luftl painting technique. Lendorf Palazzo della Ragione whose large salon was transformed in the XVII Piave, the river that is sacred to the country. Lienz Dölsach Kaning From here, you can discover the narrow streets and the plazas of lake Moso in Passiria Terento century into a theatre that still holds interesting events. The town has various green areas and public parks, among which Chienes 27 St.Martin Diving with a view over the Graun im Brunico Innervillgraten Leisach this ideal town with its inviting cafés, open-air bars and restaurants. S.Martino Millstatt 27. Brunico Castle Davtheos big “river park” – in the Piave flood plain – and the FtSculpturean in Curon Venosta 25 Spittal You should also visit Gries – a mediaeval crafts area with a labyrinth mountains Nikolsdorf Dellach Messner Mountain Museum Architecture Park – well known on an international level by art and St.Martin in Passeier Außervillgraten an der of lanes – and Mount Kalvarienberg, from where there is a wonderful Vill 28 Feld S.Martino in Passiria Villa Drau Ripa architecture experts – a green area where there a lot of installations St.Valentin auf der Haide am panoramic view over the Isar Valley. Kurzras Niederrasen Steinfeld

37. Santa Croce Lake and sculptures by internationally famous artists and architects (Aldo S.Valentino alla Muta Strassen See

From the cycling path you can take a relaxing break at the Weisslahn Maso Corto Dorf Rasun di Sotto Sillian Oberdrauburg 29 (IT) Dellach Tirol-Südtirol-” “Europaregion EVTZ

Rossi, Bruno Munari, Toni Follina, Sol LeWitt...). Villa Ferndorf

lake, south of Terfens. It is surrounded by meadows and is equipped The Eldorado of water sports Varna (IT) di -Trentino” Tirolo-Alto “Euregio GECT

The park is an architectural masterpiece, open to everyone. 26 Kartitsch

with trampolines, areas for children, platforms, a lot of sports fields Dobbiaco Weißensee A10 Obertilliach D) Tourismus, Land (Tölzer Tölz-Wolfratshausen Bad Landkreis Fresach Brunico castle today hosts the fifth of the six Messner Mountain Schlinig Karthaus Brixen

and eating-places. You can fish there too (permit can be had at the St.Vigil 6. Sylvensteinsee Slingia Matsch Certosa Bressanone A) (Achenkirch, Achensee Tourismusverband Museums, the MMM Ripa, which can also be reached by bicycle, which S.Vigilio Sesto Weißbriach Neu-Feffernitz

fishing kiosk). Opening hours: all year, swimming with entrance from Mazia Caines

The jewel of the Isarwinkel (IT) Venezia di Provincia

a Austri • Italia

May to September. concentrates on the relationship between man and the mountains, Malles Parcines Österreich • Italien

l e

Feldthurns i


Meran (IT) Treviso di Provincia Pu

Mauthen n


illustrating different lifestyles and the different cultures of the e

At the foot of and Pascolet mountains and Faverghera, near St.Genesius Grafendorf n e

Velturno n

o i


Merano e


Bezirksgemeinscha (IT) Eisacktal Bezirksgemeinscha s

h europeo per lo sviluppo regionale sviluppo lo per europeo Fondo

Naturns S.Genesio c e

populations who live in the mountains in the various continents. The S UNIONE EUROPEA UNIONE •

Taufers im Münstertal

Belluno, the splendid Santa Croce Lake is the ideal place for those


St.Peter Entwicklung regionale für Fonds Europäischer

Sarnthein v

Klausen Kirchbach i




Im Gemärk e



Comunità Comprensoriale Valle Isarco (IT) Isarco Valle Comprensoriale Comunità



Naturno n



Tubre i

n e

o i i

r g exhibition includes many works and object of everyday use of the S.Pietro e

who want to spend a holiday among the mountains doing water sports Sarentino Chiusa Cimabanche 30 Hermagor Bad Laas (IT) Belluno di Provincia

most important mountain cultures in the world. Opening hours: every like sailing, windsurf and kitesurf. Alpago has a lot to offer culturally: S-chanf Silandro Lana Tröpolach Bleiberg

17. The crystal Prato allo Stelvio Lasa Dellach/Dole Vöran

The Sylvenstinsee is picturesque artificial lake, 7 km long and 2 km day, 10-6. at Chies there is the Natural History Museum, at Valdenogher the Laces Lana Pedraces Dellach

Verano Barbiano

Project partners: Project wide, formed in 1954; it is fed by the Isar and various streams. In worlds (EFRE). Entwicklung regionale Alchemist’s House, the Cimbrian villages at Cansiglio, the Lorenzoni St.Pankraz 31 Comelico Forni

its turquoise coloured waters there are the reflections of wooded S.Pancrazio Superiore Avoltri für Fonds Europäischen Feistritz Brilliant magic San Pietro vom kofinanziert

alpine botanical gardens, the Zanardo ecological museum and the Sappada an der hills and numerous mountaintops. The bridge that unites the two St.Christina in Gröden di Cadore (J00325), Prozess“

