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Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

1-2-1910 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 01-02-1910 Journal Publishing Company

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Recommended Citation Journal Publishing Company. "Albuquerque Morning Journal, 01-02-1910." (1910). abq_mj_news/3879

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THIRTY-FIRS- T an- -. YEAR, Vol. CXXV., No. 2. ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, SUNDAY, JANUARY 2, 1910. fit nnn 1unfh- huusk- f H.-- . o- hm. ' r-- M .ssu..

netiv ily. It I ii tu be reasonably ox poet, d ' thill till- - Hlaili) lililí ('iH lliti districts, ,'11 ho dointr KuriO't blip," mill you ran GREAT YEAR AHEAD FOR afford hi keep your ei,. on vmir mvn WHITE BREETVVAB DEDULRED i humo district in tho Sandui and .Man- -' rano mountains lor thiiivas will ho do-- . Inn there l ulo- I am mistaken HUt'l w ill wn- - Now Mexico v. , II started to- - j !0ENLE nn a prod uocr cop-- ward tier place a3 of I DAY 'f WnTt"r!f mm mm 1 ALBUQUERQUE IRE por, loud and zinc. She ii!r"aily has! REÍCEPTIDN TRAGEDY POVERTY PLEA II 1 t i I hor plaoo as a oonl producer, lavel-- j 1 ill fiifw w k mm mmt mm iopmi'iit of otht-- mineral resources j will prohahly ho slow or, huí w,. lino' TERRITORY SAY PROPHETS passed tho prnsprit Imlo slai4o." BRILLIANT OF THE SEA STOl KMI N SV IT Wil l. 0 RhOÍP' in; iuwki: yi:ic i i mí "It i ii fact," said a M loi'an oalllo- - Unan who disposed of of hlsj 1 , holdiiiKfi in Now .Mexho durinu !MIl T LlAI IO hQ i tHIAkTi i DOZEN MEN D Railroad Construction Promised in all Parts of New Mexico; 'Hint I sold out inv ra 1., at tho' lllUUijnniA) v. f L not vow More Irrigated Will Than in Any Pre- wrotnr timo. 'oiulil ions ir,, HANDS WITH PRESIDENT' DELAWARE M' Land be Reclaimed ipmd oil tho Now Mexico ra I IK o last m vious Year; Year Will See the Sale and Beginning of De- our and lots of n.s srrw discouraged. Hut nil at a suddoii there lias i onio a f;,-v.- velopment of Many of the Big Land Grants; Mining Out- i rovoluliiiii o' sont nn nt anions outtlo-- I Foity People a Minuto Pass! Sur hois tf III S:. moil. T'ln y arc jrroivliii; happy and Oi! N look Best on Record; Cattlemen Jubilant and Sheepmen ioolilldooi nsain. Calilo aro once Through Famous Blue Room Vessel Riach ;, 'more worth num.,v. rial money ami Where Mr. and Mis. Taft With Stoiy oi View the Future with Complaisance. th,. Hiivmi ulioutl is foniiK; to ho a rood oip- - lor us all ovoi- - Now Moxi.... Thoir Well Wís!;m;í, Suffering. harria;,' hurricanes: and ilrmiiliH. It. is j limo for a t;n...l soasoii now. Since in- - i pood ason wo have had (ny tiin-oa- t our las! si M.irnine J.airual LommiI WlrcJ Mnrnlns üjm-- ' ;í CONDITIONS Wr Joumnl IM.ra niii KtM"-- LINED UP FOR had worso se.ts.nis and v iri.imo different, and WiiHhiiistoii, Jan. i Now York. 5 Tis.- vo ...... i , k sidont Jan. j il is time for tho lin to ohniirc. mill jMis. 'J'aft liad tli.-i- Xt-- wor,- )..t ' a. yoar in tin- first lio ....t l,.mk nut fur nuil cattle U tin- 1 ' Voars looo at Whit,; ioiiso todav. oar ttio i MOST PROSPEROUS YEAR IN Iiiimhosh." Hlou Hriu'i i... ? ...... - j Ily In Musí .... Sheop uroworn ate .viinu)HI! .mis. iík; nn not ol lianna ihivin mo i:,u rnH-- t t iHMfi viaw of tin- outlook 1, ja her full si Í010..1 ami Boom-- i tho IVlawaro ).r, akv. :i--i- v.-r.- ,.. and tho situ.ition. Willi the ranp;,. of "il raliiir pfilo in a i w hilo ov, knoiAii ho NEW MEXICO'S HISTORY tin- entire terriiory well soaked, with i'f n to rni.siOi; nr'O linosilk, rii-- ku' 1 s wol o j woul Hollín! al ulroiiK price and til lo oai .01 lu r oriitial " " lruelit to pori !,.,.,, tho prospect "I' ' in" best liriooK of iidontion of romamhiff In tho reooivin-- - !"" H'"111""- 3'anit!) U . lu- h thi- .i past no i ...... m- títo. titoarro r Kotooo rai Uno. until tho oabinot o,-- lo, loivim, , "Willi a view to uaiuiim nonio bleu sictivc atinii everywhere Willi ;,r f oi'íiOtüiiK season's short lamh ,,oh:lnn;1 utu ll . last iiiinisti-r- of what tho yoar .hist holds tho work wlik-l- tin- fianta railroad ,.r,i,n and ohoorin-- . no. This, in tlit anihussadors, ami inonibor." liroakwaior lrom tho T'l pp n - rd.-- i o- In ntorc fur Now .Moxioo In tho way piiiimsi.s to oarry out in tlio way ofi,-.-poi- ihihh-- h all sootionsjof tli.-i- lniusoho!d tho Justh-i- s s. tn ( I.. . wliioli troni t (! I, .1. j son. of industrial doVolopmoiH, a roportor oihioation J). Tinsloy will licsln t1- ow Moxioo. of supronm laid paid todav tho tin in.)-- .i w . J'nr Tho Morning Journal during tho on January ii his campaign of Invcs- - 'I'hoso, hriol'h aro tin- of 111 o n 'When so- - 1.,.iim,. u rt 10 tho 01 - Il.-- inp-rvi- rohpoois. oiut iwouty iimi- 00 i.-l- past tKiVo day.s 1ms wod tho liiiilioti and oiliuation which Mill on- - oh-s,- . lo tho oomlnioiis of ,t h'livy wcnlni. m h.,t v .(, no o.-- : , i lim-- utos Urs, Taft rotirod. put on- - tliii-i.-ot- o' ul.U.i.O roprosentativos of thrco Kioai railroad atilo ovory f.irn.or alotid (ho of which tin i sp.-ak- Witliiou oM o,ilon out iü!i men 1 ..Ii Ml,,, I, systoiriH, which arc prnposliiK import-mi- t llo Pallia in Now .Moxioo to loam thov found tho word prnsporlty Tlio vioo prosidoiit an,! ail iiioinboi aboard. ..f which i.e-- mm - lmt I"'- - to j,- i ronstructlon work in tlio soiitli- :u- to ur- 011 i ,0 approveii tin- panorama ot- W Hie '1 vi larin most W1.t,:,n larfro over "i tlu, cai,not. illi the t xoontion boro a o.- I hp isei.-nlili- w i 1 bun wpt dining yoar: roprcsontalivos oasis. 1 ii il for Now Mexico. l lioy sec until how line mil. o einvint-- S.'oreiary of and !M- .lato Knos Secntary I lol 10 Í of tlio ureal land Krauts now 'The beauty limit i'lix p,. put ahead, tumi tliut scud over t he llo- t.t and ., 1 Kotl timo - M i vi., yoinlng onto Ho t, ami 111011 our ' said p., ' ;"' ' " K 11 O , II...'...: inarki 'of aürioulliiral soil on :ioiill and tho forw ard " " f mil ' closp - !.!. to - In to mil Willi Iho limber, on,. f til,, best informed proniolers lllVl. ,,., .,) Hie territory's o. ivliii;- party tintll th- l.icl 01 the foil-- ; oui las!. Wo m it o - - ,.issi-ii- - ninnilf. catllo and sheop. Inter- of rri)iition proji ols in tho west, "is ohi.-- f imluslrios; far hiiia iloi elop- oi.d puiilio had Tito rooip- lioao ip atanol tie - ' í osts of the territory. Without cxco- that tlior,. is an o ire and Imiiii-di- infill fur all of its natural - sniiroos. imi at 11 a. m. and oinlcd at or. si ,1 Uliiv an. I tioil ttoso nion hao hoon eonservative demand lor o ery ilnüar.--' worth f is H10 vh-- I .y hanki-r- in A - 1:55 p. 111. In tlio two ,..ui fi:- - im more. ' rt luid and lur auocoSHful men be .V, Xlvx- - ..m..-.- , business who decline land tliat can put uinlor in iiauion. i,H,(i,,. cuo lu) ,.!.,, u In 10 in itiiiiutos ho hold hi position at U.i,i n 'I- ia t to as prophels for he people, bul The oast is made for la ml. Kv rv ;1 l,v of men in portals of tho ldo,. room 1., . t v. ot .i ,, . v. p pif ' (,., j,l in fail all the tho famous without a hIiikI,. oxoi pli.oi there has ions land propnsilion liiat .i,,-,- .! (miih with the linunial amlltho )u'o-idoi- rhuU hand" with .VST." an I. 0011I1- - boon lound tho same mil,. ,.f present, w ill find' Iiii.m is. so U1.1t idiwu-ei- l .it,u,it.oi ,.!t an, n-- oomoIo. Tills lUltlllior oonsidt'- l- SI Imnll. r I in y 0111 n mum-- irriy-ilio- pro--t- W---- even husiasUo oplimistn invested in our ably short, of tiio figures during tlio 1,. the t Indi-- s j p tht- outlook for fin- oar. I'r.-i- is will not' r. main Id 1. for a n.v lo.-- ,1 'last years of llio Jioos.-wl- adiiiinis- - miht ... iu,ill - .is . en, miipovi-i- ie - tlnn-- Il those sufi tit infur- j,,f will ho turned am! t rat loll. j since ,.; p n ,.. tl,,, has-bee- - TliatliMi n whso- - ,1 t.-i- gained to hIiow J. soil , so that it min on oi'i.r The ilia, was ideal, but n,, ii nu In a r. .1 tli.-o- in 'i - l:a,. dpvelr.pineiil do- - j lutolyj from already dev. lupiueut project. is lb..' HITE PLAGUE snow made condilioiiB tinythiOK J'.lU miiw lino iitiiioui.p 0 0. on I tl the your is uoiiik to ninninir of an ohaoi ot dmsi-tunao- d.'Sii'ahlo. Tin- lino of iiiii..-n- P. iran ,, as ' a,, tin- most import- - nu r.t - of and development in this Pa ri to form, iiihii vi'i'. at a. lo... al- "ii u-- ,.'. 1,,. j... nr. Jf not most iiuiortuu( in . th" the i.,r. wlii. will continuo w'.h though they wore no' sohodtil-- d to hanksirivariL d.--- ti.i.i 11 id,. history of t u t the torrltori st.aiih in. rapidiiv and .outer the White ll"U.v tri.nils unid iarp.-in.-i- n ,1.01,. p. Tllei, 111011 make their calculations on until every acre of in ' iiüa'd,, luid II o'olo. k. ii. 1,' oi.'-ioi- lio laso ., fiar.ov v. conditions h they fxixl, ami wit i t . this wrilory. irriicuicil and T Crosidotit Taft !.e:i ,) aail lub-- lb, ordered 10 th,- pumiu,. Tl.,- - u o.,.i to Rlatehood. They ajM1toil ho I wan! will workliiK. hao never with a UUlil. lik- - inu-r- s at ti,,- or, os lo, i pioop expect it pass ). 11 E!E III-- ." - - bill and to , dtatéiood in oo H of th. ooden opo.i 110 - .'..-, ; Ii mill! ib.- ,, Wrtii-- . i. - oai ,i...m ; sr.- tT'.liin,: 1 ho-- ' ii.-s- t ; y,,,'., . ..,:-- 'ur t; ,,r c is, tuo .'to oiiaia!.' t apta 111 I. 'r.,, , ,. r, plaiw on the basis of cxislim; condi- - N,.w .pis'i now, bothiv;tor ,,6:, , has au,l luombi rsi of tho aui.v iiuii navy hit nM-- i'-. i .p .on bo that statehood or no stale-- man who so.-l,- iu osi in. nt prod: Ü and !e..iitiiiBeiiU .Mr. T.nt had j iadon ar, Ii villi so hon(, the development they cvpocl'j,, land, ami man is j i 11 - for loo words of fret t u. anally .1 oil- Ti w aa r t" 0 .. . i I ex-ji- n .iv the conditions hey expect tu iz.-- hnin addiessod the prosiiioiii. and lh .onint: I town n lb.' !"'(! 1st ire to be counted oti. . min 1.. i kilter listened attentively until liix upir i,n w- n i -si Uiitivvr ; wii.l. aides liurriod the visitor aioui; In j,K point itb v.,,i ... j , l..i . T t.VJI,ItO.l ('t).VSTHl t'TlON Till-- MAI.UI , (IMi j malio room for the clouds in Iho; uurrt. I In v lili, d 11,,. t ,0,1 niii. IN AM. OIKKCTIONS; ' the territory,, pivaio: GOVERN M ENT AID URGED ".. Tho averago lime was pas.1 inc t ho k lina , .1 10, s ill begin Pi he u n.b. stood railrowd " Vl-- ' , 1 the construotion of direct h iH I i MNr """' l"'"'" uiin in. i,- o 'luring I'.MO." said a v. II known ' ' v 'flSh' a, to New Mexico, and which is " AllhoiiKh he gave each jitroiljr clasp of n, I r vi a M, inTet c-- the ai. as pres-- nt j 1,1"l, r "f t raiisacl iocs j ; ho. e. for the year, affects iho president ioh 1,0 hoped o v He, htii'i sou o!h ssel m ..r..ii..,.iiu - ,,c teniae. "I liu-- mr tho past y.ei ivf .a. o.rro S'tandiritT in 0110 position so US bet.. o it hi- I toty. - M wile of some of i he Anmj n Rpi)0rt COmiSSiOnCr i loiw.' llurinu the year tho .v!""- 0Í however, mad Mm declaro he to tho ton. ill 1 El oomidol.. Ih.. , n n . , I i. n i v a r ' St miauls ill tile torriloli and - iU",ost n Wl,""J fcHli.m J- s Inn fffnifc- jnl"'" ,1""h "! 1,i,v"'f ork t. Up. eiil-o- "r lh- - richest. Those, I'o'.c. r. nf ctlisL line, via Helen withjH"""' inv iiiu ui uiiuiij lu'd, learn to walk uitain. list m.,r,- aloi fll.'P peeV ü - but. a hi Kinniip:. The Tierra -- UnLh !i t ill Knit Hystoiu, ihus placing all ecu- "'" Cling Reel Up tho usual i. i. u ii - Amarilla, tlm Haca, and several ot the Man to T, noil ii.ewno tllil Now Mexico on th,. direct coast- o' taken t he l'l'.epliou passed ot i vi illioui .,u( ,,, ,, pro- - mportanl grants bas e been -. Blf lino. Olher construction Standard of Civilization, incident. Puirists v.eio r.- u,.- - J..i,mi.i íiísod is of esineial inli rest to 'I'lo y show w hat may bo eXioepd ,, fr Moved temporarily of their camera c,,rjn,, ood.-- our . t'-- Now it is ' wlo n II),. others are li.xii.s. .1 of. . lilltral Mexico and rumored at ho entram in Iho blue room. ,,. .,(,,.,- ... ,, I I f - I! W(. i,.., wlu-rel'- (Ids Urn.. c.,o i.,,..- MwoImb JouhihI t, southeastern New Mexico, lauds ly H'lrrl file diphunatio display any' ,,, ,,, ,, p , , I "t rivaled ,,., ...... v. ... mi, f,,r! UaahniBtoii, Jan. i. c i him., idle .oil i, reulosis , in Iho past ovary ineni-,,- . , , rit..... , . ,, I ,! stands at Iho head of Hit; ,, sistom are bolh in rta nt Hl'av.lim' puriiosos. heir immense disease ldai.nim' vv Hot of tlio eoips va: in i no env ami V'l';l hioh all tlio Indian." tor 'Ih o iiiissim; toon r A "h ''t timber and min rals ami i a, - ciialrucl,ion. line louver h led im- U This is tlio slaloiu. iii matin In lln was alien. nriiiiaiiiiy Wvrnari. A xap.b r 1 .1 .now t ainoasT I ,. a h s a nd i '" ; , annual n oorl of th,. ".,a,i,,i r iLumod staff of fon 1 "liornas K h-- a H ! i 'Seaman io:i-- dovetnpmetit H,e una p,.,c. eafe .m, . ml an improbable of ,c , , , . Hurler a ml malt - o, .,i, Tl i, is- t The mince lian, boaisvvaiu- .u:.'ii-- t The proposed line from Uur-,- e " m i,.u ,.i - d Miutm .'. . . orease, h- hl niaviij on.oioio and ha Is ( a -- .. .. ,i '"'"' vvill"'"b- out if is lurlher sluled. hut mol - j lieis ("his. ii. J'aniNii Bo uraiil undo!' irriiration. , . i ,.,... t - south tnrotiuu .an atiati amei ' on, ,, o il il,,. o ' a f allon- l',,:,l Villi ho ., I, elle, I "OHUIO hoi nir ithiv od Ily v.llpll 11 ,iii,,i, nioillll man. Hem;... a s.aiii 'ii. It southern Amelia, opening ap wesi-cf- no and Iho IT.'I. Lonan boped to llio t ,o, na in '., New MexU'i vvill la- oomph li d hie. resources caaidcl ami used in an elimínalo disease as far.''''" and Pair I'diplics ami .ai iiit t.nvKihle i" marine hand p laved iluiiiu ti.e, lUiO, thus oiouiiig for llo- intelhept way. On 111,. Haca, a vaul siani iii dirimí fiit - vv roe three, govern piom. was a i I W.ITBItlX ,tw.m- - tlnie a vast rotrion, the riches ,,f which on II n ol in if vvill bo ma rliel ed, ill liunili id and " " Ti,,. j,,i,,illt,4 li.r n,,ii: wore conduopd ill (he " r 3 74; U ir coal, metals, limber and ayrioii U ami lids sal vvill bo the direct!""'"''- Mo sehoi.m of ,LS''"' ' an -ta 1 tii'al lands have nev . r vet be n means of peninu our richest '"f1 ''i,r' ii'iiiif increase """" ' ta., mint J on Hi.. .,I.n,.- ni, i,, ill:, in euiilll I'l ,v imor an i no t tins la n r inom- - i in-'"'- i" "-" . - KIOIIIOOO. .'r.i'...... i II,,,.,,,. , - n n, . u u i Tho New Mexico .'entráis ,11, to a,u, ,h most unknown .,,' b"- - Xalmm;; .t ,"a la ce ,l..o

y ol ,, o pladly. ho .New 1 ear s rcopt,,.,, KtaeiUK r,K, ul anotlo-- section of ibas Mancl a vast movemon, u impa rlia Ily iH usual a h "I Hie olnol of 11,-x- M-- w ill so,, Iho conPui; t ho nd wil incrcasiiiii cilia llvcnosa with exocntao Nev M. .. Mexico whore vast resources durum ,cr . ' rece, ved in !,.. ,, i , , trans-hal- of a '' '"' tho lain dio hocen., of lack of number of lam,, pranls ami incident ... lv . ,. . . a a, s, - r o a .. ;,i. ,.,,i,. The commissi. .ner savs iho r-- - i i'm'iii hassad.'i ...oi- IIOII. 1 IIO eXICIISIOI! Ol IIII.S DIO ,,,,er, lie,. tuvorn l.'1lll!.l Ptirtil il.e.n i r,.-,,e i ea.-- by billet a . . ,...,. ,,e. it i 1...I,,,. ion will see llo- immediate b. i. nn nr. niout, m the person ot employe famed all hi. o!!. els m i l,, .' i,.., - Ills i',i. The diploma ill tlio tions for th of important development. for t ho snouui witn retipimis bod- "" '" si ciiasidored transai ''' a ii. vilo, nr., haviiiL.' Ilo-s.- S in iivoidinir tho dangers which entered iho rni'liiial ooni in d financing of tip. road now pending oooole .., th.-ii- may - com o..-- Some portions of Ta"s and IMo Arriba jaro not biiviiu: Ihoui (o elhov lo como lrom proselyting, la con-'- prcuousivc in, muí 1,,,1-iii- a n ISl HI .Ml Meo I II IT county vvill l0 "1' nod by )ieniiitin coil iremaiO, Oil.. 'l'liee l.eealise Cillslotl lb.' lcl.Ol't fc.'IVH: lieCIl Ceo Id ell ll ill - ' r. o n . ' slriieiiou and it is ai;aln riiiiinrod that Xpert an. ,.vi,. rt limber "Tlu re is no authority under exist- was oli. .iiiiusi.r itiv the Keiiver and Kin (Irando vvill com- .ii.i i.oiOii,- - .....,i ), ,, .. i. ,i.i in,, clines lntr law lor liisiiiL' lor niuiilnr nur- - "i una in an uno'. csiuos THINKS TAFT j f a i i nrps plot, the standard cpiafi'llK of its hilos to ho hail In- devoloom, nl. The poses the tribal lands of ions elicit ions of i!a diphouat ill Colorado. hreakiiin up of Up. land ovanls is the that have liven established by exi-cu- "' lir. siui lib li.'Kaio: New Mexico and southern ' his-'tiv- It o "The is m.n in This Im a proej ;m of railroad outi-fdrii- most impi.rlani indict ion in .air order. Tin re aru several fciiohj Mexican naOmi lu ion, which will keep Now M.'X lory, pohulnu as il dots to e ih dop- - reservations lii h ill minerals nud one possession of its.-- Tin- fioirr.-- iii..t YOUNG bu mail.' is Im ! on a FELLOW ieo mov ing, w i re d lar dev. 'b jnienl and a wealth pr.iduei ion, hicli! in p.'itlb'ular in Arizona conbi inins " f.rm l.wio pr.-c- o- - in. nl proposed. is almost without limit. On en ,lev. - larse (bji,,Ms of Tufa sione, wlii"h dat ion and noiho.' ,,pm. nt ..f lialf thi' ris.iiir. es in hahjil is Pop.-i- coic' will p.v an ap- - man n. i s íiiuiisim. s nr.- oi 1ÜKK. TI IK 1'.I.OI'Mi: l' the land Kraut or Now .Mexico and' propria t inn enahi.- - the Indian to a suhd looiiiij.' ' ', sahpicai .o 'II no.- i.inidir.B "I f i .t. I ;. A llimilTVM' III i il soon make lilt!.- .lit lor. to make use of it. Ih" n.'lural loin 'he (' á V rtjipi, tt li:'ll ' - Ot M t r.H ! v. i vv lo-- i t i ejta.