Supplementary Table S1: Complete group and list included in the semi-quantitative FFQ. A. & cereals products D. Eggs L. Traditional Malaysian ‘’ & 1. White 74. Boiled egg Confectionaries 2. rice 75. 144. Fried & spicy traditional kuih 3. 76. Salted egg (e.g.: puff/ / popia 4. rolls/ vadai) 5. Rice/ ‘’ E. 145. Fried & sweet traditional kuih 6. Rice/ ‘Nasi Arab’/ ‘Nasi Briyani’/ 77. Fried green leafy vegetables (e.g.: / ‘ chi peng/ lad- ‘Nasi Jagung’/ ‘’/ ‘Nasi 78. Green leafy vegetables doo/ cakoi’) ’ 79. Green leafy vegetables cooked 146. Grilled/ Steamed spicy tradi- 7. Rice cooked with / with (e.g.: curry/ tional kuih (e.g.: grilled glutinous ‘’ ‘lemak’) rice/ ‘cara berlauk/ pau’) 8. Chicken Rice 80. Green leafy vegetables cooked by 147. Grilled/ Steamed sweet tradi- 9. Rice/ ‘’ steamed/ boiled tional kuih (e.g.: apam/ kuih ang 10. Plain 81. Fried cruciferous vegetables koo/ kaya pau/ kuih talam) 11. Porridge (e.g.: chicken porridge/ 82. Cruciferous vegetables soup 148. Sweet porridge (e.g.: fish porridge/ meat porridge/ lambuk 83 Cruciferous vegetables cooked porridge/ green beans porridge/ porridge) with coconut milk gravy (e.g.: curry/ sweet porridge) 12. (‘mee/ mee-hoon/ ‘lemak’) 149. kueh-teow/ wantan mee’) 84. Cruciferous vegetables cooked 150. (e.g.: / ) 13. Noodles cooked with gravy (e.g.: by steamed/ boiled 151. Jelly/ ‘-agar’ ‘hailam/ kicap/ kolok/ sizzling’) 85. Fried bean vegetables 152. ‘/ ’ 14. Noodles cooked with coconut 86. Bean vegetables soup 153. Ice milk gravy (e.g.: ‘/ kari/ re- 87 Bean vegetables cooked with co- 154. Chocolate bus’) conut milk gravy (e.g.: curry/ ‘le- 155. Sweets 15. Noodles with soup (e.g.: ‘mee/ mak’) 156. ‘Kerepek/ keropok/ muruku’ mee-hoon/ kueh-teow/ wantan mee 88. Bean vegetables cooked by soup’) steamed/ boiled M. Fastfood 16. Noodle ‘’ 89. Fried starchy vegetables 157. with flour (e.g.: 17. Noodle ‘Laksa/laksam’ with co- 90. Starchy vegetables soup chicken chop) conut milk gravy 91. Starchy vegetables cooked with 158. Burger/ hotdog 18. ‘ Canai’ coconut milk gravy (e.g.: curry/ ‘le- 159. Special Burger (e.g.: burger ‘ba- 19. Chapatti mak’) kar’/ extra / extra egg) 20. ‘Tosai’ 92. Starchy vegetables cooked by 160. 21. cereals steamed/ boiled 161. Spaghetti Bolognese 22. Oats 93. Fried vegetables 162. Spaghetti Carbonara 23. White bread 94. Fruit vegetables soup 163. / Frankfurter 24. Wholemeal bread 95. Fruit vegetables cooked with co- 164. Nugget 25. Whole bread conut milk gravy eg: curry/ ‘lemak’) 165. 26. Sweet bun 96. Fruit vegetables cooked by 166. Wedges 27. steamed/ boiled 167. Mashed potato 28. Plain Crackers 97. ‘’ (e.g.: cucumber/ tomato/ 168. 29. Wholemeal / ‘petai’) 169. Creamy mushroom soup 30. Sweet (e.g.: / Ma- rie/ chocolate) F. Starchy Roots Tubers & Products N. & Beverages 31. Biscuits with cream (e.g.: choco- 98. Fried Potato 170. Plain water late cream/ cream/ 99. Potato cooked with coconut milk 171. Tea ‘O’ (with sugar) cheese cream) (e.g.: curry/ ‘kurma/ lemak’) 172. Tea ‘Tarik’ (with milk) 32. Fried dimsum/ wantan 173. 3 in 1 instant tea 174. Coffee ‘O’ (with sugar)

