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THE (Vhmunrcaror THE ( WvhMUNrcAroR VOL 17'No. 6 \,Vl NTER 1965 COLLYER SMITH & GO., LTD. INCORPORATED INSURANCE BROKERS MORTGAGE BROKERS (Members of Services Insurance Brokers' Association) 219 West Street, Fareham, Hants Telepho ne N o. 2211 1221212213 THE COMPLETE INSURANCE AND MORTGAGE SERVICE CONSULT US FOR YOUR REAUIREMENTS We specialise in Life lnsurance and the arrangemenr of Private Dwelling House Mortgages either by Building Society Repayment or Endowment Assurance We arrange and service all other forms of lnsurance (Fire, Accident, Household, Motor, Etc.) For SERVICE PERSONNEL all forms of Life Assurance arranged FREE of any extra premium whatsoever for cover of: WAR RISKS : : WORLD-WIDE SERVICE SUBMARINING : DIVING : FLYING ON DUTY AS PASSENGERS IN SERVICE AIRCRAFT FACILITIES ARE AVAILABLE FOR THE ARRANGEMENT OF PRIVATE DWELLING HOUSE MORTGAGES ON "THE HOME LOAN'' SCHEME AVAILABLE TO CHIEF PETTY OFFICERS, PETTY OFFICERS AND LEADING RATINGS iAll Mortgage advances are a subject to valuation of property and income status of the applicant) It costs only o postoge stomp or o phone call to obtoin our advice Every enqui ry receives the personol ottention of one of our principols. :ii - ,'i-li r '1- ri' [:, lli. r . lii"l: ti, i,: r'fl illJl li * BRITTSH MINISTRY OF DEFENCE APPROVED TO DEF. 133 STANDARDS ll,l : I ' I'lli * ADOPTED BY NATO AND COMMONWEALTH ARMIES ii i l * THE SMALLEST, LTGHTEST, FULLY TRANSISTORISED ONE MAN H.F. TRANSMTTTER/RECETVER EQUIPMENT OF MORE qil THAN 20 WATTS OUTPUT IN PRODUCTION. ,ffirrxq. '','$ #H, Y 4,et- BRITISH COMMUI{ICATIONS CORPORATIOI{ TTD. A MEMBER OF THE CONTROIS SOUTH WAY, EXHIBITION GROUND, WEMBLEY, MIDDLESEX AND COMMUNICATIONS G ROUP Telephone: Wembley 1212. Telegrams: BEECEECEE WEMBLEY Better Deal with . DAUFMAN TAILORS AND OUTFITTERS TO THE ROYAL NAVY FOR OVER 50 YEARS H.M.S. "MERCURY'' SHOP (Manager: Mr. A. C. Waterman) At this Festive Time, we extend to oll our friends Ihe Secson's Greetings ond Eest V\lishes for the Coming Yeor Our Crested Pattern Communicatlon Branch Ties are again avallable, l5s. 0d. each, in Terylene. CIVILIAN TAILORING STYLED TO YOUR INDIVIDUAL REQUIREMENTS PROMPT AND PERSONAL ATTENTION TO ALL ORDERS SPECIALISTS IN COMMISSIONED OFFICERS' OUTFITS Novol Allotment ond other Credit focilities ovailoble Head Office: ST., PORTSMOUTH tae{: QUEEN :.1" Telephone : PORTSMOUTH ru30 " Members of the Interport Naval Traders Association 326 THE COMMUNICATOR The Mogazine of the Communicotions Branch, Royol Novy ond the Royal Novol Amoteur Rodio Society WINTER 1965 VOL. 17, No. 6 CONTENIS page page Eorronrar- ... 329 Lrrrrn To TI.IE Eorron ... 342 Tns Roynl Naw tN 2015 329 ExpEDrTroN ro MouNt KrrrraaNlano ... 343 331 SrcNlr, DrvrsroN Nrws ... NEws rRoM THE RESERVES 34s PnEsrNtlrroN To rnr E,q.nL MouNTsA.rrsN 332 corr,rrr.ruNtcaron. Pnrze cn osswon"p 346 AnpnrcaN SrvorvrNc Scnoor, ... 334 WRNS Nrws 347 ApvlwcsurNT Nores 337 Corr.rltssroNrNc Fonlcest 348 Hlrr Yranrv Exrn.qcr rnorr.t Apv,qNcn- vrNr Rostrns ... 338 Srrrp-SnonE, Nsws 349 FonnrcourNc Counsns ar HMS RN Au.lrrun Raoro Socrsrv ... 379 "Mrncunv" 339 GorNc rnr RouNps rN "MnRcunv" ... 381 Rovrr, RrrncrroNs 340 'tntt CovuuNrc.qrroNs Gnznrre 384 Ex-RN Tr LEGRAPHISTS Orro"^- TION 340 DRAFTTNG ... 387 Editors: Lieutenant P. H. DeMnntNDoL, RN Sub Lieutenant C. H. SaNor'ns (so) (c) nN Tveasurer: Sub Lieutenant D. J. FoRsEY, (so) (c) xN Publicity Sub Licutenant W. J. Bunr.tNc (so) (c) nN Business, Production and Advertisement Manager : Mr. Epcln Srncolrnr,44 Abbots Ride, Farnham, Surrey Far East Station Representative Publicity and Infonnation Lieutenant Commander A. V. Ser,rnn (so) (c) nN coNrR/BUr/oNS A11 MSS, photographs and cartoons should be sent to the Editor at }J.ll/.S Mercury as below. These will be returned to the sender only if asked for and responsibility for them cannot be accepted by the Editor. Contributions for the Spring 1966 edition must be in the Editor's hands by lst March, bulk orilers by 10th March. Subscription Rates are as follows: For the whole year ... 7/6 Post free For each issue ...3/- postfree BULK ORDERS (2 copies or more) from commands, ships or establishments, 2/6 per copy, post free. The Magazine is published at Spring, Summer and Winter. Orders are normally posted during the 1st week of April, August and December. ' Cheques and/or Postal Orders should be made payable and sent to: The Editor, Tnr CouvuNIcAToR, HMS "Mrncunv", East Meon, near Petersfield' Hampshire PUBLISHED AT HMS "MERCURY'' 327 FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS STOCKING II Julie Christie EDITORIAL In these last four editions which I have been acknowledged as it speeds delivery to ships, par- responsible for producing, the aim has been to ticularly those arriving from abroad. ensure the satisfaction particular of interests without Our Far East Station publicity is now dealt with detracting from the general magazine. appeal of the by Lieut.