Male Reproductive System 2

1. Excretory genital ducts 2. The ductus (vas) deferens and 3. The 4. The bulbourethral (Cowper’s) glands 5. The 6. The and SPLANCHNOLOGY

Male reproductive system ° Male reproductive system, systema genitalia masculina: V a part of the human reproductive process ° Male reproductive organs, organa genitalia masculina: V internal genital organs: ‹ , testis ‹ , epididymis ‹ ductus deferens, ductus (vas) deferens ‹ seminal vesicle, vesicula seminalis ‹ , ductus ejaculatorius ‹ prostate gland, prostata V external genital organs: ‹ penis, penis ‹ scrotum, scrotum ‹ bulbourethral glands, glandulae bulbourethrales Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov 2 SPLANCHNOLOGY Ductus (vas) deferens ° Ductus (vas) deferens: V a straight thick-walled muscular tube V transports sperm cells from the epididymis V length 45-50 cm V diameter 2.5-3 mm ° Anatomical parts: V testicular part V funicular part V inguinal part – 4 cm V pelvic part ° Ampulla ductus deferentis: V length 3-4 cm; diameter 1 cm V ejaculatory duct, ductus ejaculatorius Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov 3 SPLANCHNOLOGY Microscopic anatomy ° tunica mucosa – 5-6 longitudinal folds: V lamina epithelialis – bilayered columnar epithelium with stereocilia V lamina propria: ‹ dense connective tissue ‹ elastic fibers ° tunica muscularis – thick: V inner longitudinal layer – in the initial portion V circular layer V outer longitudinal layer ° tunica adventitia (serosa)

Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov 4 SPLANCHNOLOGY Seminal vesicle, vesicula seminalis ° Seminal vesicle, vesicula (glandula) seminalis: V a pair of simple tubular glands – two highly tortuous tubes V posterior to the urinary bladder V length 4-5 (15) cm V diameter 1 cm ° Macroscopic anatomy: V anterior and posterior part V excretory duct

Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov 5 SPLANCHNOLOGY Microscopic anatomy ° tunica mucosa – highly folded mucosa: V lamina epithelialis – cuboidal or pseudostratified columnar epithelium with secretory granules ‹ viscid, yellowish secretion – 50-80% of the semen ‹ fructose, prostaglandins V lamina propria – very thin ‹ rich in elastic fibers ° tunica muscularis – thick: V inner circular layer V outer longitudinal layer ° tunica adventitia (serosa)

Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov 6 SPLANCHNOLOGY Prostate gland, prostata ° Prostate gland, prostata: V fibromuscular dense organ V tubuloalveolar exocrine gland V endocrine gland ° Macroscopic anatomy: V cone-shaped – chestnut-like V weigth ~ 8 g V anterior-posterior size ~2 cm V transverse size ~4 cm V vertical size ~3 cm V tip, apex prostatae V base, basis prostatae V facies anterior et facies posterior V facies inferolateralis V two parts – anterior and posterior ‹ colliculus seminalis; utriculus prostaticus ‹ crista urethralis; ductus ejaculatorii V three lobes: ‹ lobus prostatae dexter et sinister ‹ lobus medius ‹ isthmus prostatae

Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov 7 SPLANCHNOLOGY Microscopic anatomy ° fibroelastic capsule – thin: V fibromuscular septa Ù 30-40 lobes ° smooth muscle, stroma myoelasticum ° glandular tissue, parenchyma glandulare: ‹peripheral zone ‹transition zone ‹central zone – 25% of the volume V secretory portion: ‹exocrinocyti mucosi – milky prostatic fluid – 30% of the semen o cuboidal or columnar pseudostratified epithelium o prostatic concretions (corpora amylacea) V prostatic tubules ‹two layers of simple columnar epithelium V prostatic Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov 8 SPLANCHNOLOGY Histological structure

° glandular acini – 50 µm – 2 mm: V simple columnar epithelium V two-layered in the epithelial plicae V prostatic concretions , coprora amylacea V interwoven with fibromuscular stroma ° : V bilayered columnar epithelium

Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov 9 SPLANCHNOLOGY Prostatic vessels