Museo dell’Uomo (Museum of Mankind). Gand Tesimo Castelrotto 32 Rigolato Gail Bever Trafoi Corvara Auronzo systemischer ein - droute S.Cristina Belluno di Provincia 2015 © Pöckau

Ganda St.Walburg Cortina riverbanks is well known. The cycling paths around this alpine Trafoi di Cadore „Freundschasra 2007-2013

28. Welsperg castle Livigno Santa Valburga Corvara in Badia Samedan d’Ampezzo Paularo Österreich - Bayern Interreg

lake offer spectacular views and are highly recommended, as is a Sulden Cercivento S.Genesio Projekt und (6162) Gebiete“

Noblesse oblige Andrian Völs am Schlern Prato refreshing swim with a break on the white gravelly beach. The Swarovski crystal worlds in Wattens – one of the most visited Celerina Solda grenzüberschreitenden

Andriano Fiè allo Sciliar Carnico / der Aufwertung Tarvisio

attractions in – has sparkled new light since 2015 thanks to the Rateče Schlarigna St.Felix und Radtourismus des cklung

Valdidentro Bozen Livinallongo Lozzo

innovative children’s play tower, the gigantic fluctuating crystal cloud San Felice Ovaro Weiterentwi die - Venedig K

5. THE GARDENS OF VENICE AND THE CITIES OF ART di Cadore del Col di Lana nach München von - droute

and some artistic installations which are unique in the world as well Bolzano Tiers Arta Sella di Fadalto-Treviso-Venice Proves „Freundschasra 2007-2013

Silvaplauna Sant'Antonio S. Vito Terme Tires 33 Österreich - Italien IV Interreg

as to the renewed ‘chambers of wonder’. Visitors will continue to find St.Michael 7. Kugler Alm Treviso-Punta Sabbioni-Venice, alternative route Calalzo Projekts des Rahmen im

The castle which has belonged to the lords of Welsperg for more S.Michele di Cadore Pieve classical and culinary shows as well as children’s workshops. Opening erfolgt Veröffentlichung Die The home of Radler gl Brez di Cadore than eight-hundred years, dominates above the city from a rock Pozza di Cadore

hours: every day, 9-6.30. ls Leifers Forni Nova Levante di Vodo Ampezzo (FESR). regionale

spur, the Welspergs were one of the most important noble families Kaltern a.d.W. Valle di Sopra Enemonzo m Fassa di Cadore Moggio sviluppo lo per europeo Fondo

Rabbi Livo Nova Ponente di Cadore Tolmezzo in Tyrol. This extraordinary fort can be reached from the centre of din) Caldaro s.S.d.V. Forni Udinese dal co-finanziati (J00325)

Revò Cibiana di Sotto Prozess” systemischer

Monguelfo thanks to a pleasant path, embellished with works of art. di Cadore design: ediciclo editore cover photo: Adriano Barioli Verzegnis

Moena Zoldo Perarolo Amaro Prato / ein - ”Freundscha‰sradroute In the summer months, the castle hosts many prestigious events, di Cadore Cavazzo 2007-2013 Bayern-Österreich

Peio Alto Ravanca Canale Interreg Proge o

Would you like some music and a sensational casserole of Alpine ox, 18. Münze Hall & Münzerturm such as important concerts. Opening hours: Monday-Friday, 10-5; 38. Aldino Carnico Coredo d' Forno e “(6162) transfrontalieri

Croviana Auer cooked in the oven for forty-eight hours? Then the Kugler Alm near Tramin di Zoldo territori dei valorizzazione Musem Sunday, 3p.m. to 6 p.m. (end of June-beginning of September). A picturesque jewel Ora Ospitale Bovec

Oberhaching is for you, with its open-air beer garden under great Sondalo Termeno Venzone la e tourism bike del

The cradle of the dollar Truden di Cadore sviluppo lo – Venezia a Baviera di Monaco Da – dell’amicizia chestnut trees. All washed down with Radler, a mixture of beer and Vervò Trodena

Grosio “Ciclovia 2007-2013 lemonade which they say was invented here at the beginning of the Italia-Austria IV Interreg

