This project is funded by the European Union Delegation of the European Commission to Swaziland Framework Contract Beneficiaries EuropeAid/119860/C/SV/multi Lot N° 2: Transport and Infrastructures Specific Contract No 2007/133128 Identification Mission for an Infrastructure Improvement Programme in the Sugar Sector in Swaziland Draft Final Report October 2007 The contents of this report is the sole responsibility of Parsons Brinckerhoff Consortium and can in no ways be taken to reflect the views of the European Union. This report is prepared solely for the use and benefit of the Contracting Authority. It is the result of an independent review, and neither Parsons Brinckerhoff Consortium, nor the authors accept or assume any responsibility or duty of care to any third party. ECORYS Nederland BV P.O. Box 4175 3006 AD Rotterdam Watermanweg 44 3067 GG Rotterdam The Netherlands T +31 (0)10 453 88 00 F +31 (0)10 453 07 68 E
[email protected] W Registration no. 24316726 ECORYS Macro & Sector Policies T +31 (0)31 (0)10 453 87 53 F +31 (0)10 452 36 60 DaK/FG95509rap01 Table of contents List of Abbreviations 7 Executive Summary 9 Background 9 Needs Assessment 10 Project costing 11 Prioritization 11 Budgeting 11 Conclusions and Recommendations 12 1 Background 17 1.1 Country Information 17 1.2 European Union and Swaziland 18 2 Transport Infrastructure 21 2.1 Air Transport 21 2.2 Rail Transport 21 2.3 Roads Transport 22 2.4 Roads Department - Ministry of Public Works and Transport 23 3 Review of Government Development Policies