November 10, 2003

Note: This report has been compiled from publicly available information. Although information has been gathered from reliable sources the currency and completeness of the information reported herein is subject to change and cannot be guaranteed. Inquiries, updates and comments are welcome and should be directed to PDMIN team at [email protected].

1 Routes for Humanitarian Aid

Country Supply Routes Supply Routes Comments From: To: Iskenderun (port) Mersin (port) North Open for humanitarian supplies Silopi Bandar Imam Khomeni (Port) South Open for humanitarian supplies Ahwaz Kermanshah Northeast Open for humanitarian supplies Shipping Open for humanitarian supplies; South, Central Umm Qasr (port) High charges limit use Open for humanitarian supplies; Kuwait City (port) South, Central Also military use Aqaba (port) Jordan Central Open for humanitarian supplies Ar Ruwayshid Latakia (port) Central Abu Kamal Tartus (port) Syria Beirut, Lebanon (port) Central Open for humanitarian supplies Al Tanf Al Yarubiyeh North Open for humanitarian supplies

Note: This report has been compiled from publicly available information. Although information has been gathered from reliable sources the currency and completeness of the information reported herein is subject to change and cannot be guaranteed. Inquiries, updates and comments are welcome and should be directed to PDMIN team at [email protected].

2 Overview

Humanitarian Situation: Continued concern about attacks on “soft” targets, security, sabotage, lethal exchanges between coalition troops and Iraqis, crime, and lack of key infrastructure; Nationwide food distribution proceeding smoothly;

Political: The new Pentagon-controlled Iraq Infrastructure Reconstruction Office will replace the US Corps of Engineers and US Agency for International Development (USAID) in overseeing some of the US$ 87.5 billion allocated for Iraqi reconstruction; The Washington Post reported that the Bush administration is considering alternatives to the Iraqi Governing Council as officials say the US-appointed body is moving too slowly in drafting a new constitution;

UN: UN announces remaining 20 foreign staff in have been temporarily relocated to Cyprus; Citing the independent panel security review report by former Finnish President Martti Ahtisaari, Secretary General says the UN is already making many security changes; New team headed by Gerald Walzer, former Deputy UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), will review security decisions;

Refugees: As winter approaches, UNHCR representative in Jordan is holding consultations with Jordan to resolve the plight of 1,500 refugees still stranded in no-man’s land between Iraq and Jordan; UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Ruud Lubbers, discouraging large-scale returns to Iraq;

Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs): Some 265,000 IDPs have been identified in southern and central Iraq, and have been entered into International Organization for Migration (IOM) data repositories;

Civil Society/Rule of Law: UK’s special representative to Iraq, Jeremy Greenstock, says the coalition must request patience from the populace and “Iraqicize” security; The Coalition Provisional Authority’s mass grave action plan suspects that up to 260 mass graves contain at least 300,000 victims of ’s regime

Civil–Military Interaction: Chief Administrator in Iraq, L. Paul Bremer, warns that the coalition should expect intensified attacks in the coming months; The U.S. is developing troop rotation plans and draw- downs to about 105,000 U.S. troops by May of 2004—plans contingent on improved security and additional Iraqi security forces;

Humanitarian Access to Iraq: The International Red Cross has closed its Baghdad and Basrah offices temporarily due to security, but will maintain its operations in the North; International NGOs increasingly depending on local staff to continue operations as international staff being withdrawn due to security;

Economy/Oil: Estimated near-term income from oil is around US$12 billion per year—nearly equal to estimated budget needed to run country—reconstruction and debt pay-off will be additional costs;

Water/power: Public Works Minister Nisrin Mustafa al-Barwari says half of homes are linked to water systems—aims for 90 percent by end of 2004; Less than 10 percent are linked to public sewer systems;

Food: Coalition, World Food Program (WFP), and Iraqi Ministry of Trade meet in Jordan to coordinate handover food distribution on November 21—Ministry of Trade will have responsibility under coalition using the Public Distribution System and newly trained personnel; Oil-for-Food program prioritizes US$8.5 billion in contracts out of US$10 billion in rush to finish before November 21 handover to coalition;

Health and Medical: No major disease outbreaks; Coalition reports all 240 hospitals and 1,200 clinics open; UN Population Fund (UNFPA) says maternity deaths nearly tripled from 117 per 100,000 live births

Note: This report has been compiled from publicly available information. Although information has been gathered from reliable sources the currency and completeness of the information reported herein is subject to change and cannot be guaranteed. Inquiries, updates and comments are welcome and should be directed to PDMIN team at [email protected].