Cavalese 29. Dobbiaco Grand Hotel Cunevo Panchià Proge o del nell’ambito

twentieth century. There is a big playground for children nearby, at Grosotto Agordo Gemona Lusevera realizzata Pubblicazione Lanzada , there are also the beautiful chapels of Saint Ulrich and More than five hundred years ago, Sigismund Francis of Austria-Tyrol, A luxurious hotel in Hapsburg Anterivo del / The city was born in 1866 (but was named Vittorio Veneto only after the Brusio Mazzo Ponte San Martino Riva Osoppo Bardo Saint Ann to see. bishop of Augsburg, moved the mint to Hall and it was here that the style First World War) from the union of the two historical places, Serravalle di Vione di Roverè di Castrozza Friuli Taipana Vezza Provagna Valtellina Legno d. Luna / first taler, the ancestor of the modern dollar, was coined. With the help and Ceneda. The former was very important in Roman times, the latter Torre d'Oglio Vito di Tipana of an audio-guide, the staff at the mint tell the visitors about the birth during the Lombardic domination, they then both passed under the Don Meduno d'Asio Santa Monno Tarcento of this coin, showing the enormous and – for those times – innovative Villa di Ponte

Republic of Venice. At Serravalle many mediaeval palaces in Venetian Maria Travesio

