Presidential Special 28
RAIL SAFETY AND TRACK REPAIR PRODUCTS SINCE 1904 RAIL SAFETY AND TRACK REPAIR PRODUCTS SINCE 1904 REFERENCES . 1. “Presidential Politics on 22. “William Howard Taft, An Intimate 17 Tour: George Washington to History” Judith Icke Anderson Franklin Delano Roosevelt (continued from previous page) SUMMER / FALL 2016 Woodrow Wilson” Anne C. Pluta, W.W. Norton NY, 1981, 28. Congress and the Presidency, 41, 23. Ibid., 34. (“Presidential Politics,” Pluta, During World FDR’s wartime arrivals and departures by train were as carefully hidden from 24. Ibid., 35, 36. hereafter). War II, Roosevelt’s train public view as his physical handicap. Whenever he travelled to New York City, his 25. “Woodrow Wilson and the 2016, © COPYRIGHT INC COMPANY, ALDON 2. “The President Travels by Train Congressional Battle That Nearly – Politics and Pullmans,” Bob trips were a closely-guarded unmarked train could enter Grand Central Station via an underground track (Track 61) Killed Him” A. Scott Berg, ( www. Withers, TLC PUBLISHING, 1996 ) secret and were restricted which led to a private railroad station in the basement of the nearby Waldorf Astoria Hotel. (hereafter “The President Travels”, August, 2013. Withers). to visits to military bases, The station had been built for VIP guests when the hotel opened in 1929. Roosevelt’s 26. “The President Travels”, Withers. 3. Ibid. defense plants, and his armored automobile would be driven off the train and lifted up to street level in a freight Ibid. 4. Ibid. 27. Ibid. vacation retreat in Warm elevator. Track 61 is no longer in use; since 1945 a baggage car from FDR’s train has 5.
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