Swaziland Government Gazette

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Swaziland Government Gazette Swaziland Government Gazette VOL. XIX] MBABANE, Friday, February 27th., 1981 [No. 85 CONTENTS No. Page GENERAL NOTICES 6. The Control of Insurance Brokers and Agents Regulations, ... .......... 102 7. Appointment of Assistant Registrar (Births, Marriages and Deaths) _ _ 103 8. Authorisation of Change of Surname ... ....... .................. -................ 103 9. Authorisation of Change of Surname _ — — -................. .. 104 10. Authorisation of Change of Surname .......... ................... — _ _ 104 MISCELLANEOUS Notice of Applications under the Road Transportation Proclamation, 1963 — 105 ADVERTISEMENTS ........ 112 CONTENTS OF SUPPLEMENT PART A — BILLS 3. The Deeds Registry (Amendment) Bill, 1981 — — ........... — — — — — — SI 4. The Crown Lands Disposal (Amendment) Bill, 1981 — — — — — — ~~~ — S2 PART C — LEGAL NOTICES 14. The Fixation of Powdered Milk and Allied Products Prices Regulations, 1981 — — S3 15. The Premiums for Insurance of Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Notice, 1981 — — S6 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY. 102 GENERAL NOTICE NO. 6 OF 1981 THE CONTROL OF INSURANCE ORDER, 1973 (King’s Order-in-Council No. 33 of 1973) THE CONTROL OF INSURANCE BROKERS AND AGENTS REGULATIONS, 1973 It is hereby notified for general information that the Honourable Minister of Finance has appointed the under-mentioned persons as Insurance Agents. Name Address Simon N. Mahlaba P.O. Box 494, Mbabane Octavius Msomi P.O. Box Al 19 Mbabane It is further notified that the Minister has removed — Name Address J.P. Vilakati P.O. Box 162, Kwaluseni G.M. Sikiti P.O. Box 97, Nhlangano P.O. Box 167, John M. Xaba Bhunya From the list of Agents appointed under General Notices No. 146 of 1975, No, 2 of 1978 and No. 63 of 1979, respectively. V.E. SIKHONDZE Permanent Secretary Mbabane 16th February, 1981 103 GENERAL NOTICE NO. 7 OF 1981 THE BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND REGISTRATION ACT 1927 APPOINTMENT OF ASSISTANT REGISTRAR (BIRTHS, MARRIAGES AND DEATHS) Under Section 3(2) In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the abovementioned Act, the Honou­ rable Deputy Prime Minister is pleased to appoint — ANDREAS MLUNGISI MATHABELA as Assistant Registrar of Births, Marriages and Deaths with effect from 22nd January, 1981. A.R. SHABANGU Permanent Secretary Deputy Prime Minister's Office, Mbabane 4th February, 1981 GENERAL NOTICE NO. 8 OF 1981 THE CHANGE OF NAME ACT 1962 (NO. 67 OF 1962 AUTHORISATION OF CHANGE OF SURNAME (UNDER SECTION 3(1)) In exercise of the powers conferred on him by Section 3(1) of the above quoted Act and having satisfied himself that the provisions of the Act have been complied with the Ho­ nourable the Deputy Prime Minister is pleased to authorise LOGOBA JAMESON MAVIMBELA of P.O. Box 23, Big Bend, Swaziland to assume the surname FAKUDE A.R. SHABANGU Permanent Secretary Mbabane 9th February, 1981 104 GENERAL NOTICE NO. 9 OF 1981 THE CHANGE OF NAME ACT 1962 (NO. 67 OF 1962) AUTHORISATION OF CHANGE OF SURNAME (Under Section 3(1)) In exercise of the powers conferred on him by Section 3(1) of the above quoted Act and having satisfied himself that the provisions of the said Act have been complied with, the Honourable the Deputy Prime Minister is pleased to authorise PETER ZAKHE GREENHEAD c/o MISS NOMSA MSIBI, P.O. Box 244, MANZINI, SWAZILAND to assume