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Report from: City of and VicUrban

Presenter: Francis Khoo, Manager Parks Services

Purpose and background

1. The purpose of this report is to seek endorsement of the recommendations outlined in the following three reports:

1.1. Docklands Vessel Traffic Study and Traffic Management Plan (Attachment 3, 4, 5 and 6);

1.2. Docklands Waterways Infrastructure and Facilities Guidelines (Attachment 7); and

1.3. Design Guidelines for Docklands Floating Assets (Attachment 8).

2. A summary of the contents of the three reports is listed in Attachment 2.

3. In 2008-09 the Docklands Waterways Strategic Plan was adopted by the City of Melbourne, VicUrban and Parks . The plan sets out the vision and objectives for the Docklands Waterways and is the master plan for waterways and waterfront in Docklands. In line with the Strategic Plan, the Waterways Working Group (consisting of representatives from VicUrban, City of Melbourne and Parks Victoria) developed the above documents.

4. Aside from the three agencies, Lend Lease Development, Mirvac and Corporation also made financial contributions to the development of the River Traffic Study and Traffic Management Plan.

Key issues

5. The scope of the reports covers Victoria Harbour and the between Charles Grimes Bridge and . Significant developments have already been completed in these waters and other development proposals are at advanced stages of planning. It is therefore timely that relevant strategic documents are adopted by the City of Melbourne and VicUrban to guide future developments.

6. If adopted, the three documents will be used by the City of Melbourne, VicUrban and Parks Victoria to guide future decisions on planning proposals related to the Docklands waterways.

7. There are a few recommendations contained in the Vessel Traffic Management Plan that may cause some concerns to the relevant developers as follows:

7.1. An optimal clear width of 90 metres should be maintained for the entrance to Victoria Harbour for boating safety and water quality. In addition, the maximum extent of marina construction of MAB’s New Quay West marina should be limited to 60 metres from the northern shoreline of Victoria Harbour. This would impact on some berths that MAB has planned for New Quay West and discussions are underway which may resolve most of these issues.

7.2. The recommended minimum fairway width is 70 metres and marinas should be designed to minimise interference with vessel traffic and events in Victoria Harbour and berths that face into traffic should be avoided. This may impact on the layout options for Lend Lease’s marinas. Page 2 of 157

Recommendation from management

8. Management recommends that the Docklands Coordination Committee recommend that Council accept the following three reports for use in facilitating the future development of Docklands:

8.1. Docklands Vessel Traffic Study and Traffic Management Plan (Attachment 3, 4, 5 and 6)

8.2. Docklands Waterways Infrastructure and Facilities Guidelines (Attachment 7); and

8.3. Design Guidelines for Docklands floating assets (Attachment 8).

Attachments: 1. Supporting Attachment 2. Summary of contents of Docklands Vessel Traffic Study, Infrastructure and Facilities Recommendations and Design Guidelines for floating assets 3. Docklands Vessel Traffic Study Executive Summary 4. Docklands Vessel Traffic Management Plan 5. Docklands Vessel Traffic Management Plan, A4 6. Docklands Vessel Traffic Management Plan Appendix 6, Stakeholder Interviews 7. Design Guidelines for floating assets including marinas and walkways 8. Docklands Waterways Marine Infrastructure and Facilities Recommendations 2 Attachment 1 Page 3 of 157 Agenda Item 5.4 Docklands Coordination Committee SUPPORTING ATTACHMENT 24 March 2011


1. There are no legal implications arising directly from the recommendation of this report. Legal advice and assistance will be provided when and as required in relation to specific issues arising from these strategic documents.


2. The Design for Docklands Floating Assets contains recommendations regarding the standards applicable to marine floating assets. This has implications for existing assets that are managed by the City of Melbourne which will require some upgrades. These works proposals will be put forward as part of the Council’s budget process.

Conflict of interest

3. No member of Council staff, or other person engaged under a contract, involved in advising on or preparing this report has declared a direct or indirect interest in relation to the matter of the report.

Stakeholder consultation

4. The Docklands Vessel Traffic Study, Docklands Waterways Infrastructure and Facilities Guidelines and Design Guidelines for Docklands floating assets were presented to key external and internal agency stakeholders. Stakeholders were encouraged to provide feedback and overall, they noted that the information and recommendations were useful and relevant to Docklands Waterways as a developing precinct. Some stakeholders expressed concerns and these are summarised in the report.

Relation to Council policy

5. The recommendations contained in the documents are in line with the Docklands Waterways Strategic Plan 2009-2018.


1. The Docklands Vessel Traffic Study and Traffic Management Plan:

1.1 Identifies current, approved and projected river traffic volumes that are likely to be active within Docklands;

1.2 Characterises planned developments for Victoria Harbour and the north and south banks of the Yarra River;

1.3 Determines the likely pattern of use from key water-based users in Docklands;

1.4 Estimates likely traffic volumes in the Docklands area over a 5 and 10 year horizon;

1.5 Identifies potential bottlenecks, vessel traffic congestion, conflicts between users and safety hazards; and

1.6 Provides management recommendations for:

1.6.1 Traffic Safety

1.6.2 Event Management

1.6.3 Traffic flows and volumes

1.6.4 Marina design

1.6.5 Central Pier navigation issues

1.6.6 Proposed Community Boating Hub

1.6.7 Rowing in Docklands

1.6.8 Public berths

1.6.9 Proposed Marine Precinct

1.6.10 Commercial Berthing planned for North Bank of the Yarra; and

1.6.11 A Fairway Plan for Victoria Harbour

2. The “Docklands Waterways Infrastructure and Facilities Guidelines” provide recommendations and development considerations for the type of infrastructure that would be required at berth and onshore across the six major categories outlined in the Docklands Waterways Strategic Plan:

2.1 Private, public and super yacht berthing

2.2 Onshore Commercial and Transport activities

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2.3 Community Boating Hub

2.4 Regulatory and Emergency operations

2.5 Marine precinct

2.6 Recreation and Tourism

3. The Guidelines also provide an audit of existing infrastructure, a high level cost plan and recommendations for upgrading items that do not meet best practice standards.

4. “Design Guidelines for Docklands Floating Assets including marinas and walkways” encourage developers to use established proven practices and cohesive design features. The Design Guidelines provide clarification around water related standards and apply to marine floating walkways and pontoons that will eventually become the assets of, or be vested in, the City of Melbourne within the Docklands Area.

5. These Design Guidelines are intended to be a supplement to the Design and Construction (D and C) Standards for Public Infrastructure Works in the Docklands Area.

2 Page 6 of 157 Attachment 3 QH@C:JR V VC `:``1H  %R7 Agenda Item 5.4 Future Melbourne Committee 24 March 2011 Docklands Vessel Traffic Study Vessel Traffic Management Plan Executive Summary VG`%:`7 

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1 Parks Victoria. Event Management Precincts for Yarra and Maribyrnong Rivers (including Victoria Harbour) Recommended Activities and Event Directions 8 Page 28 of 157 QH@C:JR V VC `:``1H  %R7

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3 Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority(1994) Environmental Guidelines for Marinas in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, Townsville, Qld. 10 Page 30 of 157 QH@C:JR V VC `:``1H  %R7

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4 The Shoreline development plan has been subsequently revised. See final traffic management plan 12 Page 32of157

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5 City of Melbourne (2010) unpublished data. 15 Page 35 of 157

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6 Waterways Working Group (2011) Developer Guidelines for Marine Infrastructure and Facilities. Report by City of Melbourne, VicUrban and Parks Victoria as guidance for Docklands Developers, Melbourne, Victoria. 25 Page 45 of 157

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• : %`R:7  VG`%:`7 ``QI  7 Q 76 • QJR:7  VG`%:`7 ``QI  7 Q 76 :JR • .%` R:7  VG`%:`7 ``QI  7 Q 78

7 Arrowsmith, Colin (2010) Docklands Vessel Traffic Research, RMIT University, unpublished report. 35 Page 55 of 157

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36 Page 56 of 157

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8 GHD Pty Ltd. (2006) Webb Dock Rail Link Water Craft Supply and Demand Forecasts Study Final Report. Prepared for Port Of Melbourne Corporation, Melbourne, Victoria 3000. 9 MacroPlan Australia Pty Ltd (2002) Additional Boat Forecasting for Docklands/Yarra Prepared for Melbourne Docklands Authority, August 2002. 10 Maunsell Pty Ltd (2002) Webb Dock Rail Link, River Craft Parameters Study 2. Prepared for Melbourne Port Corporation, January 2002 37 Page 57 of 157

.V 1IV .V G`1R$V `VI:1J HCQ VR Q :CCQ1 `:1J Q ]: 8 .V ]:`:IV V` `Q` V:H. IQRVC `%J :`V .Q1J 1J .V :GCV 7 QRVC QRVC V:` 1J1I%I 1IV G`1R$V `VI:1J 1IV G`1R$V `VI:1J HCQ VR `Q` `:1J 3Q8 Q]VJ Q `10V` `:``1H ^I1J% V _ `:``1H^I1J% V _           L   L   L   :GCV 1I%C: 1QJ 1J]% `Q` VGG QH@ $:1C (`1R$V 1I%C: 1QJ .V `V %C Q` .V 1I%C: 1QJ .Q1VR .: G7  : I:61I%I Q` GQ: 11CC GV _%V%1J$ 1J ]V:@ ]V`1QR 8 #7  : I:61I%I Q` Q Q` :CC GQ: 1Q%CR GV `V_%1`VR Q _%V%V ]V` R:7 :JR 1J L QJC7 RQ Q` :CC GQ: 1Q%CR JVVR Q _%V%V8 3C Q JQ GQ: 1Q%CR JVVR Q _%V%V IQ`V .:J  I1J% V 1J :J7 Q` .V IQRVC `%J '10VJ .: .V %R7 .: Q0V`RV 1I: VR .V J%IGV` Q` I:`1J: GV` . 1J QH@C:JR 1 1 C1@VC7 .: .V V `V %C 1Q%CR 1CC :JR 11 . IQ`V H%``VJ R: :8 >Q1V0V`5 1 1 %JC1@VC7 .V GQ: 1J$ HQII%J1 7 1Q%CR %]]Q` 1:1 1J$ 1IV Q`  I1J% V 8 %` .V VGG QH@ #`1R$V IQ0V `Q`1:`R5 `%` .V` HQJ %C : 1QJ 11 . .V HQIIV`H1:C :JR `VH`V: 1QJ:C GQ: 1J$ HQII1 VV .Q%CR GV HQJ 1RV`VR8

SRTTTU T'4#0123"730 $$'!%0-(#!2'-,1 .V  +10V` V VC `:``1H :J:$VIVJ  %R7 ^'VQ1IVJ 1QJ 5  _ 1I%C: VR `:``1H `Q` .V :`1JV `:J 1 QJV ^1.1H. 1 .V :IV :`V: : .V QH@C:JR  %R7 :`V:_ `Q`  :JR  ^ VV :GCV _8 .V ]`Q=VH 1QJ 1 G: VR QJ : 7J .V 1 Q` ]: %R1V 5 1J V`01V1 :JR `:``1H QG V`0: 1QJ 8

Hour 2005 2010 2015 2005 2010 2015 Density Density Density 6:00 2 4 7 0.04 0.07 0.12 7:00 12 21 23 0.2 0.36 0.38 8:00 24 34 41 0.4 0.58 0.69 9:00 22 50 61 0.37 0.84 1.03 10:00 25 55 70 0.42 0.93 1.18 11:00 20 53 72 0.34 0.89 1.22 12:00 18 58 68 0.31 0.98 1.15 13:00 28 63 65 0.48 1.06 1.1 14:00 24 59 67 0.41 1 1.14 15:00 17 50 52 0.29 0.85 0.88 16:00 17 43 50 0.29 0.73 0.84 17:00 18 36 46 0.31 0.61 0.77 18:00 18 41 46 0.3 0.69 0.78 19:00 16 41 43 0.28 0.7 0.73 20:00 18 37 41 0.3 0.62 0.69 21:00 6 28 27 0.1 0.46 0.46 22:00 7 25 25 0.11 0.41 0.42 23:00 1 14 15 0.02 0.24 0.25 Total 293 712 819 R R R :GCV  1I%C: VR `:``1H 0QC%IV `Q` .V :`1JV `:J 1 QJV V:@ %IIV` R:7 ^VQ1IVJ 1QJ 5  _ .V %R7 ]`V %IVR .: .V`V 1Q%CR GV : Q :C Q`  GV` . ]C:JJVR `Q` QH@C:JR 11 . Q Q` I:`1J: GV` . G%1C G7  :JR .V `VI:1J1J$ GV` . G7  8 .1 : %I] 1QJ Q0V`V 1I: VR .V

38 Page 58 of 157

:H %:C J%IGV` Q` GV` . ]C:JJVR `Q` QH@C:JR G7   GV` .  11 . QJC7 : C1 CV Q0V` .:C` .V Q :C J%IGV` Q` GV` . G%1C G7 8 ( VJ 1:CC7 .V V R1``V`VJHV IV:J .: .V 1I%C: VR `:``1H V 1I: V `Q`  :`V RVC:7VR %J 1C  :JR .V  V 1I: V RVC:7VR %J 1C  11 . .V  `1$%`V Q0V`1J`C: VR G7 :]]`Q61I: VC7  GQ: ]V` R:7 ^8 Q_ :JR .V  `1$%`V Q0V`1J`C: VR G7 GQ: ]V` R:7 ^ 8Q_8