-- i, Next to (lie rai'ioiad construí tioii us her Inri ai-,- s,tia ..! s opposed "Tlio domeslii- life of the to in riPllle tile í;i;í i ra . t",-- Indii.-u- 'a 111! l.i-,- o . ...! th,. most . xieiisiv , outlav o: to staiehood or nob ' mr iioptil-.tioi- i dlann. the nam tit y and purilv of tin lo i a'i.i ,,1 HI Viiio ;s;:l HI i.., - 111 lleVi'lopnoMIl Will t wi'illth ao-- n lelathm is a mntt. r ot prime tin- buildinc i.t peo.s who h a; e.lpilal Work ami oar our staioniu: mai'iiane G- .- imation nti r Ho- nailon vv ill ail an. so ra pidlv thai iiiipoi iam o and cipiuld protected shelter to sioppii-- on .!,.i Hoe and ("'' it the construction k' in ' ' lo- ov ." w laws, in accord, dav. Th. - pr..l.. hoi la ises. StariiiiR itb San Juan conn all ..pi.ositioii would on '.no ith virineent inee al,: p! ' ',;0H pic- - I, 1J. wlnTf. three trroa i projects uro al- 'iviih the host inarriatt" ntid divorce the march of i.'uk p..s,ut in most ready for ooiistiHeüon, Irrigation im:i 'I till' laws amomi the vvbii. s. The y.i re- - s. iv nr. P. Iu- s wiin ni(; . . ivill bo f;o- - I l) of the interior should bo civen land ih - orks of iniiortaii.-- found Iki: i.ihiIi oi htvs lav ia.icii. II'" M..rnilii- Jntiru ,! kii. . uo I d I tr-- ah-ii- vi-a- p, .V. w power onfoioe a purer mod" iv- - wilti tt, .t 101:10111 i:is durint; th. in almost I A itiiniiitc 'Xpert who can,, lo of contnlnite w efV- ill Mi ieii. v"oí k j vioi as a prospector mavs iriií amona t !o Indians by xv il hbobl- - I o ,1 Pv n.-- I. .1 ,t icais - . will proceed on the lihphiol Huliej.,1 . durn:: I!"- le v .' .ro-- p. rily inic their a" Mb s ulioi Una- an tin un ti.-s- i' tVvli'.t Vis.i ' a v ra-- op, a..!, ilt.-r-- ''.Kr--sr- ino-- j 1: .. K I.I itorae reserioir iroj. t. In d. ni t io ililish, .ml kingston is" found 1" be hvmjr iily in and pi i: l rt ti; i i í - s i . t . . a X o rv oí .1 o o .,, roiinty pro.n-ci- now id. r u.iv wdli.i.,- asb. d for ii opinion as in th. o s s. '' a.. . . . boi-:iii- . M.m- -. .. rr.-- o. lie completed and lo w ot.-- i Ih. mlniiis: ..all. ".Ii :' IC P filol I "In 01.b r to hand... su. ..ful!y th.'. r Kn !.. ., - Las Vetas project at Viitu, ',..r- - h,,i, point (o the op .ra- ma.'iv piohhm.. of sanitation and fit.iiit , M' vn a. 'o. ,1,,-,- i ' lam-h-s-. w ; . v - tie- r.. 01 firiK leeal ill t. carri.-- na i,i,s m Hi, i il i mi n n L d tilos. arisbu' f' .'in opi.iomh s and dis- er and .0 .! 1. (... Fcvoral email projects 'r'atita IV audi is in an-.- o a- st ion" lo cas. s Pi which Indians, are pi cti'iariy on it.i' I'o.-l- - ' lo,,. vi.-- Moo, í -- Katidoval countP-- will l.f carried ..ol ,, p,,r . .h i . hi in. ol lie s. -- liseoplildo. , p rt, p r ,a 1 u is a 1, I,, i i- y !. .,k:. .M ,i",',, at. ' iuptov.-uioui.-pt.,..,- í i i'-- A number of important i p,, ,,, Ü oíos; oh Si. in ly. .itflh ient for t he sia blishni.-n- t ' o a,.,, f. - j . . l,. : -- - . will he made in all.ieil onlit ro i: n it i ..M.i e. iS:UL: I" atls.. of a niedical .u ps lias n cnaet'-- 1,. o ' ; i i" - a. w 1 ,. , ditch ? stems aloiiy the 1.. i r ml.-- it m-- f t i,.;. or t.a t n la con- "There is cr. at toed lor a do- - Pari. I eichiaie- - ear. a .. -- ! ; - . - w Y - in now cous'ab-r.-- cert .411 that i!i,tk . N".,.-.- i,.,v.v,r. lb, t and s ema( effort p. Tan-- Jan. or.- 1' ,,1,,! ... -- 1 (.-- . .ti-mlcl- i'!.-. ! 11- 1 t .t i i'arlsi.a.1 project will be ilo juioi p. ti..,l iH Vas- i:. a. h the lii.tiaiis those hulastii- s e,,.,,i..M o,n cr titiK ".': l.t.l iH ' f . - v. . 1,1,1-,.!- a .. a I urtesiall belt of the I'"ii. uiify Ti!l ,),,,, ,. ,1, I P.,', aio..,r-- th I... st sailed to Coir loe.ilitios.and old!- its. as nn u i ..n .11. ,,. II.M'I I' . move forward more raping than t w r'fSj.t nam s .,( ib,, disti í. t and d ;rni iti.s An ic'a. :. :. t corps similar in 'tac. To- - sir.-i- . i'ans m n.., - - before, whil,. Iietnniu'. I'trtah-- audi inv tin s.- ii;in.-s- hist ad of he.u ov its admiuisl at v f. a tilles to the Mifms. i with it o.n'il" oiot i" t i the Kstancia valley fill th,. j...-- 1 ,.,., ,. , t h..I s .s ill- - 1 liav ee.tps above íHitííned bocal h.,s iio-r- . b, 11 su. h a .ruh on .... - rp-r- v - (ihilities of puiupim; lor 1(1,: n, , 1, to tm.--. t "10 w .ii lie- "im- - pn !..- fsiah'islud viiii hoaibpia in tin- Oouo aro- To. 1,., t...oilis t,.r Mi-;fk- -- , ; - J- - le elopmeiil 01 the del larniiii uce-- t t;u fui. Mth a vi. w ti the industrial the 1. ,.tir..i so- districts will coniinu,. on tutor,, sat- N .r is lb!s of ;t ...11- - f duration of tii. Indians and w hone ti.i,. p. ,1,0 - isfactory basin. The lesi-oi.p- t tho past fiiifd' ! ' ir i. county, ll w,ll b- diitv it sloe,'! i bo to chícate th- - 111- -, A mrnin rnii.Ki t'o- toss Wad'e. i.- wín-.- -r tun has th.J .rno.-r- ..t on m v. i n tío- - s- a: : r d -i ri. Is ot diars in s.o h iodnsiiios t! v ii inihluif aei. patio- n a oro ni- i. a f .w . . ihese districts that they must under- lama tmi'ifi-- in corro count;.-- K' via mi'b.t s. in.; ami f types ffugct"-- l Flam s 1 iti-,- ro-- ; J.-- - stand div farming and th.-r- w,U I..- w all prol...!. p ha'.- a al of su ;...ot tinir d. u to a a . THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SUNDAY, JANUARY 2, 1910. '


UNABATED Con- asst-r.ce- Train and Heavy li aup.uration of Gaynor Mai ks Wives of Congressmen Among Tireless Detective Bares "UNIVERSAL" Fiii-i- Crash Together in New Era in Machine Ruled Enthusiastic Supporters of spiracy by Which $14,000 Biindiníí Snowstorm; Victims City; Jeiome Likewise Rcli Propaganda to Reduce Prices Was Stolen from Railway FOOD CHOPPER BIDS DEFIANCE TO iVIiVHi'JO All Traii n'en, Office, of Foodstuffs, Station at Niagara Falls. STAND PAT REPUBLICANS It Prepares Delightful Turkey Hash, Turkey Croquettes, J I Ity Morning 4iiirnii! ?iliit Iniaril Wlrrl f fly Miiriilnir Juiirni.l Niircltit U'lrf llf Morning Journal Rnrrlul Ti'lrr B Mnrnlnc Joaroal SiXfrtnl Wire w -- - .1. C.ay-nii- r 1. Women of P 1. Cash- 1'illiiiK-- . Mail, .1,111 . I'l.iK ina .N. Vnrk. Jan. 1. U illlain WhsIiIiikIoii, Jan. tlie NaiKurti ili, tint., Jan. Minced Turkey, Turkey Salad and Vegetables for Declarea That Recei ;t;u; Uní 11 Ni-- Willi today confOHsed a am n in Hi.' niiiNt ni .1 I' ri liii' Kini! un h mayor nf national rapitul, tinetlter the ier William i)obioit . Inciii-'ianti- : I (aro-mon.- Ivi'S u r of MH will tlie police r Wi! Little Mini m n in. h'il tin UK lii H. York iltv tniliiy villi niniple of numht eonKr' to Chief Mallín of Ontario Turkey Soup. The "Universal" Food Chopper iiioWiwtr.u. i ''i ave 'Iímiijmm nnd ; rra .Nun luril- - Hurl IILII. it 1'ali.iiuli-i- . TIkti' nun a his Himiin jifts-n- t meet tomorrow to the cope that ho und two others planned n nnti-tt'4- No- f f t N I 11 Unan 1 hi- and pliiim In proponed executed robbery here last Effect on Tülit 'ilnnl a i;ii-l!il'- ra in 4 ml a il to liiirf the the Cuts Clean and Keeps Sharp. I to $14,000 consigned to l r.i It'i itn l In ail nil bi t 1111 Tin. mlii r iii ulv i lia ti ll iil'fl..r nl leiiKim which in to oiKiililzed vember when 'lil I' sup- ! l lnri)UKhH keep priem of foodntufls. was a t sue n maples. .ml : I... i.iHt 11 lylit at ixfnril. mi tlm KN'utiT ity iiikI lit five down the Toronto banks stolen after . de- lob-min'- D r.'.it N.. nil. in killin tin- - lll'i-- r, uIhii i'lftiially iihhiiiiii.-- tliiir tlutii-H- The promoters of the new leaKUe posed holdup In which Cashier - rli-t'- u pleeo .r tin- ii.i.ifi'llK Iln- mail I'"tr Ilu: 1'lrttt tlnitf lit hIx y car tlm clare they have eiillnled the head was rut open with RAABE & MAUGER 1 Morning mem-her- n 07 Journal Miwtut .mi rt "ii.'ii" My inn in' tin. lufíiiiii-- il c liii f nlfii cH of Ihn iniiiiirliinllty Mfc of number of Important of lead pipe. The two others under s D.-- Moin I. .1. Tin- lit: lit ),' IK n d of congress and that throuK't arrest are S. Whistler, an express 11 llll IM a ml filled hv nu nut nllii willt Tammany Purl 115-11- 7 ntcpM will be messenger Flynn. North First Street for tin iff r pfoKI'i ui.ii. s. ,1 I.. I." iimli r I'll- wivrtiini'. li.ill. them Immetlinte taken and Charles J. In- I'm " of nlil illy orRiihlzlilh" ntate leaKUen. There formerly of New York, who came lo pniK Ipim vitii 'lii lin n n.i.iI in mini at itial Willi the the toward V 11 - will bo chtHh law heciiune Falls, X. Y., two years ago a.-l,- lia- un iv Ian-H- !!' h In- niliiiliilflfalliin, 'l'rn vein Je. no with tile NiaKimi tloiii er ml ni f hi ml food-Ktuff- .1 runic, the illslriit iiltnreny, likewise of the boycoltliiK of certain nnd opened a million. TIllH il -- H Willi-ma- up package)! of iln .tomín rii.- i.- - ral In 11 feliniiilHlied offi. e. Charles H. the otKanlzirs for the He was making . i!' Here tniiiglii .1 ..!-- I mi'mbem will money to iliiil ill x. In I' ml M.i I.l tu IiIk HineesMor, hiiH reliilned hoiih' activity of Ihe IcaRiieB i.onsii?ned Hie Toronto banks i ,1 II tn One of lirt.r'Ki w rciul.ii III. n riinmiiif at a 1. h ral ni HI' of Hie former dinlrli t iiltnrney's be devoted to the reduction in price to put on board the train. 111, M , I II Tiun-tnan- y ill 11 11 not dlrerted if a parcel had Statement of the Condition of the t dinner. Much nif TlHV .1 i" mí i r I'M. till hut none of Unite urn of commodity and be the foreigners asked wiiiiliir1') 1 il re as Dob-Bo- n the .Hi'ir' iiiaii. ml mi kit' UK ht till' men. at Individual üiiiih. Thin reduction, been received lor him and Hi.' In fill - il iicrompllnhnd a he .fnrneil as iurriisliiliir linn ami rutlHllflli' 'I. Similarly In the vaiiuliK otlier de- in declared, will be leaned over to pick up book I .1 !! prcgn M1 )cM ill Ii is - 11. Tam- In every by falllm,' off in blow on head. 11.111 as Ilili- Ihi- ti '!, WilM partment, Kenernl onftiiiB of cane the received a (stunning the Bank of Commerce lirai-- - open when large number tl t In Ha ,1, Hi Vl'll It ili- many men (iiminii tlm higher offieii demand for the articled which the DohHon'R head was cut and ill puli-Ir- i .1 to was Of Albuquerque, New Mexico, th niner-- am " M'Tii rill til.' I' lam, a n.l a rvli.f train wan t'l InilileiH la aliti. ieiiKite will Instruct its members the audit hurried In to See what '! part v , It ivaw said th'?i iithllMli.-- puri'linning. (ashler was found ly- .ia is In- n r ' '!. Itiihler, of tin (cane delaying the he gone. IB. . l the oiietlimf Mu' ríimpníi Slaats eltuiiii', " im IhiM 11 1. I'll... ill ing unconscious and the money November 10. 1, W I ' II II. iiimmifi-tnitie- ' (V. -li- of on the head was part of .,1 ri-iiil Ü11I- I- HiiM il .'in!. fil he tii'Miii'iii i'iiik The crack Ve. Tr. Mn,, .Ian. I. S.u-aihii- Inr Maiihaltun and Kiehmotul the plot, Dohson confessed today, but w 111 rrspi r III.- - Hi'' i.l Maid Iiih PLOT TO DINAMITE man to do this part of the iM Un- r" k ni tin- He li.. did nut know whether he cns.iRed RESOCRCESi H,.nat "III.' MIL I i.lill II'H li l!lati,l Ai Ta' ili'' oilier arlivilii'H unid llllll work exceeded his instuetlons. The :iw li badly Loans and Discounts $1,006,900.73 Utile mi .pl'tn'i m iv In ;, ill w hu ll ac, ,t. fact that the cashier was so il FUMptcion Bonds and other Securities 10,000.00 UnW lllllll Hit lilí. iiv. tine be kilii-.- ami I'.'rlv Ihrii- In- - hurt served to divert from i 111 t I V IC 11,828.44 IIKfl cinillgll I'lfrflllli' In a lis I vrr-Th- i. M l t)M .KlIINSON was convinc- Heal Estate rilimf i iiriitii r BALTIMORE AND One of the detectives n - ... Wfn-- li Hi.- muí. t iili-n- V.V STI HI T a Furniture and Fixtures 5,550.00 thev iippr their ln t il t'llli ii.'i M. I'h ed, that Dobson had hand .- I 1. , 1- and Exchange 711, 358. firm. :iiiI h.iv flMH'l llll'H IllOlll.tlt, till' I t'liMland, .Ian. While the offi in the robbery and has been watching Cash 3Í ilii-i- r i.ntv concern air Hie .r. itti-- -r. i.ial ti rm of John - Johnnnn. for elcht him patiently for weeks. The pur- r- liuit-ins- r 744, 51 They so milt-i- .iirai.l ..1 veaf nii.l'i.r of tilla eity. eiiiMi'd lahl chase of valuable furs by Dobson for Total Jl. 687. m SHOPS III in II il ih.-- lu ir hi to mliliilnllt th,. fiirmal triinnfer of tin 01 bin sweetheart gave him the first eVerT IlVe iiffli-i- tn lli-- ', llaellf. tniik ilai ' Voire his mil assume FUE PEOPLE HURI lllan i lue. LIABILITIES: V knowing what In wim's, In. will nut at noon tmlav. The fetn Iiilc mayor 1 ask, l"r more Hi. in In .1. erve 1, 'I'h. Will lake a rent fill' several lAeekN and Su!Tra(jrtu Itlamt-- for Outrage. Capital raid up ) 150.000.00 setine nf till' llllll'ni 111 111 'llll, tin li lllell letltrn I" keep ill tnlli'll With lilt Two Con- , Jan. 1. A woman believ- Surplus and Profits 60,471.01 , Three Mon Seized, mtmiin Un- - ..I" ill r.-- llllll. Mil lora ilirm a ra lie iiiX'aiiiatl.ili. ed to lie a suffregette, attempted today Deposits Subject to Check 1.030,018.42 purfv m the ni i n. llll 111 N TROLLEY fess to Attempt to Explode to destroy a quantity of campaign Time Certificates of Deposit 614,150.07 Iiv' necnme n mini in Hn-i- ml 111 BALKAN PROVINCES at the political headquarter lluit thev .111 drowned in i h i'fli'V "I Bomb and Place Thousand oí John liurn.s at llattersea with acid. Total f 1,744.637 SI i mt inverisímil irm mum nr. is, 111 1- 1- BY FLOOD charge was seriously DEVASTATED Lives in Peril, The clerk in mhiT han. I the pría;i- 'si s r. CAR CRASH burned about the fuco and hands. The OFFICERS AM) DIRECTORS: ihat Wf promised im- mrrn nil lll'.l-'- I woman- gained an entrance to the He thai Hie .pities mi minni'tr . rilll- - I'hllllimpollH, 1.- - on the pretense of as- SOLOMON LUNA President I'.ulnaria. Jan. (t)T Manila SiitMinl l.anr1 Wire hcad'iuarters petlttee .'uinin.iiiilli ila.uhl ' Ml. by Journal envelopes. l'áiMi.i'ii Itmiiiinliiii han boon swept I -- Kollow i Hit sisting in addressing W. S. Vice and . Baltimore, Jan. an STRICKLER President Cashier uri'ii hv ih. .til . ri. i 11 Ihi-'- all yearn in Ih.. mom illsiiHtrniiH flonu in ill tempt lant evctiinif In blow up the fnit ni prinlii. i.n ,ii Mus .m SpiMnlin;'; Limiteds Meet Head a vast W. J. JOHNSON Assistant Cashier and tlie wliiik' ilaiii resembles tiny mrri-- t bi'i'live of the llaltiinore A ..niiirli .mil ili.-- m;i.i. tin lake. Many are reported dead unit were arrest- J. C. BALDRIDGE. WM. M'INTOSH. - (.in in Dense Foe; Motormen Ohio railfnail, three men Ski 'II iifillT III Kill' Ml iinn- ii'i iiM 11. in In will MAORI Hie in eriipB ami live utoek a i onspirini; to dyna- s WILL A M BLACKWELL, O. E CROMWELL- - - ed on eharne of tin- ruin 1111. mumI i,Ml,l I iiriiiiuriT Stick !) Posts in Vain Effort be very lte,i. Snldlers in iioiitoiiiiB mite the brltlne and the Mount (.'lairo Ulii'it lílil In Un' t Miipninii r ruin a are ri Netting the pi iipli,. nl oil' by the com- . . . machine nhops of tlie railroad vurl.ini x 11 1. 11 1'. Uiimv t t 111 i t) Avui Disaster, riMiii wateiM. Tlie lower iinarterH of pany. The was not serlounly lli'MN .111 iride illiinv "1 .ihIukIi hi. un. l iullipiipnlÍM have been under water injured FIGHT TO LAST Illii-i- i h;iy i iihm .1 n in I'v ih - MIli'l- William 1!) Siniinrrfiiin and W, 11. ami ml iiin iiil '.I in yiiiih mi fll M.tiiIii I i:iar4 4 .Iiiurniil iMrlnl Wlrr) Sh'ply', con-fenn- lirmliii-iT- tivii nl the men arrested, in Stin Ii.,ir ..1 r- - i. Ill, Iml, .liii, i NO FATALITIES IN in ulatetin iHh that they InMltlntl l lirli wnl'i. r furnia! WE CARRY THE LARGEST STOCK OF ro LI SUED PLATES, II H lM 11 1' r.. M.'ri.iiiw'i jtrnl.- - in n pint to blow tip ;.ilr .iml hli in.i'ir'il. hvn had eHKHKcd the WINDOW AM) FANCY' GLASSES IX NEW MEXICO. WHEN IN in.i COLLAPSE OF BRIDGE - Former Governor of Atlantic Cal a I'l I Mount t'lairi' shiipn. in tin- nhopn at "T iln mil i ,.1'M .Iiv. Ill twill ON : : : iiiii'innl ill. wan lie exploded NEED OF GLASS WRITE OR CALL IS FOR TRUES. I the time the bomb to ir.nnniui. ill.- 111 .11 ni- .1. it I. ut ill. II I a I'M nil Iln- 'I'lTI'i' I.l II Province of Nicaragua Pre- were more than J, (mo men and the if ;Hlvnrit' Mm ii- -i t .ti- 1 litirlmi l mlia 11.1 a H Kant I 11 iilii'. at I'hila St, lamii. Jan. 1. All of tlie l.'.'i they did not nr (in- 1. plotter admitted dicts Next Battle in Vicinity íh iJ.iFWiMi ji'ii nt lii'.V ' tllf I.l, II i Kl nl' li" I'a I. Hi workmen who w ere Impefili'd when many people SUPERIOR LUMBER AND MILL CO. i' air know that iiiIkIiI have itnl", ttui 'JifM I.. lull ail'l I'. .Mi I.. iln '. the work nl' the Kinley been killed by the explosion. IcU of Managua, alii irnr.. li ilnlli-- i u ..lli.l 111- enl- - I'h,- ilam " a I il nr. hl'lili,'!' ner.lCH the MinNHÍ)il river lives life lookiiiK for three other men Wlm Inr tiltn In ti ni, ..I 111 111,-- I i. I, lapned late yeHlerdKy, hnvi been ft! nay can eonm-e- l will': 1 I'l I" .ml. Xiav fml whom they they Hy II 'I..IIIIÍ! !! . In i.ilililril Int. The faino work wat the plot. Morning Journal Spertul I.raKPit Wirel "Tbw tt'i.ji'i-í.- i i h. .1! riisht' Priest AtteiiiKs Silb ido. : fine.-- . MILLION DOLLARS WORTH I till l ll i y . ra, an I.l, i 'fltsll. il torn av.!;' by the lee New Orleans, Jan. 1. Dr. Telmaeo Mrittrciinic, i,icnu:ht u,.. l r.' New York, Jan. 1. Tlie Rev. 1U( . Tlie Workmen today wet none tin-- .1 full i(rUin..vli'lt::ti, in .ml ni. ' MRS, DOCTOR COOK Lopez, Zelaya's governor nil tlie At- Til,- Hi N'.ivi lllli.l-iilli- ) worn.' for their vi luunuuu C. Grogan, Roman Catholic if thnlr iinilM'Ml. inri th" t'ahlli' lantic coast of Nicaragua, who was uhjiuilu il. mi a. Urn I limiti-il- . REPORTED IN DETR0F priest of at- " ! ,. i ami lavlnll West Hartford, Conn, it II 1.1 it I Tlii'.v 111. t at a Milling til' Siirtltiir ndergo Terrllili' (irdeiil. held prisoner lor more than two 'if itlttrNli.n. . 