(No.Model.) J. L.E.E. STOP CHAMFER PLANE, No. 272,274, Patented Feb. 13, 1883. WITNESSEs: INVENTOR --- Maui C.2% Y-12 44-year ATTORNEYS, UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. JOSEPH LEE, OF. GARNERVILLE, NEW YORK, ASSIGNOR OF ONE-TEIRD TO RICHARD FISEWICK, OF SAME PLACE. STOP CHAMFER PLANE. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 272,274, dated February 18, 1888. Application filed August 12, 1882. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: . the plane. The triangular projection K has. Be it known that I, JosEPHIEE, of Gar a Wide upper edge, and the edge of the pro nerville, in the county of Rockland and State jection K is very narrow. The cutting-blade of New York, have invented a new and Im L is placed on the ridges K. K', and is pro 5 proved Stop Chamfer Plane, of which the fol. vided along one edge with a groove, M., 5s lowing is a full clear, and exact description. adapted to receive the upper edge of the ridge The object of my invention is to facilitate K on the guide A. A binding-screw, N, held the cutting of chamfers of all kinds on the on the upper end of an inclined lug, O, above edges of posts, boards, &c. the inclined ridge K, binds and holds the cut to The invention consists in a stop chamfer ting-blade L on the ridges K. K. The guide 6o plate formed of two parallel bevel-guides B is provided at its rear end with a handle, united by adjustahle cross rods, and carrying P, of the usual construction.
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