Hour 2005 2015 2020 2005 2015 2020 Density Density Density 6:00 2 4 7 0.07 0.13 0.23 7:00 12 21 23 0.40 0.70 0.77 8:00 24 34 41 0.80 1.13 1.37 9:00 22 50 61 0.73 1.67 2.03 10:00 25 55 70 0.83 1.83 2.33 11:00 20 53 72 0.67 1.77 2.40 12:00 18 58 68 0.60 1.93 2.27 13:00 28 63 65 0.93 2.10 2.17 14:00 24 59 67 0.80 1.97 2.23 15:00 17 50 52 0.57 1.67 1.73 16:00 17 43 50 0.57 1.43 1.67 17:00 18 36 46 0.60 1.20 1.53 18:00 18 41 46 0.60 1.37 1.53 19:00 16 41 43 0.53 1.37 1.43 20:00 18 37 41 0.60 1.23 1.37 21:00 6 28 27 0.20 0.93 0.90 22:00 7 25 25 0.23 0.83 0.83 23:00 1 14 15 0.03 0.24 0.50 Total 293 712 819 - - - :GCV  "R=% VR .Q%`C7 `:``1H 0QC%IV :JR RVJ 1 1V `Q` QH@C:JR V:@ `:``1H8 :GCV  .Q1 :R=% IVJ Q ]`Q=VH VR .Q%`C7 `:``1H G: VR QJ H.:J$V ``QI .V : %I] 1QJ I:RV 1J  Q IQ`V :HH%`: V V 1I: V : Q` %C7 8 %J :RR1 1QJ 0V VC RVJ 1 1V .:0V GVVJ :R=% VR8 .V  RVJ 1 1V .Q1J 1J :GCV  1V`V H:CH%C: VR QJ : Q :C :`V: Q` .VH :`V Q` J:01$:GCV 1: V`8 .1 :`V: R1R JQ :HHQ%J `Q` .V :`V: CQ Q I:`1J: :JR Q .V` `%H %`V :C V`1J$ `:``1H 1J 1H Q`1: >:`GQ%` :JR .V :``: +10V`8 .VJ .V V :R=% IVJ :`V I:RV .V`V 1 QJC7 :]]`Q61I: VC7  .VH :`V Q` J:01$:GCV 1: V` 1J .V QH@C:JR  %R7 :`V:8 .1 1JH`V: V `:``1H RVJ 1 7 11 . RVJ 1 1V `V:H.1J$ *3 CV0VC # ^ GQ: ]V` .VH :`V_ G7 8 .V V V 1I: V :`V ]`QG:GC7 1CC 1J`C: VR : :JVHRQ :C 1J`Q`I: 1QJ `Q` :@V.QCRV` :JR `:``1H HQ%J 1J :J%:`7  1JR1H: V .: `VH`V: 1QJ:C GQ: 1J$ .: JQ 1JH`V: VR : :J 1H1]: VR8 .1 1 ]`QG:GC7 R%V Q .V CQ1 ]VVR C1I1 1J .V :``: +10V` RQ1J `V:I ``QI QH@C:JR 8 .1 IV:J :``101J$ Q QH@C:JR G7 GQ: ``QI Q` .1CC1] #:7 1 CQ1V` .:J V1 .V` ]%GC1H `:J ]Q` Q` ]`10: V H:`8 :`1J: :J:$V` `V]Q` .: IQ `VH`V: 1QJ:C GQ: 1J$ `:``1H :`V ]CV: %`V H`%1 1J$ Q` 1$. VV1J$ 1.1H. IV:J .V CQ1 ]VVR RQ JQ RV `:H ``QI .V1` V6]V`1VJHV8 >Q1V0V` ]`10: V >HQII% V`? `:``1H 1Q%CR JQ `1JR `:0VCC1J$ G7 GQ: ``QI Q` .1CC1] #:7 Q QH@C:JR Q GV : ]`:H 1H:C :C V`J: 10V8 %` .V V ]`Q=VH 1QJ :`V HQ``VH 1 1JR1H: V .: `:``1H CV0VC `Q` IQ Q`1 VR `VH`V: 1QJ GQ: V` :JR HQIIV`H1:C 0V VC 11CC `VI:1J 1VCC 11 .1J :`V CV0VC 1J Q  : 1VCC : 11 .1J H:]:H1 7 CV0VC RV`1JVR G7 .V V $`Q%] 1J .V *3 1Q`@ .Q] 8 >Q1V0V`5 `Q` .V QH@C:JR :H. )C%G :JR `:$QJ #Q: 1H Q`1: V0VJ .V V CQ1 `:``1H RVJ 1 1V I:7 R1I1J1 . _%:C1 7 Q` V6]V`1VJHV `Q` `:1J1J$ :JR V0VJ 1J 1H Q`1: >:`GQ%`8

11 Total estimated number of berths as of July 2010 is 501 private berths and.103 public berths and 5 commercial berths for a total of 609 berths. 39 Page 59 of 157

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SW ..#,"'6TT4'12-$2 )#&-*"#01 Organisation Name Job Title Schools and Recreation Organisations Docklands Yacht Club David Staley Secretary Dragon Boats Victoria Jonathan Mayne Regional and Corporate Events Director Dragon Boats Victoria Paul Boucher Regional Events Coordinator Dragon Boats Victoria Serghei Cucsa Head Coach Genazzano FCJ College Lachlan Beckett Director of Rowing Melbourne Argonauts Rowing Club Benjamin Ratcliffe Captain Melbourne Outrigger Canoe Club Jason Shepherd President Mercantile Rowing Club Alastair Isherwood Head Coach Mercantile Rowing Club Steve Macek Secretary Rowing Victoria Nick Gall CEO Tallships Victoria Peter Harris Director Victorian Institue of Sports Chris O'Brien Head Rowing Coach Xavier College Julian Whitehead Rowing Coordinator Commercial Bay City Cruises Jeffrey Gordon Proprietor Boating Industry Association Victoria Clyde Batty General Manager Charter Boat Association of Victoria James Gantidis President Classic Steamboat Cruises Hamish Turner Cruise Victoria (Sea Melbourne) Shane Lansdell Maribyrnong River Cruises Peter Somerville Melbourne Star Cruises Leigh Doeg Proprietor Melbourne Tramboat Cruises Anthony Purcell Melbourne Water Taxis Pty Ltd Andrew Bird Party Boat Cruises Bobby Gorgioski Pleasure Boat Cruises Keith Rankin Proprietor Port of Melbourne Corporation Glenn Santos Rivers Restaurant Cruises Lou Javanovski Williamstown Bay and River Cruises P/L Mark Davy Developers and Marina Managers City of Melbourne Adam Buchholtz Coordinator Waterways Operations Ing Real Estate Kyle Johnston General Manager Asset Operations Lend Lease Karen Woo Community Development Manager Victoria Harbour Lend Lease Peter Thomas Project Director New Business Development MAB Jenny Psihogios Development Manager MAB Nathan Gill Marina Manager (former) Mirvac Brett Howlett Senior Development Manager Mirvac Mark Trovato Trainee Development Manager Pier 35 and Victoria Harbour Tony Bright Yarra's Edge Marina Allan Cayzer Marina Manager Waterways Working Group Parks Victoria Craig Lupton Ranger in Charge VicUrban Michelle Augier Development Manager-Docklands City of Melbourne Aly O’Brien Waterways Program Manager :GCV  1 Q`  :@V.QCRV`

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83 .V 1J V` VH 1QJ Q` #Q%`@V :JR )QCC1J  `VV 5 *VJR *V: V ]C:J QJ .:01J$ : `:I V`I1J:C5 %GC1H C:<: :JR : RQH@ `V: %`1J$ .V 3CI: QV]VC8 8*VJR *V: V .: GVVJ : @VR Q I:@V ]:` Q` 1 1: V```QJ :0:1C:GCV `Q` HQIIV`H1:C GV` .1J$ :JR ]1H@ %] :JR R`Q] Q`` `%JH 1QJ 8 .V `QCCQ11J$ :`V: .:0V GVVJ 1RVJ 1`1VR ^3CC 1CC %G=VH Q : V` C:J 3]]`Q0:C_7 • V`I:JVJ #V` .1J$ • Q 3% `:C1:J .:`` (: ^#V 1VVJ )QCC1J *:JR1J$  3% `:C1:J @%:7_ • Q 3% `:C1:J .:`` V T Q0V``CQ1 IQQ`1J$ ^#V 1VVJ QH@ _%:`V :JR .:`` :`@ • Q #Q%`@V QH@ T (6.1G1 1QJ #V` . `Q` 3CI: QV]VC • 1H@ ]  `Q] 6`` • Q .:`` :`@5 3% `:C1:J @%:7  #Q%`@V QH@ • 6 .V` Q]]Q` %J1 1V : RV 1`VR RV]VJR1J$ QJ C:7Q%  RV 1$J T : V` C:<:-

.V `V_%1`VR IQQ`1J$ ]QJ QQJ 5 :HHV 1GCV :HHV `:I] :JR :J7 V`01HV ]`Q01 1QJ 11CC GV ]`Q01RVR G7 : `% %`V 1.:`` I:J:$V`8

58 Page 78 of 157

SZ ..#,"'6WT%0-.-1#"0 !'*'27#/3'0#+#,21$-0-++3,'27 +- 2',%63  .V ]`Q]Q VR `V_%1`VIVJ `Q` .V )QII%J1 7 #Q: 1J$ >%G `V]Q` VR 1J .1 VH 1QJ :`V ]`Q01RVR G7 .V )QIG1JVR 3 QH1: 1QJ  VV`1J$ )QII1 VV 1.1H. 1 HQI]`1 VR Q` 1H Q`1:J `:$QJ #Q: 3 QH1: 1QJ %JH85 QHC:JR :H. )C%G %JH8 :JR VCGQ%`JV 6% `1$$V` ):JQV )C%G %JH8

SZTS %0-.-1 *$0-+2&#-+ ',#"11-!' 2'-,12##0',%-++'22## .0'*TRSR (Victorian Dragon Boat Association Inc, Docklands Yacht Club Inc & Melbourne Outrigger Canoe Club Inc) SZTT !'1'-, Establish a world class community boating facility to provide participation, skill development and competition opportunities that are accessible and affordable for Docklands residents and workers and attracts people from the broader metropolitan area, interstate and overseas. SZTU $'11'-, Three established boating organisations based in Victoria Harbour have developed a shared vision for a new boating facility as their contribution to enhancing the variety of recreation and wellness amenity in this vibrant new community. The facility, will take advantage of this unique and iconic harbour basin at the centre of the Docklands redevelopment. Working in close cooperation, the clubs will provide opportunities for people to be trained and participate safely in organised and supervised boating activities in a sheltered waterway within 3km of the centre of Melbourne’s CBD. The facilities and programs will be accessible, inclusive, affordable and enjoyable, catering for ages and abilities. SZTV #,#0 *+3'*"',%(#1!0'.2'-, Proposed Facility Victoria Harbour Community Boating Centre Location Vicinity of Dock Place, facing Victoria Harbour

Dimensions Approximately 1,000m2 floor area x two levels Construction Steel portal frame with recycled timber and metal cladding Estimated Cost Construction & Fit-out $5-7M Uses Boating events, boating education & training, recreational boating, meetings, social activities, equipment storage Tenants Victorian Dragon Boat Association, Docklands Yacht Club & Melbourne Outrigger Canoe Club

SZTW 0-3,"0*--0 .V $`Q%JR `CQQ` 1 ]`1I:`1C7 `Q` #Q:  Q`:$V :JR :1J VJ:JHV RV 1$JVR `Q` :`V5 V``1H1VJ IQ0VIVJ Q` GQ: ``QI Q`:$V Q .V C:%JH.1J$ ]QJ QQJ8 (:H. HC%G 11CC `V_%1`V V]:`: V Q`:$V :`V: 11 . `V_%1`VIVJ %J1_%V Q .V `V_%1`VIVJ Q` .V GQ: .Q% VR G7 V:H. HC%G8 VH%`1 7 Q .V GQ: Q`:$V :JR I:1J VJ:JHV :`V: 1 1I]Q` :J 11 . V]:`: V VH%`1 7 :HHV `Q` V:H. HC%G Q`:$V :`V:8

59 Page 79 of 157

SZTWTS ),207 ,"!!#11 .V $`Q%JR `CQQ` VJ `7 .Q%CR .:0V : `Q7V` 11 . :J :`V: `Q` R1 ]C:78 .V VJ 1`V G%1CR1J$ 1JHC%R1J$ GQ: Q`:$V :`V: :JR `1` `CQQ` .Q%CR .:0V 1.VVCH.:1` :HHV 11 . : HQIG1J: 1QJ Q` :1`1:7 :JR C1` Q .V `1` `CQQ`8 .V G%1CR1J$ .Q%CR .:0V  .Q%` :HHV 11 . V]:`: V VH%`1 7 ]`Q01 1QJ `Q` .V GQ: Q`:$V :`V: `Q` .V .`VV HC%G 8 ]VH1`1H :HHV `V_%1`VIVJ `Q` GQ: Q`:$V :JR I:1J VJ:JHV :`V: `Q` V:H. HC%G JVVR Q GV HQJ 1RV`VR : .V `V_%1`VIVJ :`V %J1_%V Q V:H. GQ: 7]V :JR : QH1: VR V_%1]IVJ 8 %J$`V :JR V$`V ``QI .V GQ: Q`:$V :`V: 1 1I]Q` :J 11 . :HHV ``QI GQ . .V `VV 1RV :JR .V 1: V` 1RV 1 JVHV :`78 +VHQIIVJRVR HV1C1J$ .V1$. :C Q 0:`7 `Q` V:H. HC%G T .1 :JR Q .V` `%H %`:C RV :1C 11CC JVVR Q GV `V QC0VR R%`1J$ .V RV 1$J ]`QHV 8

