Generative Adversarial Networks for text using word2vec intermediaries Akshay Budhkar1, 2, 4, Krishnapriya Vishnubhotla1, Safwan Hossain1, 2 and Frank Rudzicz1, 2, 3, 5 1Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto fabudhkar, vkpriya,
[email protected] 2Vector Institute
[email protected] 3St Michael’s Hospital 4Georgian Partners 5Surgical Safety Technologies Inc. Abstract the information to improve, however, if at the cur- rent stage of training it is not doing that yet, the Generative adversarial networks (GANs) have gradient of G vanishes. Additionally, with this shown considerable success, especially in the loss function, there is no correlation between the realistic generation of images. In this work, we apply similar techniques for the generation metric and the generation quality, and the most of text. We propose a novel approach to han- common workaround is to generate targets across dle the discrete nature of text, during training, epochs and then measure the generation quality, using word embeddings. Our method is ag- which can be an expensive process. nostic to vocabulary size and achieves compet- W-GAN (Arjovsky et al., 2017) rectifies these itive results relative to methods with various issues with its updated loss. Wasserstein distance discrete gradient estimators. is the minimum cost of transporting mass in con- 1 Introduction verting data from distribution Pr to Pg. This loss forces the GAN to perform in a min-max, rather Natural Language Generation (NLG) is often re- than a max-min, a desirable behavior as stated in garded as one of the most challenging tasks in (Goodfellow, 2016), potentially mitigating mode- computation (Murty and Kabadi, 1987).