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Abbasid (dynasty), 103, 113, 117–18, ad-Dajjal, 109, 115, 121, 287 174 Adonis, Ali Ahmad Said Asbar (poet), Abd-al-Ilah, Crown Prince, 23 169 Abdallah (King), 252 Aflaq, Michel, 39, 40, 104–5, 246 Abdelqader, Ali Hasan (Sheikh), 246 Afro-Asian Solidarity Committee, 308 Abduh, Muhammad, 30–2, 125 Afula, 236 Abdulaziz¨ (Sultan), 174 Ahab (King), 20 Abdulhamid¨ I (Sultan), 174 Ahl al-Dhimmi, 100 Abdulhamid¨ II (Sultan), 174–6, 178, Ain-Abid (city of Algeria), 302 179, 192 Ait Amouda. See Amirouche Abdullah, Mohammed (Sheikh), 182 Akhuwat, 198 Abdulmejid¨ (Sultan), 187 al Haramayn, 160 Abel, 44, 101 al-Afghani, Jamal al-Din, 29–32, 38, Abelard,´ Peter (scholastic philosopher), 125–7, 173, 177–8, 195–6, 198, 85 249, 277, 286 Abo, Husni, 25 al-Ardh Midhat (Sheikh), 247 Abraham, 20 al-Asabadi, Jamal al-Din. See al-Afghani Abu Abbas, 8 al-Ashari, Abdul Hassan, 154–5 Abu Bakr, (Caliph), 113 al-Ashman, Muhammad (Sheikh), 241 Abu Ghraib prison, 135 al-Assad, Hafez, 24, 104 Abu Jihad, 187, 191, 316 al-Assad, Rifat, 24–5 Abuzar Qaffari the Socialist al-Awaji, Mohsin (Sheikh), 27 Worshipper of God, 279 Alawites (sect of Shiite Islam), 150 Abwehr, 248, 250, 297 Al-Azhar (University), 32, 36, 57, 170, Aceh (a territory of Indonesia), 174, 246 176 Al-Azhar, Shaykh, 100 Acharya, M.P.B.T., 217, 220 al-Banna, Hassan, 30, 32–3, 35–7, 39, Acheson, Dean (Secretary of State), 252 41, 59, 100, 103, 117, 135, 246, Achille-Lauro (cruise ship), 8 269–70, 291, 293 Ada, 152 al-Dawa (Iraqi Shiite movement), 90, Adam, 160 161


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al-Din, Nadir (Shah), 29–30 al-Qadir, Abd (Algerian Islamic scholar, Al-e Ahmad (Iranian writer, social and political and military leader), 147 political critic), 279–80 Al-Qaeda, 11 Aleppo (city of), 24–5 al-Qarqani, Khalid al-Hud, 253 Alexander II (Tsar), 6 Al-Qassem, 55 al-Fatat, 253 al-Qurashi, Abu Ubeid, 320 al-Gailani, Rashid Ali, 39, 253 al-Rahman Azzam, Abd, Algerian National Movement (MNA), al-Sabah, Hasan ibn, 45, 106 300 al-Sadr, Musa, 291, 317 al-Ghazali, Abu Hamed Mohammad al-Said, Nuri (Prime Minister), 23, 250, ibn Mohammad, 177, 266 253 al-Ghita (Sheikh), 249 al-sharaf, 136 al-Hanafiyya, Muhammad ibn, 115 al-sharaf al-arabi, 132 al-Hassan, Mahmud (Sheikh al-Hind), al-sharaf al-Muslimi, 132 220 al-Sibai, Mustafa (Sheikh), 240 Al-Hilal (journal), 198 al-Sulh, Riyad, 249 al-Hud, Khalid Abulwalid, 247 al-Sulh, Sami, 242, 253 al-Husayni, Sawfat, 247 Al-Tayyeb, Ahmad dr. (Sheikh), 57 al-Husri, Sati, 39 al-Tell, Wasfi, 21 Ali, ibn Abi Talib (first Imam), 44–5, Al-Umma’l Arabiyya, 253 49–50, 102–3, 112, 115, 118, 120, al-Urwa al Wuthqa Journal, 30 276–81, 288, 290, 292 al-Wahda al-Islamiyya. See Wahdat Ali, Mehmet, 125 al-Islam Ali, Muhammad, 51 al-Wahhab, Muhammad ibn, 97, 124 Alids (members of the dynasty of Ali al-Wakil, Mustafa Dr., 246 ibn Abi Talib), 102, 115 al-Zarqawi, Abu Musab, 9 Aligarh College, 196 Amanullah (Shah), 194, 206, 219 alim, 185, 195, 232 American Airlines Flight 11, 8 al-Jazeera, 9 American Revolution, 257 al-Jihad, 37, 100 Amini, Abdol Hoseyn (Ayatollah), 271 al-Jundi, Sami, 104 amir al-Muminin, 179 al-Kuwwatli, Shuqri, 249 Amir Hussein, 253 All-India Muslim League, 196 Amirouche, 300 al-Mahdi, Muhammad, 263, 276 Anabaptists, 70, 79–81 al-Manar, 31, 33, 55 Anarchist, 7 Al-Manshwai mosque, 27 Anatolia (region of), 147, 179, 210 al-Maraghi (Sheikh), 246 an-Nashashibi, Nasri ad-Din, 28 Al-Masri, Abu Hamza (Sheikh), 57 anthropology, 2, 123 al-Masri, Aziz Ali (General), 246 Anti- League, 241 al-mawt fann, 34 Aquinas, Thomas, ii, 61, 287 Almohades (dynasty), 119 Arab League, 39, 249, 313 Almoravid (dynasty), 119 Arab Revolt, 238, 249 al-Moudjahid (newspaper), 296 Arafat, Yasser, 51–3, 55–6, 255, 296, al-Mulk, Nizam, 122 305, 310, 313–14, 316–20 al-Murshid, 291, 293 Archangel Jibril, 92 Al-Mutanabbi, Abou-t-Tayyib Ahmad Archangel Michael, 72 ibn al-Husayn (poet), 132 Arianism, 96

