Corpus specificity in LSA and : the role of out-of-domain documents

Edgar Altszyler Mariano Sigman Diego Fernandez´ Slezak UBA, FCEyN, DC. U. Torcuato Di Tella - CONICET. UBA, FCEyN, DC, ICC, UBA-CONICET [email protected] ICC, UBA-CONICET [email protected] [email protected]

Abstract tend to occur in similar contexts (Harris, 1954). This proposition is called distributional hypothe- Despite the popularity of embed- sis and provides a practical framework to under- dings, the precise way by which they ac- stand and compute the semantic relationship be- quire semantic relations between re- tween words. Based in the distributional hypothe- main unclear. In the present article, we in- sis, (LSA) (Deerwester vestigate whether LSA and word2vec ca- et al., 1990; Landauer and Dumais, 1997; Hu et al., pacity to identify relevant semantic rela- 2007) and word2vec (Mikolov et al., 2013a,b), are tions increases with corpus size. One in- one of the most important methods for word mean- tuitive hypothesis is that the capacity to ing representation, which describes each word in a identify relevant associations should in- vectorial space, where words with similar mean- crease as the amount of data increases. ings are located close to each other. However, if corpus size grows in topics Word embeddings have been applied in a wide which are not specific to the domain of in- variety of areas such as terest, signal to noise ratio may weaken. (Deerwester et al., 1990), psychiatry (Altszyler Here we investigate the effect of corpus et al., 2018; Carrillo et al., 2018), treatment op- specificity and size in word-embeddings, timization(Corcoran et al., 2018), literature (Diuk and for this, we study two ways for pro- et al., 2012) and cognitive sciences (Landauer gressive elimination of documents: the and Dumais, 1997; Denhiere` and Lemaire, 2004; elimination of random documents vs. the Lemaire and Denhi, 2004; Diuk et al., 2012). elimination of documents unrelated to a LSA takes as input a training Corpus formed by specific task. We show that word2vec a collection of documents. Then a word by doc- can take advantage of all the documents, ument co-occurrence matrix is constructed, which obtaining its best performance when it contains the distribution of occurrence of the dif- is trained with the whole corpus. On ferent words along the documents. Then, usually, the contrary, the specialization (removal a mathematical transformation is applied to reduce of out-of-domain documents) of the train- the weight of uninformative high-frequency words ing corpus, accompanied by a decrease of in the words-documents matrix (Dumais, 1991). dimensionality, can increase LSA word- Finally, a linear is imple- representation quality while speeding up mented by a truncated Singular Value Decomposi- the processing time. From a cognitive- tion, SVD, which projects every word in a sub- modeling point of view, we point out space of a predefined number of dimensions, k. that LSA’s word-knowledge acquisitions The success of LSA in capturing the latent mean- may not be efficiently exploiting higher- ing of words comes from this low-dimensional order co-occurrences and global relations, mapping. This representation improvement can be whereas word2vec does. explained as a consequence of the elimination of the noisiest dimensions (Turney and Pantel, 2010). 1 Introduction Word2vec consists of two neural network mod- The main idea behind corpus-based semantic rep- els, Continuous Bag of Words (CBOW) and Skip- resentation is that words with similar meanings gram. To train the models, a sliding window is

