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297313 VOL2.Pdf THE DEVELOPMENT OF HERBACEOUS PLANTING IN BRITAIN AND GERMANY FROM THE NINETEENTH TO EARLY TWENTIETH CENTURY Volume 11 Of 2 Volumes ii IsabelleVan Groeningen Thesissubmitted for the degreeof Doctorin Philosophy Universityof York Instituteof AdvancedArchitectural Studies May 1996 ST COPY AVAILA L Variable print quality Appendix 1: Summer Flowering Plants Listed by Philip Miller in 1731 APPENDIX 1: SUMMER FLOWERING PLANTS LISTED BY PHILIP MILLER IN 1731 Source: Miller, Philip: The Gardener'sDictionary, 1731 Notes: 1. The following list was published by Miller indicating what was flowering in the months of June,July, August and September,which are the four months during which the majority of herbaceousplants flower. The nomenclatureof Miller's nameshas, where possible,been updatedand addedbetween brackets with the help of Tony Lord. 2. The nomenclatureor identity of plants marked with a? is uncertain. acanthus(Acanthus spp.) aloes (Aloe vera) althaeafrutex (Hibiscus syriacus) amaranthus(Amaranthus sp. ) amaranthoides(globe amaranth:Gomphrena globosa) annual stock, July-flowers (Matthiola incana) antirrhinum or calves snouts(Antirrhinum majus), apocynum (Millees Apocynum contains severalspecies from Asclepiadeaeand Apocynaceae:Asclepias, Rhabdadenia,Echites, Forsteronia, Prestonia as well as Apocynum asters(Aster spp.) auricula,(Primula auricula) autumn hyacinth (Polyxena corymbosa) autumn crocus (Crocus speciosus) autumnalis * balsamines(Impatiens balsamina) bean caper (Zygophyllum) bloody cranesbill (Geranium sanguineum) blue featheredhyacinth (Muscari comosummonstrosum) broad-leavedupright lily of the valley (Convallaria lati/blia or Polygonatum spp) bulbous irises (Iris xiphium) bulbous fiery lily (Lilium bulbiferum) buphthalmumsof sorts (probalby Anthemis spp.) campanulas(Campanula spp.) candytuft (Iberis sempervirens) Canterbury bells (Campanula medium) Capsicum indicum (Capsicum annuum) cardinal flower (Lobelia cardinalis) carnations(Dianthus caryophyllus) catchfly (Silene diolca and S. viscosa) china pink (Dianthus chinensis) chrysanthemums(Chrysanthemum) Page525 Appendix 1: SummerFlowering Plants Listed by Philip Miller in 1731 colchicurn (Colchicum autumnale) columbines (Aquilegia) Colutea aethiopica (Sutherlandiaftutescens) convulvulus (Convolvulus lineatus and otherspecies, as well as Jpomeq) cotyledons (including Crassula arborescens and Kalanchoe spp. and other Crassulacea genera) cyclamen (Cyclamen sp) daizies (Bellisperennis) day lily (Hemerocallis lilioasphodelus) deep red apocynum (Apocynum or Asclepias curasavica ?) double and single sweet williams (Dianthus barbatus) double soap wort (Saponaria officinalis plena) double ragged Robin (Lychnisflos-cuculipleniflora) double ptarmica or sneezewort (Achilleaptarmica) double camomile (Chamaemelum nobile'Flore Pleno') double white mountain ranunculus (Ranunculus aconitifoliusflore pleno) double ptarmica or sneezewort (Achilleaptarmicaflorepleno) double white lily (Lilium candidum'Plenum') double rose campion (Lychnis coronaria - double form) double perennial catchfly (Silene dioica'Flore Pleno'= ten week stock) dwarf annual stocks (Matthiola incana annua) dwarf lychnis (Silene Gallica var. quinquevulnera) eternal flowers (Xeranthemum, Gomphrena, Helychrysum) everlasting peas (Lathyrus latifolius) fairchild's mule (Dianthus caryophyllus x barbatus) female balsamine (Impatiens balsamina) Flammula Jovis (Clematis) flos adonis (Adonis) foxgloves (Digitalisferruginea) fraxinella white and red (Dictamnus alhus) French and African marigolds (Tagetes patula and T erecta) French willow (Epilobium latifolium) French white and red honeysuckle (Hedysarum coronarium) Fritillaria corassa (Stapelia hirsuta, Orbea variegata) gentianellas (Gentiana acaulis) geranium (Pelargonium spp.) gladiolus (Watsonia merianiae golden Rod (Solidago sp. ) great gentian (Gentiana lutea and G. asclepiadea) great blue bottle (Centaurea montana) Greek valerian with blue and white flowers (Polemonium caeruleum cvs. ) Guernsey lily (Nerine sarniensis) belladonna lillies (Amaryllis belladonna) hieraciums (Hieracium spp., Crepis spp., Tolpis barbata) Page526 Appendix 1: SummerFlowering Plants Listed by Philip Miller in 1731 hollyhocks (Alcaea rosea) Indian pinks (Dianthus chinensis) Indian figs (Opuntia) Indian scabious(Scabiosa atropurpurea) jasmine (Jasminumsp. ) I larkspurs (Consolida or Delphinium) Lavatera leucanthernumor ox-eyed daisy (Anthemiscretica, Argyranthemumfrutescensand other odd speciesfrom Chrysathemum) linarias (Linaria sp) lobels (Rapuntium spp.) lupins of sorts (Lupinus sp.) lychnideas (Phlox spp.) lychnis from the Alps, deepred flowers (Lychnis alpina) martagons(Lilium martagon) marvel of Peru (Mirabilisjalapa) moly's (Alium moly and other broad-leavedAllium spp.) moly's virgin bower (Clematisfiammula) monk's hood (Aconitum sp.) ' mountain smooth leaved and Alpine blue seaholly (Eryngium spp.) myrtles (Myrtus communis) Nasturtium indicum.