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Arif, Abdul Salam, 23 Barkat-Ullah. See Barakatullah Aristotle, 61 Basije (paramilitary volunteer force), Arius (Bishop), 96 50, 285 Army of God, 204, 207, 220 Basiret, 177 Army of Liberation, 218 Basra (city of Iraq), 189 Army of Salvation, 252 Batinists, 284 Arslan, Amir Adil, 253 Battle of Algiers, 302, 304 Arslan, Shakib (Sheikh), 247–8, 253 Bay of Bengal, 171 asabiyya, 139–41, 146–8, 160 Baytursun, Ahmed, 225 Ashkhabad (capital city of Bazargan, Mehdi (Iranian leader), 283, Turkmenistan), 217, 221 287 Ashura (celebrations), 50, 168 Beauplan, Guillaume Le Vasseur de, as-Samarri, 277 162 Atlantic Ocean, 171, 205 Beauvoir, Simone de, 300 Atta, Muhammad, 19 , 139, 144, 146, 149–50, 157, aubach, 168 236 Auftragstaktik, 163 Behesht Zahra, 26 Augustine, Saint, 61, 66, 86 Beheshti, Mohammad (Ayatollah), 272, Auschwitz, 252 282 Auswartiges¨ Amt (German Foreign Ben Bella, Ahmed (President of Algeria), Office), 248 297, 304 Azad, Maulana Abul Alam, 197–8 Benevolent Islamic Society, 180, 192 Aztecs, 19 Benningsen, Alexandre (scholar of Azzam, Abdal Rahman, 39, 249 Islam), 227, 273, 275, 306–7, 309, Azzam, Abdullah, 10, 56, 58, 105 313 Benost-Mechin,´ Jacques, 39 Baal (Phoenician god), 19–20 Berg, Nicholas, 8, 9 Baath Party (the original secular Arab Berger, Gottlob, 252 nationalist movement), 38–9, 104, Bhattacharya, Narendra Nath. See Roy, 242 M. N. Baathist, 24 Biazar-Shirazi, Abdul-Karim, 49 Bab, 276 bida, 257, 259 Babur (Emperor), 193 binLaden,Osama,10, 19, 56, 58, 105, Bagdash, Khalid, 222 125, 134, 145, 209, 233, 320–2 Baha’i (religion, founded in the 19th Bismarck, Otto von, 181, 244 Century, Persia), 167 Black International, 254–5 Bakdash, Khalid (leader of the Syrian Black Plague of 1348, 69 Communist Party), 241 Black Sea, 171 Baku Congress, 217, 220, 222, 295 Black September, 51, 255, 318 Bakunin, Mikhail, 6 Black Shirts (Italian fascist paramilitary Bal Gangadhar Tilak, 197 groups), 38 bandits d’honneur, 165 Blackwater Co., 11 Bani-Sadr, Abolhasan, 285, 288 Bloch, Ernst, 81 Barakatullah, Muhamamad, 195, 219, Blockwart system, 288 220 Blok, Alexander, 212 barbudos (revolutionary guerillas), 309 Blount, W. S., 30 Barelvi, Said Ahmad, 124 Bockelson, Jan, 81

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Bogdanov, Aleksandr, 278 Caputiati, 71 Bogostroitel’stvo (God-building), 278 Carlos the Venezuelan, 309 Bolshevik, 4, 178, 195, 199–203, Carranza, Venustiano, 208 206–12, 214–15, 218–19, 221–6, Carthaginians, 20 228–32, 238, 249, 268, 278, Caspian Sea, 204, 273 280–1, 306, 311 Castle, Barbara, 301 pl. Bolsheviks, 3, 146, 161, 166, 196, Castro, Fidel, 283, 297, 309 200, 202–4, 208–11, 213, 216–17, Catechism of a Revolutionist, 6 219–24, 226–8, 231–3, 305, 311 CBS (Columbia Broadcasting System), Bolshevism and the Islamic Body 134 Politick, 219 Cemal, Ahmad (), 186–7, 202 Bonaparte, Napoleon,´ 135 Central Asia Bureau (CAB), 218 Book of a Hundred Chapters, 72 Cervantes, Miguel de, 146 Borghese, Valerio, 254 chaku-kechan, 168 Borodin, Mikhail, 208 Challe, Maurice (General), 304 Bosch, Hieronymus (painter), 108 Champakraman Pillai, 208 Bosnia, 10 Charter of Hamas, 53 Boukhobza, Hammed dr., 25 Che Guevara, Ernesto, 282, 305, 316, Boumediene, Houari, 304 320 Brandt, Willy, 319 Chechnya, 10, 211, 305 Brest-Litovsk (city of), 204 Cheka, 218, 288, 293, 311 Brodie, Bernard, 2 Chernychevsky, Nikolai (Russian Brohi, Allah Bukhsh K., 321 radical), 278 Bruck, Moeller van den, 88 Chiang Kai-shek, 244 Brutents, Karen, 308 Chicherin, Georgy, 216, 217 Buddha, 102 Chokay-Oglu, Mustafa, 228 Bukhara (city in Uzbekistan), 178, 230 Churchill, Winston, 1 Bukhari, Sahih, 152 CIA (Central Intelligence Agency), 11, Bukharin, Nikolai (Soviet politician), 246, 253 232 City of God, 66, 85, 86 Bund, 236 Clausewitz’s doctrine, 25 Bund der Asienkampfer¨ (Union of Cleaver, Eldridge, 305 Asian Fighters), 205 Cohn, Norman, 88, 261 Burns, Robert (poet), 217 Colonial International, 228, 230 Burqai, Sayyed Ali Akbar, 275 Commissariat for Nationalities Bush, George W., 133 (Narkomnats), 225 Busher (city of Iran), 189 Commission on the National and Bushido (Samurai code of conduct), 136 Colonial Question, 208 Buyids (dynasty of), 117 Committee Union and Progress, 38, 179, 247 CAB (Central Asia Bureau), 218 Communist agit-prop, 238 Cain, 44, 70, 101 Communist International, 202, 206, Caliphate, 18 210–11, 215, 218, 222, 234, 236, Calvin, John, 75 239, 241, 249, 273, 308 Camus, Albert, 295, 300, 303 Communist University of the Peoples of Canal Zone, 35 the East, 216 Capek,ˇ Jan, Comte, Auguste, 88