1 Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Representation Learning for NLP, pages 1–10 Melbourne, Australia, July 20, 2018. c 2018 Association for Computational moved along the corpus. In the CBOW scheme, placed exam-words in the corpus with non-sense in each step, the neural network is trained to pre- words and varied the number of corpus’ docu- dict the center word (the word in the center of the ments selecting nested sub-samples of the total window based) given the words (the other corpus. They concluded that LSA improves its words in the window). While in the skip-gram performance on the exam both when training with scheme, the model is trained to predict the context documents with exam-words and without them. words based on the central word. In the present However, as could be expected, they observed a paper, we use the skip-gram, which has produced greater effect when training with exam-words. It better performance in Mikolov et al.(2013b). is worth mentioning that the replacement of exam- Despite the development of new word represen- words with non-sense words may create incorrect tation methods, LSA is still intensively used and documents, thus, making the algorithm acquire has been shown that produce better performances word-knowledge from documents which should than word2vec methods in small to medium size have an exam-word but do not. In the Results sec- training corpus (Altszyler et al., 2017). tion, we will study this indirect word acquisition in the TOEFL test without using non-sense words. 1.1 Training Corpus Size and Specificity in Along the same line, Lemaire and Den- Word-embeddings hiere(2006) studied the effect of high-order co- occurrences in LSA , which Over the last years, great effort has been devoted goes further in the study of Landauer’s indirect to understanding how to choose the right parame- word acquisition. ter settings for different tasks (Quesada, 2011; Du- mais, 2003; Landauer and Dumais, 1997; Lapesa In their work, Lemaire and Denhiere(2006) and Evert, 2014; Bradford, 2008; Nakov et al., measure how the similarity between 28 pairs of 2003; Baroni et al., 2014). However, considerably words (such as bee/honey and buy/shop) changes lesser attention has been given to study how dif- when a 400-dimensions LSA is trained with a ferent corpus used as input for training may affect growing number of paragraphs. Furthermore, they the performance. Here we ask a simple question identify for this task the marginal contribution of on the property of the corpus: is there a monotonic the first, second and third order of co-occurrence relation between corpus size and the performance? as the number of paragraphs is increased. In this More precisely, what happens if the topic of ad- experiment, they found that not only does the first ditional documents differs from the topics in the order of co-occurrence contribute to the semantic specific task? Previous studies have surprisingly closeness of the word pairs, but also the second shown some contradictory results on this simple and the third order promote an increment on pairs question. similarity. It is worth noting that Landauer’s indi- On the one hand, in the foundational work, rect word acquisition can be understood in terms Landauer and Dumais(1997) compare the word- of paragraphs without either of the words in a pair, knowledge acquisition between LSA and that of and containing a third or more order co-occurrence children’s. This acquisition process may be pro- link. duced by 1) direct learning, enhancing the incor- So, the conclusion from Lemaire and Denhiere poration of new words by reading texts that ex- (2006) and Landauer and Dumais(1997) studies plicitly contain them; or 2) indirect learning, en- suggest that increasing corpus size results in a hancing the incorporation of new words by read- gain, even if this increase is in topics which are un- ing texts that do not contain them. To do that, related for the relevant semantic directions which they evaluate LSA semantic representation trained are pertinent for the task. with different size corpus in multiple-choice syn- However, a different conclusion seems to result onym questions extracted from the TOEFL exam. from other sets of studies. Stone et al.(2006) have This test consists of 80 multiple-choice questions, studied the effect of Corpus size and specificity in which its requested to identify the of in a document similarity rating task. They found a word between 4 options. In order to train the that training LSA with smaller subcorpus selected LSA, Landauer and Dumais used the TASA cor- for the specific task domain maintains or even im- pus (Zeno et al., 1995). proves LSA performance. This corresponds to the Landauer and Dumais(1997) randomly re- intuition of noise filtering, when removing infor-