Tirano San Michele n. Alpi press used to coin it. You shouldn’t miss a visit to the Münzertaurm, Living like in the Hapsburg times? In the majestic Grand Hotel, built Chies Fanna www.muenchen-venezia.info Attimis 8. : Sanctuary style can be admired along Cal Grande and the Cenedese Lodge, while all’Adige Ponte Tolmin Edolo Fai Fiera di d’Alpago the emblem of Hall, where you can enjoy a spectacular view over the in 1878, this is still possible: the elegant structure still today has an stalesio Ponte Teglio Cembra Mas Cassacco Pulfero at Ceneda you can see the Cathedral, the Bishops’ Palace and the Sondrio Corteno della Primiero Pieve Maniago of All Saints in Sequals / Inn. Opening hours: Tuesday – Sunday, 10-5, closed from January to atmosphere of refined nobility and recalls the times when Dobbiaco Paganella d'Alpago San renewed Museum of the Battle of Vittorio Veneto. Valtellina Aprica Golgi Canal Protection from the dangers e Albosaggia Giustino 35 Daniele Faedis Podbonesec mid-March. hosted counts, princes, royal families and cultural characters such as Loritto S. Bovo Puos Vajont Arba Belluno d’Alpago del of travelling Gustav Mahler. Today it is also a cultural and convention centre, with a Caderzone Baselga Torreano Malonno 34 Terme di Pinè San Gregorio Farra Friuli Povoletto wonderful musical programme offered to the many tourists who still Fagagna nelle Alpi 37 d'Alpago Spilimbergo flock to the splendid city. San Leonardo Berzo Santa A small chapel was erected in this town In the XV century, to protect 39. Conegliano Valcellina San Cividale Demo Giustina Dignano Remanzacco 19. Goldenes Dachl Vezzano Sella Vivaro Vito di del travellers, merchants and pilgrims from the dangers of travelling. It The tradition of vine growing di Fadalto Spera Castello Aviano Fagagna Friuli was enlarged over the years until it became an important Baroque Pergine Mel Flaibano Udine (Golden roof) in the foothills of the Alps Sellero Tesino Valsugana Borgo Agnedo Mereto church and after more than five centuries it is still the destination of Budoia Prepotto On the trail of Maximilian I Valsugana di Tione Ponte 36 San Pradamano many pilgrimages. The procession with horse-drawn carriages on St. Tomba 4. THE DOLOMITES UNESCO HERITAGE SITE Cimbergo Arche Quirino Romagnano Feltre Basiliano Lawrence’s Day, every year on November 6, is very picturesque and Sedegliano Buttrio Dobbiaco-Sella di Fadalto nzi Levico Ceto Bondo Arzene well followed. The city of Conegliano is dominated by its picturesque castle: below it, Vilminore Terme Towards Belluno, detour Seren Vittorio di Losine Arsiè 38 Pozzuolo Kaiser Maximilian I (1459-1519) left many traces in Innsbruck, among there is the historical centre with its beautiful palaces, piazza Cima, the Roncone d. Grappa Veneto Sarmede Belluno-Feltre-Belluno (Paiane), tour of Valbelluna Valgoglio Scalve Tarzo Fontanafredda del Solkan which the Golden roof, the emblem of the city, on the facade of the School of the Flagellants and the Cathedral that contains a magnificent Centa Caneva Zoppola Dro Friuli münchen Codroipo Lestizza Cormòns Palace of the Counts of Tyrol. It is covered by 2657 fire-gilded copper altar-piece by the wonderful local old master, the painter Cima da S. Nicolò Cordignano Sacile Pordenone Casarsa Borno venezia Cividate Pieve Miane della Bertiolo Trivignano tiles, and it seems that you can almost touch them with your hand; Conegliano. The oenology (wine-making) school in Conegliano is very Ardesio Vas Bicinicco Mossa Gorizia 9. Tegernsee Camuno di Orsago Delizia Udinese Moraro Refrontolo Fiume Camino another art treasure that you shouldn’t miss is the Imperial Hofburg, interesting, the oldest oenology school in Italy, as this is an exceptional Bono San A fairy tale lake Tenno Arco Veneto San al Medea H4 Fior from 1350, which now shines in its Baroque style. Goldenes Dachl area for wine production: home of Prosecco and other prestigious wines. Castione Concei Alano Brugnera Castions Palmanova Savogna 30. di Piave Pieve 39 Vito al Piario della Prata di di d’Isonzo opening hours: May-September, Monday-Sunday, 10-5; October-April, re il Tiarno Ronzo-Chienis Gallio Conegliano Tagliamento Gradisca Riva di Soligo Strada Bagnariabiking / olle Presolana Darfo Gaiarine Pordenone Azzano Tuesday-Sunday, 10-5. (Dreizinnen) di Rivignano Arsa d'Isonzo Oneta Boario Molina del Moriago pleasureAiello Sovodnje Ponte Sopra Decimo The magic of the triangle Terme di Garda d. Battaglia Morsano del Villesse ob Nossa Mori Possagno Portobuffolè Teor Susegana Pasiano di Chions al Friuli Soči Various events are organised at Tegernsee every weekend, both 40. Treviso Mareno Pordenone Tagliamento Crespano Monfumo di Fontanelle traditional fairs and sporting contests or concerts; you will also find Bossico Campolongo Crocetta Cinto Ronchi The city of the silent canals Bagolino d. Grappa Piave Cervignano Limone sul Brenta d. Montello Caomaggiore Teglio dei fine food here, various inns and refined