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Confucius, 102 Debray, Regis,´ 282 Congress of the People of the East, 206, Declaration of War, 56, 134 215 Democratic Popular Front for the Congress of the Toilers of the East. See Liberation of (PDFLP), Congress of the People of the East 314 Constantinople or Istambul (city of Deng Xiaoping, 222 Turkey), 181–2, 193, 198, 200, Denikin, Anton (General), 224 202, 246 Deobandi, 124, 195, 220, 263, 268, Coriolanus, 136 320 Corneille, Pierre (French dramatist), Derwish, Ishaq, 253 136 Deutsche Nationalzeitung, 254–5 Corps of the Guardians of the Islamic DGI (intelligence agency of Cuba), 313 Revolution, 288 Dharr, Abu, 57 Council of High Learning, 184 dhimmi, 161, 197 CPP (Communist Party of Palestine), pl. dhimmis, 49, 93, 97–8, 296, 304 236 Die Revolutionierung des islamischen Crimea (an autonomous republic of Gebiete unserer Feinde, 188 Ukraine), 184 Die Wahlverwandtschaften, 277 Crimean War, 190 Diodorus (Greek historian), 19 Cromer, Lord, 63 Dir Jarir (village of), 11 Crone, Patricia (scholar, author and Djavid Bey, 202 historian of early Islamic history), Dobson, Christopher, 23 157 Don Quixote, 146 CUP (Committee Union and Progress), Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, 5, 6, 227, 280 38, 179–80, 186–7, 206 Duba-Yort, 10 Curiel, Henri, 309, 314 Durkheim, Emile, 118, 153 Cyrenaica (the eastern coastal region of Dutch Indies, 192, 198 Lybia), 147, 180 Ebert, Friedrich, 217 dais, 117 ed-Din, Jamal (Sheikh), 30 dar al-Dawa, 161 Eichmann, Adolf, 252 dar al-Harb (house of War), 3, 89, Einsatzkommandos, 16 160–2 el-Alia (city of Algeria), 302 dar al-Islam (house of Islam), 3, 89, 92, Elijah, 20 159, 160, 162, 170–1, 174, 198, Engels, Friedrich, 81, 227 230 Enteharis, 51 dar al-Jahiliyya, 159 Enver, I‘smail (Pasha), 180, 185–9, 193, dar al-Kharaj, 161 202–6, 210–11, 213–14, 216–18, dar al-Kufr, 159, 230 247 dar al-sulh, 161 Ershad Institute, 279, 282 Dar barih-i Eslam, 274 Erzurum (city of Turkey), 194 Dar-ul Uloom, 220 esprit de corps, 139–40 darululum (school), 199 ETA (Basque armed nationalist Darwish, Mahmud, 28 separatist organization), 309 dawa, 122, 161 Ettel, Erwin, 253 Dawalibi, Maaruf, 241, 243, 247, 281 F.T.H. Filistin Tahrir Hezb, 52

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Fadai-ye Khalq-e Iran. See Iranian Gailani, Rashid Ali, 242, 250 People‘s Guerilla Gaith, Suleiman Abu, 53 Faisal (King), 39, 253 Galiev, Mir-Said Sultan, 223, 227–31, Fallujah (city in Iraq), 11 233, 307 fann al-mawt, 34 Gandhi, Mahatma, 196–8 Fanon, Frantz, 32, 44–5, 51, 53, 102, Gaulle, Charles de, 39, 303 104, 279, 282, 297, 300, 303 Gaza (city of), 12, 52, 237 Faraj, Abd-al Salaam, 37, 100 Gemayel, Pierre, 242 Fardid, Ahmad, 280 Genghis Khan (fouder and emperor of Faruq (King), 33, 239, 252 the Mongol Empire), 212 Fatah (Palestinian political group), Genoud, Franc¸ois, 305 51–2, 255, 313–14, 316–18 German Communist Party (KPD), Fatima (the Prophet’s daughter), 111, 203 115, 118, 276 Germany, 272 Fatimids, 118 (the secret police of Nazi fatwa (Islamic religious edict), 129, Germany), 288 183–5, 197, 271, 272 ghazawat, 213 Fayad, Shafiq, 25 ghazw, 143 fedaiyan, 270–2 Ghilan, 273 Fedayeen of Islam, 41 GIA (Groupe Islamic Arme),´ 56, 304 Felmy, Hellmuth (General), 250 Giap, Vo Nguyen, 283, 316 Feltrinelli, Giangiacomo, 254, 309 GIMO (State Institute for International Feraoun, Mouloud, 303 Affairs), 308 Fichte, Johann Gottlieb, 38, 87, 146, GIS (German Intelligence Service), 244 247 Fidai-e-Islam, 32 Glorious Revolution, 257 Filastin al-Thawra (magazine), God Seekers, 278 315 Goddess Revolution, 312 Filistin Tahrir Hezb, 52 Goebbels, Joseph, 248 fiqh, 152, 262, 292, 325 Goering, Herman, 293 Fitrah, 62 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 103, Flagellants, 70, 74 277 Flandin, Eugene, 167 Gog and Magog, 67, 109 FLN (National Liberation Front), 26, Golden Horde, 171 283, 295–304, 315 Goltz, Colmar von der (General), 181 Foucault, Michel, 32 Gordon, Charles George (General), Fountain of Blood, 26 126, 189 Four Colonels, 242, 250 Gorki, Maxim, 278 Four Schools of Law, 34 Gorodetsky, Sergei, 214 Franjieh, Hamid, 242 Gospel of Barnaby, 96 Freda, Franco, 255 Gospel of Childhood, 96 Free Hindustan Movement, 194 Gospel of Thomas, 96 Freikorps (paramilitary organizations), Great Mutiny, 174, 190 272 Great Purges of the 1930s, 231 French Revolution, 257–8, 311 Great Rebellion of 1857–59, 124 Fuhrerprinzip¨ , 293 Great War in , 190 futuwwah, 164–5, 167, 168 Greater Occultation, 277