111 linn-,- Alexandria, Egypt, 1 tempted suicide by shooting nl the ü a- lainif", men by Jan. The cus- I' imnil pf. p.iriim tn i iiti i SI. Jan. Fuur whn months Oeneral Estrada, declared 1'tn 111. I III toms tobacco stores containing (irand Union hotel. Attendants who 'I'll,. I1.1vl1.t1 limiti-i- wen',. doHn In the eollaif.' of tlie ren- 1. to- tonight the next battle In Nicaragua tobacco I ll . vim Detroit, Jan. li was rumored v ha Uv.i 'l. yi'Mter-da- worth nearly G, 00,000 were badly hurried to his room were adiritted ni .(n i! In n II il ter Minn of Mi Klnliy briilKe Cook, wile Dr. would be fought near Managua. He Hum il l m 'iltuinu nl night thai .Mrs. of damaged ) se- "it 1! tin- by fire today. Firemen as- by Father Grogan, who despite in-- Hi.. a ia I" iini'l .'.ir . a li ii n efe r.Hcneil lale lonlnlit, Cook, is In The said Madriz. new president, vlll 111. ..I i I.'llki. Frederick A. Detroit. - by .lit I I tin- sisted two hundred sailors from rious bullet wound near the Hglit i. I" .1 "i- a nr J L i i. after il" hour battle with origin In Windsor. fight to last ditch but he believes the Tin Ut. Hill)' ill'T". report received lis Oerman Freyu temple calmly explained had :imi'aiti. "! ."In. !, hi Un .nstfi in tlm lee floes. They eluiiK tn list ruda will eventually win. cruiser succeeded in he Itli.-- "I'llli ir '.itii Cunada, w lu re It is said it thickly xii. nt ,,r I saving greater part of tobacco.! brain storm," and had sought tq Illi.iM 11 Sl'M' til," 1'1't'H. a 'liii ilm ici'ii' ni ter lie era.sli and ml - the the end .1 M'ilid woman called for mall ii. I 111 Loss estimated nt. $1.50(1.000. his life. He will recover. ' Tli.!-.- W! a Mlli'll a In a '. V I. !! Ilia! had ill ill. 'I t'i- lililetl Moutll of the nn-- Un. in..M( ,, dressed in 'Mrs. Dr. Frederick Cook." .I.LAVA CELEBRATES NEW a Iiv mow Hank noon to- in. nn.t.irit ill i.'al'i lall when the al reielving mail she hast l llll' ll'ltli Dili; 'I lll .! t .'S Afín- her YEAR IN STRICT SION. I'lM. day, They naed a ladder from Ihe HI Ill .ill linn., ened to Detroit. I'ostal aulliorilles Mexico City, Jan. 1 Jose Santos vil -- A. si mi ami willt lliiM imiile their way woman first I' Windsor say tlie appeared Nicara- !llttfl. l.Hll linn toward mIio re. A heavy fun prevent- Zrlaya. former president of ÍIV tiiiMMlnlij vlUTILATE.1) BODY OF about tlie time Dr. Cook as reported gua, ati .li u.'.l in tux ser it, hut HlllllllS observed New Years day in his Tt ed thilf their la- London. Utnt tl.'ifH ma ti I 111.' Iln I in apartment. 11c did leave his VK'TIM ruUND Im- In were lieanl tonlMlit und their not 111 li .1 rooms until afternoon when he took a i ll It llH A .It! - short, drive. "ilii- - ni I It is repotted Zclaya will make 11. Ml!'. .1 ,1!. t Willi h TO 'f .r nail.. LAWYER STILL HOPES KENTUCKY JUDGE call on President Diaz early in . .1 I'lll .1 ' K i. Iln. Inn 1.11 t'"l t no . I FROM k. ..- a ,l'i' ,1, .11 j,.'.ii-- ,.!.!. a. SAVE MORSE PRISON ii '.i-- V. II. Lumia r i '''"i Ulna mi CARDENAS DECLINES i SELF-SLAI- 11,1. l"i. FOUND N TO RECOGNIZE MADIZ. I"- ,. ni k. Jan. -- All hope nf thru. Washington, 1. Castril-lo- . freeing Chaili-- W. Mm se, i onvlcted Jan. Senor riTI r representative of Nica . Ih" 1,1. ill' !..lltkrl lias III. I let been given up. hete the " nv if ragnuu ionists, received a fia mu ai eiil'lilllli In Martin W. IJIilitnn, his rcvolut hil'lll from Pres- I'liiml rutins, I of Memoiy, in cablegram tonight former Suffeiing Lapse ident of Nicaragua, saying: .Hlllt 11 liria "There a re t ü. o nl three tilings thai Cardenas . "We have absolutely refused to M l 'I a n et be llolli ." i ai, Mr. Littleton Bamiuet Hall Young Jurist ,1 H Madriz " t p. ,i ml. i V, "bill lliel' lia tint ipille .shaped Room and Fires expression opinion by t i s 1. '' Retires to This of tlie former president of Nicaragua is re- Mr I .it b inn ii il in It t Ii'iiii'ii' Bullet, . 1 Fatal ceived by the Estrada adherents with i i iit M ill-- I'.i.aiii' Hint be will lint interior,' wUh Morse v j t t ., rejoicing. of .1. Im. I. r removal to Atlanta, whltlur be I" Much has been made ;! m -i I'm ill the fact that Cardenas accepted Mad ' .ai lanía tltrllrrd to sprint filtren Ven IT Ir ' v Miirnlns Journal PpfilaJ a; 'a .I .f- -t irtr l.ar4 riz and would lend hltn all the aid in lii.i ícih prison. 1 tal ( bol lira ti, Ky , Jai). Hecause ! ami Im ti bis power. The president's friends II., In- - could not remember part of the sought to show by this that the Madriz if I NEW .YEAR'S REVELER address which lie was to deliver at a goxernment would not be dominated Zelaya. '! FOUND SELF SLAIN bnn.iuet tonight, Judge John C. Vovls, by The latter overthrew and .... '1 a exiled Cardenas 12 years ago. U fears old, idiot and Killed liimseir JuiUe Vois who was o member of Siiiall Tenibler in Ieieo. c AML'CK a 111. ... .1 I'l' is. I'lir body th.- Kentucky bar and well known as MiAico City. Jan. 1 An ,arthtptakr ..: an ilmli-lllill- ,1 ' ll II 11)11 s vn EL til III an alter dinner npeuker, was to speak was repnrtei', frnm Dn-l- liieo Iti the rim 1! ii It li I'llli. hob. through thi- ;il a New Veal's celebration. When provine,, of luiniaiiaroe, Yucatan, to i .'d is loll'lvl t".l ii hull I b rk, h - ales, tn address the iiudlrnie, his day. It neciirreil at 4:25 a. in., and Why will you be weak? Why you pa i ho Is. le to ; room to do on from day to day when st's memiir? tailed him and aPtrr several l isted : set mills. It followed by you know you losing A ist! P. ii ., ),..nm are your nerve force your strength when you .nr Tin i he b f t a shuck of less severity at 4:.In. att. muís to i'titinui- ibruptly sernnd eee a i lire within your Do n p. til- In i. ih '1. .1.1 n w ,- grasp? not delay matter which is the In.! ili' loll nl tin- room It Is not known whether serious dam-ar.- key your , 111. II I'll- to future happiness; Whatever your you ..I'l .1. - lllit h,. lia.i been the janitor of tin building in was done. condition today, ill'- l'i- - Later will not improve as you grow older. Age til, nt Hie Might lo-- calis for greater vital which Vovls' chambers were i force, nnd the older you get the more 1,1 onounfed will be your weak- Mumbled r tlie Imdy of Hi" HARTFs , atrd. nn BRET DAUGHTER ness. You know you are weak now-- and wisli you could be strong jurist. and healthy. You can if you will use our great invigorator Dr. ii -- mía . "R, DAI DE POSED PROM WINS DIVORCE DECREE! it, McLaughlin's Electric licit, Belt cures l, stay .1 I iiur cured. Nervous !, !l"li r pi-- A'FAL PRIESTHOOD PROTEST AGAINST LEE Debility, Weak Hack. Rheumatism. Sciatica, Lumbago, stomach. t Kill Liver. Kidney and Bladder Troubles and Coistipation. Worn while 'I,. STATUTE IN CAPITOL I'.'iiilii. r. Colo.. Jan. I. J fssamy m'h sieep, u causes no trouble, but make. pe-t- u: Í a,. Hart, daughter of llrct 1lart stronger (la- - in Ihe morning. You feel gelltll. glr wing M -i .1.1, 1 - . Di- was today a íriTN heat from it granted divorce iislaul !y, no old-siy- ' but (Sr un!? 111 the H ' 1'1'lli' i V - io belt al.'. r. Clll. ag... Jan. 1 Lrsoliitiens dr. Henry .Miifufd Steel... lorimrly I III!- S.t inlli iinatii mr, n,. ,,lnn to t.Un ' a statue inert in Di in r fir.ruit ial i iivI.-m- ALL TODAY. ..e ill Kpisiii-i- l f. the "I Hi n. ml l;. K Lee. In tile Hall of Th,. suit t!:v'r'r institiiti1 V,V want you to call it you Tlie Dr. M. Q. Mi l jiiigbllii o. h.tVe I" l!l- - :n 14 Strt-- Isimst u ell in.- In W "as against Ilere last S'l lf. ho tan. If you cannot, we will S. St., Ixw Angeles. i 1 Sintf i - .1 II f lull) bis w ilt- w tth tt Ht - l .ihi.. poli, y mains! tin- tuiiilament il rtioti. mail you our lllus-- l 2' Baker's Miih- i . beautiful tMer Store) i has la en form-Ili- .a Counter .n it Mitii'tis 4'f i lr ( ru - ... pi .in iplrs nor rrpul)ii and i.iint n' trated book. FREE, ir yot. Please snd me your free book. .'l-- t ll.tllllll lN'l (llll .i. priesthood by linnet- of ity inTf filed hv Mrs. Stul, and Jailu Mill us . tin .iml integrily the send this inupnn M-- W i I a nos-- I ,,nia. - In-.- r. 1111 d the all u.tti'nis of Name tit iK. lm nobly e.m- iii hie and si.staim t if lice Ilnurs ! to tí (Mali-d.-t- v II l! A V. l Of 11. - Sttti t or Uix it. f .le. heme to pr.s. the imintij. Unbelt 'this i r.iss mt Mrs Si Is and Sat. tiil S.) ami pi , r 111. rr ,. City elm; .iu, K. I.e. ..ii.mpted to destroy. " were 'ill in Was presented in a i'i position lo 12 Sundays. I'l. i Ulelplll.l. a rtillg of Chicago in. 1. 1" at Yi'iiki rs. V. .iiloptnl at mi i In Hal, - Mrs. Sti l ie w d Di. (!' p..! e: tin- i, tan, I Ann! of the Li - is gr.ttiti rivl tí' (!,' i. '. w b Il hr b pub lie tod. Copies nt tile reSnltl- - 'ti - h-- iii.ui!. 11 nam ; iv. vr i rma lion re i.b red lit to Presidí :u las t I poll T.i it. ellninly Unit. Ii I..!- - t P. V it! Is that your r half tr I Jew It That i i i.i.-i- 1 ivr-CTii-l Journal Ads Get Try a Morning Journal Want Ad! Sm. it the Results - :í THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SUNDAY, JANUARY 2, 1910. 13

PURSE OFFERED FOR 9 BURNS-JOHNSO- MELROSE HAVE F- N BOUT Í0 - , .Tu. 1. A fttWi -- gram sent to a sporting editor nf tins BIG 1RBIG city by llunh Mi Iniosh of Sidney, Australia, offers a purse of $4ft.0iHI for a t'lpht between Jack Johnson and I Tommy Burns to take pla-- in a PROJECT next September. The Ausli al- ian promoter proposes that the win- FIXTURES FOR SALE ner of the flijht take the entire purse mid the offer Is miMe rOKurdicss of j the outcome ot III,; scheduled cham- Pian to Put Ten Thousand Ac- inn:; J.tcohile, se..'-on- noli; bctwc.-- J.'j i'i i.o pionship tnateh mid 1 Hti-'- h Hmiikc third. Time, I'.ns Johnson. res Undei Ditch by July ; NDIAN GIRLS ARE Fourth rare, Xew Year's handicap. - Cos! iK polls, Scheme Involves Expendituie Below mil- in Patsy won; second, Voliinj- rdware lolnii, .Inliiisoii. Sir ('bifes, third. Timo, J :4 I Mis Krt Wayne. Iipl.. Jan. I Mito oí Vast Sum, Fifth rn.-o- one mile, seüini;' -- Cross won; Fulfil!, Anavrl, lloillfc on those terms." s.lill Jack OUTPLAYED BY over nml; John-- . -. in tiiinuiil when llm offer of a Ihii'il. Time, l :n 2- filiht wl'.ii Tumu.v liui ns was shown MiMiiil f Morrlln .luumtdl Sixth race, in; iiini oiK'-T- ii tin li the colored champion. .Mell os.', .. ,1 .,in I.- - - .Mell OSe IK Wagner Co. i The oiler wt'.s Hardware Us. selling Not won: Ma- in hermost made hy to have a ÍI.'.ii.iomi Irrigating; plain. lino Alsol. second; olieron, third. ,i';;;h Mcintosh, and pro posed t li.--i t. lie niniiri take- - all the The ireidellt the chief eUKineer Time, , IHEÍICJ. 2:nx. receipts. of llm .unarm t cm lompauy were In "Thirty-liv- e Melrose ii,p"iiiT,i a proposition be- t Kineryville. thousand, win, luso ur draw" ,ii',. Hi,- only t, rms on which fore tin- 1,i.m.i and business men Oakland, Jan. 1. A limit 5, linn pen-- I would meet Hums." added John-- . .n. tor Irriyailu,;- iiiu.iulii acres south of Up pie wore lit Finery villa today. Fine . Government Wards Put "If he aure, s w ill t it.- til llitll II. Xt Mell óte. The pi .posit ion ia accept- ed and J ó 0 0 a. at Bas- - rh.-,-,- November a! any place." ie, subscribed for Splendid Exhibition of heavy, mm., interest n once. Three lest hcIIs are helnu put kotball, But Defeated by; KcnuirkHhlc llowliipr Score. down, drilliui; I., hp; done at one are Seven well bred youngster faced th. av.- Toledo. o I. William llried-enh- and the pits h, nig dmr ready for barrier. Tin- - winner, Frank Itusstul-lor- , Jan. Work, h, all-l!- t how ill., drill as soon as the tirst is ..r pay forfeit, of , rouble: Superior Team :i son of Hear La vena ..t the rman lint; I'.'nulisli mid plav u tin Aitit r'l iin to the Catcher ;!h The business men lo'bi a inect- - i.'., team of this city, this nioiuiny made lor bieakin' the contract, nim favorite. U'-- a :;imi. ; and subaeiilied to assist h.-t- eprlnsr ti Sien Vein- score of moiiev DAUGHTERS ENTER 'I'tus'' iMi ;t Kirins thai lu the early Henri - Silver Knight won tlie Nnv , was respons.- j tne in in,, expense connected Sv p n e wsli sailta Superior team work, Jim ,, f.!v ntiers Uiewieü and Julieli h of 1'nite.l ,;.,, (atiM' at er. in tes'.iiiK the well. It Is ini. nde.l 10 t i n )( 1)1.' f.n tin- new world. The oí u ole for the teat the State 'I' lluli.v nii'oii au.ikiii.'ti .lu.tiu list The heavily played lldwill n .earn P.. put "'. least in.n.m a. r.-- under !( w.-i- follow July. Sypnlew Indian srhnoi eirls' basketball at j ,..rvr thir,,. Phil'.Mohr. placed Vaiifouver. ('.. Jan. liopt (il!imt4 Sh.i in hu to them in Iho hmi, In of the V. W. C. A. .' , , I 'niv.Tsiiy of ( '. hlotnia liim'o.v wane Ly Julv 1st, this to he Increas- lanwtKii;''. hum'1 ski r 'tul letl with nlow inw accounts o ""'"V't 4n p, ;,, a.s Lenten hy a CONSERVATION "Vu i t d a y , ed lal. r to n.niui if not 25. mm at res. íili'-ainiii- ill-- the Casino v s e r the Indian maid nose hy Old .Módico, another outside! defeated Vancouver easily today by u ' l'h- Ir mis hut tlm ol . The let . i 4 to 6. as at a t t.ilsi-.- i I1IU! ens holnir worsted bv the mn ineinii In score of under ibis water depth in ( was iluwn Immu tn of SietlkieW were also tile first race. 1. 1 S. j of pui to 125 el can he used profit- l)nsit'M we b to s. ore of to First run', 6 furlonus; ellin: hy ui lri"ii'tM' plans. ThfV eonvineln, and Kan ably m H'-- n.-- Excellent tenia work won 0111 for! Mohr, second; Famous Stallion head. lor irria. .lion. The president, hH.kt'ii I me as a m i (h for the Journey." OLÍ .Modho won: Phil - T 1. o X. J., secretary and two on- IE i ine y u. me me s 1u.11 tlli,.,,. 1:09 Salem. Jan. celebrated and nl Hip ti .íít.T tin1 iiitn-a- rm: W a splendid I'htnie.s is dead at Sharpsoiu. BMIHI'I'S ill be hl e tile first of ( lie lk lti- playins sme Sl,(,n,, riC 5 i. furloims: sellinp: stallion and material wrllar.- ..f hanl lAlilenee Lacking. i last half, w lien th. y senred Salem county, McAllister d month to close contracts and select w th- 1. 1m; In the n.llvnK,(1, ,,: John II. Sheehan t'.rt.n orkhtK lariu.'iM wi- 'That ounif man is one of th' Hinty-seie- n ne exiiiijiiion , him about l. n da'. s ;e;u a site tor the power house, ele. The I a a I a points. irom wonl, m lu ocean Shore, third. Time. K"anHait mis' nl bul I jdayer-- s in eoun I.. power plant vviil I, ado Ki'oalel foot the wiiM well played in spit' .f the- 1 Den.ianiin Tuft. consist of two Pat-i""''1- "v ,h" iciy :0S Apeal to Members and All "" ''' '""""'" try." ep.-uic- 01 sem direct eonnc led ' il,.ci nci wien tlie tne 'p,ird race. .1 furlongs; for two kilowatts r.itors name ol cook believe it." said contra 75 , "Iion'i the teams. were s; I'oMci' Stop Abe Altell. lo two h". power kus producer . two 1'ouis 'lew and vear-old- purse: Frank llustaller liotic People to Suppoit Work! ..h. hut to ..ok 1. rid. r the sal'l.hire ilictory person, "t never :nv hin . 1. elimines. latest hMWicii. Association RtrlH beiuK . 11I : Savannah, (in.. Jan. Abe Ait.'h Tile elimines Ule of tile criitclies."---VnshltiRtui- the ...nn Kormak seeoi Autenor. third MniLM-nlll- t on J v. iiv Ml lonne. blue sky In ,ml of ir C What walkiiir the chief offenders, alonn this line. Time, :36 featherw eiejil chamjiiou, nave laldl, tvpe and nas ill be produced at the ' bl.-a- . Star. Kelly of Hul la lo, X. Y. a beat-ini- ; ihe s. The joy I thought. To h linen at j The Indian sir! wore outclassed 'in Fourth race, 1 and niilets; Xew terrible plain for operating eiutim up deficiency in fie,, minutes fiuhtinu lo re power plant buii.liims will he of brick " maid, height, hat made this Year handicap: Silver Knight won; the brook like the us of Il..uier' Miiii i c I 'yniiailiy. and - The i.oliee slopped th,. (k;h and u. irrlyutiiiR will he ur ."..riiiiic journal Ui.r.-lu- l Anil, hy speed, wonderful ididurame Jim ilaffnerty. second; lalwin T. l''ry- cairele. alter the .lav of toil, to moth-i- in Parid híiv. well--- , l.U "lrllia.P "The aribts' 1 : . 1 -- in the second round. done Horn a well bein sitú- To,- p.- v nioon-valio- accuracy In sdioolin' the basket. The er, third. Time, f 3 . W'aslhimioii. Jan. coiiser-- ' the cuitar and file; bv for tl struel. Iniiher ka.s," Y. W. ('. A. displayed 'ai' eiior I. am 1 Tíos. an mi each lini aires. The pumps "K'"- - poems, or to to Fifth riiee, mile; sellinc: eomniille,. of tie- DaiiKhters ofi lisien 1 ib.n t blame them. nnswerei Work, of the for- Zh.".ko Defoils lieeU. will he of tie- tvpe direct however, the work vale won; .Mr. I'.ishop, second; Raleigh ecnirifnual lio- the inn. king birds: And hsicnnii; to M's. Metludiey, pietiiri'H prov do-ill- American llevolu'ion appeals to 'The wards beinif especially worthy of Time, 1:F1 r.ulfalo, X. V., Jan. 1. Zbys.!:... 'be connected vviili the motor, thereby our sones would be cbatinint; Indian third. inb.-- that Hie poor things aren't pui lliih-Lliti- de- every in. el ils organization and mi ni ion. Sixth race, futurity course: I'olish champion wrestler. tonii;hl away wiih all bells. The cost of nialdeiis. our iicík libors, makini; cloth.-.