-Commander A. V. Salter, O i/c RN To this end old ideas have been revived and new W/T Station, Kranji. The increased support received introduced including Drafting, ones Ratings' as a result is evident in this edition. Course Dates, Advancement Rosters and a detailed Commissioning Forecast. Ships and establishments concluded their articles good wishes Christmas and the Assistance given with the distribution of the with to all for New Year. magazine by the Dockyard Signal Offices at Chat- ham, Devonport and Portsmouth is gratelully C. H. S.qNorns, Sub. Lieut. (SD) (C) THE ROYAL NAVY IN 2015 could be built so small that more space became available for fitting complex comButers, Laser beam by D.A. generators, Infra-Red equipment and Satellite Control systems. This decade also saw the maximum use being made of the seabeds. Fish farming, "Satconcen Lima, this is Delta Alfa-Set Orbit 25 chemical extraction, undersea mining, oiling and on Laser Channel 4". The place onboard Aerosub tidal power gave rise to a phenomenal change in callsign Delta Alfa; the year 2015; the occasion- methods power production (industrial and preparing of to despatch some recorded documents military), standards of living and economic stability from mid-Atlantic to the U.K. by Satellite controlled throughout the world. .As an island we were able missile. to divert tidal surges for power production, heat exists progress A requirement for the report on huge areas of the Atlantic and North Sea to attract the Royal Navy to be reviewed over a period of the fish, obtain oi1 and chemicals from the seabed and years. last fifty Therefore, to meet this demand and establish permanent undersea missile sites to supple- present-day to remind members of the Service, the ment the mobile weapon platforms based on the theme of the document is to relate the major achieve- Polaris system. Indeed, it was the exploration of period. ments during this the seabed that was responsible for making Atomic During the decade 1970-80, the Ministry of energy obsolete during the latter half of the 1990's, making Defence, full use of a "functional costing" because the discovery of minute shells on the seabed computer, decided to scrap all remaining Aircraft 1ed to the production of "Life-cel1s". These are effectiveness Carriers; their was nullified by the basically tiny eels which give off energy to the order advanced techniques of Infra-Red photography and of micro watts, which, when used in a micro- Laser Beam detection. No longer could ships of electronic amplifier network, can produce outputs that size disappear over the horizon; they would of millions of watts. The construction of vessels always be under constant surveillance by the net- was simplified by the use of Fibralum, a cross work of "spy satellites", each one covering a section between fibreglass and aluminium, which resolved the oceans and having its pictures of automatically the weight problem of flight and under-the-sea relayed back to the Misconcen (Missile Control operation. Centre) where it would be fed into a computer which International agreement was reached in 1985 to guidance would in turn feed the information to the allocate seabed regions and space layers for satellite system of the missile in order to strike the target. Whilst a computer can never replace the logical process thinking and flna1 decision of man, it cer- " ltEs -trl€ FnR EFS1 frf-F&TEll tainly narrows the range of factors over which the din;.$ JdU lN ANY ti, ItnR?' experts need to exercise their judgment, and from w. this system, together with "cost effectiveness com- i: . ru parison" the aircraft carrier was replaced by the \s' Aerosub (Aircraft/Submersible) as the Capital Ship of the Royal Navy. This craft, working on the lz cushioned air principle for undersea propulsion and jets for airborne use, was developed from the Sealab diving machine, perfected between 1965-70 for the study of marine life on the seabed. During the 1980's the techniques of micro- Q-r'j electronics became so advanced that it was possible to alter the whole concept of ship/submersible construction. The power units to provide propulsion 329 operating. It therefore became the Royal Navy's Great adrances were made during the period role to protect our seabed mining areas. This led to 1990-2000 to d.erelop rhe sophisticated weapon the development of permanent seabed stations for systems that *'e no$ acrept as commonplace. Among both military and commercial use. these were the unden'arer homing missile which is The Royal Navy also developed the Satellite guided to its target b1' riding along the bearing Navigational system, whereby each ship or sub- obtained by higtr-powered Sonar. the Moonlink mersible could fix its position on certain ixed orbit communications s!'stem ro back up the satellite satellites. In addition, the means of communication relay system-where lr{isconcens have been estab- were greatly enhanced by the use ofmulti-channelling lished; Mobile missile launchers operating either with Laser beam circuits.
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