
On the A2 course you will again be looking at 4 topics; Plate Tectonics, Ecosystems, World Cities and Conflict, as well as completing the 4a skills paper. A link to the full specification can be found here:

In order to prepare yourselves for the first 2 topics you should do the following:

1. Research the theory and evidence behind the movement of the earth’s tectonic plates.

Look specifically at the work of Alfred Wegener; what did he do? What were his ideas? What was his evidence? Why wasn’t he universally believed? How did developments in technology during the 20th Century support his ideas?

2. Research the link between Urbanisation and economic Development. (Mr Bee’s group)

What is the link between the two in developed/less developed countries? What impact does the rate of urbanisation have on the ability of a country to develop economically? Could the rate of urbanisation hinder less developed countries and why? You could watch the Andrew Marr’s series ‘Megacities’ to assist you.

3. What is the origin and nature of the conflict in Belgium? (Mr Fleming’s groups)

A2 English

Your A2 course will comprise a Shakespeare play (either King Lear or The Tempest), a comparative analysis of William Blake’s Songs of Innocence and Experience and Ben Jonson’s Volpone and a 3000 word piece of coursework that explores 3 texts. Below are links to background reading on Blake and Jonson. You should start to familiarise yourself with the context of their eras – literary, socio-historical etc. blake-introduction-and-guided-reading.pdf guided-reading.pdf

3 useful documentaries to watch:


We have already emailed all students the A2 specification (Ethics and Philosophy) so they can see what the course entails. We have also emailed all students crucial academic articles on Religious Language (Philosophy course ) and Meta-ethics (Ethics course) from the Dialogue journal. Students are asked to use these resources maturely and wisely from June 1st – June 5th while their peers are finishing exams.


Tasks for yr12 French Term 6 2015: Preparation for A2 French Literature

‘L’Etranger’ by Albert Camus

1. Write a short biography in French about Albert Camus (100 words max)

2. Find online a summary of the story of ‘The Outsider’ (‘L’Etranger’): list 5 themes you sense are significant in this novel, and say why (in English).

3. Based on the above summary, write 50 words in French to describe your initial impressions of the main character, Meursault.

4. State in English anything you find odd / disturbing / nonsensical about what you have read regarding the novel so far.

Bring your work to lessons with me once dates have been confirmed.

Mrs Wilson – see also Mr Renaudie’s work below.



► Click on this link to read WJEC’s specification: rds%20(31-03-14).pdf?language_id=1

The World of Cinema

Candidates will study 3 films, 1 in Year 12 (Au Revoir Les Enfants) and 2 in Year 13 (La Haine and Amélie). They will be required to deal with questions related to development and plot, relationships, the personalities of main characters, individual viewpoints and beliefs, motivation for personal actions etc., and to cinematographic devices in as far as they relate to any of those aspects (colour, flashback, slow motion etc.). They will not be expected to have detailed knowledge of cinematographic technologies or production methods.


Hiver 1943, dans un pensionnat catholique de la banlieue parisienne. Fils d’une famille bourgeoise de Lille, Julien Quentin est un des meilleurs élèves de sa classe. Arrivent trois nouveaux qui suscitent la curiosité. Bonnet, qui devient son nouveau voisin de dortoir intrigue Julien : intelligent, doué en musique, c’est un enfant différent et secret. Julien voit d’abord en lui un rival, mais les deux enfants finissent par devenir amis.

► Traduis le résumé en français:

………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Le contexte historique

► lis le texte:

Sous l'occupation allemande, la était divisée en deux zones principales, selon les accords de l’armistice signé le 22 juin 1940 entre le Maréchal Pétain, chef de "l'état français", et le gouvernement de Hitler.

On a donc une zone libre et une zone occupée où est établi le régime de . Le nouveau régime dirigé par Pétain, est collaborateur, anti-communiste, antisémite et antidémocratique. Les valeurs républicaines "liberté, égalité, fraternité" sont alors remplacées par "travail, famille, patrie." Il instaure également le service du travail obligatoire (S.T.O), ce qui pousse beaucoup de jeunes hommes à se le maréchal Pétain réfugier dans la Résistance. Le régime de Vichy livre aux autorités allemandes les juifs cachés en zone libre, ainsi que les officiers allemands déserteurs refusant l'idéologie nazie. Pétain a dirigé la France en tant que dictateur avec le consentement des Nazis.

La France en 1941

Zone libre: Au sud de la ligne de démarcation, seules les lois du gouvernement de Vichy sont appliquées. Pétain y mène une politique pro-nazie contre entre autres, les juifs et résistants.

Zone occupée: Zone qui dépend du Commandement militaire allemand siègeant à Paris.

La : créée en janvier 43 par le gouvernement français, la milice collaborait avec les allemands.

Le STO (service du travail obligatoire): service créé par le gouvernement français pendant la guerre pour envoyer des hommes travailler en Allemagne.

Le général De Gaulle, leader des Forces Françaises Libres, s’était enfui à Londres en Juin 1940 après que Pétain avait signé un armistice avec les Nazis. Le 18 juin 1940, le Général De Gaulle a obtenu la permission de Churchill de faire un discours aux Français à la BBC. Il a déclaré dans son appel que la guerre n’était pas finie pour les Français et il a encouragé les Français à s’unir aux efforts de la Résistance. Il a rappelé aux Français que la

Le général De Gaulle Grande Bretagne et les Etats Unis aideraient les Français militairement et économiquement pour regagner la France. Cet appel est l’un des plus importants de l’histoire de France.

