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XXXVII-NO. 20 CARTERET, N. J.. FRIDAY, AUGUST 29, 1958 PRICK TEN CENTS Banking Institution Set With jSchools Nautilus Generators Plans for Vast Improvements1™1 Bus CARTERET — Two plan* for v&st renovation* are being Schedule Made at Boro Plant studied by the building com- CARTEKKT — Transports-' mittee of the Carteret Bank lion mutes for school children us set up hy the Board of Ettu- and Trust Company, Cooke rution and School Superm- Avenue at Irving Street. l.endeni Edwin S. Quln and Of Foster Wheeler The bank will celebrate its which will KO into effect when 35th anniversary September school reopens were mnde 16 public today by Mr. Quin. The Improvements will in- 'I'liev ,ne Adult Education School "Firsts' volve expenditure of between Route 3, Parkview nnd t veais Ago w« met an $100,000 and $150,000. SliDiciiest; first stop, play ner "Ion* Roosevelt Plans include a drlve-ln- HI HI. second stop, model wlndow, night depository, Mails Course Brochures f\rl\rY,ekf\ r He had two teeth, home: third stop, Coolldge CARTERET — Course bro- ners, Mondays; advanced typ- complete re-arrangement and ,;> c. *i"ii d:>' s. November 19. All courses are The Carte-ret School of Wheeler Corporation. Tli« when few if anv ii'-n- hunk :i^ Each student, will receive at i conducted one evening a week Adiilt Education i.s a perman- NnutiluR. now on her utaoiid structures were being con- the school a d'ff'ient color for the ten weeks. Registra- diiv. dip dentls' ent community project co- nuclear fuel charge, has trav- •irieird card for thn hu;i lie "ill tn!;e tion fees for each will I • n( m mm phiU's uponsored by the U.S. Metals eled over 130000 miles, 7JT of "We hnd confiil'iirr in the and the bus vp'eh he will be $3.00. : ami Mien went Refining Co. ani the Car- t submerged, using Poster future of America" Tlv :n:i> bonid will \K dcMana'rd by a teret Bonrd of Education. It Because of Hie keen pre- Wheeler steam generator*. No O. Kenyon, vi:-e pnx.i, 'in SCAV IMPROVEMENT PLANS: Photo showi officials of the Carterrt Bank and number is offered primarily for all •;•'•!•<{ "your N'".v reglstratfon interest. In the trouble of any kind w*s en- said. Serving on the bn;!r! : j Tin | Company looking over and specifications for renovation of the hanking j Mr, Qui'i lilted thai sfj- residents of the borough of .i]d uf to study It 1 ; school. Edwin S. Quin. Direc- countered In their operation. committee are II rold Dr:.- prrmi- PS. Sei'trd from left to rljht are: Andrew Chrlstensen bank presided, his son, dent atui ilvir jinvnts bi pa- Carteret and employees of the tor, expects an unusually i' !nd shown th:>t The generators each consist 'ensen, chairman ami Oeorye Harold ChrintrnHen and George Chatnra. Standing In the buck in Thomas G. Ken von, tient until niiior lrnr,i;iorta- U. S. Meiftls Refining Co. large registration this year. iir (ir went to of a stainless steel heat ex- ohumra. i tion diffinil'ies are irored out Tlie menilws of the board of Hie title of the viee-prtddeni. The 16 courses offered by changer, a carbon steel stevm I during the fiist frw days of trustees of the Adult School i| 'if clifliivi to the .school this year are Boat drum and a primary circul- school. are as follows: Richard A. Handling, Tuesday nighUs; ating loop conecting the two A special bus will transport landscaping and Hardeninn. Wet/.el. Chairman. Edwin S. to the nuclear heat source. pupils to the vocational Monday nights; noli, Monday Quin. director: t)a«innr Olympics To Jay £/M ft fa Abandon details Shaped The Poster Wheeler Cor« • 'i' flisi d:>v school. It will leave from iiifihts: carpentry, Monday Kocd, Mrs. Alvs Sheridan, poratlon also designed and iri a mont' f:i] of Oemiie's Bus Terminal, West nights; hobby painting, Mon- Frank Hiiiuy mid Adam \s P! built the (Mark V land bawd I.I top of It. we avgrountis For Ukrainian Carteret and make stops at day nights; sewing for begin- Rxymborski. .! «T UT'r- Ijl'lll • Brady's Corner, Roosevelt anri prototype for the Nautilus i bill of rnr:i- Yule Cotillions Pershiii" Avenue, on the Hill, steam generators. The opera- Hose Programs also at Roosevelt and Persh- • • •'!" ' rrr m "::; " r! - The Car- Meanwhile arrangements Fete on Sunday tion and testing of these units '.''• «•••! e Hi1, en n ('AllTKHKT •eiei Woniiin's Club luis voted are being made for the re- j CAITFUET — Tiie tw.-uy- iiij; Avenues. Chrome section. preceded the installation of Tn'iiMiortiUion will be pro- 1 those now operatina aboard , i,, niii :>••• •• ,u M'.JI'JKIOII us annual Christ- opening of the club activities ^econd annual Ukraininn Day vided to students of the j • (I it In-t and al- mas Cotillion. for the 1958-195& season. will be held at the St., D nT-- the Nautilus. : i-.-i i-ii iKin piui4i.uu •••eveii'h and ei"ht.h cirades at! Tins was ivvealed today by Mrs. Hila announced that Irins Community Center, Su:i- Developed Here ii'd to death. Al 1 o'clock this afinnooh ''ie Co!un''i * S."Nul, because; Mrs. John Hila, president of. the fust meeting of the board n1"'-. Air'il't '.'\ l:-"in:i''11! p' An improved Nautilus tvp« in the Walter B. Overholt Me- 1 l 1 i l i 'he ' • ;Hes w ill be on double :ini take u« lotiR to morial Stadium, the Recrea- the club, who said that the! of director* will be held at 3 P M. The r 'f-ir is si) " - ji f d steam itcneiator 'lint the new set of tion Department will hold decision waa reached at t her home September 8, when hv the pi. D-me'vri^ Uki''i- was developed concuirent i 1 rf i.Kie us lonk like Olympic Day. recent group meeting. ' plant will be advanced for the i;;n O: :' 'i "\ Cli'ir^i with iip with the fabrication of (lie -ti'i:i, because the en- Participating in the various The Cotillion has been held club'a opening dinner meeting lid'vrl of tnis'e in iMark 11 and supplied to the to b« held at Herm'.i, Plain- ! Navy Reactor Test Center at our of our fiice has names will be winners of Car- annually for five years. While The t:|i In- Vil'.pr 1 r •, ary We looked like a lerets nine playgrounds. More It has attracted large assemb- field on September 18, Deputy W. V.';«f' P' ->i-ri Arco. Idaho, by Poster Wheel- 1 r/iinir before one of tlmn 200 prizes are to be lages, It hardly covered ex- Chief Charles Makwirislcl will ''"•',". •; - pi er Corporation, Mark II ifen- i;n mirrors at a car- awui'ded to the champion*. penses and there was a great be the 'speaker. Jor-n !,-• Lists Program erators are the type installed Directing the Olympics will deal of preparation work. At th* dinner, Mrs. Rich- On' v,,v,.i '-j n,K| Stanley pliil- in the Nautilus] A replacement * be Recreation Director I "It is regretable that we ard Donovan, program chair- Mp~. n ' •.•'• s. C*ETER''7T ^ Labor Day fnr one of the original Nau- had to give It up thli rear" man will present Ch« club'* T'-'p e*. n-.T'triiN church Su'-.r' :v a!. IN' C; 'vary B-'v tilus prototypes has also been •i.' not enough. We Thoiniu Counhlln and all] Mr8 fabricated to test the feasibil- ::> how Co talk andi playground supervisors. There [ - Hila Mid. printed program for the year. eho '•, un'""f the dir:c .n nf fist C'ur:'h will he niLirkr;! by ' .ill over again. Weirill be a variety of events for Prof. Joseph Reynarovich, wi;l the follow.nit: service of wor- ity of carbon steel rather I'mn Rt the baby-talk; both boy/ and girls of variou* open the program with a con- ship at 11 A. M., .sermon: stainless steel construction for this kind of service. nnd niir menu consists!', age groupj. Fall Fair Set [Stress Safety cert followed by the Ukrain- "Mighty Twins," Text: He- i•:;'•:( pcii.i, strained ba- i Couehlin said that th« ian native dances an<1 ballet brews 3:12, special music by All Foster Wheeler nuclear <1 mher baby food lecrerttlon proiirum thig sum- of the Carteret School of the Junior and Senior Choirs; components supplied fnr thB . Like pablum. mer w.ti tii« most successful By Girl Scouts! As Schools are Dancing under the direction service of devotion at 6:30 Nautilus program were fabri- ol any year. He said fair of Mrs. Kay Syrnchik. P. M.: sermon from II Peter cated at the Carteret Plant. CARTERET-vA meeting of Delegations from other com- 3:1-12 continuing the Bible rist toold ii* to do «i.,ither helped to swell at- Of the over 100 steam *en- tendance., lured many youiiKs- the Girl Scout planning com- Set to Reopen munities will be welcomed by Study begun several weeks minis delivered or under 'aikiiiK to break In mittee wa« held last ,iday » committee headed by Harry iSQ in this book, Junior Choir ucra. We a^ not ler.s to participate In the CARTERET — Everything j construction for- -We Wvy'n various contest* as well as with several new committees Wolansky. Sr., and Paul Kaw- Anthem. nuclear fleet program, over 50 ^.ibbinjf. but after appointed for the Fall Fair. Is in readiness for the reopen- nsky. The flr?t rehearsal of the iiver xc come home urts and era (us da-vset. ing of the schools on Wednes- per cent are being supplied by Mrs Mary Mallette harf been Dancing will be held at the season will be held by the lister Wheeler Corporation. 'nlkmir a b'-e«j!e to appointed as concession chair- day. Ukrainian Pavilion following Junior Choir Sunday evening A neiKhbor 1» won- School Superintendent Ed- With very minor exceptions, man and Mrs. Lena Brovnv the concert and later at the at 5:45. The new Junior Choir all such equipment in being ' »'e hadn't gone refreshment chairman. win 8. Quin announced tnat center beginning at 8 P. M. leaders will be Mrs. Rosemary Topic is Listed principals of the schools will abricated at the Carteret The fair will be held Sun- with two orchestras. Piper and Mrs. Magdalene lant of this company. day. October 19. at the high1 tnttet at his office at 10 A.M. Officers and members of TriculPs. Anyone up to the age *nd» 'ell us that we The teachers will assemble in Restrictions imposed by th> By Dr. Harsanyi .school gym starting at 10 A.' the Sisterhood of the Blessed of 13 who is Interested may "BREEZY ACRES:" Was thp name chosen for the Carport handling of radioactive fill. \ Jf in some sort of M. and will continue until 10 the High School at 2 P.M. Virgin Mary will be in charge sing in the choir, Attendance CARTERET — Sunday Swimming Club at the formal opening of the pool Satur- created a number of metal- '» Christmas rolls P. M A beautiful handmade Registration of new pupils of the kitchen, featuring at this first rehearsal is worship services In the Fret day. Mr. and Mrs, Anthony Canonico, 14 Tyler Avenue, lurgical, welding and fabrica- '*n;rh is about 100 quill completed under the in- will be held during the first Ukrainian and American dish- strongly urged for all who will av i Hungarian Reformed Church Carteret, were the winners of a year's membership at the tion problems never befors ' Meanwhile, we struction of Mrs. Jean Dare ten days of school. es. Other organizations par- be in the Junior Choir this 1;; ; will be held at the usual hours club for submitting the name selected by the judges. On faced by the industry. In this ••• »k that the old- i will be on display shortly In There is already a record ticipating are St. Ann's Aux- year. j [»•'•< riclu. If we had! according to summer sched- enrollment in both public and hand to accept the award was young Anthony Jr., 12, seen pioneering work, the Carteret une of the local store windows. iliary, St. Demetrius Parent- • Next Wednesday night at 7 : *>bove between John Zulto, master of ceremonies and aboratory of Poster Wlieeier 1('th In our mouth ule: Hungarian service at 9 parochial schools. This (juilt will be disposed of Teachers Association. St. De- the midweek player meeting Anthony Nftgy, president of the club, on the left. Corporation was responsible •"nipulate a hard A.M., English service at 10 Safety Features at the Fall Fair a* well as metrius Men's Club, St, Deme- will be held. Following the for a number of technical | Kiuto today. o'clock. Dr. Andrew Harsanyi, Child pedestrian problems many other articles hand trius Church Choir. St Mary's prayer meeting, the first re- brealc-througha — removing Pastor, will preach on made' by several Olrl Scouts should be uppermost in the Senior and Junior Sodalities hearsal of the season will be "Church and Labor". minds of parents, teachers major bottlenecks which had, and their troop leaders. and the" planning committee. held by the Calvary Choir Stars In Your Eyes been plaguing the industry. Srhool Will Ten members of the Young Mrs. Dorothy Hutton has and young citizens when the (Continued on Page 10) under the directorship of Mrs. People'ii Club of the church school season opens, Sgt. Ed- Old Flags (,ood as AW1; Can be Used Until Among these were welding I""' (louses Soon been In the process of making Helen Bai'kaszi. Anyone from procedures, semi - automatic will spend the week-end at .stocking doll*. The Olrl Scouts ward Cxftjkowskt head of the the age of 14 upward who is Roeblmg, N. J , attending the Safety Patrol said today. District Conclave They are Unserviceable *nd finally a unique, full? • T E R E T-Dr. Leon m i appealing to the public for interested is welcome to sing. automatic method for weldin? a;f annual conference of the Transmission of safe walk- CARTERET — Carteret cit- display, it should be destroyed l president of the old discarded nylon stockings For Clubs Slated All old members and new tubes to tube sheets; a superior Belhlen Youth Pederntlon.: Ing habtts is chiefly the par- izens won't have to throw in a dignified manner, pref- •'"''I'Tet Hebrew School that may be left at Si tar's CARTERET—October 23 has members should be, present at method of cladding metals The conference thtme is "The ents' reaponslblttty. ttie officer away their flags after next erably by burning '•"'Jiiued that Su|id,ay Supermarket or the Safeway been set as the date for the this first rehearsal. with stainless steel; and the Trial of Your Faith ", and Dr. stated. He jsald full explana- July 4 if they are not of the There have be in several in- •<*•"<•* will be resumed Store. Large quantities will be first district conference to be On Tuesday night at 7:30 adoption of advanced methods f!(1 Harsanyi IK the principal tion* and good examples were new 49-star variety. quiries to the Carterel Press as 'h Hashona holi- picked up by calling KI 1-44S0. held here by the evening de- the regular monthly deacons' for the precision drilling of speaker on Sunday afternoon. the beat form* of instructions. This word is direct from to disposition of old American f'^'Htay. September 21, The next meeting of the partment of the Carteret Wo- meeting will be held. Several tube holes in tube sheets. Prom Roebllng, Dr. Har- Washington. A presidential flags. Loving Jus- planning committee will be man's Club. important matters will be sanyi will go to Loonier, order allows flags on hakid Meanwhile there Imp been Many "Firsts" held September 12, at the Hearing on Zoning The affair will be held in taken up by the deacons at Ul Pennsylvania, where at Beth- when a new State is admitted no decision where liie ne-v The Nautilus and Us pro- >" Hebrew School home of Mrs. Lorraine Sutter. the Nathan Hale School mid 1(4:11 len Home the annual convo- Slated for Tuesday to be used until they become star will be placed in the na- totypes were not the only >»« resumed on all clubs in the district will be On Friday, September f> at cation of Hungarian Re- CARTBftET — The Zoning unserviceable. tional fliia. "firsts" for Poster Whee'.ef ^member 22 at the represented. ; 7 P. M. at the church, the formed ministers and elilers is PLEADS GVHTY Board wll hold a public hear- The presidential order also Congressional sources say Corporation nuclear stenm This is me first iimn that a Calvary Juniors will hold a being held all next week. Dr. C A R T E R E T—Robert M. ing on the proposed toning directs that when' the (Ian is j president Kisejihower-ma.v an- generators. Units are also be- *!>ohav«notilegla. district conference n*s been velcominp tea for all new Httrsauyi will read a paper on Vtirgo, 33 Jfanctte Street, this ordinance next Tuesday night in such condition that ii is no nounce a study on how best to ing supplied for the following; ""•"• children ja. yet held sines the evening group members. Mrs. Barbara Pratt "Church and Christianity in ! borough, pleadtd guilty to the at 8 o'clock. Prank Hajury, longer a fitting emblem for rearrange the For the first atomic powered I"'"tact the § hajs been formed. is the advisor of the group. Western Euijpe Today". He larceny of an auto in Railway chairman, has announced. ' i>ulded missile cruiser: for t'w will ulso attend the meeting of •July 17 when arraigned oetore The hearing is n legal re- first nuclear powered fleet de- the board of directors of the 'County Jin'i-e Milton A. Fel-quirement be/ore liie BoroiiKh stroyer: for the first Polaris tirinti submarine; for one-h.ilf Orphanage and Old Peoples' ler in Elizabeth this week. He Council can proceed with ac- lit the steam generators Home., i will be sentenced later. tion on the ordinance. aboard the world's first nu- itl'"''- The Carteret -lear powered aircraft mrr 'r, • department will J and. for two of the steam gen- '"'lt dance this eve- j erators mi'-ra'tn'.! <'ie n- ' • 'S 8 V 11:00 o'clock Alaska's Gaunt Beauty Iiist nuclear power plant ('"- I "' 1 |J1: voted exclusively lo the I): i- '''' School :i(in of civilian power at Sl.ip- '••en Asms are Stirs Journey of Quins a Hve orchestra »!•* music. Tins IltJ C A R T E K B T—Alaska's by train over the old trail of low wmter.>j for them! ; "imiiner activity The climate this 'summer "V a u l i gaunt beauty has charmed '98 used by the prospectors '' ' '< t youngsters. varied from 80 above ttoo 38 r School Superintendent and who made the arduous trip by j For , .,f above zero. Coats and sweaters Mrs. Kdwln S. Quin, 16 Car- fool and pack trains to reach v ere vorn during Hie day but CMJTH :\l" -T - * terct Avenue. tiie upper waters of the Yukon blank* is on the beds at niKnt ('univali KJ. 9j They were fascinated by the Picnic i«e and water which gleamed River where gold was to be were very welcome. Tile flow jf Allnii)i'ij:a, have comple'/'d. ers and plants in the gardens ilans for a clambake to h« IJke steel, the plumy green j had by merely panwtt niiu> the - Tlw Holy of the homes In Alaska were •Id Sunday, A::'!Us' .11, from that the rocky The towns alongj the of the 8t forests that cover are now ghost towns iior-iKous in colur and size — 9 p. M. at ''•'" Co'u'nbian mountain side*. I »a.v few Indians or 'we saw pamies us bi« at "luij Kiound.s. Ki-ii Hlri-et. ber 7 be- Tlw Quins cruised tlw in-! where only a SUUITIX und the dtJ'jliinium Tickets an- .still uvailhbl* f hve. T»ie houses bui.t M. »i the St, land paasatfe to Alaska this 1 i.cis have b ru 'grew tu « Ut-iyiit of 7 and V and nidv Uc purclittsed fluin wound*, Conk* Ijzon Cuniui, Sr., or Joseph summer stopping at Ketlchi-1 u.v ti.e :;ui:ird; juai a.-> lii-ir uc- (eel," aaitl Mrs. (J tin. A UHKAT UAY: Mu ui 50 children enjoyed the ammo) cluldrtu's uuliiif ipuu&ored for the uoruu«li children uj Hi s^.-.n M. Burtutt, co-chairmen , kan, Uje wlmou capital of the ' " ir.i llicin with tuini ti:niu_:i Uif Qar- the Carteret Hiwaiii* Club liut Saturday at Olympic Park. Hubert L. Uruwu WHS chairman ui the aiTair, assisted by World; Juneau, the. pretent Iliic and equipment—the men diner Canal *lun* ti>« Alaskan the iir«ftid< nt, (ieorgc Srailc, 4I1.U William Walsh, Mam KOUJ, Andrew Hila and Anthuiiy fuulilu. oiatucer uf tilt; little Music will be furniihed \rr Mljke Halttsnik and his or- capital of Alaska; and Skan- had found their gold and re-coast th« scenery is compat- league ''»">• AU eMtcnws fur the trip, Uwludlug gaines, rides, and a hearty nipper, wcto uusl bj Uus Kiwank Club. way, the Gateway to the Klon- turned to the United States to ible to that of the famoua (Tuth Ftutol dikke goldflelds oof the Yukon live in luxury. No more 80 be- (Contlmiad on Pace 10) Mr. and MM. Qiun traveled > '"I will renlitw how attraeUv* this style can be. Lively Fashions Spark The straight Una !• th« fashion line thli faU. In sportswear, Jumper! In huge Teenagers'' Wardrobesblanket plalda shotf off the BT VIRGINIA SHAW everywhere 1i the chemist. bright patterns when cut sim- AfRoriaUi Fashion Kditflr, Some girls have tried It, some ply and stratsrht. SklrU range Parent*' Mainline won't dare and others haven't from straight to the «eml-full made up their minds. Here's "trapeze" style. Pleated skirt* Fa*hlon-m)nded high school a word of encouragement to mix well with the long line shidrnto will bPBln the new the latter two groups. The blouson. school year In a blRM of color. chemise is once again fashion Brown in tones of nuiset or Sweaters often have pock- news for fall. It haa been re- gold, rpds ranging from the ets, are longer in length. Their rndorsed by Pnrls nnd has cranRpy oast to the blue cast, bulky knits aid them in falling rmlly met with success wher- bines from th? RtroiiR tur- straight f»nd loose. ever it has been Riven ft quoise to the purplpy family, chance. It, is a becominR sil- niul Rrcpas varied from yel- STORE TAKES TO TENT houette that can inspire com- lowish to blui.sli, all fiicom- JACKSONVILLE. Fla. — A pliments. paf* Ilifi fall fol!H«c colors ill supermarket burned down an fxcitiiiK copy of tiatiiro. Contrary to ixiimlw b

All-Star* (by Mercury' Jusper Of Blues" and "My u< shows fine ability on tenor Crowded," Skeatt, n of Arkansas, ho* net sax on a well-selected list of "111,1 lite NEW RECORDS jaws favorite*. fined hli talent to onr< Handstand Hop, feature* of ths oountry for 1., „. . visit to California nr",-. rt By FELIX (Thr(at) BROWN such m in 1 o »1 items as ft "roclcin'" piano tind a "rol- him to the attention nr < ?.,, Stone, who helped to RCA Victor gives us a new lin' " orpan. The selections art the careen of men t,r album with the provocntive Bandstand Hop, The Stroll, Tennessee Ernie r - title. Musie For Non-Thlnkrrs, Hound Doc, Blueberry Hill, Tommy Bands. featuring the auchenriumer Raunchy, nud others of thli Sour Kraut Band. We are In- type. The teenager* will Rocfcln' along with t clined to disagree with Doctor doubtless go for this Deeca of the 45's; Eplo or: Guchenhumer, this Is amitf- album wltli Jack PleU and Broken Heart, with u 4] World is Hers ing — indeed hilarious—music Owen Bradley, by the Teenager*; for people with a sense of A Capitol has a fine new al- another m th« loni? ; ,., i\ humor. It has been a long rock'n'roll blues, cm t?,, r bum. Coin' Steady With The time since anything a* clever side Is Mama Wanna iwi, l j as this album has been offered Bine* recorded by Skoett Mc- ! to the public. Donald. Included are such India'i T.V.A. gets i? m*.| Provide On Bobliy Jasper And HU favorite* as "Yard And A Half lion World Bank loan.