3 in 1989 to 310 in 2002—current 2003 figures are not available; International Organization for Migration (IOM) continuing medical evacuation program despite staff cutbacks.

Note: This report has been compiled from publicly available information. Although information has been gathered from reliable sources the currency and completeness of the information reported herein is subject to change and cannot be guaranteed. Inquiries, updates and comments are welcome and should be directed to PDMIN team at [email protected].

4 Note: New content has been inserted in red, italicized, bold font.

In Country Humanitarian Assistance Preparations

North Region

Erbil, Dahuk, Sulaymaniyah Coordinator UN Office of the Humanitarian Coordinator for Iraq (UOHCI) is aware of 36 NGOs in northern Iraq Affected Population IDP Movement According to UNHCR, there are approximately 42,000 IDPs living in Dahuk Governorate, 5,000 of which are living under the care of UN agencies; UNHCR has provided tents, blankets, and other household items to several hundred Iraqi Kurds who have returned to Dahuk; Approximately 175 Kurdish families are living just east of , and another 700 families are living in Zamar Food WFP preparing to hand over responsibility for food distributions to Kurdish authorities by November Health Four volunteer nurses from Northwest Medical Teams International will provide training in hospitals in Erbil and Dahuk NFIs –Shelter UNHCR has begun a shelter program which will construct 70 houses for approximately 500 IDPs in two villages outside Erbil Water & All water projects in urban and semi-urban areas in Erbil are functioning properly Sanitation Security Other/Comments Power in Dahuk has been restored; Electric power is available for 20-22 hours per day in Erbil; Telephone services have been restored between Dahuk and Mosul; Relocation of UN international staff in the Northern Governorates is underway

Kirkuk (Attamin), Mosul (Ninewa), (Salahaddin) Coordinator Affected Population IDP Movement UNHCR is funding projects to assist some 2,500 newly displaced who have gathered in the Hawija area west of ; About 250 Kurdish families have been staying at Kirkuk’s sports stadium awaiting housing from authorities Food Health International Medical Corps (IMC) completed renovations of four health clinics in Kirkuk NFIs –Shelter World Vision was able to distribute blankets, cooking stoves, and other non-food essential items to 2,990 IDP families living in public buildings or camps in Mosul Water & US-based NGO International Rescue Committee (IRC) is continuing to help improve Sanitation sewage line repair and garbage collection in Kirkuk Security Security situation in Mosul reported as tense; A US Black Hawk helicopter was confirmed to have been shot down on Friday (November 7) near Tikrit, killing 6 people on board Other/Comments The Mosul airport is still closed to UN flights, which are using Erbil as the landing point in the North; All civil, criminal, and administrative courts in Kirkuk are now open Note: This report has been compiled from publicly available information. Although information has been gathered from reliable sources the currency and completeness of the information reported herein is subject to change and cannot be guaranteed. Inquiries, updates and comments are welcome and should be directed to PDMIN team at [email protected].

5 and hearing cases; World Vision International reports that rehabilitation of more than 80 schools in Mosul has been completed so that more than 40,000 school children can return to classes

Central/West Regions

Anbar, Salahaddin, Diyala, , Babil, Wasit, , Qadissiya Coordinator Affected Population IDP Movement US-based NGO Save the Children has completed registration of IDPs in Najaf, where 2,157 IDPs have been identified; International Medical Corps, Mercy Corps, and CARE are working on projects that serve the IDP population in Diyala Food Kuwait’s Red Crescent Society (KRCS) is sending its 28th batch of aid to Al city, containing food items, flour, water, and milk Health US-based NGO Mercy Corps has supplied medical kits to health facilities in Qadissiya and Wasit, benefiting over 60,000 patients NFIs –Shelter Water & US-based NGO Mercy Corps is addressing water, sanitation, and health needs in Sanitation Wasit and Qadissiya; CARE has repaired water flow in Anbar governorate, providing access to potable water for 1,100 households; Six water treatment plants are being rehabilitated in Babil and Diyala governorates to serve more than 500,000 people Security Anbar, Diyala, and Salahaddin are still inaccessible to UN staff due to poor security; The UN Iraq Security Office reports a surge in the number of attacks against coalition forces in the area northwest of Hilla in Babylon governorate; Two US soldiers were killed when their vehicle hit an improvised device on a highway west of , about 48 km (30 miles) west of Baghdad on Saturday (November 8) Other/Comments