- t eiiouish to buy Washlntitm feated Fred Heels in two sti-iih- fall-- . by The playing of tlie Y. W. I'. A. gills U'at.r won; Fernando, second; irviiíalinjí this system will be lo all pauioiic wonuii to he in the wreaths of luxuriant wild Powers fm Sta r. yesterday was milch superior to the Madeline Time 1 11. Tln tinie was oim niinuie, iificcn about Mc per a. re foot w it h a PI foot new year with a det in.n ion to use us! And In bailee we ah.. old v.!' " Museiave, third. ,. y fiftv-on- r. form they showed against the I'nivei-Mt- ..mis and minuies, sp.'i lift. Ill addition to the irriKnlinu the all honorable means to support Hit t trinkets lor handsome Takiiiit No hauccs. outWei;.-he- :Pt i lively. ZlosxitO Heels is lie; r n l; 11 vv i i scleral weeks as", when they t Tampa. town to he electric liuhtml. th,. conservation measures home car- brow necks a ml ists vnd oh. e "Ves." a. hunted the old bachelor were, oi l lioumis. met nn old ol! over country i t iiadiv worsted al tin hands Tampa, Fia. Jan 1. In the han Your correspondent ried all tlie should be so tar away irom everyday "there asa woman once bought tin? r. .". M. agrenal.ioh. at locutor not a resident of .Melrose ami This íh th,. keynote "I what iuihl uossii. and malice, near.-- to i;,,d. and real dial of. hut 1 was afraid to as' dicap which featured the card ll:""1't ITlaR,.-?- A rraiiK'en'a'nts are under w ay for 11 1lat's Was (óime, llm slow. in conversation with him learned lie be callid a 1. slime of III,, first lew hell.l- V.-- the l.loiool el ;. Mimóle lllll Tampa this afternoon, Kj'rchevnl was s li c il i V. 1 Mi-dol- e t llo- ,.., i :,, i.i.r.e "Alruitf si.v "Xo"'" nuiTied th Kerne hetivc.-i- the Y. A. and the the winner afier a .spirited drlv,, with I'hiladelpliia. Jan. had fione iivi' onsid. rabie of the land month's work of conseiw al ion i,,,, o L... i,:,,',,,. J HiKh girls' team, to be played ,,r Pittsburg, I o! from southeast to soul Invest of .Me- el ihe on;a inzatlon. ,,f n..v-- School F. T. Shipp, hi. the Letter committee whuhiii,n . , , j , llans, second and third. ,i,nm in i, i i i, e, int-ll- Hayes, of ml but. H of Ineuibel-- ft'olll e er s, ,. mi tlie armory next Saturday cveninii. Alter the finish Korchcval was set- th,. si round bout with Cr.oer lrose and had found tiaecs colUliosed m,., like belllK born lIK.lill. I was aliald whe'd soy 'Ves'." The line-u- p .leidcrday follows: back for havini; fouled Hans. formerly of Chicago and now of 1'bil th . lined to say in what tiuanlll ios. state and territory in Hie union. obtained a leave ..I absence out chi.-ai.- N. ".. Indians--Jessi- e IT; positive all of Americas ,,,. .ue- liunii, Fililli First riiee, sellitm; T furlongs: Trtu aiblphla, at the matinee today al th.' bul said he was ihat Melrose Conservation of resilient lor year. After f; upe eon, Ilav.-- was vicinity a population is Ihe . ol,,-- I1SUS of tile sellll I J'aisano, I. I. c; 'i'eresa fioy won: '.ooses. scrond: .Vhise. National Alhleli. club. ami would have sources tjmc holllld lo I'I'U'.III Try a Mornmq journal Want Ai llowcoma, lu'; Ksthcr Homero. í;. third. Time, 1:37. aanie and I'olinlit hard. !.!',! nf s.iomi to in. 11. hi inside of tbr.e m. iit ol the uov.-rnoi- .;f ki.vIo n flato 1, w a vv lie wi-r- ;i.h"tf te,' V. W. f. A. Kdie (captain If; Second tace, 7 furlonws; sclliuc: as loo clever for him. vea S, am) St hneider. rf; L. ('lose. ; 1. I'lose atitl DunvcHan won; Auspicious, second: answer th,, .m.stlon.s, "What Is the Kelly. Is; Alact reor, is. ilccidcntfil, Time, 1:35. Sudón ami lloppe Matched. .special nee.) of conservation in your, third. . - t Me-Ke- e. .("hicauo Sa b.dd- si,,:,-- "Hevt i:.i vvoni.-i- help'"'. Kefetee, .ilaefjrcfiiir. 1'ippire, Third raen, li furlongs; solUmr: Jan. l.ui. ami Timer, Abia-i- . Scorer, second; r ol the w ..rid s K.' ball, line billiard j CARLSBAD COTTON The idles of tile U o el' 11. S olltiltl.. Health won; Talks Acolin Colonel .eh. f - Necklet, third. Time, 1:17.".-- . t. ha mpiotndiip. was matched today to a coinpreheusiv ,. plea of cc- Kef-1-hev- play I'..r in I. capable Oil Fourth race, handicap; I mile: Willie llopp,. the (lie Hon, which would 'fill TP,,, a I ion won; Hans, won: 10. T. Shipp. Chicai;... n.'M March. jnen will producinu The eoliscrv RACING RESULTS The Clown, third. Time. play I, '.nn points under the revised FIGS committee realizes that the support of j t ei second: Bl .e j 1:47. (Kenheval disqualified. ) tiil.K for th, I'i.imon.l emblem. The anv measure lo he effective nillsl will I.,, plaved In l.loilvs end u conser- Fifth race, fi furloiiRs; sellin: liob- - uiatch iblec ami lo this p. ami Ly Cook won: l.amar. second; Fhar-A- l f 5"0 dills each. vation bulletin will he started will! 'lll,,v- - i,'u.. Hamilton, third. Time. 2K 5 li,, s. nl out "i. tv (wo or three weeks' sell-laiu.- Indoor Track Iteconl I'.roken. public si ho. ds of Juare?. Mi.xico. Jan. Hefore the sixt), ,...,.. 1 and mil. s, PICES to th,. and pinntc 1. ni.-n.i- - H.eton. Jan. If the track Hi.- hop., fun-- ; crowd of week, (lorio, at inir: f'.reat Jubilee won; Alice, s.c- country in Pic that the Time, l:,"ifj. ur nietit was corree!. Hubert A. Fow ¬ dainentals of . .iii"eri ation mav lind' 7 to easily won tlie Ano Xucvo d; Keidmore. third. ler of CanibriiUv', X.w Fncla ml ama- I....! there, p will he tin ) rincipai aim liai.di at one mile, ; I Tel pal k teur champion Ionium, establislled a Un of a' ra:ias of of to net th.. bulb uto the hands loilay. He carried I2fi pounds, lllee, NEBRASKA BLUEJACKETS new world's amai.-u- imhu.r runnim; Careful Selection people win. do tail Sec the daily pa- - up prm- ur' who had the mount, made a fine ord for most of the distances Seed in Return from pel', and in that way teach the j ARE GRIDIRON CHAMPIONS In a Shows w II v , o He allowed Iliiiht Kusy and Meadow twenty miles. match rur at t itile of conservation here could Cluirlcstown armory with ... t . , l...... ,. TI, ,.r.Mer- - to nil mil a fast pate. In the Hlrclch the Hani Yeai 's Yield; Want UI III OHIO I. I o "t.." o Joseph tí. 1 the pace makers liriia 11 to tire and Henaud and Silva. Power vation comniitt.'i of ihe latí.. ters of. dorio, coming very fast, cuuf;ht the .ew York, Jan. football covered the twenty miles in 1;4 :i. Postponed, lb,. Ameii.-a- was last; 1. leaders, taking learns of the ('niled States balileshipi The pr.sont amateur record for ,1.. April at the Continental eon,'.',r''Ss liriiih' and command M,sti"uri ot won bv two and a half lennihs Vrom "'" Xeluaska, mother distance is 1:51:51. mad,, a national roniniittee. h''--- -n in the indi-- Meadow, with I'rimc A limed, lavo! lo, " ". ' sl'"''''il "e- Pprri,d P,.rrpntiiMlrlli'0 le .It.irnllls .Itiurnfll The replies of the nvernors ' inter-warslii- p elsoo-- l OH'. - lliird. Tlie first baby race of the sons seri.'s .a olyiisl iuiit Is Carls!.. ul, X. M, lice, .1 1 Pel urns cat,, perhaps some dnf. !' nee of nppli- Mames, at the American league San Francisco, Jan. 1. - of eons, rva- - ntei tina' was run and resulted in a met huí,, be ii receive from the last n but Ho principal t baseball park this iifteruoon to de- to Sid Hester, th,-- local promoter, Connecticut, par- - victory lor 1' Industry. She fiht lion is there, lu the N cide the will be no be- shipim m ol cotlon and the pries Iti won under a hard drive in tlie fast naval gridiron championship, tiler,, probably fmhl lieular tileresi bans lo tlm prevention Missouri was 11" a white- tween Hattüii"; Nelson ami Ad W'olyast received for a part of t bis pr.s.-rva- of :M for furlongs. and "show ship of pollution of and lime three t ' I ' wash ;.'S to (I. but are now for an- . ... l!,,l.i.. ,,f , Summitries: there hances ment IS all eXt II, lit .ilX'.lno i "i HOI ol t oí en. f if It was a hard fought hut i leanly other match between Wolaasl and la w i . of First race, Bcllinff, six furlong careful seed selection F. U. t, i. y florida, mphiinze.1 the protection by Powell. Tom Jones, man-avr- . , UK li 1 I'bncil contest, witnessed Woleast's si, ue plum He birds. Trot, lion oi Lady Punch ta, (('oirneri. to i an.! 111 01 "i (otiitiht l.os h s, fin- has coiionseed lor thr, saiairmeu aim oiueers ine left for Ami is til" Ihiiu; needed ill ... I won: Dave .Montgomery , , ; Ihe fol'Sls ins 1. 1...... a, . .., 1. ... "i 7 iv f,l I", 111. II IS 11 ally of . Ihe purpose of d.vtlopiei; a s 1. UK! ...III..- lu. I.e.. an refuslni; ll.sler's offer for Idaho, said ll.i'.ininr Hlady, and the Cali.yi, to second; iielf. 1,5011 t chor in th. Hudson. .Missouri ha? ..r of any sum under for th i l hav,, tll.inifi'SleiP 9 (Kiee), .1 to 2, third. Time, 1:11 sir. tin of otton soiled th,. thniai'e women of that slate ... been a Hire to two fawtrile and the ficht. a III the work. Ilinl, Cilltnl'., 1'eff.., l',,il,vcn conditions found here. lie has not 1'1'eal 'fa one-side- d a w 11 in tvv. nty t .. '. ..,, i i .",.. result was surprise. from Powell of Iowa, houirht sí. í.,K.. iñ, Volat only tioveiimt I'arroll, rounds on Xovcmbi 2fi. la t". sac in proilucliii; , on- - erice a Iho ran. ih,. efforts ..( Pic women towards J 1 rn ih lb.- yield y a r :arl lupia ke Kei ordcil. eotion 0 acre, this miel. I .'- 'II he lurn.'d to lit. Second raye, sellinír. fui'loni:s I ation scicn 1. i.'ismn-prapl- i 'out ha II Player I'.adly Hurt. 1, San Jan. The beili:; a and o hall, bill has also , siablchlm: "I l" tl. i' social relations; lion Ton. l'4 (Hcrner), I.' to y Jan, I. ; at the observatory of tlie Hila.. Thomas rur.-.- and to a promo- won: Kñpi k, 1 Oil (Am 15 to 1, ilnpl'ov 'I Ihe staph- lo such an extent u, hc districts tint, re- O. Abbot, was probably fatally injured a i - of California at llerkley a of Hie Well, I'e of the second; i:;. Q. Smilii, fpil Heiisohotcn t, a Wilbur-tow- n that Ins otton bloiml.l hall' cent tion an eartllilllake at a ppro v i ma te - in football came near of the state. Tl 7 to 1, Time, I::'.; Whip- - corded above idraiuhl lnidtllin. Mr. Tracv cultural opportunities third. ly today. His chest was crushed 'ii.;:'u.'il m - 1 ' i the sanie tino is the disiurbanc. m. y ky as a whole b not lop, McNuMy. Charlie Hoheily, I'osinir, ,. has Ic tell his seed for next en r k. nun lot emis. l ation Well,. wrote i Chan ami luaek .Hawk also ran. from ilns of cotton ami no doubt - Washiuotou. The extent and duration is (he lii'm-s- t i ib- r- - Will Ct'iOV Hie best Cfop CotttUI Wilb'.oii. bul fin Third race thr. e lu Philatlclphia Celebration Noisy. id that Pnit.-.- iof the shock has not yet been 1, v I., public s. Imols in the lolIKH Pl'inc. Industry, 1H7 (Aus- - - I lb,, a has ever St en. pu ted by t he a ut liorii ies. Philadelphia. Jan. - the tr of Main. i; I, won; u Th,. v its. rs und.-- lb,- Curlsbai! Slates Uní. rnor tinl, to Sterlin. (l.owri. deep snow, the parade of the "new .'..r il f. ol . iudors- ,1 II In. ation ainte 2ii to I. second; Mullens, 110. have te.plested the Si J. I' Frank I.t;hl vvciiu Wre-lli- n limit. years shooters." the feature of Phila- i .Mi.leffWiirth 1, to 1, Time.! of th. ii.t.-rio- to postpnn,. the auction ih,. work third. I.- delphia's new year celebration, was ' bi'-.- t. I.ouis, Jan. A. I.. Wassme of nor I' f M m salo j :..4.l-..- . lie p.oyai sale ol excess land lo a Lit. r dab-- lev el aria criucess. SI Itiniu it on t, lit- Ill vv oo- lit u ri'Kl Iiiil' held loilay as usual ami nr. at crow ds .Lie lo win 11-- , t r. may !. f p.. bad don, mobinc or.y d, ,me. , thai le ..pporl unity o - Ph. Drown. Ca Owen to-la- to see le. j Worse than a night- i,, W illia ms in t wo turned out the special 111,, ol his oulitrv. the fain, le Captain Xe.l-ant- Miss Prune, te plop, rl a.lvelllse the sale. Ilie d.i!'' ciutilmlo s f;ÚU K1(, XVlllj;, ms ,s ,,,,, ,, be Sc. III'., be, alise ,l. is Ha I eld e! Hie Of i h II 111 a t is Ul . OlIS Is One a littl, mol'" tLall .....S.-- ell Wool. la aU'S f It'll lf :lh;" tirst' j Pit v. LACKING e Hie CallSe of i II Kansas EXCITEMENT of Ihe illip. HIS lie lo'V- - ea-i- lv .Usense and is readily .nr Id.' In a forms hut Fourth race. Ano Nuevo handicap, j ... lime etlttliull for Ihe r.'Kl.lar leaal irev. mod IN thai must Le published To have eollSel'V'all.Ul one iiat a. am; llm ,,,,- hi win. h Is loss of tissn destruí live BRITISH CAMPAIGN h,. , I. ,m Hon "f overflowed PARSON a prop.-rl- d. It will i, IlheU-malis- tuUf. FUGITIVE GOES such adv.rlis. it is y illy collie, bal that m M ,ssi-.-- ' ppi is .m, of the chalilos have already lak'll plate. mi, T'Z;, lake at l.'ist two ll'otiths and i half lar.tls m 1 wh.-- iiscrv:iti..n tan are t ,,f retatncj st eretioim or '(shiv, back to face music Pom I, in. Jan. With th first poll- to months. Th,. a. of ex-la- ,,f ihat, and in Lot all the p.T'r'l1';;'. three - ' i w ,,r Xo. l. m ings UelH-l.i- a'lil-,-r- s a P 'l t. lot,. i;.iv rn ot waste, bmei; Pie case how simple I ::i . - of lile election otlly is not very lal't;o, hut mam nlav Ihe producís wear and lies Pii;lUeas Charlie llar- e. .ns..rv a i mo lottniKht av,(y the campaien r Ol,. protect who ow no, ' of th shows !' - ...liable it is that a li .tin. nt ivliidi produces elimination jirave and Hicular also ran. Prince ii... . , .,,,.; water now "! I .os 1. Itev. F. O. a i.e ' . , bet-- Anéelo. Jan. less popular exehemeiit than the last acr.-- Hal Ihat smaller firm ...n I'1"'"'", ' í I. v. .a.lL. T) la it it'll Aliined an. iiiyliteasv- coupled In Í I p I i M ' ! a I .i y I. I.,..,.ll. P zzle-nie- ol ptjHlS, .11' plllSMll'HtS .....til.. 'hih.'.( nj rrii.tii. Tilburne, cbaiBed w ith the emh. slams of most of the previous general hiiuol..! more iiiub r nriaa-iini- i r and th,- biiiblinu t"1 , xpl-'in-- In a i , 1 hy a !nu- - tini:. , lilt- ilion iiinvi-- v.liy a rat ami J?y t!InM thorough of i . wlll.lecIS lot relief ,...,..,.! I one-- , funds .from the Christian .lections. Sin. o th,. first :,ml ill. n ..i. would list part "I Ki.'tb. .seliins. fiv un ,( a (t y indura i.!r cas church of const nted to- uproar oy.-- ti bud-Mo- t th.- nn nl . rn )vhniri run upiHt; iialf furloie,o-- (Ldd 111 (Me-- , l.intnn, Intl., llm rrio. in of the their holdmus in ease aiotimi Finn, I'.rnn-siett- day to return east with Sheriff by bous,- ,,f m a r. id Mai.l . I Cahcy i. 2 lo 1. won, A. e.pii.l, 3 the lords and the advertised ami The ee. trie pcjit bath ia the n approved an ftt r ii method of yest'-rtla- i . In in nrriyed with xp'osioti of or an, r "f p. .pi, ceild all. ml s. ( i ...tiler I. 25 to 1. second: lio-to- iical fireworks n.imb. lu. ine the . Iia.u.aiioii st, iiliil to will la inn. It Is reeomnu'ndea extradition papers. Iiani.-- Smith and with a r. tu a i k a Id amount of persona! In lilis w a v post-ibl- si or of and Authors ; .i..i-k- 1ii5 (Small I, 12 to 1. third sal.. Colony Artists lea.imsr physicians of the city. 1'. rhaps y.ui have darttns pains, J his daughter Mary with whom Hie abuse by rival politicians, the colit-s- Hi. ".'sand a.r. sol land id be no ue. li - kn:;ie. pn;. Pongo, .Molame lo.i ka in Iter e.i-it- v d is'-- ii u d. tío. you an , plau. p.nriot.; . is eloped a vvte- betul.i. los, aie ra Your tor vlll tell to take alleged to have has settled into dull bombardment pi,,,,, Ihe disliosal of those . century pole- - now inn led in th. h Meildllnx Peiham, I)r. I'nl'li t mnv : pa vv ,, Pl. lib- Li'ut or Tiuki.-- bath. It hastens the effects of m.cltcin from I.inlon are accom nj ins 'he of spec, lies and lie spa per articles .tit. t. llo- auction. , I lb- - form-,,- man ami ll..:ik r: n. j Mac;, im-- I. st'.rv of i also Li . II - t v, .' b i üí. 'I yu y p. 'y is to mova sheriff ami prison, r. lienimir yviih t'n.. Imuse of lords and TL, users, as a he ,. t u ic ia lie only to he rmaii nl w.ll r Sixth one F.'in- - ..I Ho- . o!, 1,,, s.eit h. a roe. stllini; mile I ilion , tari! ri form ar, an'.i.uc licit all lb. th. 10:: (i to l. ,,n; Se - Finn. i, ;, .. .'.'!:!'., in c SI1,, s s .4 i, tC.:l'V:'J:" cl.'.rntri. I l A I li..- l.eiee Hamate. bv e. J. Falfour. Lord Cutzon end to wat. r umb r i ile, 1 'Pi i Huí 5 1, lap. a.nniit.d lb" i'"i'.-rii- linéame I, to second: i . "Mi hiishaiiil. ..."ii'; . St. I.ouis Jan. 1. liamaa,. est Lord Milm-- ar, Lading th,, opposi- sh, old be larm.-- Ibis ear, alt.! 1'7 lire tin- 11" II. c, ile aha Awil'wiii". (Uanoey-t- n t. t, . of ollllli "'. 'IV L . I ted at p'.o.cul ivn, dollc on Hit tions liulit with Austen CL.mLerlain .Il-c- 11 tb of a. r' suli: T'ini-- 1 ie !!. l ' eotohv ill CalltolCll ol' thud. vv n vv loritlil'e lo le loilay h. ice whu h li.n tmttim; tío- tarift' i to tile front I" '.be sale f..r am hi. to brill" ' Pedro ami Tr ran. il I i.f 111, ,..k F.'tm. The I'"" matun also to, in M NsiSMppi bit-ke.- m-- 1 1, . r of Sanitarium tiled 'I'h. Lord Herts!.. aeensi t.anib, . i Br the and Chaihs rd ssarv t" 111 Was le. .'Veil With .1 O d t ' orison ice away , rv liili, n i;ov ern mt-u- find pla- it in hit floa'in; tin. ..i in. mi surpbls land x í j At .lack-am- i He 'Iho". who v.ti. to share our its path. navy '. 11 tins 1 lo-r- I IHV Si'llkl- J o ksojlv He. . , .i.jn. -- ; i oblllt tl eXlle Were. II' ". Fla liavid I.lov .!- - :.a.r;i' and Winston ; wo u re to- - il i. z, tie- a ill oí '."e. ViuhH. our wen races at t :cf Kansas City livestock. Churchill ot th,. a. Im in ;si r t f"i ' s fihp Siol,o Ilie Truth. .1 MpmevvsUl. y. ir,; for! j ' .r-.- . ieanL.1 treial, .l.ih.n tlie 'lu dash eabie Kansas Chv, .M ... J.:U. 1. dr. w the tars'est crowds. i,, undone'" sari- V tl Hie ti Albuqusrqua Foundry & fciiios Works handi-aj- t who veas hi me up his tv.o ihe New he ,., ,,, 1 in,.-- i h a .1 v : , h.-- ar.m-- ' 11-- anxious I,; ,,ls. .s,e, rn. si. na Lord I'ur.ol, s declaration that o a si' tin. v - ,.! ii under he in! im m of na e,,a, .lit. lahlf c!v- rs. 7.25: ,n .t.y is sure to ii a w i t! e. l,;,a:,!"Vfu, st.. Mei, hel.dli tontain h cestui I . .1 .1 e.-n- t ' tin.- 1,., elv... a. it'oll TP,. for tie- bix-a-i- 2 5 ; th'-- I Slob- end riñes t ne V south. e,,ws 'not.- all.- m. a an ele. m e om A viiiiall, as ; sl, in er. -- . fift.-ei- : ., -- IX Ill of A .'; Lia l'al'1'o. kl a tiel-- i. rs '. 4, . . .,,,,1 .1 t , r- m- I., ' ."'I ami ihe i .i,,,, Ic.s been th, tnosl ,::sci:ss- ut m ta ti. - c I,, e htll'l f" 'I'll' - ia-- . a i .. ' a o.l m tm- was p.-- h. j'5iC. - an ,im ii,,,ir ui is', ,a,c tf. from start to f tt... kos ami ,1 the we. I. Lull f- at Ihe top l.ll'l , w - i Icilal.- - si.,"! (., iv WPkic-- Tde litimltoito won by n.l- : t aiv t r.l.l.vt. l'.it.v.j $j.4o'' hulls. $5.2564 5.: .v t o r. th, t. m ," Sai set. ly Hl.' j:e.s;:- I t .1. if. 'i.cii; ""'a I 'olltlM lie; ( ll'tll 1 i, vvotclll it.'.l'i. it . . - Grates y. ,' w I , fireplace - Fir.-- i - 5 - v )..-- "i n. iiinu lni' .luiinc t re. ti'i led 'far- f, i.y, stern ?1 (o 7V Charlie What lev,- on n il'iint lie Un-- - I'arlieiil if. c.s. I K h. Willi . - I I '. .L ,v ; o-- - i, .... rti-t- Ihe rollen ii lhl.1' Loi.c n ih S i... all mc'i: ; Hoirs Kcieipts. l.'obi: 5e h.w.r, to our f ar xi, (j iv,f ei-lit.- .,i isk-'- me . !',"-.i-- - I tin-- ' f .lll.liv o..l I. M olid. V. UOll .1', third. Tilue. S I'i-- to sli.vo ni li ' ' i''P P'at k ;ss lo If h;;!k of raha, .!?! !:':'.. hro" v. ; t ,L-- if Ii were I r thai ( it; . .Si ST. í ne't'iiini;. Mr- - sivlef-- P, nui.-.- L. y.e. l. ilil'nd'd If' ti.10. packers and tutelar I , I oi-- " x í X ; b- 'misr.-n- to Anon. him tin; ..lid lio foiinh mil p.y J t, i.i r.f :; ; icht. i, "II pic chai'i. What mi for? II- - wouldn't itirovviai; me n k'ss. '"ii ' d.'l'-- ' 'Wlliit a'liv . ii & Ts hi ha vt.ei. K'm..n. A.';A".s 'jji í T Si), I'.r.i-T- 'e il... tor told ine tliflf I Mr". Mil,,.-U- li) not? nub vs '"li Aitjuqusrque Foundry Machine Works . - X. n d. TL. ii i.M.kii.v ..! fm . na.l. p, ndau.i. tt,ir, Tim.-- , j -- 4 utd't ..;e i n e. I .lis- - St vL y P l!' on- 1ms. ii; a,J Sheep X'otie; m.irkft, notnma n.'.r. i i ' , í , ' , v I " i - ,,i.'.- n n it ! ' tl , I A