SZTWTT $#* -30,#320'%%#0 ,-#*3 2-0 %#0#/3'0#+#,21 • *:`$V H:JQV Q`:$V :`V: • 3 I1J1I%I HV1C1J$ .V1$. 1J .V H:JQV Q`:$V :`V: Q` I 1 `V_%1`VR G% ]`V`V`:GC7 I Q :CCQ1 V``1H1VJ Q`:$V Q` H:JQV :JR Q .V` V_%1]IVJ 8 • 3 `QCCV` RQQ` Q]VJ1J$ Q `%CC .V1$. Q` HV1C1J$ 1 `V_%1`VR Q :CCQ1 $QQR :HHV `Q` C:`$V H:JQV 8 %RV:CC7 1I1C:` `QCCV` RQQ` :HHV ``QI GQ . .V ``QJ :JR `V:` Q` .V G%1CR1J$8 • % 1 V VJ 1:C .: :HHV 1IIVR1: VC7 Q% 1RV .V `QCCV` RQQ` 1 %H. .: : 8 I 11RV :JR I CQJ$ H:JQV `:J ]Q` `:1CV` H:J GV I:JQV%0`VR 1J :JR Q% Q` .V Q`:$V :`V:8 • ):JQV .VI VC0V :`V IV V` CQJ$ :JR : %H. .Q` V 1J V`J:C R1IVJ 1QJ Q` G%1CR1J$ H:JQV Q`:$V :`V: .Q%CR GV I1J1I%I  I8 .V V H:JQV 11CC GV Q`VR QJ .V `CQQ` Q` .V G%1CR1J$8 3 `:H@1J$ 7 VI I:7 GV :J Q] 1QJ8 • 6JV 1:CC Q .:0V HQIIV`H1:C 1:`V.Q% V Q`:$V .VC01J$8 6]]Q 1 V 1:CC Q GV :GCV Q :@V `:H@ `Q` QJVRI:J H:JQV ^:]]`Q6 @$ 1J 1V1$. V:H._8 `QG:GC7 Q0V` VJ 1`V %``:HV :`V: Q` 1:CC ^``QJ Q G:H@ Q` G%1CR1J$_8 • ( VJ 1:C .: : CV: 8 I 1:C@1J$ ]:HV GV 1VVJ H:JQV `:H@ :JR `CQQ` Q`:$V Q` C:`$V` I:J H:JQV 8 •  :JR:`R :I] ]Q1V` Q% CV `V_%1`VR V`01H1J$ :CC :`V: Q` .V Q`:$V :`V:8 • 6JV  :I] ]Q1V` Q% CV `V_%1`VR HCQ V Q `QCCV` RQQ` Q]VJ1J$8 • %1 :GCV VCVH `1H C1$. 1J$8 3G1C1 7 Q % V J: %`:C C1$. 1J R:7C1$. .Q%` ]`V`V`:GCV8 • CQQ` Q` :`V: .Q%CR GV `1J1 .VR %H. .: H:J GV HCV:JVR V: 1C7 11 . ]Q1V` .Q V :JRLQ` IQ] V H8 • 1 :GCVR 3HHV V +QQI ^.V: VR_ o  Q1CV o  G: 1J o  .Q1V`

SZTWTU (0 %-,+- 2!'!2-0' 2-0 %##/3'0#+#,21 •  `:$QJ GQ: T HQ%CR GV Q`VR QJ : `:H@5 `QCCV` .Q%CR GV `1 VR Q ]Q 1 1QJ 8# QJ Q `:H@ ^ .1 1 JQ : ]`V`V``VR Q] 1QJ : .V`V :`V 6>U 1 %V _ •  .V:R :JR  :1C • 1VV] Q:` •  `:R1 1QJ:C `%I • :RRCV T  U ^8I 6 8I_

60 Page 80 of 157

• *1`V :H@V T  U ^.QQ@ :JRLQ` ]1$VQJ .QCVR_ • 1` :1R T ):G1JV Q` : CV: : 1` 31R +QQI • :GCV ^ _ ^8 I 6 I_ • ).:1` ^_ • )QI]V 1 1QJ V_%1]IVJ 5 #%Q7 :JR :JH.Q` 5 `Q]V :JR H.:1J 5 GQCC:`R 5 • VJ ^ _5 #:JJV` :JR ]QCV 5 • 1 HVCC:JVQ% V_%1]IVJ 5 *Q%R.:1CV` 5 HC1] GQ:`R 5 V H • )QI]% V` V_%1]IVJ 5 IQJ1 Q` 5 H:GCV 5 Q1V` 5 V H Q `%J `V$: : • VJ 1C: 1QJ T *1`V =:H@V $V 1V :JR JVVR Q GV .%J$ %] :JR :1` Q `CQ1 .`Q%$. `Q` R`71J$ • *QH@V` `Q` HC%G :JR V:I ^U_ • Q` .V1` 1JR101R%:C C1`V =:H@V ^ _ • Q` .V ]:RRCV ^ _ • 6 .V` I1 HVCC:JVQ% 1 VI 5

SZTWTV (-!)* ,"1, !&2*3 2-0 %#0#/3'0#+#,21 • 2.4M wide access doors on road side and water side to allow through access for trailers • Without steps, steep ramps or barriers between storage area and pontoon access ramp • Ideally have 6M roof & doorway clearance (allows for training boats rigged on trolleys), however a 2.8M ceiling height is feasible if there is sufficient room outside to rig & derig adjacent to the storage area. Racks for masts & booms would also be required if boats must be derigged • 24 hour access • Good security • Current DYC Equipment: • 2: Access Breeze (Ballasted Sailing Dinghies) 2.3M x 1.25M x 0.45M (unrigged) / 4.2M (rigged) plus ballasted centreboard, rudder & rudder box, mast, boom, sail • 5: Access 2.3 (Ballasted Sailing Dinghies) 2.3M x 1.25M x 0.45M (unrigged) / 4.2M (rigged) plus ballasted centreboard, rudder & rudder box, mast, boom, sail • 2: Access 303 (Ballasted Sailing Dinghies) 3.03M x 1.35M x 0.5M (unrigged) / 4.8M (rigged) plus ballasted centreboard, rudder & rudder box, main mast, foremast, boom, sails • 1: Zodiac Zoom (Inflatable Safety Boat) 3.1M x 1.4M x 0.5M (on wheels, ex motor) plus 4hp Motor • 1: Avon (Inflatable Safety Boat) 3.4M x 1.6M x 0.9M (on trailer) plus 20hp Motor • 1: Bermuda (Aluminium Safety Boat) 3.8M x 1.7M x 1.2M (on trailer) plus 15hp Motor • 2: Access Shore Shuttles (boat trolleys) • 1: C-Crane personal transfer hoist and dock mounting • 10: PFD1 Foam Buoyancy Type Life Jackets • 10: PFD1 Inflatable Type Life Jackets • 20: PFD2 Foam Buoyancy Type Life Jackets • 5: 600mm dia. Race Buoys and ground tackle • Race Management Equipment including – Radios, Flags, Horn, Megaphones, • 6 Outdoor Tables, 60 Outdoor Chairs • Desk, Fridge, Storage Cupboards etc. • Proposed additional DYC Equipment by 2011: • 2: Access 303 (Ballasted Sailing Dinghies) 3.03M x 1.35M x 0.5M (unrigged) / 4.8M (rigged) plus ballasted centreboard, rudder & rudder box, main mast, foremast, boom, sails 61 Page 81 of 157

• 6: Pacer Sailing Dinghies 3.8M x 1.35M x 0.8M (unrigged on trolley) / 6.0M (rigged on trolley) plus rudder & rudder box, main mast, boom, sails • 2: Access Liberty (Ballasted Sailing Dinghies) 3.6M x 1.35M x 0.6M (unrigged) / 5.8M (rigged) plus ballasted centreboard, rudder & rudder box, main mast, foremast, boom, sails • 1: Inflatable Safety Boat 4.2M x 1.9M x 1.0M (on trailer) plus 25hp Motor • ‘Wet training Area An area of approximately 3 x 4M within the storage facility should be set aside as a ‘wet’ training area. • Additional secure storage space is also required for equipment belonging to visiting sailors and Yachting Victoria. Suggest allow for: • 2: Access 303 (Ballasted Sailing Dinghies) 3.03M x 1.35M x 0.5M (unrigged) / 4.8M (rigged) plus ballasted centreboard, rudder & rudder box, main mast, foremast, boom, sails • 6: Pacer Sailing Dinghies 3.8M x 1.35M x 0.8M (unrigged on trolley) / 6.0M (rigged on trolley) plus rudder & rudder box, main mast, boom, sails • Outboard fuel storage locker SZTX 0'0120*--0 .V `1` `CQQ` 11CC .Q : J%IGV` Q` .:`VR `:H1C1 1V 1JHC%R1J$7 • Q1CV • .Q1V` • ).:J$V :H1C1 1V • V 3HHV • 6``1HV • VV 1J$ +QQI • QH1:C +QQI • V1 H.VJV V • )QIIV`H1:C V1 H.VJ • #:` • ]]V` *V0VC  Q`:$V • )QJ `QC Q1V` • VCV].QJV :JR %J V`JV :HHV .V ]VH1`1H `V_%1`VIVJ 1J V`I Q` _%:J 1 7 :JR R1IVJ 1QJ 1CC JVVR Q GV ]VH1`1VR 1J IQ`V RV :1C :JR 11CC `V_%1`V .V V`01HV Q` :J :`H.1 VH Q 1Q`@ 11 . .V .`VV HC%G 8 .V `QCCQ11J$ VH 1QJ C1 IQ`V RV :1CVR `V_%1`VIVJ ]`Q01RVR G7 HC%G 8 .V CV0VC Q` RV :1C 0:`1V 11 . V:H. HC%G5 G% 11CC V`0V : : :` 1J$ ]Q1J `Q` : IQ`V HQI]CV V RV 1$J ]`Q$`:I8

SZTXTS $#* -30,#320'%%#0 ,-#*3 $'012$*--00#/3'0#+#,21 • ).:J$1J$L .Q1V`L Q1CV `:H1C1 7 • ).:J$1J$ `:H1C1 7 ^I:CV :JR `VI:CV_8 3 :JR:`R QJV ]V` QJ R1 :GCVR :HHV Q1CV L .Q1V`LH.:J$V :`V: .Q%CR GV :0:1C:GCV QJ .V $`Q%JR `CQQ`8 • V `QQI RV 1$J Q `:H1C1 : V HCV:J1J$8 >V: VR8 • :CV ).:J$1J$ +QQI7

o  ]V` QJ %`1J:C o  :CC 62 Page 82 of 157

o  G: 1J o  .Q1V` o  CQH@V` • VI:CV ).:J$1J$ +QQI7

o  :CC o  G: 1J o  .Q1V` o  CQH@V` • 1` `CQQ` Q``1HVLIVV 1J$ ]:HV ^.V: VR_ • 6``1HV ]:HV Q :HHQIIQR: V .`VV Q``1HV RV @ 5 H.:1` :JR `1C1J$ H:G1JV 8 • Q1V` Q% CV 5 VCV].QJV :JR JV 1Q`@1J$ `:H1C1 1V 8 • V]:`: V #`V:@Q% +QQI R ]`V VJ : 1QJ :JR IVV 1J$ `QQI `:H1C1 7

SZTXTT (0 %-,+- 21!'!2-0' $'012$*--00#/3'0#+#,21 ] :1` `Q` I%C 1 `%JH 1QJ 5 HQJ`V`VJHV LHQ%` V 5 IVV 1J$ 5 G:` :JR CQ%J$V5 `QQR ]`V]:`: 1QJ :`V: ^JQ `%CC `:H1C1 1V .Q1V0V` @1 H.VJV V 1Q%CR GV %1 :GCV_5 Q1CV ^ R_5 G:CHQJ7 11 . Q% RQQ` H.:1` :JR :GCV 5 JQ 1HV GQ:`R ^0V`7 C:`$V5 ]1J GQ:`R :JR 1.1 V GQ:`R _ 88 :JR HQI]% V` V_%1]IVJ 5 R1$1 :C ]`Q=VH Q` :JR H`VVJ8

SZTY +6(-!) ," +. .V .`VV HC%G .:0V ]% Q$V .V`  :C V`J: 10V ]`Q]Q :C `Q` .V QH@ :JR +:I] `Q` .V )QII%J1 7 #Q: 1J$ >%G8 .V ]VH1`1H: 1QJ :`V : `QCCQ1 7 • *VJ$ . Y I • 1R . Y I • >V1$. ``QI 1: V` CV0VC Q RVH@ Q` ]QJ QQJ Y HI • *:%JH. `QCCV` : GQ . VJR Y 8 I 11RV  .:]VR • ':J$1:7 11R . Y 8 I • 1 :JHV GV 1VVJ )CV: Y I • #Q: H:J *:%JH. Q`` GQ . 1RV Q` QH@

SZTYTS (-!) ," +.%0-.-1 *S 1$%`V  .Q1 .V `1` ]`Q]Q :C `Q` .V )QII%J1 7 #Q: 1J$ >%G QH@ :JR +:I]8 3 1J$CV ':J$1:7 8 I 11RV CQ]V RQ1J ``QI .V .Q`VC1JV RQ1J Q 1: V`C1JV Q .V QH@8

63 Page 83 of 157

Rubber Rubber Edging Rollers

Melbourne Dragon Melbourne Outrigger Boats Yacht Club Victoria Club

1$%`V  `Q]Q :C  `Q` &QII%J1 7 (Q: 1J$ )%G QH@ :JR $:I]

SZTYTT (-!) ," +.%0-.-1 *T


Outriggers Dragon Boat Yaght Club

1$%`V  `Q]Q :C  `Q` &QII%J1 7 (Q: 1J$ )%G QH@ :JR $:I] 1$%`V  .Q1 :J :C V`J: 10V ]`Q]Q :C `Q` .V )QII%J1 7 #Q: 1J$ >%G QH@ :JR +:I]8 %J .1 ]`Q]Q :C .V ]VH1`1H: 1QJ `Q` .V QH@ :`V .V :IV : 1J `Q]Q :C 5 G% .1 RV 1$J .: 1Q $:J$1:7 RQ1J Q .V QH@8 .1 RV 1$J :CCQ1 `Q` GV V` :`V 7 : .V 1Q $:J$1:7 :CCQ1 1Q 1:7 `CQ1 Q` `:``1H8

SZTZ 2�)62#0, *0 !'*'2'#1

External facilities should include: • Viewing Deck/balcony • Boat rigging and wash-down area adjacent to storage area and pontoon access ramp (suggest minimum 10 x 25 M) • Cold water tap for boat wash-down • Shaded / rain protected rest areas near pontoon access ramp

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• Flagmast (6-10M high) visible from harbour and club social facilities fitted with 1 or 2 halyards • Weather Station • Signage • Minimum of 4 disabled parking spaces within 100M • Short term (5 min?) drop-off parking area adjacent to club • Trailer Parking • Major event overflow boat storage area nearby (would only be used 1-2 times each year • Plentiful car parking as close as possible.