Baghdad Coordinator Affected Population: 5.8 million Population IDP Movement -based NGO Premier Urgence has reported a new case load of 7,000 IDPs in Baghdad; UNHCR has registered more than 8,200 Palestinian refugees in Baghdad who no longer receive support from authorities; About 700 families of Roma origin are reportedly living in a former Baghdad orphanage Food Health Two international staff members of Medecins du Monde remain in Baghdad to arrange airlifts for sick Iraqi children to NFIs –Shelter Water & USAID reports that 70 of Baghdad’s 90 sewage treatment plants have been Sanitation rehabilitated Security The International Red Cross has decided to close its Baghdad office temporarily due to the security situation; One US military policeman was killed by a rocket-propelled grenade on Sunday (November 9) in Iskandariya city, located about 50 km (30 miles) south of Baghdad; One US soldier was killed and another wounded by a roadside bomb on Saturday (November 8) in Note: This report has been compiled from publicly available information. Although information has been gathered from reliable sources the currency and completeness of the information reported herein is subject to change and cannot be guaranteed. Inquiries, updates and comments are welcome and should be directed to PDMIN team at [email protected].

6 Baghdad; The nighttime curfew lifted in Baghdad for the month of Ramadan has been reimposed; Hundreds of Iraqis showed up to mourn the death of Muhanad Ghazi al-Kabi, the head of the US-backed interim council for Sadr City, and claimed that he had been killed by US forces Other/Comments A First Responder emergency system has been established in Baghdad to reach emergency services for fire or other crisis situations; NGO charter flights are still being scheduled daily between Amman, Jordan and Baghdad while commercial flights are still on hold

South Region


Umm Qasr, Basrah Coordinator Affected Population of Basrah: 1.5 million Population IDP Movement US-based NGO Save the Children has completed registration of IDPs in Basrah, where 5,300 IDPs have been identified Food WFP is continuing to provide emergency relief rations for Iraqi refugees returning from the Al Rafha camp in Saudi Arabia Health USAID reports that the first of 74 “health clinic in a box” kits containing medical instruments and primary health clinic supplies were distributed to the Department of Health in Basrah; USAID has supported the rehabilitation of 20 delivery rooms in hospitals and health care centers in Basrah NFIs –Shelter Water & Norwegian Church Aid (NCA) is working with UNICEF in Basrah and Maysan to Sanitation provide clean drinking water through water tanks, repair and install emergency water equipment and networks, and repair Water Directorate vehicles Security All UN operations in Basrah have been suspended until further notice; International staff curfew is in place from 8:00 pm to 6:00 am; All UN international staff and UN Joint Logistics Center in Basrah have been relocated to Kuwait; British coalition forces are assisting to provide security at the Umm Qasr port; The International Red Cross has decided to close its Basrah office temporarily due to the security situation Other/Comments

Al Muthanna, Nassiriyah (Dhi Qar), Maysan Coordinator UNOHCI is aware of 22 NGOs operating in southern Iraq Affected Population IDP Movement Food Health Czech Republic-based NGO People in Need Foundation (PINF) is continuing its work to rehabilitate medical facilities in Maysan governorate, including 5 primary health centers and 10 larger clinics; Mobile community outreach health clinics staffed by Iraqi doctors and community health workers are providing medical relief to remote areas of Maysan Governorate Note: This report has been compiled from publicly available information. Although information has been gathered from reliable sources the currency and completeness of the information reported herein is subject to change and cannot be guaranteed. Inquiries, updates and comments are welcome and should be directed to PDMIN team at [email protected].

7 NFIs –Shelter Water & Norwegian Church Aid (NCA) is conducting water and supply activities in Maysan Sanitation and provinces, including pipe network repairs, training, and water tankering to clinics and schools Security Other/Comments PINF, which is still increasing its activities in the education and health sectors, has proceeded with reconstruction of the Education College in Maysan

Neighboring Countries’ Humanitarian Activities/Preparations


The Government of Jordan has stated that borders with Iraq are open for the flow of goods. The Humanitarian Assistance Coordination Center (HACC-West) has advised that it needs 24-hour advance notice of vehicle movement into Iraq from Jordan. Travel on this route in the short-term may be dangerous due to the threat of hijacking while on the road.