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MB.4-MM [deplete Local News , stride AH The Activities Top Advertising Results ,,f Tlw Town With Your Home-Town Paper (hir Family Of Over !),000 Is A Valuable Market I or All Our Advcrtiwrv XXXVII—NO. 20 Ivor CARTERET, N. J., FRIDAY, AUGUST 29, 1958 PRICE TEN CENTS Banking Institution Set With (Schools 1 1 Bus Nautilus Generators Plans for Vast Improvements ™ CARTERCT — Two plan* for va*t renovations are being studied by the building com- Schedule Made at Boro Plant mittee of the Carteret Bank CARTKRET •- Transpoiu- and Trust Company, Cooke l.ion roules fnr school children us set up by the Board of Edu- Avenue at Irving Street. cation and School Superin- By The bank will celebrate its tendent. Edwin S. Quln and 35th anniversary September which will RO into effect when Of Foster Wheeler 14 school reopens were made Th« improvements will in- public today by Mr. Quin. volve expenditures of between They are 1100,000 mid $130,000 wii met an Route 3, Parkview nnd Adult Education School 'Firsts' Roowjvelt Plans Include a drlve-in- Shorecrest: first stop, play wlndow, night depository, lgri two teeth, aren; secoild stop, model complete re-arrangement and Mails Course Brochures pln;rrUw| gnotffer lower, home: third stop. CoolldRe | CARTERET — Course bro-f ners. Mondays; advanced typ- why h« did not rtfurbliihing of lobby and Avrnue at Jackson Street ...!•,., w,lh h)., pared with 1125.(100 .Street; seennd slop. Flllmore courses bolnf? offered by the] days: and choral singing. vti'i-ted busmen in tin- hu;M- 'ii ihe veirnr A vein; • :\l Oni: oMrt't ond Adult School this fn.ll begin-! Tuesdays. Kimlish for Porelxn CARTERET -The two 1 He explained 'Illl HOV ncei:]ii''il b , ll-.e A'. •line at Fillioore j niiitt September IS and 16. Born will be given four ir.uhts steam generators which ™p- mdle a sirloin United Roosevelt S.ivitnis and Avenue. Registration for the Adult a weik. Monday through plied the power to the turbmei :i on Ihe cob Th" ii'oove rout1"; for stu- Sclwol will be held on Mon- Thursday during the entire that drove the Nautilus on her difficult" We in* iirrscnf iink build dents for Cleveland. Co'.umbus, day and Tuesday evening, school yenr. The term of the epic trip under the Polar lre- • meeritv of his was eieetid in 1134. ai li1 '31. Joseph's iind Holy P.imilv September 8 and 9 at the high Adult School runs 10 weeks cap. were manufactured in height of tiie di ) e. -1 'li il.i' s Paroehiiil Schools. school frnm 1 to 9 P.M. Iiom September IS through the Carteret Plant of Foster When few if n'v ii'"> ivtsl: T The Cartrret School of November IS) All courses are Wheeler Corporation. Tim «tnirti;res wen . ...„ Each student will receive at !iv the dentIV brills c<>n the school ;i d'lf1 rent "color' ^dillt Education is a perman- conducted one evening » we-'k Nautilus now on her Second ir'i'ted >! .umor plafs caul for the bus lie "ill tn!:e ent community project co- for thc ten weeks. Registra- niicleur fuel charge, has trav- "We h;id cimfi'l •!:('" in J then went and the vis v-ii-ch he will sponsored by the U.S. Metals tion fees for each course will eled over 130 000 miles. 72% of futurr of Amei ;c,i ' 'I " I"- timk n-if boiird vsli b" deM';na'ed by a Refining Co. and the •Car- be $3.00. it submerged, using Filter O. Kent, mi, w •<• pn.- i n '•d "Your New Si \\ IMPROVEMENT FLANS; Photo showi officials n( I lie (artrret Hunk and number teret Board of Education. It Bmuise of the keen pre- Wheeler steam frenerators No i u« to study It said. Sei vinu nn the w.'t\ . Mr. Qun uri;ed that f-Ul- is offered primarily for alt reRlstialion interest in the trouble of any kind was en- commute" me H old '' ;. Ti II 1 < "mpany looklitf over plant and Bp«clficatlon> fnr renovation nf the hanking u| shown th:>t prrmi- fy. Sej'ird from left to rljht are: Andrew Christenwn bank nresiden-, his son, 1 dm*- iiiui il"ii jj^vnts ni pa- residents of the borough of school. Edwm S Quin. Direc- countered In their operation. • he went to '(•MVIl. fhailllun alHI • « Olympics ToJay Delails Sha A special bus will transport, Handling, Tuesday nights; are as follows; Richard A. ating loop collecting the two pupils lo the vocational landscaping mid RardeniiiM. Wet/.el, Chairman. Edwin S. to the nuclear heat source • • first d.'v a* Monday iii<.;ht.s; nolf, Monday Quin. director; Miss Dftunur 1 to Abandon H school. It, will leave from a moiit'ful of 1 The Foster Wheeler Cor- Oenr;:e's Bus Terminal, West niRliUs; carpentry. Monday Koed, Mis, Alys Sheridan. '";i of It. vie \s Pla\ p'oumls nights; hobby painiiiiK. Mon- poration also deslRned and r w /i ,'e belli < built the (Mark I land bawd 1 } Brady's Corner, Roosevelt and day niclits: sewing for begin- S/.ymborski. i i'lll of cnr'i- prototype for the Nautllui Close I 'nrrams Peislnii". Avenue, on the Hill, rUJTFHl'T - The Car- steam RencrHtors. The opera- „,,. ul .... ,. r! ule CotillionsMeanwhile arrangements . ill™ nl Roo'evrlt and Persh- 1 FeleonSllll(Iavy tion and testiiiR of thes' units '.v-ie given ii '''11-1 Woman's Club has voted are being made for the re-1 iiiR Avenues. Chrome section. CAITFRET - The tw. itv- preceded the instnllRtior. of o a i-'iit'iii. itt annual Chrlst- opening of the club activities ':pc«nrl annual Ukrnininn Dny Tr."n."OTrtp.tion will be pro- •.! ;i fat and al- those now operntuui aboard ( Cntilhon. for the 1958-1959 season. will be held at the Ri D ITT1- vided to students of the • r| tn denth. the Nautilus. Ai I o'clock th.s aflri iio'iii Tins was revealed today by Mra. Hila announced that Irius Community C^iHt'r, °-II:I- '•eveirh and eighth snides at t a a llpvelnped Herp in the Walter B, Overholt Me- Mrs. John Hlla, president of the first meeting of the board ' ie Colnsr i r SrWiil, because >t take us long to morial Stadium. Uie Recrea- the club, who said that the of directors will be held at 'he'11 ' -,i'K'.s v, ill be on An unproved Nautilus tvpfl 1 P. M.T'ie rf'ii- is so "•>•• steam ucnerutor iMart II1 "•••»'• the new set of tion Department will hold decision was reached at ft her home September 8. when 1 •Kit'. hv the pi. I •''I'.eM'i'i : Ul;r was developed coneui rent ' V us look like Olvmplc Dav. recent group meeting. plain will be advanced for the h'.n ():'. o^ C\ i ui!' •'• '.\. because the en- Participating In the vanou* The Cotillion ha* been held club's opening dinner meeting with the fabrication of the lini'-cl nf ti in iMHik 11 and supplied to ihe. i of our fiife has names will be winner* of Car- annually for five years. Whll« to b« held at Herm's, Plain- The tvK - in 1 - ' •'••: I'll i NHvy Reactor Test Center sa 1 ry v.v looked like a teret's nine playground". More it has attracted large assemb- field on September 18. Deputy W. V.'i'f •.-'<, PI-,. |(|. -It- p< -,r,j :'!.!ij before one of lies, it hardly covered ex- I Arci), Idaho, by Poster Wheel- than -00 prizei ate to be Chief Charles Malcwlnski will ''••/". •; -:v. vi'p - pr • '•''• MI'. : 1 i cr Corporation. Mark IT ij"n- •• ni:rrors at a cax- awarded to the champiom. aild there was a great be the speaker. ,1O!MI I/- :- S'"I-V-.-T; v-h-.-! ot Lists r rograip, era tors nre the type installed Directing the Olympics will, ^ preparation work. O,,--,-,,. ,,i •• At th« dinner, Mrs. Rich- nul S'anley P'lil- I in the Nautilus. A replacement "It Is regretable that we be Recreation Director ard Donovan, program chair- 'ip- n - " - C'R'I'MR'vT — t:ihor Day for one of the original N»u- f 1 not enough. We Thoma* CouKhlin and all had to give lt up this year" man will present thc club'* T'-e f . r>-n-"1'-i'is C'liirr' ' 1 1 ! ^IPH'iV a t'-e C 'VIM '.' B•")- | Mlus prototypes has nlw bTii Mr*. Hlla said. : 'IOW to talk and playground supervisors. There printed program for th« year. •"ho •-. IIO''"|- the dir.'c ii of '1st r''i:,:-;-i \r ! ! ne m;i:-!i!-;| by fiibrirtil.ed to test the fen-iibi!- >;! over again, We will be t variety of events for Prof. Jo.icph Reynarovich, wi:l the folliiv, >ifi: service of wor- ily of carbon steel rather 1'ian ' the baby-talk both boys and sin U of vanoiiA open the program with A con-ship at 11 A M.. stimon: stninless steel construction for "ir menu consists age groups. cert followed by the Ukrain- "MiRhty Twins." Text; He- this kind of service. ;>• M«. strained ba- Fall Fair Set Stress Safety ian native dance* and ballet Coufihlln said that tlw brews 3:12. special music by All Poster Wheeler nuclear • of the Carteret School of rrier baby food leeination pronrujn this suin- the Junior and Senior Choirs; components supplied for the Dancing under the direction | mer was the most successful service of devotion at 6:30 Nautllun prouram were fabri- Bv Girl Scouts As Schools are of Mrs. Kay Symchtk. ! of. imy year. He said fair P. \f : sermon from II Peter cated ;u the Carteret Plant. »<.r.her helped to »wtll at- CAKTERET^A meeting of Delegations from other com- 3:1-12 continuing the Bible -' tnold ill to do Of the over 100 steam nen- U'llduwe., lured many youiiifs- thc Girl Scout planning com- Set to Reopen munities will be welcomed by Study begun several weeks j •••iiid to break In mit tire was held last , iday eralui'M delivered or unrter ler.s to pai'ticipate in the a committee headed by Harry , ag0 in |his book jlmior CnOir v i We are not with several new committees CARTERET — Everything construction for the N; y» ' >!i:r,K. but after various rouwsu as well AS Wolansky. Sr., and Paul Kaw- ; Anthem. appointed for the Fill Fair. Is in readiness for the reopen- pnsll nuclear fleet program, over 50 ••• *i' come home •irts and crafw cl(ti**s. y- i The first rehearsal of the per cent ;ire beinR supo led hv Mrs Mury Mallette has been ing of the schools on Wednes- Dancing will be held at the '• nj{ a breeze to day season will be held by the I'teler Wheeler Corporation. - appointed as concession chasr- Ukrainian Pavilion following ::' '.nlil)or It won- School Superintendent Ed- Junior Choir Sunday evening With very minor excepimn?, ir man and Mrs. Lena Brown, the concert and later ai the i hadn't none at 5:45. The new Junior Choir nil such equipment is beini; refreshment chairman. win 8. Quin announced tnat center beginning at 8 P. M. j Topic is Listed leaders will be Mrs. Rosemary fabricated at the Carters The fair will be held Sun- principals of the schools will with two orchestras. ; m«t at his office at 10 A.M. . Piper and Mrs. Magdalene Plant of this company. day. October 19. at the high Officers and members of ,. .Anyone up to the tige ••• u» that we The teachers will assemble in ] T iculPS Restrictions imposed by th.i By Dr. Harsany school gym starting at 10 A. the Sisterhood,of the Blessed j interested may :n some sort of the High School at J P.M. of 13 wn0 is "BREEZY ACRES:" Was the name chosen for the Carport handling of radioactive flu. i M. and will continue until 10 Virgin Mary will be in charge sing in the choir. Attendance t'r.rmma* rolli CARTERET — Sunday Registration of new pupils Swimming Club at the fiumal opening of the pool Satur- created a number of meUl- P. M. A beautiful handmade of the kitchen, featuring at this first rehearsal is :i "i abuut 100 worship services In ,the fret will be held during the first day. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Canonic.o, 14 Tyler Avenue, lurRical. welding and fabrica- quill completed under the in- Ukrainian and American dish- strongly urged for all who will j Meanwhile, we Hungarian Reformed Church ten days of school. Carteret, were the winners of a year's membership ai the tion problem* never befor* struction of Mr«. Jean Dare es. Other organizations par- be in the Junior Choir thU « that the old- will be held at the usual hours ,. . .. . There is already a record club for submitting the iiime selected by the judges. On faced by the Industry. In this m11 on dlspla tly In ticipating are St. Ami's Aux- year. according to summer *h,d- * * hand to accept the award was .young Anthony Jr., li, seen pioneering work, the Carteret '•<»'-• U we had one of the local store windows enrollment in both public and iliary, St. Demetrius Parent- 1 Next Wednesday night aV 7 ule Hungarian service at 9 above between John Zullo, master of ceremonies and laboratory of Foster Whctl"r " in our mouth This quilt will b« disposal of t Parochial schools. Teacher* Association. St. De- the midweek prayer meeting A.M.. English service at 10 Anthcmy Nagy, president of the club, on the left. Corporation was responsibla •"..Diilate a harrt itt the Kail Pair w well as Safety Features metrius Men's Club, St Deme- will be held. Following the o'clock. Dr. Andrew Hmsanvi, for a number of technical' ••'iito today. many other articles hand Child pedestrian problems trius Church Choir, St Mary's prayer meeting, the first re- Pastor, will preach on break-throughs — removing made by several Olrl Scouts should be uppermost in the Senior and Junior Sodalities hearsal of the season will be )r "Church and^Laboi'. major bottlenecks which hud and their troop leaden. minds of parents, teachers and the planning committee. held by the Calvary Choir Stars In Your Eyes been plaguing the industry. f "< Will Ten members of the Voung Mrs. Dorothy Hutton has and young citizens when the (Continued on Pane 10) the directorship of Mrs. People's Club of the church been in the procew of making school season opens, Sgt. Ed- flags (,ood us Mew; Can be lined ( Soon mil spend the week-end at ward Czajkowski head of the the age of 14 upward who is Kocbllng, N. J.. attending the Safety Patrol said today. District C.onvluve They are Unserviceable land finally a unique, f H E T-Dr. L«pn me appealing toithe public for r /'i i at « i interested is welcome to sing. annual conference of the Transmission of »afe walk- automatic method for weldinsr President of the old discarded nylon stockings t Or Hubs Slated \A] , old members and new CARTERET — Carteret cit- display, it should be destroyed Bethlen Youth Federation. ing habits Is ch|efly the par- izens won't have to thro* in a dignified manner, pref- tubes to tube sheets; a sup*'ri:>r 'ift Hebrew School that may be left »t Sltar's CARTERET—October 23 has members should be-present at The conference theme L5 "The ents' responsibility, Uie officer away their flags after nexjt ciibly by burning. i method of cladding mi-iili >'d that Sunday Supermarket or the Safeway been set ^|s the date for the this first rehearsal. Trial of Your Faith", and Dr. stated. He said full explana- July 4 If they are not of tl* There have be.^n sevcj-al in- with stainless steel; and I ha ••» will be re«umed Store. Law quantitie* will be first district conference *.o be On Tuesday night at 7:30 Harsanyi is the principal 1 tions and good examples were new 49-star variety. quiries to the Carti'l'r! Press as adoption of advanced methods • 'h Hashona lioll- picked ui> by calling KI 1-4480. held here by the evenins de- Ihe regular monthly deacons' speaker on Sunday afternoon the best forms of instructions. This word is direct from Lo disposition of old American Jor the precision drilling of '•^ September 21, The next meeting of the partment of the Carteret Wo- meeting will be held. Several From Roebhng, Ur llar- Washington. A presidential flags. tube holes in tube sheets. » ion Loving Jn«- planning committee will be man's Club. important matters will be I Many "Firsts" nanyi will «o lo 1 order allows flugs on hand Meanwhile there I ui s been held September 12, at the Hearing on Zoning The affair will be hetct in taken un by the deacon. - at 1 when a new Suite :s admitted no decision where the- ne'v The Nautilus and Us pro- Hebrew 3chool j Pennsylvania, where at Beth- home of Mrs. Lorraln* Butter. the Nathan Hale School mid ths li'": Slated for Tuetday to be u.scd until they became ' star will ue placed \n the na- totypes were not the onl* •>e resumed on len Home the annual convo- all clubs in the district will bt' On Fridav, September .i at CARTBRET — The Zoning unserviceabli1. I lional flay. "firsts" for Poster Wheeler . '-mber 22 at the cation of Hungarian Re- represented. 7 P. M. at the <'hunii. the PLEAUK uni.TY Board wll hold a public hear- The presidential order ' Coiisires.smnal .sourecs say Corporation nuclear strnrn i.iii. formed ministers and ddm is This us uie first tune that a Ciilvarv Juniois will hold a w; ing on the proposed xoniag directs that when the tliiB is j Prt/sident F!l.sci>howi'r inav an- generators. Units are also be- 'O have not legU- being held all next week. Dr. CARTERE T~ Robert M. district conference lias been velcominu tea for nil new ordinance, next Tuesday uight ing supplied for the following: '• children w yet Hursanyi will read a pui^-r on Vsirgo, 33 JeaneUe Street, tins held since Hir evening group members. Mrs. Barbara Pratt in such condition that it is no I a study on how best, to borough, pleadtd (ititlty to the at 8 o'clock, Prank Hnury, For the first atomic powered '"'ithe.Rabbl. "Church and Christianity in has been formed. ' in the advisor of the group. Western Europe Today". He larceny of an unto in Hnhway chniim:it), has announced. uuided missile cruiser: for I'm Will also attend the meeting of July 17 when arraigned oetore The hearing is A II-RHI re- first nuclear powered fleet rf- <»ue Tonight the bonrd of director* of the County Jurce Mljton A, Fel- quirement bpfore t,;ie Borough ,trover: for the first Polm-is r Orphanage and Old Peoples' Vr in Elizabeth tWs week, He Council can proceed with ac- lirinti submarine: IJfor oii'-h. If tion on the ordinance. of the steam Ri'iirrators '" "d Activity Home.. will be sentenced later iiboard the world's first nn- Kl The Carterel •lem1 powered iiircriifl r-M-i •!", Ij'pailment will and. for two of the steam gen- "'*• ddiice this eve- i-i.(ini< c--> ! a"':i" ''JP u- s * to H;00 o'clock Alaska's Gaunt Beauty hi-I. oiulear power plant c'"- ; School tennU viiti-d eXi-liiMvcly to li'.e P" 1- ,11111 of civilian power nt Sl,.|)- " 'I'l-en Aiiurs are lillK-'llOl I 11111 » live orcheatra Stirs Journey of Quins '' l|i« music. This Ijy train uv^r the old truil of low winters for them! 1 ' "' Mtmmer activity C A R T K K K T 1',Uimhiil;e on S !)8 used by the prospectors The climate tlih 'summer beautjf lias charmed K] '•'"''t youngsterg. vaii"d from 60 iiiimy to 38 Tori'"' '••••• •••i School Superintendent and *liu miule the arduous trip by above zero. Coats and-sweat. ips Hit,. Mrs. Edwin S. Quln, 16 Car- TMOI and pack trains lo reach v i're v>o:n dm-aig tht^diiv but H.i!i« *'roup Plaift leret Avep.iie tiie uppr; waters of the Yukon blank'is on the bids at nignt .'in l':i. .i. ...h They were fascinated by the were very welcome. The flow- •>t AihiiDlo.a, ii I'icnic i*e and water which gleamed River when- gold w«s to be lo !":« hud by merVly panwu inm; tljt ers and plants in the gardens ilans for a c!iiml).-.!;r ljke steel, the plumy green 1 II, from ~ Tn* Holy Xiavel. The towns »1OHK Ihe of the homes m Alaska were .ii Ht'mlav, A Ml- foresU that cover the roefcy CV'i'nbian way are now ghost towns go!"4y tl.e ;;oid .^ Intve ben Leon ruiiiui. Si., or Joseph Cook* feet." said Mrs. Q nil. the auiiual childrvu'k ouling »yum.urtsl fur the liuruuicb children by ,linoa capital of the l-i: ••^•u -I:1: lutsi a> i;i-ir ot- A GREAT DAY: Mure than 51) children M Buiio*, co-chairmen. lUUl. tl)* Mk CrUUMUJ li:!lUi.;i Llir GttT- ¥*tk. Hubert L. Brown w»s iliitiruiaii or the affair, insisted by i'i :\-, ii-.v them With fuuii tha Carteret Hlwaub MUSIC will be furnuhed tnr will tw world; Juneau, dlner Canal UIOILK t"« AU.ik indrew Hlla, and Anthony PUHIIIO, nuiuccr of the little tuic tuitu J uy Mike Haiusnik and his o>- MplUl of Aluk«; and men coast the scenery Is compil- rides, and ~ >••••••'•• mnnw. were tu«l bj Uie Kiwunls Club. had found their gold and re- le«iu* team, All expenact fur the trip, way, the Oateway to the Klon- able, to that of thc fnmou* Phot*) turned to the United States to dike goldflelcU of the Yukon. (ConUniMd an Fas* 10) M*. aod Mm. Quln traveled IK* In luxury. No more 80-be- PAQ1 TWO FRIDAY. AUGUST 29 19SS

p*r*nta should be doing what • and adequate rest play an Im- head off any develops,, dltlon which miKht ,,,, \ Board Session Slated tlify can to insure that the portant part also In building Bowling League Plans children will be ready for the up the general health of the hU health or efficiency A 1 mm HMTS the school yew. ' '* By Hndannoh Chapter schools. potential pupil. One thing Prr-Sfhonl Anignmrnl CARTERET —The Carteirt A good, relaxing vacation it more remains — toward the All these thins* nB T!\i\MKr!wut the country Are Drafted by A. C Chapter of Hadassali held a part of that preparation. It end of the summer it la ad- dona lUbtJy, to a* „. sponsor meeting at t:ie I nmr vs; *i::honttr« » to tlie time of return t.n >,-,', lnitt regular meting of Carey Tlie altar boys of the Cai - Plans for tiie new y"»r's fiw tlif chi.dren Similarly Council No. 1280. Knighw of teret Catholic cliurchr* will creeling «rre made by Mvn Columbu*. held Mondnv cvp- be fet^d tn a hie league b»s<>- Hfirn Jacoby. cna;nnnn. an" ftlng In the flubroomn. The ; bull game on Se-iMember 2R Mrs Fny Kestrnbaum. co- ientns will b«in bowlinu At 7 Victor Wolleon chairman of chairman. P. M. (ind John AhlennK. youth tnnminrrd Any member who would like 1 Chairman, has announced tliat • Plans were also discussed for to place his nnme on the II- 1895 Christensen's t few more bonlPrn are still the annual Hoir Hour to be is irquesti'd to rin so lipfnri needed. held October 5 3eptember 1. by ccntactirc "The Friendly Store" The council will particHipfcte either chairman Pliins were disouwo! for p Aak N». He Known CARD OF THANKS hincn enme to be h«!d on O • Tounr Hopefu; — Pa. what MATWAY LAPPZYNSKY !ober IS . do funding »rm:« sit on We wish to rxprws OUT deep The chapter »ill held ;:•" 1 J u HAS ALL YOUR CLOTHING When they trr tired gratitude to 011: velat;i '-,;r. my *on. , their kind expression* of sym- September 4 at 8 '0 T M :• pathy, spiritual bouquet.' »nd the Chrome svi".s':^r e \'/> Artfctlcally F.iprr**H beautiful floral tributes ex- Matthew ?.c^c;;':•:;*;• '..••*-r- "It took eifthi stain**" tended In our bereavement in offlcr of F^Tflbet'' " i' be ••What' Have you the death of our dearly be- a piest at this :TT^',",C having your portrait paint- loved hufbanrt. father, and prandfather. Matwar L*p- "No; leaminf to skate." 1ciynaky. ROAD TOIL DOHA We especially wish to thank CHICAGO - A m.d-ve*: Youth Rev. John Hundisk Prof death :o'.: n! 1R.24P t.:-*r:if Teacher — Yes, Johnny, Joseph ReynarovK-h. altar aw;der.' urtims ;«' t--- Lapland U rather thinly popu- boys; United State* Metal c v the Xationa' Area dchool* reopen next week. Make sure your youngsters start the new fall lated Refining Co,; casting depart- Johnny — How many Lapps ment. U. S. Metals R*fln;r,c t!-f r»l* : - .. r t irrm properly y. ;:...- ».\TRA M0"M Tom and IHtid Sprwil k Sfi- available, too. CARD OF THAVKS and tlie Synowierki Pi;r.t;a. • CHARLES PANKO, SR. Home for satisfactory services rendered. I' N ct:f. : W» wtoh to express our sin-, ;erest :r. o^; spare e*r« thantti to our relatives, J For Boys and friend* and neighbors for their kind expressions of sym- pathy, their many act* of Undnaaa, th* spiritual bou- FACTORY SALE! Young Men: flueta and th* beautiful floral tributes extended in our be- DUE TO THE TREMENLWS RESPOXSF WE • SHIRTS—Fancy and Whit* DRESS SHIRTS, long. reavement In the death of our ARE OPEN1NO OVR FACTORY IXVR5 ONF slrrvr SPORT SHIRTS and FLANNELS by Kayne« , dearly beloved husband, fath- er, grandfather, Kreat-urand- MORE TIME FOR YOU TO PVRCHASF • SLACKS—Junior and Student sizes. GABARDINE, father and devoted brother WOOL, and CORDUROY by Spreetogs and O. K. »nd uncle, Charles Panko. Sr. Back to School DRESSES Wa especially wUh to thank • POLO SHIRTS— Long and Short Sleeves by Kayne* R*v. Augustine Medvlgy, pas-! SIZKS 3-6X, VU. 6-14 PRE-TF.E> SHAFTS tor. for his kind words of ODDS AND ENDS - SAMPLE FABRIl < • PRFP SOX TIES - BFXTS BRACES comfort; Prof. John Stenich; V\«-inn. i.^ri nl — ALSO — George Buda; St. Ellas Ro- i • VARSITY SWEATERS **ry Society; St. Elias Moth- J ers Club; St. Elias Sodality, SLACKS and PEDAL PUSHERS • JACKETS—LIGHT and HEAVYWEIGHT and the St. Ellas Society of the St. EIIM Church: Dr t A. M TO School Supplies John Feniek: Carteret First i P M. Aid Squad; Atomic Oil Work- SATURDAY ONLY For Little Girls trs Cnlon Local 337. Cities 51 ESSEX STREET. CARTERET ( ARTFRFr K.n.: Service, Linden: those who donated their cars; pall bear- ers: CarterH and Rahway po- and \oung Ladies: lice evorts, and the Blrub Fureral Ht>m« for aati»factorr • DRESSES, RLOl'SES. SKIRTS. JUMPERS •amces .'fnderpd. by Judy Kent and Love family of ih« law Charles Panko ST • SOX and ANKLETS. b\ LeRoi and Bonnie Doon Announcing the • SLIPS and PANTIES by Style Indies and Carters • RAINCOATS At. STAN'S • SWEATERS—Slipover and Cardigans. Wool and ^PLUMBER Orion • CAR COATS and HOODED JACKETS OPENIN CHRISTENSEN'S IS THE HOME OF BUSTER BROWN SHOES Today-Fri.,/.ug.29 (»o Back ID School In Brown Shoe (lonipauy Footwear - - -. of Bister Browi for the Younger Set... 5.50 to 8.95

,7 •; PLUMBING Varsity Vogues for the Teei-Age Miss... 5.95 tl 7.95 V ', HEATING Petwiis for the Young Mat 9.95 to 10.95 S KIMBALU-698S 31 WHITMAN KCirterriH A l*rtt S*lfftion Now A la AU FopuUr Style* »nd Colon

La* Opportunity For High School and foBuy SAV-ON Briegs College Girls:

SUMMEft • BLOl'SES—Wool Jerseys. Nylon, Dacronjand Cottons, Ship n Shore, Rhoda Lt* SUITS • SKIRTS-*Old Colony, Chic Toj at th« tnmendotu • SHTATERS-Woo] and Orion by Old Colony. saving of DRUGS Banlon, Helen Harper - In The - • VARSITY SWEATERS I/3 OFF! • CO-ORDINATES by Band Box | ,

Salt Prices Start at the • LINQERIE ty Seamprufe, Bwblion, uLi, Low, Low Prior o( CARTERET SHOPPING ^ • BRAS by Life. Maiden Form, JtntiM, and P!«yt« 50 : - Featuring - • SKIPPY GIRDLES by Fdrmflt; other, by Pta,t« «26- and Jantzen Also "A Mile of Merchandise Values" 40 COMPLETE DEPARTMENTS • OVER 23,000 ITEMS High 20% to 40% GYM SUITS and SNEAKS DISCOUNT for Boyi and Girls On SunuiHT Slmfks. WATCH FOR OUR GRAND OPENING SALE! . . ____ Sport Shirts' and Make Your Selection! Now m STORE Open Daily 9 A. M. Til 10 P. M. Summer STORK Furnishing* HOURS: Open Sunday 9 A. M. Til 5 P. M. UOLIjtS: SNOW SUITS, WINTER JACKETS FREK Use Our Convenient Lay Away PUn CUSTOMER Omn FrtAy TU1 9 P. M Daily 9; 39 • 8 Phon« In Your Order, KI-1-2037- We'll Have It Ready For You Friday 9:30-9 PAtKINC BRIEGS CIOM4 Ukof Da7 Open Ail Day Christensen 's 81 Smith Street Serve Yourself and Save! Next Wednesday Department Store Perth Amboy TO STOKE « MAIN 8TKKRT, WOODBRIDiiE, N..J. FR1GS8

AITOTTRT ?9, 19SB Dancing School PAGE THREB Mis* Kennedy Will personals Reopens Soon Wed J. E. Hachmnn CARTERET — Mr.' and PARKVIEW PATrER will .. Mrs, John J. Kennedy, Wash- MW. DOROTnr nEPWORTH r( own Ington Avpnup, ntmounoe the ciiRnurment of their daughter. OA-1-4J90 10. Mr.. Kay amohnt" Clnrc .Ipanne, to John E. director announced. This bo' ,,r(.(;rrst Civic Club Bnehman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Candles on Their Takes Cliff arepnberR of 47 Mc- 1! Ing the tenth annivmnrv ,,f Wflllnm Bachman of Madison - "'j ,, ;in invitation to Happy birthday to Tommy Klnlfy Avenue who celebrated i women of Shore- the school, an elaboralo pr AveiniP, Perth Amboy, Ilepworth of 109 Hneaman hers on August 26, I.Ull!'1" Rram Is wheduled for '; Miss Kennedy, a graduato Street, who pas-vrl his first lUny happy returns to Tom .,,,,1 twlr card spring, irxi i,,ld October 23, of Rt, Marys Hl«h School In milestone on August 26. Couuhlin of 30 Cti.iey Strent v. hall. Refresh- The school offers technical I'rrth Atnlxiy and of Caldwell Birthday greetings to Mrs who celebrated a birthday on | scrved and training and routine, for 5 Collet, will tpaoh st Cnrteret Augtwt 26. !„• glnners 10" n warded the glnners Intermedlntesinte , TIlRh Srhool. Her fiance wns Best wishes to Mrs. Vlolm profe^ionni Krnduated from St. Mary's Maxwell of 111 Has?aman 1 All Hich School. Oeorgetown Uni- Street who has a birthday on arp orKftlli7,d Mrs. J. Flnne- according to abilitlity nnd versity, and Harvard School August 25. V, .undue Avenue Many of the pupil n«i\ nf Law. He is associated with Comtratulftttons to Mrs. „ ,i from ft motor at various '" tin- law firm of Toolan. Hnn- LAITZYNSKY Fl'NERAI. Robert Carpenter of 94 Byes- . tin* Southern nn picnic by ,,lr par(.nts. Pallbenrers were Alexander daughter on Aujrust 23. She U i MIS. O DeVito at from Toth's Photo Shop. the Lnuck's seventh child. their future In mien-lin* than 250 ehiMrrn rnjoytd 1U (Tolft Photo) Szwed, Nicholas Shyrrmnsky. II colRftn Avenue achool. Cooke Avenue at 12 noon. Wasll Dumansky. Samuel Mr. and Mrs, Robert Cralf :n their vacation Warchola, Michael Hrycuna, PETERSON IN HOSPITAL of 78 Ash Street announced Since half-day sessions will and Frank Herman. the addition of a son. Robert be .necessary in some public CARTERET — Louis Peter- ,: ,i Mrs. William on August 25. at the Pwth schools. It leaves a child with son, 179 Pushing Avenue, a PANKO SR. FtNERAI, Amboy Oeneral Hospital. Ht i:,]ily, 95 CoolldKe a half-day of free Idle time. former chief of Fire Co. 2 Is a -pi nti the Labor CARTERET — The funeral Joins a sister and a brother. This idle time can be used for !1 patient at St. Elizabeth Hos- 1 i: ,i at Soa Olrt. dancing lessons. 'Itiil in Elizabeth. of Charles Panko Si ., Sft2 Correction My apologies to the John ;>., v Smith and After five continuous years Roosevelt Avenue, took place CARD OF THANKS from the Elzub Funeral Home, Dl Lodovlco's of 97 Sycamore • -,!• iind Paul of of dsnce training, & .••rhnlnr- Street who celebrated their V are «l)JoyiliR shlp Is offered by the Carteret MRS. MARY KARSNAK 54 Wheeler Avenue. Saturday at 9:20 A. M. A requiem high seventeenth wedding anni- • with her *l«ter School of dnnclrm in prepara- Wo wish to express our 1 mass was offered at the St.versary on August 15 and not -.!,.!cr and family tion for future teacliT.v This Ihanks to our rela- Ellas G. C. Church at 10 ^sixteenth as was previously .>•.» Strcft. apply* to high school apr chil- ives and friends for their ind expressions of sympathy, A. M.. with Rev. Augustine Wlnted. 1 dren. M:s. N. PavlOVlc Medvigy as celebrant. Inter- lioir many acts of kindness BECOMES POSTULANT . srri'et were hos All rcaistrant* will ix- iiul n.ssi.stance, the spiritual ment was In St. Gertrude's , ,c s imrcnU. Mr, classed to meet Cemetery, Colonia. CARTERET — Miss RoM- lourinets and tlie beautiful marie Lorraine Filep, daugh- ;: M fVklck of St. with your scheduled neo-ssl- loral tributes extended In our Ues. The pallbearers were Nicho- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Loula ! -iMda and her in the death of las Kuriak, John PavllneU ....I Mrs. Lou Ra- Filep of 1 Whitman Street, iiii- dearly beloved wife, John Sersun, Michael Slrwk- became a -postulant yester- , ! . iuldren Nancy mother. Rnvndmotner and de-man, George Zafchak and Kiyria. Ohio. day at the Daughters of Di- rated sister and aunt, Mrs. John Zelesnlk. vine Charity Mother House, wishes to Ed- ifnry Karsnak. The St. Elias Rosary So- Arrochar, Staten Island. • ...I CoolldKe Ave- | su cu We especially wish to thank ciety and the Mother's Club Miss Filep attended Colum- Rv from Son born to Mr and Mrs Rev. I,. J. Petrtck, pastor, for held rasary recital on Thurs- bus School and graduated last Andrew Perry, Wl Evsri Strrei his kind words of consolation: day evening at 7 P. M. TheJune from Carteret High at the Perth Anii>oy General altar boys; runs of the Order St. Elias Sodality held a School, she was prefect of -A • nf St. Francis; church choir: re«i- Hospital, August 13. prayer service at 7:30 P. M. the Senior Sodality of St. Altar and Rosary Society and Parastas services were held Elizabeth's for the past two v ,m the oo the Rosarian Society of the TIIKY IIAII \ f.OT W M'\: l|r,,s » srrnr nl the West i':,r(errt Plu.vRr.umil wl.rre last Thursday and Friday eve- years and treasurer of th« mrtlidaya of Douglllei bom to Mr and a I:.iTr rrnwd of younRsters Sacred Heart R. C. Church: I^ureen who Mrs. Jose .Sewarra, Hi Wnin'ii ronRrr«tp,| fnr the infmr urranrrd for llirm by the parents ut tlie rliilrin-n. Srr.i in Ihf pifturr is Keereation venina; at 8 P. M., with Rev. Amboy District Sodality Dr. Edward Margaretten of Augustine Medvigy officiating. Union during the past year. .xiiM 24, andStreet at the Perth Amb.iv' Tlinmas (Toth Photo) Perth Amboy; Carteret First f>mr on August General Hospiul. August 17 • - . _ Aid Squad: medical and nurses staff of the Perth Am- Son bom to Mr and Mrs \Ktirl'Heeler Ut Wed Chrisleuitifi Party Slwreerest (^ivrn \Pfc. Zuback Serving boy General Hospital; First Get Your Next Haircut ,S KU^NAK FVNERAL Rlcardo Gomw, 7J Atlantic Rahmty (wirl in June Presbyterian Church School Street at Die Elizabeth Otn- Held ut Better Home Fire Call Number til Lebanon Territory faculty and pupils, Carteret: To The Pleasant Strains Of (' The funeral' CAHTEKKT ~ Amumna- Kursnak., 45 eral Hospital, AUKUSI 21. Mr.< CAIM'ERET — The infant CARTERET — The Shore- TASK FORCE 201. Lebanon General Stefanlk American mcni b>-ni made by Mr A' •• \ •. Hu.sau at. ceremonies held at The desiRnation was made Charles Street. Carteret, N. J ployes of the sample mill dept. •I 23. at 8:20 Daughter born to Mr. andt'liKiwmi'iit nf Uicir dau^htfi, We Specialize In Mrs. Leon Farnhain f>9 Kast HI. Joseph's R.C. ChuiTli. Tlu: after a conference, between is serving with Task Forci of U. S. Metals Refining Co.; '•:n limh man Anna Mane, to Kurl ZU-L1 >•:•. our neighbors who so readily Oak Street at St. Klikabeth Key. Mel Corcoran officiated. • 1'ire Mai.siml Roy Dunn, Fire 201 in Lebanon. "CREW CUTS" and ar the Sacred .Sp' ua.s j Kruclualed from W

I \- ' ••••' • •:' cut copper I(Hli Anniversary SPECIAL _ AT THE — et,- Selection of CARTERET .rt.-i! \- Domestic M^ & I.HJUORS ^SCHOOL of DANCING «•>>«>( rue Delivery Mr*. Kay Symrhlck, IHrt-ctor Keystone UMEM ^l Ki-1-5975 RE-OPEr SEPTEMBER 10th MODEL K 36 'S ninruTC- s<-nd Vo"r ('hlWr*n l0 °"r l)al1"" rAKtlilO. School for the "Hair Hay." Electric-Eye LIQUORS on a gallon of the remarkable new Light Meter TAP • BAU.KT • ACUOHVTH. "•'•ill -i »nd Prnhlnt (optional) '". I lltrri-t, N. J. FOLK • TWIKI.IM; #-r for perfect M movies everytime WKKRI.V IKull Course !H Weeksi '*j \_ VINYL PAINT SPKC1AI. 3-I1AY (OI KS1 S \lo\l MONDAY, WKDNKSDAY. HUDAY ' >¥ * Regular Value 254.50 AH A»rn — Prrnrliool A«r » tht Utr I^IH-.K? Sludiu SAVE 125.00 1*8 K HI-1-5295 ( A lies n 38mm,Fccusing Special Sale Price 129.50 n .3 Telepljoto Lens ""' '•••>•' -., I'lJH

Vl WALL FINISH ' " IV M, BRAND 3-Lens Turret 4 Carteret Hebrew Back-To-School Shoes NEW Once you've used the new Vito-Vor Beauty-Tone Movie Camera* IFratemity Cemetery An jmaiins movie camera } . . i tubuloui Vinyl Latex Wqll Finish-, you won't «e anything else- value. Equipped with 3-ultra high ipe«d leniei, 1958 l-Kl.'J for normal shoti ana llote-ups .;. . 1-Fl.A wide unglr fur panorimjc uenei . . . N. J. Cuts painting time in half! 1-H.9 lelephoto lens for olOit-jpa of nature'! iniciessihle hrriilr wonders ... all at tho ''I.,,,,, 1 MODELS Hrlativfn Poltfrarrot Drie* in just 30 minutes." flT (wist itl the turret. You let your movie every lime! (HQIi lOlflO'1 AN ' '"'•""I l» Attrnd Clean* up with soap and water. *f*^ So washable and rugged, too. Arrived for Bac Mo-School ... a Ba.v variety of 70 decorator colors and a gallon feminine fashions, manly patterns in I'«H- hundreds of intermixes. Parrot Shoes for boys ami irls. Our Selves [ illGHTU HICHIt B REGULARLY IfA11/ are »t;l r mm M Priicil Biu with ' M«l«r •limiaalti gu»M-woik. ]uit r*ad the meter, set th» leu .. . and ihoot. As «a»y ai taking inapehoti °r S For limited lime Only . , . and you g»t ptritclly expoaed movlea ejerytim*.

