Rep 4 – Male Genital Organs

11. 12. external coat of a 13 + 14 13. 14. external membrane

D. 15. spermatic duct 16. 17. testicular

E. Seminal vesicle 18. excretory duct

F. Internal Organs 19. colliculus seminalis A. testicle 20. B. C. internal and external coat of a G. testicle 21. bulbo- D. spermatic cord 22. masculine E. seminal vesicle a. intra-bulbar fossa F. prostate b. portio intermedia c. navicular fossa External Organs d. external urethral orifice G. penis 23. corpora cavernosa penis H. scrotum a. deep artery of the penis 24. septum penis A. Testicle 25. 1. posterior margin 26. bulb of the penis 2. anterior margin 27. penis profunda 3. superior pole a. deep dorsal of the penis 4. inferior pole b. dorsal artery of the penis 28. prepuce B. Epididymis 29. frenulum of the prepuce 5. head of epididymis 30. glans 6. body of the epididymis 31. corona glandis 7. tail of the epididymis 32. collum glandis 8. lobules of epididymis 9. canal of the epididymis H. Scrotum 33. septum scroti

C. Internal and External Coat of a BONES & CARTILAGES Testicle 34. pubic bone 10. Internal coat of a testicle 35. a. cavum serosum testis 36. ischium

Somso MS3 – Male Genital Organs (VWR – WLH85170) Page 1 of 1 Rep 4 – Male Genital Organs

37. ilium

MUSCLES & TENDONS 38. a. sheath of the rectus abdominis 39. 40. 41. superficial inguinal ring 42. internal abdominal ring 43. fundiform ligament of the penis 44. obturator externus muscle 45. obturator internus muscle 46. fascia obturatoria 47. origins of the adductor muscles 48. muscle 49. sphincter ani externus 50. sphincter ani internus 51. sphincter urethra 52. urogenital triangle 53. ischio-cavernosus muscle 54. bulbo-cavernosus muscle 55. femoral artery

ARTERIES, AND 56. femoral vein a. internal epigastric artery 57. internal pudendal artery a. inferior epigastric vein 58. internal pudendal vein 59. internal pudendal vein 60. pudendal

BLADDER 61. body 62. apex 63. middle umbilical ligament 64. peritoneum 65. muscles of a vesicle 66. interureteric fold 67. ureteral orifice 68.

Somso MS3 – Male Genital Organs (VWR – WLH85170) Page 2 of 2