2 mation from irrelevant dimensions results in im- ments without the decrease of k results in the com- provements of performance. plete opposite behavior, showing a strong perfor- In addition, Olde et al.(2002) have studied the mance reduction. On the other hand, word2vec effect of selecting specific subcorpus in an auto- shows in all cases a performance reduction when matic exam evaluation task. They created sev- discarding out-of-domain, which suggests an ex- eral subcorpus from a Physics corpus, progres- ploitation of higher-order word co-occurrences. sively discarding documents unrelated to the spe- Our contribution in understanding the effect cific questions. Their results showed small differ- of out-of-domain documents in word-embeddings ences in the performance between the LSA trained knowledge acquisitions is valuable from two dif- with original corpus and the LSA trained with the ferent perspectives: more specific subcorpus. • From an operational point of view: we show It is well known that the number of LSA di- that LSA’s performance can be enhanced mensions (k) is a key parameter to be duly ad- when: (1) its training corpus is cleaned from justed in order to eliminate the noisiest dimen- out-of-domain documents, and (2) a reduc- sions (Landauer and Dumais, 1997; Turney and tion of LSA’s dimensions number is applied. Pantel, 2010). Excessively high k values may not Furthermore, the reduction of both the cor- eliminate enough noisy dimensions, while exces- pus size and the number of dimensions tend sively low k values may not have enough dimen- to speed up the processing time. On the other sions to generate a proper representation. In this hand, word2vec can take advantage of all the context, we hypothesize that when out-of-domain documents, obtaining its best performance documents are discarded, the number of dimen- when it is trained with the whole corpus. sions needed to represent the data should be lower, thus, k must be decreased. • From a cognitive modeling point of view: we point out that LSA’s word-knowledge ac- Regarding word2vec, Cardellino and Alemany quisition does not take advantage of indirect (2017) and Dusserre and Padro´(2017) have shown learning, while word2vec does. This throws that word2vec trained with a specific corpus can light upon models capabilities and limita- produce better performance in semantic tasks than tions in modeling human cognitive tasks, when it is trained with a bigger and general cor- such as: human word-learning (Landauer pus. Despite these works point out the relevance and Dumais, 1997; Lemaire and Denhiere, of domain-specific corpora, they do not study the 2006; Landauer, 2007), specificity in isolation, as they compare corpus (Denhiere` and Lemaire, 2004; Kintsch and from different sources. Mangalath, 2011; Landauer, 2007) and words In this article, we set to investigate the effect classification (Laham, 1997). of the specificity and size of training corpus in word-embeddings, and how this interacts with the 2 Methods number of dimensions. To measure the semantic representations quality we have used two different We used TASA corpus (Zeno et al., 1995) in all tasks: the TOEFL exam, and a categorization test. experiments. TASA is a commonly used linguistic The corpus evaluation method consists in the com- corpus consisting of more than 37 thousand educa- parison between two ways of progressive elimina- tional texts from USA K12 curriculum. We word- tion of documents: the elimination of random doc- tokenized each document, discarding punctuation uments vs the elimination of out-of-domain docu- marks, numbers, and symbols. Then, we trans- ments (unrelated to the specific task). In addition, formed each word to lowercase and eliminated we have varied k within a wide range of values. stopwords, using the stoplist in NLTK Python package (Bird et al., 2009). TASA corpus contains As we show, LSA’s dimensionality plays a key more than 5 million words in its cleaned version. role in the LSA representation when the corpus In each experiment, the training corpus size was analysis is made. In particular, we observe that changed by discarding documents in two different both, discarding out-of-domain documents and de- ways: creasing the number of dimensions produces an increase in the algorithm performance. In one • Random documents discarding: The desired of the two tasks, discarding out-of-domain docu- number of documents (n) contained in the

