SJIF Impact Factor (2015) :4.138 ISSN : 2348 - 814X EPRA International Journal of Environmental Economics, Commerce and Educational Management Vol. 3 April - March 2016-17


Celedonia R. Hilario1

ABSTRACT his paper was a pioneering attempt to investigate the Aklanon ASEAN connection through their distinctive Tlanguage and that of the language used by their ASEAN neighbor, specifically . Aklan is a province in the island of in Western , . The researcher tried to match common words that were similar in meanings to Bahasa Indonesia, as well as those which, although the same common terms, peculiarly took on different meanings. The , or History of Panay from the first inhabitants and the Bornean immigrants from which the Bisayans are descended to the arrival of the Spaniards, written by Pedro Alcantara Monteclaro, told of the coming of ten Bornean who settled in Panay Island. These rulers and their families, apparently, were being maltreated by Makatunaw so they decided to leave . They reached Panay Island, and after successfully negotiating the purchase of the lowlands from the Ati chieftain, Marikudo and his wife, Maniwantiwan, with a gold salakot and gold necklace, settled in the lowlands. In many towns in Aklan, religious festivals tell of the barter and these were commemorated in the Ati-Atihan festivals. While there is no historical evidence on the barter of Panay Island, the researcher tried to prove that similarities in the two languages indicate contact, whether direct or indirect, between the inhabitants, giving clues to the movements of peoples or ideas, or both. Knowing the extent of similarity between the two languages establishes the kinship between the Aklanons and the Indonesians. KEYWORDS: Aklanon, ASEAN connection, language

INTRODUCTION Linguists believe that the different languages Melanesia—deemed to be sufficiently homogeneous, spoken in the Philippines today could be traced to the were given the term Malayo-Polynesian by the linguist mother language, which was Austronesian (Bellwood, Robert Blust (Bellwood, 2013). The language, thus, 2013). Austronesian-speaking peoples were known to spoken in Aklan, one of the provinces in Panay Island, have started migrating about 3500 BC from China into Western Visayas, Philippines, known as Aklanon or and eventually reached the Philippines, Borneo, interchangeably, Akeanon, belongs to the Malayo- Indonesia and Palau. The languages spoken outside Polynesian language subgroup. Language maps show Taiwan—in the Philippines, Indonesia and Island Philippine languages are siblings to regional tongues (Luces), like Bahasa Indonesia and Bahasa .

1Professor III, Coordinator, Graduate Studies, College of Teacher Education, Aklan State University, Banga,Aklan, Philippines.

EPRA Journals ISSN : 2348 - 814X 11 EPRA International Journal of Environmental Economics, Commerce and Educational Management

I first became interested in studying the Scott believed that the Maragtas is an original work by language of Malaysia and Indonesia when my friends Monteclaro published in mixed Hiligaynon and Kin-iraya and I presented papers in Malaysia. There, we heard in in 1907 which claims to be nothing more than and saw that and Malaysians had so much in that. It was based on written and oral sources then common, including being mistaken as either Malaysian available. Scott thought that this legend preserves the or Indonesian. This desire to compare the Aklanon memory of some actual event, but it is not possible to language with Indonesian intensified when my date the event itself or to decide which of its details are daughters, who had been to Indonesia, told me how historic facts and which are the embellishments of very similar the two languages are. generations of oral transmission. My generation also learned from our history Thus, as a student of history, I would like to lessons in school that Malay settlers came from Borneo show that the Indonesian and Aklanon languages are and bought the Panay lowlands from the Negrito siblings. We may have developed different culture and inhabitants of the island. They were driven out from religion but underneath our differences, we are much their homeland in Borneo due to the persecution of closer than we think because we have retained a Makatunaw. The datus negotiated for the sale of the language that have similar meanings. I think it is Panay lowlands from King Marikudo for the price of a impossible for us to have this similarity in language solid gold hat and basin, until the Negrito chieftain’s unless our ancestors have had cultural, trade and inter- wife, Maniwantiwan, also demanded an ankle-length marriage relations. necklace. We were taught in grade school that the barter METHODOLOGY of Panay Island was a historical fact. However, historians The descriptive research design was used in now say that the story of the Ten Bornean Datus is this study. I also did content analysis of the Indonesian legendary or at least semi-historical ( Agoncillo, 1990). language taken from English-Indonesian dictionaries. The coming of the ten Bornean datus and the My paper is limited by the fact that, although I am able subsequent barter of Panay Island in Western Visayas, to identify the similarity in the words, I am not aware of Philippines, is told in the Maragtas written by Pedro how the words are actually pronounced. It is my hope Alcantara Monteclaro (Scott, 1984). What we regarded that someday, I may be able to have the chance to go to as fact before is now considered by historians as a Indonesia to validate the results of my day and further legend, there being no provenance as to the source deepen the scope of this research. It is also my hope documents. However, the Ati-Atihan festival that through this very simple study, I may be able to traditionally celebrated in the towns of Kalibo, Makato, establish that Indonesians and Aklanons go back a long Ibajay and Altavas in Aklan province, commemorates way in history and that we can be united in spite of our the barter of Panay and the introduction of Christianity. diversity.