(Tropaeolum) nettle-leavedcampanula with blue and white flowers (Campanula trachelium) single and double nigella (Nigella damascena) old mansheadpinks (Dianthus cultivars) orange lily (Lilium bulbiferum var croceum) orange (Citrus spp.) ornithogalum (Ornithogalum spp.) painted lady (Dianthus cultivars) papaver (Papaver spp.) passion flower (Passiflora sp.) peach-leavedcampanula (Campanulapersicifolia) persicaria (Persicaria sp.) perywinkle (Vinca sp.) Phalangium (Anthericum spp. or Bulbine spp.) pinks (Dianthus spp. and cvs) polyanthus (Primula x polyantha) red, white and gardenvalerian (Centranthusruber) red and white, double and single, batchelor'sbuttons (Silene dioica, S. dioica'Flore Plena!,S. latifolia subsp.alba and S. latifolia subsp.alba 'Multiplex') red valerian (Centranthus ruber) rose campions, double and single, white and red (Lychnis coronaria) saffron (Crocus sativus) Savoy and Tradescant'sspiderwort (Tradescantia virginiana) UNIVERSITY OFYORK LIBRARY Appendix 1: SummerFlowering Plants Listed by Philip Miller in 1731 scabiosa(Scabiosa and Succisaspp. ) scarletmartagon (Liliumpomponium) scarlet lychnis (Lychnis chalcedonica) scarlet beans(Phaseolus coccineus) scorpion se(n)na(Hypocrepis emerus) seadaffodil (Pancratium maritimum, P. illyricum alos other spp. and Hymenocallis spp.) seaholly (Eryngium maritimum) searagwort (Cineraria and Seneciocineraria) sedurns(Sedum, Aeonium and Sempervivumspp. ) Sir George Wheeler'stutsan (Hypericum x inodorum?) snapdragon (Antirrhinum sp.) Spanishfigwort (Scrophularia sambucifolia) starworts (Aster and Callistephus spp.) stock-gilliflower (Matthiolia incana) stramoniums(Datura spp.) striped white lily (Lilium candidum cv.) sunflowers (Helianthus sp.) sweetsultan (Amberboa moschata) sweet,pea (Lathyrus odoratus) sweet-scentedpea (Lathyrus odoratus) thorn apples(Datura spp.) thrifts (Armeriamaritima and spp. ) treeprimrose (Oenothera spp. ) treemallow (Lavateraarborea or L. mauritanicaand other spp. ) tuberoses(Polianthes tuberosa) Venusnavelwort (Omphalodes verna, 0. finifolia andother spp. ) Venus,looking-glass (Legousia speculum-veneris Virginian spiderwort(Tradescantia sp. ) white hellebore(Veratrum spp. ) white wall flowersdouble and single(Erysimum cheiri) yellow perennialand white tangierftunitories (Corydafis spp. ) Page528 Appendix 2: HerbaceousPerennials at Hartwell, 1799 APPENDIX 2: HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS AT HARTWELL, 1799 Source: Harvey, JohnH., " The Plantsat Hartwell 1799,Identified", GardenHistory, Vol. 18. No 2 p. 143 Notes: 1. Thefollowing list is an extractof theplants John Harvey attempted to identify from the Hartwell Plans. 2. * denotesthe plant maybe treatedas an annual. 3. John Harvey was uncertain about the identification or nomenclature of the plants marked with a questionmark: Achillea tomentosa -yellow yarrow Aconiturn napellus - monkshood Althaea rosea - hollyhock * Anemone coronaria plena, A. hortensis - anemones Antirrhinum. majus - snapdragon Aquilegia vulgaris - columbine ? Asphodeline lutea, A. albus, A. microcarpus- asphodele Aster ? A. ? dumosus,A. ? A. ?tradescantii, A. ? amellus , ericoides, Umbellatus- Michaelmas daisy Delphiniumelaturn - beelarkspur Dianthussylvestris - dwarf Pink Dictamnusalbus - fraxinella Filipendula ulmaria - meadow sweet Geranium ? pratense- tall geranium, G. tuberosum- low purple geranium Helianthus decapetalusplenus - sunflower *, Helianthus giganteus- tall sunflower ? Hieracium aurantiacurn- mouseear?, H. ? pilosella - mouseear, H. umbellatum - tall yellow hawkweed Iberis ? gibraltarica Lillium candidurn - white lily Linaria ? purpurea Lychnis (viscaria) alpina - mountain lychnis, L. coronaria - rose campion, L. flos- cuculi pleniflora. - double ragged robin Malva alcea - tall red mallow Muscari commosum Miller monstrosum('PlumosurW) - fringed hyacinth * Nicotiana rustica - henbane Papaverorientale plenum - scarletpoppy Phlox maculata,purpurea Polemonium caeruleum- Jacob'sladder Saxifraga umbrosa - London pride Page529 Appendix 2: HerbaceousPerennials at Hartwell, 1799 Scabiosacretica - Cretan scabious Solidago canadensis- golden rod * ? Tolpis barbata- purple hawkweed Valeriana phu - valerian Verbascumphoenicum - red mullin Veronica ? Incana, V. ? longifolia - speedwell*, V. (Veronicastrum)virginica - tall speedwellck Viola odorataflore pleno - double purple violet, blue violet, V. tricolor - Heartsease. Page530 Appendix 3: Analysis of C.D. 's Plantlist in The GardeneesMagazine, 1831 APPENDIX 3: ANALYSIS OF C.D. 'S PLANTLIST IN THE GARDENER'S MAGAZINE, 1831 Source: D., C., Baillie, W. 'Plan SelectList Plants for Flower Garden and , and
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