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Anthemideae (PDF) Published online on 25 October 2011. Lin, Y. R., Shi, Z., Humphries, C. J. & Gilbert, M. G. 2011. Anthemideae. Pp. 653–773 in: Wu, Z. Y., Raven, P. H. & Hong, D. Y., eds., Flora of China Volume 20–21 (Asteraceae). Science Press (Beijing) & Missouri Botanical Garden Press (St. Louis). 9. Tribe ANTHEMIDEAE 春黄菊族 chun huang ju zu Lin Yourun (林有润 Ling Yeou-ruenn, Ling Yuou-ruen), Shi Zhu (石铸 Shih Chu); Christopher J. Humphries, Michael G. Gilbert Shrubs, subshrubs, or annual or perennial herbs, aromatic; indumentum of short biseriate glandular hairs (glands) and uniseriate simple, T-shaped or stellate hairs. Leaves alternate, rarely opposite, fasciculate or in basal rosettes, pinnatisect, pinnatifid, lobed, ser- rulate, serrate, or dentate, rarely entire, rarely succulent, base sometimes with stipulelike auricles (“pseudostipules”). Synflorescences mostly terminal, sometimes axillary, cymose or racemose, often paniculate, often flat-topped. Capitula heterogamous, with marginal female florets and central bisexual or male disk florets, or homogamous with only bisexual tubular florets. Phyllaries in 2–7 rows, overlapping, usually with scarious margin and apices. Receptacle paleate or epaleate, rarely pilose or hirsute. Marginal female florets radiate, or corollas tubular to filiform, often 2-toothed, or absent, and capitula disciform, fertile or sterile; corolla yellow or white, less often purplish, pink, orange, or red. Disk florets bisexual or male, tubular or funnel-shaped, usually yellow, rarely whitish, purplish, or red, usually 4- or 5-lobed. Anthers mostly rounded, rarely shortly tailed at base, apical appendage ovate or triangular to subulate. Pollen with or without spines. Style base slender or bulbous; style branches usually free (rarely fused in functionally male florets), usually linear, rarely wider, with apex truncate, penicillate. Achenes often obovoid, obconical, or cylindric, sometimes dorsiventrally flattened, apex rounded or truncate, true pappus absent, sometimes with a pappuslike corona of rather few scarious or bristlelike scales, or with an auricle, usually adaxial. About 110 genera and ca. 1,750 species: worldwide, mainly concentrated in C Asia, the Mediterranean region, and S Africa; 29 genera (two endemic, four introduced) and 364 species (138 endemic, ten introduced) in China. This tribe includes well-known vegetables (Glebionis carinata, G. coronaria, and G. s ege t um) and famous ornamental plants (most notably “Chrysanthemum grandiflorum”; see note under Chrysanthemum). Insecticides are extracted from some species (e.g., Tanacetum (Pyrethrum) cine- rariifolium). Other species are very important medicinally (e.g., Artemisia annua, the source of the important anti-malarial drug artemisinin) while some are significant forage plants in dry regions. The generic sequence follows Oberprieler et al. (in Kadereit & C. Jeffrey, Fam. Gen. Vasc. Pl. 8: 342–373. 2007). Records of Anthemis tinctoria Linnaeus (Sp. Pl. 2: 896. 1753; Cota tinctoria (Linnaeus) J. Gay ex Gussone, Fl. Sicul. Sin. 2: 867. 1844–1845; 春黄菊 chun huang ju), Argyranthemum frutescens (Linnaeus) Schultz Bipontinus (in Webb & Berthelot, Hist. Nat. Iles Canaries 2: 264. 1844; Chrysanthemum frutescens Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 2: 887. 1753; Pyrethrum frutescens (Linnaeus) Willdenow; 木茼蒿 mu tong hao), Chamaemelum nobile (Linnaeus) Allioni (Fl. Pedem. 1: 185. 1785; Anthemis nobilis Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 2: 894. 1753; 果香菊 guo xiang ju), and Coleostephus myconis (Linnaeus) Cassini (Dict. Sci. Nat. 41: 43. 1826; Chrysanthemum myconis Linnaeus, Sp. Pl., ed. 2, 1254. 1763; Myconia chrysanthemum Schultz Bipontinus; 鞘冠菊 qiao guan ju) in FRPS (76(1): 7, 9, 20, 74. 1983) were based on cultivated ornamental plants. 1a. Capitula radiate; ray florets often conspicuous, but sometimes not so. 2a. Receptacle scales present at least near margins of receptacle. 3a. Capitula in ± flat-topped panicles; involucres 2–7(–9) mm in diam.; mostly wild plants, only occasionally cultivated as medicinal plants ............................................................................................................................ 167. Achillea 3b. Capitula solitary, long pedunculate; involucres 7–15 mm in diam.; mostly grown as ornamentals and only occasionally found as an escape .............................................................................................................. 168. Anthemis 2b. Receptacle scales absent, but receptacle sometimes hairy. 4a. Achene winged: marginal achenes 2- or 3-winged, disk achenes 1- or 2-winged; ray florets mostly bright yellow; plants often grown as vegetables or ornamentals .................................................................... 