The Foreign Service Journal, February 1954

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The Foreign Service Journal, February 1954 "r^ Vji.i: liswl is X s •• -4 S^L :wc m <=> a* ^r.u •*> i JV* & % t" ■ ■ ' .SB r • ' -* “No, paisan. Io dico, ‘Make Mine “The only whisky bottled under 909’! Ca-na-da Schenley 909.” supervision of the Govern- “Ah, si—whisky di Canada!” mento di Canada at exactly “No, not just any Canadian 90.9 proof, the one proof of whisky. Bring me the one with perfection. Nove — zero— the naturally fine taste . the nove—909—capisc'?” one that fills your glass with the “Nove—zero—nove! Natural- beauty and magic of Canada.” mente . il benissimo*!” “Non capisc'.” ^(translation: naturally . tin* finest!) ©1954 Canadian Schenley, Ltd. AGED AND BOTTLED UNDER SUPERVISION OF THE CANADIAN GOVERNMENT- CANADIAN SCHENLEY, LTD., VALLEYFIELD, P. Q.r CANADA How the two parts of a great country achieve unity in spite of a 1,000-mile separation ... by means of modern radio broadcasting Six years ago Pakistan had neither a of communication, of enlightenment. pindi . operating a total broadcast government nor a capital. There were Radio Pakistan came into being ... at¬ time of 96 program hours a day. over 77 million people and 360,000 tracted competent engineers to its pro¬ Radio Pakistan is completely co¬ square miles of land, but commerce was gram ... developed into a compact pow¬ ordinated. Its nine transmitters link all almost at a standstill . transportation erful voice. To RCA was given the job sections of the nation into one united and communications were disrupted. of providing the powerful radio equip¬ network ... as well as being an enlight¬ And the greatest migration in history ments installed by Radio Pakistan. ened voice heard ’round the world. was taking place . 7,000,000 dis¬ Today in Pakistan there are two 50 RCA products and services are avail¬ placed persons crowding into the as yet KW short-wave stations operating on an able in all open world markets, through unorganized nation. international schedule. A 7V2 KW short¬ RCA distributors and associated com¬ The years have wrought an astound¬ wave transmitter at Dacca is used to panies. The new book “Communica¬ ing change. Today Pakistan is far ad¬ link East with West Pakistan. A 5 KW tions, Key to Progress” tells the inspiring vanced in a co-ordinated program of broadcast transmitter at Dacca covers story of radio at work in many countries. enlightenment and education for its own East Pakistan. Others join the great net¬ Write to RCA International Division, people . and deeply concerned in work at Lahore, Peshawar and Rawal¬ 30 Rockefeller Plaza, N.Y., U.S.A. helping to promote greater understand¬ "Marcaa Beglstradas” ing, tolerance and friendship among the peoples of the world. Radio has played a great part in Pak¬ istan’s rapid development. From the very birth of the new nation, radio was used as the quick and sure medium World leader in radio, first in recorded music, first in television. FEBRUARY, 1954 1 Now brings you A Pneumatic Tube System that’s Fully Automatic Simply “Dial” the destination— electro-mechanical switching does the rest! Here is the answer to economical, unattended, 24-hour pneumatic tube service. Within seconds, dial-controlled “carriers” are sped from station to station—automatically routed by a mechanism employing the principles of modern dial telephone switching. The number of stations is virtually unlimited—and each has direct access to every other. Developed by International Telephone and Telegraph Corporation, this system is now available—for the first time—in the U.S.A. gg INTERNATIONAL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH CORPORATION, NEW YORK For information on Automatic Selective Pneumatic Tube Systems, address International Standard Trading Corporation, 67 Broad St.. New York 4, N. Y. FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL published, monthly by THE AMERICAN FOREIGN SERVICE ASSOCIATION FEBRUARY 1954 Volume 31, Number 2 CONTENTS page 21 PORTRAIT OF LINCOLN by Stuart L. Hannon 24 NONE IS SWIFTER THAN THESE by Jack Grover THE AMERICAN FOREIGN SERVICE ASSOCIATION Honorary President 29 “KELDA FLOKI DI NIVO” by Steven Cambridge JOHN FOSTER DULLES, Secretary of State Honorary Vice-Presidents 33 THE HIGH COUNTRY by Helen C. Scott THE UNDER SECRETARIES OF STATE THE DEPUTY UNDER SECRETARIES OF STATE by Beatrice Russell THE ASSISTANT SECRETARIES OF STATE 36 SAFARI 2ND CLASS THE COUNSELOR THE DIRECTOR GENERAL OF THE FOREIGN SERVICE 58 IN MEMORIAM, MONNETT DAVIS JOHN D. DICKERSON, President EDWARD T. WAILES, Vice-President BARBARA P. CHALMERS, Executive Secretary departments board of directors ANDREW B. FOSTER, Chairman 4 LETTERS TO THE EDITORS V. LANSING COLLINS, JR,, Vice-Chairman STEPHEN WINSHIP, Secretary-Treasurer 14 TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO TYLER THOMPSON by James B. Stewart PARKER T. HART 19 NEWS FROM THE DEPARTMENT Alternates by Lois Perry Jones PHILIP W. BONSAL ROBERT F. WOODWARD SO SERVICE GLIMPSES WILLIAM C. BURDETT, JR. MISS MARGARET P. HAYS, Assistant Sec.-Treas. »£ as EDITORIALS ROLLIE 11. WHITE, JR. Saving the Seed Corn journal editorial board Association Membership RAY L. THURSTON, Chairman 39 NEWS FROM THE FIELD Louis J. HALLL, JH. CHARLES 1*. KNOX, JR. 42 THE BOOKSHELF—Francis C. EDMUND GULLION deWolf, Review Editor RICHARD A. POOLE Troy L. Perkins A. Edward Irving LEE E. METCALF Thom S EDWARD J. MULCAHY 50 ASSOCIATION NEWS **' ^ ' LOIS PEHIU JUNES, Managing Editor GEORGE BUTLER, Business Manager 50 BIRTHS EDWIN C. RENDALL, Circulation Manager JANE D. FISHBURNE, Editorial Assistant 50 MARRIAGES The AMERICAN FOREIGN SERVICE ASSOCIATION is an (inofficial and voluntary association of the members, active ami retired, of The Foreign Srrrice „f the 60 FOREIGN SERVICE CHANGES United State* und the Department of State. The As¬ sociation wu« formed for the purpose of fostering: esprit dr carp* among members of the Foreign Service 00 IN MEMORIAM and to establish a renter around which might be grouped the united efforts of its members for the 00 improvement of the Service. INDEX TO ADVERTISERS The FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL is not official and material appearing herein represents onlv personal opinions, and is not intended in any way ’to indicate the official views of tin department of .stale or of the Foreign Service as a whole. The Editors will <-ons.