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Green Shirts or Misr al-Fatah Hawatmeh, Nayef, 314 (paramilitary organization), 240, Hedin, Sven, 187 246–7 Hegel, Friedrich, 87 Gregory VII (Pope), 67 Heidegger, Martin, 86, 280 Grobba, Fritz, 248, 251 Helphand, Alexander, (a.k.a “Parvus”), GRU (Russian intelligence agency), 308 202–3 Grunebaum, G.E. von, 269 Henry V, 17 Guardians of the Revolution, 168 Hentig, Werner Otto von, 193, 246 Guenon,´ Rene,´ 32, 45 Heyat-e Motafeleh-ye Eslami, 272 guerrilla, 21, 41, 283, 309, 315, 317 Heykal, Mohammed, 307 Guilani, Muhammad Muhamadi Hezbollah, 55, 133, 167, 317 (Ayatollah), 49 High Caliphal Period, 165 Gulag (penal labor camp in the Soviet Hijaz (region in Saudi Arabia), 111, Union), 311 118, 121, 220 Guruh-e Furqan, 283 Hijrat (movement), 198 Hikmet, Nazim, 130–1, 222 Habakkuk (prophet in the Hebrew Hilmi, Abbas, 188, 194, 246–7 Bible), 162 Hilmi, Yusuf, 240 Habash, George, 53, 55, 104, 302, 314 Himmler, Heinrich, 16, 251–2 Habibullah (King), 194 Hintze, Paul von (Admiral), 207 Hadded, Osman Kamal, 247 Historical Role of Islam:An Essay on Hadramut (region of the Arabian Islamic Culture, 207 Peninsula), 191 Hitler, Adolf, 104, 240, 244–5, 247, Haganah, 238 248, 251–2, 265, 268, 288, 293, Hail (city in Saudi Arabia), 147 297 Hajaru ‘l-Aswad, 160 Hizb Allah, 263 (pilgrimage to ), 176, 180, Ho Chi Minh, 222, 296–7, 299 210 Hobbesian war, 63 Hakimi, Mohamed Reza, 277 Hobsbawm, Eric, 166 Hama (city of), 25 Hoffmann, Kurt. See al-Wakil, Mustafa Hamas (Islamic Resistance Movement, Dr. a Palestinian Islamist Sunni hudud, 170 organization), 12, 134 Hujja, 116, 122 Hamza, Fuad, 247 Hummet¨ Party, 230 Hanbalite, 31, 37 Husain, Ahmad, 239–40 Hanson, Victor Davis, 2 Husain, ibn Ali (Imam), 30, 44–5, 48, haram, 160 50, 101, 120 Harb, Said Shaykh Ragheeb, 51, 159, Husayni, Amin, 215, 236–8, 241–2, 198–9 246, 248–53, 309 Harfleur (town in France), 17 Husayni, Hamdi, 237 Hariri, Rafiq, 133 Hussein (King of Jordan), 313 Hasan, Ahmad, 246, 293 Hussein, Saddam, 104, 128, 134, 242 Hasan, Qasim ibn, 100, 102, 106, 117, 123, 290 I.D. (International Department), 308 Hasan-I Sabbah, 20, 39, 122–3. See , I.S.F. (Islamic Socialist Front), 241 Hashemite monarchy, 23 Ibadi Imamate (political leadership), Hassan, Margaret, 8 147

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ibn Bijad, Abd Al-Rahman Al-Athari Islamic Revolution, 168, 256, 258, 261, (Sultan), 134 269–70, 275, 281–2, 284, 287–9, Ibn Hazm, Abul, 154 291, 324 Ibn Khaldun, 109, 111, 139, 140, 148, Islamic Socialist Front (I.S.F.), 240 157 Islamiyyat, 227 Ibn Saud, Abdulazziz (King), 27, 37, Ismail, Khedive, 30 124, 188, 247, 253 Ismaili Aga Khan, 196 Ibn Tumart, Abu Abd Allah isnad, 157 Muhammad, 119 Istiqlal, 239, 242, 321 ijma, 153 Istiqlal party, 237 ijtihad, 34 Ittihad ve tarakki (Union and Progress), Ikhwan, 240 228 Ilim, 25 Ittihad-i Islam. See Wahdat al-Islam Imam Mahdi, 113 Iyad, Abu (a.k.a. Salah Mesbah Khalaf), iman, 179, 281 296, 316 Imperial Guarded Dominions, 183 Incas, 19 Jacob (monk), 71, 173 India Revolutionary Committee, 193–4, jacquerie, 257 198–9 Jamiaat Islami, 261–2 Induskii kurs, 221 Jamiat-i Hizbollah, 198 Inqilabiun-i Hind, 220 Jamiyat-e Fedaiyan-e Eslam, 270 Insulindian archipelago, 171 Jarulallah, Musa, 226 International Department, (I.D.), 308 Jeanson, Francis, 301 International Lenin School, 239 Jeddah (city of Saudi Arabia), 189 Iqbal, Mohamed, 199, 249 Jemal (Pasha), 180 IRA (Irish Republican Army), 309 Jephthah, 20 Iranian People’s Guerrilla, 282 Jewish National Fund, 236 Iranian Revolution, 106, 123, 317 Jewish National Home in Palestine, 251 Iran-Iraq War, 40, 129 Jibril, Ahmad, 314 Iraq, 8, 10, 23–4, 36, 63, 111–12, 125, jiziya, 98 129, 135, 164 Joachim de Fiore, 70, 87, 88 Iraqi, 11, 24, 32, 38–9, 44, 90, 239, John Paul II (Pope), ii 242–3, 247, 249–50, 253, 291, Johnson, Paul, 8 314, 317 Jonas, Hans, 82 Irish Fenians, 194 Juj and Majuj (Gog and Magog), 121 IRP (Islamic Revolutionary Party), Jund al-Rabbaniyya, 220 275 Junger,¨ Ernst, 280 Is An Invasion of India Possible?, 206 jus consuetudinis, 157 Isa, Prophet, 109, 113 Isaac, 20 kaaba, 160 Isfahan (city of), 167 Kabyles, 142 Ishtirakiyya (journal), 240 Kabylia (region of Algeria), 300, 304 ISI (Inter-Service Intelligence), 321–2 kafir, 159, 263 Iskhakov, Veli, 229 Kaganovich, Lazar, 218 Islam and the World, 262 Kamil, Kibrisli Mehmed (Pasha), 186 Islamic Republic, 168, 258, 285, 288–9, Kant, Immanuel, 20 292 Karakhan, Lev, 210