ministration lirwj also thut lie will lie month's Importation, liowtver, repre- measure represent the difference In YEAR useful In connection with the ad- sented untold mirroring ami .rulu'dy per capita, cost of police protection be BALKS AT HEW BRINGS vancement f tile statehood Mil. in 1910 HEADACHE III" sacrifice of many livc-- j Miu.iur the WASHINGTON POLICE ween the cities of Group I and those TEXAS some ,it:i rTi here H- i- outlook for helpless victima collected al St. 1 horn, of the other groups. man Imo,) ni this session of icrifti'' and Principe win re the cm 01 Is Is n not considered ns hopeful (is shut i't'inn Many A tin-- lean, wono n nr. BIG FOUR LIMITED IN A RETURN OF mi' ago. ll i mm' said Unit I he GOTHAM lakimr up the matter and are iii'piirirm ACTIVE IN TAFT'S DEFINITION forces In the señale wliii h Imvif Ij"" as 10 the sonic,, and method ol pro- .1ST . DITCH; ENGINEER. HURT i n K III lit in ii in Ih" past continue duction of the cocoa 11 ml ihoeolate so unit thai there íh ."i probability thut thai tliny use in their homes. ill.' lull inn y ! j.ul tt uniil after the ACTIVITY AT TWO MILLION Mumie, Ind., J;n. 1 Th" Hig Four OF WHISKEY census, or If 1 luí t Hi" ) i Is Imi AMERICA n"t X W light was thrown on th old Knickerbocker limited, easibound, for tin' adoption i.f a 01,."dilution 11 was Dawn, near ndnils--- and muí hated iptcsiion, 'iioes wrecked at it, will l" ho drawn u In prevent u 11. to tonight, according; to i ni other hand oil. ge i d'icíi lion p . "" h. t in- until l'll. tin' telephone reports rent-bin- Itere. The SANTA FE i ll I others equally liifiirmi'il uro even WELCOME TO NEW YEAR forma lion Ilia came to light Ibis week CAPITAL LEADS train struck a defective, switch, left REAL ARTICLE MUST COME yt ses-M- i innri hopeful of success this regarding the rels e pay of janitors tile track and plunged through a store. n before congress cnnicned. PROVES RECORD BREAKER FROM THE STILL than and lent hers of city's schools. Jt NUMBER ARRES The engineer and fireman wire said STRAIGHT It It; ixpi'iliM thut Un- situation will It v to he badly Injured. tei-u- i la pl'.lct ica 'piireil of every school of in Official tlstalie lelv itml thai If tin' Lots Business end i'f January iln lute ..f t)i I. Ill priliciial thai lie poes.-N- a university Aiiioikans Discover They legre,, while I lower grades Interesting Statistics Compiled Pure Food Commission Disa- Circles fdlovunr; the Holiday will li" i ha i ly dcierniiucd aie acliers of 11 Ml allow thai they have received Ushv; Foodstuffs Grown jy By Census Bureau Show INDIAN ISLES grees with President as to Period; Supreme Coin t to fensiiN Maclililcry lleaill. training in normal schools or oilier In- 1ST of higher learning repre- I'aul A. K. Walter, n pfioinleil uper-vlo- r African Slaves; Where Col- stitution;; Varying Degree of Lawless- Exactly What Constitutes Meet, of the ennu for Now Mexico, senting u considera ble investment of . hat completed the machinery of the lege Education Doesn't Pay, tini" and money. The lordly janitor, ness in Big Cities, Genuine Booze, of Hi e hi re. The a iipolnl inept of however, is not reoulri d to prove title SHAKEN BY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION enumenitorii nlone remain to b made to an A. It degree or any other kind inil will be unnounceil early In (Spm-la- l ri.rrespi.nilene In Mnmlng .l.inmnl before being, il to assume Speelal orrenpiintl. nee to Mnrnln Journal Special Corrpspondrnra to Morning Journal these - IN IMPORTANT MEETING M.irch. The actual work of laklnif the N.w Vork, l.-e- . si. The most barge i.f the destinies of both leaeh- Washington, . C, Dec. 29. Im Sin Antonio, Texas, Jan. 1. That pupila. hand censnn will he done In April find May. pensive In the year us New is and On the other portant data on the subject of arrests the ruling of ns to while the If. paitl from $100 TEMBLOR President Taft what Mr. Waller is planning the woik and I. 'tellers tire Vori: c bi, id s it is New Year s. 01 $.1,000 of lawbreakers and the sizes of police is whiskey will not be accepted by will mak" every effort 10 the end month to a year according In District Attorneys to Meet With .11 New- .1 is In U. Census thai the census tie absolutely thor- - lur Vear's eve. While their rank, the Janitors are r.imbursi forces contained Texas, is the statement made by Dr. 'A III',- which Census Director the Governor on Friday to ouuh. It will be of Inestimable value eater oill lay pi olio Is represi'llled according to trip number ol R'niart Hullttin lnr, J. K. Abbott, pure food commissioner. feel in doma 111. This method of Ourund is about to submit to Secre- to the territory not only In furnlnhinn by the pri ini; fit- - their Reports from Martinique and The Texas law e, tho subject provides custom that ill Naglii r,f of com- of 01 aleulatjoii nets them incomes all tary the department only Discuss Administration an ex.n t rei d of pnpul Hlon hut In - iiil.--i f'hrietiinm, ih,- luxur-'car'- s that the products of the whiskey ouilny for larger schools or from $ 2.000 to merce and labor. It is an abstract of St, Tell of 111 nlslilng of the Vincent Severe still are whiskey, and that rectified or Laws, neeurale slatementfi bum eniciialnmcni mi New eve year. rol- - or Taxation mineral and oilier wealth $11,000 In the case of the the annual report on the .statistics concocted iinllallons of Uu real thimi exceeils that lor any wick if the year 10. 11. Vo- may na a lego siippoi led hy Die city the iiniimoly was prepared by Mr. Milling, Earthquake Shocks; are anything whiskey. this production, which be used under ordinary "M. 'a I bel- but For circiimslaiic tH presented ,,f u president a man division chief, tinder the supervision diluting-ethy- l reliable busl for future slatlrtlial K Oil li Active. reason nil whiskeys made by alat tm kerbllii. er ban llecelopl cuslums throughout country for his Btatis-ticla- n lcanoes r,rmridiim Morvftaa Jaanall ceiiKUH wan known the of Dr. Le UraPd Powers, chief or spirits to , Information. The hint all bis own oslo-rin- in new alcohol neutral smitii m.. Jan. I Alter a fui' eaeh si hobirly a I liilninonut receiving in charge of official statistics nl period (if In a!! respe, in. It han been Mvel ve-m- h mi. I in 111,, greet lug ( x potable strength, flavoring them with comparative quiet during yearly salary of S.OO0 while the jani- cities. whiskey oils, coloring KKvi-i'd- l used, however, by the department .f (By Morning Journal 8prJn essential them mid for wfik prior to tended lo l'.'l'l nil pi I'Vinus records f tor of his Institution draws $1S,0(I0 were ir,S of these cities, and mrd Wire a H i ( 111 11 11 There with ageing KfiiMon rli basin for cMiniatliiK la isbnes.'i of dlsplav and St. Thomas, Danish West Indies, caramel and them with i Inies In Simbi exienilitur from th.. city treasury. This seem to in the tables ot the. bulletin they are glycerine, II all t ro)in, elc, since that time an that eclipsi d. I ra put ex Jan. 1. Cable advices received here beading oil or will, as in the lit In Kin In lie Very lively again have bcn he nrove that as bctwet n janitor and presented in four groups. Group 1 lor the ten years aside from the pansion of during Ho. report a violent earthiiiiake In the past, bo subject to seizure by the with the opening of the first wok (if int business pasf professors a college education cities of over UllbOOil popula- hp reporti of the coal mine inspector the tlu.-- New contains French Island of Martinique and the Texas state authorities. Dr. Abbott new year. monihs has satisfied Vork handicap of about fifi jar c int. tion; group II, 100,000 to SO0.000: territory lias never had an accurate Ih.-r- t long-her- n bb-- British Island of St. Vincent, early to- has made a number of experiments During the next i ilny the Su- Iinally Hi" en 60,000 100,000; and report of any kind on wealth produc- of prosperity wan r ally at .'mil (roup III, to day. Mount Pelee volcano on the with whiskey made in this fashion, preme court will meet In regular hand On January I, a man whose name is Group IV, cities of 30,000 to 50,000. tion In nny branch of Industry. IhioI.ciI for 1111 stay. "on Island of Martinique and LaSouffriere and has pronounced them Inferior to January term, the ti itllorlal hoard of Indefinite scarcely known even in this city, hut in Group according Following the taking of the census SelllelltlV they decided il Those I ranked in St. are reported active. still whiskey and deleterious to health, equalization III mi i t In one of the to eo'.chnto who lina been Identified Willi the are Now Vincent n Mroitg movement will he started, I' ll idveiit by Hi" method thai nhvnv to estimated population, The extent oí the damage Is not especially In cases where fusel oil and IliiiMt Important meetings tif rot en! 1:1 enlist Increase in the country's pop York city, Chicago, Philadelphia. St. í by coiniin ri in chile;, real etato nu n 11, .. .1 known A message from de formic ncid had been used. ynira. the district, ait.iiiu vu will un l to atipeat Hlrongly tu ciu ulation oí niv single Individual In the here. Fort and olliem iol. i . h(i ,1 In terrllorv'H Louis, Huston, Haltiinore, Pitlsbiiifr, Some shipments of Taft whislcey with the govi rnnr for the dlscuai-lo- the 7en of Ibe lllellopolis that of spend history, from active France, Martinique, says an earth- development, the evlabllslinient of money. nation's retired Cleveland, HutTalo, San Francisco, De- have already been seized in Texas. of taxation mailers mu) Hiere will lu- fur init The popular dining place life. m.111 is Thomas H. quake shock was felt but no damage a thoroughly oiRiinlzed statistical biisiniss This troit. Cincinnati, Milwaukee, New Or- Warwick M. Huff, general counsel for ll numlier of otlii r mei tings of Import- ill wliuli all the tables usually an w ho has been for forty years was done. Nothing has been heard either with the .! a . In leans, and Washington, D. C. some St. Louis rectifiers, has asked a une during the mime perloil. connected cnuni:. week or n lav fun in (hargfi of the official Immigrants' from SI. Vincent since early today. of traveling audllor or the New r. V líder the bend of arrests, classi- hearing before the governor, Dr. Ab- There is to lie i ousiiierubli- - lumlncm oliice the Ycai'H purled Ibis season tha clearing house in this port. In this Considerable anxiety is felt here aecretury'a office. I'or ti e present ll was n two fied by offenses, It is shown thai the bott and the attorney general. Dr. of general Intercut belore. tho supreme everything tak. week alien period he has acted lis fi r 'ption about Kingston. Jamaica, which was la tie done I II11H number of arrests In the lfX cities for Abbott has already voiced his opposi- (Killed I unfed that thin work could of the usual Inn- and ill spile ol 1 partly destroyed by an ciirthqu.iko a court and Interest. Riven to for over 5,00(i,0u0 imm- 1 S fi ft, 3 li 1 nt expenso find committee the fiscal year 11107 was . , or tion to a release of the whiskey held, tin; tensions since JuiIku MUI will nit comparatively small the Increase In accommodations igrants rind has despatched tloin on few years iijn, could be Increased as the work mrowa lue to of new 582.4 arrests to every 10,000 Inhabi- and for this reason a law suit testing for the time 11 chief Juki ire the opening hotels nni way new In fnited l:.t h their lo homes the tants. The number of arrests per 10,- - the authority of the Taft ruling as Jii'lor tu taking tll executive ilfict with development. The need for huí restaurants and the extension ol oble Stales. Win n Mr. Faulkner assumed far Is now recognized. 000 inhabitants in titles of Group I as Texas and interstate commerce are Judgo Pope work generally ones. liurliH Ih,. pus! few days fron in 1 Stilt, im- mii'i eeiiliiit to tlio chief charge of his position, the 052.11; in of Group nsil.5; to follow. ad to $'.1111 has b. i 11 offered sin : was cities II. concerned is sure luatlfpshlp on hrunry i'Sth when lor migrant station was old (arden FACTS ABOUT ' li 1 Till", of Group III, 5811.0; and or Group IV, SOI Whiskey according to the Texas i UI TI.OOK Olt in placis known for bri! 1 the next executive, take H office. liltK.IIT ule tables the nt the lattery and Us capacity was giith" w 710.1. food and drug act, must contain at In honor of the new governor ntul TKitmrtiiiv this vkah. Iianov ..f their tings and ith only a fraction of that of the great k Xi i Washington Heads tito 1,1st. least 44 per cent alcohol, must not the new chief Jimtii e furry n.ipp ial'a WílV i iKiHiird 001 iiii.ii.K ic. ...T. .u id. a o group Iinil, lings on Island, Uoveriuir , of lilis I Washing- in today with hearty good tb,. eir.c Ho- 1 1 clamoring for an In the cities of Group contain any artificial flavoring, burnt III (five m leeepllon nt tha executive Kanta of where newcomers from foreign lands sp.-n- ton, D. C in num- FIRES sugar, glycerine, beading oil or essen- mansion on evening: of sixth. will 011 every hand. There Is u well opiioi liiiiil lo Its money may tne ranked first the the the are now received. at tnat time of arrests in proportion to popu- tial oil, ami must he at least four years This III probably lie the lust, function defined feeling here that the prophecy be gathered from the fail that th total volume of immigration was less ber 1 ! 1 0 5.0111) of old. Since no whiskey Cui-rj'- a of l!m Is Rolng to be fullilled ill II. Astut t Itteilaineil helwecn lation. The total number arrests rectified can ut the mansion during Governor .bi than one-thir- d what it is at present wny the ,tiiui persons In that city was more thnn four times be made without the ingredients pre- resíllenle thele niel It v 11 be In th" of development and and at the hciuht of ttie and was made up nlmon' exclusively good Every fill In Nevt lo th, Aslor came - the number shown for the larger city scribed by the Texas law, Taft whis- made a notable one. Tim recrpüoii return of times. here cei ition. ami m rmntm, Insi "inl of eon- Census Bureau Figures Rela- of Irish If .Milwaukee, Wis., approximate- key will not be here ag a to cull ntul meet the new officials, over New Mexico Inillcatlona point to tho Waldorf Astoria and the liaza inlng as it docs today representa and obtainable extensive tb.. two together entertaining about ly three times the number shown for common article, of commerce. will be formal 11 nil nil will lie Invited1 extensive Investment and lives 'of cvi ry ra; in Kurope and of tive to Fire Laddies and chin eipial - guests, following larger city of Detroit, Mich. Shortly nfter the loth Governor furry development of resoiinca of all an iniinbei- of many from ntitsul,. til it ci ntiiicnt. the still prosp. i -- enme Hi,, of The of arrests, however. Losses. For tho purpose of building a lino will no to Washington and It h now aca. Santa r e in jeciing move lose almost limitless line tolal number of r and places, each no Indication ol tne lawlessness nt from Santa Angelo, Texas, to Chihua- teil Hint h will clone the nuin-i.i- n ous anil more mire the future than snialb ie, famous is i'll'i Is golden it is, a hua, Mexico, the Kansas City, Mexico for the huíame of hi term of ever before and the feeling here but colbi iliis its altare of Ihc bar city's population; rather, t i ISpeeial Correspondence 10 Morning & will a $5,000.