and Cardinal Francesco Maria del Monte. 15 Borromeo would later open his own

Academy in , in addition to a picture gallery with works donated from the

Cardinal’s own collection. 16 Del Monte (1549-1626), too, seems to have had direct

contact with Neri and the Oratorians. In his seminal two-volume study on the cardinal,

Zygmunt Wa źbi ński suggested that Del Monte was introduced to the Oratorian circle

shortly after his arrival in by Cardinal Ferdinando de’ Medici. 17 This proposal is

likely, but Del Monte would have other opportunities to meet and form a relationship

with the Oratorians through colleagues and associates already linked with the Oratorian

founder and his brethren. Del Monte was not only closely linked to Paleotti, but also

Cardinal , and the Oratorian-Cardinals Baronio and Tarugi.

Cardinal Agostino Valier (1531-1606) was a close friend of both Carlo and

Federico Borromeo. He was a member of Carlo’s Accademia delle Notti Vaticane in

Rome, and would later write the saint’s biography, Vita e morte di S. Carlo Borromeo in

15 Alberti, Origine , dedicatory letter to Borromeo.

16 See Borromeo, Musaeum ; Quint, Cardinal Federico Borromeo as a Patron ; Jones, Federico Borromeo and the Ambrosiana . Borromeo’s Accademia del Disegno, Milan was officially founded in 1620, and the Pinacoteca two years earlier. Both institutions functioned to teach young artists how to appropriately and effectively paint sacred imagery.

17 Wa źbi ński, Il Cardinale Francesco Maria Del Monte, vol. 1, 67. Del Monte, in fact, received his ordination in the Oratorian church of Santa Maria in Vallicella. BAV, Urb.Lat. 1057, c. 209 ; [12 aprile 1589]: “Domenica matina il Card[ina]le Dal Monte prese l’ordine presbiteriale nella chiesa della Vallicella p[er] mano del Card[ina]le Gonzaga giovane.” He is also mentioned as a participant in the spiritual activities at the Vallicella. BAV, Urb.Lat. 1061, c. 9v ; [6 gennaio 1593]: “Domenica la sera Mons[igno]r Pietro Aldobrand[in]o Nepote di N[ost] S[igno]re diede da cena nell’Ospitio de Padri della Chiesa Nuova alli Card[ina]li Monti et Montalto dopo certe ricreazioni spirituali.”