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Karbala (city in Iraq), 50, 288 korban (sacrifical offering described and Kashani, Abol-Ghasem (Ayatollah), commanded in the Hebrew bible), 271, 275 20 Kashgar (city in China), 178, 199 Korkmasov, Djamalutdin, 213 Kasim, Musa, 237 Kostring, Ernst, 206 Kasravi, Ahmad, 41, 270–1 Kosygin, Aleksei (Prime Minister), 313 Kazan (city of), 184 KPD (German Communist Party), 203, Kedourie, Elie, 39, 260 208 Kemal, Mustafa, 38, 305 Kreisky, Bruno, 319 Kennedy, Robert F., 255 Kuchik, Mirza (Khan), 273 Kerbala (city of Iraq), 189 Kufa (city in Iraq), 96–7, 115, 121 KGB (Committee of State Security of kufr, 97, 121, 161 the Soviet Union), 254, 289, Kun, Bela, 214 306–10, 314 Kuni, Konca, 25 Khairi, Abdal Jabbar, 198 KUTVa (The Communist University of Khalkhali, Sadeq (Ayatollah), 49 the Toilers of the East), 222, 231, Khamenei, Ali (Ayatollah), 47–8, 280, 308 292, 305 khamsa, 143 L’Intransigeant (newspaper), 126, 178 Khan, Mirza Husain, 30 La Description d’Ukraine, 162 Khan, Sayyid Ahmad, Sir, 244 La Nation arabe, 248 khandjar (curved dagger), 19 Lake Chad, 175 khaniqahs, 166 Laqueur, Walter Zeev, 26, 242, 316 Kharijites, 51, 96, 116 Lares, 137 Khartoum (capital of Sudan), 189 Lawrence, Thomas Edward, 190 Khayri Efendi, 183 Laws of War, 14 Khilafat, 220, 239, 249, 268 Le Cid, 136 Khilafat Manifesto, 197 Le meilleur combat, 283 Khiva (city of Uzbekistan), 184, League of Islamic Revolutionary 230 Societies, 206 Khomeiny, Ruhollah Musawi League of the Godless, 231 (Ayatollah), 32, 41, 43–4, 47, 50, Left-Wing Communism, 311 62, 292, 293 legion´ d’honneur, 136 Khosrokhavar, Farhad, 22 Lenin School, 308 Khrushchev, Nikita, 306–7 Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich, 3, 77, 80, 87, khulafa, 171 104–5, 201–5, 207–10, 216–19, Khurasan (province of), 164 222, 224–5, 228–9, 232, 236, 265, kismet, 227 267–8, 276, 288, 308, 310–11 Kissinger, Henry, 319 Les damnes´ de la terre, 300 Klinghoffer, Leon, 8 Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim, 87 Kokand (city in Uzbekistan), 178 Lewis, Bernard, viii, 20, 158, 257, 258 Kolchak, Alexandr (Admiral), 224 Liddell Hart, Sir Basil (military Komintern (Communist International), historian), 163 202, 305, 308 Liebknecht, Karl, 203 Komitehs (armed Islamic revolutionary Liu Shaoqi, 222 group), 168 Louis IX (King), 71 Kopp, Viktor, 216 Lowith,¨ Karl, 87

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LTTE (Liberation Tigers of Tamil MNA (Algerian National Movement), Eelam), 105 300, 301 Lunacharsky, Anatolii, 278 Moabit prison, 203 Luther, Martin, 75 Mofatteh, Mohammad (Ayatollah), 282 luti, 167–8 Moghol (dynasty), 261 Luxemburg, Rosa, 203 Moghul Empire (imperial power in India), 171 Ma’an (city of Jordan), 189 Mojahedin-e Khalq, 281 Mahalati, Fazlallah (Ayatollah), 48, Molla, Gazi, 305 318 Moloch (Phoenician god), 19 Mahdi, Ibrahim (Sheikh), 52 Moltke, Helmuth von, 181 Mahdiyya (social and political Moltke, Helmuth von, Jr., 187–8 movement), 147 Mongols, 13, 20, 45, 67, 103, 163 mahdur addamm, 49 Monnerot, Jules, 233 Maher, Ahmad, 34 Montazeri, Hosein-Ali (Ayatollah), Mahfuz, Naguib, 5 284, 288–9 Mahmud of Ghazna (Sultan), 193 Montesquieu, Charles de Secondat, Makiya, Kanan, 24 baron de, 1 Malik, Nur (Air Marshal), 322 Moplah Rebellion, 198 Malik, S.K., 17, 18, 320–3 Mosadeqh, Mohammad Dr., 42, 274, Manifesto of the Islamic Republic, 285 275 Mansur, Hasan Ali (Prime Minister), Mosque, Ijlin (Sheikh), 52, 129, 266 272 mostazafin, 279, 287 Mao Zedong, 166, 229, 283, 288–9, Mosul (city of), 23 297, 316 Motahhari, Morteza (Ayatollah), 46, Marcuse, Herbert, 45, 282 269, 270, 272, 275, 282, 284–8 Marighela, Carlos, 283, 298–9 Mouvement democratique´ de liberation´ Maring. See Sneevliet, H.J.F.M. nationale, 240 Maronite, 242 Movement of the Non-Aligned, 306 Marx,KarlHeinrich,45–6, 101, 146, Muazzar, Hanafi, 225, 227 227, 278, 283, 308, 312 Mubarak, Muhammad Hosni Massignon, Louis, 44 (President of ), 63, 241 Maududi, Abu Ala, 3, 124, 233, 258–9, Mudeiris, Ibrahim (Sheikh), 54 261–270, 283, 286, 312, 320–1 muezzin, 32 mawali, 140 Mugniyah, Imad, 317 Mello (family), 302 Muhajirun (migrant Muslims), 199, Melouza (village of), 300 219, 221 Mensheviks, 202 Muhammad, 257 Mephistopheles, 103 Muhammad Ali, 195 Mesha (king of Moab), 19 Muhammed, Ahmad, 175 Messali Haj, Ahmed Ben, 248 mujaddid, 116, 257, 262–3 Mexican Socialist Party, 208 mujahid, 8, 46, 248 Milestones, 134 mujahideen (pl. mujahid), 10–11, 16 millet, 148 Mujahideen Shura Council, 11 Mir-Lowhi, Sayyid Mujtaba. See Safavi, mujtahids, 152, 282 Navvab Mukhtar, ibn Abi Ubayd al Thaqafi, Misr al-Fatah (Green Shirts), 240 115