Also Special Gifts for the Kiddies TAKE A "UmONf" WITH YOU ON YOUR WIEK-ENO AND VACATION TUPS. Buy Your Paint From The Man Who Knows Paints" Developing and Printing of Color, Black and White, and Movie Film OPKN MONUAV THBU THl'RS»AV »-« ANGELO MICHAEL & SON FULL MM: OV QUALITY VVALLPA^KR Toth Photo Shop «., (arlml-'1VI. K1-1-51U |t>4 iA>ok# Avenue, Carteret-Tel. KU-5219 1 ShUJLAND IKIUJ |J Cartel (t M. 67 Washington Avenue (Curner «f R*ndul|ih Slrret)

"IMJ. PAOI Barbara Hotvell Bride Gub Outlines Several Events Planned Its At Military Wedding Season's Plans By Junior Woman 9s Club !nterA*FsH#r invited to a buffet supper AVENEL — Mln Barbara moea Beaoh where they will AVStTXL — The Junior WOODBRIDOI — The September 14 at 7 at the Howtll, diuthter of Mr. taJu up residence September Woman's Club of Avenel held Junior Woman's Club of a special meeting and barbe- home of Mrs. Leo Parley, Mrs. Daniel HoweU, It Smith fifteenth. As her raveling Woodbrldge held a planning eue Tuesday with Mrs. Thom- Woodbrldge Avenue, Sewer en. Street tu wed Saturday to outfit, the bride wore a dress meeting Tuesday with Mrs. as Markous, club advisor, to A program will be presented Lt. Henry Jerold Schumacher, of white arnel with white ac- Emery Ferensclk. Events welcome prospective mem- after the supper. •on of the late Mr. and Mri.cessories. Her corsage was an scheduled Include a theatre bers. party, dance, fashion show TtMse interested In attend- "I Like to Henry J. Schumacher, Her- orchid. and mother and daughter Ma. ing the supper or future mosa Beach, Calif, at a mili- Mrs. Schumacher gradu- Mist Oail Cooper an- meetings may register with tary ceremony at the Flrtt ated from Woedbrldte High nounced that programs of ex- The Junior Woman's Club ceptional interest art planned Mrs. Adrian J. DeYoung. 12 Pnabyterlut Church of Ave- School, Union Junior College welcomes girls from IS this year and young women Crampton Avenue. Supper nel. The double-ring cere- and the Perth Amboy General through 3t and is now con- between the ages of IB to It ducting a membership drive. reservation* should be made A&P Because, mony wa» performed by R«v.Hospital School of Nursing will be welcome to attend. by September 1. Robert A. Bonham. Her husband attended Stan- The group was organised and federated in 1042 and take an The regular meeting of the The bride, glyen in mar- ford University and was A merchandise club is being active part In the community group will be held September tiafe by her father, wore a graduated from the United formed to raise funds and u a service and social outlet 1 at I at The Independent- fown of nylon tulle and Chan- States Military Aoademy Mrs. Bruce McKee. chairman, , i Prospective members are Leader Building, Oreen Street tllly lace styled wltha sabrlna elass of 195T. announced the deadline for neckline and lone sleeves. A orders is September 3S. flngertlp-length French Il- Tht invitation to hold a lusion veil ni tttached to a workshop on the public wel- 'White Elephant' Sale seeded pearl queen's crown HEALTH HINTS fare department at the Fall She carried a white orchid Pre-Sehool Aaslftuneat conference of the Junior And itephanotli on a white Throughout the country Membership Department of Arranged for October Wble. local authorities are busy the New Jersey State Federa- k tion of Women's CSubs Octo- COLON1A — Mothers As- be resumed in September and Mia Beverly How*U attend making sure that by summer's ber 4 was accepted Mrs. Hans sociation held a regular meet- any one wishing to be hostess ed her (liter u maid of honor end the schools will be ready Nielsen will oonduct this ing Monday with MM. Harold at a party is asked to call Mrs. and Un. Kenneth Roberta, for the children. Similarly, parents should be doing what workshop, Barber, Lake Avenue. Mrs. August Otte. All mothers in BJttbeth WM brldxmald. the area are invited to attend they can to insure that the Richard Polhamus was ap- Serrim u beet man WM Lt Miss Mary Lou Oalisln, edi- the next meeting September ftobtrt Matthewa, Hut. and children will be ready for the tor of the olub newspaper, pointed new chairman of schools. 22 at school 17. The goals of ••hen were U. John Hsyes urged members to submit ar- Board of Education commit- the group include the building HDXL, U. Mkhael Rlordan, A good, relaxing ncatlon Is ticles for publication at the tee to replace Mrs. Harry of a library and recreation Ifau, and Lt. Clyde Brown, part of that preparation. It next meeting. Miss Cooper Morecroft. who resigned. A center in iu section of Co- Tew. should stress vigorous outdoor will be the district reporter replacement for Mrs. Warren lonla. lift, with lots of exercise, sun, for tht statt newspaper, Tele- The newlywedi are touring Seiss, program committee < and fresh air. Balanced diet Junior, Next month's hostesses will the HDthern ttatee, Including chairman, will be selected at be Mrs. Bernard Krajewskl, and adequate rest play an Im- A oake-baking contest will a >tay at Miami Beach, Fla the next meeting. Mrs. Donald, Jacques. Mrs. portant part also In building be held at the next meeting They will travel on to Her- Brllng Kttsaa and Mrs. Leo up the general health of the with the winning recipe to be A tetter was read from Pub- KrelU. potential pupil. One thing entered In a state i contest at lic Service stating its Inability more remains — toward the the October 4 conference. to provide transportation for Buffet Supper end of the summer it is ad- children attending Hoffman visable to have the family A report on the card parties Boulevard school dut to the sponsored by the club during LAFAYETTE ESTATES & physician give your child a expense Involved. \9SB thorough check-up, so at to the summer was given by Miss Opens Season A white elephant sale was head off any developing con- Qallsln. SHORECREST at FORDS WOOBBRTOOB — The planned for October 1 from dition which might threaten Plans were made to enter first Ward, Second District, 10 to 4 at Colonia Civic Im- his health or efficiency during the minstrel show being held —Birthday greetings to Mrs. Democratic Club announced provement club, Inman Ave- the school year. by the Woman's Club of Ave- Carter Billings, Mrs. Allan njani for a buffet supper Sep- nue and Conduit Way. Dona- nel November 12. Novak, Billy Brennan. Chai- wnber Vt at the club rooms. All these things can be tions are being accepted by lotte Zederbaum, Franklin Supper will be served at 7:30 done subtly, so as not to Gueit* at the meeting were Mrs. Raymond W1 p p e r t, Pirylis, Jean Konaiski, Rod- and music will be furnished spoil the youngster's enjoy- Mrs. Daniel L. Levy, honorary :hairman, or by any member. ney Karl Hensch and Marcy by the Land Trio. ment of vacation by keeping advisor; Mrs. Nick Waver- Jewelry demonstrations will Weinberg. A pre-election dance win the time of return to school caak, Mrs. Warren Brick, Mrs. Joseph Gutowski, Mrs. John r —Congratulations to Mr be held at the Masonic Hall always before him. All these 1 on Green Street, November 1. things should be taken care Egan, Mrs. George Kotsak, ROAD TOLL DOWN and Mrs. Ray Krum, 91 Bran- Iron* The affair will be In honor of of, however, if you want your Mrs. John Hayes and the CHICAGO — A mid-year dywine Road, on the birth of the Democratic candidate* child to hare the advantage of Misses Dolores Gutowski, Joan death toll of 16.240 traffic a son, Richard, August 25 and will be sponsored by the a vigorous mind in a vigor- Sipos, Sue Turner and Pat accident victims Is grimly en- They also have a daughter,! first and sixth district clubs ous body." Button. couraging to the National Mavis, and two other son*. of the First Ward. The olub will hold its first Safety Council Russell and Rand}-. Chairman for the first dis- Ask Pop, He Knowi regular meeting September 9 If the rate continues —Mr. and Mrs. George trict are Alexander Enlk, Young Hopeful — Pa, what at the First Aid Squad build- the remaining months of this Gross, Concannon Drive, and Fords, New dance; Michael Ruscnak, pro- do standing armies sit on ing at 8:15. year, 1,500 fewer persons will Mr. and Mrs. Sigmund Birn- gram and Mary Majewakl, when they are tired? die this year than in 1957, holz, De Grasse Street. aLso tickets. Music will be by Baron Father — The seat of war, U.N. chief notes growing ln- when road mishaps took 38,- marked their anniversaries Boblck and his orchestra. my son. arest in outer space, 500 lives. this week. 4TH \ •lOO U.S. SAVINGS Ballantine beer BOND •OND 7—as a sparkling, sunny d 5TH 6TH r -. SAVINGS U.S.IAVIMQII at the famous Jersey shore! BOND ENTRY BLANKS AVAILABU AT AM> STORtt LMIID EAST BRUNSWICK, Routl 18, Km mm, East of Main St. WOODBRMEjllMalRft. NORTH BRUNSWICK, Brunswick Shopping DMSON TOWWW , Bo^i 17, Center, Milltown & Georges Road North of PiowWd A*. NEW BRUNSWKK, 139 French S* PttTMAMBOY^Wiy^ SAYREVRU, Route 9, South of Bordentown Ave. SOUTH AMBOY, 109 Hot* NUDDIESEX, Bound Brook Road, Ro- WRDS, 540 New km** Ave, Opp. Greenbrook Rood KEANSBURG, Route U, Near Main


D i. Secur« an snHy blank ot your ntornt /- 8. Every ernVant wfN have an equai oppor- jtort (ContMt »+Of« arc listed above). • tunity to win either the GRAND PMZh 19*8 1 In 25 words of leu, complete KM r' Chevrolet Hardtop Impak er one of *• foi "I Kkc to shop at ktf becow ..." lowing prize*, RCA 21" Coter TV let, e» o W. »• Savings Bond m *e loNowtoq ivmdtcMtn 3. Print your name and addres' ; $200, $100, ISO or $21 provided on the entry blai»k. 'he Grand Prise wiH in oword«d to the pet- 4. Deposit yowr entry bkmd in ...„, „„,. ^ on whom tke jwdge* deem to hove *• beet any of the stores listed on the entry blank (ex- entry. The entry next best in the judgei opinion, cept the stores located at 334 Raritan Ave., will win the RCA 21" Color TV Se«, *• ne* Highland Park ond 45 Pearl St., Metuchen al four winning entries will be ovrorded one of noted below) or mail your entry blank to "I the following U. $. S-;— •—4i $200, $100, tike tp Shop at A«P" Contest, P. O. Box 18, $50 or $29. New York 46, New York. Contest expires at close of business 6 P.M., Saturday, September j 13th, or if mailed, must be posrrrr ' »-< no later 9. All entriet 1. __t , w, ih« than September 13th, 1958. Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea will be returned.

5. Send in as many entries at you „,„,. 10. AH winning enf...... \,i.. oe oovised by i 6. This is a contest of skill based on merit only, moil, in addition, Bit of wianen tM be poefrd in all AiP Stores conducting wJi eoatoH on or ONE OF THE MAN* INltIS IHAI 1)01 IHE HHSir SHOKi, jnd will be judged on Ihe basis of neatness of C^UfllngouttGiea.,.oa*tdngforth«lrf4voi^llih,,.i^ia«kig jntry as weB as originality, interest of phrasing obout October 13th. Anyone may enter *H |n the peaceful atmosphere, J«n»yitM all agree there'g •ome- md tinceri|y. the judging will bo done by the conteH except employee* of The Creel Awow*»« thing ipeolal about their own Jeney shore. The clear, crisp vdvertising Distributors of America, lnc.,|who &'Pacific Tea Comp«r QMIM fddie*. W. contest is limited to (lie area* temd by AW* air.,, the oool ooaan iprty remind them of the ipeoial kind re recognized for their experience in judging stores in East Brunswick, Nor* BrvnewM, New of tefreihment you get with Ballantine Beer - the 'crisp' fiallamine ontests. The decision of the judges will be final Brunswick, Perth Amboy, Woodbrldge kr^ refrWherl Why not enjoy BallanMne Beer at home - or ttop nd all entrants agree to accept the judges ecision as a condition of entry. ville, Middlesex, Idison TowneMp, SenUi Am to alymr frijpdly ndgffljorhoofl tamp - and tee why ifropto boy, Fords and KeaMowg, eiwept at '. In the event of o fi« W,,«i:-«u n. w;,, fiUttottu Btfji k WM >e awarded. below ond it void where toed tow* the East! 'ax, licenw or restrict weh eontoth. 9 N * Ml 1. H. W P. SMliMWt A MM. MJMIS. B, A PA01

OBITUARIES JBINII QAWRON t Innan Avenue Section Colonia WOODBRIDOE — Funml (Inolndinf Dukes' Estates, Canterbury Villift, service* were held Saturday at Woodbrldge Knollt, Shore Cwst Acrss, Lynn Zylka Funeral Home, Perth Amboy for Jennie Praybowikl Oaks, Oak Ridge Heights) QBwron, a resident of St. Jo- seph'* Home, who died Thurs- MRS. LEROT HOLMAN turned a/tit • week o! boat* day. K. Flnt Strc«4 Ing, swimming and fiihlnf Widow of trVa tat* Prank ColonU with Mr. and Mrs. RuutH Qawron, she \R survived by a Briant and family. Morntag- rv 1 sister Mm. Mary Duniap, —The first meeting of thn slde Road, »t the BrtanU suio- Bayonne, executive board. mfr liony, Shore Acre*. Solemn Requiem Maaa wan ivic Association, wlU be to- 1 —House guesti of Mr, mt iun« at St. Stephen * Churoh, ilffht with Prank Amsel, 14 Mm Edwin Rfclnsou, Pradnon Perth Amboy and burial was Marlboro Lane. Plans for the Avenue, arc Mr. aad Mn. In Holy Name Cemetery, Jer- oming year and the appoint- rnest Blalne and §on OfQtBt, sey City, ing of new committees will be Tampa, Fla. on the agenda. MRS. ELSIE M. BATTLER —Mr, and Mn. Thomaa WOODBRIDGE — Funeral —Mr. and Mrs, Oeorge icily and children Thornta services were held Tuesday at Esposito, 124 Cypress Drlv«, and Dolore*. Cypre«t Drift, BROIUNC or FRYINC - READY-TO-COOK Leon J, Oerlty Funeral Home ere host* Sunday at a bar be- are home after speurtlng t for Mra. Elsie M. Sattler, 423 ue for manaRers, coaches and week at Manasquan. mi. Kelly Amboy Avenue, who died Sat- members of the Colonia Cuba Joined his family for^h* weck» urday at, Perth Amboy Gen- ttle league team and the B •nd and return trlp^ eral Hospital. and F team, Jersey City, The —Mr, and Uh. WUllam supper followed a game be- Wife of former Township Vlctorlne and icd Alan, Marl- ween the two teams at Inman boro Lane, are/home from * Committ* eman Robert Sattler, Vvenue field. The cubs defpat- she Is also survived by a son, vacation trip 1^ up State N«w id the Jersey City team by a York. Commander Robert L. Sattler, core of S to. 1. Other managers CHICKENS Earle, and one grandchild. md wives attending were Mr. —Mr. and/Mrs. Fred Bohufc- Cremation was held at nd Mrs. a. H. Jones, Mr. and man. Marlboro Lane, and Rosewall Crematory, Linden Mrs. John Wohltman and Mr.children Ellen and Howard, tot* have returned alter a yacaUoo MRS. JULIA PASZTOR and Mrs. Larry Glasoer. —Mr. and Mrs, David T. in Connecticut. "Crf-ip WOODBRIDGE — Funeral —The first board meeting of services were hold this morn- MlUer, Sr., and son David, Wendy Road, have returned Sinai Chapter. B'nal Britb ing at Grelner Funeral Home Women, will be September 10 PRKi ONLY! 44 Grren Street, for Mrs. Julia after a two weeks' vacation with friends and relatives In at 8:30 with. Mra. Sam Well' twwwrwwew Pnsztor, 525 Loon Avenue, who brot. 346 Cypreu Drive. Gen- died Monday. South Jersey, Lynn Brook, L. OM Fashioned Loaf •TOT 29« YWR CHOICE and Washington, D. C oral meeting will be September She was a member of the St. 17 at School 11, luman Art- Plaii Meat Loaf 29. Genree Greek; Catholic Hun- While in Washington, Mr u Miller conferred with Senator nue. Pickle or Olive Loaf "JEW" garian Union, Branch 8, Perth W 29* Amboy. Clifford Case and Representa- —Mark Tani, Marlboro Luxury Loaf 4s: Widow of the late Michael tive Robert W. Keane. The Lane, U on a buainew trip to 'amlly was extended the cour 22::B» wr 29. Pnsztor, she. is survived by hm Reno. NOT. Regular Bologna 1 tesy of a guided tour of the •Exeouttve board, Council Ltd. *•*)' •MHT QUAUTY * TENDER A. mi. * 27* son, Michael, with whom shi White House. Luncheon Meat Mo- Rtgalir IM*I An lived; a daughter, Mrs. Loul of Civic Associations, held a Cooked Salami I u. rt|. ZV* 99- A. Pfender, South Plainfield, —Mrs. Harold Moyle and meeting Monday with Paul hnlw* gRitil i)Q. and three prranrlehildren. daughter Janet, Albemarle Yelsley, 17 Wandy Road. The Utur wurtltlM MM it m tow note trim Solemn requiem Mas3 was Road, had guests for a week regular meeting will toe'Sep - L'ederkrani suns nt 9 A. M. at St. James1 at their summer cottage in tember 8 at jB:30 at Colonia "Suptr-Right" Quality Church and burial was in the Silford Park. Miss Judy Fer- Civic club building. Inman FRMHLY C church cemetery. aro, Woodbridge; Mtss Joan Avenue. SMOKEM D HAMS Ib. Rusaell, Avenel; Mlsa Connli GROUND —Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Mo- SMflK PMT1M im MtTIM HHUIWHOLE -* EirucEITHEnR IALHUFE GROUND BEEF 43 JOHN W. COSTELLO Fekete, Fords; Misses Patricia Daniel. Pine Street, have re- Super-Right Brand WOODBRIDGE — Funeral Bishop and Jeanne Schaeffe turned after a two weak*' va- services were held Monday al helped celebrate Janet's sev cation at St. Petersburg and Joseph V. Costello Funeral enteenth birthday. Daytona 3each Fla. FRANKS Homo, Perth Amboy, for Joh —Mr. and Mrs. Russell UnoK —Imported MuA W. Costelb. 146 Freemn Moody and daughter Marilyn U, S. forcea to spend $400> lib. IH>. Street, who died Thursday, 13 Broadway Avenue, have re- 000 in Beirut this month, 3.19 15.45 A member of the loca 35:45: =55: CANNED HAMS chapter of the DAV, he was Tuaw-if*" 4M% MM| Porta Mt ***• Who* ar EMter M iup«|;-Right retired custodian of the Mid SLICED BACON brand dlesox County Buildings am Grounds. Today's Bargain is Fully Cookad Hum 39; 49; : 57* Ib. He is survived by his widow Mexicom IM. FANCY SHRIMP 79' Catherine Moran Costello; three daughters, Mrs. Georg" •'• " . •*»* [ • ; v*- \ Johnson, Nixon, Mrs. Willia torn-' PAYCHECK FARM PRISH PtODUCI Walker, Woodbridge, and Mr: QUALITY! 37« Buy A&Ps Dependable Groceries! William E i c h b a ii m , Ne>" Brunswick, and 11 grand i children. I High Requipm Mass was China SWEET CORN Ocean 16 N. suni? at St. James' Church TED'S CRANBERRY SAUCE Spray and burial was In St. Ger- 2 37< trude's Cemetery, Colonia. TAILOR SHOP NnVtrM ON Main Dinur JOSEPH P. COURTNEY 46 ac. FORDS — Funeral sei-vlces Serves and 29< Driik were held Monday at Flynn DEL MONTE 2 55< and Son Funeral Home, Perth hmltUfrnm Amboy, for Joseph P. Court- Serves Again! KORWAY 3ttu. ney, 33 Eberle Place, who died Wesson Oil ttUUFLOWM Thursday. Our Customers Receive the Blue Peter —Imported 2 G8M 29< A resident of Fords for four ft* Mw~~fna ItMM FMW SARDINES years, he was a communicant of St. Mary's Church. He wa.s Latest MERCURY Cleaning Process KEUM LETTUCI tt17c TOMATO SOUP o«1Qc a retired employee of Ameri- New Pack can Smelting and Refining In keeping with the tlmei, we are always striving CAMPBELL'S Company where he had to give our customers the finest service by getting the worked 41 years. • newest and latest equipment. We are prepared to dry- SEEDLESS MAHS 2 *J5< clean the newest fabrics Including Imitation Pur inoh He Is survived by his widow, M Ollegro, Furlana, Uynel and Borgana Borb fabrloii WRAP 12" width Mrs. Anna Gerity Courtney; foxola to your complete satisfaction, 25 It. roll twq daughters, Mrs. Walter •' ' '••, tf CHI BARTLITT PEARS 2 - We REYNOLD'S 2S AIMIMHR Fill Bay, S a y r e v i 11 e and Mrs. George Crawford. Fords; four HOUR PICK-UP and sons, Frank, John, William titty's Braid SERVICE! DELIVERY WATERMELON Si: ^ 49c C Perth Amboy and Joseph, 3 FRUIT COCKTAIL 2 "• 45* TOMATO JUICE 2 57 Fords, 15 grandchildren and "A Stitch in Time Savei VtRI-THIN 801. 14' great-grandchildren. />urCT IT eiuacbRS f/, Requiem Mass was sung at * t MI* J5* NABISCO pkg. IT EXPERT TAILORING & ALTERATIONS INtti-l I 1UN5HIHI P. PRETZELS St. Mary's Church, Perth Am- All work done on premise!. TM Bags iAot.170 AH viriditi boy and burial was in the loaf Yukon Club Ptui depoiit ' bottlei ' church cemetery. As Usual All fruit flavon JNO CHARGE for MINOR REPAIRS and IAMG Every Fisher's Desire FrotM or WANKPURTSR White Rock Plui dapoi'tt 5 boHlei REPLACING BUTTONS f A correspondent asks If we UP 2 ;* Coca-Cola i: 6 b:;;,3f7« 2 ;f35« can locate for him a verse You've Tried the R«rt - • - Now Try ( b:;;, entitled "The Angler's Pray- SaUda er." He probably means this: STRAWBERRIII 2 Z S5 Hwflvi www nifwB Cdn 1 6 e Oh, Lord, pray suffer me to A&P Instant Coffee £»• i:;99 catch. TED'S TAILOR SHOP Tea Bags UBBYLEMONAN -10 Zt-RixSyrtp ^»^ ^33° A fish so large that I ' Main Plant BRANCH 4 C 14K St. George Ave, J.TOMI When telling of It after- 481 Railway Ave., Waodbtldge boHl* Nettle's Decaf .... :;93 (At the Cloveileif) ilfrup wards Phon. MB-4-UM ; DtNiyflahWtffl* . i;; H« 12 01. J C Phona MK-4-182C Ptllsbury Pancake Mix . , 18 Will have no need to lio. C Fair Fritw «£» Gheetos ;:25« Vermont Maid Syrup . . ;29; foal Tissuet Man's Kon Kuril . . . ^25° Kellogg's Variety Cereals •A Mt I MK K 1 HJ UfAtui T*/i {ML ^R^feife ••IWW rfJIWWW Virginia «*n Ice CreamW — Dairy FavorifM SiHaMOtivM SbariOMdar LIMiy's Rips OHm DMU BIM ObMN Napki AtPbrmJ LIMiy's Dill PMCIM jar W1

BwTy'i Ctaoimt Cookies

Vei Mort JOB* Porter laluot! LiMlMOi Napkin POUND CAKE Papk ft ROLLS 'Em •'"• 33 ••*», SOUR RYE HWIIMIM —Stock up low for the Lng Week-Ewl!— Your best deal Is «'B8 Oldsmobllv... nw aaw AitAMTic t fxmt m toimm your bast proof Is the tact that more *tittu* Mini AfcP STORES CLOSED people are buying Olds than any other arkets AHIA 10th, in oar In the medium prloe olass. For LABOR DAY MON.f SEPT. 1 S«H- nearly everyone knows your Invest- Plan now to tkop •arly and buy ment holds when you go over to Olds I AP M «rra luppll*. for th« 3 day Hli^ % ^* ^ K MA CONDITIONED — FOB YOUR COMFORT" WOODBRIDGE AUTO SALES P SUPER MARKET, 113 Main Street, Woodbridge 475 Rahway Ava. ME4-0100 Woodbridge, N. J. N.W ta. J. 'HUf •«! IIUH» » A M OLMHMU1 H A MVMHUAU I0GUI Wli-Wi P. til 10 P. M. IVtenlo I'nr'irlkt 1' NEXTWa

MHS. 8HTRLKV FIKH1-FU UK Jefferson *tr*H Menln Park Ti-rmr* Liberty *-578» WATCH FOR

y park TVITIMV PTA, k ^operation with a Me- YOMAY liohen utorp, win pir^-nt \ A WINNtlt Ml PiaHvnl of Fn^hlnn. DC- T Mid « (it School IP.

Countv >tnMicnn Jewish ill meet tonight P* H:S0 wMh Sol Fishier, 148 Jrffrr- atrwt., —JfCenneth Kimnnpr hv. tut returned from ft trip to I BWsbunrh, Pa.

hlfl MM. Br..l'Fjii>'. - j

It, ftixl Dlam, S, rhildn n of )ifr. and Mrs. John Srhobfi! Bveota WWP Rnrbnra, .lark ' knd Loretta Srhobprt, Mr, »nd ' Mr*. Owrcp Schobprt unri Mr. fcpd Mr*. Gporpc- Srhobert. .Tr .—Iselrn Firm Aid Squad Were hours to the voluntrorf Ol the fund drl.o at jRivvspvplt Ps'k —Mr. and Mrs. Karr,Jr.trp!'l)retr-d h:rtii- Dfind, 7, ic"'5vr-n. 4. M'ltr. FARMER JONES .' : : your 'SAV-UiMOR' a'vi.rtt to A'-hury PnvX.. Thev enjoyed thn amusrment rr-n- ter find Inter held B pnrty with symbol of form-fresh fruit ond vegetables! Mr. and Mm. Ch::?tophpr Kan, Mrs, Irene Bitt-mlff, Mr. «rid Mr». Pobftrt Zif rlrr r.r.d : children Chrryl. R'-'th find' The Finest Fruit: Delicious Northwest Mountain Robert and Pi'rrt Ilick«rtt*. •^-Carol Yrlaitfo, dnnihU-r Of Mr. nnd Vr». Hobevt Vcla.'i- Co, wui hoFtf.»s nt n hinrheon and ft1 party f>>r her birthdny. Luncheon j BARTLEH WGTP Susan i'iid Gail Morrison nnd TJobtrt and •H» Brirltorn V e 1«s r o. n.ntifr guest* were Bariiara und Rob- ert VrtftKco, Robert A'oi-vnw, TUNA QMK UGHT MEAT Kenneth Russell, Daniel Brl-. derosB, Ellrn Fr;-nk(?l, Ai'.cnf'j Oardne^J'at.rlria Juarez and \ EARS Donna Jacnnns. j •i-Mrs. NleU Spucp is oo;i- I TBk«c!ng at homd aftFT a stay j ftt Perth Amboy G*nt'rH! Hos- GRAPE JELLY pital. •—Mi, and Mrs. Robert Velasco nnd family vrre I YELLOW, WHITE. SWISS. gucfls ftt a fiiiriiv;,^ birthday j party for Mrs. FlovcncR Cnsi-! PIMENTO or CHATEAU Ri'o, Newark, who marked hpr i CHEESE SUCES NRDQI'S AMERICAN 83rd birthday. Oupsts WITS her childrin, priu-dchllrtren' and 11 ni'eat-^V;indrh!kh'Pn — Mr. iinrl Mr.s ('hsrVs1 Morrow a:c ho-ts sins work POTATO or to Mrs. Hilda Kriirps, PHMIM'- COLESLAW vine'. Ohio. Manor HOI SALADS 4 —Mr. mid f.'is fhnrios La«Tenoe marked Hv-i:1 anni- versary with Mr. ar.d Mis, HOT DOG Oil Raymond Sunncvi; at i< fmnily party. HAMWRGER —Mr, and Mrs. Robin Mar- • Carol Aim ROLLSMix E« or Mat*' jarmaa dined nt Button-wood Manor, M^'awan. in relp-' brntkm of Mr, ViHiuumiia s birthday. UNOX IMPORTED $' Ann M n :• ]) h y , ALL SIZES-2, 3, 4 AND 5 * Baughter ol Mr, mid Mrs HOLLAND HAMS POUND CANS James Muvpny, ]ii;.rkt-d hnr birthday and ner iiiu'lifr's «t two parties. l>nlf-i- :\itd Pub, NATIONAL'S PERSONAL SERVICE APPETIZER DEPT.! ert Riohardson, l>in,i :n,(i MNUTEMAID $' Cheryl, RW Ann l-'u. oont ieljot MarlMi MoGiai!.- LI.H, RESH FROZEN Bft Costnnf'iLa mid W'ilnn, POUND FRESH POTATO ORANGE JUICE 4 find CoilnTi Miwp'ii- 'I'l.r-jui'-ii or COLE SLAW FREE the Jir.M, i\iriv. . t •QUPSti fit U-.t M .J: I? •' . :• with purchase of $1.00 or mor* Jmr. and Mit, i • ..n.uu I..>J\ • in our Appetizer Department! Mr, and Mr... .inni'v \iatIJI.V FREE! Jrs Mr. Ltrui Mr.H. St-i : iinii In Cream Sauce spas, and «)ii Hinn, Mr. Ma SAVE Mrs, Edwartl Hojjpfr, |b Mr. nnd "Mrf.iMtupuv u:,. Fancy Newfc -.i TIDBITS ' ttllldrtn' and Mr. and :,j r» 39 COCKTAIL 3-*l JiOonard tJa\.s dined r,\ I'm SAVE BRvarlan Hoom. Flizaberh :,i Iceland ; 'a surprise dinner ;\i •>?> ' K^ 24. lire, Murphy. CASH JUICE ) 8-*l honor t d by jii.s |,,,i,: i 25 t. dlnns-r ]mny wim B| SAVE Barch, Barry Hci/ii, whi marked hit Jiiv-t bi!tl:dny ITALIA^ FOODS AT LOWER PRICES . . . CASK Karen Karon and Ou^oij CORN Simon, Sasso

1KB K BISBS PURE OLilE gal. th«t Ameitcni! bust-' cow turn !• bo kav<) to curb Pidardo, Italian Ib. It* J^mtdent couf.-l.•»! tins ROMANO CHEESE Piece fceouup at « reouia JKJWI, I ,,i... f VtCh &U ttj'Jftllv PHI- , 131 daoiftratlun that im.i-r , Gold Medal-Sticed too, iwnt ,tt»e !

gave h« vi»w.s BONELESS PRG^ITiNNI ^toi the htiht of fttut prto» tnrawws, hi; hAi D'Annunzio, Sliced GRANULATED •• ^ ^^ to ooa*K* SICILIAN Ib. $1.19 wr rrv 1 i bM beoams tow-, pro«ld- ttgraamSned Chain of American Express in Available! SUGAR 5 49 fcffi. CONVERY & PFEIFFER BLVD WHUTE FREE EVERY HUE! PERTH AMBOY PACT Chain (THMIs News

T. M WMhtnfton Avmw, nnun —O»rid Worknua e«*- bnttd hk third birthday wHfc a barbeou* party. Weekm KuetU of Mr. and Mr* Wot%* man are Donna and K Leoh«r, Weet Mllford. ~8iuwn «d htr fourth blrthdaj a family birthday pai%. Gueatt verc DebUt Mid Mr. and Mrs. Pat and family. Philadelphia, -Diane MoniuU'i **• teenth btrthdar mi eetetwt «d with a rarprlie partr gtrfli by her friendt, Pat Uno, Srmron Burlaeh, Baker, Brand*. UaM eni Maura Dunleld. —Mr. and Mr* SMOKED HAMS Cuthbertion H>ent the C «nd TlslHnc Mr. and Mr*. M ««• Deerlnff, Pk Ib. Townahlp.

bratod hw eaventh HAIirr MMT with a famflr ptxtr. -Mr. tad Mrt, natubaum etlefbrattd RIBS of BEEP eighth MintfHwtnr Vl«l ss famlrf party. -Ann OtJUll tea h» f Cut Ib. eighth Urthdoy «*th a MM! famllf

her flftM«k Mrttadt* «Mk 40*V IHueo.


dmlng cot. -CbrMiM qwndtnf the WMk with MM, W. McMahon, Beltoritlt. Won OR SPUT > GEAW ro coo/? —OueiU of Mr. t*d Mm I. J. Baler wart Mr*. Inn* Kueni. Miami Bttdk, H»u and MM. H. i. MeeteA 1»W York. -Kapejr Brrtbde* tp Hm Ann TraneMtoh tad P*ertei Donoghue. J-Anntvet»e*f innirafti tloni to Mr. tad Mr* a light, Waihlniton A* Avend Personals

MARTIN GUTOWW Ml ••MM HYDROOM NROXIDI M Smith Ittwt in Vulnt ISc NATIONAl DISCOUNT RICORD DiPARTMEMT -MM. Anthony AmMota. SS Melnztr Street, hat enter- k««kr MM - "•»« of *, Ann iralUn" _ M" HW IP DRUG APPROVK) ASPIRIN tained her dater, Mrs. Thorn* as Egan, Hurtsoa, M. Ts *» Mtkafua 11c two weeks. —Mre. Joeepk Kwtnt tod REGULAR WAMPOO NATIONAL-DISCOUNT CLOTHING DCPARTMNT her ohildren, Sherry and Rob- II» i\u FMIU. FMHOH "O«rlrlti ZEST IVORY win hold It* opening meeting VEEN'S FALL SWEATER IT Wednesday at the Log Cabin, Woodbrldga, at 6:30 P. M. SOAP SOAP M NtliomJ $0 7fl $* 0A rned bar Tournament k He/Id V"' 37c 9c I. ,, , Hti At Girl Scout Camp ISELIH — A tournament VORY CAMAY 6iris' Nylon Stretch Tights 'U7 was held Friday at Camp Fo< WfMt W»r, Sportiwur - At Kittoml On4y Wanaeet Oirl Scout tamp la SOAP Roosevelt Park. Mre. Oran* SOAP hgiitir Mi lick Mr - M«ir,w«,M, AeKM-Cuff - MHI »-M Ntmt k' director. She an- eomplexion nounced that several glrte had bars Girls' Genuine Morpeel Sox_2r 79c reoetved prlHt a« foHowat 35c knoti, CJarol Westlake: fire- Ivory WMti Only - Al Nitiend Only wood, Marilyn Kuosur, both la Unit 1: fmsMtick, Kathleem LIQUID ••gulw IIH - fimbtd CoHon, SUitk Wiirf, My h*M - DIM *M MICB; fire building, ChutotM Dodge; both In Unit 1: ebov DETERGENT B 's' Grew Neck Bal Briggar PAJAMAS ping wood, Barbara, pojrr tfi At Nrtional Only > >Vl Unit 4; winners In art. Tot* 12 Pnpoochla, first prise, Unit ft " 39c I Itnforiitd Dtnim, S D««p Podnta, MM fcrWf Padwt Kathy Krane, steond prlw In can J /C $ Unit I; Slate Men's Dungarees ;.. ,IN.^.,^ 2.69 third prbw In Unit 1. CAMAY All Wytti «d O«l«n — Iwwdi, G«bi, >l«in 1 filler paper and complete) ball when ha failed to appear In court to answer a citation SPAN index tab charging him with smoking ' re9 11 r- At NfltkMl \i 1A backstage at the theater. pkg. Z. / L Ring BINDER Wy I .TV Fire Inspector John Law- Ing said he cautioned Kafa against smoking and WM told: "You can't do thU to m*. I'm the star of the show." CAV-CHWOf? PLENTY OF To which Lansing Mid )» responded: "I'm the sttr of my show, too, and (handing FREE PARKII the citation to Kaye) just present this ticket at the boa THIS COUPON WORTH office."