«Vr all articles submitted. If accepted, the author will be paid a minimum of one cent a word on publication. Photographs ac¬ companying articles will, if accepted, lie purchased at one dollar ea-h. Five dollars is paid for « mer pictures. Ucpnrts from the Field, although not paid for, are eligible for each month’s $15 Story-of-the- COVER PICTURE: Cleopatra's Needle in the Place Month <’mi|.->t de la Concorde in Paris. The Needle, covered with Copyright, 1954, by the American Foreign Service Egyptian hieroglyphics, came originally from Luxor, Association Egypt. Photo by Jack Grover. Issued monthly at the rate of $.*5.00 a year. 25 cents a copy, by the American Foreign Service Association, 1908 G Street. X. \V„ Washington, D. C. Entered as ■ second-class matter at the Post Office in Washington, D. C., under the Act of March 3, 1879. Printed in U.S.A. by Monumental Printing Com¬ pany. Baltimore. ^ oJlXxK-A. T&flu ^Ot Pseudonyms may be used only if your letter includes your correct aM ... name and address. Lfo Tec... -M MORE ON FRINGE BENEFITS Army War College, Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania, December 19, 1953 To the Editors, FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL: Reference is made to the interesting and thought-provok¬ ing letter in the December FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL by Mr. Fulton Freeman, pointing out that the Foreign Service, like the Armed Forces, is suffering a progressive chopping away of its fringe benefits to such an extent that morale is being adversely affected. Mr. Chaille made some cogent comments on the other side of the picture. But I believe mm \ some confusion still exists. Certainly, no one denies the need for economy and the most efficient use of such funds as are m available. At the same time, I believe there is a feeling in m the Foreign Service that the decisions as to where the cuts are to be made are not always taken with the full under¬ standing of the situation which exists or the results which will ensue. For example, let me take only one item—the reduction of ten percent in the weight allowances for the shipment of "i. \y- furniture. Allegedly, this was done because, on the whole, \. ':0^J / the allowances were generally under-used by ten percent. This to me would seem to demonstrate a sound appreciation by the Foreign Service of the need for economy, and a laud¬ able attitude of not abusing the allowance. It consequently seems to me that the reduction of ten percent in the allow¬ ance will not save one single cent, and that claims of op¬ erating economies as a result are fallacious—assuming that The Greatest Name everyone now uses his full allowance as the only way of as¬ suring that it won’t be cut further. Moreover, the decision seems to be based on a complete in Motor Oil misunderstanding of the reasons for the allowance. I for one do not consider that it was granted as a privilege. On the contrary, if my home abroad is to be representative of Jor America (except at a few posts with government furnished quarters), it will be so only because I take my American home with me. Furthermore, as long as I am in the Foreign Service and serving abroad, the only real home I will have will be the one I take with me. And I take it with me at con¬ siderable inconvenience and expense to myself. Even when the government is paying the freight, it is not paying the in¬ surance.
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    214 RECENZJE / REVIEW Vĕra Barandovská-Frank Lingvokonstruado por diversaj kulturoj: historia ekzemplo Langmaker Abstract (Language construction for different cultures: The historic example ofLang - maker). The advent of internet communication protocols such as hypertext in the 1990s also revolutionized language creation. In the wake of language creation groups communicating by email the online bulletin “Model languages” of Jeffrey Henning appeared. He noticed that the number of new international auxiliary languages being created was smaller than the number of languages created for recreational or experimental purposes and he encouraged language construction as a hobby. Having recognized this new trend, he discussed the different types of Conlangs (constructed languages) and catalogued them in a browsable database. His col- lection of translations of the Babel text (Genesis 11: 1-9) became a translation benchmark for new Conlangers (language creators). His portal “Langmaker” recorded and described about 2000 Conlangs, offered professional services, for example to science fiction authors, and included links to academic literature and hundreds of related web pages. In 2004, it had about 20,000 monthly visitors. In 2007, it was transferred to a wiki format, enabling all interested to enter and contribute (Henning himself wrote about 2000 pages). In 2008, the system became too cumbersome and stopped functioning. Since then no similar portal has existed that has creatively and cooperatively brought different types of Conlangers together regardless of whether they invent languages for an existing community or for a virtual culture. In February of 2020, the book “Langmaker. Celebrating Conlangs” was published, containing the most important texts of Jeffrey Henning with a forward by his former collaborator David.
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