Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-73063-1 - The Mind of Jihad Laurent Murawiec Index More information Index Abbasid (dynasty), 103, 113, 117–18, ad-Dajjal, 109, 115, 121, 287 174 Adonis, Ali Ahmad Said Asbar (poet), Abd-al-Ilah, Crown Prince, 23 169 Abdallah (King), 252 Aflaq, Michel, 39, 40, 104–5, 246 Abdelqader, Ali Hasan (Sheikh), 246 Afro-Asian Solidarity Committee, 308 Abduh, Muhammad, 30–2, 125 Afula, 236 Abdulaziz¨ (Sultan), 174 Ahab (King), 20 Abdulhamid¨ I (Sultan), 174 Ahl al-Dhimmi, 100 Abdulhamid¨ II (Sultan), 174–6, 178, Ain-Abid (city of Algeria), 302 179, 192 Ait Amouda. See Amirouche Abdullah, Mohammed (Sheikh), 182 Akhuwat, 198 Abdulmejid¨ (Sultan), 187 al Haramayn, 160 Abel, 44, 101 al-Afghani, Jamal al-Din, 29–32, 38, Abelard,´ Peter (scholastic philosopher), 125–7, 173, 177–8, 195–6, 198, 85 249, 277, 286 Abo, Husni, 25 al-Ardh Midhat (Sheikh), 247 Abraham, 20 al-Asabadi, Jamal al-Din. See al-Afghani Abu Abbas, 8 al-Ashari, Abdul Hassan, 154–5 Abu Bakr, (Caliph), 113 al-Ashman, Muhammad (Sheikh), 241 Abu Ghraib prison, 135 al-Assad, Hafez, 24, 104 Abu Jihad, 187, 191, 316 al-Assad, Rifat, 24–5 Abuzar Qaffari the Socialist al-Awaji, Mohsin (Sheikh), 27 Worshipper of God, 279 Alawites (sect of Shiite Islam), 150 Abwehr, 248, 250, 297 Al-Azhar (University), 32, 36, 57, 170, Aceh (a territory of Indonesia), 174, 246 176 Al-Azhar, Shaykh, 100 Acharya, M.P.B.T., 217, 220 al-Banna, Hassan, 30, 32–3, 35–7, 39, Acheson, Dean (Secretary of State), 252 41, 59, 100, 103, 117, 135, 246, Achille-Lauro (cruise ship), 8 269–70, 291, 293 Ada, 152 al-Dawa (Iraqi Shiite movement), 90, Adam, 160 161 327 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-73063-1 - The Mind of Jihad Laurent Murawiec Index More information 328 Index al-Din, Nadir (Shah), 29–30 al-Qadir, Abd (Algerian Islamic scholar, Al-e Ahmad (Iranian writer, social and political and military leader), 147 political critic), 279–80 Al-Qaeda, 11 Aleppo (city of), 24–5 al-Qarqani, Khalid al-Hud, 253 Alexander II (Tsar), 6 Al-Qassem, 55 al-Fatat, 253 al-Qurashi, Abu Ubeid, 320 al-Gailani, Rashid Ali, 39, 253 al-Rahman Azzam, Abd, Algerian National Movement (MNA), al-Sabah, Hasan ibn, 45, 106 300 al-Sadr, Musa, 291, 317 al-Ghazali, Abu Hamed Mohammad al-Said, Nuri (Prime Minister), 23, 250, ibn Mohammad, 177, 266 253 al-Ghita (Sheikh), 249 al-sharaf, 136 al-Hanafiyya, Muhammad ibn, 115 al-sharaf al-arabi, 132 al-Hassan, Mahmud (Sheikh al-Hind), al-sharaf al-Muslimi, 132 220 al-Sibai, Mustafa (Sheikh), 240 Al-Hilal (journal), 198 al-Sulh, Riyad, 249 al-Hud, Khalid Abulwalid, 247 al-Sulh, Sami, 242, 253 al-Husayni, Sawfat, 247 Al-Tayyeb, Ahmad dr. (Sheikh), 57 al-Husri, Sati, 39 al-Tell, Wasfi, 21 Ali, ibn Abi Talib (first Imam), 44–5, Al-Umma’l Arabiyya, 253 49–50, 102–3, 112, 115, 118, 120, al-Urwa al Wuthqa Journal, 30 276–81, 288, 290, 292 al-Wahda al-Islamiyya. See Wahdat Ali, Mehmet, 125 al-Islam Ali, Muhammad, 51 al-Wahhab, Muhammad ibn, 97, 124 Alids (members of the dynasty of Ali al-Wakil, Mustafa Dr., 246 ibn Abi Talib), 102, 115 al-Zarqawi, Abu Musab, 9 Aligarh College, 196 Amanullah (Shah), 194, 206, 219 alim, 185, 195, 232 American Airlines Flight 11, 8 al-Jazeera, 9 American Revolution, 257 al-Jihad, 37, 100 Amini, Abdol