Dubious Merita TOWARD PURCHASE OF Our beauty column report! a ANY BRAND 1 LB. PKG. new superlrpstlck that's whi- ter-proof, but the sweet young things may not be eager to have lips that repel the chape. —The Chicago Daily TrttxBW.

Spedal Remrf -and Sons, printer*, FRANKS Introduced what Is thought *• t0 be a unique form xi kmg- Convery & Pfeiffer Birds. servlc* recognlUon. tottaavd ti M mi IT UTMHUL BROCERY CO. the usual two weeks' nottaa an employe with M 7MI** eerTioe writ be entltVed to PERTH AMBOY three. — The WotU's News, Laodco. UNITED STATES of AMERICA 1958 * *

I,, this wonderful country of ours we're moving full *,,,,,, ahead to evcr-rcaler goal* ... lowanl an ever-better Aracri.,, On Ubor Day, we proudly salute all American workers. For And IIOH as always, the power that makes America atroi., themselves and for America, they have helped to create the is the might of fnr men. working together, building a counln world's greatest industrial power. They stand steadfast in and a way of life on tb«'


The productivity of American labor is measured in America's industrial .might ... the world's greatest. The rewards of American labor are measured in a stand- ard of living, far beyond (he rosiest dreams of workers anywhere el.>»e on earth. Both productivity and rewards are the direct result of the American free way of life, in which each can achieve to the utmost of his ability ... to the ultimate benefit of all!

This message is sponsored by the following public spirited business and industrial firms:

The American Agricultural Chemical Co. Hess, Inc. Konson Corporation

Carteret, N. J. Perth, Ambov, IN. J. Woodbridgk !V J.

American Cyanamid Co. Heyden Newport Cheihical Co. Shell Oil Company

Woodbridge, N. J. Fords, N. J. Sewaren, N. J.

Benjamin Moore & Co. Krajak Tank Lines, Inc. U.S. Metals Refining Co. i Carteret, N. J. Carteret, N. J. ! Carteret, IN. J.

Centric Clutch Co. Middlesex Concrete Products & Excavating Co. Valentine Fire Brick Co.

x Woodbridge, N. J. Woodbridge, IN. J. Woodbridge, IN. J.

The California Oil Co. Metal & Thermit Co. ukan Detinning Co. Sewaren, N. J. Perth Amboy, N. J. Rahway, N. J. Dithlon of Vutoaq Material* Company

Foster Wheeler Corp. New Jersey Wood Finishing Co. Weslvaco Mineral Products Division Carteret N. J. Woodbridge, N. J. Food Machinery and Chemical Corp. Carleret, IN. J. , 1 J, 5

for fOcUl Mcvrltr punme*. be credited. If the amount I* A. I« there a special form not at taut $50.00 from each for reporting household em- employer It must not b« re- ployees and If to wnere can I ported. iti T get them? Q. What tax must be paid A. Th« correct form In and who must pay It? form 842 called "Kmployer'i VISIT Quarterly Tax Ruturn for A, 2U% of every dollar ^..ciwild worketi Houwhold Employees" This paid to the employee should be ft';; , ,,,,-ml iwcurity? can be obtained flthrr by withheld by the employer, then AMBOY , a ix-nwtn worki wrltlnf the Director of In the employer adit* to the tenral Revenue or by calling amount withheld from the em- fl>l,, home M • FEED 1f*' nunw- or writing the district office of ployee Vi% for each dollar L jardener, the Social Security Adminis- paid out of hi* own pocket. and „ and tration In your local area. Thin makei thr total tat cash Q. Can the value of room 4H'o. The employer must ,i,niliir quarter hoard, etc., be reported? nend the entire payment to GARDEN

(r, worked and A. No. only the' actual canh the Dlntrict Director of In- wanrt paid In thf quarter can ternal Revenue. SHOP Todav! SCHWARTZ SHOES

THIS 18 FIJN: The balloon-blowinir contest amonc the youngsters drew a great deal of attention—and many lambs— Then To School Sunday at thr draftsmen's Club annual picnic at Highland Grove, Fords. The abapos and abes the kida blew up wer* amazing Indeed.

not nearly as inapely a* the' cello. ! FORIS, HOPEUWK ml KEASIEY MZY-BOMES IN FASHION NOW Skirts that flare just below the thigh give shape and dash <;AKDEN CALQDE to a great many Italian im- Italian designers want to put ports. CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS PULVERIZED women up to their ears and up 'Note: For insertions in the calendar, call Mrs. Lester I.niKSTONI' tt peryl to b« fuity to their eyes, in some cases, in Kress, 55 Inverness Terrace, Fords, LI-8-2215, or Inde- fuzzy colors this fall. Th«y pendent-Leader, ME-4-UU. before noon Tuesday of 50-11). hnic rover* l.ftOO v. f\ (if lawn — Kree lawn !>>• ' , t have also moved their waist SARAH ANNE'S each week. Mrs. Kress is correspondent for Fords, Hope- about children's ihoei. We we. mi i.••••.!• —v.- ,--.-!-J up to their bosoms. lawn mid Keasbey. Most of the important im- SPRING ported collections shown here AUGUST Mcrion Kentucky Thai'l why w« tell Laiy-Bonei, Few foods have as dainty R recently emphasized the 28—Meeting, art department, Woman'i Club of Kurds. mounting neckline and ele- flavor as rice. It offers many COLOR ft vated waist. possibilities in the planning of SEPTEMBER W« lite the wey they fit, well-balanced meals. Blue Grass? A good many of the popular 2- Meeting, Prlscilla Missionary Circle, Our Redrrmer now! Green Pepperi Stuffed With sport* coats feature convertible Lutheran Church. We Have It In Stock! Rice and Meat Hit way thty'r* mod*, the way th«y | hoods which can be buttoned 2—Ladies Auxiliary meeting. Keasbey Pirt Protec- 5 medium green peppers up to the eyes. i tion Company 1 at 8 at the flrehousiv 2 cups cooked rice Most of the dresses have the ! 3—Executive board meeting, Woman'i Club or Fords wwwl Lmy-Bontl or* goad tho»«! foreshortened, nursery school' 1 cup cooked meat, chopped l at 8:15 at the Fords library. waists. The knits of soapsud '• i teaspoon salt 3—Meeting of the Women's Guild, St. John's Episcopal yarns are popular even 1n the Pepper and garlic salt to most expensive collections. ! taste Church at 7;45 in the auditorium. The Bo-peop look is also ap- •i 1 teaspoon curry powder 4—Executive board, Ramot Chapter, B'rmi Brith Wo- plied to .evening taf fetus, some ,' Bread crumbs men, meeting at home of Mrs. David Bregman, 18 with cutaway over-skirts. ' Paprika Michael Street. SIM 5-8. $5.95 l%.12,$*.93 1J%-4,$7.93 longer behind. A few full Bacon strip? 4— Matins, Ladies Aid Society, Our Redeemed Lu- lenKth ballgowns are found in 2 8-minre cans tomato theran Church, Fords. sauce il every collection to prove th"ie 5—Cake Sale. Ramot Chapter, B'nai Brith Women, Me- Wash peppers, remove cen- are still occasions where the tuchen Food Market. larger tiiti $7,95 and $8.95 ter, core and iteeds. Cook in short evening g'nvn is not 1—Annual Picnic, Hopelawn V.P.W. and Auxiliary. quite elegant enough. boiling water about 10 min- utes. Mix the cooked rice with 8—Fords Women's Democratic Club, meeting at St. Another Influence in the fall the meat, 'i cup tomato Nicholas Church Hall at 8:15. BUY NOW SAVE ^ fashions is called the milk- saiiv-e and seasonings in a 9—Meeting. Mother's Club, Boy Scout Troop §2. mnid look. Tins look shows bowl. When peppers are g—Flower Show and Food Sale, Woman's Club of several crossed collars and cooked, stuff them with the • Accurate Records Kept of Your flanked skirts. Linen and mus- rice mixture, top with the Fords. WONDERLAWN I 1 Child's Size lin are favorite fabrics for bread crumbs. Sprinkle with 9—Meeting, Better Schools Association. | these collars. paprika. Place the stuflfd 10—Executive board meeting, PTA School 7 at 1 at the • Reminder Cards ,\re Sent for Free 5EO2 From Italy comes the "box" peppers in the sauce and bake school. Si/e Checkups to take the plane of the sack. ' 20 minutes in an oven 350 de- 10— Regular meeting. Woman's Club of Fords. Prirw 81.9S j Carefully In this riesiRn the torso is r-n- grees. Serve at once, OPK.N FRIDAY • Doctors' Prescriptions 1.0—Meeting, Keasbey Democratic Woman's Club. Special Discount *i.9O |j HITIV in claarette-parkaee Filled 17—Meeting, Fords Social Club, 152 Woodland Avenue IILI. 9 P. M. shapes i if various fabric*. Eisenhower siRns Pentagon VOd PAY - 5S.9.1 Some look like cases for mys- reorganization bill. terious musical instruments r ISchwartz Shoes Nrw Brunswick Secre- or Your lawn of Permanent Beauty! tarial. AccountlnK »nd Closing Our '(hie of Vf if Jersey's r invst Shoe Stores" Prep School Turns Lawns Green ... Af-er «n weeks' training Ton loo cm. »ori In tn ollicel W00DBR1DGE STORE L)l'i MAIN STRKKT HA1IWAV, N. J. 110 Mb.D? St. KI'"»« 5-J91l) Keeps Lawns Grec-U

fivmrs and ,i \ulid, road-wnip Sjfctv- WONDERLAWN IlifirA nm111111* liLr our u! ilmc (imlcr Iranic. \r\ alt the \ ri-|j0wnrij < li'Vi^i \ir nur vim ,i Ll-t i i

25 lbs.. U Line ol Cotton or Nylon 100% WOOL UNIFORMS JERSEY'S Wo HI 2-1350 Deliver Newest Style, and Colon.$ 1.50 Drastically Reduced! Valuei to *4.M

