Anthemideae (PDF)
Published online on 25 October 2011. Lin, Y. R., Shi, Z., Humphries, C. J. & Gilbert, M. G. 2011. Anthemideae. Pp. 653–773 in: Wu, Z. Y., Raven, P. H. & Hong, D. Y., eds., Flora of China Volume 20–21 (Asteraceae). Science Press (Beijing) & Missouri Botanical Garden Press (St. Louis). 9. Tribe ANTHEMIDEAE 春黄菊族 chun huang ju zu Lin Yourun (林有润 Ling Yeou-ruenn, Ling Yuou-ruen), Shi Zhu (石铸 Shih Chu); Christopher J. Humphries, Michael G. Gilbert Shrubs, subshrubs, or annual or perennial herbs, aromatic; indumentum of short biseriate glandular hairs (glands) and uniseriate simple, T-shaped or stellate hairs. Leaves alternate, rarely opposite, fasciculate or in basal rosettes, pinnatisect, pinnatifid, lobed, ser- rulate, serrate, or dentate, rarely entire, rarely succulent, base sometimes with stipulelike auricles (“pseudostipules”). Synflorescences mostly terminal, sometimes axillary, cymose or racemose, often paniculate, often flat-topped. Capitula heterogamous, with marginal female florets and central bisexual or male disk florets, or homogamous with only bisexual tubular florets. Phyllaries in 2–7 rows, overlapping, usually with scarious margin and apices. Receptacle paleate or epaleate, rarely pilose or hirsute. Marginal female florets radiate, or corollas tubular to filiform, often 2-toothed, or absent, and capitula disciform, fertile or sterile; corolla yellow or white, less often purplish, pink, orange, or red. Disk florets bisexual or male, tubular or funnel-shaped, usually yellow, rarely whitish, purplish, or red, usually 4- or 5-lobed. Anthers mostly rounded, rarely shortly tailed at base, apical appendage ovate or triangular to subulate. Pollen with or without spines. Style base slender or bulbous; style branches usually free (rarely fused in functionally male florets), usually linear, rarely wider, with apex truncate, penicillate.
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