-00- 0 office. h reflection of that throughout New st. A consi rvat istlaiute place ROW IN CLOViS OVER reflection of varying local laws and orient railroad float Mexico. the tolal number of persons dining In onditlons and the activity of the po Washington, J. C, Die. lu. The gojd tiond issue In England. Tha ( largely by English public lo re on New Year's cí e at I1"1 lice department. number of city employes of the fire irient is financed rtivnurr attukmivs wii i, i.iiO end their oipcn.lllur.. at elos,. to In classifying arrests by offenses, capitalists, and for this reason the is- Southwest Railroad Notes departments in th,. 108 treated Hi. ski i t I. ino million tlolb rs. the largest single OF the bulletin slates, it Is Impossible to cities sue will lie offered In London first. ilb-lt- I of In forthcoming 300 The tnei lliiK of the i' item being for champagne which If DISMISSAL secure absolute uniformity because of the fnited Slates The line, if built, will be about I. ever. 11'.,. l'i cognixed on till be- Census littllctin No. 103, relative to miles in length, and will make large iinil jittorncy ;eniial Ni-- lb,, onlv the dissimilarity ol' laws, and also the I'ilc llrivcr. ,1o, 000 111 Way on occasion. is punished the statistics of cities of and graphite deposits in Mexico more eas- with the vimr he the (teconil li. 'Jrcul While this cause the seme offense There has Just en ed in lh' more population in 1 !t 0 7, ily accessible, to Some of mcetlnuxii culleil liy (iovernor under different names in different cit- estimated the market. lhee bridge engineering depart mini 01 the n mor,, seb.-- was 2!. 055, or nearly throe-fourth- s grading of line has already been tin1 Maine riiirpose, Itn oh-.le- Turning to feature of TAYLOR ies. The various classes or offenses of the t'nrry for suggest the of employes of Hie police In to inquire carefully Into Aliiiison, Topcka Santa lie railway the reflections that themselves against property and against the per- numhcr done. inore among departments in the sume cities. iiilniiniMr.itl'111 of tax I11W14 In tin1 one of must ctl'uicnt and latest at Xciv Year. It Is agreed tin son, with the exception of "assaults'" the the Rec-lor- pow i fir,, protection in many cities, how- According to Mexico Daily d varloiiM rountleK. to ii ei tuln how pattiiiiH of pile iliivers a pile driv best business end financial au are fairly comparable for' the differ- the not In many yarn has of- ever, is furnished in large measure by a Jorge amount of cypress piling 1 lonely tunen re beliiR collected uml er that ,s self propelling uml has un thorities ent cities, hut arrests for such lb., country an oiiilook ns rosy Friends of Deposed School Su volunteer fire organizations, so that heretofore supposed to hove formed a to urge upon the ilimtiot uttnrncya the powi r uml 111 lion of a modern luco lacid fenses formed less than 10 per cent as Ilia! which is In fore it with the the fire fighting force is somewhat pier in the lake surrounding the old neceiwity of 11 rich! cntorceincnt of live, ill I cll"ide-.!tl- of Its M.I a ml De- of the total. r I it. liv.-- In llimi perintendent Likely to larger than the police force, ("all men now City the law In thin renard, Several of the dlllies otl the Lent. i.eginiiir id The large class if 11 in or offenses cilv of Tenochtitlan, the of w ex- n Inch, cv. r panic, lias been - are numerically unimportant in the Mexico, has been announced by nttorneyn linvn iilremiy This lu-- ma. blue pei since the Board's denominated "ol tenses against su- dintrlct has mand Reasons for 100,-00- bu. k upon us 11 year filies with a population of over 0, perts of museum to have Hflive In InlnKlnit ntmut the col- claims to consiib rali. oí as a 'lew lb looked banner iety" comprised S4.7 per cent of the the national business, w.-r- danger signs and 11 tile last lew years there served as a palisade designed to pro- lection of dellniiuent taxed A nuin-he- r velopmeni in a eiigiin-c- ini, for there Summary Action, total number of nrrests for 1II07. n has been a tendency all capital of Aztecs ultn tuen in tin- upon Ibe hoiixon which wire extrcnie-I- for specific of marked for tect the the against of linpoitnnt have unusual at raiiKcmenl and - Arrests the offense 10,000 re- I - dlsiiieling to nuthori- drunki-nnws- cities of over inhabitants to attack from the brigandines Hernando tirouKht ntul nevera countlcn have MtcitpUi of the sell prole-Min- no t h- conservative formed Ü5.2 per cent of 11. which I (hem to set about place call men with regular men. Corten constructed on the lake. The been Htlrred tip in a healthy wiiv. ank-l-n and ill the self exilíame, b - and (9trlal Correapootlenra to Morning Journal the tolal, but in many cities the charge M , 1. It is stated that, by presenting discovery was a few days ago, matters of iiilmlnlHiration will .Ir.iulic turntable wluribv lb. eiitne tin ir Investments rather liovls. N. Jan. it is likely of disorderly conduct covered the the made other s. I It. en- of regular per a a I .bun to making new 010 At that a will number firemen 10.000 whihj trench lor water main was he tlini iim-(- ami the meetinn' will be Uiailillue, IlllilllliU liiuk. is .(iiukl unite little disturbance same offense; thus, in llarrisburg. Pa., pi es. nt lime Hoi,, are no su. h draw sue as ii of (he ol inhabitants, the number per 1,000 being dug in the street known as Callo cue of the most Important of reient lined char ol the rat! and turned result dismissal less titan one-fift- h of one per cent of view. I' In cverv line F. Taylor ser- - acres of land area, and the number Cinco il,-- Mayo. The streets yea in. ea.l I'.H ad. binka in I'tof. John from the the arrests were on the ground of marks the ,s i.ceedlllg a i liiitn- - per 100 miles of improved streets, op- waters of Texcoeo once l.i.c-mo- pi lindel full head of ol the city schools, since u where the lake A week from Motnlay the r.onrd of This new Ihiivriis t e pile drunkenness, while 00.5 percent were mi. Th, working to t. cre- - portunity is afforded for comparing laved the base of the great teocalli. equaliatuiou 11! In iitiother it is inlii'il. ..un. railroads efe r of his friends are now active on the ground of disorderly conduct. unit diivel. as full and earnings tho eliet live strength of the depart- It is presumed that the capital of the ttieetln of very leal Importance to to meet the iuli ementa of the Santa liieir eaiinottv their uiiig a sentiment against the action It Is shown in a table that the per r' arc incre.-i- d tnontlilv orders lor of In of Taylor. ments of the different cities. The Moctezumas was not protected at this the whole territory. Questions of l'e. '1 lie road has been want Inc. the hoard and favor capita oust of police protection in the ll. w eoi.iprrii 111 being pi teed iblllv. many number per 10.000 inhabitants is point and the cypress stakes were (iiuallz.ition be moun-t.'.i- u iilf According to the opinion of ol Group I 1Ü07 was that unit will Komi niaiiiiui' to t Itmii the big cities for nearly align- r Tb,. construction ti nb which usually were position know, ac- probably the best measure of fire driven during the siege. Their brouaht before t lie board at thin meet-ln- grade-- . Iiiiuliiig its own tai ate! who in to the dotihli the cost ol police protection in I.iuh behind In (is recovery tion in demanding protection. ment shows that their pointed tops and ll will be called upon to take tools doing 1I11 t the of the authorities cities of any other group. As a corol- and the from a period "( b pr. is embar Taylor An Inórense in Appropriations. were Just concealed by the water. It a on in connection with the old time engine wei.- e. si.m the resignation of professor lary to this lac,, another tuld,. shows further extra ci.wk bv 10 0111 am me ma The appropriations for IHOi! and is thought the pallsittjo was erect e rassed inaoilitv did not come us a great shock to a two-thir- that tax co mu-- on recently appointed bv Hiiii'd to do. In this law lo. 01110-li- that mor,, than of all the with which lo tiil its ord f city. - 1907 as given in the bulletin include ed by order of Cuauhtemoc who suc- The onlllliio tlnin pile tic- I'N' terials majority of the dtcns ttiis emplove- of the police departments of the Kovtni'r tliltir Sama lias Just l, ,11 high m ti t 111 cil out- I'l cs 01 I, Medio is rule It been whispered, with what 1.1S jtb,. ii'i expenditures for ceeded the deposed Moctezuma a few fai b. notliinc; mure limn bal has I., demand, il some has the cities considered were report- ap- in ut many lines higher thin ever belore was alw-ny- to cor- lays and for maintenance. The days prior to the fall of the city. Ther0 anil in 'ki pi' Hiniii.irv llllil o I 111"' bridge foundation it hard ed from this cities of Group I, and tune is the pllde Ibis high level promises to b. propriations for 11107 amounted to is some historical evidence that the I'. to the ill III Willi h it will binliliag rectly as, ei tain, that Mr. Taylor had nearly one-fourt- h of the entire num- 111. liii.-- significant of all :$, 520. an of emperor defense y A t will mil. M'.st become very lux in his methods of !t, increase $3,'4S.Sát, new directed his of be 11c. i to cover epcrt .Vol onl this, bul K is one til. - ber Ironi the city of New York. s.i l ll. ill article,, of ItlX- or 10.5 per tent, over the previous city teocalli against 111 - ni lbs the trade school management, he was S11111II. the from the ki.e n.'c to Ibe iioard that cein- new .l.-- i ..( in en-e- l and that Where Police Are tic in. us mechan! ol which New York is the center year. This, liowever, does not mean, which tho Spanish contpiistadores w 11 pp. it b - ur. giving more or his to outside Willi po- 'luted (..o Kiii.-- ring In ll - time Cities particularly small n.óV"n this ounlr who h fell off to it fraction of lis prc- it Is stated, that the expense ol' main- threw their main attack, and for this n !'' Mildv of v. In- S..111.1 I".- b..l I of mutters of purely personal Interest lio,, forces were Milwaukee, Wis., and i.tke ,iy:. thni t.ik nt I. ill 'if 1 f to taining departments increased at reason palisade would not seem to be to make i,.iis iM. from the than was good for the school he was New ans, I.a., in Group 1; Scran-ion- . the the comlltl able ill A' rail" "ad pr..p.iMti.'i Ih. regained till tub a portion of very ob- r ibe summer of finí, bis supposed to manage. Pa., Mo., ill Unit rate, for this amount have proved itself a effective nn in c I" to the meeting r . and tl I h fall and St. Joseph, omit houu its I. gi.uind and has gon,. on to by was appropriated lor the purchase of stacle. Tile stakes are still well pre- January P'Hi outline the .1,1 Two of the hoard of eight stood Group 11; fiica, N'. Y., and Ilrockton, .ill I1'.' m.lj.ll'lt el Hie 1:1. ti f w hi h land, ol' buildings, A t 1 ex- - ibe a ibli inn nt n. records Ule the construction served. 01 k j r. ' Hie. It Is I I I , .. Tailor during trial here, hut the Mass.. In Gmuo I1T: and Lincoln, Neb.. .'it! he s o :i'K:ii:l III.' a f tin lleav v purchases of and for new apparatus. The per cap- pectt-i-l will remw- - . il otheis were unanimous in ibelaiing Passaic, N. J., South Neb. til it' 1I.1.1 an. I. I! batalle r trad,. and ouiaha. ital appropriation for the 150 cities re . T - w I Hiipo a TRAgIdYCAUSED r I.IIIMI. II bi. ll the I ..; I M . that the time was at band for in Group IV. NEAR ho. 11 V II ill was $1.115. I l. tllp II K.I f no-lic- e porting i i.niT!ilM..U - 'e, bv '1 M .i hange in the management of the ily A cltv with an especially large he s .'te lling p Ic iln- ,11 1.,. ,1 per cos : i likely t.. db A Tile capita of niaiiitui. tice BY DOG CATCHER w rl: ne w schools. meeting ,.f tho sympathiz- for. ,, was Washington, D. C. erlinr i'urr hi- h Id. d a I thing bv . st-- :l Hi.. , sumption ..I' loi ign inv. of fire departments In fort ign cities go f irw cr l . '.o r ib ers of Mr. Taylor is scheduled for Nearly three-fourth- s of all employes ail th. !v .id. ale ol . .1 i. s. Alto- - tie- Towei-Iha- WHO CORRALED "POCO" ' - Ameritan in to bulletin, niiieh .r (iii I opera poli.-,- it report be ear ( I .1 - this af lernoon in one of the ,.f th,. department were patrol ni.. 111; i ..r rholl ,l,s- 111. re is evetv in. In., don in cities of the Slates, ' - b. . 11 MlK- - !. .ib. in It likely 111 MIO on fnited me, of th" i'. I I I houses this city and is men, of win. pera tent were tuie bib ...ik. but om be J ,,!, I, tiiiie-vv.ti- p w "a computations by t í 111 he nd of Su- 4 p.-- t recently made ! ll HCT e Vl.ll . ! that a warm will be had. beats. ent on posts, and 15.4 ei .1. ItV MS ' ell ,. . II- - .V w Is time 111 appv and Veal" tin-lie- s. Geological survey plac- About six o'clock yesterday morn iiilw-r- 1 l e i'.t .,,eious perintendent I'ott.iieH per were special fnited Slates rui el I . a I Moore of the cent detailed oil HI ha I". e in in- I n. 1,. S.1111 il! luí, coming per expense in ing t .re- - mt w suc- 111. ing the capita tho slumbering denizen residing1 e inpa.lhy .1 schools, ho has been side, ted to The number of mined police- .ilel iel..n. This 1 .ion, a 11 J ogr.-ss- . s. $0.2l, JO. 19, St. in . I . ll- - ue CS fill pi at London at Peters- the vicinity of Second street and d. This v r.-- l ceed Mr Tailor, came in lesterday men was onlv ii.2 per cent of the tolal be no ti lor t lie I two-thir- burg at $0.22. Paris at 50.21, Milan Lea,) avenue were aroused by an ear ited here and it ...i.rd I from a Christmas visit to Ills old home number on bea'n, more than lio .tome aim is n.Ma iple ol States at $0 17 and at $0.23. splitting, blood-curdlin- w 111 Thai the I"' the tinted In on Stockholm The unearthly be found Uc ..v I! i Tenm ssce. of whom were mounted .h ,:u III tlM l t li,- st :bt mollttis of is, 01 used w in A bulletin cautions that the inference yelping evidently emanating from a Willi the 11 k 11.. horses. relatively large number of ji i' .'t lie The !. . 11 of cocoa grown million pounds Wbv Mir stave( nt Ibe I'mit. lb, mounted patrolmen in th,, cities should not be drawn from these data canine quadruped, and which con- Ibis elk . startling message si v.. I.tb.. is the I'.eing upbraid. .1 by for .lii.C'O to lOO.OOil inhabi- that the fire departments of this coun-- I tinued for some ten or fifteen min- Ml -I her mother haling trom I,i;Y MY Li pel 1, t u 1 bv Joseioi - ti. U' 'ment ..ii lit tins ..iinlrv ing lowest In tier class, Were ill of tile sout try are not economically adminis- utes. The populace rushed out of 1111: 1 I VII I the little tants cities hern 110 ciimim; e .1. ,11 11. .1 . tile., w lie h heal p, . one-ha- lf teied. The low per capia cost of bed and peered out through win- th.- - . .: a 1. k. Mabel ex burned .n"s of injured stal.-s- while mote than of the When ir lit two e: I's in fort ugii .se Africa nitiinienance abroad is of dow Just jn time, I. p.,t innocence: ain't my fault. The the ti. tl,. pi'lit emcll wile reported the result shades most of them in levy f r t tin- l ib' 'it iri.-ter i ii.1t ins r on.ttlioiis that pr' j building regulations, more to see Col. ,il . : n, . x p. ed - gir who has been foot left from tb,. four ritiieg of New York. N. William Hunter the offi- the next fs, ir it H nil li ol fsdi-on.t- I Mr report on this alwas th. r.' hint's " V nearly fireproof cial 1.1 1 s law! V.. Philadelphia, P11., Washington. I and greater dorg catcher, by a skillful throw t h,.t lev y v be vi v 1. Ani.-t- , I V. liiiniiMr tm.t il... I tt m 111.1 le Ibe s s i'f precautions to prevent of his '; A U.' ami Atlanta. G.i. In comparison the occurrence lariat imprison In Its colls ably tetiuced. 'I ll '11.1 s nit pr .t. I. form- - i'. of fires. foreign I 11 t.cltlng with statistics lor isuj tne The municipalities, "Poco" the pet dog of Coral F. Rob- i.f the t. rrlt ry Sbll 1st 11 Iriendli. similar I'. .nisi p.ll way. n also make no pavoieiit watt r erts and d posit re eg t . That hrií'. mas a pi'oporii.iii of p.iir.ilirti mounted for for him in the long loir aid. table in. .luí, .I e I ' ' 1' . a p ill! !C l! f Ibe .1 w .,1 : 1110,1. i fire purposes, expense by looking a n 1 " ou r ai 7 i g I've had ning snow a rale increase. Most an incurred rakish wagon wherein the un- and ' t Viri'-i- two-tiflh- s uinm in TP.- - 11 of di gs I . 11 janitor n marked t mc: tin pair. dm. "on posts is. on about the departments in tagged are transported to their more than b.o! expi.ti i o - 111 .11 . lu.-- in fngl .rid r.- - i.iKi-.- nt c citi.-- . ! rrit-.r;..- Till. I su. h as t rossing and the large of this tountry. deadly doom. nt I. .r t. 11 "Got'd U'll';'" street tlutv. tr the pr 1. i. a ,e iu I i. l to . ; - I t'.tt Ibi-- o a In those i Ities w hiei-- ecr;-- pi, lu w n.a.).. w 1,! 1. be Mir- . t Free duty, bm not patrolling beat lor Fire minutes later Mr. Roberta xvag pu is ll el Se ll.l !:'!! . and tli v b 1.. Pres.. : -- 1 reports re Si.2."i.j th.-S-- ' II 1 . r th- - reported from itint of Group in made there were domicile and start tit a J TH." t' est ti wit .1 . 111,11-- n pra. I o! v 2:40 Marath- th, Ileal bel .1 fir.- ,1111s i V 1 lie f spi- - ei. during 1907 7S.507 on t dirpction al!!tl;lts if It. I. v r rs ..1 ., ... and linalion. tb" pairolni.n detail. mi and in the taken by tho I'm ano " -- w N 1 oil ah. tlot fires, of which 52. St.! lcsult.