The Cuisine

Food is an essential part of living. Among all human activities eating undoubtedly has the greatest effect on health. After breathing, eating is what we do most frequently during a lifetime. Malaysian food is exotic with an exciting range of flovours and culinary styles offering the uninitiated an endless gastronomic adventure. In Malaysia, has many types of food. (thesis statement)

Malay food is rich and spicy arising from the use of hard spices and a wet spice mixture of "rempah" and . Malay food varies from region to region.

Kelantanese food, akin to Thai cooking for example, has a sweetish taste due to liberal use of coconut milk and sugar in cooking. On the other hand, the food of Kedah is spicier due to the influence of Indians who arrived here centuries ago during the spice trade. For the adventurous, there is an array of popular Malay dishes to tantalise their taste buds. A favourite with Malaysians is "", cooked in coconut milk served with anchovies, squid, eggs, cucumber and (chili paste). An East Coast favourite is

"Nasi dagang", fragrant unpolished steamed with coconut milk and served with tuna fish . "", another rice-based dish native to , is served with local herbs and salted fish. A Malay banquet would not be complete without the ever popular "", skewered chicken or beef marinated in spices, then grilled over charcoal fire. It is served with gravy, rice cubes, cucumber and .

A wide variety of Chinese food is available in Malaysian. Among the popular styles of cooking are those of the Cantonise, Hokkien, Hainanese, Hakka and Szechuan communities. Generally, Chinese food is mild in flovour but local influence has given it a slightly spicier taste. In addition to breakfast, lunch and dinner, there are elevenses where "Dim Sum" (steam ) is served. Apart from hotels outlets and large chain