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mullahs, 167–8, 222, 269, 274, 282 Nasrallah, Sayyed Hassan, 55, 133 Muller,¨ Max. See Hadded, Osman Nasrullah Khan, 194 Kamal Nasser, Gamal Abdel (second president munadi, 121 of Egypt), 39, 104, 128, 132–3, munafeqeen, 48 209, 240, 254–5, 295, 307, 309, Munich massacre, 320 313–14 Muntzer,¨ Thomas, 79, 81, 88, 293 natiq, 116 murids, 166, 227 Navarre, Marguerite de, 75 Muslim Brotherhood, 25, 30, 32–3, 63, Nazi (National Socialist), 16, 38–9, 41, 95, 100, 130, 132, 135, 235, 49, 129, 234, 236, 238, 240–3, 239–40, 246, 249, 259, 269–70, 246–7, 250, 253–5, 269, 280, 289, 291, 310 293, 297, 305 Muslim National Communists, 231 Nazi Scouts, 249 Muslim World League, 129 Nazim, Huseyin¨ (Pasha), 186 Muslims in Entente, 193 , 39, 238, 246, 249, 266, 272, Mussolini, Benito, 38, 104, 244, 247–8, 324 250, 260, 268 Nechaev, Sergei, 6–7, 68, 105 mustakbar, 48 Nehru, Jawaharlal, 306 mustanbat, 48 Nestorian missionaries, 112 mustazaf, 48 Neurath, Konstantin von, 245 mutawiya, 27 New Man (chelovek), 278 mutazila, 155 Nicolai, Walter (Colonel), 185 Muzaffar, Hanafi, 225 Niedermayer, Oskar von, 194–5, 210, Muzafir (Sheikh), 238 216–17 Nietzsche, Friedrich, 5, 278 Naccache, Alfred, 242 nihilism, 50, 324 Nachrichten, 189 Nihilism, 5, 103 Nachrichtenstelle fur¨ den Orient, 186 Nihilists, 6, 8 Nahhas, Mustafa (Pasha), 35 Nikolaev (city of), 203 Najaf (city of Iraq), 41, 270, 284, 286, Nile (river of), 189, 199 288 niyyah, 42, 77 Najaf Seminary, 270 Nizarat al-Marif, 220 Najaf-Abadi, Salihi, 288 NKVD (secret police of the Soviet Nanotvi, Maulana Abul Qasim, 124 Union), 260 Naqshbandi (one of the major Sufi Northern Alliance, 22 orders of Islam), 227 Nouvel Ordre Europeen´ (racist Naqshbandiya-Muridiyya, 305 movement), 254 Narbutabekov, Thaspolat, 213 NSDAP (National Socialist German Narkomnats (Comissariat of Workers Party), 255 Nationalities), 225, 228 Nuremberg Laws, 246 Narodniki (Russian revolutionaries), Nuremberg Trial, 252 310 Nuri Pasha (General of the Ottoman Narody Vostoka, 215 Army), 204 Narrenschiff (“Ship of Fools”, a common image in late Medieval OAS, Organisation de l‘armee´ secrete` Renaissance times), (Organization of the Secret Army), Nasir, Fuad, 242 303

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Obeidullah, Maulvi, 195, 220 Peloponnesian War, 5 Ode to a Mouse, 217 Peshawar (city in Pakistan), 124 Odessa (city of), 203 Peshawari, Abd al-Rab, 220 Office of Strategic Services (OSS), 254 Peter the Hermit (priest of Amiens), 68 Oman (Sultanate), 147, 309 Peters, Jakob, 218 Omar, Mullah, 125, 322 PFLP (People‘s Front for the Liberation Oppenheim, Max von, Baron, 182, of Palestine), 53, 55, 308, 314 187–91, 193, 210, 218, 245–6 Philippeville, 301 Origen (early Christian theologian), Picardy (province of France), 71–2 65 pied-noir (French inhabitant of Algeria), Oslo Agreements, 320 300, 302, 303 OSPAAL (Organization of Solidarity of pırsˆ , 165–6, 197 thePeopleofAsia,Africaand PLO (Palestine Liberation Latin America), 309 Organization), 8, 21, 51–2, 254, Ostministerium (East Ministry), 251 305, 309–10, 313–20 Ottoman Janissaries, 146 Pol Pot (Prime Minister of Cambodia), Ouzegane, Ammar, 283, 297 100, 161 Politburo, 308 Pact of Umar, 100 Ponomarev, Boris, 308 paganism, 8, 37, 159 Popper, Karl (philosopher), 83 Pahlevi (dynasty), 168 Porete, Marguerite, 75 Palestine Liberation Front, 8, 53, 314 Porte (court of the ), Palestine Liberation Organization 176, 178, 186, 190 (PLO), 294, 313, see PLO Pratap, Kumar Mahendra, 193, 195 Palestinian, 8, 12, 16, 28, 51–4, 56–7, Predication and Combat (radical 215, 238, 241–2, 245, 249, 253–5, group), 22 294–6, 302, 305, 309–10, 313–17, Proto-Gospel of James, 96 319 Pseudo-Methodius, 66 Palestinian National Charter, 52 Punjab (area of South Asia), 124 Papen, Franz von, 195 Pursuit of the Millenium, 261 Partisans of Peace, 274–5, 307 putsch, 3, 39, 180, 199, 224 Partovi-Sabzevari, Muhammad-Taqi, 49 Qaim, 121, 277 Parvus (Alexander Helphand), 202, see Qajar (dynasty), 168, 171 Helphand Qaradawi, Yussuf, 57, 135 Pascal, Blaise, ii Qarmats, 45, 106, 166 Pasdaran, 168, 288 Qaseem, Abdul Karim, 23 Pasha, Nahhas, 35 Qatada, Abu, 16 Pastoureaux, 70 qatl, 37 Patna (city in India), 124 qibla, 160 Patrice Lumumba University, 308 Qing (dynasty), 146 Paul, Saint, 83 qissas (laws of), 44 PDFLP (Democratic Popular Front for qital, 34, 37 the Liberation of Palestine), 308, Qutb, Sayyid, 3, 8, 10, 37, 94–101, 314 103, 105, 125, 134–5, 153, 233, Peace Partisans, 306 235–6, 240, 259, 261, 266, Pearl, Daniel, 8 269–70, 283, 286, 312, 321

