Complete Local News Top Advertising Results Krcp Astride AH The Activities Our Family Of Over 9.000 Header* Of The Town With Your Is A Valuable Market I or Home-Town Paper All Our Advertisers XXXVII-NO. 20 CARTERET, N. J.. FRIDAY, AUGUST 29, 1958 PRICK TEN CENTS Banking Institution Set With jSchools Nautilus Generators Plans for Vast Improvements1™1 Bus CARTERET — Two plan* for v&st renovation* are being Schedule Made at Boro Plant studied by the building com- CARTEKKT — Transports-' mittee of the Carteret Bank lion mutes for school children us set up hy the Board of Ettu- and Trust Company, Cooke rution and School Superm- Avenue at Irving Street. l.endeni Edwin S. Quln and Of Foster Wheeler The bank will celebrate its which will KO into effect when 35th anniversary September school reopens were mnde 16 public today by Mr. Quin. The Improvements will in- 'I'liev ,ne Adult Education School "Firsts' volve expenditure of between Route 3, Parkview nnd t veais Ago w« met an $100,000 and $150,000. SliDiciiest; first stop, play ner "Ion* Roosevelt Plans include a drlve-ln- HI HI. second stop, model wlndow, night depository, Mails Course Brochures f\rl\rY,ekf\ r He had two teeth, home: third stop, Coolldge CARTERET — Course bro- ners, Mondays; advanced typ- complete re-arrangement and ,;><T and anottter lower. Avenue at Jackson Street (at chures of the Carterct School ing. Tuesdays; intermediate KOJ him why h« did not refurbishing of lobby and empty lot'. of Adult Education were sewing, Tuesdays, refresher Installation of 180 additional f i hem and replace Route 4. Boulevard and Car- mniled this week to the 4000 stenography, Mondays: .safe deposit boxes. i:th «rtinclal dentures. leret dwellings: first stop, Carteret home-owners. ' .switchboard operation, Tues- • « • The trust company now has .1,'irkson Avenue at Fust Oak The brochure lists 16 day; ballroom dancing, Tues- By Firm n'd-timer told us that assets of $9,900,000 as com- Street; second stop, Flllmore courses being offered by the days: and choral sinning, CARTER ET—The two ,ln hct'er wi'h his pared with the $125,000 it A vein:" nt ''list Oak 3'irrt sind j Adult School this fall begin- Tuesdays. English for Foreign ''inn the veii'pr ftrrtcd busiiiPfs in the build-' fnrtcrel Avenue at Fillmoro niiii! September 15 and 16. Born will be given four nights steam generators which sup- hiK now occupier! t'v the si" Me explained Avenue Registration for the Adult ! a week. Monday through plied the power to the turbines United Roosevelt S.uiims mid I Thursday during the entire . il'l handle H sirloin Th" aiiove rout"'; for stu- School will be held on Mon- that drove the Nautilus on her IxHin Association. j school year. The term of the . -: cnrii on the cob dents for Cleveland. Columbus, day and Tuesday evenings, epic trip under the Polar Ire-' Thp pirsent bunk build •in: September 8 and 9 at the high I Adult School runs 10 weeks • :•' difficult'- We Kt. Jo'eph's and Holy Family 1 cap. were manufactured in was eicetrd in 1034, at the from September 15 through ; •'•,<• sincerity of his Paifiehial Schools. school from 7 lo 9 P.M. the Carteret Plant of Foster heiRlit of the dr.> c. *i"ii d:>' s. November 19. All courses are The Carte-ret School of Wheeler Corporation. Tli« when few if anv ii'-n- hunk :i^ Each student, will receive at i conducted one evening a week Adiilt Education i.s a perman- NnutiluR. now on her utaoiid structures were being con- the school a d'ff'ient color for the ten weeks. Registra- diiv. dip dentls' ent community project co- nuclear fuel charge, has trav- •irieird card for thn hu;i lie "ill tn!;e tion fees for each will I • n( m mm phiU's uponsored by the U.S. Metals eled over 130000 miles, 7JT of "We hnd confiil'iirr in the and the bus vp'eh he will be $3.00. : ami Mien went Refining Co. ani the Car- t submerged, using Poster future of America" Tlv :n:i> bonid will \K dcMana'rd by a teret Bonrd of Education. It Because of Hie keen pre- Wheeler steam generator*. No O. Kenyon, vi:-e pnx.i, 'in SCAV IMPROVEMENT PLANS: Photo showi officials of the Carterrt Bank and number is offered primarily for all •;•'•!•<{ "your N'".v reglstratfon interest. In the trouble of any kind w*s en- said. Serving on the bn;!r! : j Tin | Company looking over and specifications for renovation of the hanking j Mr, Qui'i lilted thai sfj- residents of the borough of .i]d uf to study It 1 ; school. Edwin S. Quin. Direc- countered In their operation. committee are II rold Dr:.