boutiques. If you feel like 20. The Olympic trampoline Vertova Pianico Collio Maser Palazzolo del Pieris These are the symbol of the Dolomites, Unesco heritage site, and Pisogne sul Veneto Carlino Legionari Peia dello Friuli going for a swim or even a sauna there is no lack of choice. There Endine Bovegno Garda Romano Giavera Annone Fiumicello on Mount Isel reaching the foot of the mountains by bike along the mythical climb, Velo Cimadolmo o Cene d'Ezzelino Onè di d. Montello Oderzo Veneto Stella is also the possibility to buy the famous Heukäse cheese directly Gaiano d'Astico Spresiano Motta A4 The sporting symbol of proposed many times at the Giro d’Italia is a unique experience. The Pezzaze Pieve Fonte Montebelluna di Aquileia from the local consortium of producers (opening hours: every day Albino Monasterolo Zone Bassano Visnadello Piavon San Marano Innsbruck imposing yellow faces stand out against the sky and attract climbers Fonteno Marmentino Livenza Concordia del Pertica del Grappa Altivole Michele Lagunare from 9 to 5). The historical centre of Treviso, with its dreamlike canals, is Carrè Lugo di from all over the world with their difficult routes that have made bro Castello Bassa Villorba Sagittaria Marone Idro Avio Trevignano al surrounded by integral walls: the historical houses, the arbours and Riese Chiarano San RA13 the history of modern mountaineering: Cima Grande (2999 m), Cima Loria Breda Tagliamento the evocative plazas make Treviso a masterpiece of which piazza dei Luzzana Vigolo Lodrino Mason Pio X Ponte Stino The famous Olympic trampoline in Innsbruck, where the winter games Ovest (2973 m) and Cima Piccola (2857). Mura Vestone Ponzano di Cessalto Brenzone Recoaro Vicentino Rossano di di were held in 1964 and 1976, is a structure, which was built in the 1930’s Signori is the centre. The palaces, the porticos, the little shops and Cenate Veneto Piave Casto sul Terme Veneto Piave Livenza numerous coffee bars make the city a well-loved meeting place, with Sotto Foresto Sulzano Gardone Gargnano Lignano 10. Wallberg and but was recently restored, in 1921, by the architect Zaha Hadid. Barghe Tezze Vedelago Carbonera Sparso Predore Garda San Quirico Istrana San Biagio Grado This English superstar architect of Iraqi origin has given a dreamlike a very pleasant atmosphere. The province is not less fascinating, with Val Bione sul Castelfranco Paese 40 Sabbiadoro Wallbergbahn Carobbio di Callalta Credaro Clusane Iseo Trompia Sabbio Malo Brenta Veneto image to the structure, which is topped by the panoramic restaurant its Palladian villas, Montello, the Prosecco vineyards... degli Rivalta San Treviso Agnosine Chiese Cittadella Morgano The local mountain near the 31. Dolomiti d’Ampezzo Angeli Brione Lumezzane Vobarno 45 Fossalta Trie Bergisel Ski. An unforgettable lunch! Corte Martino Quinto Casier 47 Capriolo Villa Resana di Treviso di Piave Tegernsee Natural Park rnago Franca Ome Sant'Anna Isola di San Donà Opening hours: June-October, every day, 9-6; November-May, Bosco Roncade 46 Carcina d'Alfaedo Selva di Altissimo Vicentina San Pietro Lupari di Piave Caino Torri Chiesanuova Cornedo Wednesday to Monday, 10-5. Nature reserve of flora and Salò Caprino Progno in Gu Passirano Dolcè Grantorto Zero Preganziol lba Palazzolo Erbusco del Veronese Vicentino Monticello Casale Caorle Mu fauna 41. Quarto d’Altino San San Trebaseleghe Branco The Wallberg is a mountain that looks onto the Tegernsee; you can sull'Oglio Nave Gavardo Benaco Conte Otto sul Sile / M Gussago Felice Giorgio reach its peak on foot or by using a difficult mountain-bike path, or Gioiello archeologico di Altino nengo Cerro Vestenanova Rovato Serle del in Camposampiero Scorzè Muscoline Veronese San Mauro Mogliano 41 Quarto also using the convenient cable car that leaves from Rottach-Egern. Cividate Ospitaletto Benaco di Saline Bosco The Dolomiti d’Ampezzo Natural Park began in 1990 and stretches Bardolino SR450 Vicenza Veneto d’Altino Koper From here, you can enjoy the magnificent panorama, which stretches 21. The Navis Valley al Piazzola Jesolo Izola / over an area of 11,200 hectares to the north of the inhabited centre of Piano Chiari Brescia Nuvolera Borgoricco / from Großglockner to Munich, and with a bit of luck you can admire Moniga Negrar sul Piran Isola Twelve pasture Cortina. no Travagliato San Capodistria del Grezzana Tregnago Grumolo Brenta 44 / the majestic royal eagles. Cable car times: from 8.45 to 4.30. Calcio Rezzato Bedizzole Giovanni in the Sun Valley An extraordinary world, a journey through the evolution of the eras, Berlingo Garda 42 This town with its more than eight thousand inhabitants is between Castelcovati Ilarione Montecchio delle Campodarsego Santa Maria Pirano rdia Sirmione Maggiore Abbadesse Campodoro along breath-taking horizons and panoramas, slopes and clearings, Lograto di Sala Mestre Treviso, Venice and the beaches at Jesolo, at exactly a quarter of a Pumenengo Flero centro Pescantina