Operation Update Report Southern Africa: Drought (Food Insecurity)
Operation Update Report Southern Africa: Drought (Food Insecurity) Emergency appeal n°: MDR63003 GLIDE n°: __ Operation update n° 3: 15 February 2021 Timeframe covered by this update: September 2020 – December 2020 Operation start date: 11 December 2019 Operation timeframe and end date: 17 months, 31 May 2021 Funding requirements: CHF 7.4 million DREF amount initially allocated: CHF 768,800 N° of people targeted: Botswana: 7,750 - Eswatini: 25,000 - Lesotho: 23,000 - Namibia: 18,000 Total: 73,750 people (14,750 households) Red Cross Red Crescent Movement partners currently actively involved in the operation: American Red Cross, British Red Cross; Canadian Red Cross; Finnish Red Cross; Netherlands Red Cross; Spanish Red Cross; Swedish Red Cross Other partner organizations actively involved in the operation: Governments of Botswana, Eswatini, Lesotho and Namibia; Government of Japan. Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), United States Agency for International Development (USAID); World Food Programme (WFP); Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO); GIZ; and UNICEF. <Please click here for the budget and here for the contacts> Summary: This operation update reflects the current situation and information available since the last operation update published in September 2020. The operation timeframe will be extended by one month to end on 31 May 2021 to allow for a final evaluation to be completed. Simultaneously, as needs persist and the funding gap in 2020 allowed to reach less than half of the targeted people in many places, extending the operation further beyond May is being discussed. Following discussions with the National Societies and estimates of needs and possible activities, a new operation update may be published to extend the timeframe or the Emergency Appeal may be revised should a change of activities be foreseen.
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