EPRA Journals Vol. 3 April - March 2016-17 12 Tracing the Aklanon Asean Connection through Language Celedonia R. Hilario RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Numbers:- Just like in Aklanon, any number can be formed Out of the numbers from 0 to 10, five (5) have similarity in Bahasa Indonesia by simply using the counting words to Aklanon. puluh (tens), ratus (hundreds), and ribu (thousands). Table 1 Similarity in Numbers English Aklanon Bahasa Indonesia .

Two Daywa Dua Four Ap-at Empat Five Lima Lima Six An-om Enam Ten Napueo Sepuluh One hundred Sanggatus Seratus One thousand Sang libo Seribu Two thousand Daywang libo Dua ribu Animal Names:-Ten thousand Napueong libo Sepuluh ribu I was able to identify four animals with similar however, is that chicken in Indonesia is called ayam. In names in Aklanon and Indonesian. What is strange, Aklan, ayam is a dog. Table 2. Animal Names English Aklanon Bahasa Indonesia

Chicken Manok Ayam Goat Kanding Kambing Pig Baboy Babi Deer Usa Rusa Monitor lizard Bayawak Biawak Birds:- Tail (of animals) Ikog Ekor There are two kinds of birds with similar names, the pigeon or dove and the goose. Table 3. Birds’ Names English Aklanon Bahasa Indonesia

Pigeon, dove Salampati Merpati Insects/Mites’ Names:- Goose Gangsa Angsa The names of insects/mites in Indonesian and Aklanon are very similar, ranging from tungaw/ tungau, bukbok/bubuk and eangaw/langau. Table 4. Insects/Mites’ Names English Aklanon Bahasa Indonesia

Mite that infests fowls, mite Tungaw Tungau Insect, woodborer Bukbok Bubuk PartsHorsefly, of the bluebottleBody:- fly Eangaw Langau Penis in Aklanon is just buto but in Indonesian same term for milk and breast, which is susu, but in the word is repeated twice, such that it becomes butuh- Aklanon, milk is gatas and breast is suso. The term butuh. Knuckle or joint, however, is repeated twice in orok in Indonesian refers to a newborn baby whereas in Aklanon, hence, becomes buko-buko whereas in Aklan, orok is a baby pig. Sometimes, Filipino parents Indonesian, it is just buku. The Indonesians have the were overheard to refer to their children as orok. EPRA Journals ISSN : 2348 - 814X 13 EPRA International Journal of Environmental Economics, Commerce and Educational Management Table 5. Parts of the Body English Aklanon Bahasa Indonesia

Penis Buto Butuh-butuh Female sex organ Putay Tukai (vulg.) Clitoris Tinggil Itil (Vulg.) Lip Bibig Bibir Eye Mata Mata Back (rear) Balikawang Belakang Fontanel Bubon-bubon Bubun-bubun, Ubun- ubun Knuckle, joint Buko-buko Buku Fingernail, toenail Kuku Kuku Milk Gatas Susu Breast Suso Susu Excrement, feces Tae Tahi Marine Life:- Newborn baby Eapsag Orok Three (3) kinds of marine life were similarly hermit crab (umang/umang-umang), shrimp (ueang/ called in both Aklanon and Indonesian, such as the udang), and seaweed (agar-agar/agar). Table 6. Marine Life English Aklanon Bahasa Indonesia

Hermit crab Umang Umang-umang Shrimp Ueang Udang Vegetable/Condiment:-Seaweed Agar-agar Agar-agar What is somewhat interesting is that onion is sibuyas in Aklanon but bawang in Indonesian. In Aklanon, bawang is garlic. Table 7. Vegetable/Condiment English Aklanon Bahasa Indonesia

Bean sprouts Toge Tauge Onion Sibuyas Bawang Gender:- Garlic Bawang Aklanons have developed a unique way of Kapinangan’s sister and her son Balingsanga settled in using the ea instead of the la, hence, eaeaki as against Aklan. Balingsanga could not pronounce the sound r, laki-laki. Non-Aklanons, likewise, have difficulty in transmitting this defect, it was believed to present-day pronouncing the ea sound. The story of Maragtas Aklanons. revealed that Datu Bangkaya, his wife Katurong,