the surname MSIBI. A.R. SHABANGU Permanent Secretary Mbabane 9th February, 1981 GENERAL NOTICE NO. 10 OF 1981 THE CHANGE OF NAME ACT 1962 (NO. 67 OF 1962) AUTHORISATION OF CHANGE OF SURNAME (Under Section 3(1)) In exercise of the powers conferred on him by Section 3(1) of the above quoted Act and having satisfied himself that the provisions of the Act have been complied with, the Honourable the Deputy Prime Minister is pleased to authorise the following JOSEPH MAMBA SIZA PERCY MAMBA ABEDNEGO SINDA MAMBA MCAZI SAMSON MAMBA to assume the surname GININDZA. A.R. SHABANGU Permanent Secretary Mbabane 9th February, 1981 105 SWAZILAND NOTICE OF APPLICATIONS (Given under Section 10 of the Road Transportation Act No. 37 of 1963) 1. The applications for Road Transportation Service Permits mentioned in the scheduled to this notice have been received by Road Transportation Board. 2. Interested persons may examine the applications in the office of the Secretary to the Road Transportation Board at the Ministry of Works, Power and Communications, Mbabane. 3. Any person objecting to an application shall within 14 days after the date of publication of this notice:— (a) Lodge with the Secretary to the Road Transportation Board, P.O. Box 58, Mbabane, Swaziland and:— (b) send to the applicant by registered post his objections in writing, together with all grounds of the objections- REV. SENATOR Z. S. KUNENE Chairman, Road Transportation Board, Mbabane 27th. February, 1981. I < APP: NO: NAME OF APPLICANT 1 ADDRESS: PARTICULARS OF APPLICANT: 00234 Johnson Tsela, Box 170, Grant of a Road Transportation Service Permit Awungaphumelela Bus Service. KWALUSENI. to operate a Scheduled passenger service Between Matsapha/Makhobeni/Emhlaleni/Maphalala/ Mdziniso/Mbekelweni/Etingadzeni/Edibhini and Soweto. 02126 Job G. Maseko, Box 460, Grant of a Revival of Permit No. 02126 which Mdandulukwane Transport MANZINI. operated a Non-Scheduled L.D.V. For Hire For Hire based at Kwaluseni Market. 01411 John D.J. Smith, Box 806, Grant of a Renewal of Permit No. 01411 which Hamba Kahle Ngwane Transport. Manzini. operates a Scheduled passenger service between Manzini/Police College/ Via Matsapha Industrial Site. 00295 Dumisa R. Maziya, Box 161, Grant of a Road Transportation Permit to ope­ Lajika-Lahoba Bus Service. SITEKI. rate a Scheduled passenger service between Siteki/ Ntuli/Tingodveni/Emphakatsini/Mahleke/Maha- wini/New Farm and Big Bend. 01239 J.S. Dlamini, Box 92, Grant of a Renewal of Permit No. 01239 which Blue Ribbon Bus Service. MBABANE. operates a Scheduled passenger service between Msunduza and Mbabane. 02215 John D. J. Smith, Box 806, Grant of a Revival and Amendment of Permit No. Hamba Kahle Ngwane United MANZINI. 02215 which operated a Scheduled passenger Transport. service between Manzini/Zakhele/Nazarene/Kwa- luseni/Industrial Site/Prison/Police College/Eteni/ Tubunga/Sikhosana/Nazarene and Manzini. Amendment to increase carrying capacity from 11 to 25 passengers. 02062 Agness Simelane, Box 139, Grant of a Revival of Permit No. 02062 which Izigi Zendoda For Hire. HLATIKULU. operated a Non-Scheduled Goods service L.D.V. For Hire based at Hlatikulu. 02957 Ephraim T. Thwala, Box 4, Grant of a Renewal of Permit No. 02957 which Makhelekehlane Bus Service. SIDVOKODVO. operates a Scheduled passenger service Between Ludzeludze/Matsapha and Manzini. 