65 Page 85 of 157 Page 86 of 157 Attachment 6 QH@C:JR V VC `:``1H  %R7 Agenda Item 5.4 Future Melbourne Committee 24 March 2011 Docklands Vessel Traffic Study Vessel Traffic Management Plan Appendix 6 Stakeholder Interviews  VG`%:`7 

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20 Page 109 of 157 Attachment 7 Agenda Item 5.4 Future Melbourne Committee 24 March 2011

Design Guidelines

Docklands floating assets including marinas and walkways

August 2010

Design Guidelines Docklands floating assets including marinas and walkways. Page 1 of 9 Doc# 5782143 Page 110 of 157


1. Scope ...... 3 2. Definitions of Terms...... 4 3. Design Methodology ...... 5 4. Standard design details for floating walkways ...... 5 4.1. Gangways...... 5 4.4. Gates...... 5 4.7. Light levels...... 5 4.9. Pontoon Surface Finish ...... 5 4.13. Pontoon Width ...... 6 4.19. Dead Water Zone and fall prevention...... 6 5. Standard design details for all pontoons & walkways ...... 7 5.1. Design life and durability design requirements ...... 7 5.5. Relevant Australian standards...... 7 5.8. Material insulation...... 7 5.10. Safety Equipment...... 7 5.16. Solid Waste...... 8 5.19. Pontoon construction ...... 8 6. References ...... 9

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1. Scope

The guideline has been produced to encourage the use of established proven practices, cohesive design features and provide clarification for conflicting standards.

It applies to marine floating walkways and pontoons that will eventually become the assets of, or be vested in, the City of Melbourne within the Docklands Area.

It is intended to be a supplement to the Design and Construction (D&C) Standards for Public Infrastructure Works in the Docklands Area and not serve as a comprehensive design manual. Please refer to the D&C standard for specific information relating to approval processes and maritime works.

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2. Definitions of Terms Berth position alongside or end on to a wharf or pontoon where a vessel can be secured Cleat fitting on a marina or vessel for securing mooring lines

Fairway Channel between rows of marina berths, or designated traffic lane through port area.

Fender An object or structure, attached to a wharf or vessel, designed to sit between and separate wharf and moored vessel. May be of a soft elastic material (eg rubber) designed to absorb excess berthing energy.

Freeboard Distance between the water level and the gunwale, deck, floor of a vessel or structure

Gangway Ramp connecting pontoon to shore, hinged to allow pontoon to move up and down with the tide.

Lowest Lowest tide that occurs due to astronomical forcing in a 19.6 year solar cycle. 0.04m Astronomical Tide above CD and 0.48m below AHD at Docklands. (LAT) Marina structure, usually floating, designed for berthing a large number of boats

Pedestal A pedestal on a marina or wharf containing lighting and connections for services, typically power and water. Also sometimes called a service pylon, pillar or bollard (marine)

Pontoon Steel or concrete box used to form floating walkway or berth.

Promenade Public area set aside as a pedestrian walk

Service pedestal A pedestal on a marina or wharf containing lighting and connections for services, typically power and water. Also sometimes called a service pylon, pillar or bollard (marine)

Walkway Marina pontoon providing pedestrian access between secondary walkway and the shore or as an alternative to a wharf promenade. Walkway Marina pontoon providing access between berths and primary walkway (secondary)

Wharf Structure, usually fixed, designed for berthing larger vessels and ships.

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3. Design Methodology

3.1. Ensure the pontoon contributes to (or creates) a sense of place and is integrated within the overall concept design for its area. The pontoon should not be an 'anywhere' response to this particular site. For example: This site has particularly interesting heritage (wharfs, rail tracks, moorings)

3.2. Ensure public berths, walkways and promenades are easily accessible and remain open for public purposes

3.3. Integrate, where appropriate, infrastructure to enhance visitor amenity including comfort and experience. The design and inclusion of appropriate infrastructure needs to consider the activity and purpose of the walkway or promenade. For example: seating, bins, lighting, shelters, drinking fountains, etc.

3.4. Ensure seating is placed purposefully (to take advantage of views)

3.5. Consider space for varied activities on the pontoon. For example: walking, pushing trollies, space for seating, photo opportunities, integration of safety needs. 4. Standard design details for floating walkways

4.1. Gangways

4.2. Ensure ease of movement for all users, Ensure that there is a choice of access points on to the promenade. Gangways between the upper and lower promenade should be spaced no more than 200 metres apart

4.3. Gradients of gangways should not exceed 1 in 8 when the tide is at LAT, or be steeper than 1 in 12 for more than 20% of the time. Gangways shall be provided with landings at intervals no greater than 15 m.

4.4. Gates 4.5. Gates are not be installed on public walkways.

4.6. Access infrastructure is not to impede view lines e.g from promenades and parks to waterways.

4.7. Light levels 4.8. Impediment to navigation occurs when lighting is directed out ward into the direction of approaching vessels. In practice a higher mounted lower intensity light should be adopted to control spill lighting.

4.9. Pontoon Surface Finish 4.10. Preferred surface finishes to pontoons include exposed aggregate, inclusion of graphite in the concrete surface or patterned finishes. A ‘stiff broom finish’ is not considered to be a suitable pontoon surface finish.

4.11. The pontoon should have sufficient slope/grade or finished crossfall to not allow pooling of water.

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4.12. Timber decking should not be used as a pontoon surface however is acceptable for access gangways and ramps.

4.13. Pontoon Width 4.14. If the walk way is to be a shared space providing for pedestrian movement and access to moored vessels then it should be designed to accommodate sufficient width and capacity to service pedestrians and boating needs. Main walkway pontoon clear widths should be 2m to 2.4m minimum width for pedestrian traffic. If bicycle traffic is encouraged then minimum pontoon clear width should increase to 3m to 3.5m. These widths allow for loading and unloading of vessels without disrupting walkway access. The clear width of walkways is defined as a line of sight between obstructions such as lights, cleats etc.

4.15. Sufficient consideration needs to be given to pedestrians falling into the water. It’s recommended that design features to reduce the risk of someone falling into the water are incorporated. Design features include clearly defined edge detail such as lighting, seating, kickers. Design feature inclusions need to consider the activity and purpose of the walkway or promenade.

4.16. Balustrades on pontoon walkways can have a negative impact if a person has fallen into the water. A balustrade may interfere with means of egress from the water back onto the floating walkway. If a balustrade is to be installed, consideration should be given to providing life rings on posts and/or access ladders.

4.17. Should a balustrade be installed it will allow for clear views of the adjacent waterway and have vertical rails at 80mm centres.

4.18. All exposed metal balustrades and handrails should be either stainless steel or aluminium.( Stainless steels should be equivalent to Grade 1.4436 (316) or Grade 1.4429 (316LN) or Duplex 1.4462 (2205). Aluminium Structural members should be Alloy 6060 – T5 , or equivalent. )

4.19. Dead Water Zone and fall prevention 4.20. The area between the hard wharf and the floating structure has the potential to present many problems. If the distance is not set correctly it could create a fall of over 2 meters, considered a fall hazard, at low tide and an area for flotsam to collect that is very difficult to remove.

4.21. It is suggested that a floating walkway be offset a significant distance from the wharf wall in order to allow for cleaning vessels (2.5m) and to prevent the creation of a fall hazard at low tide. Inclusion of detachable floating booms at each end of the waterway could also reduce the accumulation of flotsam between the pontoons and the wharf/quay line without interfering with water flow.

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5. Standard design details for all pontoons & walkways

5.1. Design life and durability design requirements 5.2. The minimum design life for all floating maritime structures shall be 25 years. Floating pontoon facilities incorporate materials, fittings and mechanisms that require regular maintenance and, as appropriate replacement over the design life of the overall facility. The designer /manufacturer of the floating pontoon facility is required to provide a recommended maintenance programme for the facility that, if followed is intended to maintain the floating pontoon facility in sound condition over the design life.

5.3. All cleat fixings, whaler fixings must be easily accessible to from the deck of the pontoon for servicing requirements.

5.4. Whaler fixings must not require re-tightening at intervals of less then six months, unless after storm event.

5.5. Relevant Australian standards. 5.6. Design of maritime works shall be based upon, but not limited to, the following standards:

ƒ Design of marinas AS 3962 ƒ Design of maritime structures AS 4997 ƒ Water Safety Signage AS 2416

5.7. The Design Methods, Construction Procedures and materials used in the design and construction of pontoons must comply with standards noted:

ƒ Aluminium AS/NZS 1664, (AS/NZS 1734, AS/NZS 1865, AS/NZS 1866, AS/NZS 1867, AS 2848.1, & AS/NZS 1665) ƒ Timber sections AS 1720.1 & AS 1604 ƒ Galvanizing AS 4680 ƒ Deck finish AS/NZS 4586 ƒ Concrete AS3600

5.8. Material insulation 5.9. All materials shall be sufficiently insulated particularly between aluminium, differing steel types and concrete. Where coating of the dissimilar materials is proposed as the method of insulation, the surfaces of both materials are to be coated.

5.10. Safety Equipment 5.11. Ladders or other means of exiting the water unassisted are required when freeboard exceeds 0.5m and should be placed no greater than 50m apart.

5.12. In areas used for berthing vessels it is agreed that installation of extraction ladders would greatly impede on boating access, as well as require too frequent placement, and as such is deemed not practical in these circumstances.

5.13. Lifebuoys to be installed every 150m on wharfs, at the head of marina gangways, and every 150m on pontoon arms where length exceeds 150m.

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5.14. Lifebuoys should not be secured by rope, wire or any other means as a tangled line can prevent the lifebuoy being deployed rapidly in an emergency.

5.15. A more comprehensive reference to water safety can be obtained in the VicUrban, Guidelines for Water Safety at the Melbourne Docklands (version 2.0)

5.16. Solid Waste 5.17. Consideration needs to be given to the placement, volume and ease of collection of solid waste at the entrance of the marina.

5.18. Should the waste receptacles cater for both the public and the marina a sufficient opening for large garbage bags will need to be provided

5.19. Pontoon construction 5.20. The pontoon should consist of concrete construction with polystyrene filling and secured by guide piles. The floating pontoon facility shall be of a floating modular construction, designed and built to be heavy duty and resistant to abuse and vandalism, of a high quality , appropriate for the marine environment and designed for a minimum design life of 25 years. The deck of the floating walkway shall have a low risk of slip ( high slip resistance) to provide a Class A Slip Resistance Surface in accordance with AS/NZS 4586- 2004 Table 4 – “ Classification of Pedestrian Surface Materials According To The Wet / Barefoot Ramp Test”. Decking materials shall be constructed from hard wearing durable materials, resistant to impacts and corrosion. Suitable materials include concrete, aluminium replas recycled plastics and Aqua Deck .Floatation modules are to be of positive buoyancy construction.

5.21. Floating structures must maintain a consistent (50mm reserve buoyancy )in accordance Cl 4.7.1(b) “ Floatation Loads “ of AS3962-2001, when the design floatation load of 3kPa ( Unrestricted Access ) is applied to the full length and width of the structure. The minimum freeboard to the top of the primary floatation unit under the most adverse combination of live load and environmental loads,should be 50mm and the opposite chine of the primary floatation unit should remain submerged under these conditions.)

5.22. Stability of structure under live load should consider load intensity on the whole deck as well as the part of the deck (e.g. one side of the structure centre line) For stability calculations the stability live load to be applied shall be 3kPa.

5.23. The range of freeboard required when the floating walkway is under self weight only is 400mm (minimum) to 550mm (maximum).