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Radek, Karl, 202–4, 208, 210–13, 217, Saada, Antun, 246, 293 236, 247 Sabri, Ikrimeh (Sheikh), 52, 54 Radio Zossen, 251 Sadat, Anwar El (president of Egypt), Rafat, Hamid, 247 63, 100, 234, 309 Rafsanjani, Afbar Hashemi (Ayatollah), Saduqi, Mohammad (Ayatollah), 292 48 Safarov, Georgi, 218 Rahimbaev, Abduqadir, 218 Safavi, Navvab, 32, 40–2, 49, 269–72, Ramallah (city of), 11, 319 282 Rashidi (clan), 147 Said, Nuri, 269, 274, 276, 297 Raskolnikov, Fyodor, 218, 273 Saladin, Yusuf Ibn Ayyub, (Sultan of Rationalists of Islam, 155 Egypt), 11, 118, 128, 182 Razmara, Ali (General), 271 salaf, 30, 157 Red Army, 205–6, 216–18, 221, 223, salafi, 31 226, 228, 288, 309 salafism, 30 Red Army Fraction of Germany, 309 salafiyya, 31 Red Brigades of Italy, 309 Salameh, Hafiz (Sheikh), 91 Red International, 255 Salha, Aziz, 11 Reflections on Humanity, 101 Salonica or Thessaloniki (city of Reflexions´ sur la violence, 267 Greece), 180, 186 Reichssicherheitshauptamt,RSHA, Sanders, Liman von (General), 181 289 Sanusiyya (Sanussi Brotherhood) Res publica, 136 (political-religious organization), Research Institute on the Social 147, 176 Consequences of the War, 202 Saoshyans, 114 Reventlow, Ernst, Graf zu, 208, 247 Saraya al-difa, 24 Revolt of the Basmachis, 228 sarkha, 32 Revolutionierungspolitik, 182 Sartre, Jean-Paul, 32, 44–5, 86, 282, Reza Shah Pahlavi, 38, 273 300 Ribbentrop, Ulrich Friedrich Wilhelm Sattar, Abdal, 198 Joachim von (Foreign Minister of satyagraha (movement), 198 Germany 1938–1945), 250 SAVAK, (National Information and Rida, Rashid, 30–3, 37, 97, 248–9 Security Organization, Iran), 42, Ridwan, Fathi, 240 282 Rizhenko, Fyodor, 308 Sayyid, Ahmad Khan, Sir, 51, 196 Roberts, Frederick, Lord, 206 Sayyid, Ameer Ali, 196, 259 Robespierre, Maximilien de, 6, 257 Schabinger, Karl, 191 Rodinson, Maxime, 260 Schlegel, Friedrich, 87 Roquetaillade, Franciscan Jean de, 72 Schmitt, Carl, 158, 293 Rosenberg, Arthur, 251 Scythians, 212 Rote Fahne, 237 Second World Congress of the Roy, M. N., 199, 205–10, 215, 217–22, Communist International, 208 231, 236 Securitate (secret police of Communist Russian Civil War, 226, 311 ), 309 Russian Left, 202 sedentary society, 14 Russian Revolution, 219, 224, 278 Seeckt, Hans von (General), 186, 193, Russian Socialist movement, 182, 202 200, 203–6, 208, 210, 213, Russo-Ottoman war of 1877–1878, 196 216–18, 244

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Sejna, Jan (General), 308 Slavophiles, 146 Selim I (Sultan), 174 Sneevliet, H.J.F.M. (pseudonym Sen Katayama, 222 Maring), 231 Sepoy Mutiny, 196 Social Justice in Islam, 270 Sepoys, 124 Socialist Revolutionaries, 310 Shaban, Buthayna Dr., 135 Soldatov, Aleksandr, 317 shahada (martyrs), 10 Solovki Island, 229 shahid (martyr), 46, 48 Sondergruppe R, 216 Shakespeare, William, ii, 17, 136 Sorel, Georges, 33, 53, 267, 268 Shakti (a hindu god), 207 Sorush (journal), 291 Shamil, Imam (political leader), 128, Soustelle, Jacques (General), 299 176, 227, 305–6 Soviet Afro-Asian Solidarity sharia (body of Islamic religious law), Committee, 306 18, 91, 97, 152, 156, 172, 174, Soviet Communism, 3 210, 230, 256, 259, 266 Spartacus League. See German Shariati, Ali, 32, 44–7, 50–1, 101–6, Communist Party 228–9, 233, 269, 270, 276–87, 297 Speer, Albert (Minister of Armament), Shariati, Ershan, 278 293 Shariati, Sarah, 278 Spirituals, 70, 75 Shawkat Ali, 197 SPQR, 137 Shawkat, Sami dr., 38 SS (), 16, 251–4, 297 Shawqat, Nadji, 253 SS Obergruppenfuhrer¨ ( Shawqat, Sami Dr., 247 paramilitary rank), 253 shaykh al-Turuq, 176 SS-Hauptamt (SS Head Office), 251 sheikh al-Islam, 183, 188 Stalin, Joseph, 166, 201, 215, 222, Shepherds Crusade, 70 224–5, 228, 231, 236, 240, 260, Shia, 40, 44, 45, 50, 101, 113, 116, 274–5, 288, 293, 301, 305, 307, 118, 120–1, 259, 269, 276, 308, 312 287 Stasi (secret police of East Germany), Shiatu Ali (partisans of Ali), 112 309 Shiism, 40, 45, 101, 103, 105–6, 120, State Institute for International Affairs, 126, 276, 279, 284, 290 308 Shiite, 29, 32, 40, 42, 44–5, 55, 90, STB (Czechoslovak secret police), 309 101, 103, 106, 112, 116–17, 122, Storch, Niklas, 79 126, 130, 170, 249, 258, 276, Suez Canal, 188, 189 281–2, 286, 288, 291–2, 294, Sufi, 44, 74, 106, 125, 127, 149, 165–6, 324 176, 227–8, 293, 305 Shinshil, Sadiq, 242 Sufyani, 115, 121 Shukri Mustafa, 100 suhl, 161 Shuqairy, Ahmad, 313 Sultangalievism, 223, 234 Sikhs, 124 Sunni, 3, 29, 31–2, 40, 55, 57, 90, 93, silf, 157 97, 100–1, 103, 106, 112, 116–18, Simon, Walter, 217, 319 120, 122, 129–30, 152, 154, Sind (Province of), 198 165–6, 170, 177, 258–9, 261, 266, Sirhan Sirhan, 255 270, 276, 294, 324 Six Days’ War, 129, 309, 315 Svadeshi movement, 190 Skliansky, Efraim, 206, 210 Svaraj movement, 190