Mezzane arbata Roncà woods which are hundreds of years old, sources, lakes, canyons, Colà Poiano di Sotto mile from the Roman town of Altino, as the name shows. This was the Castenedolo Desenzano storico Illasi waterfalls and spectacular equipped climbing paths for the discovery Brandico Capriano Calcinato del Bassone Montebello Vigodarzere starting point of the and was located along the Veggiano 43 Turkija Along the “Naviser Almenrunde”, a 15 km long path in the Navis Valley, of fauna which is both delicate and precious among the most well- o Torre del Montirone Garda Vicentino Cavallino-Treporti Longhena Lavagno Cadoneghe Mira important roads that led towards Oderzo and Treviso, Altino was an Pallavicina Colle A4 Lugagnano Umag you can visit some splendid alpine summer houses. A forest road, leads known peaks of the Dolomites: Cristallo, Tofane, Punte di Fanes, Col Bagnolo Rubano VENEZIA Volpija important trading centre also due to its access to the Adriatic. Today asaletto Orzivecchi Soave Punta first to Peeralm, then you reach Klammalm, then you arrive at the Polten Mella Montichiari Caldiero Noventa Bechei, Croda Rossa. di Sabbioni Buje it is known for its wonderful national archaeological museum, it is also Orzinuovi Barbariga Pozzolengo Sommacampagna Saccolongo Padova house and then the Stöcklalm, from where you can enjoy the panoramic Sopra Ghedi San Padovana an excellent base for an excursion to Venice that can be reached from San Bonifacio Germano view over nearly all the alpine summer houses and surrounding Offlaga route München-Venezia Cycling Monzambano www.muenchen-venezia.info manengo San Belfiore dei here by water. San Zevio mountains. It is possible to eat in all the alpine summer houses. Leno Carpenedolo Solferino Giovanni Berici Rovolon Ponte Paolo Arcole Abano alvirola Manerbio Valeggio Castel Lupatoto Campagna Calvisano Cavriana Villafranca Teolo Terme S. Nicolò Borgo d'Azzano Lupia San sul di Trigolo Genivolta Castelletto Zimella Montegrotto Verolanuova Mincio Palù Vò Giacomo Medole Guidizzolo Volta Verona Vigasio Albaredo Terme Novigrad Cigole Isorella Mantovana Mozzecane Cologna Polverara Acquafredda Oppeano d'Adige Asigliano Piove Veneta Tar A9 leone Bordolano Gottolengo Nogarole Veneto Noventa di Sacco Casalmorano Battaglia Rocca Remedello Vicentina Cinto Terme Višnjan Corte Isola Roveredo Bovolenta Červar-Porat Alfianello Pralboino Sopra Ceresara Roverbella Euganeo Cartura Codevigo de' Robecco della di Guà Gambara Casaloldo Goito Bovolone Cortesi d'Oglio SS434 Cappella Scala Baone San Terrassa Paderno con Seniga Minerbe Monselice Cantone Fiesse Pietro Padovana Correzzola Ponchielli Cignone Piubega Este Poreč A21 Asola Marmirolo A22 Angiari Boschi Megliadino Viminario Candiana Gabbioneta-Binanuova Sorgà Arre Concamarise Sant'Anna San Fidenzio Pozzaglio Casalromano Rodigo A9 Pescarolo Urbana Ponso a Grumello ed Castel Cerea Legnago Bagnoli Cona Cremonese Uniti d'Ario Nogara Vescovato Isola Villa di leo ed Casaleone Merlara Agna Dovarese Redondesco Sopra Uniti Gadesco-Pieve Mantova Villa Estense Spinadesco Castellucchio Bartolomea Delmona Torre Gazzo Roncoferraro Anguillara Pettorazza no Cremona Pieve de' Piadena Veronese Calvatone Piacenza Sant'Urbano Veneta Grimani ne San Picenardi Marcaria Castelbaldo Bonemerse Cerese d'Adige Castelnuovo Giacomo Rovinjsko Caselle Tornata Barbona Bocca Castelvetro Selo Landi Badia Piacentino Gerre Pieve Governolo d'Adda Polesine Lendinara de' d'Olmi San Rosolina Rovinj Sustinente Ostiglia A21 Caprioli Giovanni Rovigo Villadose San Spineda Gazzuolo Bergantino Loreo Daniele Scandolara in A22 Revere A21 Caorso Borgoforte Ceregnano Adria Po Ravara Croce San Commessaggio Carbonara Canda Motteggiana Benedetto San Porto Villanova di Po SS434 Po Bellino Gavello sull'Arda Polesine Gussola Ceneselli Bagnolo Viro Parmense Roccabianca Quistello Sermide di Po Corbola ontenure Bosaro Casalmaggiore Frassinelle Suzzara A22 Pincara Papozze Besenzone Salara Polesine Crespino A1 Busseto Felonica Berra Cadeo San Polesella Serravalle Sissa Giacomo Fiesso Alberone Dosolo Ficarolo Gonzaga delle Pilastri Umbertiano Ro Ariano Porto Moglia Segnate Canaro nel Tolle Viadana Soragna Coccanile-Cesta Polesine Fiorenzuola San Torrile Mezzani Guastalla Reggiolo Occhiobello Mesola Carpaneto Concordia iacentino d'Arda Secondo Mezzogoro Alseno Boretto Gualtieri sulla Casaglia Francolino Scardovari Parmense Novi Secchia Copparo Rolo Mirandola Bondeno Jolanda di Pontelagoscuro Tamara Bosco Fabbrico di Mesola Modena Pontelangorino Fidenza Fontevivo Savoia Castell'Arquato Porotto Goro Sorbolo Poviglio Novellara Formignana Cavezzo San Finale Ferrara Codigoro Emilia Mirabello Felice Tresigallo Salsomaggiore Rio Noceto sul Aguscello Quartesana Vernasca Terme Saliceto Migliaro Vaccolino Parma Gattatico Masi San Panaro Sant'Agostino Campegine Torello Carpi Prospero San MÜNCHEN The München-Venezia cycling route: the project 1. The water experience 2. The treasures of Tyrol MÜNCHEN