3 subcorpus is preselected. Then, documents words in its semantic category we used the Silhou- are randomly eliminated from the original ette Coefficients, s(i) (Rousseeuw, 1987), corpus until there are exactly n documents. b(i) − a(i) If any of the test words (i.e. words that ap- s(i) = , (2) pear in the specific task) does not appear at max{a(i), b(i)} least once in the remaining corpus, one doc- where a(i) is the mean distance of word i with ument is randomly replaced with one of the all other words within the same category, and b(i) discarded documents that contains the miss- is the minimum mean distance of word i to any ing word. words within another category (i.e. the mean dis- tance to the neighboring category). In other words, • Out-of-domain documents discarding: The Silhouette Coefficients measure how close is a desired number of documents (n) contained word to its own category words compared to the in the subcorpus is preselected. Then, only closeness to neighboring words. The Silhouette documents with no test words are eliminated Score is computed as the mean value of all Silhou- from the original corpus until there are ex- ette Coefficients. The score takes values between actly n documents. Here, n must be greater -1 and 1, higher values reporting localized cat- than or equal to the number of documents that egories with larger distances between categories, contain at least one of the test words. representing better clustering. Both, LSA and Skip-gram word-embeddings were The high number of test words (530) and the generated with Python library (Rehˇ u˚rekˇ high frequency of some of them leaves only a few and Sojka, 2010). In LSA implementation, a Log- documents with no test words. This makes varied Entropy transformation was applied before the corpus size range in the out-of-domain documents truncated Singular Value Decomposition. In Skip- discarding very small. To avoid this, we tested gram implementation, we discarded tokens with only on the 10 least frequent categories. The fre- frequency higher than 10−3, and we set the win- quency of a question is measured as the number dow size and negative sampling parameters to 15 of documents in which at least one word from this (which were found to be maximal in two semantic category appears. tasks over TASA corpus (Altszyler et al., 2017)). 2.2 TOEFL test In all cases, word-embeddings dimensions values were varied to study its dependency. The TOEFL test was introduced by Landauer The semantic similarity (S) of two words was and Dumais(1997) to evaluate the quality of calculated using the cosine similarity measure semantic representations. This test consists of between their respective vectorial representation 80 multiple-choice questions, in which it is re- quested to identify the synonym of a target word (v1,v2), between 4 options. For example: select the v1.v2 most semantically similar to “enormously” be- S(v1, v2) = cos(v1, v2) = (1) kv1k.kv2k tween this words: “tremendously”, “appropri- ately”, “uniquely” and “decidedly”. The perfor- The semantic distances between two words mance of this test was measured by the percentage d(v , v ) is calculated as 1 minus the semantic 1 2 of correct responses. similarity ( d(v , v ) = 1 − S(v , v )). 1 2 1 2 Again, The high number of test words (400) and Word-embeddings knowledge acquisition was the high frequency of some of them leaves few tested in two different tasks: a semantic catego- documents with no test words. So we performed rization test and the TOEFL test. the test only on the 20 least frequent questions in 2.1 Semantic categorization test order to have out-of-domain documents to discard. In this test we measured the capabilities of the 3 Results model to represent the semantic categories used by Patel et al.(1997) (such as drinks, countries, 3.1 Semantic categorization Test tools and clothes). The test is composed of 53 cat- In Figure1 we show the LSA (top panel) and egories with 10 words each. In order to measure word2vec (bottom panel) categorization perfor- how well the word i is grouped vis-a-vis` the other mance with both documents discarding methods.

4 For each corpus size and document discarding Latent Semantic Analysis method, we took 10 subcorpus samples (in total 0.30 Document discarding we consider 90 subcorpus + the complete corpus). out-of-domain random In each corpus/subcorpus, we trained LSA and 0.25 word2vec with a wide range of dimension values, using in each case the dimension that produces the 0.20 best mean performance. In both cases, performance decreases when doc- 0.15 uments are randomly discarded (orange dashed lines). However, LSA and word2vec have differ- Score Silhouette 0.10 ent behavior in the out-of-domain document dis- carding method (blue solid lines). While LSA pro- 103 104 duces better scores with increasing specificity, the word2vec performance decreases in the same situ- ation. LSA’s maximum performance is obtained using -of-domain random 20 dimensions and removing all out-of-domain documents in the training corpus. While, when all the corpus is used the best number of dimensions is 100. These results show that performance for a specific task may be increased by “cleaning” the training corpus of out-of-domain documents. But, in order to enhance the performance, the elimi- nation of out-of-domain documents should be ac- companied by a decrease of the number of LSA 3 4 dimensions. For example, fixing the number of 10 10 Corpus Size (# of documents) dimensions to 100 the performance result in a re- duction of 55%. We also point out that this tech- nical subtlety has not been taken into account in Figure 1: Semantic categorization test analysis. previous results that reported the presence of indi- Silhouette Score vs corpus size for with both docu- rect learning in LSA (Landauer and Dumais, 1997; ments discarding methods: random document dis- Lemaire and Denhiere, 2006). carding (orange dashed lines) and out-of-domain Figure2 shows the results disaggregated by documents discarding (blue solid lines). The number of dimensions. It can be seen that in all shown Silhouette Score values and their error bars cases the performance decreases when documents are, respectively, the mean values and the standard are randomly discarded (bottom panels). How- error of the mean of 10 samples. In most of the ever, in the case of LSA, the dependency with the dots, the error bars are not visible, this is because number of out-of-domain documents varied with their length is smaller than the dot size. The di- the number of dimensions (top left panel). In mension was varied among {5, 10, 20, 50, 100, the cases of 300, 500 and 1000 dimensions, the 300, 500, 1000} for LSA and among {5, 10, 20, performance decreases when out-of-domain doc- 50, 100, 300, 500} for word2vec. Due to the high uments are eliminated. In contrast, we obtain the computational effort, in the case of word2vec we opposite behavior in the cases of 5, 10, 20 dimen- avoid using 1000 dimensions. sions, in which the elimination of out-of-domain documents increases LSA’s categorization perfor- mance. ments, but also less topic diversity among texts. Consider the case when k is fixed in the value Thus, the number of dimensions (k) needed to gen- that maximizes the performance with the entire erate a proper semantic representation should be corpus (around k = 100). When the corpus is reduced. As k is fixed in high values, LSA may not “cleaned” of out-of-domain documents, the re- eliminate enough noisy dimensions, leading to a maining corpus will have not only fewer docu- decrease in the performance. This effect becomes