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6. References

Australian Standard, Guidelines for design of marinas AS 3962-2001

Australian Standard, Guidelines for the design of maritime Structures AS 4997-2005

City of Melbourne (2010) Draft Design and Construction Standards for Public Infrastructure Works in the Docklands Area version 1

GHD (2004), Docklands Marine Facilities Review – report prepared for VicUrban

Kinhill Pty Ltd, Public Safety on Wharves, Cummings P.D

Melbourne Docklands (2009), Docklands Waterways Strategic Plan 2009 - 2018

Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2007

VicUrban’s, Guidelines for Water Safety at the Melbourne Docklands (version 2.0 draft) Worley Parsons (2009), Draft Infrastructure and facilities plan - report prepared for City of Melbourne, VicUrban and Parks Victori

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Attachment 8 Agenda Item 5.4 Future Melbourne Committee 24 March 2011

Docklands Waterways Marine Infrastructure and Facilities Recommendations

November 2010

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1. INTRODUCTION ...... 4

1.1 Reference Documents ...... 4

1.1.1 Docklands Waterways Strategic Plan 2009-2018 (2009) ...... 4

1.1.2 Docklands Vessel Traffic Study (2010)...... 4

1.1.3 Docklands Design and Construction Standards (2005)...... 4

1.1.4 Charter Boat Industry Analysis – City of Melbourne (2010) ...... 4


2.1 Activity & Development considerations ...... 5

2.2 Audit of Existing Infrastructure...... 6

2.2.1 Audit Background...... 7

2.2.2 Audit Methodology ...... 7

2.2.3 Findings of Audit ...... 8

2.3 Cost Plan - General Assumptions and Qualifications...... 8

2.3.1 Findings of cost plan ...... 8


3.1 Berthing...... 9

3.1.1 Private Berthing...... 9

3.1.2 Public berthing (short term and overnight)...... 9

3.1.3 Super Yachts...... 9

3.2 Commercial & Transport...... 11

3.2.1 Commercial Tour and Charter Vessels...... 11

3.2.2 Passenger Pick Up and Drop Off...... 15

3.2.3 Commuter ferry service...... 16

3.2.4 Water shuttle ferry service & Water taxi service...... 19

3.2.5 Other Commercial Activities...... 20

3.3 Community boating hub...... 21

3.3.1 Dragon Boat Club ...... 21

3.3.2 Outrigger Canoe Club ...... 22

3.3.3 Sailing Club...... 22

3.3.4 Kayaking ...... 22

3.4 Regulatory and emergency operations...... 25

3.4.1 Metropolitan Fire and Emergency Services Board (MFB) ...... 27

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3.4.2 Parks Victoria...... 28

3.4.3 Victoria Police ...... 28

3.5 Marine precinct ...... 29

3.5.1 Boat maintenance and repair...... 29

3.5.2 Vessel fuelling...... 31

3.5.3 Dry stack storage ...... 31

3.5.4 Heritage vessel restoration ...... 32

3.5.5 An education centre ...... 33

3.6 Recreation and tourism...... 34

3.6.1 Events such as boat shows, fireworks and Vessels of significance ...... 34

3.6.2 Recreational Fishing ...... 35

3.6.3 Sight seeing ...... 36


5. REFERENCES ...... 37

6. APPENDICES...... 38

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Melbourne Docklands is one of Australia’s largest urban renewal projects consisting of more than 200 hectares of land and water and 7 km of waterfront. Docklands Waterways include Victoria Harbour and the Yarra River between the Charles Grimes and Bolte bridges.

In 2008/09 the Docklands Waterways Strategic Plan 2009-2018 was adopted by City of Melbourne (Council), VicUrban and Parks Victoria together forming the waterways working group. The plan set out the vision and objectives for the Docklands Waterways and is the agencies master plan for waterways and waterfront within Docklands. In line with the strategic plan the waterways working group commissioned the Docklands Waterways Infrastructure and Facilities Plan (WorleyParsons, 2009).

This recommendation provides a guide for types of infrastructure required to meet the vision of the strategic plan and to meet best practice standards. It has been compiled from a combination of all infrastructure works compiled for Docklands waterways including the Melbourne Docklands (2001) water plan and the VicUrban (2004) - Docklands Marine Facilities review, Docklands Waterways Infrastructure and Facilities Plan (WorleyParsons, 2009) and the Vessel Traffic Management Plan (GeoDimensions, 2010)

This document is intended to be companion document to the 2009 strategic plan and should be read in conjunction. It is not intended to serve as a comprehensive design manual and further detailed information including a set of waterways infrastructure engineering guidelines, specific to Docklands will be included in the future Docklands Design and Construction Standards,

1.1 Reference Documents

The following are useful reference documents.

1.1.1 Docklands Waterways Strategic Plan 2009-2018 (2009)

A plan to ensure outstanding quality in the development and management of Docklands waterways and waterfront spaces, appropriate facilities to support diverse uses and equity and ease of access for all.

1.1.2 Docklands Vessel Traffic Study (2010)

A traffic management plan that provides strategies for maintaining safe and high quality service while maximising the volume of traffic within safe limits.

1.1.3 Docklands Design and Construction Standards (2005)

Standards applying to the design and construction of all civil and infrastructure works that will eventually become the assets of, or be vested in the City of Melbourne.

1.1.4 Charter Boat Industry Analysis – City of Melbourne (2010)

An economic study on the Charter Boat Industry in Docklands and the broader City of Melbourne.

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Over the years of Docklands development several documents have dealt with marine infrastructure requirements. This document is a compilation of previous works including the Melbourne Docklands water plan (2001), WorleyParsons Infrastructure and Facilities Plan (2009) and the VicUrban Docklands Marine Facilities Review (2004).

This section outlines the approach and methodology for conducting the MIFR which can be categorised into seven key areas.

Activity & Development Considerations a) Activity – identified from the strategic plan b) Users - including how they utilise facilities and modes of arrival c) Infrastructure requirements – at berth and onshore services needed for efficient and safe operation as well as employing best practice standards d) Development considerations - for onshore development areas

Audit of Existing Infrastructure e) Audit of Existing Infrastructure - An audit of existing waterway infrastructure in the developed areas of Docklands against minimum and best practice standards to determine its suitability and fitness for purpose; f) Upgrade Recommendations – Recommendations on the upgrade of existing marine infrastructure to meet best practice standards

Cost Plan g) Cost Plan – An indicative, high level plan for waterway infrastructure selected by the waterways working group.

2.1 Activity & Development considerations

Key areas addressed: a) Activity - identified in the strategic plan b) Users - including how they utilise facilities and modes of arrival c) Infrastructure requirements – at berth and onshore services needed for efficient and safe operation as well as employing best practice standards d) Development considerations - for onshore development areas

This section considers waterway users and activities in relation to on shore development, describing how they arrive and undertake the activity and identifying the infrastructure and facilities required to support waterways users.

The activities sourced from the 2009 strategic plan were grouped into six categories:

1. Berthing • Public berthing (short term and overnight) • Private berthing (long term and residential)

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• Super yacht berthing.

2. Commercial & Transport • Commercial tour and charter vessels • Passenger pick up and drop off • Commuter ferry service • Water shuttle ferry service • Boat hire (form kayaks to yachts for weekly racing) • Boat sales/Yacht brokerage • Water taxi service.

3. Community boating hub • Dragon Boat Club • Outrigger Canoe Club • Sailing Club.

4. Regulatory and emergency operations • Waterways regulatory centre • Metropolitan fire and emergency services board (MFB) • Parks Victoria.

5. Marine precinct • Boat maintenance and repair • Vessel fuelling • Dry stack storage

• Heritage vessel restoration • Education centre.

6. Recreation and tourism • Events such as boat shows, regattas and fireworks • Fishing • Sight seeing • Visiting vessels of significance • Kayaking/canoeing.

2.2 Audit of Existing Infrastructure

Key areas addressed: e) Audit of Existing Infrastructure - An audit of existing waterway infrastructure in the developed area of the Docklands against minimum and best practice standards to determine its suitability and fitness for purpose.

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f) Upgrade Recommendations – Recommendations on the upgrade of existing marine infrastructure.

2.2.1 Audit Background

Waterway infrastructure in Docklands is a mix of 19th and 20th century infrastructure left over from it’s days as a commercial cargo port, combined with new permanent and temporary infrastructure built in the last 10 years as part of the urban redevelopment.

Waterway infrastructure is defined as the on-water and on-land infrastructure that directly supports waterway activities, eg: pontoons, wharves, marina offices and signage.

The scope of this audit was restricted to new, permanent existing, under construction and approved waterway infrastructure, in areas deemed ‘developed’. Areas covered were:

• WFC waterfront and marinas; • NQ east waterfront and marinas; • 2 small sections of new wharf on Harbour Esplanade (Victoria Harbour berths 8 and 15); • Wharf at NAB building at Victoria Harbour VD 6 and Water Plaza; • D’Albora Marina (but not the waterfront/wharf in this area);

• YE marina; and, • YE waterfront developed area (South Wharf berths 12, 13 and 14).

Infrastructure in these areas was audited against the requirements of various standards, codes and guidelines listed below as well as ‘industry best practice’ as understood by WorleyParsons.

ANZECC (1997) Best practice guidelines for provision of waste facilities at ports, marinas and boat harbours in Australia and New Zealand

• AS 3004.1-2008 Electrical Installations – Marinas and Recreational Boats, Part 1: Marinas • AS 3962-2001 Guidelines for the Design of Marinas

• AS 4997-2005 Guidelines for the Design of Maritime Structures • AS 1657-1992 Fixed platforms, walkways, stairways and ladders – Design, construction and installation

• Disability Standards for Accessible Public Transport (2002) made under subsection 31 (1) of the Disability Discrimination Act 1992

• NSW Maritime (2005) Engineering Standards and Guidelines for Maritime Structures • NSW Public Works Department (PWD) (1990) Design Guidelines for Wharves and Jetties

2.2.2 Audit Methodology

Audit methodology was as follows:

• Site inspection with Council operations staff, including detailed descriptions of existing infrastructure.

• Review as-built and design drawings provided by Council and VicUrban.

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• Literature review of Australian Standards, guidelines, and industry practice to establish best and minimum practice standards for infrastructure.

• Set up geographic information system (GIS) with ortho-rectified air photo base for data analysis. • GPS data capture was used to locate infrastructure and services within GIS. • Meetings with VicUrban to discuss approved and planned infrastructure. • Audit infrastructure against standards using GIS data, photos, drawings and field observation.

At the time of the audit no under-construction waterways infrastructure was identified for auditing.

2.2.3 Findings of Audit

Full details of the audit are presented in Appendix A.

2.3 Cost Plan - General Assumptions and Qualifications

Key area addressed: g) Cost Plan – An indicative, high level costing for several new items of waterway infrastructure selected by Council, Parks Victoria and VicUrban for five key facilities of interest.

Costs are indicative and high-level estimates based on generic requirements. No design work was carried out and the expected accuracy of these costings is +/- 50%.

General assumptions used in the costings include:

• Costs are in Australian dollars. • GST is excluded from capital cost estimates but included in life cycle cost estimates.

• Structural and surface upgrades of public promenades are not included. • Cost of on-land office/retail/storage space is generally not included as this is expected to be rented commercial property (except for community boating hub).

• Design life, for the purpose of calculating IRR, for all waterway facilities is 25 years. Required design life for Marine assets including wharfs and marinas is 50 years. The first minimal maintenance period is 25 years and assets are required to have an extended maintenance period from 25 to 50 years.

• No allowance for re-use of materials or equipment is made.

Capital cost estimates include allowances, under ‘indirect costs’ for design growth (increase in scope during the project) at 8%, design and investigations at 8%, procurement and construction/project management at 10% and a contingency of 25%.

2.3.1 Findings of cost plan

Full details of the cost plan have been and a given in Appendix B.

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3.1 Berthing

3.1.1 Private Berthing


Provision of best practice private berthing facilities and services.


Residents, private vessel owners, guests and crew.

Mode of arrival • Walking, private transport, (car, bus, motorbike, bicycle) private vessel, public transport (tram, bus, ferry, taxi).

• Both resident and non-resident owners are the primary users of private berths. Residents are likely to arrive and depart by foot. Non-resident berth owners, guests and crew are likely to arrive and depart by car or public transport. Vessels may or may not depart the berth while in use.

3.1.2 Public berthing (short term and overnight)


Visitors arriving by sea in private vessels are primary users of the public berthing. Once they have tied up at a public berth they are most likely to explore the local attractions and services by foot. They may also use public or private transport to travel further a field.


Private vessel owners, guests and crew

Mode of arrival • Private vessel, walking, public transport (tram, bus, ferry, taxi) private transport (car, bus, motorbike, bicycle).

• visitors arriving by sea in private vessels are primary users of the public berthing. Once they have tied up at a public berth they are most likely to explore the local attractions and services by foot. They may also use public or private transport to travel further a field.

3.1.3 Super Yachts


A Super yacht berthing facility that has a permanent location for infrastructure. Super yachts are considered vessels over 30m in length.

Users • Super yacht owners, guests and crew • Tourists.

Mode of arrival

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• Private vessel • Walking, public transport (tram, bus, ferry, taxi) • Private transport (car, bus, motorbike, bicycle) • Super yacht owners, their guests and crew may arrive and depart either on the vessel, or by private or public land transport, possibly including helicopter

• Visitors and tourists may also want to view the super yachts.

Infrastructure required for public, private and super yacht berthing. • Secure or non secure berths in floating marinas • Low-level floating marinas are the most suitable berthing arrangement for the majority of vessels • Marina services (water, power, sewage pump-out, waste management, security) • Safety (fire fighting, life buoys and access) • Onshore amenities (laundry, toilets, shower, telephone).

Infrastructure required for public, private and super yacht berthing that could be shared with other uses • Marina Office • Boating specific services (eg chandlery, sail maker)

• Car parking • Vessel maintenance and repair facilities (one for all of Docklands) • Fuelling facilities

• Onshore services (shops, chandlery, restaurants, general groceries, restaurants etc).

Development considerations public and private berthing • Ratio - ensure that new development maintains at 1:6 public: private berth ratio for Docklands overall.

• Position - larger vessels should be positioned on the outside of the marina with direct access to the river or harbour so they do not need to navigate or obstruct interior channels and fairways.

• Public Access – public access to private marinas is a requirement in certain circumstances and can be achieved in a number of ways,

Development considerations Super Yachts • Potential to be public attractor and contribute to activation • Consideration of encroachment into fairways and events area • Vessels could be temporarily moored stern-to during busy periods, if required.

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3.2 Commercial & Transport

3.2.1 Commercial Tour and Charter Vessels


The Charter Boat Industry in the City of Melbourne is a cluster of businesses that operate from Docklands and other berths in the City. They provide skippered and crewed vessels for hire by appointment. This definition covers a broad base of boat hire arrangements and excludes only the hire of self drive or self steer vessels such as self drive power boats, house boats, jet skis and other vessels.

Vessels range in size to accommodate from six to 600 people. There are currently nine substantial vessels operating, with passenger capacity of 60 or more.