Table 8. Gender English Aklanon Bahasa Indonesia Male, man Eaeaki Laki-laki

Taste:- Four (4) kinds of taste/sensation are very similar while it is known as asin in Indonesian. Salt is known as in both Aklanon and Indonesian. Another peculiarity asin in Aklan but garam in Indonesian in the two languages is that salty is maaeat in Aklanon

EPRA Journals Vol. 3 April - March 2016-17 14 Tracing the Aklanon Asean Connection through Language Celedonia R. Hilario Table 9. Taste English Aklanon Bahasa Indonesia

Taste, sensation Lasa Rasa Bitter Pait Pahit Salty Maaeat Asin Food:- Salt Asin Garam The food range from noodles which seem to bingka/bika/bikang to steamed cake known as puto/ have a more Chinese origin to rice-flour cake such as putu. Table 10. Food English Aklanon Bahasa Indonesia

Noodle Bihon Bihun, mihun Rice-flour cake Bingka Bika, bikang Rice powder Bukbok Bubuk Fermented bean paste used as Tausi Tauci, tauco, taucyo condiment Viscous noodle dish Lomi Lomi Steamed cake Puto Putu Fruits:- Culinary method for cooking Sinigang Singgang Among the meatscommon in coconutfruits are milkguava, rambutan, mango and jackfruit. Table 11. Fruits English Aklanon Bahasa Indonesia

Guava Bayawas Biawas Rambutan Rambutan Rambutan Mango Mangga Mangga Adjectives:- Jackfruit Eangka Nangka I was able to identify thirteen (13) adjectives that are very similar in Aklanon and Indonesian languages. Table 12. Adjectives English Aklanon Bahasa Indonesia

White Puti Putih Expensive Mahae Mahal Other, different Eain Lain Wet Basa Basah Bad (quality) Bulok Buruk Different Eain Lain No, it’s not like that Bukon Bukan Negate noun, not, no Bukon Bukan Whisper Hutik Bisik Short and fat Punggok Bongok Stupid Bongkoe Bongkong Bench, seat Bangko Bangku Nouns:- Trap for crabs Bintoe Bintur The most number of similar words identified were nouns. An interesting word is louse which is both kuto and kutu in Aklanon and Indonesian, respectively.

EPRA Journals ISSN : 2348 - 814X 15 EPRA International Journal of Environmental Economics, Commerce and Educational Management Table 13. Nouns English Aklanon Bahasa Indonesia

Umbrella Payong Paying Sick Sakit Sakit Price, value Hayga Harga Letter, document Sueat Surat Pile, stack, heap Tumpok Tumpuk Sign, indication, mark Tanda Tanda Road/street Daean Jalan Stone Bato Batu Witness Saksi Saksi Party, celebration Fiesta Pesta Pickpocket Kupit Copet Trick, ruse Daya Daya-daya Mute, dumb, empty-minder, void of ideas Gago Gagu Ink Tinta Tinta Mind, reason, right thinking Budhi Budi Debt, obligation Utang Hutang Scissors, shears, clippers Gunting Gunting Price, cost, value Hayga Harga Less, decrease Kueang Kurang Rumpled (of clothes) Kusot Kusut Cage Kulong Kurung A pin, stick, skewer Tusok Tusuk Field for dry rice cultivation, clearing (of Uma Huma field) Louse Kuto Kutu Diaper Lampin Lampin Curve, bend Liko Liku Tent, awning Tolda Tenda Ink Tinta Tinta Torch Sueo Suluh Cock’s spur Tarik Taji Rattan plaited into a rough ball (used in Takraw Takrau, takraw traditional games) Drum Tamboe Tambur Bank up earth to control water flow or Tambak Tambak irrigate fields Fault Saea Salah Shadow, shade Handung Naung Gape, gawk Nganga Nganga Sound of repeated explosion Eupok Rotok Soap Sabon Sabun Ill, sick, sickness Sakit Sakit Witness Saksi Saksi Bag, sack Sako Saku Tongs Sipit Sepit Dust Yab-uk Serbuk Hearthstone Dapog Dapur Mistake Saea Salah EPRA Journals Vol. 3 April - March 2016-17 16 Tracing the Aklanon Asean Connection through Language Celedonia R. Hilario Verbs:- Inom in Aklanon is minum in Indonesian, which beverage while it is tonggak in Indonesian. Tonggak in means drink. Tongga in Aklanon is to drink alcoholic Aklanon, however, is a foolish person. Table 14. Verbs English Aklanon Bahasa Indonesia