5 LSA out-of-domain discarding -of-domain discarding 5 50 500 5 50 300 10 100 1000 10 100 500 20 300 20



1 1

103 104 103 104 Corpus Size ( Corpus Size (

Figure 2: Semantic categorization test analysis disaggregated by number of dimensions. Categorization performance (Silhouette Score) vs corpus size, by number of dimensions. Both document variation methods are shown: out-of-domain documents discarding (top panels) and random document discarding (bottom panels). The shown scores values and their error bars are, respectively, the mean values and the standard error of the mean of 10 samples. larger when the selected k is high, as it can be seen these direction (see Baroni et al.(2014) discus- for k = 300, 500, 1000. On the other hand, con- sion). sider the case when k is fixed in the value that max- imizes the performance with the “cleaned” corpus 3.2 TOEFL Test (around k = 20). The presence of out-of-domain In Figure3 we show the TOEFL correct answer documents in the complete corpus increase the fraction vs the corpus size. We varied the corpus topic diversity. As k is fixed in low values, the size by both methods: the out-of-domain docu- LSA will not have enough dimensions to represent ments discarding and the Random document dis- all the intrinsic complexity of the whole corpus. carding. As in the categorization test procedure, a So, when the corpus is “cleaned” of out-of-domain wide range of dimension values where tested, us- documents, the performance should increase. ing in each case the dimension that produces the On the other hand, in the case of word2vec, best mean performance. the performance decrease, with almost all dimen- In both models, performance decreases when sion values, when out-of-domain documents are documents are randomly discarded (orange dashed eliminated. Moreover, the discarding of out-of- lines in figure3). For LSA, the elimination of domain documents do not require a considerable out-of-domain documents does not produce a sig- decrease of the number of dimensions. These find- nificant performance variation, which shows that ings supports the idea that individual dimensions LSA can not take advantage of out-of-domain doc- of word2vec do not encode latent semantic do- ument. This results are in contradiction with Lan- mains, however, more analysis must be done in dauer and Dumais(1997) observation of indirect

6 Latent Semantic Analysis document discard method. Unlike the categoriza-

Document discarding tion test, the performance measure in the TOEFL out-of-domain Test present a high variability (see Figure4). This random 50 observation is consistent with the large fluctua- tions shown in Landauer and Dumais(1997). De- spite this, we consider relevant to use this test in order to be able to compare with Landauer and Du- 40 mais(1997) results.