These vessels operate predominantly pre booked charters for set times and functions. Some of the larger vessels can operate two separate functions on two deck levels simultaneously. Most of the operators have well prepared websites where vessels, range of functions and other details are provided.

The ‘City of Melbourne Charter Boat Industry Analysis July (2010)’ is recommended as a useful reference document.

Users • Day visitors

• Tourists • Residents • Workers

• Event visitors.

Mode of arrival • Public transport (tram, bus, ferry, taxi). • Private transport (car, bus, motorbike, bicycle).

• Daytime tours are predominantly patronised by tourists who are likely to arrive and depart by public transport.

• Evening dinner and social cruise customers are likely to be chiefly day visitors as well as some Docklands residents and workers. They are most likely to arrive and depart by public transport, private transport or on foot.

Infrastructure required for Commercial berths

Front of House

• Berthing for passenger pick up and drop off. • Commercial retail space for ticket selling/retail space – can be shared ticketing facilities, i.e ‘one stop shop’ for customers.

• Passengers pick up/drop off facilities suitable for a range of vessels, with bus access and proximity close to public transport and car parking, public attractors and tourist areas.

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Back of House

• Permanent berthing - both high (wharf) and low (pontoon) level facilities for different sized vessels • Solid waste receptacles • Power - single and 3-phase power • Potable water • Lighting. • Sewerage pump-out system. Large commercial vessels require a higher capacity system than typical for private vessels. It is recommended that individual pumps and sewer connections be installed at each new commercial berth when built. This way the vessels can discharge their sewerage at their permanent berth and the time taken is less of an issue

• Fire fighting and safety equipment • Heavy vehicle access for deliveries.

Infrastructure required for Commercial berths that could be shared with other uses • Storage and workshop space • Commercial kitchen

• Office space and staff amenities • Car parking for staff and passengers • Access to maintenance and repair facilities

• Fuelling facilities - either on water or appropriately bunded area for mini tanker. This could be part of a service berth

• Bus parking area - For bus waiting while tourists cruise

• Office space and staff amenities.

Key commercial infrastructure details

Pier Structure

To withstand the berthing loads from all large commercial vessels, pier structures need to be carefully designed. Proprietary floating pontoon finger piers may not be able to provide adequate strength and stability to withstand the berthing loads imparted by commercial vessels. Careful consideration needs to be given to restraining piles and the floating stability of pontoons under combinations of vertical and lateral loads.

Vertical loads from large crowds of people need to be accommodated, with stability of floating pontoons being a major concern. It may be necessary to confirm adequate stability of floating pontoon elements by testing under service and extreme load conditions.

Potable water

All large vessels will have fresh water tanks of up to 2,000 litres or more. Water use on charter/function boats is high in comparison to ferries and motor yachts, although larger motor yachts will need to fill large water tanks when preparing to depart for extended voyages. To be able to fill holding tanks in a reasonable time, delivery flows need to be at least 0.5 litres per second. Delivery reticulation services for water need to be at least 50mm in diameter with a similar size stop cock installed at each outlet point.

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Diesel Fuel

Larger charter boats can travel as far as Queenscliff and Portsea, with high fuel consumptions with fuel tank capacities of up to 10,000 litres. At present fuel is delivered to vessels in road tankers. This may be an acceptable practice while vessels are berthed away from centres of activity, however this is considered to be less than acceptable for vessels berthed at high profile public berth locations. There are significant risks of fuel spill and associated environmental damage attached to this practice.

Options available for refuelling vessels include:

• Providing dedicated fuelling berth within close proximity to Docklands, that has adequate provision of fuel storage and delivery to vessels, to avoid the use of road tankers delivering directly to vessels.

• Restrict all fuelling activities to an existing fuelling facility such as Pier 35 or other more remote location away from Docklands.

• Deliver fuel by barge operating from a remote location within the port (e.g. Holden Dock).

Sewage disposal facility

Large charter vessels have black water holding tanks with capacities of up to 3,000 litres and motor yachts can have capacities of 6,000 litres or more. Emptying of black water tanks can be required on a daily basis in peak operating periods.

Sewer pump-out facilities (i.e. pumps which can remove black water directly to the gravity sewer mains) need to be provided at regular intervals on berths. A pumping capacity of 65 litres per minute would be the minimum size needed to deal with the larger vessels. These pump-out facilities are connected directly to the mains sewer by 150mm diameter gravity connections. A water supply is provided with the pump-out equipment for cleaning of suction hoses. Sewerage pump-out facilities are designed, supplied and installed by specialist suppliers. They should comply with the ANZECC Best Practice Guidelines for Provision of Waste Facilities at Ports, Marinas and Boat Harbours in Australia and New Zealand.

Power (when berthed)

Electrical power supply should be available for each berth so that vessels do not run power generators while berthed. Larger vessels, including both charter vessels and motor yachts require 3 phase 415 volt power, although single phase power should also be provided for ancillary power. Power demand for the larger vessels can be as high as 200 amps (similar facilities in other States include Gold Coast City Marina – 125 amps; Mackay Marina – 150 amps; Cairns Marlin Marina – 200 amps). Berths where only ferry and charter vessels are operating should be provided with 63 amp power supply.

Telephone (when berthed)

A telephone connection at each berth is essential for both charter operators and for visiting motor yachts. Arrangements for PABX or similar services should be considered. For ferry and water taxi berths, telephone services are not required.


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The provision of lighting for safe pedestrian access should be provided to comply with Australian Standard AS 1158.3.11999, Pedestrian Area Lighting – Performance and Installation Design Requirements. The applicable lighting category for commercial berths should be P6.

Fire Services

Fire services should be installed to conform with the requirements of the relevant authorities and Australian Standards. Services are likely to include hose reels and fire extinguishers.

Access for vehicles

Vehicular access to vessels is highly desirable to facilitate delivery of provisions and for maintenance of vessels. In addition, charter vessel operators should be provided with access for large tourist coaches within 50 metres of the vessel. This is particularly important for access of disabled and elderly, who make up a relatively high proportion of the patronage of charter vessels.

When light vehicle access is likely to adversely conflict with pedestrian access, consideration should be given to providing alternative forms of access for deliveries (e.g. hand carts, light electric vehicles).

Berth structures, whether fixed or floating, need to be designed to carry the loads associated with light commercial vehicle access. For commercial berths used or designated only for ferry or water taxi services, access for vehicles will not be required.

Disabled Access

Access for the disabled should fully comply with Australian Standards, as the consequences of an accident in this environment can be severe.

Ticket Sales Point

Ferry operators require facilities for ticket sales onshore, adjacent to or within reasonable proximity to the point of boarding. These facilities should be provided with a telephone line for EFTPOS sales as well as lighting for operation at night.

Other on Shore Facilities

Charter vessel operators require onshore office space and storage space for storing bulky items such as tables and chairs. Requirements will vary depending on the number of vessels in operation.

Garbage Disposal

Present arrangements for garbage disposal are mostly covered by the provision of skips. While this is considered adequate for the current situation, once the area becomes more crowded with people, and residential buildings are completed and occupied, a more discrete arrangement for garbage collection will need to be implemented. It should be noted that both charter vessels and motor yachts have the capacity to generate large quantities of garbage, of both the putrescible and recyclable types.

Development Considerations • Passenger pick-up and drop-off facilities can either be located at each vessel’s permanent berth or the two functions can be separated with a shared passenger pick up facility separate to permanent berths. Where there is room to accommodate all the various requirements of the commercial berths in a high traffic public area, passenger pick up at the vessel’s permanent berth is considered to be preferable as it is more efficient in terms of wharf space and vessel movements, and the vessels themselves act as both public attractors and effective advertising for the tours and charters.

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• Fuelling should take place within a suitably controlled and bunded area to minimise safety and environmental risks. Rather than fit out every commercial vessel wharf with the appropriate bunds and equipment, it is recommended that an appropriately equipped ‘service berth’ be created. This berth could also be used for other operations requiring heavy vehicle access to vessels.

• It is recommended that a smaller ‘premium’ best practice commercial vessels base, of 5 to 10 berths, be developed in a high visibility location and a ‘secondary’, less expensive, commercial vessel base be developed elsewhere. The secondary berthing would have fewer facilities and utilise a shared passenger pick up and drop off facility, such as Waterfront City.

Considerations for Commercial Tour and Charter Vessel Locations include: • Remoteness from residential areas • Close to restaurants, bars and stadium, high visibility and pedestrian traffic • Close to public transport • Good access for buses and delivery vehicles without the need for a multi point turns • Back of house areas could be developed in building basements • Provides needed waterway activation for Victoria Harbour

• Commercial vessel berthing is not necessarily incompatible with development of a public attractor, particularly if it is nautically-themed

• Large commercial vessels may have conflicts with smaller recreational and unpowered vessels in Victoria Harbour, although this could be managed by restricting the number and size of vessels operating from this base

• Allowance required for spaces between alongside berths

• Passengers pick up and drop off at permanent location desirable.

3.2.2 Passenger Pick Up and Drop Off


Facilities for loading and unloading passengers for commercial tours, charters, boat hire

Users • Day visitors • Tourists • Residents • Workers • Event visitors • Community groups.

Mode of arrival • Public transport (tram, bus, ferry, taxi) • Private transport (car, bus, motorbike, bicycle)

• Walking

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• Users as per commercial tour and charter and boat hire activities. Users arrive by multiple modes of transport and assemble, possibly with some waiting time, before boarding vessel

• Upon disembarking some users likely to linger before departing by multiple modes.

Infrastructure required • Berthing - short-term for pick up and drop off • Desirable to have alternate facilities around the Docklands • Both high (wharf) and low (pontoon) level facilities required with disabled access • Marina services (water, power, sewage pump-out, waste management, security) • Safety (fire, emergency gear and access) • Mustering/waiting area with shelter and amenities (toilets, telephones) • Close to public transport, bus drop off and car parking.

Infrastructure required that could be shared with other uses • Bus holding area with amenities for drivers. • Provide somewhere for drivers to wait without tying up the bus pick up and drop off areas while passengers are on board.

3.2.3 Commuter ferry service


Commuter ferry terminal activities would include a large ferry bringing commuters to Docklands from bay-side suburbs, eg: Williamstown, St Kilda, or further down the bay. No such service currently exists but provision is to be made for one in the future inclusive of a suitable footprint adjoining a planned public transport hub and planning for fixed utilities services. Other transport activities include water shuttle and water taxis.

Terminal facility for large, fast ferry service to connect Docklands to key locations in Port Phillip Bay

Users • Commuters workers • Tourists.

Mode of arrival

A large fast ferry would bring commuters from various locations around the bay to a dedicated ferry terminal in the Docklands. People working in the Docklands are likely to leave the terminal on foot while others will catch public transport into the City. Passengers will return to the terminal by similar modes in the afternoon and depart on a ferry.

• Public transport (tram, bus, ferry, taxi) • Walking • Private transport (car, bus, motorbike bicycle).

Infrastructure required

Front of House

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• Berthing - temporary – large commercial for layover between trips and breakdown • Berthing - permanent – large commercial Vessels could be based in the Docklands or elsewhere • Berthing – passenger loading • Loading/unloading facilities - Ferry - High capacity gangways to suit vessel, with disabled access • Sheltered passenger waiting area • Access to public transport – water shuttle, tram, bus, taxi.

Back of House

• Priority fairways and turning basin - ensure access to wharf during events • Services to berths (sewerage pump out, power, water) will depend on vessel specifications • Fire fighting equipment • Safety equipment (life buoys, ladders, guard rails, security cameras, help points) • Other infrastructure for permanent berths as per commercial tour and charter vessels.

Infrastructure required that could be shared with other uses • Public amenities (toilets) • Kiosk and retail space • Bike racks

• Car parks • Ticketing facilities - ferry/shuttle • Tourist information (signage, booth etc)

• Office space (administration) • Amenities for vessel crew and support staff • Fuelling facilities

• Vessel maintenance and repair facility.

Management Issues

Coordination of scheduled berthing for ferries and taxies is important.. As demand for the waterway increases, safety at night could become an issue. To effectively accommodate a ferry network appropriate technology such as radar, radio and navigation lighting would be required.

Development considerations

Considerations for terminal sizing for a commuter ferry terminal in Docklands are:

• To operate from ports on Port Phillip further a field than Williamstown, the ferry would need to be fast and able to operate in choppy conditions. A wave-piercing catamaran may be suitable, similar to Manly Jet Cat, with 200-300 passengers.

• There is relatively deep water close to shore in the river and Victoria Harbour so long jetties would not be required.

• The commuter ferry service may not become viable for many years, if at all, so interim and alternative uses are needed for the facility. These could include:

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o Commercial tour boat passenger pick up and drop off. o Water shuttle stop could be incorporated into the terminal. o Heritage vessel berthing.

Based on the above, for a single terminal with one berth and basic amenities (toilets, shelter) with a capacity of 250 – 300 passengers, an area of at least 300 - 500m2 may be required. Addition of extra berths and retail space would increase the area required.

The vessel described above would likely have a length approximately 30 to 40m, a draft of up to 2m and a beam of approximately 10m. A vessel of this type would conservatively require a fairway or channel of approximately 50 m width (5 x beam) and a turning basin of approximately 80m diameter (2 x length).

Although there is currently no operating commuter ferry service, a multi purpose ferry terminal to support this activity may be partially completed to a stage that is suitable for interim use as a charter vessel pick up and drop off point, as a berth for visiting vessels of high public interest.

In the event that the creation of an interim facility is not achievable the actual designated footprint should be reserved for future purposes and not have other permanent structures built within the area. Underground services should be planned to traverse around the footprint to minimise future construction costs.

Requirements for the commuter ferry terminal have been developed in detail for the purpose of preparing a cost estimate. The size of terminal depends on the design vessel, the bathymetry of the site and the extent of associated facilities and retail space. Examples of a range of terminal types and sizes from Sydney harbour are provided in the table below.