01145 Ngobozane Mavuso, Box 87, Grant of a Road Transportation Service Permit Hamba Khuleka Ngobozane’s Bus VUVULANE. to operate a Scheduled passenger service between Service. Tambende/Ngomane/Hlane/Lonhlupheko/Si- munye/Maphiveni/Mlawula Up and Down. 01674 Thomas R. Dlamini, Box 969, Grant of a Renewal of Permit No. 01674 which Masihambisane Bus Service, MBABANE. operates a Scheduled passenger service between Manzini/Eteni/Matsapha/Airport/Central and Industrial Site. 01136 A. Z. Dlamini, Box 1611, Grant of a Renewal of Permit No. 01136 which Inyatsi Bus Service. MANZINI. operates a Scheduled passenger service between Manzini/Bhunya Via Mahlanya. 00199 Johane Hlophe, Box 130, Grant of a Renewal of Permit No. 00199 which Town Taxi Service. NHLANGANO. operates a Non-Scheduled Taxi Service based at Nhlangano. 00428 Steven Nkonyane, P.O. Dwaleni. Grant of a Road Transportation Service Permit to Kozekubenini Bus Service. operate a Scheduled passenger service between Chibide/Jericho/Nhlangano and Ngwane. 02004 Richard T. Dlamini, Box 97, Grant of a Renewal of Permit No. 02004 which Phakama Bus Service. MALKERNS. operates a Scheduled passenger service between Lobamba/Mahlanya/Matsapha/Industrial Site and Manzini. 00181 Agness Dlamini, Box 217, Grant of a Road Transportation service Permit to Baka Mamba Bus Service. MBABANE. operate a Scheduled passenger service between Mbabane/Oshoek/Lobamba/Mahlanya and Ma­ nzini. 00103 Nathaniel Z. Mthupha, Box 49, Grant of a Renewal of Permit No. 00103 which Indumiso Bus Service. PIGG’S PEAK. operates a Scheduled passenger service between Manjengeni/Nyakatho/Herefords/Ngonini and Pigg’s Peak. 00622 Samson Masilela, Box 1002, Grant of a Road Transportation Service Permit to Shining Star Bus Service. MBABANE. operate a Non-Scheduled Stand by bus which will operate incase of a breakdown. 00179 Hermon S. Gule, Box 41, Grant of a Road Transportation Service Permit to Phuma Uzakhele Bus Service. PIGG’S PEAK. operate a Scheduled passenger service between Pigg’s Peak/Mshinande/Ngonini/Ndlalambi/He- refords/Nkamanzi/Bulandzeni/Balegane/Tshaneni /Mhlume and Simunye. 00180 M.A. Shongwe, Box 153, Grant of a Road Transportation Service Permit to Ayanda Amakhwezi Bus Service. MANZINI. operate a Scheduled passenger service between Manzini/Siteki/Maphungwane and Matsanjeni. 00442 Michael Samuel & Joseph Matse- Box 67, Grant of a Road Transportation Service Permit to bula, Matsebula’s Bus Service. MANZINI. operate a Scheduled passenger service between Mhlume/Tshaneni and Mananga Border Gate. 00443 Thomas Dlamini, Box 21, Grant of a Road Transportation Service Permit to Dankie Taxi Service. HLATIKULU. operate a Non-Scheduled passenger taxi service to be based at HLATIKULU. 01246 James S. Gule, Box 42, Grant of a Road Transportation Service Permit to Swazi Civilization Bus Service, PIGG’S PEAK. operate a Scheduled passenger service between Jacks/Mayiwane/Ngonini/Mashobeni/Mshinande/ Pigg’s Peak/Motshane/Ngwenya/Mbabane/Ma- nzini/Mafutseni/Luve/Mliba/Madlangampisi/ Tshaneni/Mhlume/Ngomane/Simunye and Nya- katho. 00835 Moses Manana, Inyosi Mathathela For Hire. 01012 Nhlanganiso A. Dlamini, Hlobile Bus Service. 02369 Protea Asphalt, (Pty) Ltd., 02178 Samuel Mkhaliphi, Mhola Bus Service. 01238 Richard T. Dlamini, Phakama Bus Service. 02632 Phillip Dlamini, Bathathe Zibonele Bus Service. Box 99, Grant of a Road Transportation Service Permit to HLATIKULU. operate a Non-Scheduled Goods service L.D.V. For Hire to be based at Hlatsi Bus Rank. Box 1891, Grant of a Road Transportation Service Permit to MANZINI.
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