Hoseyn (Ayatollah), 271 al-Jundi, Sami, 104 amir al-Muminin, 179 al-Kuwwatli, Shuqri, 249 Amir Hussein, 253 All-India Muslim League, 196 Amirouche, 300 al-Mahdi, Muhammad, 263, 276 Anabaptists, 70, 79–81 al-Manar, 31, 33, 55 Anarchist, 7 Al-Manshwai mosque, 27 Anatolia (region of), 147, 179, 210 al-Maraghi (Sheikh), 246 an-Nashashibi, Nasri ad-Din, 28 Al-Masri, Abu Hamza (Sheikh), 57 anthropology, 2, 123 al-Masri, Aziz Ali (General), 246 Anti-Fascist League, 241 al-mawt fann, 34 Aquinas, Thomas, ii, 61, 287 Almohades (dynasty), 119 Arab League, 39, 249, 313 Almoravid (dynasty), 119 Arab Revolt, 238, 249 al-Moudjahid (newspaper), 296 Arafat, Yasser, 51–3, 55–6, 255, 296, al-Mulk, Nizam, 122 305, 310, 313–14, 316–20 al-Murshid, 291, 293 Archangel Jibril, 92 Al-Mutanabbi, Abou-t-Tayyib Ahmad Archangel Michael, 72 ibn al-Husayn (poet), 132 Arianism, 96 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-73063-1 - The Mind of Jihad Laurent Murawiec Index More information Index 329 Arif, Abdul Salam, 23 Barkat-Ullah. See Barakatullah Aristotle, 61 Basije (paramilitary volunteer force), Arius (Bishop), 96 50, 285 Army of God, 204, 207, 220 Basiret, 177 Army of Liberation, 218 Basra (city of Iraq), 189 Army of Salvation, 252 Batinists, 284 Arslan, Amir Adil, 253 Battle of Algiers, 302, 304 Arslan, Shakib (Sheikh), 247–8, 253 Bay of Bengal, 171 asabiyya, 139–41, 146–8, 160 Baytursun, Ahmed, 225 Ashkhabad (capital city of Bazargan, Mehdi (Iranian leader), 283, Turkmenistan), 217, 221 287 Ashura (celebrations), 50, 168 Beauplan, Guillaume Le Vasseur de, as-Samarri, 277 162 Atlantic Ocean, 171, 205 Beauvoir, Simone de, 300 Atta, Muhammad, 19 Bedouins, 139, 144, 146, 149–50, 157, aubach, 168 236 Auftragstaktik, 163 Behesht Zahra, 26 Augustine, Saint, 61, 66, 86 Beheshti, Mohammad (Ayatollah), 272, Auschwitz, 252 282 Auswartiges¨ Amt (German Foreign Ben Bella, Ahmed (President of Algeria), Office), 248 297, 304 Azad, Maulana Abul Alam, 197–8 Benevolent Islamic Society, 180, 192 Aztecs, 19 Benningsen, Alexandre (scholar of Azzam, Abdal Rahman, 39, 249 Islam), 227, 273, 275, 306–7, 309, Azzam, Abdullah, 10, 56, 58, 105 313 Benost-Mechin,´ Jacques, 39 Baal (Phoenician god), 19–20 Berg, Nicholas, 8, 9 Baath Party (the original secular Arab Berger, Gottlob, 252 nationalist movement), 38–9, 104, Bhattacharya, Narendra Nath. See Roy, 242 M. N. Baathist, 24 Biazar-Shirazi, Abdul-Karim, 49 Bab, 276 bida, 257, 259 Babur (Emperor), 193 binLaden,Osama,10, 19, 56, 58, 105, Bagdash, Khalid, 222 125, 134, 145, 209, 233, 320–2 Baha’i (religion, founded in the 19th Bismarck, Otto von, 181, 244 Century, Persia), 167 Black International, 254–5 Bakdash, Khalid (leader of the Syrian Black Plague of 1348, 69 Communist Party), 241 Black Sea, 171 Baku Congress, 217, 220, 222, 295 Black September, 51, 255, 318 Bakunin, Mikhail, 6 Black Shirts (Italian fascist paramilitary Bal Gangadhar Tilak, 197 groups), 38 bandits d’honneur, 165 Blackwater Co., 11 Bani-Sadr, Abolhasan, 285, 288 Bloch, Ernst, 81 Barakatullah, Muhamamad, 195, 219, Blockwart system, 288 220 Blok, Alexander, 212 barbudos (revolutionary guerillas), 309 Blount, W. S., 30 Barelvi, Said Ahmad, 124 Bockelson, Jan, 81 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-73063-1 - The