4 Conclusion and Discussion 30

mean correct answer (%) answer correct mean Despite the popularity of word-embeddings in 3 10 104 several semantic representation task, the way by which they acquire new semantic relations be- Word2vec tween words is unclear. In particular, for the 50 Document discarding case of LSA there are two opposite visions about out-of-domain random the effect of incorporating out-of-domain docu- ments. From one point of view, training LSA with 45 a specific subcorpus, cleaned of documents unre- lated to the specific task increases the performance 40 (Stone et al., 2006). From the other point of view, the presence of unrelated documents improves the representations. The second view point is sup- 35 ported by the conception that the SVD in LSA can capture high-order co-occurrence words relations mean correct answer (%) answer correct mean 103 104 (Landauer and Dumais, 1997; Lemaire and Den- Corpus Size (# of documents) hiere, 2006; Turney and Pantel, 2010). Based on this, LSA is used as a plausible model of human semantic memory given that it can capture indirect Figure 3: TOEFL test analysis. Correct answer relations (high-order word co-occurrences). percentage vs corpus size with both document In the present article we studied the effect of variation methods: Random document discard- out-of-domain documents in LSA and word2vec ing (orange dashed lines) and the out-of-domain semantic representations construction. We com- documents discarding (blue solid lines). The pared two ways of progressive elimination of doc- shown Silhouette Score values and their error bars uments: the elimination of random documents vs are,respectively, the mean values and the standard the elimination of out-of-domain documents. The error of the mean of 10 samples. The dimension semantic representations quality was measured in was varied among {5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 300, 500, two different tasks: a semantic categorization test 1000} for LSA and among {5, 10, 20, 50, 100, and a TOEFL exam. Additionally, we have varied 300, 500} for word2vec. Due to the high compu- a large range of word-embedding dimensions (k). tational effort, in the case of word2vec we avoid We have shown that word2vec can take advan- using 1000 dimensions. tage of all the documents, obtaining its best per- formance when it is trained with the whole cor- pus. On the contrary, LSA’s word-representation learning. We believe that this difference is due to quality increases with a specialization of the train- the lack of adjustment in the number of dimen- ing corpus (removal of out-of-domain document) sions. On the other hand, word2vec has the same accompanied by a decrease of k. Furthermore, behaviour as in the categorization test. The perfor- we have shown that the specialization without mance when the out-of-domain documents are dis- the decrease of k can produce a strong perfor- carded show a small downward trend (not signifi- mance reduction. Thus, we point out the need to cant, with p-val=0.31 in a two-sided Kolmogorov- vary k when the corpus size dependency is stud- Smirnov test), but not as pronounced as in random ied. From a cognitive modeling point of view, we

7 LSA out-of-domain discarding Word2vec out-of-domain discarding 60 5 50 500 5 50 300 10 100 1000 10 100 500 20 300 50 20 55

50 45

45 40 40 35 mean correct answer (%) answer correct mean 35 104 104

LSA random discarding Word2vec random discarding 5 50 500 50 5 50 300 50 10 100 1000 10 100 500 20 300 20 45

40 40

35 30 30 mean correct answer (%) answer correct mean 103 104 103 104 Corpus Size (# of documents) Corpus Size (# of documents)

Figure 4: TOEFL test analysis disaggregated by number of dimensions. Correct answer percentage vs corpus size, by number of dimensions. Both document variation methods are shown: out-of-domain documents discarding (top panels) and random document discarding (bottom panels). The shown scores values and their error bars are, respectively, the mean values and the standard error of the mean of 10 samples. point out that LSA’s word-knowledge acquisitions References does not take advantage of indirect learning (high- Edgar Altszyler, Ariel Berenstein, David Milne, order word co-occurrences), while word2vec does. Rafael A. Calvo, and Diego Fernandez Slezak. 2018. This throws light upon word-embeddings capabil- Using contextual information for automatic triage ities and limitations in modeling human cognitive of posts in a peer-support forum. In Proceedings tasks, such as: human word-learning (Landauer of the Fifth Workshop on Computational Linguistics and Clinical Psychology: From Linguistic Signal to and Dumais, 1997; Lemaire and Denhiere, 2006; Clinical Reality. Landauer, 2007), semantic memory (Denhiere` and Lemaire, 2004; Kintsch and Mangalath, 2011; Edgar Altszyler, Sidarta Ribeiro, Mariano Sigman, Landauer, 2007) and words classification (Laham, and Diego Fernandez´ Slezak. 2017. The in- 1997). terpretation of dream meaning: Resolving ambi- guity using latent semantic analysis in a small corpus of text. Consciousness and Acknowledgments

This research was supported by Consejo Nacional Marco Baroni, Georgiana Dinu, and German´ de Investigaciones Cientficas y Tcni-cas (CON- Kruszewski. 2014. Don’t count, predict! a ICET), Universidad de Buenos Aires, and Agencia systematic comparison of context-counting vs. Nacional de Promocin Cientfica y Tecnolgica. We context-predicting semantic vectors. In ACL (1). pages 238–247. also want to thank LSA and NLP Research Labs, University of Colorado at Boulder for shearing ac- Steven Bird, Ewan Klein, and Edward Loper. 2009. cess to the TOEFL word set. Natural processing with Python.” O’Reilly Media, Inc.”.

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