UNHCR and the Government of Jordan are still trying to work out a solution for around 573 people still living in the Ruweished camp. Jordan’s Hashemite charity Organization (HCO), in cooperation with UNHCR, is providing food and medical assistance in the camp.

About 1,200 people, mostly Iranian Kurds from the Al Tash refugee camp in Iraq, are currently residing in no-man’s land at the Iraqi border with Jordan. Jordan has refused entry to most of the refugees. A refugee camp has been set up for them in no-man’s land, using some structures that were relocated there from the Ruweishid camp. However, due to the unofficial status of the camp in a “buffer zone,” neither Iraq nor Jordan is obligated to accept responsibility for the camp residents.

Following talks with Jordan’s King Abdullah II, UN High Commissioner for Refugees Ruud Lubbers said that Jordan will not pressure the approximately 200,000 Iraqi refugees living in Jordan to return to Iraq. In addition, a limited number of Iraqis would be allowed to stay long-term, particularly those married to Jordanians.


The Bureau for Aliens and Foreign Immigrants Affairs (BAFIA) has stated that requests of convoys crossing the Iranian border could be processed within 24 hours, once the Ministry of Foreign Affairs provides clearance.

UNHCR has announced that planned repatriations of Iraqi refugees living in Iran have been suspended following the bomb blast at UN headquarters in Baghdad on Tuesday (August 19). UNHCR had hoped to begin returns in small groups by the end of August, but is now awaiting clarification on staffing and security arrangements in Iraq. There are currently about 200,000 Iraqi refugees living in Iran either in host communities or in 22 camps near the border.


UNHCR has said it is scaling down its operations along the border between Turkey and Iraq in order to focus on relief efforts already underway in Iraq. Turkey has said it would continue assistance to Iraqi refugees who fled Iraq prior the recent war and who now wish to return to Iraq. UNHCR said it could Note: This report has been compiled from publicly available information. Although information has been gathered from reliable sources the currency and completeness of the information reported herein is subject to change and cannot be guaranteed. Inquiries, updates and comments are welcome and should be directed to PDMIN team at [email protected].

8 facilitate such repatriations, but could not guarantee the returnees’ safety upon return and thus would not encourage them to do so at this time. IOM is also scaling down their operations in Silopi, but said it would be ready to assist in the repatriation of Iraqis.

The Turkish Red Crescent has sent a four-truck convoy carrying food aid and non-food items to Iraq to be distributed in the northern Iraqi cities of Mosul and Dahuk.


The Humanitarian Operations Center (HOC) in Kuwait requests a maximum of 96 hours to issue a clearance to agencies to carry out cross-border operations. Humanitarian flights are now exempt of all landing and parking fees. The Government of Kuwait has issued a statement that it must be notified 24 hours in advance to issue approved legal passes.

UN staff wishing to travel to Iraq through Kuwait need security clearance and must complete a Kuwaiti immigration form. The immigration form, in addition to a copy of a mission plan, must be given to the transportation office by 1600 hours one day prior to the mission.

The HOC, originally scheduled to close on September 30, 2003, will continue to operate until December 31, 2003.

Due to the current security situation in Iraq, international staff members of UN agencies operating in southern Iraq have been relocated to Kuwait, as have international staff members from several international organizations, including International Organization for Migration (IOM), International Medical Corps (IMC), and Mercy Corps.


The Government of Syria has granted UN agencies and IOM a number of exemptions for fees, taxes and levees related to the import/export of humanitarian transit cargo to Iraq. New border crossing procedures are improving cross border movements.

Saudi Arabia

The Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (GoKSA) has issued a blanket authorization for overflight and landing for an unspecified period of time. These clearances apply to flights between Kuwait and Amman.

The eighth voluntary repatriation convoy carrying 370 Iraqi refugees departed the Al Rafha camp this week for Iraq. The UNHCR is not encouraging returns due to lack of security in Iraq, but is assisting those who wish to return.

Note: This report has been compiled from publicly available information. Although information has been gathered from reliable sources the currency and completeness of the information reported herein is subject to change and cannot be guaranteed. Inquiries, updates and comments are welcome and should be directed to PDMIN team at [email protected].