The Munich-Venice cycling route is an itinerary ○ The preparation of an interactive map During the first part of the Munich-Venice cycling route ts. The Schäftlarn monastery attracts so many people The Tyrolean mining industry, but also many cultural and high point of modern architecture appears - the Mount that crosses three nations covering 570 kilome- complete with detailed infrastructural indi- the most characteristic element is undoubtedly water. with its culture, the Wallberg, the mountain of Tegern- natural treasures along the route, are the protagonists Isel Olympic Trampoline. Innsbruck has been a univer- tres (900 km including alternatives). It starts cations, tourist attractions and bike friendly Do you feel like diving into a lake or taking a break in see, will enthuse you with a great number of possibili- of this stretch of the Munich-Venice cycling path. From sity city since 1669 and today hosts 24,000 students Wolfratshausen from the historical centre of Munich, crosses the operators for a personalised programming of a quiet Biergarten (open-air beer-garden) near a cool ties for carrying out sporting tours, while Achen Lake the starting point at Jenbach, in the Inn Valley, you pass from all over the world, they bring a breath of fresh air stream? The itinerary takes you from the Bavarian me- will impress you with its splendid waters which are ideal through wonderful cities full of history and monumen- and liveliness to the Alpine capital. Alps and the Brenner Pass and – passing through the itinerary; tropolis of Munich, with its beautiful city beaches along for swimming and water sports in general. Karwendel, ts like Schwaz, Hall-Wattens and Innsbruck, going up The Tyrolean Wipptal forms the natural landscape from Holzkirchen the wonderful Unesco World Heritage Site of the ○ Integrated promoting, webmarketing the Isar River – the river with green reflections – pas- the natural park, offers numerous natural pleasures to Tyrolean Wipptal, then you arrive at the border with Tyrol to Alto Adige and offers other very different trea- Dolomites and the hills of Treviso – reaches the campaigns, educational campaigns involving sing through Bad Tölz, – the most beautiful reception with 1305 types of plants, 3035 animal species and 350 Italy, the Brenner Pass. sures: on the left and the right of the main valley, nume- 1 THE WATER EXPERIENCE Venetian lagoon. the mass media of the three nations, organi- room” in the Bavarian plateau, as well as the picture- sources of water. Both adults and children will be thrilled by the Zillertal rous Alpine pastures offer marvellous views of the sur- Munich-Jenbach 129,9 km This became a reality in the summer of 2015, of- sation of events/inauguration of new cycling sque Tegernsee, along to Sylvensteinsee and continu- Relaxation, enjoyment, sporting events, culture and narrow gauge railway excursions or by the journey into rounding mountains, as well as extraordinary gastrono- (western route) fering thousands of cycle-tourists and bicycle-lo- paths; ing to Achen Lake, the legendary “Tyrolean Sea”. Along lots of water make both the western route, which goes the shining world of Swarovski crystals. Your adventu- mic experiences in the mountain retreats and huts. For vers the possibility to experience an authentic ○ The realisation of promotional materials the way you can admire the polar bears swimming at alongside the Isar, a dream, in the same way as the ea- rous spirit will awaken with Münze Hall, while the Wol- example, in the upland plain of Nösslach, at Gries, a the- Bad Tölz Munich-Jenbach 124,6 km emotion - plunged into nature, discovering new and information. the Munich zoo, Kugler Alm – considered the birthplace stern one which goes along the western coast of the fsklamm gorge guarantees a wild and romantic expe- med itinerary shows the history of coal mining in Tyrol. of Radlermass, a beer based drink containing low quan- Tegernsee. rience. (eastern route) landscapes every day, unforgettable sights, al- Tegernsee tities of alcohol – and you will be able to eat and drink Once you reach Innsbruck, with its legendary Goldenes pine lakes, castles, monasteries, old bridges, To find out more about the two cross-border Eu- with pleasure at the many open air bars and restauran- Dachl (Golden roof) and the Imperial Palace, then the museums, Roman roads, rivers, archaeological ropean programmes www.interreg-bayaut.net, ruins. www.interreg.net Two programmes financed by the European Union according to the “European Regional De- velopment Fund” – Interreg Bayern-Österreich 2007-2013 and Interreg Italia Austria 2007-2013 – joined together in a three nation project to The München-Venezia cycling route: carry out a cycle-tourist route which, using alre- the itinerary through the Alps to the ady existing cycling paths and secondary roads, Adriatic by bicycle would connect , Austria and Italy. The project started from the desire to offer the continually increasing number of bicycle-lovers It is now possible to find a single route, structu- not only functional, safe and welcoming itinera- red and well signed that connects Bavaria to the JENBACH ries but a single route which could ideally connect Adriatic and consequently Munich to Venice, two wonderful cities, crossing amazingly beauti- making it possible to have a better knowledge ful territories, overcoming the fragmentary na- of the surrounding territory thanks to the bi- ture of the various paths, for an experience whi- cycle, the most ecological means of transport. Innsbruck ch goes beyond the borders, becoming pleasure, In fact, the bicycle with its non-invasive approa- adventure, discovery and culture. ch and its low speed, allows us to fully apprecia- The close collaboration among the partners of te all the cultural, gastronomic and natural sti- 2 THE TREASURES OF TYROL the project – Provincia di Belluno and Landkreis mulations that this route can conjure up – in all Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen (the leading partners), its various aspects – it permits us to take them Jenbach-Brenner Pass the Tourismusverband Achensee, the Comuni- in and internalise them without any hurry, at a 77,2 km tà Comprensoriale Valle Isarco di Bressanone, rhythm which is more people-friendly. GECT “Euregio Tirolo-Alto Adige-Trentino” di The Munich-Venice cycling route crosses three Bolzano, the Provincia di Treviso and the Provin- nations – Germany, Austria, Italy – with an itine- cia di Venezia – as well as the active involvement rary of about 570 kilometres (900 km including of authorities and professionals, Consortiums alternatives) which goes through the Alps and and Tourist Associations, has made it possible to leads from Central Europe to the Mediterrane- BRENNER reach the goals that were set: an, more specifically – the – pas- BRENNERO sing through the Dolomites, a Unesco World ○ The identification, georeferencing and Heritage Site. charting of the almost 900 km of the route The itinerary has been divided into five chap- (including alternatives); ters, five large thematic areas, five suggestions Sterzing ○ The realisation of the website www.muen- (which do not have to be taken as fixed stages 3 AN ALPINE-MEDITERRANEAN chen-venezia.info in three languages (Italian, as they can obviously be broken up into the Vipiteno German and English); number of days required). WAY OF LIFE Bruneck Brenner Pass-Dobbiaco 109,8 km Brunico