La Résistance était un mouvement qui luttait contre les Nazis et les collaborateurs du Régime de Vichy pendant la deuxième guerre mondiale. La Résistance était composée d’hommes et femmes armés, de prêtres, de libéraux, d’anarchistes et de communistes.

► Réponds aux questions :

1. En combien de zones est-ce que la France était divisée pendant la deuxième guerre mondiale? 2. Comment s’appelaient ces zones? 3. Comment s’appelait le Régime que dirigeait le Maréchal Pétain? 4. Quelles sont les caractéristiques principales de Pétain et de son régime? 5. Qu’est ce que le STO? 6. Qui étaient les miliciens? 7. Comment est-ce que certains Français se sont organisés pour combattre les collaborateurs? Quelles sont les personnes qui constituaient ce mouvement? 8. Qui a appelé les Français à soutenir la Résistance? Quand? Comment s’appelle ce discours? Quelles sont les idées principales de ce discours?

L’affiche du film

► Regarde l’affiche et prépare un commentaire oral. Mentionne : les détails, les personnages, le choix des couleurs, les informations écrites et ton opinion de l’affiche.

………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………………………………………..

La bande annonce

► Regarde la bande annonce du film:

► Propose 4 thèmes principaux Thèmes : 1  ……………………………………………………………….. 2  ……………………………………………………………….. 3  ……………………………………………………………….. 4  ………………………………………………………………..

► Imagine l’histoire du film avec les indices et personnages de la bande annonce

L’interview avec Louis Malle

► Regarde l’interview du réalisateur :

► Explique pourquoi son film est aussi une œuvre biographique

How did Tudor Society Change being 1485 and 1603?

Over the course of this week’s sessions I would like you to research into the following topics concentrating on finding out the answers to the questions that follow. You can use books from the library or the internet to aid your research. You will be sharing this information in class but I will also take the work in to check that it has been done. Record all your findings on the sheets provided:

1. Population Growth and Distribution (including population size and the main areas of the country where people lived)  What was the size of the country in 1603 compared to 1485?  What were the largest towns?  Where did most people live?  Why was there population growth?  What problems did this population growth cause?

2. Rural Economic Change (the Rural Economy, Enclosure and the Wool Industry)  What were the main jobs for people that lived in rural Britain?  Why was the wool trade so important?  How did fluctuations in the wool industry affect people during the Tudor period?  What was enclosure and why was it such a problem?  What was the response to enclosure and how did the government react?

3. Industrial Development and the growth of Trade  What trades had developed in Britain by 1603?  Which countries did Britain trade with and how did this change over the Tudor period?  What was the impact of the discovery of the ‘New World’ on British trade?  Why was piracy so important to the British economy by the end of the Elizabethan period?  How did piracy affect England’s relationship with other countries (especially Spain)?

4. Socio/economic Change (the impact of inflation and debasement of the coinage, and the treatment of the poor)  How and why did prices fluctuate in the Tudor period?  What was debasement of the coinage and why was it so hated?  Why was the public response to debasement?  Why did the number of poor people (in particular paupers) increase so dramatically between 1485-1603?  How did the various rulers react to the problem of dealing with vagabonds?  Why was the Elizabethan Poor Law introduced? What did it state? And what problems did this cause?

5. The Growth of Towns (including the impact on living conditions)  Why did the population of towns increase in the Tudor period?  What impact did this have on living conditions?  What jobs did people commonly have in the towns?  Why was disease so common in urban areas – especially during the summer months?  What did a typical Tudor town house look like?  How multicultural were Tudor towns?

6. Crime and Punishment (including the treatment of supposed ‘witches’)  How were criminals punished in the Tudor period?  Why did the Tudors face so many rebellions and how did they deal with them?  What punishments were introduced for religious dissenters? How did this change during the reigns of Henry VIII, Mary I and Elizabeth? and why were they so sever?  Why did the Tudor’s fear witches? How did they ‘prove’ someone was a witch? And how were supposed witches punished?  What punishments were introduced in the reign of Elizabeth to deal with beggars and why were they so harsh?

You will need to make notes on each factor and how they changed from the beginning of the Tudor period in 1485 to the end in 1603. Record your general findings in the boxes below.

How did Tudor Society Change being 1485 and 1603?

Over the course of this week’s sessions I would like you to research into the following topics:

1. Population Growth and Distribution (including population size and the main areas of the country where people lived) 2. Rural Economic Change (the Rural Economy, Enclosure and the Wool Industry) 3. Industrial Development and the growth of Trade 4. Socio/economic Change (the impact of inflation and debasement of the coinage, and the treatment of the poor) 5. The Growth of Towns (including the impact on living conditions) 6. Crime and Punishment (including the treatment of supposed ‘witches’)

You will need to make notes on each factor and how they changed from the beginning of the Tudor period in 1485 to the end in 1603. Record your general findings in the boxes below.

Population Growth and Distribution

The Rural Economy


Trade (Continued…)

Social and Economic Change The Growth of Towns

Crime and Punishment