ABC-fY. -•-•••MMrng OF UNADVERTISED BAR6A.r,SH ITGARDS SHOP See your locaU^orized Chevrolet dealer 109 MAIM STREET. W00DBR1DGE Eat. 1»1» — George W»Un, Vtti. IN SQUTU 279 m BRUNSWICK AVE., PERTH A»Y IN FORDS Chevrolet, (Corwir ol Oak Street) FrM Parking •»»Cb.vr.l,t,l,i Jeff.rM.Mot.r..l«c im «"•«•'«; OPEN FRIDAY „ Clow Wedn«d»y Open DiUy 8 A. M. \o ( P. M. , . - Main Strtet At Bear Q( 8tor» At 2 Noon > ...... w.. Hrunswti'k * HOTn»»> Mae KVENINGS New BrumwUk * Hvrnibr "rvi>i< \i*. U« New Brunwtlck Av«. VA-I-3S04 • M ' •'''« VA-6-M15 PAGE TEN FRIDAY. AUGUST 2fl. 195B Alaska Beauty Ice (lapadcH to State Tax Convention (Continued from Paste lie fjords of Norway — • water- falls and glaciers dropping Open Sept. 3rd Discussed by Governor right Into the ocean from Combining, the world of TRENTON—More New Jer- Among migrant workers have •now covered mountains which great music and ballet with sey cltiieni an Interested In improved over the years, but were 8,000 feet or 9.000 feet rhamptoriAhlp figure a State Tax Convention today they remain at a minimum hlfth were on both side* of our the nil-new Nineteenth Edition than heretofore, but there Is the Governor added. U>« boat.' Mr, Quin Mid. wages paid the field workers of lot Capades 1« scheduled for little likelihood that such a The Quins brought back conclave will be held In theprevent them from enJoyluK (00 feet of color movies and 1U world premiere in Madison near future, Governor Robert bftter living conditions, he ISO color snapshots of the Square Garden on September B Meyner claims. snld, adding automdtlc po- wonderful new State and the ,r tato dlRKlUR machines will he At the weekly editors press parts of Canada throtmh! Hitip great production te used next, yeiir on pome farms which they traveled. The en- conference. Governor Meyner to supplant the migrant tire trip covered approximately qurncej are listed on the declared such a convention worker (9.000 miles by Canadian Na- of the ice extrava- would need th» same kind of County government changes tional Railway nnd boat. «nr\?a, which is to continue planning that went into ar- recommended by the Governor Its rnKagement for H days rangement* for the 1947 State in s ipeech two weeks BRO in Details Shaped i'tnigh September 16, Constitutional Convention. At Portland, Ore., Including the The ballet world offers "Les that time the convention road appointing of % county direc- ', (Continued from Page 1) s," performed by thewas smoothed by pre-conven- tor, were outlined by the Gov- Ice Capets and Ice Cadets. tion agreements between ernor at the news conference Prizes to be awarded in R former Governor Alfred E. raffle are a natural silver blue fumed skating precisionlsts He admitted such reforms nnd features the ballet-adagio Drlscoll, Republican leader at would be slow but suggested an 18-*kln mink stole, a Westlnst- the time, and the late Mayor house 17-inch portable tele- nm of Romayne and Steele. approach similar to that out- Prank Hague. o!f Jersey City, vision set and a Westlnirhouse From the silver screen lined in the Faulkner Acts State Democratic leader. dock radio. Peter Kosten Is in comes Walt Disney's "Snow which authorize a study and eharge of the raffle, while Wliit<> and the Seven Dwarfs." 'The Republican Party then a vote on recommended Stanley Phillips is general i Through special arrangement seems to have too many lead- changes in Die form of govern ehalrman of the affair with Walt Disney, the fairy ers at the present time to sit ment. tale fantasy returns to Ire down and talk about a tax Under present city and convention." said the Oover- LEGAL NOTICES Capades complete with the county government, there is IIONOKIKI) ON BIRTHDAY: Mrjrr Rnncnhlnm. C»rt«t4 Prew •port* Mlu,r nor. "I think such a conten- beautiful "Snow White," her usually ft key official who per- honored at s birthday party held at the "Brtiru Acr«*" (Curport) Hwlm nutl SMi|| „„.„ FOR Bins seven dwarf companions and a tion should first reach un forms the task of consolidatlni: divj night by » irroup of friend*. I" the »»••• **""" •«• '•" *• **M. M, j FORT READING ORADB CROSS- agreement on whether to ideas and carrying them out. ING ELIMINATION PROJECT of exotic forest ani- Mrs. Anlhom Km, Mr. and IHr«. Rommbluin, mini Mr. and Mrt. Louit Pul«MJl WOODBR1DQE-CARTKRET ROAD mals. The "little men," of abandon opposition of both the Governor claimed In TOWNSHIP OF WOODBRnXlE, course, are headed by the parties to a broad base tax and some cities, the municipal COUNTY Or MIDDLESEX, thus relieve local property Thii U a lerwltm, '„ STAT1 Of NKW JERSEY IN ALASKA: Mr. and Mrs. Edwin S. Qnin at th« Toot of silent, scene-stealing Dopey clerk is the boss man and ar. •••' :i-;.v owners, and also to solve the >A>. '* ; film. The toenea «p»r, [ ' THB CINTRAL RAILROAD the Mendcnhall Glacier near Juneau, Alaska. This Rlacipr characterized by Paul Castle. the county level, the clerk of COMPANY OP NBW JERSEY full value problem." the Freeholder board or Coun- ' when It com« to dcpirtii TjNDKft ORD1R Or TH* li the world's longest, most ruKKed (lartor accessible by Sandy Culbertson. the teen- i bruUllty and horror *. HTBLIC OTTUTY COMMISSION, road. It l« a river of compressed blue Icn thousands of years age champion from Chicago The Governor said he \» onty Engineer or other official. V,'"t >\ f STATJ OF NSW JERSBY record aa being opposed to a Is looked upon M the man to .;..•{* |Dutth«itory win ,„, Sealed proposal" will be rtcelwd old, two mile* wide, 14 miles long, 300 feet high at the face, In her first starring role with viewer1* tatereit from ' by The Cuntial Railroad Company one mile deep In the back mountains and fed by an Ice Ice Capades, portrays "Snow State sales or income tax. but carry out all jobs. In the over- ,v- ; it New Jersey, at tb« Office of thn he admitted there is "a great all picture of government, ntng to end. Deflniu-lj Cblef BnirlnMr. located at Jertoy field of 100 square miles. This glacier Is considered one of White"; Bobby Specht is the b€ misted, thii on* i City Tmntnal, Room M, Foot of Alaska'* scenic wonder*. Handsome Prince, Diane Qro- deal more pressure today for however, the Governor said, Johnston Arenin, Jersey Olty, New the State to pay for what used ij', JefW, until 1:00 P. M, D.8.T.. gan the Wicked Witch. "there Is no substitute for re- on Friday, September 13. 1058. and the October 4 conference. Streamlined classical opera to be a local responsibility." sponsible citizenship." . it"' Government to pur •ublldT ftad at that time, for the Teachers, farmers, property Governor Meyner also de- share of 8UM repairi. Construction of » bridge and A report on the curd parties !s presented in special versions V>: •pproaehM to carry the Wood Club Outlines sponsored by the club during of the world's great musical owners and others are In clared he has no objection to bridge Carteret Road OTer the favor of a new broadbase tax several small municipalities two Main Line tracki of The the summer was given by Miss dramas in ''Operarna." Profile Central Ballroad Company of Qaltsln. versions of "Faust." "La Bo-to solve local financial worries, getting together to maintain Kew Jersey, a bridge and ap- he added. Season's Plans Plans were made to enter heme," "Snmson and Delilah.' a library as provided in a bill proaches to carry the Wood- At the State level, the Gov- passed by the Legislature and Ritz Theati Vldge-Carteret Road over the AVENEL — The Junior the minstrel show being hrid and "Pagllned" give oppor- two Main Line track* and one ernor denied New Jersey's awaiting his signature. As to C»rl«tt, N. J. KM.| Wye track of the Port Rending Woman's Club of Avenel held by the Woman's Club of Ave- tunity to the skating cham- Ballroad. storm drainage system a special meeting and barbe- nel November 12. pions of Tee Capades to dis-highway construction program socialized medicine, he said for roadwayi end grounds, and cue Tuesday with Mrs. Thom- play their medal winning is bogged down. During the the many problems which r NOW THBU related street crmnsea. Guests at the meeting were Prtn Ipal Quantities Involved; as Markous, club advisor, to Mrs. Daniel L. Levy, honorary talents. next two years, he said. $200,- make up the term must be C«ry Grant, t3.5SC m yds. Embankment fill welcome prospective mem- advisor; Mrs. Nick. Waver- 000,000 worth of new roads treated Independently Inirld Buiman 3,710 eu. yds. Roadway Ixoavntlori will be constructed in New 11,050 «q. ydi. I" sub-base Claw bers. czak, Mrs. Warren Erlck, Mrs. TO ATTEND GAME The Governor declared the Jersey. "We are doing more importance of apprcnul of a "A" road grarel Miss Gall Cooper an- Joseph Gutowfki, Mrs. John CARTERET — Local 440 highway building today than 10.4O0 nq. ydi. Top soiling: nounced that programs of ex- Egan, Mrs, George Kotsak, little league team and their constitutional amendment at "INDlSCRt il,0M«q. ydi. 6" macadam base we ever did before in the his- the November 4 general ekr- course ceptional interest are planned Mrs. John Hayes arid the mothers will attend a big — Plu»- tory of the State," the Gover- tlon to fiilthonze the State to 1,880 tons Bituminous con- this year and young women Misses Dolores Gutowski, Joan li" •••10 double header ball- crete surface course nor said. He added he would Invest funds in the SI li.000.000 "COLO88U8 Or between the ages of 18 to 35Slpos, Sue Turner and Patgame, Sunday,'September 21, hot-mlied oppose a bond issue for future NEW YORK" l,M0eu. ydi. Clsst "A" concrete will be welcome to attend. between the Phillies and De- school account to strengthen Button. road construction If revenues 1,080 m. yds. Class "B" concrete A merchandise club is being troit. The boys were the local school district contrac- RAT. KIDDIE MATIK M0 500 lba. Reinforcement steel decline because "if you dedi- BS.JOOlhs. Structural steel formed to raise funds and PLANS BUS RIDE winners in the lnter-medtate tion bonds, would probably "COLUSBVS Or NEW ¥01 cate certain monies to any ul I CAKIOOM 7,« Steel bearing pile* Mrs. Bruce McKee. chairman, CARTERET — The' First league and will be feted by eliminate the present aputhy 9 each Manholes purpose you will get pressure to the praposal. He siud Nrw 12 each CnWh baalni announced the deadline for District Democrats will hold their mothers. SUNDAY Thru Tl'MD to spend It." 1.240 lln, ft. 6" Concrete curbs orders is September 23. their 26th annual bus ride to Jersey Is still timong the last AUG. 11 THRU SF.PT.I 1,750 lln. ft, 8" Concrete curbs three State' 'n the nmou'U of 250 lln. ft. Concrete headers The Invitation to hold & the Mardi Gras in Coney There U nothing wrong U. S. securities hit hard by ! Robert Tiylw 1,890 sq, ydi. 4" Concrete side- workshop on the public wel- Island. New York, Saturday, with the migrant labor situa- financial did Riven to local walks Richard Wldm&ri fare department at the Fall September 13. speculator selling. tion In New Jersey that a si school districts 1,690 lln, ft. R C. pipe On local governments in 3.36S en. ft. Concrete crib walls conference of the Junior Reservations may be made per hour minimum wage law VISIT HOMETOWN: John and Sophie Zlr of Garfleld 1 general, the Governor had "THE LAW an 4,110 lln. ft. Wire rope fence Membership Department of with Mrs. Patrick Tuohey, 31 International Nickel reports would not correct, the Gover- Heights, Ohio, formerly of Ciirlcret, ;ix they visited Mr. and Lump Sum Demolition ol this to say: Buildings the New Jersey State Federa- John Street. The buses nor said. Health standards Mm. Carmen Martialta, 13 Patrick Street. JAKE WADE1 Proposals tormt. drawing*, speci- tion of Women's Club* Octo- 'The only time local gov- fications, bond and Insurance re- leave at 6:30 P.M. from ths - Alfo- ber 4 was accepted. Mrs. Hans ernments want the State to quirements may be obtained upon #1 Fire House. the Nazis to retreat, the wardoctor's daughter (delectable TARTAN'S FIGHT application at the Offlcs of the Nielsen will conduct this step In to their affairs is when Chief Engineer of the Railroad s not ml what it was cracked workshop. they ask the Legislature to in- Li 10 Pulvtr). The doctor Is in iinr Company, at the above address, on crease the salaries of mayors up to be. When he leaves the or after August IS, 1958, by de- Miss Mary Lou Galisin, edi- a concentration camp — just WED, THRU SAT, positing 125,00 per set. A refund In and other municipal officials. front, Gavin discovers that tor of the club newspaper, because he mentioned that the SEPT, till full will be made to bidders upon ISELIN THEATRE The rest of the time they want home is not what It used to be, return of each set In good condl ureed members to submit ar- Germans mis lit lose the war, Mamie Van Dorrs tlon within 90 days of award or TODAY THRU SAT! S-UN., MON., TDM. complete freedom of action.' ticles for publication at the ISELIN, N. J, IJ-8-9090 either. Allied bombers have When the lightened Lilo and Jtrry Lc« L«wb rejection of bids, Robert Ryui, tin* loulm, All Ttclmkolor Show! leveled the. city; his parent,? Tali work will be swarded as a next meeting. Miss Cooper AIR-CONDITlONKIl the doubting Gavin Join forces renernl contract aqd the success- Aldu Rnj Feu Parker, n'endtll Cortr, are among the missinij, the "HIGH SCHOOL! ful bidder will be required to per- wilt be the district reporter THURS.. FR1., SAT. in the search, they discover JOMUM Dm civilians are no longer very 1 form Wlta his own organization for the state newspaper, Tele- love, and build a marriage out not leas than 80% of the total junior. "GOD'S LITTLE proud of their warrior:;. All is CONFIDENTIAL" value of the contract, except for "Jet Attack" of the ruins. A cake-baking contest will "THE LIGHT IN confusion. More and more the — Plw- materials or Items of work which 1 require specialized knowledge, be held at the next meeting and ACRE" ON the SCREEN young soldii'i wonders what "HANBLE WITH C* craftsmanship or equipment not THE FOREST" he's fighting fur aa his des- ordinarily available In the con-with the winning recipe to be "SUICIDE Plun—Joel McCrcm Robert Horton suddenly Saturday, Klddl* M»«» tractor's organisation. entered in a state contest at Plui—Cbirlton H«U)n perate .search for his parents found a voice, dueled with Bids must be made upon the "CATTLE EMPIRE" ANOTHER TIME Only ttandard proposal forms furnished ANOTHER PLACE continues to lead him nowhere. Rosemary Clooney. and will ng, on the outside, the nam« and BATTALION " ClnamaScopc - Color •THE SAVAGE" "HANDLE WITH CAB tor this purpose by the Railroad Lana is a wartime curve In his search. Gavin seeks the sing with Rhonda Fleming in AND I CARTOONS Company ant) must be enclosed In address of the bidder and the con- Two Action-Packed Hits! tealed addressed envelopes bear- tract work bid upon, and must be spondent. but that's not the family doctor, and finds the Wanon Tram. accompanied by a certified check drawn to the order of the Trea- ONE WEEK, STARTING story. The story is that she surer of The Central Rallroitd falls in love with a British Company of New Jersey, In the SUNDAY Bmount of $15,000. Bids nnd checks Contlfiuout from 1:30 newscaster, who has been not enclosed in sealed addressed Mondij — Labor D»T away from home too \om At envelopes will be considered in- formal and will not be opened. home he has a wife iGlyn.s TURNPIKE Johns) and a son, neither of The Rullroid Company and/or the Board ot Public Utility Com- whom lie wants to hurt. But missioner!! reserve the right to re- DRIVE-tN THEATRE Carteret Schools ject any or all proposals. Lana doesn't want to be hurt, IS J. Mlneltl. Chiel Engineer _ ROUTE IS TEL. either. She wants to many THE CENTRAL RAILROAD COMPANY OP NEW UERSET him. Her boss (Barry Sullivan i JERSEY CTTY TERMINAL, CASTODATY THRBRUNSWICU SAT. SUN.K , MON.CL7-sos, TUBS. o has been In love with her for JERSEY CITY 2, H. J. AUGUST 28,J», M AUG. 31-8KPT. 1, 2 years, and when the news- C. P. 8/22, 29/58 $33.61 WILL TAKE caster is killed in a plane Re-Open Sept. 3rd] ~ • >\ t'-.F- erief-striclien Lana YOU TO iilTGoD'jSl decides to make a pilgrimage Boston, Mass. «J ins liunie, (Unexpectedly ghe becomes a guest in th» sea^d? Alexandria, Vu mm %?lSS home of the newscaster's Concord, N. H; widow, Knowing nothing of FRANK'S lit ACRE tTKHNlCOLOT her dead husband's love af- PLEASE Lowell, Maea. Radio & Television fair, Glynls becomes friends — Plus — QUANTRlWS with Lana, and thrill* to the BY PHONE 463 New Brunswick Ave. "GOING STEADY? idea of Lana'i writing n book FORDS taiistf about her late husband. 8 nun. station rate from RAWERS Newark after 6 P.M. Barry Bullivan drops in to Drive children and all day Sunday. CINEMASCOPE ask Lana if she cant see what 10% tax not included. she is doing; Lana can't . , . STATE not until the shocking realiza- everywhere THEATRE tion that Glynis hft discov- ered, the truth. I Woodbridge, M. J. WE 53L** Carefully FORDS — AIR CONDITIONED — A TIME TO LOVE AND WED. THRU SAT. A TIME TO DIE PLAYHOUSE AUGUST 27, 28, 29, 10 Th? time is World War n and a young German soldier HI-2-41U Robert Byan, Aldo Ray In and (playfed by John Gavin* is on "AIR-CONDITIONED" WOODBRIDGE hi« way home after two years THURS. THRU SAT. Ms Little Acre' at the front. He is glad to leave AUGUST 28 - 30 hi* outfit, tor now that the Shown ail 8:45 and DRIVE - IN Protect Our ChUdn Russians are steadily forcing "KINGS GO FORTH" 9:00 F. M. A Walter Read* Theatre With Frank Sinatra and Route 1, Woodbridc* Tony Curtis SUN.'., , MON., TI'ES. AUG, 31 - SEPT 1, I The Newly Renovated "CURSE OF THE NOW THRU SATURDAY /fa DEMON" WALT DISNEY present* "Full of se| and vital- With Dana Andrews and be prevented. Drift ity. Impressively alive. "God's Little FALCON and Pem Cummin* Saturday Matinee, Special "The Light in the Weiler, N. Y. Times. Acre " especially near lebook. OFFICIAL Showing fur the Children HALL — Co-Hit — ADDED FRI., SAT. caution mayiav* a child** • "| "WORLD WITHOUT "LAST OF THE IN tnUtU Avc. Carteret GYM END" Forest" CARTOON CARNIVAL FAST GUNS" M> "CURSE OF TBJK — Co-Hit — — In Color — LATK HORROR 8HOW Is NOW Available For OUTFITS DEMON" 'TARZAN'S FIGHT We Cake Tour Picture AND EXTRA CARTOONS FOR LIFE" J DAYS, STARTING SUNDAY • WEDDINGS Thta MM«c« Admtulan WHb Voqr SUNDAY THRU TUES. ChiUrtn 3Jc — idulU 11a • SHOWERS 1 Purchase' of a. AUG. 31 - SEPT. t Contlnuou* Labor Vanity Sweatei September 1 • BANQUETS "REVENGE of WED. THRU SAT. Open • PICNIC AREA SEPT. I, 4, 5, « Boro of Carteret BaJa tr SUM FRANKENSTEIN" WuHwn Hoidcn, (In Techniookor) Sophia Lortn In Rooms EDWARD J, DOLAM, o>ctock •'THIS ANGAI AGE" . Mwt U Wmlwsrtb* JOHN HUTNICK, FOUCE With Anthony Perkln* Oo-Fmtun EXTRA, »UN, MON. Hf MAIN STORK! In Technicolor "THE KEY" OuyHadiMB — Ootar — COUN0ILM1M) WOODBRIDQK •mj WMneMUjr Hsnnriu «hown »t t:S« and CARTOON—A. RAMA JOHN %. lVZUULU •kow bun 2 r. H. »:M t. ML •:«• r. M. Otfj KI I- WALTER SUUJVAN PAHP! Tfl.FVTTN FRIDAY, AUGUST 29. 19!»B Nursery School Squad Readies Opens Sept. 10 Carnival Flans ti fol/)NIA T1" niunial COI/ONIA — Th« executive, i'u I::'ill of the C(il «»* » »p«l»l attraction list week tember 32 at Aihbrook Swim from 10 A.M. Residnnta are 'Sl, \v<>odbrtrU* Ortvfi-ln Theatre wan ho»t to morr thin tO rmldmU of the asked to place bundled paper! Club. Highland Avenue, Edi- "HUSBAND TRAINER": Mm»e, a woman contestant h shown in thr *ei o 1 f1,,,,,,,, In Edfoon. The occasion wai the opening of "The Viking*," adventure at their curbs. son. The topl« U "Do's and daring the (tames at a pirnir sponsored by Ameriww Craftsmen* Sunday Thr Dank!) Folk Dancer Society of Newark, directed bj Mn. Don'1* of Working with Chil- lilm 0/wn Hou»p Planned Florence Nellton. performed. dren." PICNIC HRI.0 Registration in still open Auction Sale Held FSELIN— The Junior Girls' For Kindergarten I and arrangements can be Annual Softball Game At Church IJbrnry Auxiliary, sponsored by the ISELIN — The ttaff and mad« with Mn. Frledland. PTO of School 18, Indiana Robert H. Krohne Takes Ladies Auxiliary, Iselm Post Karned ISELIN—A private, auction , Avenue, will hold open houm Seheduled for Sunday Rule was held at St. Cecelia's! V.P.W., held a picnic at trie for kindergarten children and" \l Scout Camp Rahway Girl as Bride today and COLONIA — The annual, organizations' will celebrate Library with Mrs. Alex Mat- home of Mrs. Harold Rib- their parent* next Tuesday "Gold Ball" soft ball name', after the name at a pic.nii- blett, Fiat Avenue. Mrs. Jo- from 2:30 to 3:30. This will The first com- COLON1A — Miss Carole 104 Went Milton Avenue. zuk, hPi\d librarian, as auc- allow children and parents to betwern the Colonia First Aid! dance at the. civic dub build- seph Strasser, auxiliary presi- .,(t of the «MOH Mary Crede, daunhwr of Mr. Rahway. tomorrow i tioneer. Items auctioned in- meet the teachers and nee i\\* Squad and the Civic Improve- j ins. The bride attended Rahway TV dent, Mrs. William Dangell, • Troop 48 *M and Mn. Conrad C. Crede, 217 AiiRiist 30 will be the last eluded lamps, vases, antiques, rooms before opening daf ment Club will be held Sun . v >u the Inmnn Albemarle Street. Rahway, | schools and is employed by Wednesday, ART CARNEY WILL STAR day at 2:30 Rt, Colonia Mem-:session of the Civic Clubs linens and crocheted articles. | secretary Mrs. Charle* Wein- ,,i,w Attending became th« bride of Robert Wesley and Winter Station- schenk, Mrs Parents ar* not alk>w« clock ceremony A reception Qarroway's Today show. Betsy .:,it July. Twelve Mayor Hugh B. Quigley threw Plans Smorgasbord. followed at Colombian Club, Palmer will replace, her on the ,,| one wffk, six the first pitch. Rahway. morning show. . . . Patricia ISELIN - The Chain O-1 ,< Andy Pearman Autumn Dame The ball was retired, paint- Given In marriage by her Medina will probably end, up Hills Woman's Club plans a \ • «-eek». 3couU ed Kold, mounted on a trophy smoipasbord for the first fall! father, the bride h.n<1 as hnonr as the love interest In Have merit badge were and awarded to the Civic mretiiiK September 9 at the J attendant Miss Bnrbnra Sloc- Date Sept. 27 Gun, Will Travel. She will ap- ]V\i. John Angen, Club which won the Mine First Presbyterian Church of ki. MM. Jamrs Wlekelnnrt and pear in every third or fourth i .1 Jumps Holman, COIJONIA — The dance In order to retain the tro- Iselin. All the specialty dishes I Mis* Eileen Crede, the bride's show with Richard Boom-. th« ; .,. wniter Roiwn- committee of the Greater Co- thy the Civic Club ri'is; win I will be made by the club' sister, were bridesmaid* Kliz- show's hero. Paladin. . . . Tlie l-.n Augen. Joseph lonia Democratic Club, Mrs. Sunday's ;;ame. Pl;iyei\ nwm- old radio show, Dr I. Q is hc- I members. I abeth Crede, sister of the Charles Ho/einpa, Mrs. Mor- bfis and families of both ••,:nI'd two merit lug revived for TV. ABC will j The enmmittae is Mrs. Wil- ; brld« and Linda Kozar. Eliza- ris l.uth, Tony Mauro, Mrs. •.aid Denson, six start It on ttie West Coast at Unm Moorhead, chairman, beth, niece of the bridegroom, Willinm Pepe and Mrs. Mur- iVar'.man, 11. Many first and then put it on the . . . Jerry Lewis' first show Mrs. Thomas O'Hare. Mrs. j nerved at flower girls. ; ray Friedman, met with Rudy .•< advanced In network ai, » later date. Art for NBC in the new TV n-ason Keimeih Lawrence, Mrs. John Douglas Kiohnp. Colonia. Maneff. chairman, to disouM ,,;: nwiird.i will be Baker will be the show's will be ill December. Jrwkes, Jr., Mrs, John Mc- was bPJtt man for his bruthcr plai\s tor the autumn dance ,-,: n> the court of emcee. Cnvlhy and Mrs. Joseph September 21 at the KnlRhts WARNER BROTHERS IS Uslien were Cmud Crerle. Johnston. brother of the brid* and John of Columbu.s Hall, Jacques n»RFFliU,Y BOLSTKRING '.'fp recommend- HALLMARK HALL OF Sur», Raliwav Avemie, Railway Buffet sup- Ty Hai'din's'first rtarnn? an- STOCK-MARGIN HATK '.i-xip meetlnus FAME HAS FINALLY .-U'l.'d i On their return from a ix'i u:U he served. pcRnmci" In Chevi in-..' 'vjih RA1SI, !• niiihls. pending Patricia Movison for its "Ku& 1 honevmonn At Allan']'- City. Tii'k n may t>e obtained Me Knte" show. She joins Al- guost slurs TC:itlilt'i-n Ciw '^v In ils first maior nmve sinre 'IP Hoard of Fire T : the nemlywi'ds will lesule at from Mrs. Hoyetnpa, 5'i IJOIIH- fred Drake and Lisa Kirk to and Gi'i'old > oi>I-. . . . CTVi the recession to clamp down s If approval is wnnts N'uin Firh to st:ir in a fello* Dine. Mrs. Pipe. 22 round out the show's ordinal on cii'dit. the Fcdcml Reserve • meeting will be five-n-v.H'-; pii^rirr-'-iont1 se- : Wi'MnnnstiT Road. Mrs. Jerry Hroadwav cast. . . . Bob dim- Bosii'd recently raised innrun j; Thin year i rial, Mildred ?"'!'(••. biv.'d nn Scldner. lf)2 Dine ming*' snonsor has reconsid- requiri'iments on stock pur- *-ill be naked to the old Joan Cr.m.fnv,! f.'-.n Breakfast Set .ind Mis Fncdman, 202 Mc- ered and renewed the Cum- chases to 7(1 per rent. This cen's ii week in « . . . Lou Costi'l'i is pii''p;i>iin; Knil.uic Road i minsf^' show (or another year. i mciiiis anyone buying securi- )iiiR fund in aci- GillK-rt & Sullivan's "HMS c-ffi'Ctive January 1. ... Steve j I ties must put up enoush cash • s 10 help defrav For Sept. tlh Pinafore" as a ChviMmr- TV f./IIO to lloln Lawr.-nce and Eclyie Gorme; ' to cover 70 per cent of the pur- sperial. It will be a .in//, 'TVIOII ,'immi'r expfnsi'S. chase price. will have their own show this til'ril "N.ivv" w';li Cus- ' ii scout cannot COI.ON1A A mmn; nf (;m,f,mf /)jg/, .SM/I/MT The board's action restores Ml. NHC liked their pinch- tello to p'av the admiral. , . . ,), his money will th« program com:n:tt''« of :hi' miir»in rPquiiTineiKs to thr hittini,' role for Sieve AlUn Twenty-One has totaled uii its Women's H^-tV of Cln :.sliu:i - T!:e Colonia ', level in effect from April, IS55 Wo this .-.'.unim-i. . . . Ncv that. prizes and fhiiires it w ll have Club »il! hold :t.« annual ; 1 K.:s: Aid Squad will Service was h»-ld at ti'.p luitiw Louis Prinui and Kcely Sniiih Siven ir.\ay M.OM.OOp hv Sep- to last January 16. when tiie covcri'd dish suiiper to *el- :.,ive an Initruclor of Mm Emil Hrvsiikimwh. -t are definitely out of MiHou • board slashed the margin to 50 tember. , . . NBC calls ii.s'ne'iV 1 Among all gasolines sold In New Jen® .IP lejisoni In firs1. Atli'iiding »!•;•» Mrs I/misc come new m"inbirs Berle's uixomins slw«, il per cent. Outiook "Peter Gunn" an adull mys- .vi) munth to sup- Dlltler, Mrs. J.inn> F. .v.:iu'. biT IS .it Si-lioui 2, I looks like Keely will be p fre- tery. Why? Because it will be -this White Pump stands out! ; • v••jar .scout first Mrs. Praiik Fyke and Mi? Avi'iuie. qiK'iit guest on the Eddie on after seven o'clock at ni^ht. Ivis :i'.f!-tlng will have » Herbert Scliaefcr. Mis Pficv Ca*liilinc Fisher show — without I/>uie. [ iiv ,-<'. on"-half hour A sptrlal exfHUtivi' nnvtins pitiili:v cli.tiniian. :.s ::i cl and *i'.\ hold a nnHm it in ik'imtornft. will be held .Sfp'.eir.b.i 4 at 8 her ' home. 59 Lollnf llow ure discussed to in the education buildiiu. DIIVL'. to muk'1 i'i most ellitlble The monthlv brea'slast w,ll will be Mi.v Charles • ' n d the Army- be held StpCiTUher 4.fiuin Uirson, Mi* Albert Raurr. '.:•'.» football game »:30 to II A M. HoMe.sM-h .tit- ! Mr*. Joseph Vlw.i.. Mis. Rub- - 27. if tlckeU can Mrs. Kyke, Mrs Jack Ainuld. H coa'n no mote to hs?« ert Ashwrll, Mr> Ch;u':e.' •I Fui ther Informa- and Mrs. Allx-u B-utt'. thft pruTe .sloiiiil servUt'i Hu//'iii|ja «nd Mis. Uavict of one of Union Cuvml\ • WBLL TAKEt :ciiioun^e::n the first half of O»ve 30 dollars pr more a year on gaaolina ' >ui in the first half — get the most powerful gasoline any car can use—and protect ypur engine from • i'»r. Production m FORDS, N. J. ' -5 per cent higher spark plug "mi«i." Thit's what mutonsU • MI mt month last who uae Suj>er Shell get! Here's why: 1. A "pofwer pack" of aviation fuel • |WbUeaa B^tttiibuu"tnii""to"'the warmer 'out. And no better news could greet Senator in New Jermey wen cmnlidit* MUM improve but the blu question tadtcldM I* the average American businessman being held today, which Climate and the tendency of people to is not who will win the election candidate would you rather A particularly sigr.:fi« as far as confess is concerned, get outdoors in the milder climate and and housewife. M* win: Republican candi- sidelight In today's ^W W^j_. ' J . i ^^« but whether the Republicans President Eisenhower, in warning date Robert W. Kean or vote is that over the ve,l: ^ "do" more than read. But whatever can come on fast enough to Democratic candidate Har- proportion of big rin ,, have even a chance in Nov- v both labor and industry that they must rison A. Williams?" in comparison to the <•* tht rtasoru, and regardless of the corn- ember. Right now they are resist the This was the vote New Jer- entire turnout ha* sloi-w pen.wit lorn, the South suffers when its temptation to push .iving out of it. but with the econ- sey cities with 100,000 or more •steadily declined. cost5 indlcated ulte dearl omic recovery underway there 1 dtteeru do not read books, as does any **> ***• ' Under the Capitol Dome people i Newark. Jersey City, (Continued on ?tt, what the cur:ent concern of are some who think that a other lection of a country, or any 60'ern- ly J. Jtsepk Grliiiis peaceful settlement of the jj-Q-u ' ment economists is today. It no longer Middle East crlsij and pros- perity will get the O. 0. P Another deprewing thought for the!centers around the fear that the re" Later in the &ame year in the matter to the attention of ^(.^ t>all Jnt*n«.hiiii u th» rvnp nf rwiV mmt cession might cut too deeply into our TRENTON - State lejia- i n ttie Know Your Representatives Pitt&burg he instituted the Representative Robert W In the Senate it would be a DOOK The beat citizen is an »ctlv« citizen, one v,-, \, BMellectuai u tn« type oi most *> *•. [a{on ind oflklBl! have 5Un_ Federation of the Organized Kean. of Livmgsion. who had near miracle. For in the upper Trades and Laboi1 t'nion* of been woikmg on s number of alert and goes to the source to secure tht bett »va:laa,( peopH read. It should not surprise economic life and or get out of control. ed ^m the drums (or ap- legislative body more O. O, P. the United States and Cans- changes in the Social Security information. The best representative Is one who -v anyontjor Hi* the s&m. type of thing1 On the other hand' governmental provai of two Jmporum pro- seats are at stake and many' da. From this orgamu- Act. and he promptly recom- of the Democratic expirations; operates with his constituent* and Is ready and *«..- that the average movie-goer pavs to economists feel that the recession is £J^5K&£2S:tion grew the prpsent Am mended the amendment. Con- to receive their views. Herewith are the address ci llcked Tne mt to nsm construc are in the wlid South. Un- ate. II la something heavily smeared i - >' P° § " lot to solve New jersey's water can Federation of Labor in qrew ecrvivt-'d the inequity to deniably, however, the junior your representatives. Keep In touch with them, with MX evil nr scandal '••tion- minS consumption, high in- shortaw problem and help 1886. older nul service employees, m.ijor party may not face the UNITED STATES CONGRESS Wiwi lex, CTU, or scanaai. i <= , u poornrredit school districts to HAY FE\TR:- NW Jersey and ser.t ilie revised bi'.I todebacle some expected as a comes citizjens suffeving from i'.av Presiri('!.t Kisenhower on Au- Senator H, Alexander Smith iR». Senate Office B ;..i. All of ua should read more good ' lessening unemployment, small marlcel Kh0(A con8truction certainty only three or four j.i.'t IS iiir !i:s siijiiaiiire. ing. Washington, D. C. Home—Princeton. books. It should be a good habit to' ™P* m some of the vital basic {arm bondv fever mny take some conso- months a^'o. lation in the fact that tN- TIHM)KRST()RMS- A:.- Senator Clifford P. Case . Senate Office Buildi-j form the routine of reading one good; "ops, better prices for livestock. ^%™™X7ZJVe*- ancient Greeks and Esyptu; ' :: : A r. f pilws who operate The failure of the Air Washington, D. C. Home—345 Elm Avenue, Rah*g). book a month, or a week—or however: greater federal expenditures, the ns- cai.y be[ore part, candldatej also suffered from the annual I'liviit* planes are advised by Forces first moon shot em- Representative Peter Prelin^huysen, Jr. g ^ ' P >' " ^ ?Rf *J"nSuw llons of 0U nan":«s 'o s:av on the ground urity in the fie'd of secret mis- Washington. D. C. Home—Morristown. time, the reading of these interesting, Americans, social security in- JJJMr 0^ °he JXcTVage is the g°ne:-a'. cause of the Mirczmi! a:id ."ro- dirir.j ti.i.ndfr slonns at this .«iles and rockets work is far educational and fascinating books will creases, and many other factors. All of afu.r ubor Day. Both apathy' ' of year. from leakproof. For the Air STATE LEGISLATURE an of volers and lne tation of the eyes, ears, MT; How.'vcv, the bureau states. Force, or many top officials Senate . . , , 7 ... .fact their importance may betime it is estimated that ov: ;f you muM fly or get cauchl therein, did not want advance John A. Lynch iD>. 5& Pater&on Street, New Brmwirt anThd ae risingenerag scall econsensu of economis ocf activity opinion. 'i )os aheat idn lhe necUc campai8n5 five million Amenca:\> H:P .n the ucir./y of a thunder- publicity on the moon shot try Autmbly The World Around I * v.orm. periir.eiu data should m August, seems to be that by next year this time have caused their bleary-eyed because of ih.e William KurU iD). 415 Conover Street, South Ambiw Now that we are moving into the IR «ou tot losthee npropagando Ume ainailment. oe at mental fmjertips. The Knowtn? that it misht fall David I. Stepacoff 1D1. 160 Lewis Street, i'erth Anin.-v the United States wlU mforraaf.on is a'.so uneresung and that public relations re- space"ageTit is good to a*k ourselvesi * enjoying a;barrels, Althoutrh there are vj;-.a- J. Edwtrd Crabiel 'Di, 38 Highland Drive, Mil!:.-»n sults might be somewhat -im- risk econom Wlth risin rofiu One rPferendum wiU t'.ons, medical su;hj::,ips 10 citizens on the ground. how much we know about outer space. f y' 8 P *** ilar to those experienced by B6ARD OF FREEHOLDERS Then electlon blame the eiant and common Most of these storms build Some of us have only a vague idea - ^ time-1960-the ragweed, prowins on wasre ;ip dut'inir the later afternoon the Navy with its lllfated Van- Karl E Metzger iD>, Director, Rutgers University N't 1 project, an effort was about the universe—indeed the editor United States should be enjoying on a lona-urm program to land and in fields from which and continue to be a threathreat W ff Brunswick. something of a restrained boom, or at conserve its potable water pram h?s been har\-??ted. thrown the early part of the ">•* t0 ^ xhp lld on lhe poses as no expert. However, the fol- George F. Baier most violence The next secret has Rlready MM I. D'ZwtlU ID) tune, Uranus and Pluto can be seen viding for annual accrued expenditure spongy ground near Cianbury SOCIAL SECl'RITY:. State. If the lishtiunR flashes are ! ,eaked oul to0 Thf Air Force Walter SnUhan ID) through a telescope. budgeting. in Central Jersey: a S2.000.- county and municipal er- most vertical, you are ap-'. wiU uy a(!Mn ln September ThMua MIHk ID) • 000 project to bottle un waters ployees of New Jersey as well pronchin? the storm from the ; _g ^ ^ Naiy _an(j n Several of these nine planets have The measure, HR 8002: has now aon the vast Wharicm tfract in Mam Sirabonkl (D) as those throughout the na- front. If the flashes are more ; ^ s"ervic7~can"t make "it on two-year tortuous trip through tllc South Jersey and a J3.000.000 a moon (or moons) circling them. We tion, will benefit from an horizontal, you are iin<"*<"g the second try the Army mmht AJex Sueh ID) study of possible water de- call our sun and everything revolving legislative maze of the 85th Congress. ameiidrv'nt to the Se- into it from the rear If hori- be Riven iu eiunce. In the Jthn Hntnkk ID) velopment for future use in cunty Act adopted by Con- 7.ontal flashes are ihe only (Continued on Page U> Around it (planets, satellites (moons), In the main, the bill follows recom- the Rniitan and Millstone iiiess. ; type you see, the storm ;i> comets, meteors, stars, etc.) our solar mendations advanced in the Hoover River watersheds. The amendment eliminates probably mild, with its base lystem. Commission's 1955 Report on Budget- Senator Wayne Dumont. a provision in the la* which well above the ground" ^"' «as penalizing public em-JERSEY JIGSAW:- Unem- The sun and billions of other stars, ing and Accounting. It would subject worked several years to «et ployees who continue to work ployment i^ New Jersey ii The Importance of and suns, form our galaxy. The uni-a large measure of Federal appropria-; the tjuestion* on the baiik after the eligible ai>e oj re- j mid-July was estimated : wants the !)lic t0kll0 W verse contains an undetermined but tions and spending to more systematic P" f* tirement. The original act 219.000. finch is about 9.1 per two bond issue referendupis provided that sick-leave jpay*- cent of the New Jersej labor L A 11 O R great number of galaxies. Thus, one check and annual control, so essential, are different. The water bond ' ments made to such people force. Hatcheries in Nev can see how infinitesimal our solar sys- to sound governmental budgeting. issue would add to the current were not wages under Social Jersey dunui July produced d il debte ( 1 e S8 f th Security even though paid as 389.000 chicks. . . The New tem is—even though the sun is 93 mil- Adoptior n of HR 8002, however, is but 1 ^"State K bu!t woul. l df hbe wipe° d- ou?t such bj State, county and Jersey State Chamber of Corn- Honimilea away. one, step on the long road toward the j eventually by ufe sale of themunicipal governments under m«rce wants all voteri to vote goal of adequate Congressional control jwaLpr civil service regulations. 'yes" on the adoption of the Thlre are probably millions of suns. The tl6.000.000 for school As a result, many of such 5.45.800.000 water bond issue Labor Day reminds us cf But as yet we have not been able to over Federal expenditures, now accel- bond purchases is already employees have found on at the November 4 general the great importance d verify the theory that other planets erating toward an $80,000,000,000-a- available and approval of theeventual retirement that they election. . . John B. Townsend. are not qualified for social Be- of Ocean City, has been desi»- labor in producing oil year Yate. This is nearly double the j constitutional amendment will revolve around these other suns; we merely permit its use to pro-curity benefits through fail-*d by Governor Meyner as the goods anifi services cannot see that far. The next nearest Federal spending pace of ten years tect the bonds of needy school ure to have be«n credited with vice chairman of the New so necessary toou r wcy, enough periods of coverage. Jersey Jlighway Authority . . lun, after our sun, is Alpha Centauri. ago. districts. LABOR DAY:- The memory Steven B. Schanes, Director. New Jersey's potato CTOP this of lite. Inventors have Stars twinkle and planets do not; In a recent publication tht New Jer- of Peter J. McGuire. of Cam-DhLson yt Pensions, called! (Continued on Page 181 ( rfected machines to l:t stars are globes of intensely heated sey Taxpayers Association pointed out deii, the Father of Labor Day, from men's backs soffit that "Congressional and executive ap- will be revived in holiday cele- ~ GLAMOR GIRLS ' "~ gas, not solids. The sun, (hen, is our brations next Monday when oi theldrudgay oi foflntr nearest star—and while it is but one of propriation and expenditure controls Ihe honest working man will yearsj But good, honest be honored throughout New millions of suns, probably a million have failed to keep pace with atqmic toil was n« _, Jersey and the nation. BANKING HOtJRS earths fit into it—it is that large. age spending, .. . The result is that— McGuire led the movfment to our progress than Thus, when the Air Force talks about like the driver of a '58 model automo- in 1802 for one day of the M«nd«T Tin bile with '29 brakes—Congress finds year to be set aside as a gen- shooting a rocket toward the moon, eral holiday ln honor of the we are only at the first hesitant step its controls over the nation's purse laboring man. H» always strings hopelessly inadequate." claimed the inspiration for the ttransoctod in exploring outer space. The day of holiday came from the men exploration and discovery is nr • Ird, The publication discusses various , in the ranks ot the woVking it is just beginning. solutions proposed in Congress .this people anxious to improve *ye&r. It emphasizes the importance of their employment conditions. Congress designated the first adequate, accurate data to keep both Monday in September Jor the Food and the Cbst of I'.' ':? Congress and the people constantly in- noliday as the result of Mc- The economic experts in Washing- formed of the nation's fiscal position. puire'a fine work. | ton are now saying that the cos\ of Born In New York City on Alf'Q needed, the Association points July 8, 1852, McQuire entered foqd may go down in the next twelve out, is a return flow of communica- the trade of cabinet making months. This is an important predic- when twenty years of ag« and tions by which the people keep their Joined the Cabinet Makers tion, because food makes up thirty per Congressmen informed of .their back- Union of Mew York. Alter Woodbridge cent of the cost of living, as measured home views on sound Federal finance unionism became hli prime interest ln life, he issued a by the Consumer Price Index. —often at variance with the •spending ctll in June. 1881, for a con-> The reason for the optimism about demands pressure groups place on veiutoii to form ona intern* • < Our New BulWlM Oom«r Moor* ATCIUM National Bank decreased consumer cost in the vital tlotnl union o( wood worker* ••* B«n» »Opp. Town H»U| Congressional doorsteps. ihey met ln Chtcifo iiid f nn-.i tin wIMnl FRIDAY. AUOTTflT 29, 195B PAGE THIfCl'KEN / Candidates to Meet I Dance Studio if Little League \otprs in Park Monday! Opens in Ford18 that will appear on thp ballot PORDS-H WHS annoimrrd Holds Picnic ,lV today that In November. today that, the Wylie School FORDS The Fords-Clnr.i ,ind 9. William John Nemish. Charles Skes- or DnncliiR will npen studios Making Harion Little LenKite h"ld i;f |,,,blinan candl- timas and Leo Ryan, Republi- In Fords at BIVJ Klnr referendum nnd I,on«'.s ciicuits. Roxy pany plant on Carteret Road Theatre, Earl Carroll units Mr.; Helen Nash won a spe- ' which have been tlie cause of Zoning; Change and leartlnK night dubs and clnl hitting contest for the '•complaints b,v residents of mothers l>y slamming the WOODBRIDOE On a hotels throughout the country the area. Oeorge C Van Oun- longest drive lli Scries recommendation of the Zon- Known intmiiilionnlly :\t, dy, director nf public relation* Boys on the winning team f ing Board, the Town Commit- Willis and St. Claire, they ;iic of the company, told Mayor In botli divisions received tro- tee Tuesday granted permls- j fhoreoKi-aphcrs and facultv '• Hugh B. Qutglcv during • rijiis Tuesday members of National phies nnd all the boys in their i conference in lis office yes- slon to Richard Duntgan to final year nf Little Leafuic ball construct an addition to an Dnmc T»arher's Association. i trrday. ., ,WN The HYO received belts. existing garage, at 153 Grave The Fords Motor Company j Declaring I'-at Koppen ' ,, e world Series 1/U 1 Btre«t, for the purpose of Cubs were trented to a steak Comaany wants to be "a good WINNING TEAM: This is the irrniip (if h:ippy softbullors rrprrsrntlni! the Amrricnn Craftsnwns Club of Wondbrld«e (_,, Tuenday at the storage of truck* and plumb- Westinghouse dinner Riven by the sponsors ! neighbor". Mr. Van Gundy who scored an Impressive 10 '! victory Sunday over the CurtnTl Craftsmen al Highland Grove, Fords, lt was the , neiil.The game will ing and h«atlrm supplies. at the Brass Bucket In honor j told the mayor that the flame i; highlight nf thr Wnndhririgp oiEaniz.ation's annual family pienir. In the photo, top row, left to rleht: J. Jaeo, A. St. On a suggestion ma dp by of their victory in the Little which caused many of tht ,' piKiRPrs. first-half Pierre, F., A. Mnsfiirflli, R. Jannl, C. Meshrow, II, Madison and V. Brernn. Bottom row, same ord«, W. ' ,,. st the Yankees. Henry Mades, the Road De- Lists Benefits League over the Interboro complaints is being elimi- ii:I1 Pabst. Jr., I,. Price, II. Drrxlrr and son; W. Peterson, N. Meyers, R. Peterson and R. Khohfl and son. nated and the Rosen will t>» „,..,,,,11 winners. The partment will cut some EDISON E. .1. Kelly. Wn-\ Trucking Red Sox, 1 eral mannner nf the Wesliiii:- burned by another method. ';,'„,. W|ii be Thursday branches off trees in the vi- cinity of Avertel Street, so the hoiise Television-Radio Divi- Mr Van Gundy told Ths ,,mi'.-i will start at traffic light will be visible sion, dlwiosed the Westinc- Independent-Leader yester- , M if 11 third Hume Christ Church Setting Fall Program Brom-CoughlinNuptials day he has baen making a U. S. Army Engineers in- program of emplove u will be played house-to-house visit In th« formed the committee that • insurance, pensions and othe'r !,'.' 7 :it 2P- M. area noting complaints. Shell Oil Company has made fringe benefits costs the com- '.',. . lk.of the Yankees, OfLisnay-Dambach Rite Listed by OPT| Held Saturday in Fords .,...landing pitcher application for Installation of pany an averaee of 44 cents At the same time, Mayor rd-liftU and was a riprap turned drainage ditch an hour for each worker FORDS - Miss Betty Jean Berne.tta Lisnay, North Bruns- MENLO PARK TERRACE FORDS—Miss Joan Cough- lin. Fords, brother of the Qulgley who visited the plant , , ,,,n in home run*. in Woodbrklge Creek, east of The company has prepared Dambach, 17 DOUKIM Street, wick, sisters of the bride- A general board meeting of lln, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. bride. again this week, was told by the Metwood chapter of Wo- the plant manager, engineers ' , ,i ..irLi will be host State Street bridge for the , a handbook for each employe Kroom. were brldemaids. They James P. CouRhlin, Wood- A firaduale of Newark State ;V daughter of the late Mr. and are now In the process of nf cirls from the dLsposal of diluted hydrogen •' describing the amount of pro- men's American ORT was held bridse Avenue, was married Teachers Colletsc, the bride is Mrs. John Dambach, was wore, similar gowns to that tests of the constant peroxide. Protests if any > tectlnn and benefits he enjoys. Tuesday with Mrs. Raymond j ga\"u7dBy to Robert Brom, a member of the faculty of worn by the matron of Ipnor humming noise which has should be filed by September "Very few people under- married Saturday to Eugene Chait, Jpffcrron Street. | of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Clark Township public ,,,;ilay «t 8 P.M. at and carried yellow chrysan- heen the basis of most of the > stand that they a rom- Wayne Llsnay, son of Mr. and i The Ki'oup planned the Brom, Birmingham, Ala. schools. xn field. themums with croton leaves, complaints to determine what [ pany real money, Mr Kelly Mrs. Joseph Lisnay, North [•omint! schedule of fall events. Rev. Samuel Constance per- Mr. Brom is a graduate of explained. These aren't iu?l Julius Hudak, Milltown. was A leadership course will be methods can be utilized to Brunswick. Rev. Dr, Walter formed the double-rinR cere- Alabama Polytechnic Insti- eliminate It. bonkkeepmi; dollars It is best man and usher.s were open to all members beginning tute. Auburn and a member H. Stowe, lector, officiated at mony and celebrated the. moijey that Is paid out, just Eugene Orezner. Hopelawn September 22 and will run six of Delta Sigma Phi fraternity. To Make Report Mass, at Our Lady of Pe.ace It is understood company like money thnt Is put up to the ceremony at Christ and Robert Kady, New Bruns-1 to eimht weeks. The first Church. He Is employed by WesttiiR- OPPORTUNITY meet the payroll." Church. New Brunswick. wick. i meetint; will be with Mrs. A. Electric Corporation, officials will have a complete : Given in marriage by her report to offer at the next The handbook also describes After the ceremony, onee ] j Applebaum, 11 Cody Street, Edison. Niece of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- father, the bride wore a gown meeting of the Board of ether benefits, such as paid hundred and twenty five; Fords. After a honeymoon in the liam Dambach, 414 Crows five ; of Chantilly lace over satin. Health. September 9, to which for your own business vacations and holidays, spe- The newest endeavor of the Poconos. the couple will re- Mill Road. Kcasbey. her uncle quests attended the reception Her floral crown held a fln- representatives of the State cial employe prices on home chapter will b« a lending .li- side at 12 Lee Street. Nixon. nave her in marriage. She at the Pines. ! ger-tip length illusion veil and Department of Labor, State \ GOING HIGH UAIAONAtiF. products, sirwstlon system brary. Mrs. Eddie Shapiro, 4 wore a ballerina length gown Mrs. Lisnay. a graduate of | she carried whit* chrysanthe- Department of Health, com- awards and payments made Exeter Road, Fords, is in SUNOCO SERVICE STATION of white re-embroidered Alun- Sr. Mary's High School. Perth mums and stcphanotls. pany representatives and the by the company toward .social IOU lace and silk organza. Her Amboy, and the Felt and Tar- charge and is donating a Miss Judy Coughlin was her Mrs. John Egan complainants have been In- security and workmen's and silk illusion veil was draped rant Comptometer School, room in her home for the sister's maid of honor and vited. unemployment compensation. Located at from a coronet of seed pearls Newark, is employed at West- snivice. The library will be Miss Joy Brom, Birmingham, The overage cost Is nearly cpen to all and will feature Publicity Head Meanwhile, Comrnitteeman and rhinestones and she car- iruihousc Corporation. Mr. sister of the bridegroom, was L. Ray Alibani who first Kmj; (leorge Road and Crow i Mill Road twlre wh;it benefits cost el^ht books of general interest. ried phalai nopsis and ivy on n. Lisnay is a graduate of New bridesmaid. FORDS — Mrs. John Euan, brought the matter up in pub- vcars ago and then1 will be Mrs. Maurice Leib is chair- Bible. Brunswick High School and William Burdette, Phila- 6th district publicity chair- lic said this week "he would FORDS fuiLiier improvements ellet- Union Junior College. He :s a man of an informal dance to man of New Jersey State Mrs Euscne Grezner, Hope- delphia, was best man and not rest until the plant Ml tive November 1. junior at Rutgers University. or. held in late November. Federation of Women's Clubs, lawn, us matron of honor, ushers were Gordon Riggs, moved out of town." After a honeymoon at Mia- Other group activities will attended a luncheon meeting won1 a conn silk organza bal- . Plainfie.ld and James Cough- Definition mi. Fla., they will live at the include a rummage sale, dress | at the home of Mrs. Peter A. Other members of the com- lei:i'a length gown and car- mittee disagree with Mr. AU- A Communist is a fellow who Fords address. club, fashion show and lunch- Read in Matawan. Mrs. Read ried a eascad" bouquet o! yel- banl stating they are certain Available for Lease Ikes -Ahat he doi'sn't h:i\e MI eon and a day at Lnkcwood, BlIS TttIP SEPT 21 if. publicity chairman for the, low and white chrysanthe- the company which ha» v.cll that, he wants you nni to FORDS—The Altar-Rosary New Jersey State Federation have it eitiii'r The Kanawha mums with croton leaves Society of Our Lady of Peace plants all over the country For Information Write HOSTKSS TO CHAPTER of Women's Clubs. • Iowa i Reporter The Misses Barbara and Church will sponsor a bus trip Clln be forced to eliminate I IttllS for St'ftSOn FORDS •- Mrs, Benjamin Plans were discussed for the ! to Graymoor Monastery. Gar- ny hazards If they fall to do Sunshine. 50 Maxwell Avenue, 1957-58 publicity program. rison, N. Y., September 21. it on their own. FORDS -•• Mrs. Michael was hostess at her home to Other publicity chairmen Reservations may be made Residents of the area are- SUN OIL COMPANY Fason. 27 Woodland Avunue. the board of Avlvah Chapter, who attended included Mrs. with Mrs. Betty Pagan. Wood- girding for a showdown at the n; EST-VTES and •.viis hostess for the first meet- B'nai Biith Women. Co-host- Donald Beam, South Amboy, land Avenue, and Mrs. Bart Board of Health meeting and Augusta Street, South Amboy, N. J. ing of the board of School 1• esses were Mrs. Kalman Au- 5th district; Mrs. Odlon La- gust and Mrs, Lloyd Rubin Florentine, Third Street. Boie, Hackcnsack, 9th dis- have secured copies of news- SHOKKCKKST al FORDS I'TA Plans were discussed for paper accounts published be- (in- uimin", year, trict; Mrs. Richard Steubel, Paramu.s, 11th district; Mrs. fore the plant was construct- Mrs. Fason, was selected to INITIAL SESSION DKFENSE COSTS bern, Brooklyn and llien en- Frederick Ferris. Peimlnfiton, ed containing descriptions ai br MRS I.KSTKR KKKSS represent the PTA at the state WOODBRIDGE - The Senator Bush (R., Conn.) ioyetl the weekend at Bive/y 4th district: Mrs. Reginald outlined by company spokes- 55 Invernrss Terraef, I'ords convention in Atlantic City, j Woodbridse Township Em- has gone on record as saying Point. RockR'.Miy. New York. Grier, Jersey City, 8tli dis- men. Mbfrly 8-?!i:> The next board meeting will ployee's Association will hold | the tax burden may have to They celebrated d a u g ii t e r trict and Mrs. Theodore Gal- • Mr and \lr> Nicholas 1M September 10 at 1 at School its first fall meeting Septem- be increased to pay for mount- FOR 1 Carols birthday while vara- ing defense costs. lis, Leonia, radio and tele- Lindsay Crosby has it bad Velaidi, DetirasM Street, iin- 7. ber 5 at 8 in the committee for June Blair. BMCK-TO-SCH noiinci' the liinti of a baby tionim! with Carol, Kathy, room at Town Hall. Bush said this was one al- vision chairman. (iaiu'hter. Cynthia, Auj:u.-a 4 John and Janet. NAMED CHAIRMAN ternative the nation faced In COLON1A —Mrs. Lawrence at Ciilumbus Hospital. New- • Mr. and Mrs. John Di- NEW PRICE BOOSTS paying the added bills for de- Freidland was named commu- ark Tin1 Velarde also have Nico'.a, C'dtirannon Drive, ob- PITTSBURGH - Three fense and other high priority nity welfare chairman of the two sons Richard and Strveir1 served their anniversary this more steel firms, inducting programs, including science, Central Parkway Section, Na- and d;uiK:;ti'r.i Hiwmurie and week, the nation's two largest, have education, mutual security and tional Council of Jewish Patricia increased the cost, of selected provision of essential services —Mr. and Mrs. Lester K.res.1 Women, at a meeting this' steel items in the second, Other choices, he said, in- Mr and Mrs Alt Casoy entertained Mr. and Mrs. Je- week. Mrs. Michael Lemcr- round of the industry's piece- volve cutting back on less es- tiave returned from a seven- rome S. Friedman, Wynnr- nian is state legislation chair- i meal price adjustments. sential domestic programs or teen day trip to Mexico tin •Aood, Pa., and. Dr. and Mrs.' nun; Mrs. Sidney Levenson, j 1 Posting higher prices for "deceptive, hidden taxation in the (ioliii'ii Falcon fhi'ht Samuel Konwiser, Newark, at noldcn book, and Mrs. Jerome ! such products as bars, rods, the form of continued infla- They toured Mexico City, luncheon Sunday. : Alberts, public relations. All, wire and tublar items were tion." OTHKK I Acapulco ,)nd Vera Cruz and — Mr. and Mrs. James Beh- i visited other points of Inter- viv spent Tuesday as the United States Steel Corpora- SCHOOL surgery. She will be there for ! est. Daughter Cindy spent the Biipsts of Mr. and Mrs. Frank tion, Bethlehem and Inland. UNEMPLOYMENT DROPS NKKDS about a week. United States Steel is the j time with her aunt at New- Cronin, swlmniiNK and water NUREMBURG, Germany •i-kuiH1 on Greenwood Lake in —Mr. nnd Mrs. Carl Maier giant of the industry, Bethle- — West Germany had 356,000 SMITH 8TEKKT, mCTH AMBOY YA-I-U34 port. R. I UylfbmUon of their anniver- celebrated Mrs. Miner's birth- hem the No. 2 producer and unemployed at the end of —Mr, and Mrs. Michael day Friday at a family party. Inland, No. 8. Inverso vacationed for several jsary July, the lowest figure for ten -Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey —Welcome to Mr. and Mrs. years, the Federal Employ- days at the home of Mr. and No Limit Oluck and sons David and j Emll Feaske and children ment Exchange announced Mrs. Thomas Marrone, Hicks- Debbie Ann. Marilyn and An income is an amount of Brian' are vacationing at recently. Unemployment fell villf, L. 1. Mrs, Inver.M) ob- Emil David. Jr.. who moved to money no matter how large Lakewood. by over 45,0ofo in July, largely served h-1. READY-TOCOOK lira. Kane Is 32 years old and miTcocmtiNabisco the couple have 11 ohlldren. 'And those U behave better FULL CUT lhan only two," commented SHANK HALF 12-ai. Mrs. Karnas ruefully after the SHANK IND BUTT IND flslt. "There was no pushing box ind shoving lit the station Bagon, the older ones helped kfTl the little ones." £ —Miss Margaret Batfour, Vest Avenue, has betn a guest this week of her uncle and lunt, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Drorier, Ridgefleld. —Mrs. Montgomery Balfour Is t patient in Roosevelt Hos- 27-!37 !49 pital. , Allen's, Fresh Birds Eye —Mr. and Mrs. Louis Mesar /•I and children have returned from a vacation In Wlldwood and Seaside Park. Baby lima Beans Siepnuinn Returns ' To Ba$e in Texas Plain or Filled ALLEN'S AVENEL — Airman second Class Robert G. Siepmann has returned to Biggs Air Force 5 Base, Texas, after spending two weeks leave with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl G. Siepmann, 425 Woodbine Ave- nue. f HIS COUPON WORTH He graduated from Wood- Swiif, Colby, Caraway "A", bridge High School In 1957 i «*««• i UnoR, Imported, Imported, Sliced teatitt, llrit Eya, FlatrteN and completed ground radar Canned Provolont, Manartlli maintenance school at Kees- 1IABY Mimtt Maid, Fratt let Air Force Base, Miss. HIB BEANS Kj15c present address 1$ Airman LUNCHEON ENDECO second class Robert G. sjiep- HAM or mann, Ap 12541458, Boxi2l8, yairt ONI *OUFOM MEAT LEMONADE 95th A and E Maintenance PORK LOW Cheese Slices Squadron, Biggs Air Force Bise, El Paso, Texas. MUTUAL SUPER MARKET 6-01 quarter IC n-iM c can Avenel Aid Squad Ib. Begins Fund Drive K in «trfo« AVENEL — Avenel-Colonla First Aid Squad will begin Its iill'iil ; I annual fund drive September 1 and continue for the entire Saloda month. George Evans is drive Crisco Salada Tea Salada Tea Salada ebatrmap, Coin cards distri- Spic & Span Spic & Span Crisco buted to residents in early Tea Bagi T«a Bog* I summer will be picked ..up 1l b during this time. I 33c box 'to* 83c Captain Ste#e Buifaback re- S29c S91c of 16 Jft65c ported a total tof 64 calls made can J