Brixen Bressanone TOBLACH DOBBIACO 3. An alpine-Mediterranean way of life 4. The Dolomites – Unesco Heritage Site 5. The gardens of Venice and the cities of art

When you leave the Brenner Pass behind, you find the Fortress or the Brunico Castle that hosts one of the These are the most beautiful mountains in the world! main town with the same name, is part of the Unesco At the end of the last stretch which crosses the Veneto walls of the private palaces and others can be visited, like Cortina 4 THE DOLOMITES UNESCO alpine landscape of Alto Adige, unique in its fascina- Messner Mountain Museums, the visitors to the valleys Apart from the peaks with their important sounding Heritage: it contains the Belluno Dolomites National plain, cyclists are plunged into the enchanted atmos- the small and silent Giardini Reali, only 50 metres from tion, connected to the alpine-Mediterranean mixture are surrounded by pretty landscapes, embellished with names like Cristallo, Tofane and , it is the Tre Park which is a dream for tourists, mountaineers, climb- phere of the famous lagoon city or – if you prefer – the Saint Mark’s Square, which offer an oasis of relaxation d’Ampezzo HERITAGE SITE which it reflects, for example, in historical cities such grapevines and orchards. The imposing Dolomite rocks Cime di Lavaredo which is the most fascinating for ers, mountain-bike lovers and road bike enthusiasts. sea at Jesolo. Along the way, the enchanting of Vit- with a spectacular view over Saint Mark’s lagoon. Pieve Dobbiaco-Sella di Fadalto as Vipiteno (Sterzing), Bressanone (Brixen) and Brunico greet from afar, but before that you come across the mountaineers and nature lovers. The Dolomites, UNES- The Santa Croce Lake is a perfect cooling spot after the torio Veneto and Conegliano are well worth a visit as well Venice is one of the Art Cities of Europe and therefore di Cadore 112,8 km (Bruneck), but also on top of the Kronplatz in the Plan Upper , home to the Tre Cime di Lavaredo CO heritage site, are at the centre of the fourth stretch difficult rides and the which is famous for wind- as the splendid town of Treviso and the archaeological enjoys international fame. It is also the seat of the Bien- de Corones and in the Messner Mountain Museum Ripa (Dreizinnen). of the route. By bicycle you cross Cortina d’Ampezzo to- surf and kitesurf also welcomes beginners. site of Altino in the town of Quarto d’altino. nale Foundation where from June to November, with the Towards Belluno at Brunico. The coffee bars with little tables out in the Do you feel like diving into the Hapsburg past, learning wards Pieve di Cadore, towards the Santa Croce Lake, In the Piave Valley, at the foot of the Feltrine Dolomites, With this tour, on flat and therefore relaxing paths, you festivals, exhibitions, art, music, dancing, theatre, cinema detour 11,8 km open, the ice-cream parlours and the local and Italian about the history of the time and alpine tourism and then towards Belluno, and for who wishes, it is possible there is the marvellous mediaeval town of Feltre, on the will discover not only the various shops with regional and architecture it is presented to a refined international restaurants invite you to taste the regional speciali- visiting the Tre Cime Nature Park? The Grand Hotel To- to have a short rest in the splendid Renaissance town sides of a hill. You must see the Renaissance palaces specialities and tasty products but also the extraordi- audience. Belluno-Feltre-Belluno ties, like the Schlutzkrapfen, and the narrow streets blach, located in the Puster Valley, offers all this. With of Feltre. and houses with their splendidly decorated facades. nary parks and gardens. These historical parks were Do you want more? The city with over one hundred is- (Paiane) of these three fascinating towns will conquer you with its modern cultural and convention centre, it organises When the Dolomites, in 2009, were included in the list born with their villas in the XVI and XVII centuries, when lands invites you to visit museums that are renowned all tour of Valbelluna 101,3 km their atmosphere of Mediterranean tastes. concerts and famous festivals well beyond the confines of Unesco Heritage sites, the committee motivated its the rich Venetian nobility moved to the country to spend over the world like Palazzo Grassi, Peggy Guggenheim, While evocative castles dominate from the mountain of the area. decision, among other things, with their “unique mon- their holidays. Gallerie dell’Accademia and Ca’ Rezzonico. tops, like Castel Tasso, the Fortezza () umental beauty”. Also the , with its Venice is full of gardens: many are hidden behind the high



Feltre Viˆorio Veneto


5 THE GARDENS OF VENICE AND THE CITIES OF ART Sella di Fadalto-Treviso-Venice 136,2 km San Donà Treviso-Punta Sabbioni-Venice Treviso di Piave alternative route 88,9 km


VENEZIA Punta Sabbioni