° Blood supply : V inferior vesical artery V inferior rectal artery V intraorganic vessels Ù after puberty ° Venous drainage:

V homonymous veins Ù internal iliac vein ° Lymphatic drainage: V paravesical lymph nodes

Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov 10 SPLANCHNOLOGY Prostate innervation ° Plexus vesicalis inferior: V preganglionic parasympathetic nerves – nn. pelvici V postganglionic sympathetic nerves V sensory nerves of spinal origin

Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov 11 SPLANCHNOLOGY Bulbourethral glands, glandulae bulbourethrales ° Glandulae bulbourethrales (Cowper): V brownish, spherical glands V in the urogenital diaphragma V tubuloalveolar glands ‹ simple cuboidal to columnar epithelium – clear mucus Ù acts as a lubricant V ductus glandulae bulbourethralis – 3-4 cm V fibroelastic and smooth muscle tissue V skeletal muscles of perineum

Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov 12 SPLANCHNOLOGY Penis, penis

° Penis, penis (Gr. phallos): V a reproductive, intromittent organ – to deposit semen in the vagina V urinary duct ° Anatomical parts: V root, radix penis ‹ crura penis ‹ bulbus penis V shaft or body, corpus penis ‹ dorsum penis ‹ facies urethralis Ù raphe penis ‹ lig. fundiforme – elasic fibers ‹ lig. suspensorium penis V glans, ‹ collum glandis ‹ corona glandis ‹ preputium penis et frenulum preputii ‹ ostium urethrae externum

Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov 13 SPLANCHNOLOGY Macroscopic anatomy

° Structure – erectile tissues: V corpus cavernosum of the penis, corpora cavernosa penis ‹ crura penis ‹ septum penis V corpus cavernosum of the urethra, ‹ bulbus penis ‹ glans penis ‹ urethra masculina V , penis V subcutis V shaft skin ‹ , preputium penis ‹ glands of Littre Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov 14 SPLANCHNOLOGY Microscopic anatomy ° skin V raphe penis Ù raphe scroti ° fascia penis ° tunica albuginea ° erectile tissue V a. profunda penis V urethra spongiosa

Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov 15 SPLANCHNOLOGY Vessels of the penis

° Blood supply – a. pudenda interna Ù a. penis : V a. dorsalis penis V a. profunda penis Ù helicine arteries V a. bulbi penis et a. urethralis ° Venous drainage: V v. dorsalis penis Ù plexus venosus prostaticus Ù v. iliaca interna V vv. profundae penis Ù v. pudenda interna

Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov 16 SPLANCHNOLOGY Innervation of the penis ° Plexus cavernosus: V parasympathetic nerves – nn. splanchnici pelvici V sympathetic nerves from plexus hypogastricus inferior ° Sensory nerves from n. pudendus Ù n. dorsalis penis

Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov 17 SPLANCHNOLOGY Scrotum, scrotum ° Scrotal sac: V a dual-chambered pendulous pouch V between the penis and anus V divided by a septum and raphe scroti ° Macroscopic anatomy: V skin – hairy and pigmented ‹ lightly keratinized epithelium ‹ sebaceous and abundance of sweat glands V subcutaneous layer of smooth muscle ‹ tunica s. musculus – 1-2 mm V fascia spermatica externa V fascia cremasterica V m. cremaster V fascia spermatica interna V testis – cavum vaginale ‹ lamina parietalis (periorchium) ‹ lamina visceralis (epiorchium) Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov 18 SPLANCHNOLOGY Spermatic cord, funiculus spermaticus ° Spermatic cord, funiculus spermaticus: V a paired cord of connective tissue V length 15-20 cm V from annulus inguinalis profundus ° Content: V sperm duct, ductus (vas) deferens V a. testicularis V vv. testicularis, pampiniform plexu s V a. ductus deferentis (a. vesicalis sup. ) V v. ductus deferentis V a. cremasterica (a. epigastrica inf.) V lymphatic vessels V nerves, plexus testicularis V r. genitalis n. genitofemoralis

Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov 19 SPLANCHNOLOGY

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The End Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov 20