CelKenia Iweet Eetinf Bartlett Former Local ^ Pears Man Married WOODBRIDGE — MlM Vine Keened PM NUtt - Urge Slis Mary Elinor Johnson, daugh- ter nf Mr. and Mrs, E. Wayne Johnson, Springfield, Ohio Cantaloupes 1Oc was married recently to Jo- seph John Montntano, for- merly of WoodbrldRe, son of J. P. Montesano, Hoboken and Mn. A. L, Montesano, Rah- Nrw, Hera1, lip* vmy. Rev. William Meyer offioi* Slicing ated at the double ring cere- mony at Northmlnster Pres- Tomatoes byterian Church, Springfield. The bride wor a Dior blue trapeze1 frock with hat and small veil to match, She car- rind a bouquet of pink pom- pons. Mrs. Robert McLaugh- lln, as matron of honor, was attired In Itght ffrey and car- ried pink pompons. Ralph Kistler, Toledo, Ohio, was best man. A wedding luncheon waa GOURMET held at the Ker-Dcen Inn and a reception was held after the ceremony at ths home of the ROLLS bride's parents. Hamburger SAVE TWICE AT MUTUAL... Mrs. Montesano Is a gradu- OPEN LATE ate of Bowling Green State or Frankfurter FREE Yellow Trading Stamps with every purchase you make University. Mrs. Montesano, a EVERY NITE! it Mutual in Woodbridge. Nothing extra to buy • > - all you graduate of Woodbridge High have to do is shop and save the Mutual Money-Saving way, and School, attended the Work- PAYROLL for every purchase we'll give you FREE Yellow Trading Stamps shop Art School In New YorH City, served four years to the of 8 CHECKS redeemable at our own redemption center m Woodbridge for Air Force, and In a senior at CASHED FREE! valuable gifts of your choice. Start saving your stamps todayl Bowling Green State TJnlver* 23 slty. He Li a member of Alpha Tau Omega fraternity, After a wedding trip Ml Michigan, the couple will re- side at 221 riny street, Bowl- EVERYDAY LOW PRICES AT MUTUAL ing Green, Ohio, Delsey Jlaet |aU NA Deteresnt 4249c! little Acre' 7 r-eL«H WlC Toilet Tissue „ 89c Tuna Fish All Cleansing ^ock Full 0 Mits Heini At Drive-in "4 °* 1K« Welded D«l 2 * MO 45c 1*KRTH AMBOY—Featured 47c Hudson Tissaes at the Amboys Drive-In Thea- avarin Coffee _ V~ Tomatoes ^ 2- 47c Tomato Ketchup Blue Ribbon-White tre, Sayrevlfle, until Saturday I In* KoilMr Ceahi«M All P»rpwe 20c is "God's Llttje Acre" adapted fallen 1.39 Hapkins_i__ from the novel by Eriklns Tomato Piste Gem Oil C a 1 tl w a 11. Featured In the We Spears Skippy cas) are Robert Ryan, Aldo Smootfcer Salads _ I Ray and Tina Louise. Co* pint |nr 39C Peanut Butter »-. ,r41C fetAqred It "Cattle Empire" wn --h pie Spears _. _ m+ Tomato Jiice Vogler's MayonBiw StroHori Farmi - Stnnheitf in' Cinemascope and starring CM*** Net** Joel McCrea. Strongheart The Fu«i Carnival will be W 1 en. 3/C .2'153c Preserves offered before the features to- ihiiittCoffee _ _»«. 83c Lipton Soip - Dog Food Tender morrow and Saturday and the horrorama "Tqie ,TJ MiM . PwrorHlii«llt Del Monte Pets _ Terror" will be shown ^A&f Coffee. ^83c 2»33c 2tS25o The Finest Apples Ivory Soap _ Cat Food Showing Sunday' to Tues- day, Uia feature will ba "Tho ; Flirt nr Rolled 4MBCM OlC aches »*««. 31c Motts Apple Jsiee Light In the Forest", produced f b«x _»-10e by Walt Disney and starring Ivory SMW Ancliovies BIG-Frtth packed Fess Parker, Wendell'Corey, ' Del Monte - Light meat chuk slffa J Joanne Dm and James Mai- Sauerkraut Arthur, charlton Heston stare Aden's 3 ;»83c in the oo-feature "The Sal- Tiinaiish Stockton Oxydd Red age" also In Technlcolbr, Thfl 2 kNttu Z9c Fun Carnival will also lie :afe Coffee _ DlrfiOetNtt 1Mb cm 0 W Tomato Catsup shown Sunday, Tiie Icy Point Salmon DtrergcM ife CofffcM _ <' » Fab Kadeta of America v Seek New Memberg 2 ~ 5tc Grope Drink ^SSwooni Coffee .03 Cream Con Icy Point Salmon •>«-29c WOODBRIDQE —The Ka- M MM* Welchade— deU of America wUl not drill Chocolate Hunt's this Saturday because of the holiday Weekend but will re- CreuCen sume drllllUK September e. nit ywfwtn , Hershey Syne Tomato Juice All enlisted persomxal ^ 33c Clapp'f qulred to attend, Applications wUl still be a** Instant ^T tic ^ 47« 7-UpSoia. Planter's Ponib oepted tor admission to the Baby Food Kadete. Ths age limit is eU Meet Variety Veri ••ft UeaM to thirteen years. John A. Murray or Steve Doboi wUl Campbell Soups aooept applications iA the poit Dt roonu, 397 fear) Itreet, Tuee- 5*1, Me The Ptaett Applet day or Thursday trom 1 to 0 "iFiii WWeryFtair P.M. Mott's AppleuKt Increased fighting repotted Dithrfeetf, Tool ^SaorteeiM SerT Clorox Bleach la Cuban province*. pMarried Mental Heall Hebrew Sclioo I Finni r,,ni Pariy RpP f |0 Start \ M. Carol Tiernan Bride K. of C toFet e Sluleri In ( hihuoiiH'ii In St. Andrew's Church WOODBRIDOfinvc KSue Sfason Sept. S Of Francis Tormey, Jr. Philip Boyle Neary. crmirmnii'„. To Start Soon •,!•!,• \,-,', lln ii' ld>:id Cn- s AVENEl. - Veronica Bar- Mental Health /, !,,.,,.! ,'j. I..' '.- ;iMn! ".-Hi,. \v mi n H 1! T nOF-Thc1 AVENKL — M Carol Tier- WOODBRIDOK — Middle- baro Lacamc. daughter of Mr AVENKI, i ;• ..-{.•• sex Council. Knieht* of Co- nounced the tohii l,,, ,,,-.. ,i p. i. -pMii'ii'd ii- ,, ..,.|i!Mi: ilium i mi i line of the j dauirtHw of Mr. and Mr». and Mr*. Leonard Lacanw. 73 tion for - , n1(l;.v n!U1 lumbus, will hold B testimonial I he township w,,, WhtXl! (if Cii'. ' ',ni |i ii ;ii;, Wii'i: • •>•• rlnii i.l Awi'i -.v.nKibiKU-e TmviH'-;i Busi-! w»itfr R. Tlernan. 33 Avenel lAvenel Street, was married dinner nnd dance. September TaR day and i.h Jftfnb will In- . • ,-;fii'• inn i '•'• iJ-i'ieiii'I.- ' ,incl l':-.>f' v Wnrmm •; ;:|].of, WRS marreid Saturday • will in- in'lii Fuday. Sop- t() prRn,.|S j. Tormev, Jr. win son ol Mr. and Mrs. ted $1,141.08; ?()|l In. <;I..I: im/.i \>,i.- '•"!! i" n mb'M .'• ii! il»'lo" Cibin. St. i ) ^i p. ,j. Tormey. | honor of Philip J Boyle. o( Manftkcr, 12fi Minna IiVIln f Mr arK rs $799.51: Port, U, ,,,. 1 the VSS Nsutihi*. • Knolls, .1(1! (I 111 \\'.inil'. i i r Y,r... U'I:!:,IIII H.ii •' !> ••'"< •'"• (;• .11 •:>• Aw inn it <> 'U' o'clock,. puihrrford j Invited RWSU iliclude Ad- ,md R1. .'f 1 Harriet Torborn. Brooklyn. nel, Isi-lm ;ii,ri Hie Cuflii. .i T i' I.'-' "! ' nnd kin "•- ''1'-lil"1(>11 wl"; fauwr." the' bride 'wor... e a 'gown ' HuKh B Qulftley. Rt. Rev. Witt. Mrs. P. (i, :l ll M I.- Elizabeth Johnson. Pnoll. Pa. nrca Will le"1- << i v ;• . M: i ,,il luiii.' « .11 r,,on mi plans fnr protrnms p( wt)j((. ^ orflin/a ovn- \h*r. Charles MrCorrislln, Helen Ariamiir UliMl- « VI!!, M. ; SIHII.-II ,,.,,,„, ,,,. ,,,„ ^ j and Evelyn Lukeas, Schnec- Ed.wi»d S' JI ''•! i I'H1' i. |affe(a w|th g u) ftll( Rov. Oustavf Napoleon. Rev. Fedor, Mrs <•• U, , .r,;_ H_:ii^- l V..- •,-„,. , mterri, to _«-on- j ^^ J t»dy. N. Y, were bridesmaids. Rabbi \lhe C.i:lali.i ' "1 v •..; !k im V w w fpfd |rlmraetf ne kllnr Harold Hirsh; Stflte Deputy Mrs. John chin, ill H I1 At. A:-, :nii;ii;i.|i , , „_,. . . i^UuM of!' 1 ;hU( w )) |{ on nnd Mrs Joseph Carlin and Given in maniagc by her , earn l«t a-Nun liid nir ' .'• ' < • ChanUlly lace rows wiere ap- Banko, Mm. N.••.. li (1 !l1 :| 1 1 1 thr Boyle family father, the bride wore a . Bilu' to iiiiswi" .ii v (i J- •• i-'.- •'•'' ' ' i ' "' Timn,inr> libranes duiins the.; pliqned on a bouffunt skirt smith. Mrs. II, 1 prinres? cowii of silk pesu rie flhtch iii;iv ;nj. 11 nut.,. :inc1 lo r.iise fumi." | with a petal back ending in » John Oris and John Papp Mfd. Jack Lniiin 1 in: :i --f i "l.i! -'ip (or n Town- sole with bodice of alencon An ii.'niiii-'n.i '"••- -' n *•••' : , rhflpflleiiRlh trflln. She wore will lit- co-chiurmen of the af- Inn, Mrs. Cyril lull hr.i •:<:.'. \i: !"*• •• 11L Amboy ttfn- ! lace. Her silk illusion veil fell Will br Hit liLi.r.MJl'iilii;', "I ;i s crown of Chantilly luce fuu assisted by Albert Strlsh Mnrfjnret 1|M: HiiM';1 .; Si .MKII of fflirs- from a tulle cap and she car- five-year IUMP I S. un- ,•. trimmed with sequin? and mid Vmoeui A. Gtoffie. David Miss Claire i-•••,,. gram. .Milrtir •• ill, d vi > . ,i pearls attached to a silk il- (j.Mitv will be toastinastw. . ried * wlilte prayer book with man. M«is Sept. i> I!ITI ,uh,mc<'mciit will bf i J lusion yell. Vnuvnt A Gioffre is In orchids. HP also not "i 1 brglniii'i.^ <-!II; - 'nil Hi'-, . i p.irtleulnrly with iriF with Bur Mit- > r> !M-i '•-'••'' -<"^''« !'.<• »»"•»".> "•••• Mrs Thomw H. PatemlU. chiute of reservations which The maid of honor was in of the Boiucls .! -,„.,,,. .-mi/J.aM-nsidln^v.ainr,ni aidlnji voilidi. two : MptU(,nen WM matron of 5 1 will br closed Wednesday attired in * similar nown of : ioners of F01.1 . T !! Hill ll..H - .,II • , niplciymrnt iinct to 1 \i. |1! rrir.l'ti1-' .• . . ., honolunuri anBIIUd brid^smaidutiiKmiiviiinn wer*ner sold satin and chiffon She Port Rondni. 1 C:IIW Pf-Hrbii1* ^ ii""' i ' •- ' • ;.,.;., .,. A-n.-: .-li^w "i*-' "' -"".-Mixs Joyce Norton, Ell7Abe»h, carried a cascade of brown i-'lrst Aid R(|:i.i.:| 1 BKAl'TY CONTEST ( and 7 vctc nln; I ,-i ,•.,,;'• i itcu i- • l.'.n-shiiy v rhairman of.Mis(. ^ntalnrtte Krajewski, The bridesmaids nf their bulldn;.- PKRTH AMBOY - The Another tri ,u -u u.. •,. i .a!. U.« A':- i.':.i loinitiittee Cart«ret. MU«s TliPresa Peter- were dark turquoise liiiiter 1 Perth Amboy Junior Chamber accomplished bv r , Cn. (II "r! ,;,,, .A,i.-<(iuri!v T:,';e ale still » Je» (ipm- f lor membersmp and «"-:HfMn , th, b r i de R r oo m'* lins. m coniest to namp Miss Perth HIP Mine wiil i ,i,i . .- \!.-- .! .!!.• ,„,,;,,, M,,. K> men -vio ;..e d.iiniulJy ^ ' coll,in. Jer,py city, Carl Manaker. Jr.. was best Amboy The award will be liir r]ii>v!i,(ini.'. !d" :., ,,,,,<„•„„„,,, iU.v.i i.nd interested mto.n-i prinfls j Zalc™WSlcl, man for his brother mid Wil- made at the MaiesUc Theatre, 5truci»in Tvv.i I..i • •• ' - . ' ii K ,,,:1 t|v iM „,-,• asked to t,rt in touch , Rulherford w ^ mgn gnd llnm Diilck. Jr., Rahway, Labor Day. nt 9-30 P.M. Sev- li'.'hted runiiis. :i- '•<•< u . .„• .inhn Ko/ak uth tlif membcrshn. maw-1 ^^ Bgbo ^^ ofth e Grow Brerkenridue. Eliza- 1 eral entrants have been regis- .••turiy (in Ralilv. ('•••)•, -ii.i »• •< ,.,,,, wmnn- .if .mm. Mrs O""";^^"-i brideuroom. Milltown. George beth and Larry Newbold. Wo!k oofl tered from Woodbridpp Town- built tin?.- suiniiv r In 'ii II ,, ,,,!1,,«,- B,.l,"oii nel ur Miss " - Bizink. Kenilworth. Donald Crosswlcks were ushers. MRS. CKORT.E H. MANAKER ftu-inbi is ship. ;i,U! Kidsrni and ' nridve. Driseoll. PalisRdes and .Wll- The couple are (?raduate.s The reii-iou:- .•• >. • • M K - h 0 Mlow Mount-ains. the couple will re- B-.mDark: b'..bol.' »•'»" ''•^ ' ». . ham Smith. Jersev City, were of WoodbridKe HiRh School nutter nnnouii' i •• t: i • u i • FlM'Kir Hop'.". ArrnnKenwnts n:ur b<*n ushers. MRS. FRANCIS J. side in Columbus, Ohio. They Whi'riulr- Tiir tin in: i.".> at •••Uiclosuik: run- completed by Uif HPW for Mrs Tormey graduated TORMEY, JR. ins's husbftiid in "Rally Round Manaker is a graduate of the tiny' as folio**.; l!.i.-ii ll.i - Donna Ut F.-.dM.n f.^hion show. from St. Man's High School,! the Fla?" and flattens Jack Isehool of Enslneertnii and I'.nil. SlindHV. Si'plemfci . !-. . i \'.\ a Carson When this is tinished !Mr Miuiaker, the School of P, M : Monday. ,scp!rir.•- Miw Bctt> UM* . Avemi. •> Tormey. a gratuate of| Poconos. the couple will reside ber IS. !i 30 A. M. ,-.nti ^'.«\ ,. •illii II.- .^dulr Mti; .i t-hiurman and tickets may be Prto^ n Hall Preparatory School»in Newark. siTVirc ;il 11 A. M. Kii' VMI ,,,,,ri "i itT ••'!»• Fir.-t Aid chtained from her or any . Kn] Nirin M ;\ • ^i-i'fi b-..ildinu Septemmr 8 ir.fmber of the vlub. A special Tuesday Sppienwr ::.t. <. '• ,,, f(• ,(> p M tioor prize is 10 be awarded. P. M.t \Vefinr.^d:iv. S. pi--::rn- Miss Virginia Lupo Wed ^4. 10 A, .VI., Yi.icor ;it v: noon. Hnih Iwlv (lay iw-Kci.- Bownian-GasperNuptial j0 Colorado Resident he distribuitri i" ii.i.d- i; WCXDDBRIDGE—Miss Vir- nu'inbera flbout Si-pn ir,lirr ;. ginia Lupo, daughter of Mr. Kxtra tickets miv nf. nu:- M St. James' Church and Mrs, Cataldo Lupo, 747 •yYOODBRirXiK — M-is , Mill v s High . , J u . r T i Amboy Avenue, was married members by rom,^ •:; : 11,111 I). (; !-i rtHimluer (if Slot nick, Mr. Hiirl "I:- •) Friday mswt MT. :<'• t- v j,. i. :'iifi (i'.i'.i Iiy' Palhn- lane. Boulder. Col. resumed Septemiir-! ,i ,-.• 10 IJnvri T. ^.l.rt.udeidale.Pla^ori^O^a^oleon^Mr and Mrs. Bowman flew i - with Rabbi Cthanh (> ; :- .I'.'.rl N;:> lllE I Invci Hi-1 Mrs E m ,i n ii '• 1 Ti 1S:^ ! -- ^-.grated the Ma*, cJiairmnn of iii' ('• at St. James 1 01; 1" r- Given in marriage by her 1 "*|l' !"„ ( L'l'f - For tiavelmi: the bride wore _r:it• 11 ir father, the bride wore a gown that ,irr :1V,' A blue fhanUina sun with iiie Mass of silk organza and French white -.iccrssones ,md a white lace ending in a chapel train. nicind corsiiiie. She were a crown of orange V. •)•.'• blossoms and seed pearls rii aped with a fingertip length Fashion Show veil of illusion, She carried a prayer book with white or- ihids and ivy and streamers id .'!..-. November 19 of stephanotis. ,ii. (i.»: :i:.d AVENL'L—A uw of the Mrs. Elizabeth Wright. Ft. 1 1 (in a i/.U- I'l'M ." •a.-Mon committee of tlie- Sis- • Eu-stis. Va., was her sister's tn hood of Conareaation B'nai \ matron of honor, and brides- ;r.:v.d of honcr J.cob «".!.•- held at the home maids were Miss Carol • COLOR IMIINh - ivfH- Mi^ •:'. Mrs. Ralph Hess. Remsen Schwcn?,er and Miss Lucille • MOV1K 1 il M A-.'i nui' Plans were furthered Lupo. sister of the bride, }:! 1 .iijet:i. Mht El..:: .' '-••>;• ;!:e Lisaion show whichWoodbridge, and Miss Mary • }:NI.AKI;IM, - ;r.:i; Foids ;ind Y>; • : Fulzone, Trenton, the bride's • FILM Sl'lTUI.- .- bi- .:rj .scheduled for Novem- Ri.cier. V.'oocibi'.d.r. :)••:• i!1 at the Shackamaxon cousin. Linda Spina. Rich- 1 • II.XSH F.I l,Il> b: .Li- - sisu'! . Di. .w-.t- Cmnuv Club. mond Hill, N. Y.. niece of the !»'.. tti'.s flower Jil'. Arid:'.loual committee mem- bride, was flower girl. . .•'. B•j'.un.ui wa,- **.-• ::..-.:. PUBLIX '•>:.-. W'Tt appointed by Mrs. James Lupo, Colonia, was :..- b;01 hi-'.1 and ;;.•.;'.• r.- j-.ntf UreschiT and Mrs. Elibest man for his brother. Wfta-.' - r Jd((- pi', Gjspt'i1. ':.-.' PHARMACY ' Coiu-n. liPiivral chairman as Ushers were Wayne Wright. MRS. PETER McFARLANE 1 .- b.olher. Harry \\-.i'.- 91 Alain SI.. tt'iKidbridnc 'olluws: Mrs. Rubin Omtz,. Fort Eustis, Anthony Manto, \VooJb:idKf. HK-i'Hvd Cf- i.-kets; Mrs Hess, door Trenton and Gary Peterson, Colorado for three years. He Phone ME 4-0809 ... Penh Anwoy :ind [prizes: Mrs Harold Schiller, Colorado. will complete his studies at (I|K.| Ky I- ...• lill ' 1 table souvenirs: Mrs. Emanuel The bride is a graduate of Rutgers University, ,S!hul:i\ lill I I' *1 ,nij.iun was ring bearer. jTvmkin. haspitaUty. and Mrs.Woodbiidge High School and The couple will tour Canada FREE CUikIM, i.s HIM; is a gradu-1 GtoriU' Ketzctibers. publicity. is employed by the Carteret and Niagara Palls. For going \\; i'i>d i publicity. Bank and Trust Company, away, the bride wore a wlilte a .Tile next. cominiltee meet- The bridegroom graduated sheath with patent leather t^impnny Runway.' iiv w: 11 be held in SepU'in'oer jlrom Boulder High School and accessories and an orchid Viirrror attended Si. i :it the home of Mrs. Drescher.' attended University of corsage. ' WHAT DOCW8S SA^.iKm' SNAKEBITE


«(. If bitten liy ,1 Miakr. Minulil STYLED A.. ii imirndiii. i ln> ,|i|ili,d aluivr I or bchiA lUv liiM? 3 AMAZING LOW PRICES A. Allovc ihf hitf uml .nit' Do yor wmjl a Mem foryo* family liht ciountiho i.rt-v.-iitt l How many reasons SHIRT of tlia .swtlliAA ^ i>\it nui ,su tiv.lit aa 10 stop liloiul lluw. }itiiio\r money tor yow chudf i MuitinoRr ni much vtMium trom thr Robert Hall went to Itafy, WounU us lio;,illJii' liy [i ri.ili,- ntnatlon or .skin (.ul.^ ;n;il MM- a n«w cor, a vacation trip? 1 1 made a fantastic fabrio tion. Don'i Wiiite ;mv Him -1 ^ niii^ thu bnuiii pi'r.iOn \u ',i do YOU have Save for them, and for the extra security doctor. purchase-now you reap (he Material in MliUlCAl. MIHI;OH that comet wild money in f be bank. IK bused on vniiuii:; iiruniL. rich reward*! Color-spiced l ueccssarilv rcllcr: iin- oiilnum nubby tweeds, black and «f all (Uwtiirs. Thr rii.i^uu>is for SAVING? Whatever yow leotons for sowng and IFCaliutMil ul IIIM-.I^I- ir- white tweeds, color* <)lllres Hie slujl :m-,n I.IM i .in rl's both convenient and profitable splashed brushed weaves apply by itfrhOn.illy ;ilk'ii(liiij^ the fsiicri. to saws staadfty with K. -loomed with the T^ltilla wyi lie uiihAiricI lu Lki-'^ coliuniife• niHinyniuu^lv traditional skills of the 4 Exciting shirt-blouses '- DiKct ywir >in|(ilnii i. Old world-styled icto witk intricate tucldngs, J. Downey K-il^iiu, M.l>. exqjuiiite lace, superb SClENdi ) DiroiiS rtdrti with all the daring of tailoring. Dreny or I'. (). Hox :tfl6 today! Exclusive skirts at .1V|V^4W.SUII ^i|. SI.L,, tailored styles, roll-up I Vcy Vurt Jo, N. V. unbelievably low Robert sleeve*. Combed cotton t Tin** hank will t IHl)taMl4ll:'l .•: ii 1 uliiV hi 111. ( HaUprtotl Sizes 22-30. broadcloths in white and • - II) - 5 FaUihadM.32^8. PUBLIX The PHARMACY Mi'n .Kvi'iiiii^i Till lu »» ' '" 1IIH.I.H fill I I' II (i \mm DAY) PLENTY OF rm tllhb itltKIM. IN HKU! PAOI