Drink Inom Minum Pay Bayad Bayar Choose Pili Pilih Wake up Bangon Angun Weep Tangis Tangis Swallow Tueon Telan 2 Drink (from a container by Tongga Tonggak pouring its contents down one’s throat) Fall down (with a crash) Tumba Tumbang Push away Tueak Tolak Open Buka Buka Protect oneself behind a shield Panaming Tameng Lean Sandae Sandar Kick Sipa Sepak Suffer a financial loss Lugi Rugi Dazzled, temporarily blinded by Silaw Silau the glare Environment:- Lacking Kueang Kurang Some words in Aklanon have the h added to and ombak, referring to wind and wave (in sea), the vowel sound a, as in hangin and humbak. In respectively. Indonesian, the h is omitted such that it becomes angin Table 15. Environment English Aklanon Bahasa Indonesia

Wind Hangin Angin Sky Eangit Langi Wave (in sea) Humbak Ombak Rain Uean Hujan Water Container:- Hill, mountain Bukid Bukit Tapayan in Aklanon becomes tempayan in Indonesian while a pail/bucket/dipper is timba in both languages. Water Container:- Table 16. Water Container English Aklanon Bahasa Indonesia

Large water jar Tapayan Tempayan Tank for liquids Tangke Tangki Month/Year/Week:- Pail, bucket, dipper Timba Timba Dag-on is tahun while buean becomes bulan in Indonesian.

EPRA Journals ISSN : 2348 - 814X 17 EPRA International Journal of Environmental Economics, Commerce and Educational Management Table 17. Month/Year/Week English Aklanon Bahasa Indonesia

Year Dag-on Tahun Month Buean Bulan Part of House:- Week Semana Semana The top or ridge of a house is very similar to each other, bubong /bubung in Aklanon/Indonesian, so is dingding/dinding or wall of a house. Table 18. Part of House English Aklanon Bahasa Indonesia

Top, ridge Bubong Bubung Pronouns:- Wall Dingding Dinding Aklanons and Indonesians recognize each others’ language because of the proliferation of pronouns that are very similar, from Ako/aku to ikaw/engkau.

Table 19. Pronouns English Aklanon Bahasa Indonesia

I, me Ako Aku You (Singular) Ikaw Kamu We (inclusive) Kita Kita We (exclusive) Kami Kami Us Kita Kita (inclusive of you) Us Kami Kami (exclusive of you) We Kita Kita (inclusive of you) We Kami Kami (exclusive of you) Your (familiar) Mo Mu You, familiar pronoun for 2nd Ikaw person singular, often abbreviated Engkau CONCLUSION as kau Knowledge helps us frame our consciousness, conduct deeper analysis of the evolution of Philippine thus, knowing how languages are related is like knowing and ASEAN languages. who your relatives are. Language is very integral to our REFERENCES identity. Filipinos, Aklanons in particular, need to trace 1. Agoncillo, T.A. History of the Filipino people. (8th our roots, and in the absence of historical evidence, it is ed.). Quezon City: Garotech Publishing. 2. Bellwood, P. (2013). Austronesian migration, 3500 still possible to do so through linguistic evidence. I BC to AD 1500. Philippines, an have shown that through language, Aklanons and archipelago of exchange. De Monbrison, C. & Alvina, Indonesians have much in common. This is a starting C. S. (eds.). Paris: Cultural Development point, I believe, in understanding each other. We are Department – musee du quai Branly. 3. Echols, O. J. M. & Shadily, D. H. (1989). Kamus now living in a global village, and with ASEAN Indonesia-Inggris, an Indonesian-English integration, we Aklanons have to get out of our shell Dictionary. USA: Cornell University Press. and reach out to our Indonesian relatives. I have paved 4. Luces, K. 331551/scitech/science/language-map-shows- the way in mapping the Aklanon language to a regional philippine-languages-as-sibling-to-regional-tongues. tongue. Retrieved July 2015. Recommendation:- 5. Robson, S. & Millie, J. (2004). Instant Indonesian. Future researchers may conduct further studies Singapore: Tuttle Publishing. on similarities and the evolution among Philippine 6. Scott, W. H. (1984). Prehispanic source materials for languages in connection to ASEAN regional tongues. the study of Philippine history (revised e d . ) . Likewise, experts from the field of linguistics may Quezon City: New Day Publishers. EPRA Journals Vol. 3 April - March 2016-17 18