- prrmi- PS. Sei'trd from left to rljht are: Andrew Chrlstensen bank presided, his son, dent atui ilvir jinvnts bi pa- Carteret and employees of the tor, expects an unusually i' !nd shown th:>t The generators each consist 'ensen, chairman ami Oeorye Harold ChrintrnHen and George Chatnra. Standing In the buck in Thomas G. Ken von, tient until niiior lrnr,i;iorta- U. S. Meiftls Refining Co. large registration this year. iir (ir went to of a stainless steel heat ex- ohumra. i tion diffinil'ies are irored out Tlie menilws of the board of Hie title of the viee-prtddeni. The 16 courses offered by changer, a carbon steel stevm I during the fiist frw days of trustees of the Adult School i| 'if clifliivi to the .school this year are Boat drum and a primary circul- school. are as follows: Richard A. Handling, Tuesday nighUs; ating loop conecting the two A special bus will transport landscaping and Hardeninn. Wet/.el. Chairman. Edwin S. to the nuclear heat source. pupils to the vocational Monday nights; noli, Monday Quin. director: t)a«innr Olympics To Jay £/M ft fa Abandon details Shaped The Poster Wheeler Cor« • 'i' flisi d:>v school. It will leave from iiifihts: carpentry, Monday Kocd, Mrs. Alvs Sheridan, poratlon also designed and iri a mont' f:i] of Oemiie's Bus Terminal, West nights; hobby painting, Mon- Frank Hiiiuy mid Adam \s P! built the (Mark V land bawd I.I top of It. we avgrountis For Ukrainian Carteret and make stops at day nights; sewing for begin- Rxymborski. .! «T UT'r- Ijl'lll • Brady's Corner, Roosevelt anri prototype for the Nautilus i bill of rnr:i- Yule Cotillions Pershiii" Avenue, on the Hill, steam generators. The opera- Hose Programs also at Roosevelt and Persh- • • •'!" ' rrr m "::; " r! - The Car- Meanwhile arrangements Fete on Sunday tion and testing of these units '.''• «•••! e Hi1, en n ('AllTKHKT •eiei Woniiin's Club luis voted are being made for the re- j CAITFUET — Tiie tw.-uy- iiij; Avenues. Chrome section. preceded the installation of Tn'iiMiortiUion will be pro- 1 those now operatina aboard , i,, niii :>••• •• ,u M'.JI'JKIOII us annual Christ- opening of the club activities ^econd annual Ukraininn Day vided to students of the j • (I it In-t and al- mas Cotillion. for the 1958-195& season. will be held at the St., D nT-- the Nautilus. : i-.-i i-ii iKin piui4i.uu •••eveii'h and ei"ht.h cirades at! Tins was ivvealed today by Mrs. Hila announced that Irins Community Center, Su:i- Developed Here ii'd to death. Al 1 o'clock this afinnooh ''ie Co!un''i * S."Nul, because; Mrs. John Hila, president of. the fust meeting of the board n1"'-. Air'il't '.'\ l:-"in:i''11! p' An improved Nautilus tvp« in the Walter B. Overholt Me- 1 l 1 i l i 'he ' • ;Hes w ill be on double :ini take u« lotiR to morial Stadium, the Recrea- the club, who said that the! of director* will be held at 3 P M. The r 'f-ir is si) " - ji f d steam itcneiator <Mark II > 'lint the new set of tion Department will hold decision waa reached at t her home September 8, when hv the pi. D-me'vri^ Uki''i- was developed concuirent i 1 rf i.Kie us lonk like Olympic Day. recent group meeting. ' plant will be advanced for the i;;n O: :' 'i "\ Cli'ir^i with iip with the fabrication of (lie -ti'i:i, because the en- Participating in the various The Cotillion has been held club'a opening dinner meeting lid'vrl of tnis'e in iMark 11 and supplied to the to b« held at Herm'.i, Plain- ! Navy Reactor Test Center at our of our fiice has names will be winners of Car- annually for five years. While The t:|i In- Vil'.pr 1 r •, ary We looked like a lerets nine playgrounds. More It has attracted large assemb- field on September 18, Deputy W. V.';«f' P' ->i-ri Arco. Idaho, by Poster Wheel- 1 r/iinir before one of tlmn 200 prizes are to be lages, It hardly covered ex- Chief Charles Makwirislcl will ''"•',". •; - pi er Corporation, Mark II ifen- i;n mirrors at a car- awui'ded to the champion*. penses and there was a great be the 'speaker. Jor-n !,-• Lists Program erators are the type installed Directing the Olympics will deal of preparation work. At th* dinner, Mrs. Rich- On' v,,v,.i '-j n,K| Stanley pliil- in the Nautilus] A replacement * be Recreation Director I "It is regretable that we ard Donovan, program chair- Mp~.
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