CENSUS BUREAU REPORT* OAKS REPORTS" Colonia Men to Form The Census Bureau sayi th< K 8CANK popular belief that poorer r, Iielln Louis Cslcka. Richard Wen- families have the most chil- ... IJIlf"" skoBkl, William Le.nhey, wn- New B'naiBrith Lodge dren are not true w "' Trl II 8-H» llam Spencer, Robert Baione A bureau, survey found that COI.ONIA — An and Hank Olucksman. Ralph (] Mrs. Edward* James Altrath, Louis Cumposi families with Incomes under tinti irn-etint! was held Tues- Goldblatt, Morton Klein. Leo ,ir«lon, were nnd John HiRgins, Iselin. $2,000 average 3.2 member*, ,,.,, nf Mr. and day at the home of Leonard Grossman and Sam FHngold. while those taming 17.000 of Hhrakin. Ci»meo Drive, In ansteerlnK committee. more average 3.8 members. 1 effort to form a Colonia lodne Mi ' ,,, MI-K. Louis Thp next organization meet- The largest families are la \1 ; children George Banquet Held of H nni Brtth. ing will take place September the South — 3.14 members — ilir were Saturday (tenriic Melnick, District 3 9 at the home of Sam Peln- and the smallest In ih« Wert ,. IUU1 Mrs. Alnx- (Jnuid Lodge, conducted the gold. 26 Kilmer Drive, Video with 3.51. The Northeast aver- Sunday For Ziegenbal" meeiinu and tlie following Park. Anyone wishing to at- age Is 3.85 and in the north Airman T8ELIN - William ZieKen- temporary offiners were nam tend the meeting and partici- Central StatM. S.S1. Gordon, balu. a fire commlMloner fur I e m p 0 r a r y officers were pate In further plans for th« 1 •I1'!' ' " ,,.,., and his flan- 23 years, was honored nt a named new lodge may call Mel Klein, as the oldest and largest Mw- ,ihioi'n Maxwell. Keniurd Dickman, chalr- Spencer Drive, Jordan Woods. Ish service organisation whieh to international In member- , firsts of Mr. testimonial dinner by"'thf. man; Iiennard Shakrln, tieM- B'nal Brlth will celebrate urer: Mel Klein, membership .;iri Huryk were Inelln Chemical Hunk !Uid its 115th anniversary this fall!ship. , i '.! I'sitrlrk Pox and Ladder Company mid \}w ivier Huryk and Board of Fire Commlssionrrs .iliert. Peter, Jr at the Auth Avenue Flrchousp Newark. Sunday John R. Egan. Township Mi and Mrs Chief of Police, served as FABULOUSLY PRICED ., i.ibrrty Grove tORStmaster nnd i n in)'-1 A 7,dlner U a many of the KuesUs i, I,,i « few week*. Commlttcemm Peter < •urilidav to Stew R. Rlfhnrd Krauss and I, BACK-TO-SCHOOL nil nf Mr. and Chnrles MnnRlnne: Freeholder William J. Warren; Jurors ,i Mrs William Burke, Tom Cnntello, Chiirlrs ,-hildrrn Carol, Carmine, Chet Aron^nn, Fred ^ SPECIALS'. ii ,vii and William, Walker, Gus Camnlsl, Vincent r mid MrR. Fred e, Tom Murphy. Frank , Tony Oliver nnd Dick .•••l.lflron Chrtato- ;,v nltended a 10U , ,11 the summer * P Pri'senled M- Mi nnd MrR. ; with a wrist watch u a token of ,: Breton Woods. ' appreciation for hts p|lrn of .1 obwrved hi* i y srrvicr inrhirtnu" i'-,r time '° vars as volunteer fireman H( rMlBI1p riistrin . ;i h Wenskojkl. N Y I ! Mis. William children \ver<"IProgram Told M: nnd Mrs. JaokJ BARRON VITKKANS RKTtIRN: All-county candidate Matt FratUvolo and itcllar end Dick Tyrell return for action • cottage, with the Wooriliridsi' High School fnothall team thla joar. Fnitterola \t expected to lundle the. quarterback slot for By Sisterhood Ihe RarnmH, while Tyrell will anchor one of the end ponltioiu. Both players saw plenlf of action last year and thrir , ,1 Mrs. Roberti ISEIJN - Sisterhood of 1 experience will tw a bl* factor In the iuccew of the Barruns this year. ! children, Robert,! ConereKHtlon Beth sholom i [.vim, and Wanda! held f»n exerutive hoard meet- 8 aecordinn to Milton Levin, one Hello Emergency Fund . »'Ats of Mr. and • InR with Mrs Niitmtin Tuck- Mw Moon (Ionian '* of the company's officers. "What." said the warden, Mother — Robert is com- en Jaynp, Moun-' er, chairman. IJIVMCIINK A Store in W(todhru\m> The company has main- "you back again?" plaining that since he got a pointer for tin- Turnh was lined its store In Woodbrldge "Yeh. Any letters!" car you have been holding ,,;,.! Mr«. Harry presented to the roiiKreicatlon WOODBRIDGE - - Mae Moun is closing its store rjn for two decades. back some of his allowance. ••lidfil a birthday In honor of Mrs Nathan; Mum Street due to the fact Mr. Levin Bald however that stor» where they will serve Is that true? !'M:day for Joseph | Schiisuler and Mrs George Hint the firm him last its leaae Mae Moon will continue Its their customers in the "same Father — Yes, I am keeping •ion of Mr. andGros, s by the board of the and no otlier .suitable store in Rahway and Invites friendly fashion as we have back part of It to pay his 1'' ' •; Seubert. Twenty I slsterhoofl for l!)S"-l!i:)8 quarters could be obtained, their customers to visit that in Woodbridge." fines. - iivesent. Mr and Mrs Morris Oihen mivr ft f;.. it!, Mrs. Henry ; leport of the officers' mei-tniji: r Mrs, Jaseph which was held in Julv Mrs, ,•" nded Middlesex Herman Dinnott. annouiKed HY FINN (American Motorist r'.vl! Service picnic i the following itchedtile of t. events- luncheon, (MobU! -\ p:oxim«tely twenty- :'-.-is were present Barlow and Mrs Albert! Oreenr. show nkht. Si. Bihler, Oeraldine , Mrs. Unvid KlvlU. co-cliwr- sailors, torsos, iweep ikirts-«v«cy K: Paul Brlchka, Di- men. WASHABLE FLANNEL, wanted stylel Combed oottou, ifaNSx :: > ioFaUsWas.7-14 99 3 Alterations free Easy-wash rayon flannel*, gabardines and thick-set oorduroyt! Popular Hollywood tod "Ivy" styles. Bhies, browns, grays. 4-18. mark him a superb master rf 2 tens d T s: CHEVRON Supreme! unerringly seeks out the tinerf in supar-oclane IfS- ffi^Y ajov«**»


This super-premium was created So wim CHEVRON Supreme, GIRLS' HOODED sppdHcally far today'shoraepowei . you get the thrifty mileage and QUILT-LINED CAR COAT! Durable cotton Amt shelli...withlOK)c. •. quilted foterliningil Ooqr attached hoods have fU r^flard* 4M pidwr«()» may drawstrings, orlon-pile trims. Red or turquois*. rolto yo« a wMt h> docklf. 17-14.

»d« yow pw»o«cil pngrtt, « g*owt o» yowr

winoi habHi may btwwugK. 6CM 1°» the performance you expect torn • nAad CHEVRONSupiem* many shop* gw ton**~ GIRLS' FRILLY SUPf AND frETTlCOAU || NykwpeWcoati aod ootton *ptl Whitei, paitek Ston 4-14. Jb nort today's high-horsepower cars! ^^ a HHW UM and depo* a **• - Wi yow anvJiigi atwwut at o«r bonW BOYS' RAINCOATS WITH MATCHING HATS Today, there am mow than fourteen tbousaad daJMSiwB&ig DuwbU Mm.« big iwkle pooketal H.laet Kabl Yellow. Ne«k. ta CM. CHARON SMpmne Ga«>tou, You'llflod *»«««»»«^» I BOYS' WASHABLE, REVERSIBLE ZIP JACKETS Strip* '<****,<* pWdt-wwinjj to wW «olon. 8«utd|r oottow. 8-18. Look tor ttte Th« Bank wWi AU the Service* CHEVMW CALSO Station todajr - intaduw year m to STATIONS -yow ouawnte »amo») CHBVRON SUVMIHI of quatMy pfOdW lay-awoypk»».»\ J WOODBRIDQE Dtpottt InraruMW OF FM1 HMM ° A ONMHMDMI 9 A. M. to « P. PAGE ETGHTKEN (]ani!ol Dome <1 ,v"i Fdi'<>n.>! Pii-rf1 -: CLASSIFIED ,- ,< ''-.'MSV nt s.ii.'i.vnnn RATER — INFORMATION .. •• • i,- . i-'nt rwr-'i!! «n!> •v- cm lur-'-vrr-wr-l-r/t. in He rarh additional word Deadline for adt: V? BUSINESS and SERVICE DISi. ; . . (-viv .li of I1. * riul St.oo for IS words 10 A. M. for tte tamr „, .. „...,.,, b-'-s :'!nv N.'vv Payahlr in nrtviiiire publication NOTE: No clamlfled add taken o»er phone; Lawn Mowers - - Kwta« & Trwking - - radio a TV Service - - mint be »nt In. Accordioi School - Electrician ,,.,* av:-;is iii llif - Telephone Mercury 4-1111

; - r-s ti in«i'Tt meat a1 Atlthoriird Y A. W. Hall & Soi nv." prodll.'ts v;V Iv offer MANZO and Sale- anil >rruro for Lnrsl ind l.oni IK»i .nr« K)R SAI.K LOST AND HUM, HENSCH'S ., C-nr-n !l"d U'll^" l'n" BHTCliS and STUM TON Muting and S1i»r.-.:r MF, 4-4360 ind Clinton ('.a* l.n«inri JHTloN-WlMI SH1ITI l!5 ol TWO Navy J nmpors. Three. LOST—Brown nnd Accordion School RESNIKOFF IV ,1'OM-TAU.OKKO 1( Mouwhold and Oftir* 1 urnllurf p ••i^rtineir of >To.i 1;ii :>nd 1 male doi?, pnrt r..i . A1 and I'.irt- 1 17* Brown Avenue. Isrttn \uthoriird Ajfnl ART'S RADIO y:x...nc_,in Divu^n of T^-.itm'" .' Ho«»ri1 Vjn Llr.fs A SLIPCOVEK3 ,. I'd nne terru swers tn "Smoky." w ' — Of <• 155 AVFNEL ST.. AVF.NKI. "''u p-r crm. 8-28 • Craaplitt Accordion RfptUri Pickup - Trl. KM-7163 Drscript ion UMS • MISCF.U,ANi:m s • Silts, Rental-. Eichantu Antrnni* In-tilltd. TiihMtfM- • Pickups and Am^lt'lm fiorsE SCIIWINN BICYCLE Office ind Warehouse ti tm at our Morf. C»r K»(11o< CROSLKY Shelvndor Rrfrlu- lottallrd and S*I.ES AMI SERVICE 14 Atlantic St., Carter*! eriiii": sit J'1"1'1' n'(': an'^ PIANO mSTRUCTU.v • Mnilc Rooki for Accordion 1 Repair Kstlmatti tttt\ condition: $70.00. CnH FU-8- Private Icssnn.i \n- • For Informillon Call INDl'STRIAL Tel. KI-1-S3M Albrecht's Key Shop 8091. 8-28-58 and adults, popular ME-4-5666 sicnl. hnrmony sun . \i WIRING 124 WAMIiNCiTON' AVENTE KI-1-2507. "AKTERKT i -. Misie listrwtioi -!- Reipholstery 10M STUDFBAKER: auto- iintid rnnriition: $lr>0. Fire Estimates m Enroll Vottr Child Now let 8-28* ELECTRICIAN - Tn;, ,,.,,-j FREE OFFER! Call Prhatt LfuonJ on tilt Call Pu-a-8fi!)l. work. Free pstinwti'-s ,',','' Learn to Play tba MF-4-H188 Liquor Store -; \..-\A rio;i- will lvaf-i :ill-ti:iv • Arrordion vow.-c'-! of proeiu.'doii I'.iis FOR RENT types of work. CaUb;i. y \ "Shadltn" W»y or • Guitar • Trumptl CUSTOM DRAPERIES yenr. t'-e St.ite Department of ME-4-5637. s. " VM Onr Arcnrdlnn Fri» ME-4-2794 • SampnoM 1 ri«T with both hand! »nd ml Newest 1!)58 Palterru A-rinilM!'.T nnr.oun:"'. ;. . .The 2' . ROOMS Modern Apnrt- Telephone MEirnry 4-1189 t Piano SOFA S10 ' PAINTER »n •Oflc In lrsj (h.m onr hour % Trombont P::>:e nivis.on nf I'mp'.oyrf^nt mr:.t. All wtilities siipp'ird. ruzr. ar CHARGE • Drumi Sf»< Rotloni' Rr| Frpe Estimate for Fm Rsilnule Call Visit Our Showroom— Coi;plr- (is1 sincl^ iM'ifon pro- Fisblng Tackle • WOODBRIDGE • nttnn Oultart * tmptirltrt mntc'.v' 70.000 (inemploved Call K1-1-4R. Bit. ins • Cirelslor Arcordions Open PniN 9:30 to 6, r.rred. Cull KI-1-7351. • Musical Arce«tirie« y;i,y^ pvlvui>ti'd thrir belie- V. J. TEDEKCn Liquor Store SERMAYAN | Friday 5:30 to 9 V 8-2B • Student Rrntal Plan UFHOtSTERT 8HOFS f;is r,n-"'r Ui*' uni'mploymrnt 276 Chestnut «!-..• For Information CaU'RI-7-CMI Get That Reel Fixed MARY ANDRASCIK. Prop, Eil. Ml "~-— For f'rrr FMImit Carteret, N ,i • HF.LP WANTED • Complete Stwk of Domes- KAHWAT t AVENEL fir.-.; • K rvmt!'" of this ye.v c v - NOW! SAMMY RAY'S MK 4-i:t1 Call ME-4-6410 Srnlr* tie and Imported Winei, Music and Repair Shop FU-I-99M SKCRETARY or Typist for 8EBVICES Slitinn He;V.-:i hr.« rre.itpd a rommit- For Beers and LJquon SAM LAQUADRA. Prop. RON-LEN Carteret Law Olllre: mu^t WT New Broniwlck kit., Fordi ;ee M r'r.Tft rr.",il:ilinns t') IP YOUR DRINKINft ,« Milrhfll DECORATORS. ISC. he n»:tl:fifd: replv Box 207, : "ta WBTtacH. No ohllcatlon to rnn'-cl the n.'o of pe'vers. . . •Rumtr" 574 AMBOY AVENUE Ciuteiet Post Ofliee. come a problem. Av 0| enroll. Plioiw for irpi. •I'rnn " 9J Main Street WOODBRIDGE, N. J. • Roofing & Siding - I Anonymous can help •.-,,. gHADLEN ACCORDION •ALfEnO." "I1REX," 1938 1958 Woodhrid-T ir-Sv"/ P'nte Parkwr'.y will lie 8 2ft - 0 25 •TtMll RE" BI-2-1515. or writ/- P n SCHOOL 1 n:'!'"'1 aftfr ne.irest towns •Ten «m.i\>K" "Oar Mth Annltemry Tear* « 253, Woodbridxe. E &L i • FEMALE HELP IM MeFarlam Road, off Chain "«EA JOV -n'!' 1 O"UH» Read. N>ar St. OMirie* Learn to Play the Accordion llomf nf Ufa I Parts Locksmtti ROOFING CA!':TMI, CAI'KUS:- 'I don't WANTED ATfnUf, Colnnla MXL REPAIRS \ SPEC1ALTT and Violin RUBIN ri'-l-0»3» All. MVKES The Modern, a co. pr<•: vA ti'.nt iieop'.f ml fi-'i'y- PAY UP BACK.HILLS Rep- j HA VINO TROUBU1 R«l Chwlt^d, Cleanfd, i-rl niirnit jioliti-.'; :il July nn(! Polhhfd, (irfasfd and .00 Easy Way, Insured resent popular AVON Cos- your sewcraf-e? Eler--,,- Adjusted, lor Only . WOODBRIDGE KEY 2 Our Convenient Roofinit Installation and wlth as three erooter removp.i roo' = Biilders Plus Pirn If Ncfdfd vi' Iioliert V,'. remiily Rental Plan spnrr hours a day. No rxperl- sand and s t o p p a ,: CLEARANCE SALE! & LOCKSMITH SHOP Repairs of AU Types , w.i:tresses at the Oard n Discount On All Eliminates the • ALIMINIM SIDINO ciit'O nrrcicd. FxoollonL com- pipes, draht a:. I Anto-Home • LEADERS • GlTTERS Tra.mnc provided, j crs. No Fishing Tacklf! Pvrchaie of Instrument • Ai'a ave nci'.v wind mifsions. '. no (1i",,«| OFFICE KEYS • SLATE REPAIR PL-6-fifi")5 or write —rapid and effirr: William J. ::•(' M spreel n-dc:* (rc.m FISHING TACKLE Tony's Plumbing and i AND REPAIR DUPLICATED Enroll Now For • HOT ASPHALT ROOFS !hi' • I'II. - tn the kitrhi n .'ir.d MIPS Bollint!, P. O. Box 70S, Rudy's PIUVATE PlainruUd. 8-28 ME-4-8007 R For Free Estimates Phone v:ei' \i'"so. , . C'lovrnoi- Mcy- Lenches 254 Monroe St., Railway INSTRUCTION - SAFES SOLD VA 6-5616 or :.iv •.;•;.• i' « "no nv.'.trr h.nw telephone FU-l-1094 ; Tooli, Hardware, P&intj. OUa on VA 6-0420 1-:'V ! Ri •irr>i".i;n,;ive Petrr CUSTOM 57« AMBOY AVENUE, VIOLIN and 1 Fr'.'l.n l''.'.i' -en ti'ii s lie rp.M't WOOt)RRinr A. M. to 1 P. M. AIR-CONDITIONED T. R. STEVENS SUMMER STUDIO KooUnjr. »nd ShMt Mrlal Wori GLADYS E. SCANK Lynn and Wanda U IS YOUR HOME MS ST. GEORGE AVE. Washington News 497 Linmln Hinhway, Iselln —Mr. and Mrs. w.'.lil Mason Work WOODBRIDGE Tel. LI 8-1679 j Zlcgenbalg and fam::\ We cany a (nil Un« sf Musical 'From Editorial Page) HALF CLEAN? Repairs „ i merly of 65 Marconi A-. Instrument! and Acccswrlei ;a:'d, th.p Ami'.' -Franlt and Walter Fendis I )mve moved ^ ,|,(,:. Holland Sanl-Vic Service cleans J. SPIESS Perth Amboj's Oldest EsUb- of aU - cnl wi'.m niven its spent a w.-ok with their j \,,,, tlie part of your home jou C.VN'T homP| 3l ForrpM S{ llshed Accordion Center Types f"!.an,'e. It vvou'd riT'liarniss Ki-andparmts. Mr. and Mrs .j cloan—warm air plpe» . . cold nr 1 i ly Haven. Pfc. Riciu:d : Mason Contractor *• Tears at the Same LouUw ti;c Air Fi'.'c'o if t:-.' same pipes • • . chimney . . . the entire William Funk. Vernon Street., | enbalg is spending A • tliir.. l:a'.!;)encd in P•'ptembc-f hcatiin tvstem! neans eai, coal, | All Types o! —Peter Nahsco, Grand day leave with his p,i:>:!: '02 Green Street oil and vagn air Heating systems.! Eddie's Music Center Tiv :;nin news from War- Alr-Condltiomnr Avenue, and Carmine Som- ir, based at MeKee 13a:: Ed Bonkoskl, Prop. Warm Air Htat saw i> tiiat Ru^ia IIP.S iv:- 1 CEMENT Indnstrlal F.ihaim men^o, 54 Park Avenue have Kreilheimer, Germai. . Abridge, N. J. Here's why it pays to have PRINTING reid lo dve China, atomic ^ and HI SUU St., P. A. VA-I-12M Motnr Guards enlisted in the United States 1 the Holland Sani-vw; Serrlce FOR FREE ESTIMATES weapons and modern mi" :!es. —Camille Mapno, d.i . Call ME-4-2145 or ME-4-5761 Army. | of Mr. and Mrs V TELEPHONE: onee a year: MASONRY DIAL Th:.- makes tl'.e Cluwse t'-vat i Photography to Formosa more ommnus \ —Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton j Mapno. Marconi Awi.,,. ME 4-5376 SAVES COSTLY REPAIRS Free Estimates than it h« ta-in licrt'Lofon1' Btlliius. Jr. and children Di- i jiist returned from •. REDUCES FIRE HAZARDS JuM w iia- till' V. S. Si'ven'.li ane and Hamilton in, Wright (trip to California n*. 1 or Call Kilmer K 4-1111-2-3 1 CUTS DF.CORATING BILLS Henry Jansen & Son I ".! i't cn'i'.d or would do in the Street, spent a day at Keaius- nird by MLss Mary C: : REDUCES DIRT IN HOME and Miss Mary Salv,::•••. FU 1-9481 5-2751 Tinning and rvvi-.t tiiat llie>e modern wea- INSURES HEAT COMFOR1 No Job l rj'ins weiv employed by the.' —Mr. and Mrs. Edward visited her uncle :ir,<: fbon* for Representative Co4ay! Sheet Metal Work C'.ur.r^e Reds npaiiv-t the Mat- iH o 11 o w e 11 and children Mr. and Mrs. Wil':m:n fort. She also visited 'i: ME-4-905Q - Moving & Storage - Roofing, Metal Ceilings ;U Islands is a ':ood quMion.' Charles. Betty Jean and Ed- Too Large But nne thitis is cirtain. ward Dwi'jht. were quests of ana, Mexico, Lo,'. A •rt Alterations and Furnace Work Tin- ClniuM1 arc more aK!!- Mrs. C A. Hamnan. Jersey j Hollywood. Point Lm.i rrs>ive tl'.an the Russians, if City, in iionor of her birth-! house, San DieRo Na,, a d Additions 588 Alden Street or Too Small Construction GARDEN j recent hisur.y proves anythniR day. San Diego Zoo. Kn.'i' v Custom Homes Woodbridge, N. J. I arid th" next really serioas! —Mr. and Mrs George Farm, Ghost Tos'.i n: STATE 1-DAY SERVICE! Yes. call today . . . nc wollii I'IMS mas bo!) V.n :n Fapamarcus were iniesU *>f Vegas. On Black and White Telephone MErcury 4-1246 fee for estimates. We'lJ Asia. v. ;•:( ji would be in kK'i- —Joseph Mauci1:: ' uESIDENTIAL Moving and Storage Mr and Mrs, Peter Haytko, Unt! wiUi tin' cii'nmuni.-L pro- Robert Maucen. MH,- ,_ and rush a man to you tc Wru'ht Street Local and Long Distance help you pian, show- vrani of keeping the free world —Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. and Mrs. Joseph v - Fiieral Directors - COLOR FILM off baianre. ; COMMERCIAL BARRELS AND - Service Stations - ing you money-saving Cooper and children Frances, Bird Avenue, were . No Job Too Large WARDROBES short-cuts. Frank, Jr . and Thomas, Mid- honor at a combined : party Sunday for Or Too Small . . . Furnished at No Extra dlesex Turnpike, have re- PROCESSING N. J. Poll 10th and Robert's 17* Fully Insured Cost tunnd from a \veeks''yacation day. Guests ineludi't! M 48-Hour Service! TOWNE GARAGE 'From Editorial Pa?e) at Ooeanporl. to Charge or Obligation REASONABLE RATES Mrs. Harold Maul n:. • Folders For example, nnlv 18 B per —Mr. and Mrs. Norman J. F. Gardner & Son dren Glen and DM: For Estimates We Are a Local Firm con', of tin' xiau ••.('" vote for F.asman and son Bnwe, were Synowiecki and Mrs. Otis Dou.1:.--1 PHOTO 485 AMBOY AVENUE •m.'!o:' party randulats^ came liuests of Mr. and .'/Mrs. M!» chaol Romano, l/'in Branch. and Mrs. Alexiuuiir Funeral Home Woodbridge • Billheads from i'ie st\t'".< ?;x bit: <•:<<(•*• Vincent Keller FREE ESTIMATES SUPPLIES —Hamilton Billings, Jr., bertson and chlldrer. : Phone :n !•>.;; year's ;:uberr.atonai Builder MErcury 4-3510 Wright Street and Patrick and Maureen, Mr a 46 Atlantic,Street D e v 11 r. , Woodbrldge, were Robert C. Sr.ui-:. : Ult Stone Street, Rahwa; We're Specialists In • Letterheads Tins compares with ID por ME 4-5664 Riie.M.s of Mr. and Mrs. John Evans, and Kosnr... Carteret, N. J. fin o! the statewide turnout none FLV8-0976 a. D. MEELHEIM • BEAR WHEEL ALIGN- Frickson. Lake Hopatcong, Thomas Maucen. ALLARD'S PHOTO MENT and BALANCE uo t:vt:v>> b:•'. unes ,in tile 1956 Telephone KI-1-S715 Owner for a few days. 47 AmboT Ave. ME-4-3S51 O Programs Pnsu'.fn il elv.'iinn: .0 4 per —Airman Second Class Delicatessen • BRAKE SERVICE • iT-nt Itn the 1954 V S. Senate p'K-tion. a'sd 22' of the Vernon Goldon who was - Moving & Tracking - - Plusbiig & Heating - Iwert ai Ha:1;!1. Air Force Base, Westbury Far • Booklets . «tale\vide turnout m the 19531 - Wallpaper-Paint - ; Gubernatorial E!f-rt;on Germany, is sptndina a thirty- Move "IDEAL WAY" ; This decrea^n', h':: city duy leave wilt] his uncle and By GLADYS MAT SHOPPE 1 1 aunt. Mr and Mrs. John Phone FU-8-3914 WOODBRIDGE O Announce- j vot , i.s unrionbted'y due in 497 linroln •13 Rahway Ave., j larce part to the fact that the ;Kimb;>l! it!48 Cl.arles Sti'fft. Tel. U »-\6'1 Woodbrli^e FUNERAL HPME9 He wiil M s!a?;onrd at Lonn;; J (Opn. White Church) BsUbllshcd SI Yaari AGENT NATIONAL VAN Plirabing & Heating : state's bicsest cities are grow-Tfl RADER'S ments ! ins populfttionufise somfThnt Air Fovef Biw, I,!mestO!'.C —Weekend 420 East Avenue LINES • SALADS at Their Beit Me at the termination of ins '• and Mrs. Joseph For." • Perth Amboy • Remodeling j less rapidly thftn is the rest leave • tlie Mkssee Marie a;. • SODA FOUNTAIN SS Ford Ave.,' Fords Home 9t. ; of the state. 1286 8t. George Ave., Avenet -Mr and Mr-. James O'-1 Shillitanl. John SI:: • FRESH BAKERX VA-6-035S • New Installations • Invitations | It may also be due to the Roiuke and sons Gary and | Salvntore Falcone. \- GOODS 3-4 Rooms—$20, $25, $39 PITTSBURGH j fact that newer residents in • Gas and Oil Burners j the bif* cities are not resister- Oemus were RU''SLS Saturday I Shillitanl Is a houst • Open 7 A.M. to 18:30 P. M. 54 Rooms—135, $40, $H 1 PAINTS t Post Cards : III.L; and voting m (he fame of Mr. nnd Mrs. Stanley! —Mr. and Mrs F < INCLUDING SUNDAYS Call ME-4-3046. HI-2-1312 ! proportion as newer,residents ^ubbs, Cranbury Mr. and! liareni and cluldri-. ; Owed Wednesdays All Dai :P .'-malU'r communities across Mrs, Clarence Ne\v»rk, | Jr., Kenneth and - L. PUGUESE • A. L1PO QUALITY 1 1 • Signs • tiic state. Men dinner r.ueMji of Mr. and, johp Manwlla an r an ls ri A WALLPAPERS p. S. Census flpures show Mr.s. fi'Rouikv Sunday. j M - d -^ E ' "' •no 'tlfat in 1950. 25.J1- of tl.e Mr. and Mrs. Jerome j Jackson, Mich. Ftnitire PAINTERS' > Business i state's population lived in Ca.ssfll, Middlesex Avenue | —Sunday bouse i triese six big cities. sere miests Saturday o! Mr Mrs. Chufles Me-- SUPPLIES \tra. JccK Messmit . COLLEGE AID Charles Farr Cards Population estimates* for and Mrs. Walter Ennis, New Visit Our]New I Jujv 1. 1957, Rive the bic''fHies Shrewsbury. Messina. Mrs, Alb* ^ > Avenel Pharmacy ' n\lG5'"v of the state's populu- Ml and Mrs. Leo Thomas Brooklyn, la a hou • Home of Plrabiig & Heating ; tion. ilt is probably .somewhat and daughter bmna, Middle- I —Diane Marie M • M4 BAHWAI AVENUE Will your son or ) Coupons fant daughter of Mr • Bigger Values! Electric Sewer Service RADER'S j less at the present time.) sex Avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. MErcury 4-1914 daughter get into I The importance of smaller Pit-ott. Trieste Street, Patrick Manno, Wort • More Top Brands! was christened at st ' • Better Service! 378 State Sfeett > Certificates ! bin c'tv turnout cannot bo were i-ue.sts for a week of Mr. college? Telephone: I minftnized, since with the ex- and Mrs. Conrud SchUuch, Church, Sunflav PRESCRIPTIONS • Lower Prices! PERTH AMBOY ception of the Eisenhower HicksviUe, L. I. Thomaj Denticl, •> The New Jersey College MEreurj 4-0594 sweep in 19.SH, .six big pastor. Sponsor* »' WHITMANS CANDIES Entrance Instruction Cen- —Mr. and Mrs Jerome 621 LINDEN AVENUE cities hiive, been fcivijig Demo- Balvatorfl Ruuo, Ne* > ters teach tin1 tfcrhiiiques Cassell aixl children, Ruth OMmetlei -, Film WINTER BROS. cratu- fiindldatjes a hefty Patrick Scala, Ea.-i and skills needed to score Woodbrldge, N. J. VAW639 and Jack, were Kueets at a lall Today maifiln over the Republican After the ceremony,« Grating C«rdi high on the lumily dinner party at the Wayside Furn. Shop : rjval candidates. home of Mr. and Mrs. LouU tion iu held lor I*"' lenrlni Woodbridfe Residents The New Jersey poll \\\ ux .:0 Since 193T COLLEGE BOARD - Watch Repairing v Lcibowitz, Jmey City. Mr. frlenda with BPP, For ree Estimates contiinil to follow "jhiftis in St. Oeorce Avenue »t U. 8- SCHOLASTIC and Mrs. Arthur Sohniteer. aeventy-flve j Highway 1, Avenel voter preference, reporting Jersey Citlr, were dinner meats (At the Woodbrldt* APTITUDE TEST Expert Watch and and interpret ins election of the <|uviells. Mr. CttMell Ptoduoer HAYMOW ' Cloverle»f Circle* Advertise Jewelry Repairs events and showinj- changes I end Mrt* . \^f*\-*Schnitze mill Au r^u ^ ^ spen_ _ ^ t Hawk* ha* added Oven » A. M. to » P.M, For Information Contact they occur right up to day at Bilelle on a fishing KM to the c«at of " • B1NG KITTING Election Day. JACKSOIS IncL »»t. J. Lapides Your Service trip. •tarring John Wayi • MEreurj 4-«6«« • RESETTING Watch for New Jersey Poll -Quests at dinner of Mr, Martin. Ricky Neb."'. N. J. College Entranoe and SON • POLISHING reports in this newspaper, and Mrs. Adolf Wltteraheim, Brennan and Wd Iq This Space whicli presents the report* of Instruction Center • RE-SIZING Warwii'lt street were the Wow." Druggist* AU Work INSUKtl) PRESS the New Jersey Poll exclusive- Miasew Mary und, Ann Nelaon, Box 381 For Only and GUARANTEED ly in this invu, 88 Main Street THE WOODBRIDGE Mrs. Charles Cordler, Mr. and :SEI LIT THRU THE SEWAKKN, NJ. MARTIN LAWRENCE PUBLISHING j^O. Mrs," George stoll and chil- Woodbrldge, N. J. Lloyd Brute's' wlte and 8- dren, Janice and Ptter. Mr. A yeitr-old sun, Jetf, v.m be with Hione JEWELERS wid Mrs. John .WUter^teim can ft«r»l drew TttofhWM HCrawr 4-IU4 Mwlk M Main St., Wuodbrtd|e 20 GREEN STREET lain in one M^ment i»f "pt.|»- and son John, Jr.. and Mr Ocean Park ME-4-46& hunt." His sou's a akuj divtr and Mm. Robert Mettle tad WOODBK1DGE like his dad. children, Robert. Or, Ifwtta* PAGE Ni! {er(,t Beats StEliasTops Collegians Win ,n Nine Kolibas AA in Hall Big Crowd Sees Mallei S^H As Potts Shuts No. 2 Te^m Win^T St Elias Beat |To Meet i,c: Cutout 7-0 Bumper, 3 to 2 Out All Stars CARTERET - St. Wi, Plavoff. 9-7 Browns by 1-0 MO in Playoff fMt-«Uppln« aoftball team CARTERET—The Collejl-