Mind of Jihad Laurent Murawiec Index More information 330 Index Bogdanov, Aleksandr, 278 Caputiati, 71 Bogostroitel’stvo (God-building), 278 Carlos the Venezuelan, 309 Bolshevik, 4, 178, 195, 199–203, Carranza, Venustiano, 208 206–12, 214–15, 218–19, 221–6, Carthaginians, 20 228–32, 238, 249, 268, 278, Caspian Sea, 204, 273 280–1, 306, 311 Castle, Barbara, 301 pl. Bolsheviks, 3, 146, 161, 166, 196, Castro, Fidel, 283, 297, 309 200, 202–4, 208–11, 213, 216–17, Catechism of a Revolutionist, 6 219–24, 226–8, 231–3, 305, 311 CBS (Columbia Broadcasting System), Bolshevism and the Islamic Body 134 Politick, 219 Cemal, Ahmad (Pasha), 186–7, 202 Bonaparte, Napoleon,´ 135 Central Asia Bureau (CAB), 218 Book of a Hundred Chapters, 72 Cervantes, Miguel de, 146 Borghese, Valerio, 254 chaku-kechan, 168 Borodin, Mikhail, 208 Challe, Maurice (General), 304 Bosch, Hieronymus (painter), 108 Champakraman Pillai, 208 Bosnia, 10 Charter of Hamas, 53 Boukhobza, Hammed dr., 25 Che Guevara, Ernesto, 282, 305, 316, Boumediene, Houari, 304 320 Brandt, Willy, 319 Chechnya, 10, 211, 305 Brest-Litovsk (city of), 204 Cheka, 218, 288, 293, 311 Brodie, Bernard, 2 Chernychevsky, Nikolai (Russian Brohi, Allah Bukhsh K., 321 radical), 278 Bruck, Moeller van den, 88 Chiang Kai-shek, 244 Brutents, Karen, 308 Chicherin, Georgy, 216, 217 Buddha, 102 Chokay-Oglu, Mustafa, 228 Bukhara (city in Uzbekistan), 178, 230 Churchill, Winston, 1 Bukhari, Sahih, 152 CIA (Central Intelligence Agency), 11, Bukharin, Nikolai (Soviet politician), 246, 253 232 City of God, 66, 85, 86 Bund, 236 Clausewitz’s doctrine, 25 Bund der Asienkampfer¨ (Union of Cleaver, Eldridge, 305 Asian Fighters), 205 Cohn, Norman, 88, 261 Burns, Robert (poet), 217 Colonial International, 228, 230 Burqai, Sayyed Ali Akbar, 275 Commissariat for Nationalities Bush, George W., 133 (Narkomnats), 225 Busher (city of Iran), 189 Commission on the National and Bushido (Samurai code of conduct), 136 Colonial Question, 208 Buyids (dynasty of), 117 Committee Union and Progress, 38, 179, 247 CAB (Central Asia Bureau), 218 Communist agit-prop, 238 Cain, 44, 70, 101 Communist International, 202, 206, Caliphate, 18 210–11, 215, 218, 222, 234, 236, Calvin, John, 75 239, 241, 249, 273, 308 Camus, Albert, 295, 300, 303 Communist University of the Peoples of Canal Zone, 35 the East, 216 Capek,ˇ Jan, Comte, Auguste, 88 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-73063-1 - The Mind of Jihad Laurent Murawiec Index More information Index 331 Confucius, 102 Debray, Regis,´ 282 Congress of the People of the East, 206, Declaration of War, 56, 134 215 Democratic Popular Front for the Congress of the Toilers of the East. See Liberation of Palestine (PDFLP), Congress of the People of the East 314 Constantinople or Istambul (city of Deng Xiaoping, 222 Turkey), 181–2, 193, 198, 200, Denikin, Anton (General), 224 202, 246 Deobandi, 124, 195, 220, 263, 268, Coriolanus, 136 320 Corneille, Pierre (French dramatist), Derwish, Ishaq, 253 136 Deutsche Nationalzeitung, 254–5 Corps of the Guardians of the Islamic DGI (intelligence agency of Cuba), 313 Revolution, 288 Dharr, Abu, 57 Council of High Learning, 184 dhimmi, 161, 197 CPP (Communist Party of Palestine), pl.
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