Nutrients 2021, 13, 1163. Nutrients 2021, 13, 1163 FOR PEER REVIEW 2 of 4

33. Dimsum/ wantan cooked by 100. Potato cooked without coconut 175. Coffee with milk steamed/ boiled milk (e.g.: with chilli/ cooked in soy 176. 3 in 1 instant coffee B. Meat & Meat product ) 177. Malted drink/ chocolate malted 34. Fried chicken 101. Potato cooked by steamed/ drink ‘O’ (with sugar) 35. Chicken cooked with coconut boiled 178. Malted drink/ chocolate (e.g.: curry/ ‘kurma/ lemak/ drink with milk percik/ ’) G. Soys & soy product 179. 3 in 1 instant malted drink 36. Chicken cooked without coconut 102. Fried soy product 180. Chinese tea milk (e.g.: with chilli/ cooked in soy 103. Soy product cooked with coco- 181. Green tea sauce/ with tomato) nut oil (e.g.: curry/ ‘lemak’) 182. Cordial drink 37. Chicken cooked in soup/ ‘asam 104. Soy product cooked without co- 183. Carbonated drink/ isotonic pedas/ tomyam’ conut oil milk (e.g.: with chilli/ drink 38. Roasted/Grilled Chicken cooked in ) 184. Energy drink 39. Chicken 105. Soy product cooked by 185. Soy drink 40. Fried Meat steamed/ boiled 186. Fresh juice (e.g.: apple/ 41. Meat cooked with coconut milk 106. Soy product grilled mango/ orange) (e.g.: curry/ ‘kurma/ lemak/ ren- 187. Commercial fruits juice (e.g.: dang’) H. Nuts apple/ mango/ orange) 42. Meat cooked without coconut 107. Fried nuts milk (e.g.: with chilli/ cooked in soy 108. Nuts cooked by steamed/ boiled O. Food additives sauce/ with tomato) 109. Nuts gravy 188. 43. Meat cooked in soup/ ‘asam 110. Sambhar 189. White sugar pedas/ tomyam’ 190. Honey 44. Roasted/Grilled Meat I. & 191. Artificial sweetener 45. Meat Satay 111. Salted / Sweet soy / ‘sam- 46. Fried internal organ bal kicap’ 47. Internal organ cooked with coco- 112. Chilli / Tomato sauces P. Milk & milk products nut milk (e.g.: curry/ ‘kurma/ lemak/ 113. ‘ belacan’/ ‘’/ ‘cen- 192. Fresh milk percik/ rendang’) calok’ 193. powder 48. Internal organ cooked without 114. Stir fry sauces (‘sambal tumis’) 194. Low milk powder coconut milk (e.g.: with chilli/ 115. 195. Full cream milk powder cooked in soy sauce/ with tomato) 116. 196. Low fat UHT Milk 49. Internal organ satay 197. Full cream UHT Milk 50. Fried J. Spread 198. unflavoured 51. Pork cooked without coconut 117. 199. Yogurt with flavours milk (e.g.: with chilli/ cooked in soy 118. Butter 200. Cheese sauce/ with tomato) 119. Fruits jam 52. Pork cooked in soup/ ‘asam 120. Kaya jam Q. Alcoholic beverages pedas/ tomyam’ 121. Peanut butter 201. Beer/ ale 53. Roasted/ grilled pork 122. Chocolate spread 202. Wine/ champagne/ brandy 123. Mayonise/ salad dressing 203. Whiskey/ vodka/ ‘samsu/ C. Fish & Fish product toddy/ tuak/ langkau’ 54. K. Fruits 55. Fish cooked with coconut milk 124. Grapes (e.g.: curry/ ‘kurma/ lemak/ percik/ 125. Papaya rendang’) 126. Pears 56. Fish cooked without coconut 127. Dragon fruit milk (e.g.: with chilli/ cooked in soy 128. sauce/ with tomato) 129. Green/ red apples 57. Fish cooked in soup/ ‘asam 130. Guava pedas/ tomyam’ 131. Kiwi

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58. Roasted/grilled fish 132. Tangerines / oranges 59. Fried / with chilli 133. Mango 60. Canned fish with chilli (e.g.: sar- 134. dines/) 135. Banana 61. Fried salted fish 136. Watermelon 62. / fishcakes 137. Honeydew/ rock melon 63. Fried 138. Plum 64. Seafood cooked with coconut 139. Fruit cooked with milk (e.g.: curry/ ‘kurma/ lemak’) (e.g.: curry/ ‘lemak’) 65. Seafood cooked without coconut 140. Fruit ‘’ / Fruit ‘kerabu’ milk (e.g.: with chilli/ cooked in soy 141. Lychee/ Longan sauce/ with tomato) 142. Dates 66. Seafood cooked in soup/ ‘asam 143. Raisins pedas/ tomyam’ 67. Roasted/grilled seafood 68. Shellfish cooked with coconut milk (e.g.: ‘lemak/ rendang’) 69. Shellfish cooked with chilli 70. Shellfish cooked by steamed/ boiled 71. cooked with coconut milk (e.g.: ‘lemak/ rendang’) 72. Crab cooked with chilli 73. Crab cooked by steamed/ boiled

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Supplementary Figure S1: Comparison of intakes between FFQ and 3DR