Paths Diverging? The Next Decade in the US-Japan Security Alliance IIPS Institute for International Policy Studies • IIPS Policy Paper 299E December 2003 Paths Diverging? The Next Decade in the US–Japan Security Alliance WILLIAM E. RAPP IIPS 2003 ◆ 1 William E. Rapp INSTITUTE FOR INTERNATIONAL POLICY STUDIES The Institute for International Policy Studies was established in June 1988 as an inde pen dent research center. In co op er a tion with other domestic and inter na tion al research or ga ni za tions, IIPS ex am ines global security, economic, and environmental issues, and proposes policies to address present and future trends. The Institute issues papers in Japanese and English, publishes a quarterly newsletter, and produces Asia-Pacifi c Review, a journal of debate on the Asia-Pacifi c region. INSTITUTE FOR INTERNATIONAL POLICY STUDIES, Toranomon 5 Mori Building 5F 1-17-1 Toranomon, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0001 Japan Telephone: (03) 5253-2511 Facsimile: (03) 5253-2510 Chairman Yasuhiro Nakasone President Yoshio Okawara Research Director Taizo Yakushiji Editors Phil Robertson Terri Nii IIPS POLICY PAPERS are written by distinguished research fellows, senior research fellows, and visiting scholars of the Institute for International Policy Studies. This paper refl ects the opinions of the author and does not refl ect either the offi cial policy positions of the United States government or any institution with which the author was associated. For additional copies, reprints and permissions, or other information, please contact: IIPS PUBLICATIONS DEPARTMENT Toranomon 5 Mori Building 5F 1-17-1 Toranomon, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0001 Japan Telephone: (03) 5253-2511 Facsimile: (03) 5253-2510 e-mail:
[email protected] PRINTED IN JAPAN 2 ◆ IIPS 2003 Paths Diverging? The Next Decade in the US-Japan Security Alliance IIPS Policy Paper 299E December 2003 Paths Diverging? The Next Decade in the US–Japan Security Alliance WILLIAM E.