172. Glebionis 4b. Achene not winged; ray florets mostly white or pink, less often yellow (Brachanthemum, some species of Chrysanthemum). 5a. Pappus or corona absent, but achenes sometimes with an obtuse rim or with ribs apically projected. 6a. Achene with ribs projected at apex. 7a. Marsh plants; ray florets sterile ......................................................................................... 163. Leucanthemella 7b. Grassland plants, often grown as ornamentals and only occasionally found as an escape; ray florets fertile .................................................................................................... 173. Leucanthemum 6b. Achene with ribs not projected at apex. 8a. Dwarf shrubs or subshrubs; involucres campanulate, hemispheric, or obconical; ray florets yellow, lamina ovate, to 3 mm .............................................................................. 149. Brachanthemum 8b. Herbs, annual or perennial; involucres shallowly cup-shaped; ray florets white, red, or violet, less often yellow (some species of Chrysanthemum), lamina oblong, often more than 5 mm. 9a. Perennial herbs or subshrubs; achenes terete, ribs 5–8, uniformly spaced, rather obscure ............................................................................................................. 150. Chrysanthemum 653 654 ANTHEMIDEAE 9b. Annual herbs; achenes dorsiventrally compressed, ribs 3–5, mainly adaxial, slender but distinct .............................................................................................................. 171. Matricaria 5b. Pappuslike corona present. 10a. Corona of separate scales or bristles. 11a. Corona scales obovate, brown tipped ..................................................................................... 158. Richteria 11b. Corona scales bristlelike or subulate. 12a. Corona scales many, bristlelike, with flat and palmate bases ......................................... 156. Allardia 12b. Corona scales 4–6, subulate, unequal, mainly abaxial ........................................ 165. Opisthopappus 10b. Corona cupular, shallowly or deeply divided or divided to base. 13a. Achene with multicellular hairs between ribs ................................................................. 164. Microcephala 13b. Achene glabrous. 14a. Achene with 5–10 equal ribs, without resin sacs ........................................................ 169. Tanacetum 14b. Achene with both thick and thin ribs, abaxially and apically with distinct resin sacs ......................................................................................................... 170. Tripleurospermum 1b. Capitula discoid with all florets bisexual, tubular, or capitula disciform with marginal florets inconspicuous, corollas narrowly tubular to filiform or absent. 15a. Capitula heterogamous, disciform: marginal florets female or neuter, corolla tubular or narrowly tubular or absent, disk florets male or bisexual, tubular. 16a. Marginal female florets in many rows. 17a. Capitula pedunculate, terminal; achenes without persistent style ........................................................ 145. Cotula 17b. Capitula sessile, axillary; achenes with persistent style ......................................................................... 146. Soliva 16b. Marginal female florets in 1 row. 18a. Capitula in spikes or racemes, often secund, often grouped into panicles. 19a. Pappuslike corona present ............................................................................................. 153. Crossostephium 19b. Corona absent. 20a. Marginal florets female, disk florets bisexual, fertile; achenes all over receptacle; leaf blade very variable but never pectinate-pinnatisect .............................. 151. Artemisia 20b. Marginal florets partly female, disk florets bisexual, fertile and sterile; achenes in a row around base of receptacle; leaf blade pinnatisect with ± pectinately arranged lateral lobes ............................................................................ 155. Neopallasia 18b. Capitula in terminal, rounded to flat-topped panicles, clusters, or solitary. 21a. Corolla exterior stellate hairy or apically densely pilose with erect straight hairs. 22a. Annual herbs; corolla exterior apically densely pilose with erect straight hairs ......... 148. Ajaniopsis 22b. Subshrubs; corolla exterior with stellate hairs ........................................................... 162. Kaschgaria 21b. Corolla exterior glabrous or with lower part only sparsely pilose. 23a. Achene 5–10-ribbed, corona present, 0.1–0.4 mm ...................................................... 169. Tanacetum 23b. Achene 2–6-striate, corona absent. 24a. Florets all fertile; achenes 4 or 5(or 6)-striate/ribbed ............................................... 147. Ajania 24b. Central disk florets sterile; achenes 2-striate
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