-- hi kg. ill. purpos. s ! I.. . nil. insist. sal.l the ial duties such tatiit,r, park and loss in.,.. ,i .... a s' iii. ' tor ! 1 's u u'jeuiniing h'.m- - let. cm e dull . .re than tlir.-c- es, in oih.-- words, only 59.3 per Vhat happened li.e I.' I II I. I I 11 a. Will lour next has not been trade that th. : s. If t.. I. i w. Ic-- I 111 Hi, Of cent clAirly . Kith fourths ic the of the alarms cro for fires 1 a!e r 111- p. b ascertained. The dog catcher s let. I d' n't ' first gr..u and of .. th.-- :r, win. h occasioned loss. Similarly. till alive, according to r.. Kois Miimixs to r lit e t !. 11 pla- bale nnsii ,i;. is. lnsi noria .vi wo ,1 ' t pie I., Sob rt T , he rn. be u s alroi '.ore girding these with incomplete J n;ui UMIII.TU Is Ml. Ml It f b .c tr 1.1 in, 1.1 fe tl. il thin tdies Roberts poco" safe and w , t ,,f r. -- ' k- -i t Hi; b. or- t s an ight'i of w o-- t lur. II 111. ihc teporis. the total loss through and. It T! ri i re.i - !1. .lu'i. t is hi. tins would be a shame to have Vo n v n i an bu h tb i. k -, same group. w.isj $4 on re in enre. 'e i;..i.m I a supi.i, gt.n Star. .t7i.7::i'. wbi.h insurance ho chloroformed. He is one of tha 1 1 s,, fin Is . I was iso 1... V He I. 1.1 Tin an nil tm pud amounting to $4 5.72 ". lost Intelligent fuir)' ir;,.r.. f.w .1 IS ao . and highly trained . . M.l.ld'-.- f 1 ndlt a tiv ,. ol ,i .'. iM.-- 11 $r. i f ext.--- U tu I. v- b.r.- about 'be .1 I i ntimi't stiggittiim. at., net !v. 01 ,.21 fin.., oolly dogs in tne .i Ti. - ah l'e II , Southwest. But I i -- m m pel..-- . I 2 4 : sre.r.g ; I f -. l.i. Uiutor t ma j llj My l..,r In the f the l.irB iter ,1 tit. here is the tne rijuewt e I .. .1- 1 .!.: t V fords little doubt that he will bo t , i M i Afa.i- - ities The ,,,.1 ICt-- P' n- 't no I 1.1 me ,' army r.e r ii.t. re.r h t'-.- t I . I tin ibe total loss pr icpita an official tag In a conspicu- - lentst. f t ' ' f Hi . i - i ta . 11',. f . i M.- ;u'--- t t ti. t in.' fivni the C.r.a; Ill l i.i..-- Meal .'.. and p.-- tapi' us j. '.at e the t r - 1., I I : S11 e tm- the net 'oss ht renftor. iuit telan el Ijik-- s - one to M!..f( is ret ir.-ni- . to the Gulf; 1 trom Ihc or.--t- il ir.. In bi li rg, i i'- s a $".2. of the total loss ri poned. r. . . l tl-- I he 1 ' ,.f el p building there t to tirxe r lo i.lent ial." ir.ition of the tolal on 'ha nber! lin's Cough Remedy is a i - . .i! f. I'.rv.-i- i in of l st net on lo ted ,iii I ' r..;, and .i T n ry 1 .! iia See a;.? ertior a are .1.1- - t l;.ar' the total nn their cont iits m tlaine for throat and Ih. reicrit r.i - - . - 111 - n a r of Puik s iM til.- fctU pr..e,ri .in Iu . ri- I'if.'ii.i for 1 x 1 showing iiici trout,:.... ,p,iek!- rcin.ii-- r.. tn n il . s. ir l.s.u relieiva an.l ;- , pair, tul v t'a.winnU to a ll nip:.- llN 3 .. V. tuns breathintf and a dung. ai 'i.r 29 icr lit. irLl:lr-ttrr;.!.Tr- f IMIIS so . - a Momlna Journal Want At? i "St -. s 1 w a;.it i . i pel. ' P'fc mime cough w hich Indicar- Trf Uims)wi in '.mgs and f 2!. 342. 65,4. or r , 5 tir So'd In-- sil D'' i .. n ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL


Jungle and perennial revolution, varied by occasional e,,rt lupin kes and vol- GROWING INTEREST canic eruptions Travelers who huve penetrated to all corners of the world PICT declare that no olio r continent of- fers so much of interest, cither in natural scenic attractions or in plc- - III REPUBLICS turoscine sights und odd customs us Will h.i revealed to VOVHLTers Oil these cruises for which some of the finest Atlantic liners tire ompioycri, suco as the crack Itluochcr, which Is to start TO THE SOUTH the new service by sailing from here on January 22. for the principal At- lantic norts of South America. instances, or course, are mucn greater than on the trip to Kuropo. M RESULTS OF ROOT For Instance, In (raveling from New TOUR York to the Strails of Magellan and hack one traverses over Iti.UIIO miles COMMENCE TO SHOW or more than three times the round trip to Hurope. Para, which is the first city on ihe Atlantic coast of the South America Furnishes A- southern continent at which a stop is made, is on tho other side of the Beginning Monday, January 3d and Ending collator, 3,1100 miles south of New Saturday, January 8th lmost Untrodden Field for York, and some I'd degrees of ongi- tude farther east. In fact, the whole Yankee Investor as Well as of South America, cvocpling the ex- tremo western strip of Colombia, r for Pleasure Seekers, anil northern Peru, lies cast of the meridian of New York, The mat) who steps on board a steamer here (Sperlal CurreniHiHili-kr- la Morning JunrniiU and slops off in Para will have no in 1910! Now York, ülj. aro difficulty in realizing that he is in A Good Beginning Genuine Bargain Giving for Besides placing tkc. Tluit there a now world. To most Americans tiilt'S in truth; anil travel us there nrc tho name of the city, if il carries any In tlii permanent migrations of man- association at all. Is associated with of on sale, in kind is a truism lonn uertitril by his- - rubber. That Is, Indeed, its principal our entire stock Embroideries we bave been fortunate secur- ioriuriH and BiH'ioloc.ints. Now markets: claim to commercial distinction. It are the oimstant ipiist of tho mer Is the greatest, rubber market in the chant, but llio confirmed traveler is world. All the rubber gathered lor ing, especially for this sale, some Extra Fine Embroidery Values, which no loss a after imvi-lty- ; fresh three thousand miles up the Amazon fcoonta anl now ixperieiieoH ate. al- valley is handled lu re. More surpris- ways attriulin him away from tho ing to those who never have visited it. High-Grad- e iiohls which familiarity has deprived Para is a modern city of UlHi.iMia in- means a stock of 50,000 yards of Embroideries, placed at your of their interest. Piirtioulnrly is thin habitants and the terminus and cap- true of Americans, who have won for ital of a great navigation system, ag- themselves thp nnnio of the rest- gregating 40. mill miles of waterways at One-Hal- f Less its less and enteiprif-ln- s travelersintof the which ramifies from its wharves away disposal, and True Value. modirn world. Into the farthest interior of llrazil and This beinir true. It in no wonder that to bunion in Peru, just across the statesmen and prophets of commercial backbone of Ihe Andes from tho Pa- Below we give some Embroidery facts to both please and surprise you: expansion are alike . onshb-- i im: with cific ocenn. keen Interest .lust now the developing Fifteen hundred miles south of symptoms of n reciprocal int. rest in Para is Pabia, the second largest city each other between the people of the of llrazil. with v houses, Vnited States and their built upon a series of terraces rising neighbors of the soiiihcrn hemi- pictiircsoiiely one above the other sphere. Consular representativo. from the short s of the hay, eoinmuiu- - Bovernmetit officers, returned travel- ttlon between the upper and lower ers have for years been preaching tho levels being by inclined tramways. Hospol of South American opportuni ( Hie ot the things about liahii which ties to the l.niillsli speakm,' Ameri- interests the tourist is that it is the cans of the North, but until recently, principal center of the lira.ilian dia- 3c a Yard 9c a Yard 14c a Yard with very little discernible effect. mond market, ft is also distinguished While American trade and American by tile prcs-'Tic- of numerous sixteenth Will buy cither Swiss or Cambric Will secure the regular 20 cent Is special price placed travel huve overflowed, Knejand and century churches and convents the on a large "the Continent," invaded the Med- After Pabia conns Pcruambtico or Edgings a d Insertions, worth from quality of Edgings and li iseitions, assortment oí Edgings and Inser- iterranean lands and the West Indies ficcil'e. The latter name, meaning a "reef" is derived from the Immense Swiss-an- tions uidinarily priced 30 cents and made the I'nltcil States familiar 7 -2 to 12 -2 cents a yard, both in Oambiic at name throiiKhout the near and far coral reef w tiieh lu re lines the coast Knst, South America lias remained the for hundreds of miles. per yard, and worth that price, too, one ureat division of the earth's sur- was once a Dutch colony and tne face practically unvisilcil and un- Dutch influence is still traceable in known. The American of the I'nited the buildings of Recife, the most im 29c a Yard States lias seemed anxious to know portant of Hi,, three divisions of the 19c a Yard 39c a Yard something about every part of tho city. Industrially P, rn iiiibin o de- v in- Flounc- world except that lyiiiH Keoüraphical-l- pends principally upon the sugar For Flouncii gs and Corset Cover For a still finer quality of Is nearest to him and embracing the dustries of which it is the great cen- an exceptional brirgain pi ice larger part of the New World with ter. Embroideries worth 40 cents, is an ings and Corset Cover Embroider- placed on the finest 75 cent quality which he proclaims his identification. It is when the ton-i- sl reaches pio It has been left for the beninnniK de Janeiro however, that be has the item worth investigation, ies, which ate easily woilh up to of Flouncings and Coiset Cover Em- of the twentieth century to hrinn the first leal "limps,, of the modern South first evidences of a change in this America. I lei',, in an up to date city 60 cents a yard. broideries, attitude of indifference on the part of Hire -- ipiurtcrs of a million in- the penplo of the I'nited States to- habitants, the capital of a country ward their "other American neigh- larger Hie States, situated :e than I'nited a Yard lUi-.- 59c bors. be past t'. o or upon the shores of the la rip m land 89c Yard $1.39 a Yard years these evidences been ac- a haw locked bay in. the world, amid natural All-Ove- cumulating In a way which indicates Is the beginning of our rs, shrroiindings which, upon the unani- On of All-Ov- and Special Saio quality will rival any thnt, thanks to the introduction ofi mous testimonv of travelers, rival in an assortment All-Ov- ers new In polities, this vv olid-famo- up to $1 ,00 a yard, quality of forces trade and beniitv those of Naples which are worth Flouncings, readily vvoith $1,50 a $2,50 and Indifference is finally being' replace) and Sydney And the city, since Ihe flouncings sold any place, bv a genuine realization of the possi recent of miiniiipal Imorove-meid- s ; seiienie yard, 11 litios of South America., hoih as has been oomph ted at a cost commercial field and as a new re of over forty million dollars, is worthy gion tor tourist travel. country. may of its surroundings and iis $1.89 a Yard It almost be said that the first It might, be bard to find in a city of $2.98 a Yard real general Interest of this kind in the Pnited States a thoroughfare to Where Skirt length Flouncings begin $2.39 a Yard South American al fairs dales from tho equal the new Avenida C, ut'al, w hich Coveis the cream of our stock, and Journey of Secretary -- widely heralded Is Kins c b i e '";" ,t pride t bonlc, in! gn-a- make appearance. Get the Must look small for $lbO a yard among apiláis of h to their very Root the the KM vvld,. cut thro ai-.- secures the quality of l.Htin continent in the summer of Html let the hi.arl at iii it.'" at a i es above-p- i All- - and that is was newly stimulated , $3,50 a yard quality at ice skirt lengt Flouncings and Embroideries, worth up to $6,00 a voy eleven million.-- At one end of hi.' when our battle fleet in its . magnificent sir-- I stands the Mo during sale, Overs. yaid, around the world visited the South Palace, brought St. American ports and the newspapers at from the printed glowing accounts from World's Pair, in v. bleb n ere In Id th. home meetings of the a n their correspondents of the hospitali I upon and gross a tended y Secretary Poo ties showered officers hot 1(111. Pio is the crown of Poring by the South Americans ami of the world, strange and wonderful siglus of Kio. civilization in tin now For or as o x 1' e uoii Kahili. Unenos Ail. h, Uma, and other its (otnpi an of the oclllt Vi inenl. of Spanish cnl lire places which previously had bien pas merely queer names recalled vaguely one to g i to I'.uenos Aires, the from the geography books. i it y i I' good in-,-" and nothing c. nld Tho interest then implanted has be more unliki (ban the tcspeetive since been fed by numerous books lions of Hi se two rivnt capitals, South America wntti n by trav- lie second and third l.aiitl cities of about reap-m- i t ivcly. A il'' 5 elers nml students and bv the great- the world, i'ii nos er attention given to South American rs not li in cj ti its situation. It. Ites affairs in the dailv news. In par a t the moot 11 of (ho Kivcr Plata much of the. laud as t ha ago camps alona the shore oi ticular the attractions Pake Michigan. That, however, is us south of the as a new and goes, untrodden field for Hie American cap- far as the comparison unless one set finds tone In the fact that Puenos italist and tourist have been forth being most In such attractive light by recent Aires prides itself on the writers, of whom Arthur Kuhl and enterprising nnd thoroughly up to citv- - con Charles M Pepper ere examples, that date of the South American the steamship inns plving lad ween the tinent. Then- are lamiliar phrases Vnited States and South American to the car oi "F.I Norte Americano norts are reporting the beginnings of (he terms ill v.'hioh patriotic citi 66 a decided tide of travel setting to the zens Ki't loilli tlo (hums ot l.uciio- - southward. Aircs. The liandsomi st. newspaper building world; laigesi. WHERE tin: the and QUALITY MEETS in PRICE" I'pon the foundation of this enthusiastic proclaimrrs of the iinesl race course In the vvoild; the southern continent's attractions, have tinest theater ill tho tivo Americas already begun to predict a future North and South this city of a mil which' shall see South America he lion and a ouaitir pcnplu situated gieut winter resort of the I'liiied HO miles south of Hie eipiator, lays Stall's and an annual exodus to ihe claim lo tic m all. It is a truly cos lands below the collator equalling in mopolitan "ity. also as befits lis size l nd import. Knghsh, sS'- numbers that which crowds the coniiiK tcial nice. lrt!5sCs::aef' rCSí3í,,í - CS9,V.S, bound steamships every punish, Gorman, French, Italian. iVFíVSíJ,KVlt spring and summer. ortiiKueso. Yankee. Mestizo, the trav-Ic- r While the liill'illnieiit of this will find them all here, it is the 'prophecy docs not seem to he among entre of the political and commercial oth- - roen!'. of tho" I n ml piiKsiiBcs pt. by terrific, storm lowing the ii,i ia lou ol the things . probable, life of Argentina as probably no nicinorlcs j wbicli i s can be no doubt that something apital in the world is of its coun of ihe battle fled, when the nuiiic of tibials nml a,i ions currcnls hcailni" he Slirim Journal Want Ads. Get Results. there i were In .lays YOUNGEST like a new discovery of the oih T bill try, 'ni' mac uimost suv liiicnos Aires l'lint;. Arenas becamo for tho first tin: tortor ibi,iiiiK the 5 HRINER l'l'llll,l"e t.o,e, (,le iiue-sixt- li - A inei'ieaiiH. ml expansion by trav- Argentina. of the eiun- time familiar to The betore larcvvs triplo II C, ht ,1 I C l Ol Ml of their own hemisphere ihe 1 - tilt, eling1 public of tho I'nited States is trv s nunu hit ion and most ol us Mtn hern nn!--t citv III tho vvorlil. inn boilers mail" t li steamship corilcinp- I 11 III I t oceiirrin--- . most con- illh are concentrated lore. H 1" Nill'S .south of ISllfllOS Ail'CH, J. II oils of Will, IS uní bles. Trips to actually The j . - lo vv At - iii a laittmb; res- - (iIucch .si ni like Ail- j No lo,. 11,10. vincing evidence of this is I lie nr.- Ir hu b Aiin'S lies about coi of "Tatolear I'lac i ; J,,v- - m, M ,M t. Ifj policy adopted by the Soi.:h Amer- mili mil u n v si, in le.rnüh.i; t" that ot iii burg or rally otnl ;iia len SoiiikIm, THE WORLD Tlo Outing l Suits n I i c i i ,e in It is t 11 t lie KtlK lish lll'.ictl, a II ican steamship lues m uivim; in- H Ixo be piiini f láilopc. not Cltiv the Sal rilicllt. r his i,irts on Hie nnwi u.,i,,C. ... ,.' ,.MOa l.tit ,l,,r ...Ulr. 1!,. ,i.r the Mtf' teiiltin creased prontinenc. to their laclila'S , to the attractions of the regions un .un! its ..ot the iern,,u' nt .sett lenient of .lay's ioiirney " l'lint,,. At días a fl'oril and ns-- till-- il n blmly j which they reach. Still limn signifi- c lr;i i .mi ,i man to the South J'ole. I.on is ml an l.nrlval'.'ii op nliinitv to the cant is the vtrv latest development in ntli Atii.M'icii. 'lb t'i,. 'Iv it lbs almost illicitly south of ami t',.(,M Kuiif Tci (if Spokane t v IL e, mu"-jil.ic- e, so p which l as been bil l cii;bt bolll J, but eiv iiul. Me The ricial at' natoic .1 this direction. Ihe a iti-- ''''.ioIEI i v i i.f t t)l,J 11' I'..- I. t Is t. bv Hamburg-America- n lin." traveler ao ience he i'ic of whiih liesi in, en Ihe still able Boasts of NoIjIc Who Has ip r tiken the H 11 lH' ÍM-- itinerary" 't Ib, ilfl of ,.r;ii,"ie-- l m. notan. I li. ar the lo'aii i li mouth in (lili' ln addition to its annual in .1,11. o, ctuhly-ori- e ,lavs civefitiii over n niilii.oi he St t'e Its, Its situation .if limeritiír i' iis of iTianktit'l an H - winter cruises one i Datcly Atlaiiitd fveniy- , c ill-- A vv on, j i .e :4fit''- - Vubji.'m" nlong Ho- - Atlantic o.,st "of South Wb, ' I'll' tic ness ne,, r. st of the Wolhl tin. h. el ami til vv hi. h a e , . . 