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Sweidani, Ahmad, 313, 314 The Peasant War in Germany, 81 Sybilline Oracles, 66 The Possessed. See The Devils The Principle of Quranic Thinking, Tabatabai, Ziya al-Din, 249 283 Taborite, 78, 88 The Process of Revolution, 267 pl. Taborites, 70, 77 The Quranic Concept of War, 320–2 Tabriz (city of Iran), 189 The State and Revolution, 266 Tafur (King), 69–70 The World of Islam (newspaper), 180 Tafurs, 69 The Wretched of the Earth, 44 tahwid, 96, 99, 289 theology, 2, 29, 43, 47, 48, 82, 92, 95, Taimiyya, Taqi ad-Din Ahmad ibn, 37, 101, 112, 128, 159–60 97 Theses on Feuerbach, 46 tajdid, 257 Third Afghan War, 194 takfir, 37, 40, 49, 96–7, 99, 263 Thucydides (Greek historian), 5 Takfir wal-Hijra. See Al-Jihad Thug cult of Kali, 19 Takriti (clan), 150 Tiburtina, 66 Talaat, Mehmed (Pasha), 180, 186–7, Tishrin (newspaper), 25 202–4 Tito, Josip Broz (President), 297, 306 Taleqani, Mohammad-Hasan, 271, Tocqueville, Alexis de, 59, 258 283 Tokugawa shoguns, 146 Taleqani, Sayyid Mahmud (Ayatollah), Tonnies,¨ Ferdinand, 138 271–3, 282, 284 Topkapı Palace, 172 Talibans, 22 Treaty of Kuc¨ uk¨ Kaynarca, 174 Tamerlane, 227 Treaty of Rapallo, 203, 217 Tamil Tigers, 105 Triad gangs (Chinese underground Tan Malaka, 222 organizations), 166 Tanchelm of Antwerpen, 67 Tripolitania (historic region of Libya), Tantawi, Muhammad (Sheikh), 57 176, 180, 185, 191 Tanzimat period, 244 Trotsky, Leon, 202, 206, 216–17, 228, tarikat, 176 267, 311 tariqa, 166, 227 Tudeh, 235, 269, 273–5, 287, 308 Tarzi, Mahmad, 194 Tukhachevsky, Mikhail (General), 206 tashayyo-e sorkh, 276 Tulfah, Khairullah, 242 tathir, 49 tullab, 167 tawhid, 260, 287 Turk Yurdu, 202 Tehrani, Mahdi, Hadavi (Ayatollah), Turkestan (region in Central Asia), 174, 282 176, 184, 218, 223, 230 Terreur, 6 Turkish Compassionate Fund, 196 Teshkilat-i Mahsusa (TM), 185, 214 Turkish Hizbullah, 25 Teskilat, 192 Twelver Shia, 276 Thabit, Antun, 241 thawra, 258–9 ulama, 18, 37, 100, 111, 128, 165, The Devils, 6 176–8, 197–9, 213, 222, 241, 248, The Highest Struggle. See Le meilleur 261, 264, 266, 274–5, 282, 284, combat 286, 292 The Immortal Martyr, 288 ul-Haq, Zia, 63, 320 The Martyr, 46, 285, 287 Umar (Caliph), 113

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Umayyad (dynasty), 96, 102, 115 Weber, Max, 77 umma, 31, 36, 56, 59, 164, 172–3, 184, Weimar Republic, 244 222, 227, 230, 260 Weizsacker,¨ Ernst von, 250 Umma al-Arabiyya, 32 Weltanschauung (world view), 158 Umma al-Muhammadiyya, 32 wilaya, 297, 300–1 Unamuno, Miguel de, ii Wilhelm II (Emperor), 181–3, 186, 214 Untermenschen (‘inferior people’, a Wilhelminian (period), 181, 244 term from Nazi racial ideology), William (Emperor), 44 161 Wimbush (Enders), 227, 273, 275, 306 Urabi, Ahmed (Colonel), 175 Wisliceny, Dieter, 252 Urban II (Pope), 67 World Peace Council, 130 urf, 152, 157 World Peace Movement, 306 Uruba, 31 World Youth Conference, 313 Ushirma, Mansur (Sheikh), 305 USSR (Soviet Union), 231, 239, 245, Xinjiang (East Turkestan), 176 274, 306, 314 usus, 156 Yajuj and Majuj. See Gog and Magog Uthman, Amin, 35 Yakub Bey, Muhammad, 176 Utushev, 214 Yark (city in China), 178 Yasim, Yusuf (Sheikh), 247, 253 Vademecum in Tribulations, 72 Yasin, Sheikh, 10 Vaez-Tabassi, Abbas (Ayatollah), 105 Yazdi, Ibrahim, 258 Van (city of Turkey), 189 Yazid, M’hamed, 315 Vehme assassinations, 272 Yemen (country of), 36, 118, 125, 147, velayat-e faqih, 292–3 294, 309 Veli, Mehmed Khan (General), 217 Young Egypt, 240, 246, 255 Viet Minh (League for the Young Turk, 38, 202, 203, 247 Independence of Vietman), 295–7 Vigilante Patrols for Combating the Zade (Sultan), 231 Forbidden, 289 Zahiris, 154 Virgin Mary, 71, 74 Zakharov, Vladimir, 313 Voegelin, Eric (philosopher), 84, 88–9, zalzalah, 259 256, 277 Zamindar, 220 Voigt, Gunther,¨ 217 Zaydi (sect, school named after Imam Volk, 49 Zayd ibn Ali), 147 Volkischer¨ Beobachter, 240, 246 Zhizn Natsionalnostei, 228 Vozhd, 293 Zhou Enlai (Prime Minister), 306, 316 Waffen-SS (Armed SS, elite combat Zighout, Youssef, 301 unit), 252 Zimmermann, Arthur, 182 Wahdat al-Islam, 178 Zinoviev, Grigory, 206, 210–11, wala, 140 213–14, 217 Wangenheim, Hans Freiherr, 193 Zoroaster, 102 Warsaw Pact, 306 zur-khane, 168

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