*»• won Itai bumper game from 7.7 ans won their third game in 'Thp F'l -on CARTERFT — Brfnir t'-.r CARTERKT — Vntt"l*l MonflR >Mt*d the th« KolibM A A., by a 3.2 :. V *IH be Labor Day the second half race in tlir "Ml Mo. '.' trjim lit-'tcd Tei- Piiniirn won 'IT (Vr 1'iat'on Th hill i ^o'^ftT but at th Hlh Nn. 1 in final g:.nic cf the •oti tn wllnw a gimie nt the P wow. Thi hill boy* took the but at the High Light Senior Baseball League lilnyoffs In the 1 .title Leam* one-«tde, •WMTIPI n 1 on balls coupled with two sue ! ^ason wilt •* KPltm« their Stars, first half winners. The nfl'Mimon !i! HIP Pfuk flrld. the lewiue leadinc Browns of IV lfnw, up i' t.'.n-oit L*»\ ceaMve hit*. . ' I flrat Practice. This will mark final score was 2-0 In favor Prnnk Gnrln's tremendoiif Tavern, winnlim by a rlo^ 1 . of-threp-jsnrnp Kollba* acond two runt in , bpKmnlr if Team No. 1! mnn strandrrt on hnse. pollna Joe Zimmerman was thp ins- final name Thanksgiving Day. "coring single runs In the trophy only. tot In* pitcher and Saint the This will mark the 33rd | third and fourth Innings to AB H R out nine hits (nchidina a The results if t iyt It wln Kronenberg, 2b 3 1 triple and. three doubles. Rut ^ follow:* wln winner, year that Carteret will field the ball game. - te m fnr ll Wfts ln 1925 un Potts hurled sh Rogers, lb 3 2 1 I«fty Wn.icik, winning hurler. j lFlr»t <..n.. Ronnie Helley got three for • * * ' ' '' utout ball in DOP, i' 3 1 1 proved mast effective with . Sarred lit > . :• p will rf- three for a perfect day at bat \ -T the ?lliden(:ft of ththee latlatee the abbreviated contestt which McCllrth who w MKrokn. ss 3 1 2 men on ' j F.mll's Cat TU. • I a rpturn to lead the winners in hitting ' ,u ^ »* the '*>t«d only five Innings, Horvath, U 3 2 id."'" dlrectodirector atl ththee school Colle»lan, 2 Kinch. who hurled a err .it; /The Sacred Fl :v i . cam* 1th. ftartl8arr.llll o got threh e for four for ! ^'^ » «h! Colle»lan, Gavin, of _. 3 2 1 nnd who made the first team AB R H 1 ball Rnmc hlinsrlf, nllowlmt' from behind a 4-: u "Lit to the losers. Chet. rf 3 1 0 only five hits, was the victim; defeat the Km:!'-. Cntc-t" m possible, that games were j Kopperwhatts, ss 3 0 0 The box score - MBgnor. 3b 3 1 Played at the old Brady« field ' TerebeUky, 3b 3 0 of a walk and successive , tram with some • i'H;i liitll %. AB R H St. Films 0 Sankner. cf 3 I and at Rahway field. | Sweda, c 2 0 singles bunched by Koncl nnd | D/.lak was the win-'iuu pl'.ci >)tf 1 0 0 AB R H Harry, p ... 3 1 0 Mullan which produced the Most of us are living in the ; w Ward, 2b 1 and he helped his .... 1 0 (Jalamb. e S 0 0 Dovko, cf 1 1 0 only run of the bull frame past and constantly keep' Resko. If 3 along by hittinq a homer. A. , ! 0 Helley. 3b ..... 3 ... . _ ' coming In the tenth frame. telling the boys about ' Sharkey~' ' . cf 3 Chamra's Rlnsrlr brought In . 5 Mullan, 3 the 31 14 8 ' Up until that lime both the wlnniiiK ruii. Rood teams we had and how Novak, if . 1 Dmrllla, rf .... • Trim No. 1 hurlers pitched shutout ball. Sfcnnd (iiiinr j 11 we kept knooktnst off the bl«' Konty. lb 2 B .... J Yavorsky, lb 4 AB H R The box score - Mattel's Sunoro 16 \ n teams until they wouldn't'Pottg. P • 2 0 .... 1 Meyen, cf . 4 ; Stanley, c , 3 111 St. Ellin Hungarian R. Yankee* 1 0 play UK again. Let us forsiet I .. 1 Hunderman, If 3 1 Frank, p 3 111 All R H Turner was the w'.nniaf 0 the past and think of the 20 2 4! ... 3 BalarU, 2b ., :.. 3 1 j Marck. lb 3 2 2 j Gftlamb. rf hurler and he blasted out a future. In a number of schools All Stan ! Vernlllo. 2b 3 2 1 Helley, 2b 1 .. 3 O'Balnt, p 4 2 homer as Motto: '* S'incvo .. J the pattern runs about the, AB R H Slekierka. 3b 1 1 Mullnns, ss walloped the Hun jrlin YB i« about SO boys go out for! Flnnegan, If 3 0 0 .. 2 0 Leo, If 0 0 , M. Yavorsky, c kers, 16-1. DuriiR :' '• ^ IU'-IF 33 3 t the team, a week Inter a down Dacko, u .. 1 0 Emil, If . ... 1 0 Dsurllla. lb ..'.... srsson. the Yi'ii . .10 KollbM nult, later some give up and Kullck, c ., 1 1 Pallnkas, If , 1 0 Wojlck, p Sunoco Ipnm twii AB during the rest of the season Sullivan, lb Hank, u 2 1 Meyers. If Thl-« ('•"'•••• l .... 1 J.Kent, rf . 4 nearly two teams are strug- Zullo, 3b Labor Council I Petrach Tavern Fred, rf 1 0 Konci. 3b Mattel's Sutvn;i |(t 1 ... 1 6! Saralllo. of . Masculln, 2b ulmg to got along. A lot of Hunderman, cf Sacrrri Heiirlt '.' 3 2 Koval, 3b the boys don't like the name, Carmlchael, cf, p indsllpWith [Defeats Agrico 39 12 7 — , By bi'HtliiK i.i" fliici % : 38 W. Kolibas. c 36 1 5 Hpart.o, 10-2, Mat'-' s L .'nr ."Ul a '• -i 0 0 0 0 0 0 0—0 the Labor Council scored mered in all their runs in the All Stars. S tn 4. in thr Rec- fir'sY'hVlf" winners"'won their ten long lnnini:s. the Kcpich for Piirkvii'W hi,,, ii » >• >n: x St. James' three runs in the last half of first three innings, settings reation Light Senior Baseball (, ^me from 8abo's. second boys emerged triumphant 6- went to iviif'i1 • ' 'V'H1! u rst Avenel Tigers the fifth to take the lead, 5-2. two In the first, five In the Playoff Game t*«lPie. half winners. Second game to 3. cnou'th to stem 0.« '.It? J Hopelawn Indians Both sides scored single runs i second and four in the thud. rrtandAFs The Ramblen scored all be played today at 5:45 P.M. NATIONAL DIVISION It was a triple by Sivan j CARTERET — Sitar's Shop victory for his M-i ' in the final stanza. The score by Innings :- that drove in three runs that Rite won the first game in their fire runs In the second if third game Is needed. It W St:uil):ick. nnd .'•">• oa h. a The score by Innings:- j Agrlco 3 20020 0— 7 tied the game for the Kcpich the Babe Ruth pliiyolfs by! frame on three hit*, two | win he played Saturday. Woodbridge Braves .... 4 V.P.W 0 00 101 0—3 Petrach ...... 2 5 40 000—11 nine the first day. Then this; shutting out Saho's SpnrtrSport R0Uhl:r.bit:;f"'^ lin in Free banes on balls and an error, j Little leaguers Major di- Our Lady of Peace 4 ' i to set the luv- Labor Council 0 0 2 0 3 1 x—6 same fellow. Sivon, walloped ! Shop by an 11 to 0 score this After that the Ramblers i vision championship won bv Ifi'lln Warriois . •7 • Winnimt IIUIVT ClwrV'V B'- a homer the second day to j week. fought off two dangerous All | price's Men's Shop and will Si-waren A A ' lvnu'k \',,r''.n i C J • - Oi .o iii2 (iame win the ball game. Slvon was Sitar's comx'd the title In : i help lii.i 'iv.-ii c. ,:' i j+x. Star rallies before winning, j wait for the playoffs some-1 Colonia Calso Holiday Races the only player on the win- ' the first half, white Sabo's •a meet trx' 1:30 t0 TRENTON — The 300-mlle hitter and at ho time was hr !!:••. A ' m out by the champs will play at ' the Recreation Intermediate up their 15th win of the sea- : 2 In I lie third, but the H il first place Collt'dlans thh e la USAC-MARC late model stock son against only five losses. in trouble. He also received ' 1115 in the day the winner of tl P y-: Baseball League, the Wood- Bowl came back wi'-h devn- week fnr the right to piny in off* Mattel's Sunnco ln ft 2 To Cubs The champs beat Kepich's j fine support from his loam , bridge Warrlorj met their car race, annual national ] siatinft rallies o( .six and seven a: iiii Softball the playoffs against the AT ESGO, 4-0 as Reagan allowed j mates throughout the gani:\ for the •• Waterloo in the Colonia Rams FORDS—Trailing 5-2 going | championship classic, at the runs in the fouith nnd fifth i\i:k field. Btars only three hits and heiped j SHur'.s collected einht hits 1 playoff trophy. who pulled the upset of the innings to ukr tiie upp r The rteore by Innings - into the sixth and final inning, j Trenton Speedway, bids fair pitcher.-;, 1 ^ mured in every Senior Softball drawing ; year by defeating the polished his own cause along by getting : off three Saho maix'ln bv 15-14. A three nn ••• first, while All Stars . . .00002 !—4 the Fords Motors Cubs rallied', t° outstrip all previous pre- two hits himself. Umanskl had two fnr tin better crowds, last Friday j Warriors by a 9-1 score. sentations on the huge oval, blast. In the final uiniiii; ma..a • •• ).>< rounds In Ramblers . 0 i 0 0 0 x—A The Carteret Burners ended winners, while Sullivan made Brown'i Tavern suffered its By virtue of their victory. for six runs to come from be- i the world's fastest one-mile , the victory complex, .ifri 14 mni— the season by winning their, two hits for the, lasers. The score by first loai. after winning 12 tlle Rams are ,,ow tied for \ hind to nip the .Interboro j sp?edway. The event is slated Sitar's : ,«:id eight In Not On the Program eighth game as Hhaza hurled ; Parkview I ;i- straight games, St. Ellas being ; flrsl place with the Warriors j Trucking Red Sox 8-5 in the • for next Monday, September no-hitter against KoFel's | AB R "I hear you had dancing at the winner In 10 innings. Tills ; Wjth similar 4-1 records for a Labor Day fixture. Hill Bow! • < ;uns In the third and deciding game of i L Tavern, 2-1. ! B. Valient, p 3 2 your lawn party yesterday ' ; and next week will be bumper; the second half. A playoff, Tremendous interest has Kiinillo, 3 2 '.'.r Bert and tne pords Little World The playoff schedule follows: "It wai quit* unprcmedl- BamM and then the league I s|ated this week between the i been whipped up In this year's • ' up three (Friday* Prank's Sinclair vs. tateii; one of the guests aocl- , ndhedule will end. At present, two teams, will decide the '< Series at the John Dennis Me-speedway marathon by the Stewart, c r... 'i > • and three morial Field. A and E Marlins up*et a beehive.' Brown's and Koke's are tied | jj,,,UP, ,n t|,e American circuit. pitting of east coast cham- (Tuesday) Carteret Burners M. Valient, lb 2 '•••:.:ii to win The largest crowd In the for the lead and one team There isn't any doubt the pions against the crown wear- Porter, cf 3 •• .;. margin. history of the new stadium vs. Kosel's Tavern Beat 9-i must win two out of three , hero of the RaRam nine was ers from the midwest, Pacific Umansky, rf 4 ' "••>• ".'.nneri by Hit Inspiration Winners to play Price's for U Rame« to garner th« league , Jmf MU1 whQ was on hand to witness the Coast and the southwest. I8EIJN — Two b-.K limn s 1 playoff trophy. McMnhon, rf 3 ' : ree. while "What made you a mill J championship tilt, which be- Cliampioruhip The hottest; b Three star drivers hooked Peldheim, 2b 2 were responsible vw thft F: a Cliampioruhip. The hottest; Qf games of the cur- (Final Team Standing) ••• •** man for alre?" came a high scoring affair. to d0 ! team in the league at present j rent checking the up in a stirring battle for the W L Comp«ny DOC1M*IT. U-fi victo y :«p for four. "Curiosity had a lot h l t ent j The Red Sox had the edge to Team is St. Ellas Warriors with four hits over Continued on Page 20 15 5 27 11 8 i fcver Pete Schmlcli.'s C.nU dv- - •> :r,iKngs> with It. I wanted to if start the series, winning tiie 1. Price's Men.s Shop iiift the weuk in the Isel n Recreation Department will was deprived 1 .. 14 6 Sabo's -.4 i "15 4 0 3 I—16 Inert wai any Income my wife 2. A & E Marlins YomiR Bovs Leu.^u.' hold a block dance for Car- 11 8 AB R J 1(80 0—15 couldn't live beyond by *5.000 FOUND IN CHIMNEY 1 3. Franks Sinclair Tom Mauccn, viior pitc'.r ' leret teenaseri at the High rel| and GR6!orowski 4. Carteret Burners .... 8 12 Richter. 2b 3 0 BOWLING GREEN, Ky. — ' ing a stroiift giimc 'oi ;>ix i i- school tennis court, tonight, e&ch slng|ed in tne jourth in- i before being shelled late in the 5. Kosel's Tavern Beam, cf. P ii 0 losing third fracas. Charlie T. Hayes, a farmer, nliiES, vas awardt'S the from 8:00 to 11:00 nlng to drive in the lone 0. Kepich Esso Sullivan, lb, p ' IS 0 The sixth inning was a was tearing down the chim- Dodgers' victory. He nas been Woodbridge run. ney of his house when he dis- Maciokowski, ss nightmare for the Red Sox, Goetz, If • defeated only once duflrtg the letting Married? Dangerou* While Miller wai taming who appeared to be well on covered a metal box contain- 0 • recent campaign. The Cubs' the Warrior sluggers, Ronnie ing $5,000 lncash. Lauricella, cf, p .... "Tliere* are a billlnn germs their way to the championship Kosty Pitches Resko. if „.... 0-| losing pitcher was Wayne Kolpen, the Colonia second, Hayes, who has lived In the 0 ; Lang. en the averaud dollar, bill."— with a three run bulge. How- Makkai, 3b [.... baseman, had a fine day at iouse 20 years, said he didn't ! Newspaper filler. ThLs Infor- ever, the roof caved in when a BeliU, c 1 Sparking the Flrefightors nt mation doesn't frighten us. ai the plate, blasting Uree hits, pair of errors and two walks now who had hidden the Collegians to -1 the plutu with some timely which' drove in five runs. money, but he added: "It was a dollar bill passes through placed Cub runners on base to 22 0 5 j hitting wt;rB Russell Plerletii our hands so fast a germ Howie Stelnfeld waiwai) also ef- be driven In by the timely hit- mough to be appreciated." Sitar's 4 0 1 80 0—11 I and Frank. Buislovsfej'. The would break his neck If he fective with hia bat. helping ting of Stuart Szycher and 4 to 0 Victory Sabo's 0 0 0000— 0 i (Continued on 20) the Rams' attack with two were to jump off it—The Bob Luks.cs. Gumbs, c CARTERET — The ColletU- i ~"- Bristol iVa.i Herald-Courier. single*. Lukacs, the Cubs' shortstop, tederwoski. rf ans won their third straight Joe Juhasz took the mound was a power at the plate Rachel, rf game in the Carteret Rec- ; for the Warriors and was pounding out three singles in reation Linht Senior Leanue Sewaren Beats Avrn Upi To Her Mesce, rf charged with the reversal three jaunts from the dugout. second half race, shutting out Asked todly If he could pay after working the first three His teammate. Art Collazzo, 24 5 8 the Kondrk team by a 4 to 0 a 20i. fine and two guineas i pratterolo came frftmM Matt shipped ln with a run scoring Score by innings: score. Takes 2nd Half RENTAL m costs for maliciously wound- Into the game in the fourth double. 1 0 0 1 0 8—« The victory was made pos- Final Standings minted for Hin «i:ini:i" ral'v. Cubs ing his wife with a. poker, the and finished up for Juhasz. W Goodnle was h'>rv -i t a Big Jim Schooley, a Red 3ox Red Sox . 2 0 10 2 0—5 alble by a, brilliant pitching l man replied: "You will have Over ln the National Divi- mainstay, was the hitting sen- performance turned in by £5ewaren A. A 1 altching a5?i ".!itiit ;|l!;ilr it to atk the missus I have no sion, the Woodbridge Braves Avtmel, and he proved \K W; ,a sation of the series, collecting Nicck Kosty who limited the Scheno's Cities Service B money".—Manchester Guardi- and Iselln Warriors battled to NEW JERSEY'S ON1Y PAR1 hoice by »pininii!B i ne 't PLAN YOUR „ single home run to raise his ipposltlon to three • scattered Hopelawn Youth 5 an (England). * 3-3 tie. but in a return en- MUTUEL TROTTING Bertolami Brothers .... 5 hree-hltter. ITUirlir: ^'i stl'ifc hit total to six out of nine hits and struck out twelve gagement, the Braves plas- since the start of the play^tts. TRACK Colonia Miller^ .' 2 on the podiiin, he hni'd batters. tered the Warriors 10-0 on a John Tlmko also had two hits Air Conditioned Bowl Mor Hillfoppers.. 1 light swingerj and gave K;p Recession held deepest but Steve Kondrk, losing hurler, hree bases on balls. Sdwnr.'i FALL WEDDING vhartest since war. kweet two-hitter by Benny for the Red Sox, a single and Grandstand St. James' .J l gave up six hits. osing pitcher was Jue Oh- Damoet. The victory hoisted double. Colonia Warriors 0 4 The Collegians won the vatz, who also chucked a so' <1 Woodbridge Into a tie for first Stuart Styeher flipped a five game by bunching a few hits game, giving up only fuuv sati NOW AT place with Our Lady ol Peace hitter to win the game for the WOODBRIDGE — The Se- off Kondrk in the first In- of Fords. Cubs, and during his stint on waren A. A. took on Scheno's blows, ning when they scored all During his turn In the cen- the dais, struck out eight bat- Cities Service of Avenel to de- Ed Casey, Sewaren'a ag- their three runs. (Contlnued on Page 20) ters. Lenny Tylka wa« the cide the second-half cham- gressive catchsr, gave his bf U Resko was the only member Red Sox losing pitcher. pionship ln the Recreation ting average a lift by lleU Inl's Tailor Shop of the winning team to get Ing a pair of s'n.'lo ' (hi Junior Baseball League, and MOVING PERFORMANCE CUBS 18) more than ona hit. He gob Gollazzo, cf 3 J 1 the Waterfront club etnersed Btrolls up to tip- • ', BKLLEVILUS. N. J. — Alvln two for three. With sewiu-r, ' Arrighl, lb 4 ° the conqueiora by a 4-2 score Outcalt toldl police that the The score by Innings :- Cities Service n.i •', i •Her Yaklnovs, rf after coming from behind second twne In five days some Kondrks 0 01) 0 0 0 0—0 still tied for l.w. V -hi Bsycher, p ...., with a three-run rally in the muscutaj feflows had appar- Collegians .,.. 3 00 0 0 0 x—3 champioashlp, n ,J:!'J NeWeit Styles Lukacs. s» DAILY fifth inning. WILL TAKE ently carried his small foreign nation playtiT v..s Kanilnsky, 3b DOUBLE POSTMASTERS 4 Sewaren drove In a run ln car from his driveway to hU rated by Buijroatiou .rci Sabol, H - CLOSES CAN EKK, TOO the second frame to take a aJM tJw ra4- w »»*»• YOU TO neighbor's 1-0 lead, but It went down the John Zullo. Ilop'.'l". I I • Mansfield, 2b 1:45 P. M. SEATTLE — George oeived n first i',u ;:v.1 i>v ^h•'.* He said he could think ot Prehodka, c drain ln the very next Inning 1 1 Dovw, Del. , Morry'« fape wiu rtd and his when Avenel came up will Bolietio'a took on Si":. : ITU a , d, reason for the moving job RACING DAILY u wife had a decidedly apolu- two runs on one hit, two defeated tht Wut.-iri•;.n. let, n tw own Harriuburg, Pa. Tony Perklnj was welcomed 8-1 in the Initial riunl. 1 Mi AUG. 7 thru OCT. 13 geUc twinge to It ant two tilt batsmen. Wttk tip I**** Mercury back to Metro like » long lot' Bcheuu's and Hoysl.twn a'.'s Pittafield, Man. Seattle's postmaster admit- Both tuiiins settled down awl lire J-How Service. sou. It was thev«, when b« wai •RED SOX tuity Thvitday Ii MUi' Dai scheduled to meet In tue flnuli ted to having mailed a lettei for the next two lnninya; then York, P». Shwelnei. cl taterthis week. If that he tutted his film Adminion $1.20 with a 3-cent ttamp on I Sewaren came to UJ« ln thi Timko, 3b car»« in "The Actrees," with R«Mrv«d Box Statt . 1.10 llx day} after the postage loi fifth with » thtee-run splash Tom Monaco, a former L - BY PHONE schooky, M . TAILOR SHOP Jean Simmons and Spenoer letteri had gone up to 4 centi A walk, a second ba/e erroi tie League star, topk the Tiaoy. tybeok, 2b vaUandW timely hits by Ricky | mound for the Avenel club HUN IfcAMT s mln. lUtiM <**• fittm Tf«(fic Circt*. lunctfon Syria presses new M Kovaes, lb. iOoodale aufl M Casey a«-| tOouUnuad on P»M »01 jVdwar* afM' * 1 - load link* with 1'»1. •iid*Hd«y Sunday. New personal chwki Kak. If Phon« NMWU 10% CM not ia«luoni to Mr. and Mr.*. Kenneth the pitcher'* Trenton plant 1. located on ftue?,. Sandalwood line. I —Recetii collece graduates p,rfo™ Lynch. ;e day at the plate for the ;p 000 cars 1* available on the Boy Scout Troop 45 Explorer Poet 245 asked to .-ontiict Tunkff1 rapi".ne out four er.v.mds announced that the first mPfnbrrs of Freund CARDIGAN: gnri Bdvlsor Sidney d chtirme:i, Mr- R R straight hi'« to cive Ir.s ses- for this season will •ajy ){i MPWtnn. spent « or Mrs R Ci.'.>clc'.! DRESSES ion> battinc average a «ub- beheld September 11 at 7:30| ^ek-md campm* (nrw dfty "jj-iip ;-,vi''.v li.-so'i swim- boost. Colonia Kams II the American Lemon Hall a, Highpo-.nt. ,'oseph Mohr ming cmirv b- :'.:< ,-::ered ny A.'s SUUOCJ Oianu moved Contin'ied from Sport* —The annual picnic for the assisted with transportation. YMCA :o • the P-n.; A:r.!ioy r.) a groove in the current f.»r of the diamond. Ptttww Colonia Village Civic Awocis- The tu'jt m eft ing for the post Brownie QvA. Sd ii'W..e sta:id:r.cs by u.mmmc • 1 v.t br^"?ed third str'^es past KX tton will be held September 7 will be September i at Ameri- j run i1.- TiTi".a»o Ir.Viir.iiu-e Agrncy A b«t at b be- barer? tr.d wA'kfd one it Roosetelt Park Chalrmah ran Legion Hall T.c-rs 7-3 :n ft c.itn' played tlful colon. b) Theodore Wmgender. i —The next meetinc of the [Wefn 3 ;ni nnd i at CV'OJKT Aver.ue Uc'.A. CMT'-S Van Bj<*;"k aSwrVd eludlns tollte —A luncheon and fashion Mother.' Club. Boy Scout IJO'.CS Marrano r."~ ed a l«f',•.;•'.•.< jietba * ifier hur'.ing •nil pittta. fcow at B. Altmaru, Short Troop 4!* and Explorer Post Court Synlai p fl\e '.wwer to win it for \ht thf'f.rst two mnint* Sills, will be held September 245 will be held September should usf si r Ti-.ers «.-.i:e John Ward wt» Bob B'.aine the Brarw' left I at 12:45 for the benefit of 10 n! :!:p home of Mrs Noi- words." s.iv« a writer ni;--.Yd nith the dfffat. fleWer, was top man a the the Women's Auxiliary, of man Busfr. 94 Northlll Road. v;ct« are ac:re<5 i'"fl' T'-.e canoe's hlttins ft.'r wa< h:":ne dfrskrtroer.t w.*h two • Rahway Hospital Reserva- Plans vX be furthered for should use shoitev sfrr.e Ric Aid Happef. «-vio paced >••.« arn< a ws^ in three tripe bon» will be accepted until the fail card party to benefit Tom.isso's attack -y..h a home fr^ai the brr>ch. September 3 by Mr?. J. H the troop Complete Collection "You have a *p>ndid col- run and Jinaic m his ;wo offi- In three jtmnnt platrd ««r- : tr or Mrs T b. Thpnve. —The Chorister* of New cial times at bat lie: the Woodbr;Jjre Warrior* —The last day to register Dover MethodLM Church will lection of rr.ivinted fwh — bu; fthat a:e the emp'v ps".e!> In one of the bes' p!sy«! str.k t'le Hopc'.awn Indian! Our ([»»'»« fOlIN (or the coming November; resume rehearsab September ; :ion of flnt qu»llt for11" cynics of the we*k. the Firf T-l. t>e Brav«j »hut out Co- •lection l» September 2L with j 10 at " under the leaderrhip 1 Corr.par.T Doripers *ere at !ivr.-j» C*'.» 19-*. and the Co- drrm't for Khool : Oh *. w .iit some , Mn. Murray Priedman. 202 of Mis* Beverly V o 11 m a r .. tl-eir best ur»fn(::r* t^e Fire- u-.n:a Rartw nivefrf owl th» St. oprnlnn In vf»:« BOt ftMrt^ " (mm Ktii Me Furlane Road and Fred Those who like to sing and side Rea'.tT lr.di.ins 4-3 m a James CTO, 1-0 cKvf str'Xf'.p T:-.e Doi^ers' win «;:•.! to Sewaren Beats tloni Som« .onf'.ei Dt~fesm Louis to tnm the inr batter* went down 00 jDixifers i-2 third strikes. After betnt ' Vv.v.y.i ;he course of the - rocked by trtn hits, Pete 1 here! s:an .e Louis fanned 14 batten Lojewski charted with GIRLS' REG. 1.99 BOYS REG. 9.98 ftr.d i\; the plate belted a home the defeat ! :.::•. Franc? Black wa* hand- , Scheno'i wanned np with' "LAND N' SEA" The newest, he Dodgers reversal I „» „„, ta ^ ^p^^ iT%mt betOt Chln h0mt flTf ta •.u.fc bftf'.e the Wr.Brave«* i * Wn S ' Man Tailored crnt-rsed a i-S Tictor over***** the the aeflond and ttiree te the the smartest, fourth. ! The b:e hitters for the Joe CHeratx. % pltehcr-m- PARKAS Braves w-Tf Alfred Werdman fielder, WM Arenel's power in with, three iaffties ar.d Rich- the batter's box with two dn- the biggest ard Drexk: with a four bftg- ^ gl« and a home run, while I Jim Dund* helped, rtiftnf out Rooky Mondo won it for the j two hit. in three trip.. St- selection of Braves and Ken Miele lost the Wh game for tfce Yankees. ° In one other contest, the Indians went on a hilling rampage to run over the PrOSek'g Gianu by 1 one sided 16-4 NEW count i to to Ray West, while Anthony from the dugout. ooUv-slppcr front Mafcovski absorbed the GianU' Bill Radley is expected to Hesrr wool qullMd setback pitch for the Yankee* in the lined second game of the series. Sat- t-ot, ntPHn «h«U urday. The Gianw have not; Dynal trtmmtd l-t» Holiday Races i a* yet selected their starter, although Pete Kee i. almost hooO (Continued from Sporis Pagd certain to return to the mound Oolort ln«lud» nd, midwest title. Nelson Stasey Sunday if a third game Ii ne-1 of Cincinnati. Paul Wenslnk cessary to decide Uu obarc-; 4 pock*u of Bowling Green, Ohio, and - plonshlp. SIM « - 18 IrgT Katona of Lambern ille, TANKS 44) Michigan, signed early for the Coppola, 3b triple-century chase. T. Wieczezak, p Chicago's Tiger Tom Pis- Croteau, cf tone and. Fred Lorenzen of rf GIRLS' REG. 6.95 BOYS' REG. 2.98 Elmhurst, Illinois, two scrap- pins aces, filed recently as did Mclver, lb 100% All Wool CORDUROY • The Final Teit J. Wie«ezak, If "I thought you said this j bathing suit was in fast colors." said the customer, in- dignantly. "Why. every con- GIANTS <1) founded stripe in it has come High. 2b SLACKS off on my back." j Szemborski, 1b •'Ah, but wait." said th«; Hayzler, ss shopman, suavely, "wait until Kee, p you try to get them off your Salomons, rf back—then you'll see.*, Orlando, c Woodhull. cf 77 Silenced KonowiCE, 3b He (angrily i — Do you be- Maxur, If 1 ORLON-PILE fceve everything every fool tells you? Mil 3he (sweetly* — Oh, no, Score by Inning*: HOODED SATEEN darling, but sometimes you do GianU _. 0 0 0 10 0—I Water-repellent, sound so plausible. Yankees _ 0 0 0 10 3—4 Tweeds - checki - flanneli,. Ivy «rip* hr combed cotton and sinpes • or solids ( buckle, pni*i* sateen .with Orion- Modem Factory Meth< Every leading fall color p:le lined hood. All famous fabrics like Sie\ens - corduroy slack> ui Dex:era - Wyandotua and otheri. new fall shadrs Vfarm quilted" lining. O\I:N-BAKED SIMS 7-14 SIMS 8 -12 Beige, black, red, turquoise. 8-1S. ENAMEL GIRLS' REG. 5.98 BOYS' REG. 2.95 AUTO CORDUROY $ HOODED PAINTING CAMPUS COAT Top Quality Workmanship Materials SPORT Water-reMleot, wide- At Lowest Prices. Three Coal Enamel! wale cottpn corduroy. , CARCOATS Paisley cotton lining BRAKES RELINED qnilted with minde 95 WHILE-YOU-WAIT SHIRTS Fehrenbeit foam for natural warmth. Beige, Front End SPECIAL Q 95 red, green, black, 12 Two Front Whedj Rilinced. Antelope. 7-15. CMter-Cambcr uU Tfe-Io 9 BODY and COLLISION WORK Free EfeUauU»-€ar Loaacd Who* Wwk Is Cawjlitil

Scientific Motor Tune-LI P T««r Kwin* ChMktd OB Hew

TvivKin l?;* pludt wit Auto Repairs of All Type* Prlau ptl< Uliu hood tad tutl f CALLVA4-HM quill llutd Wi OW COMMMMT lu utoned CUIOM J>I la Group UT-AWAT ftAM-NO U1U CHAMC MMt OoJor. WOODBRIDGE ACME GARAGE SI Circle (luelin) In tenet Uau ol Kout«t 1 and » OPEN A I GUYS ECONOMY CREDIT ACCOUNT PLENTY OP FREE PARKING NOW ... YOU CAN BUY ANY 1TOM IN OUK 8TO8K AT OU» OPKN SUNDAYS 10 A. M TO 6 P. M. LOW DUOOONT WOKS . . . AND TAKE MONTOH TO fAT . . . NO BOWW P*