Increasing Agricultural and Ecosystem Resilience through Ecosystem- based Adaptation Agroforestry | Burundi, Lesotho, Malawi, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) 4 April 2017 Increasing Agricultural and Ecosystem Resilience through Project/Programme Title: Ecosystem-based Adaptation Agroforestry Country/Region: Sub-Saharan Africa Accredited Entity: UN Environment Burundi, Lesotho, Malawi, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda, National Designated Authority: Zambia and Zimbabwe PROJECT / PROGRAMME CONCEPT NOTE GREEN CLIMATE FUND | PAGE 1 OF 5 Please submit the completed form to
[email protected] A. Project / Programme Information Increasing Agricultural and Ecosystem Resilience through Ecosystem-based A.1. Project / programme title Adaptation Agroforestry A.2. Project or programme Project A.3. Country (ies) / region Burundi, Lesotho, Malawi, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe Ministry to the presidency in charge of planning and good governance, Burundi; Ministry of Energy, Meteorology, and Water Affairs, Lesotho; Environmental Affairs Department, Malawi; Ministry of Tourism and Environment Affairs, Swaziland; A.4. National designated The Vice President’s Office, Tanzania; authority(ies) Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development, Uganda; National Planning Department, Zambia; and Ministry of Environment, Water and Climate Change, Zimbabwe. *For names and titles of NDAs please see Annex 1. A.5. Accredited entity UN Environment A.6. Executing entity / Executing Entity: World Agroforestry Center, World Vision, CRS, CARE beneficiary Beneficiary: 1,125,000 small-scale farm families A.7. Access modality Direct ☐ International ☒ A.8. Project size category (total investment, million Micro (≤10) ☐ Small (10<x≤50) ☒ Medium (50<x≤250) ☐ Large (>250) ☐ USD) A.9. Mitigation / adaptation Mitigation ☐ Adaptation ☐ Cross-cutting ☒ focus A.10.