TABLE 4 – Sydney Harbour Ferry Terminal Statistics

Waiting Waiting Design Vessel and Total Area Wharf Area Capacity @ Comment capacity (m2) (m2) 0.65m2/person

Freshwater Class Extensive retail Manly 1100 pas. 845 1,300 13,400 and services Jetcat, 280 pas

Super Cat Olympic Park 400 615 500 Public toilet 250 pas.

Lady Class Tooronga (Zoo) 400 615 1,240 No services 551 pas.

River Cat Kissing Point 90 140 370 Long jetty 230 pas

River Cat Chiswick 100 150 283 No services 230 pas

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3.2.4 Water shuttle ferry service & Water taxi service


In addition to a commuter ferry terminal, other transport activities include:

Water Shuttle

A ferry service operating within Docklands and between Docklands and the city. This service has operated in the past in a limited format primarily for tourism based services only. No reactivation of the service is planned for the immediate future.

Water Taxis

Small vessels providing taxi service within Docklands, to the city and along the river. This service currently exists and is operated by a private operator on a charter basis with no guaranteed service offer at specific destinations. It is not currently a large scale water taxi service as seen on Sydney harbour but a small fleet of privately operated charter vessels. Water taxis would provide transport for a wide range of users to locations on the Yarra and Maribyrnong Rivers.

Users • Residents

• Tourists • Workers • Day visitors

• Event visitors • Commuters • Community groups

• School groups • Private vessel owners, guests and crew.

Mode of arrival

The city shuttle service would provide public transport within the Docklands and between the Docklands and the city for a wide range of users.

• Public transport (tram, bus, ferry, taxi) • Walking • Private transport (car, bus, motorbike, bicycle) • Commuter ferry • Commercial vessel • Private vessels.

Infrastructure required

Note that the type and scale of the actual facilities will vary with vessel type, which is not well defined at this stage.

Front of House

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• Berthing – permanent - vessels could be based in the Docklands or elsewhere • Passenger pick up points - several stops consisting of pontoon suitable for smaller vessels • positioned close to attraction and transport hubs • Sheltered passenger waiting area • Loading / unloading facilities – custom gangways for large commuter ferry • Access to public transport - water shuttle, tram, bus, taxi.

Back of House

• Priority fairways - May be required for events • Fire fighting equipment • Safety equipment (life buoys, ladders, guard rails, security cameras, help points).

Infrastructure required that could be shared with other uses • Public amenities (toilets) • Kiosk and retail space • Bike racks • Car parks • Ticketing facilities - ferry/shuttle

• Tourist information (signage, booth etc) • Office space (administration) • Amenities for vessel crew and support staff

• Fuelling facilities • Vessel maintenance and repair facility.

Development Considerations • Multiple stops for ferry service between different locations in Docklands and the city.

• Water Taxis Landings for water taxi service to connect Docklands to City locations along the Yarra River.

3.2.5 Other Commercial Activities


Other minor commercial activities include hire of power boats, yachts and kayaks, and boat sales and services. Most of the infrastructure required for boat hire and sales activities is already in place, although access for cars and trailers at kayak launching points could be improved.


Boat sales and yacht brokerage facilities

• Day visitors • Private vessel owners

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• Commercial vessel operators • Residents Workers.

Boat Hire - both crewed and bareboat, motor boats, yachts and kayaks

• Day visitors • Residents • Workers • Tourists • Community groups.

Mode of arrival

Users include buyers and sellers. As this is a high-end retail it is likely that both users will arrive and depart by car unless they live or work in the area.

• Public transport (tram, bus, ferry, taxi) • Private transport (car, bus, motorbike, bicycle) • Walking

• Private vessel.

Infrastructure required • Berthing - long-term • Berthing - short-term/casual

• All other infrastructure below as per private berthing.

Infrastructure required that could be shared with other uses • Retail and office space with amenities • Vessel maintenance and repair facilities

• Pontoon for kayak/canoe launch.

Development considerations

Desirable to get trailer close to launching point.

3.3 Community boating hub

Existing Clubs and activities are:

3.3.1 Dragon Boat Club

Dragon Boat Association of Victoria has 500+ members, 200 + currently train at Docklands. Preference for launching and regattas is in Victoria Harbour and also use the river to transit to other areas. Most training takes place between 5pm and 8pm on weekday evenings in the warmer months. Club members include residents and people who work nearby, but it’s expected that most will arrive and depart using a mix of public and private transport. Corporate events require bus access.

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3.3.2 Outrigger Canoe Club

Melbourne Outrigger Canoe Club has 40-50 members, Preference for launching and regattas in Victoria Harbour. Also use the river for endurance events. Club members include residents and people who work nearby, but It is expected that most will arrive and depart using a mix of public and private transport.

3.3.3 Sailing Club

Docklands Yacht Club has 50- 100 members and runs a school sailing series involving 24 schools and sail-ability program for disabled sailors as well as regular member events. Regular sailing regattas are held on Victoria Harbour from Feb – May with sailing on both weekdays and weekends. Regattas for special events are held throughout the year. School and community groups are likely to arrive by private bus. Club members and volunteers include residents and people who work nearby but it is expected that most will arrive and depart using a mix of public and private transport.

3.3.4 Kayaking

Residents could keep a small private kayak which is carried or wheeled to the closest launching point. Tourists, Day Visitors and Workers may hire a kayak or bring one in by car.

Activity for Community boating

Permanent facilities for existing club

Users • Club members

• Community groups • School groups • Residents

• Workers • Day visitors • Tourists.

Mode of arrival • Public transport (tram, bus, ferry, taxi) • Private • Transport (car, bus, motorbike, bicycle) • Walking.

Infrastructure required

General infrastructure required for a Community Boating Hub includes:

• Boat launching facilities - Low level pontoon in a position sheltered from wind waves and boat wake

• Wide gangways with minimum slope for disabled access • Boat Storage (separate area for each club)

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• Rigging/ wash down area • Shared club rooms – change rooms, amenities, office, function room, bar, gym • Car parking • Bus and trailer access • Shaded rest and viewing areas • Waterway area for regattas – footprint of Sailing, Outrigger and dragon Boat regatta coursed area.

Consultation with each of the clubs has been conducted through Council to quantify their exact space requirements and is summarised in the Table below.

All Clubs are happy with the current launching pontoon and gangway and this arrangement should be maintained. Duplicating the access gangway could be considered to reduce congestion at busy times.

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TABLE 2 – Requirements for Community Boating Hub Item Dragon Outrigger Docklands Combined Boats Canoes Yacht Club Facility

Current membership 200+ 40-50 50-100 300-450

Current peak usage (weekends 60 20 20 100+ and after work)

dinghies and OC6 13x0.5m Boat size 12x1.1m small IRBs OC1 smaller up to 5m

8 5 OC6 Current number of boats 14 (+7 offsite) 12 OC1

Projected future growth 3 OC6 5 11 (5 to 10 years) 8 OC1

8 OC6 Total boat storage capacity 20 25 20 OC1

250 m2 2 2 2 Storage Area 400 m 200 m 6m head 850 m room

Washdown / rigging area 630 m2

Car Parking, access, bus drop off, 720 m2 trailers

Total land area required 2200 m2

Club rooms (over boat storage)

- office 20 m2 20 m2 20 m2 60 m2

- meeting room 50 m2

- change rooms / amenities 140 m2

- function / bar 450 m2

total club rooms 700 m2

Balcony (over wash down /rigging) 175 m2

Note: ‘OC6’ is a standard sized 6 person outrigger canoe. OC1 is a standard 1 person outrigger canoe.

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Specific infrastructure required for individual clubs includes:

Dragon Boat Club • Store 14 dragon boats in racks 2m high, and gear. Each dragon boat is 12m long by 1.1m wide. • Temporary Event Infrastructure - Regatta course W R International standard 6 lane course is 54m wide by 500m long, plus marshalling and run-out areas of 75m at either end and transit lanes either side. Total area approximately 650m x 70m.

Outrigger Canoe Club • To store eight OC6 canoes which are 13.5m long and 0.5m wide and 12 OC1 canoes which can all be accommodated in rack with 4x7m plan area. Total area required estimated at 200m2.

• Temporary Event Infrastructure - Regatta course 500m long as per dragon boats.

Sailing Club • Hand operated crane. • Berthing – private long term for club tenders and keel yachts associated with the club (none currently but they may join in the future). Space can be rented from commercial marinas.

• Dinghies up to 5m long and 6m tall fully rigged. • Temporary Event Infrastructure - Regatta course needs to maintain sufficient waterway area for sailing courses. The course could involve 2 (line), 3 (triangle) or 4 (oblong) marks, depending on conditions kayaking • Desirable to get kayak trailer close to launching point.

Development considerations • Need sheltered waterway area for launching and marshalling of boats free from other river traffic.

• Potential for conflict with other vessels in the entrance to Victoria Harbour. • Dragon boats, canoes and dinghies use Victoria Harbour in preference to river. • Value for activation of waterways and park areas.

• Clubs should be co-located to share facilities. • If launching facilities for community boating events are located in either North Wharf Park or Western Park, buoys should be installed to clearly separate the transit fairway from the launching and mustering area. If launching facilities for events are to be installed they should only be installed on one side of the entrance.

3.4 Regulatory and emergency operations

The strategic plan identifies Parks Victoria and the Metropolitan Fire and Emergency Services Board (MFB) as agencies that require a base for vessels in Docklands apart from the already established City of Melbourne marine operations and suggests that they be co-located in a ‘Waterways Regulatory Centre’. These agencies have been consulted to determine their requirements and details of the consultations are provided below

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Victoria Police have also expressed interest in the facility and their requirements have been canvassed. Consideration could also be given to co-locating the Ambulance Service, Melbourne Water and Marine Safety Victoria facilities in the centre.

All of the above mentioned services have designated roles within the Victoria Emergency Management Manual. Consideration should be given to implementing consultation with the Office of the Emergency Services Commissioner (OESC) to table consideration of a joint Emergency Services Operations and Response Centre within the Docklands Precinct.

The most likely location for this facility is the western end of the Yarra’s Edge precinct.


Waterways Regulatory Centre Combined facility for Parks Victoria and Melbourne Fire Brigade vessels and staff as well as casual use by Water Police.


Emergency services (MFB and Water Police) Regulatory operations staff (Parks Victoria)

Mode of arrival

MFB require a permanently manned base for fire trucks and vessels. PV requires a base for vessels to be manned intermittently as required. Personnel based at the centre are most likely to arrive by private transport (car or truck), with some use of public transport also possible. Other personnel will arrive and depart on emergency/regulatory vessels temporarily visiting the centre.

• Regulatory vessel

• Private transport (car, bus, motorbike bicycle) • Public transport (tram, bus, ferry, taxi).

Infrastructure required • Berthing – permanent - secure pontoon berthing for 1 x 12m fire boat, 3 x 7m Parks boats and 1 x 12m additional berth

• Vehicle access to top of gangway Ambulance access for casualties unloaded from vessels • Small crane

• Car parking for three fire trucks (3x8m) and eight cars • Secure storage space for fire equipment, aprox 8 x 12m • Office, briefing room, change and amenities for 10+ personal • Heavy vehicle access • Other pontoon/marina services and safety equipment as per private berthing.

Infrastructure required that could be shared with other uses • Vessel maintenance and repair facility • Fuelling Facility • Priority fairways If required during events.

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Discussions held in 2009 indicated the minimum spatial requirements of the three agencies. Some quantities and areas have been estimated by WP for costing and planning purposes. The below figures need to be further defined and negotiated during the planning phase of this project.

TABLE 3 - Waterways Regulatory Centre Requirements Item MFB Parks Water Total Vic Police

Berthing – secure pontoon with 50m of 12m 3 x 7m 12m 50m berthing and vehicle access to top of gangway

Secure compound for fire trucks, car parking 600m2 100m2 700m2 and equipment storage1

Office, briefing room, change and amenities 200m2 100m2 300m2

Total Area 800m2 200m2 1,000m2

Note: 1 – Areas increased by 60% to allow for manoeuvring

Specific infrastructure required for Regulatory and emergency operations:

3.4.1 Metropolitan Fire and Emergency Services Board (MFB)

A meeting was held with the MFB on 27 April 2009 to discuss berthing and compound requirements. MFB representatives advised the following:

Vessel Berths • Floating berth for single fire boat with ramp/gangway access suitable for pedestrians and wheeled stretchers. Fire boat length: 12m, beam 4m, draft 0.5m and deck level 1m

• Services required: lighting, power, water

• Dock crane for launching 4m fire boat and smaller vessels • Vehicle access to top of gangway desirable.

Compound • Secure parking for three fire appliances (8 x 3m each) and five cars • Briefing/change/ablutions building. Currently 12 x 7m but may be much larger when fireboat is manned full time

• Secure storage for 4m fire boat, water access module (8 x 5m) and pollution control booms etc.

To meet these requirements an order-of-magnitude compound area of 800m2 may be needed.

MFB were looking to relocate their West Melbourne Station and indicated that the Waterways Regulatory Centre in Docklands may be a suitable site for the station. This would require a larger area and more facilities than detailed above.

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They indicated that they would be happy to share facilities with Parks Victoria.

In terms of siting of the regulatory centre, the following points were made:

• Ready vehicle access is a key requirement. Roads with tram tracks are good as the tracks can provide an emergency route when the road is congested.

• Prefer to locate in a more commercial area to avoid disturbing residents. • Advantages in co-location with Ambulance and Police.

3.4.2 Parks Victoria

Discussions were held with Parks Victoria on 29 April 2009 in relation to the Waterways Regulatory Centre.

At this time, the minimum requirement included:

• Secure berths for two x 6.7m Waterway patrol vessels (relocated from Burnley) and one ~7m litter collection vessel (currently operating in Victoria Harbour).

