Aalseth Aaron Aarup Aasen Aasheim Abair Abanatha Abandschon Abarca Abarr Abate Abba Abbas Abbate Abbe Abbett Abbey Abbott Abbs

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Aalseth Aaron Aarup Aasen Aasheim Abair Abanatha Abandschon Abarca Abarr Abate Abba Abbas Abbate Abbe Abbett Abbey Abbott Abbs BUSCAPRONTA www.buscapronta.com ARQUIVO 35 DE PESQUISAS GENEALÓGICAS 306 PÁGINAS – MÉDIA DE 98.500 SOBRENOMES/OCORRÊNCIA Para pesquisar, utilize a ferramenta EDITAR/LOCALIZAR do WORD. A cada vez que você clicar ENTER e aparecer o sobrenome pesquisado GRIFADO (FUNDO PRETO) corresponderá um endereço Internet correspondente que foi pesquisado por nossa equipe. Ao solicitar seus endereços de acesso Internet, informe o SOBRENOME PESQUISADO, o número do ARQUIVO BUSCAPRONTA DIV ou BUSCAPRONTA GEN correspondente e o número de vezes em que encontrou o SOBRENOME PESQUISADO. Número eventualmente existente à direita do sobrenome (e na mesma linha) indica número de pessoas com aquele sobrenome cujas informações genealógicas são apresentadas. O valor de cada endereço Internet solicitado está em nosso site www.buscapronta.com . 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"Longshanks", , Abernethy, Adair 10, Adair, Anhalt-Bernburg, Ap Gruffydd, Atkins, Barkley, Barlow, Bauxmont-Flynn, Bean, Beaton, Beauchamp, Beaufort, Beaver, Beck, Bedlisgate, Betoun, Blackburn, Blake, Bohemia, Bolin, Bond, Boone, "Remy"Lee, ?, Ackerman, Alexander, Amelia, Anderson, Andrew, Ann, Anna, (1) Douwes (2) Dresden (3) Dresden-Bevis (2) Driessen (1) Ducheine (1) Durks (1) Däscher (3) Eelties (1) Eeltjes (1) Eleazar (1) Elsbeth (1) Emanuels (1) Emmenes (2) Emsdorf (2) Engers (1) Erbé (4) Erwteman (1) Esser (11) (1) LESHER (1) LESNE (1) LESSARD (1) LESSCHER (2) LESTER (1) LETERME (1) LETT (1) LEUIJT (1) LEUKER (1) LEUKERS (1) LEUNEN (2) LEUNISSEN (2) (1) MARCELISSEN (1) MARCELLIS (1) MARCHAND (1) MARCHANT (2) MARCK (1) MARCKUS (1) MARE (1) MARECHAL (4) MARET (5) MARIJNISSEN (2) MARINI (1) MARINUS (2) MARKS (25) MARKUS (1) MARSELIE (1) (1) MECHELINCK (4) MEEK (3) MEERS (1) MEERSCHAERDT (2) MEERT (1) MEERTEN (1) MEERTS (13) MEERTZ (2) MEERVIS (2) MEESTERBURRIE (1) MEESTERS (1) MEEUWENSEN (1) MEEUWIS (1) MEEUWISSEN (2) MEEUWS (1) MEULEMAN (1) MEULEMANS (2) MEULENDIJK (6) MEULENDIJKS (10) MEULENDYCK (1) MEULENDYCKX (1) MEULENDYKS (2) MEUNIER (1) MEURIS (2) MEURKENS (1) MEUSKEN (1) MEUSSEN (1) MEUVISSEN (3) (1) SHUFELT (1) SIEBEN (1) SIEBER (1) SIEBES (1) SIELLET (2) SIEMONS (40) SIEPERS (1) SIES (1) SIGELINSKI (1) SIGIER (1) SIJBEN (1) SIJBER (1) SIJBERS (21) SIJBERTS (9) SIJBES (3) SIJMENS (1) SIJSTERMANS (2) (1), HINTOM (1), HOLDEN (2), HOLLAND (1), HOLLIBUT (1), HOLMES (12), HOOK (1), HORN (3), HORNER (1), HOSTETLER (2), HOVEY (4), HUDSON (1), HUFF (1), HUFFMAN (1), HUFNAGEL (2), HUGGINS (2), HUGHES (5), HULL (1), KROUSE (1), LANE (1), LARD (1), LARSDOTTER (14), LARSSON (19), LARTON (2), LASLEY (4), LASWELL (5), LAUB (1), LAWRENCE (1), LEAVELLE (1), LEE (1), LEYLAND (1), LINDEN (2), LISTER (1), LOGAN (1), LONG (11), (1), LARRISON (1), LEASI (1), LEDET (1), LEFEVER (1), LEIGH (1), LEONARD (1), LEWIS (2), LIBO-ON (1), LIPPINCOTT (1), LIVERSAGE (44), LOCKLEY (6), LOCKWOOD (6) MACHUSAK (3), MAJA (6), MARDIN (1), MARSDIN (2), (1), MCINTIRE (3), MCKEE (12), MCMULLEN (6), MEARS (1), MELCHING (1), MERCER (1), MERRILL (1), MILLER (5), MILLS (1), MITCHELL (1), MIXER (2), MOBERLEY (3), MOBLEY (1), MOFFITT (2), MOORE (1), MOORES (2), (1), WATTS (1), WEBB (1), WEBER (1), WEDERQUIST (23), WEST (1), WESTFALL (1), WETTERHALL (1), WETZEL (1), WHALEY (2), WHARTON (2), (10) SCHRAVEN (13) SCHREUDER (1) SCHREURS (30) SCHREVEN (3) SCHRIJEN (2) SCHRIJVERS (25) SCHROEDER (2) SCHROERS (3) SCHROOTEN (1) SCHROUWEN (1) SCHRURS (1) SCHULTE (1) SCHULTS (1) (17) Zylstra (1) Zöller (1) (1) EYNDHOVEN (1) EYSBOUTS (1) EZERMAN (1) (2) HACK (2) HADDEVITS (1) HADLEY (1) HAEGENS (1) HAEGHENS (3) HAEMELINCK (2) HAENEN (6) HAERENS (1) HAERKENS (1) HAESEN (1) HAEVENS (1) HAEX (1) HAFMANS (5) HAGE (1) HAGENAARS (1) HAGENS (2) KATERS (1) KAYSER (2) KEENENS (1) KEEREN (1) KEERSMAEKERS (1) KEESE (2) KEGELAER (1) KEGELS (1) KEIJMAN (2) KEIJSERS (20) KEIJZER (1) KEIJZERS (2) KEIZERS (4) KELCHTERMANS (1) KELLENS (1) KELLER (2) (2) LAIR (2) LAJOIE (1) LALAU (1) LALLAERTS (1) LAMBERMONT (2) LAMBERS (7) LAMBERT (8) LAMBERTS (1) LAMBRECHTS (2) LAMBREGHS (1) LAMBREGS (5) LAMBREGTS (2) LAMBREGTSE (1) LAMEE (1) LAMERIKX (2) LAMERS (7) LAMERTS (1) LAMING (1) LAMMENS (3) LAMMERS (17) LAMMERSEN (9) LAMOTTE (2) LAMOUCHE (1) LAMPMAN (1) LANDMAN (1) LANDRAIN (3) LANE (2) LANEEL (1) LANGEBEEKE (1) LANGEN (1) (2) OHILIPSEN (1) OLGREN (1) OLIEMEULENS (4) OLIESLAGERS (1) OLINGER (1) OLTHOF (3) OLYER (1) OLYSLAGERS (1) OMENS (1) ONDERSTEIJN (1) OOMEN (18) OOMENS (2) OOMS (9) OONINCX (1) (2) PAUNITZKI (2) PAUS (1) PAUWELS (12) PAYMANS (1) PAYNE (3) PEABODY (1) PEDERSEN (1) PEEBERGH (2) PEELS (3) PEEMEN (1) PEERSMAN (1) PEETEN (5) PEETERS (87) PEIPERS (9) PELGER (2) (2) SLOOTEN (3) SLOOTS (1) SLOTEN (1) SLOTS (1) SLUIJERS (1) SLUIJTERS (1) SMAELS (1) SMANS (2) SMEEKENS (1) SMEETS (9) SMETIENS (2) SMETS (8) SMETTYENS (1) SMIDT (1) SMIRNOFF (1) SMIT (2) (2) SPENKELINK (1) SPERLING (2) SPETGENS (1) SPIJCKERS (1) SPIJKERS (2) SPITTERS (1) SPOLDONS (1) SPOREN (1) SPRANGERS (1) (2) VAN POPPELEN (1) VAN POTTELBERGE (1) VAN POTTELBERGHE (2) VAN POUCKE (2) VAN PROOIJEN (1) VAN PUIFFELIX (1) VAN PUIJFELICK (1) VAN RANDWIJK (1) VAN RAVELS (4) VAN REES (1) VAN REIJEN (1) VAN (2) VERWILGHEN (6) VESTER (1) VESTJENS (2) VEUGELERS (1) VEUGEN (2) VEULING / VAN GENT (1) VIELE (3) VIERWIND (1) VIGUERS (1) VILLANT (1) (2) WASSINK (1) WATROUS (1) WATTEE (2) WATTHE (1) WATTMANS (1) WAUTERS (5) WEBER (1) WEEBERS (2) WEEDA (1) WEEGELS (1) WEEKERS (3) WEERTS (1) WEESS (1) WEIJERS (1) WEIJLAERTS (1) WEIJMAN (2) (2), RUCKER (1), SAWYER (1), SCHINDLER (1), SCHNOOVER (1), SCHWAB (1), SCOTT (1), SCRIVNER (3), SEBASTIAN (1), SHARPAROWE (1), SHAW (1), SHEARER (1), SHELMAN (1), SHIELDS (13), SIEFKEN (1), SIGLINGER (1), (24) HAGER (1) HAGGE (1) HAHN (1) HAK (1) HALE (1) HALFF (1) HALL (3) HALLEMEERSCH (3) HALTERS (40) HAMAEKERS (1) HAMAKERS (1) HAMEL (6) HAMELEERS (3) HAMELIJNCK (1) HAMELINCK (2) HAMELINK (7) (27) GIELENS (5) GIELIS (1) GIELKENS (2) GIESBERGEN (2) GIESBERS (1) GIESEN (11) GIGAN (2) GIJS (1) GIJSBERS (3) GIJSBERTS (1) GIJSBREHS (1) GIJSELS (1) GIJSEN (14) GILLES (1) GILLET (2) GILLON (1) GINNEBERGE (1) (3) GELDEN HAPPEN DUSSEN (1) GELDERLAND (2) GELENS (3) GERADTS (1) GERAEDTS (1) GERARDS (1) GERARTS (4) GERATS (2) GERITS (2) GERNEMAN (1) GERRIS (2) GERRITS (7) GERRITSEN (1) GERVAIS (1) (3) MALGROM (1) MALHERBE (1) MALLENS (2) MAMERT (4) MANDEMAKERS (2) MANDERBACH (1) MANDERS (40) MANDEVILLE (1) MANDRE (1) MANNIEN (1) MANSVELD (12) MANSVELDERS (3) MANTENS (1) MARCELIS (3) STRAETEMANS (3) STRAETMANN (1) STRANGIO (1) STRELAERT (2) STRIJBOS (3) STRIJBOSCH (2) STRIJDONK (1) STRIK (2) STROEKEN (3) (3), HULME (2), HUNTER (1), HURSEY (2), HYATT (1), HYBARGER (7), HYDE (2), INGRAM (6), ISACKSSON (1), JACKMAN (2), JACOBS (1), JACOBSDOTTER (1), JAKOBSDOTTER (1), JENCKS (1), JOBE (1), (33) PHIPPS (1) PICAVET (3) PIELAET (2) PIELS (1) PIERCE (1) PIERET (1) PIETERS (2) PIJLS (2) PIJNENBURG (6) PIJPERS (5) PIMPERTZ (1) PINCKET (1) PINGEN (2) PINON (1) PINSEL (1) PINXTEN (7) PIOVESAN (3) PIPER (1) (4) KOLE (1) KOLEN (5) KOLLER (1) KOMPF (1) KONINGS (9) KOOGJE (2) KOOIJEN (1) KOOIJWIJK (2) KOOL (7) KOOLE (1) KOOLEN (14) KOOLMEES (2) KOOLS (4) KOOLWIJK (31) KOOMAN (1) KOOPMAN (8) KOOPMANS (1) (4) WULLMS (1) WULMS (4) WUYTEN (1) WYBERS (1) WYCKOFF (2) WYFFELS (1) WYNANT (2) WYNCKES (2) WYNEN (4) (6) Burger (6) Busch (2) Schwarz (1) Schäfer (1) Seelbach (1) Seidel (1) Seilstra (1) Seltzer (1) Shuman (3) Sijverts (1) Simons (2) Sipkes (1) Sluis (17) Smilde (1) Smink-(Sminck) (1) Smit (2) Snoek (2) Soesman (1) Soutman (1) Spoelstra (2) Spoor (2) (6), MARTIN (2), MATHEWS (1), MATTIS (1), MATTSSON (1), MAUERHAN (1), MAXWELL (2), MCCARTNEY (5), MCCHESNEY (8), MCCLAIN (1), MCCLURE (1), MCCOY (1), MCCRAY (1), MCDONALD (1), MCGINNESS (2), MCGINNIS (7) LEISTEN (2) LEITENS (1) LEITERMANN (1) LEITJENS (1) LEJEUNE (1) LEKENS (2) LELIAERT (1) LELOIR (1) LEMAIRE (2) LEMANS (1) LEMARCHAND (1) LEMMEN (36) LEMMENS (32) LEMMERS (1) LEMOINE (2) (7) MEGENS (2) MEIER (11) MEIJBOOM (18) MEIJERS (5) MEIJNAERTS (10) MEIJS (1) MEIJSSEN (1) MEININGER (16) MEIREN (1) MEKES (4) MEKKELHOLT (2) MELBY (1) MELCHIOR (1) MELISSEN (3) MELLAERTS (1) (andrews), (carrington), (guild), (prindle), (richason), (thomas), (tyler), (Tyler), (Annie), Adams, Alexander, Becker, Bonnie, Deiter, Delaney, Dinger, Dinsmore, (Beard), (Lawhead), (Ludwick), (Risewick), (Steiner), Stevens, Benham, Gordon, Antes, Apsey, Ardery, Ashby, Ashman, Aten, Aurand, Bailey, Baker, Baltz, (Billy), (Keziah), ., Allman, Anderson, Andrews, Barnett, Barnette, Bauguess, Bean, Bell, Bendert, Bennett, Benton, Bouchelle, Brewer, Busby, Byrd, Call, (Blazzard), (Buhr), (Fan), (Frank), (Mary), (Thurman), ?, Aamot, Adams, Agnes,
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