Diálogos Memory and history of Central American migration in the first decades of the XXIst Century through its regional cinema http://dx.doi.org/10.4025.dialogos.v23i3.51956 Andrea Cabezas Vargas Université d'Angers, France. E-mail:
[email protected] ======================================================================= Memory and history of Central American migration in the first decades of the XXIst Century through its regional cinema Abstract: Cinema, just like television, the press, and other means of communication, contributes in forging social and cultural imaginaries as clearly demonstrated by Bourdieu in Langage et pouvoir simbolique (2001) y Key words: Central Chomsky in Manufacturing Consent (2008). However, in depicting social phenomena, cinema not only America; history; constructs imaginaries but rather contributes to the creation of filmic archives and likewise allows to construct memory; migration; and reconstruct a part of history. This is our position, adopting the postulates of Ferro (1993 [1977]), Kracauer cinema. (1969, 1973), and Billard (1982). Through the prism of the philosophy of history, this article examines the question of to what extent contemporary Central American cinema can be analyzed as a form of construction and reconstruction of the memory and the history of Central American migration in the first two decades of the twenty-first century. Memoria e historia de la migración centroamericana en las primeras décadas del siglo XXI a través del cine regional Resumen: El cine, así como la televisión, la prensa y otros medios de comunicación contribuyen a forjar imaginarios sociales y culturales así lo han demostrado ampliamente Bourdieu en Langage et pouvoir Palabras clave: simbolique (2001) y Chomsky en La Fabrication du consentement (2008).