• Power (240V) and water supply to berths. • Office space and amenities for four or five staff (manning may not be permanent, ad-hoc for events etc).

• Two or three car spaces.

The most suitable type of berth for these vessels would be a floating pontoon. Parks Victoria indicated that sharing a facility with MFB would suit them very due to varying staffing levels.

Parks Victoria is also considering relocating their waterways administration to Docklands. In this scenario they would require office space and amenities for approximately 20 permanent staff and car parking for 20 vehicles plus some visitor parking.

3.4.3 Victoria Police

Discussions were held with Victoria Police on 20 April 2009 in relation to their requirements at the Waterways Regulatory Centre.

Similar to other agencies, the Police indicated a 2-tiered set of requirements that included provision for temporary berthing of up to 12m vessels and ad-hoc access to amenities shared with MFB.

Viability of their Williamstown base is currently under review as surrounding development may cut off water access and are considering various sites, including Docklands, as a future location for the full water police base. This facility would involve berthing for 2x12m vessels, 1x16m vessel and a number of smaller vessels, and office space, amenities and car parking for 60 people. They indicated that they would be interested in sharing such a facility with MFB and Parks Victoria.

Development considerations • Access for heavy vehicles without the need for a multi point turns. (fire, garbage, bus, etc) • Secure storage/office/amenities/car park space on shore • Approximately 50m of secure wharf or pontoon space required • Potential conflict with slower vessel and event closures in Victoria Harbour • Authorities may be able to buy/lease storage and office space in these buildings

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3.5 Marine precinct

3.5.1 Boat maintenance and repair

Locations considered for the Marine Precinct is the western end of the Yarra Edge precinct, including the land underneath the Bolte Bridge, on the south side of the Yarra. Exact boundaries and size of the land available is uncertain so a range of options for the Marine Precinct have been considered.

• Option A - Comprehensive facility meeting all requirements identified, including maintenance and repair facilities, on-water vessel fuelling berths, dry stack storage for 300 boats (250-300 is generally considered to be the minimum viable number), heritage vessel restoration area and an education centre.

• Option B – Small dry stack facility for approximately 150 boats, fuelling facilities and a small hardstand area for limited maintenance. This area is sized to fit within the property boundaries of the land parcel under the bridge, approximately 4,850m2.

• Option C – Small maintenance and repair facility and fuelling facility, sized to fit in area below drip-line of bridge, approximately 2,750m2.

Approximate land area required for each of these options is presented in the table below, along with benchmark data from similar facilities in Victoria and NSW.

TABLE 5 – Area Required for Marine Precinct Options

Facility Hards- Work- Office Total Marina Dry Stack Car park tand shop land amenities

berths berths area spaces area area area retail etc area

(m2) (m2) (m2) (m2) area (m2) (m2) vessels vessels

Pier 35 132 288 5,040 128 4,200 1,700 50 3,400 1,4390

Sydney Marine 2,000 6,200 3,200 1,000 1,5000 Centre

Patterson 300 270 5,000 100 3,500 1,500 2,600 1,350 16,700 Lakes Marina

Docklands Marine Precinct Options

3,000 2,000 A - Comprehensive repair 300 6,000 60 2,000 1,000 14,000 and dry stack (24x15m) (10x20m)

500 50 B - 150 Dry stack and 150 3,000 40 1,300 (500)1 4,850 minimal maintenance (14x8m) (1x10m)

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1,450 900 12 400 (400)1 2,750 C - Small maintenance only (26x10m) (7x15m)

Note: 1 – office area positioned above car park to save space.


Facilities to clean, service repair and maintain vessels ranging from small private vessels to large commercial vessels

Users • Private vessel owners • Facility staff • Commercial vessel operators.

Mode of arrival

Vessels for repair would arrive and depart primarily by water, although it is also possible that smaller vessels could arrive by road. Personnel carrying out the work on vessels (owners, mechanics, etc) would arrive by private and public transport.

• Private vessel • Private transport (car, bus, motorbike, bicycle) • Public transport (tram, bus, ferry, taxi)

• Walking.

Infrastructure required • Berthing – short term holding berths for travel lift and longer term berths for in-water maintenance works

• Travel lift • Hardstand with stormwater collection and treatment required for hardstand area • Heavy vehicle access desirable

• Workshop space for multiple businesses such as shipwright, mechanic, upholsterer, sail maker.

Infrastructure required that could be shared with other uses • Vessel fuelling • Office space and amenities for multiple businesses • Car parking.

Environmental issues

The facilities will need to be a high tech ‘clean’ boat maintenance facility. It will need to mitigate the risk of environmental contamination through spillage and run off. An enclosed area is needed to undertake all work.

Development considerations • Suit industrial or commercial area

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• Access for heavy vehicles without the need for a multi point turns. (fire, garbage, bus, etc).

3.5.2 Vessel fuelling


Fuelling Facility

Users • Private vessel owners • Commercial vessel operators • Regulatory vessel operators.

Mode of arrival

Users arrive at fuelling berth by water. Operators arrive by public or private transport.

• Private vessel • Commercial Vessel • Regulatory vessel • Public transport (tram, bus, ferry, taxi)

• Private transport (car, bus, motorbike, bicycle).

Infrastructure required • Berthing - short-term floating pontoon for small to medium vessels. Separate higher capacity wharf facility for lager (30m+) vessels

• Fuel lines and bowsers • Safety and spill equipment • Fuel storage tanks

• Heavy vehicle access require for fuel delivery area bunded to contain spills • Office and amenities for operators.

3.5.3 Dry stack storage


Storage of smaller vessels (<12m) by dry stacking

Users • Private vessel • Owners/ guests/ crew • Facility staff • Tradesmen • Contractors.

Mode of arrival

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Users arrive and depart by private or public transport. Their vessel is launched prior to their arrival by facility staff. Users then depart and return by private vessel.

• Private vessel • Private transport (car, bus, motorbike, bicycle) • Public transport (tram, bus, ferry, taxi) • Walking.

Infrastructure required • Dry stack building - Minimum of 250 – 300 berths to be viable. Standard design for vessels up to 12m

• Holding berths 10 at 20m • Fork Lift - two required for reliability • Hardstand for wash down and minor maintenance • Sewage pump-out, waste management, security) • Marina office.

Infrastructure required that could be shared with other uses • Vessel fuelling

• Amenities (laundry, toilets, shower, telephone) • Onshore services (shops, chandlery, restaurants) • Car parking

• Vessel maintenance and repair facilities.

3.5.4 Heritage vessel restoration


Restore small heritage vessels and display at events

Users • Community groups • Residents • Tourists • Day visitors.

Mode of arrival

Heritage vessel enthusiasts will use a combination of private and public transport to access the site. Visitors and tourists would be interested in viewing restoration work.

• Public transport (tram, bus, ferry, taxi) • Private transport (car, bus, motorbike bicycle) • Walking

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• Commercial vessel.

Infrastructure required • Berthing – private long term wet berths for vessels under restoration. Pontoon for smaller vessels (less than ~20m, wharf space for larger vessels)

• Workshop • Travel lift/ crane access • Some method of launching restored vessels is required. As a minimum would be access for a travelling crane may be needed.

• Large vehicle access • Office space, amenities • Maintenance and repair facility.

3.5.5 An education centre


Marine boating education and safety centre within the marine precinct

Users • Community groups

• Private vessel owners and crew • Day visitors • School groups

• Residents • Commercial vessel operators.

Mode of arrival

Potentially all types of vessel operators and crew may attend the centre for marine courses and events.

• Public transport (tram, bus, ferry, taxi) • Private transport (car, bus, motorbike bicycle) • Walking • Private vessel.

Infrastructure required • Boat launching ramp of low level pontoon for dinghies, kayaks, canoes etc. • Berthing – short term Pontoon type for access to training vessels • Classroom space • Office space • Amenities – toilets, kitchen.

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3.6 Recreation and tourism

Activities considered under recreation and tourism includes events, fishing and sightseeing. Key infrastructure upgrades and new infrastructure identified to support these activities are:

• Water shuttle service • Increased available car parking • Bus drop off points close to events area • Bus parking/waiting area, can be located away from events area • Upgrade signage and tourist information • Upgrade waterside safety equipment (lifebuoys, ladders and steps) • Upgrade and create new multi-function/exhibition berths for visiting vessels of high public interest • Maintain open waterway area to stage events • Fish cleaning and waste disposal facilities.

3.6.1 Events such as boat shows, fireworks and Vessels of significance

A number of developed and proposed wharves in Docklands could be used for berthing large vessels not suited to floating pontoons. These wharves could also be used for temporary berthing of visiting vessels.

Where a wharf is intended to cater for a range of vessels it should include vertical fender piles or vertical fenders which extend from the low water level to the level of the rubbing strip on the largest vessel at high water. The fendering arrangement should present a smooth vertical surface which allows vessels of all sizes to rise and fall with the tide without catching or hanging on horizontal surfaces.

• Provision of services, such as water and power as well as access for heavy vehicles without the need for multi point turns should be considered to meet best practice requirements.


Regular and one-off events such as boat shows, regattas and fireworks displays, markets, concerts, outdoor theatre and film.

Visits by vessels of high public interest, eg Volvo round the world yachts, tall ships and the Sea Sheppard vessel Steve Irwin.

Users • Event visitors • Tourists • Emergency services • Event organisers • Residents

• Workers.

Mode of arrival

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Visitors and tourists are the primary users for events and are expected to arrive and depart chiefly using public transport. Event organisers and support personnel using private transport will also require access

• Public transport (tram, bus, ferry, taxi) • Private transport (car, bus, motorbike bicycle) • Walking • Private vessel • Commercial vessel.

Infrastructure required • Amphitheatre • Display/ event areas open space along waters edge • Public transport including tram and water shuttle • Car parking • Bus drop off points and bus parking • Bus holding area with amenities for drivers

• Provide somewhere for drivers to wait without tying up the bus pick up and drop off areas while passengers are on cruise

• Temporary event infrastructure

• Multipurpose/ exhibition berths / wharf design suitable for a range of vessel sizes and types • Floating stage/ movie screen • Interim location - super yachts if relocation is required

• Open waterway area unobstructed waterway area that can be used for temporary marinas, barges, regattas etc

• Public seating

• Space for retail stalls • Amenity facilities (toilets, kiosk), for example portaloo’s • Event waterway traffic management priority fairways for other users if required.

Development considerations

Any closure of the Yarra or Victoria Harbour would require a frame work that avoids disruption to the ferry and taxi operators.

• Temporary use only, can move for events • Suit high visibility public area • Functions as public attractor.

3.6.2 Recreational Fishing

The Strategic Plan supports recreational fishing within the precinct. Fishing is a popular form of recreation and the installation of “fishing platforms” at key destinations separated from Commercial

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berths should be included in waterfront design. These platforms should include signage and rubbish receptacles to encourage sustainable fishing activities and the responsible disposal of fishing refuse.



Users • Day visitors • Residents • Workers.

Mode of arrival

Fishing typically takes place from the undeveloped foreshore and public wharves when not in use. These areas will be progressively developed. Modes of arrival and departure are assumed.

• Public transport (tram, bus, ferry, taxi) • Private transport (car, bus, motorbike bicycle) • Walking • Private vessel.

Infrastructure required • Fishing platforms separated from active berths provide improved access to water and separate fishing activity from promenades with high pedestrian traffic

• Wharf space not used for active berthing can be used for fishing in lieu of platforms • Fish cleaning and waste disposal facilities

• Information and signage relating to fishing activities.

3.6.3 Sight seeing


Sightseeing Passive enjoyment of the water views in the Docklands

Users • Residents • Tourists • Day visitors • Workers.

Mode of arrival

All visitors and residents of Docklands can passively enjoy views or the water and waterway activities. This may be a factor in attracting tourists, day visitors and residents especially.

• Public transport (tram, bus, ferry, taxi) • private transport (car, bus, motorbike bicycle) • Walking

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• Commercial vessels.

Infrastructure required • Signage and tourist information • Waterside promenade with views of the waterway • Retail shops and restaurants • Safety equipment – lifebuoys, ladders.


Implementation of recommendations in relation to existing infrastructure generally falls within the responsibility of Council as place managers for Docklands.

VicUrban and Council will also use the recommendations to guide the future planning of facilities in currently undeveloped areas.

Recommendations on waterways management are the shared responsibility between Council and Parks Victoria.


GeoDimensions (2006), Two Rivers Traffic Management Plan – A Strategy for Sharing Melbourne’s Rivers and Bays, Report prepared for Parks Victoria December 2006

GeoDimensions (2010), Docklands Vessel Traffic Study

GHD (2004) Docklands Marine Facilities Review, Report Prepared for VicUrban

MacroPlan (2001) Melbourne Docklands Water Plan, Report Prepared for Docklands Authority

Melbourne Docklands (2009), Docklands Waterways Strategic Plan 2009 – 2018

SGS Economics and planning(2010), City of Melbourne Charter Boat Industry Report

Stratcorp Consulting (2008), Docklands Waterways Strategic Plan 2008-2018 – Consultant’s Report/supporting Documentation, Report Prepared for City of Melbourne, VicUrban and Parks Victoria

Pianc (2002) Guidelines for the design of fendering systems

VicUrban’s Guidelines for Water Safety at the Melbourne Docklands (version 2.0 draft)

Worley Parsons (2009) Docklands Waterways Infrastructure and Facilities Plan, Report Prepared for City of Melbourne, VicUrban and Parks Victoria

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6. APPENDICES Appendix A - Existing Infrastructure Audit

Refer to City of Melbourne Document reference Number 5838245

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Appendix B - Cost Plan

Refer to City of Melbourne Document reference Number 5838244

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Appendix C - Glossary of Terms Refer to City of Melbourne Document reference Number 5870440

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