0 toil. l,v i he irr iur .alls of hi i tine- t It t America from Para. to Punta rist one Years. i in Straits of Maudlin. vv (th tilos' o lilit, ! St a '. Is pa-s- m ihro'itih toe SiUtltS II iMxa tion a mi a met .'. i Arenas the It i else; may over, one . ami it kes 10 il ais ,a ice of a port hi "Il Whatever he dis - Aa's, 1 ,,, . . I hi- ' Journal Want Get Results thing is certain. The touring meri-ea- f A oiienirin !' hie,,, s I'lint.i AremiH its I'litii'jty rca-fo- r r d vrlj'() art - 'M MI" h.l f '.irrrotiii,fon Vb.riilns .Iiium.i! upon new t! I'olieh Ihe ,xisieii,e Con.meri iallv It j ínlll'Iillií ,1M- th; .lil'ltt'- ffte. i and in his descent this - practically unknown to far as the or- I the Amies b tumiel. no oth r importance except as a il ritlif (o! Itcyitrnl an itrcai-ioiia- Spokane, W'.isl ., i. :i i. i;i K'atii Valp.'imix. a '1 m Ihe ,t III y III I ,., dinary traveler is concerned terri- iiitias ire limit. traib' furs. Tempi.- of Si.okam . A. A. ,.,bh s no ' e of the o'lel'll cities r ! rritnry heinu ton Vh'u t ht- tr.t v. from nntli of tile tory, of nearly sun million sonar." I'm cbl (I , 1, vvh th i! j iti-- In thin ui - oi the .Mystic Sliiine aims the Illiles Will have i lo complain ot Am a. have ail bltirel, tor p!l ita hie seltleniclit. '((). liar If l' nil imat all.' t i, I i IMP no lacK or novelty, m in- - xicrwn--et el noto for the iravejer I'llllta oi' tin- yoiine, - Shriller in th hi In J. si WII.I. le m t p. it v t lit; t ii t vari-- v ' hotels, ai isim ss ions, ;t fu fil ol' - -- : which await him. He will find him- mo.lein lias lias its al tract asble from in 1!. !' pa a ,l P. I i!'.- ' t t j Talsch, f tin mail ami ii I'.'l a vv b h the bom, si v.atrlato c.e.ihl utii'i'ie toi.itioii. It i.s the base ' ;uiil v i hat Sout Atu'TÍ'';. ('. IM for nno in troiv new world e I 111 self ti-- j il la m o (Il pa .,.nt r IUf. en- ,b sire At the s,:l ti ne re is the. ii ,v bo h t.i cxpiore th.- woiiib-r- ot ht.s tn iVr tin n. It is a I'Hitf T" f"ni ot of a th,. anta where ancient civtlizatams and the , . - KHAKI, . ' n- -f ' ' I m1 ba n U. vv vv a.s ,1 4 1 I.IIVT of a virgin rsisi, nt at mos,.l re of tlir. t'o' of Kir.-'- of Tb ri a ib 1'ara haskinn cn ho of class of n i i:- a, h, r vironment ,'ii'imut lav. vv AX VAS ami a h istovv h h tin' wit I, i la ir of its tropji-- I uarv. taKimt th, t. 11," v - I ticen blended together ;with ref- dis nni' half stra i's. he lanks lait from mih t'lirl 1,'ilM -- . 'tv m.Mb rn;'-.lio- vv - te, s!.,t,li,. u hat , which differ as widely, n possible in st thoroiii-'b-z- i nit a i lifts th.- nitnivt nf h nt and riitri, of trnp- j sei uii.l iburce . f S. oiio-- h I'll, Mu-- a- (.ooil for Callfor-U- t Ijarrontu-ss- ,1 , i from those produced bv t similar pro- 'iimint shakt i ff S.intiiic i's show m luxunan ' mi 1F-r- s.otarv .luiinii t! convention rip i oft I ii. nom na .o New ipiic", f.'at ur, s Is t In race (ra. k. v ho h , t ss Ha v cess in his own land, and yet are one inoiicrn íroer and primitive li .1 1 I"',, - li,i"i yon .1 Air.-s- Mr. Tais, was born inua rv, v, ie, ami nan, tin.' or t is than th ot lint n..s llHlt(l'llitltt'. Tll'Tf MI' j aift-- ur. Í nurnl in a HtarHinK" juxta.-- j i.r finite as sharplv .listín, from those smaller an, I n res-i- ..1 Vi MM "ÍJ- S u-- i bus be a b t.t S,oka p: e vv I a, ' pt fi r uniy waiiiltr. speak Am-t- -. He bi,t unite as in its uav. atol like !' itlill- fl.ti ft! no ot r t "ii a ft of Bnchsh 'nir mil I . cení i in tio- so. ia e'-- . tin- fxjMTÍ wv.-r- years, b, re I rom th nlso have brought turn', t to h's ss ti. it an imp' irm.y, A!ti"n jour olillltKS. s, WHITE t'8. of :n , oioiiy. osi'. i ini'v !H ."SUM In rn- - I miibllo wi st. 11, his initiation facts clout the in- lnv the í"!lll rT tins twent .wins ". i;. m , 1 s'tti" kin Th" ! --t i v i L- r. TH! si:s la sciup dustrial, "oentifie ant nro-rre- its portion. I'auikili tniih into the oiier bv s'pokan.' IoiIkc. A. P. THE WM. HOEGEE CO. Itistic t Mljo!l A i!. bv suco tries loa-I- ot m r is no i:o. k oi i,n, i!' riliil HTl'l Att lflil! M'(l U'' Al A. M ,1 i.'it.-i- l:i; LTV '.. mude coin fis t t ibl.-- i b Kiihbioi; It In. lmni' atier iti'ainiti't f - tw o hiimlr, "I f up In the it f'f ir';U Hiu': I oi (' .lo. the Argentine and Chile in4 v í'tunl -- Ins tnHjorily, h ni.;. Dciivrr luwrporat!. i.- i v, o Wat a perf.ift fool I'vp liten. tfr.parcj t'c ,.r has n convert-r- t,Mi r uní it . lr I.18.t-4- which will cauce a rcvist. of the loo ill.e (ity, which ftr - (b fjire-t- KÍV.I1 J S. laiu U lx iacrlr I irt.-l- bt- roncrlt' d; nu one is otti.T He Was the .n,tmp.. n Ir. umat is or i Don't common lumping of the lnt-- i a remarkable t.ark. lion..- - l"t- - i 11. I I place ot at the baiKitiCt states as lands of yillmv fever. of the Straits of Ma;!!"- 'u.n u. tri, liostoii Truns rlpt. I i (Wo


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t ft í í I f u. -í i . - ' m J Night Scenes From "The Three Twins," a Musical Masterpiece Replete With Spectacular and Costly Specialties, Offered by Gaites at the Elks' Theater Tomorrow

is really nothing " terday there arrived al the mission in thought. There li-il,- by i"nr II. I mul I young- belle. She ha8 to hold him to the mission, he thinks. í'luirli H 'I'. la. y, Ihci naniiH Know a Tlasculan to itlniatr rv iibi rut r, a mi wbosi stricken his heart somewhat and even Hut iioori lie arrives at another conclu- diiri'i'HPl'iil every nciii.iKer l imx fyow lie. can see the spark of her bright sion. The padre has told him that his Iciiih In obl.iin. The il.iy ír mi tin nil lilluck eyes, and the warm eolor on God is mightier than all others to- tried Horli, bill ivax placed In th hVr brown cheeks. Ot a sudden Juan gether. How this can be Is as yet not Amusements hamlH of Mr. Win. I. íor Into somebody und beforo lie finite clear to Juan, but the padre has t'rane blimps (b'tnonxlt a (ton of Km iaalii'en, with ru Texas krAows what lias happened he looks al such a convincing way of saying this, - in IIM power- Southwestern may something Unit Hh,. retniiin with blm. Mills Unit left no dialhl of the haughty form of a soldado, a that after all there be In (lie Inst net but whnt'a the ne fill popular appeal. Th,. part of John swalslibucklcr of the worst kind. in it. Still he does not fear this spirit STRO Mr. says very STORY IS of lellini; Ihe remler what v ; 8 the i:rncnter In lhi plav iirfordu Il.ui "Ala, thou son of perdition," much; what he really is afraid ferd iimiile o,portunily to further worthy, as lie furiously twirls his of is the padre. He is such a power- 1 outcome- of the kIoi'.v, lluil will npoil t ly (b orne A. Schieiaer. been a very hard one on a mission llnill PIh en joyineiii of Ihl.i vrent pluy denionmrale lii ability as a comedian long nioustachios, "what mean you by ful man, being in direct communica- Hue! The "Tesiinoiilo lie tin I'areeer," having many converts. I'nforlunately an IiIm phiiMure In u hooli ivonhl be which he hax mi ably preven in thus throwing yourself against me? tion with the spirit, that his wrath is ,;i most the' 1 "did not prim-pcr.- " THAT OF rnlneil hy Hleallm; u of the parts as 1', Inn hio. Kenedi 'k an. testimony of witness, and u number of lvout.l how dare you run into a soldier liable to reach Juan no matter where MOODY'S l!lnir, for reason that II nil fliiul . u toly, us. nf other ilocuinents tell ns a yrent deal This the of C.Í tille. By San Jago I will see he may go. Then, there are the ser- pnie. - impossible, In lly Miss .Malic litolaah as the charm- about life ui the missions, presidios hard, and in some iises will to the vices at the chapel. He is rather fond The play ivoti.leifti virile mul Ho- that lPadre Francis add V I it is iiiont as t;li ell here b Mr. M llhr'H emnpaiiy Hm .Ml'S. est l.roolle, lie Hiinsi,. rol a n( villas in soiilhuesl. Texas. Not lo make convert, and tripe.i he intends to lay upon your of them, and what is more, he would ly convvrteil bad MiaKe a (lei p III preMsion. to John UriOKlcr, will be wen in differed from life at other that the few Indians having cast sly glances at find scant welcome with his tribe. So T 1 hIiouIiI that this buck ifor 6 0 Mr. I'Mrtln JoiieK, ulremly favorably part of peculiarly c.iiKcnial quality Spanish missions and sctllcnu nls lo to work hard. the inaid ot Tlascala." Juan stays. Ultimately he is married many in Miss To make work was no be- Kiioiiu in thi.-- i eily, and man noleit In he seasons which any extent. the Indian Perha'ps Señor Soldado kept liis to a maiden of his own race and I success li is fel' hi.i sti'eimlh of lnterpi' tallen anil i basso bnlltaiilly ioc, imparl Willi the misNion built the padres doubt Iho full measure of word, ui.'d after mass when the young comes u fixture nt the mission. i'ctl-llll'l- lei) idp. Ii.m ;i expected. u matter of (i!i i Kit mal uhoiibl be Mr. llanierd. played wa nt to honsckcepinii. True, theirs teachers As r sis in the dust on all fours, After vespers the catechumens and esi is, Indian fiallKl'aelofv iih Stephen (Ihellt. scries of Htronuly cunlriieled and mes' was not a life of luxury. Slill It 'fací, lioro his education ended. It while thit padre marks ids back with the converts assemble under the trees Illusion of the Giantl Canyon of to Ian Ih'ooKs. one of the foretnoHt of exaellni; roles. The tibllily to shar, lacked few of the comforts then en-.l- hov.cier, no more than Just utatf bizarre íesigna in high relief, it oc- on the hank of the river, and enliven Tiuo-to-Li- me, on the peasant of Ktiropc. was tit Arizona Among fc the native leiolllIK aetl'eHHeii. "ill have ihe si. oiitiilinns etiual terms oil. Their rolls were soiiiew hat that curs to hit that iho number of stripes Ihe scene villi the singing of canti- i1 I white-iiiishc- in u posi- Ih,, ful,, of : lit li .Ionian. The entire with no pvninliii lit and popular rude. There were the usual d tills time not much better falling to-- his lot is unusually great, cles and the recital of prayers. At - Effects, - Is n of XVIn-,lo- No attempt lo teach Western Scenic e.lhl Will be Ileal. IIM II II a mleil- act,,r eoiii'lneinu iirool' her wails and the dirt floor. tion. systematic and harder to bear than ever. bedtime, the unmarried young bucks eei i pes ...I iiioh r Mr. .Miller h direction. The I'o icio y In port ra inn I'eminiu,. t.i were rare, and of furniture not the Indian how to read and xvrito was Throughout the day Juan works in are locked Into one building, and the HlaiilllK will else be Hilperior of a hlKh inlt llectual and lempera-uo'iue- l much was to be 'found i" Ihe cells made. The dogma of 'he eluireli and field. Ho is hoeing corn. It is maidens into another, for so far not adiuir-- , the "The Great KHI.I. IM . The cIimiuo iio nl ivill b,' for one order. .Miss liroi'uah'H save pallet ami possibly a bench. Hut its proprieties were indeed the extent Very hot n'nd the work is not entirely all the commandments are kept by .", I'.lli.i' ii ho lane seen her n.s Katherinc. ol his learning;. Wlileh rrrateU bihIi a nuinc Ht IIKil- nliilit. bridal, January at the fs while the padre cared little for fine to his likliig. To him then occurs the them. i I'.eatiice and I'eidit.i cannot fad In in respect, they v,ol The padres in southwest Texas do (escape could ho easily man- locks of In New i Mm I i r: it trappings this did idea that Padre Antonio the door iho tlon York iijh n pre- o p p, il'l II llil V see he! apprecial,. lilis lo believe in asceticism in the mailer of not nee m to have shared that religious aged. Her is fleet of foot, and om e chapel, exchanges a word with the KvuiJuon inero Ml tile rrineeHM the,.- in a lade which calls for the ilispla.i ir- - fervor, and even fanaticism, that lie im guard, r appi lite, lly moans of acomias or within tint chaparral it would casts a "longing look In the tor on ". l!(ni. . u t I , ' ' I., 1 a j'"" a..'a I f'i'tobir .;(;.. dili hes lai'Kf patches of land marked heir efforts in the other possible li overtake Mul on liorsi direction of Spain and Mexico" l.n.l will display rlKaliou and end Murenret Aiurlln the eiuluiK GREAT INTEREST Th,. pioductieii the cultivated, yielilliiK-- under the Spanish Amerieas. For thin a cuune hiiolt For fcomo moments Juan is lost seeks the comforts of his pallid. roles anil wr-i- l l to ,1, tad has mipi'l The same nlleiillon lhal Influence of a nciierous climate, all is no hard to find. As already slated, pluy Ih by H'lllliini Viiuuhii Almuli all the llanford pi',, duel ions. u n in Is of Spanish sol! those the missions hi Texas had only mili- JfcXXXXXXXXJ OOOOGOOOCTOC of In the in. and ooocxxoocx lirofeiwiir Kiifchsh lln Chle.tKe country bcltiK well tary, and to some extent political, utiii ertty. Mexico. The Ifj lied to Iho raising of wine, this sol- - raison The French had to be Thv Ktory of llo' play l II ll DEPARTURE out m u: ov eliH nee not beyond their reach, even warded off, and to do this presidio bg folluw.i: PROMOTER mis lie YKAKS LAUGH ii here importation w as wnuiuhl had to eslahli.shed at strategical xi;w A j iiiinn oin in n i Mill iu wit h dll li, nil es. points. Th" small 'forces stationed is to wish everybody Man., i il health IlrK, llini (mp in of the Yndlos there had to he fed. and for this roil-- j i Sime Ihe conversion ami happiness. Wo extend that ilils of Arizmm hii .il FO 0 in the was To do Of liaios was ,i some cxleiit Ihcir mis-io- Indian needed. grietiii" to you now and even fitbln hy lifr breiher nml III.. II be J EXTRAORDINARY t,i,li's ilevoied a pivat d. al ni thing at all with the sou of the you hail been her enmpuMeni Tl i h.i.l th" if have not bought lumber if lime to Ibis. How" they reached prairie religion ,bad to he called to from us we you represented to her Ihe il.illl: if le I A - before trust soup w a puzzle, we aid. not li.r reason for the found- - unprotected .dltude, but sh, th lare them is hat of if show- keener discrimination on the whole Iti"; of the missions was the fio t that lauchlnKly that sle- will I.,. i.o.- t, Ai'ipoai iince in AII)Uiiiei'tue ofj lsitb rthai Ihe Indians rope next year and fill your lumber re pot very ousel' to come under lite bull of Alexander niadii the needs will be t.ike carp of hiTelf in their iilis. tice S THREE TWINS' Militiily document- dependable here. It better i a n Sh.ikespcaiaean! the control of the paleface, which whs of the you your Vhv ha rre bcisii- r. marl.", incident Vete on the stipulation that the Spanish for for building and Oil.',' that If el( r she lllanicd fh, neiessaiy lo effort their conversion. of course for us. Happy New Act oi in Motlcin Comedy Role! Most likily the catechumens became were to tin their utmost la convert the d u hiis'v.iii.l Indian to t'hrisiiii nily. 1'ear to all. j i , Uiia r (nci'cioll, lieliiR ill most Tlx ) ui nn so, an r Awaited With Anticipation, Let us take u more intimate look at i emo ana had been i remenüous M casts Indians who taken fall, and viUd,. in Is pr. io j J. C. BALDRIDGE prisoners In possibly for this picture. thr, t pro F. lornys made rut're. chanieal fleets Make appears Opt the chaparral floods I ho first 405 SOtTH Jr'IHST STKEET In. r. , ! this purpose. Klaiiijolalloii to remit Tiny druiil, and He Th rt... nn, ait,, . in, M in Tlo light of day. All is yet , have a potent re- unlet within Hlhl of the lb li to '.'S K ll .llt'li'i, I Pi eduction Elk been factor la their Moruliu; - 1!. i day's at mission the villa without. Ihelr p;isioi Journal that thai ligious tiainim;. the and fXOOCKXOCXXX30COO t( . pa- Piolín Brother Antonio opens his eves n t,. M ai t..r sb.,u. s,.ea, Tlicatci Wonder ot StaAC tine.. Dialer the control of the O'leirtloti ho ,ii p.,...,s '''..i. ti. i.t.ran "f the wuy oen mass - is l...iv dres, ihe Indians became soon Viidlos- ami ivouuers liie lor nas'jr ion of her. Tin- iTlni:, .ui in rol. b. luaic bis ft tin not h, rung yet. Though n it I on in Jose, . III a Illo.l, .retínelos, thai is, reduced Indians. i Ynr of h.r lii. lilt His In Kiel. hell i.ll.H' llltel. r Jallllat'l III I'll . t.', ... i in . ' I O'li t l i. O u .iti tl ii ot t!:.. Ihl- -e . "The m.., in la.r.!." I. a; Tie Tlir. a Th'Íi.n" - ItoW - Them were hut lew pursuit thev filnnt. the lc.t nil !! ridi.'ul- respousi ol,. for this pari of th.; daily WHY GcNUiNt GAS COKE iS CHEAPER AND In r. i alb it ifoiK-.- d Ucell la, t could folioiv al the missions bexiih s o fjiv lie lia I'.l", Ilil.l'tM all; and f a- ! a w roiillne. lie is newcomer. The ill r b i ,i M:, . I r ,. i . iriciiM in e. Hi, il, loi" operations ere mat d.'i.ire lo Mr laiitor.l. aíi, Iloiv b, ling I. . -- ,.ail. Her, thr. dims him of co.ioUs throughout the IN EVERY WAY AMY fibint bu? k i.'.f ai" .1 :',,,! mil' III .'Hill,-- ot Mia e., l'i sta l lili III a 11 lad !ro pout. .,!id Utile opportunity BET1ER THAN b-- night has (listiuhed his sleep consid ro!J tiaiii' ts tin J h s t,,.. ,.,. r up to ...te Mu, ti, an pl.iv ivül ' ir iripb'ts t.mlj ther,, was. therefore, to instruct the -- erably, and lor this reason lie is not Th( n to' r biiie.5 lb.-Th- pl.oi ,.! I lial',1 Ml tli.- 111. ait, r. Tll'l'c Is no ni, re 1a - j be ibi,,. unh it'; j Indian In this art. His own needs In in Hie best of humor. OTHER HEATING FUEL Kill fbriiiks, oa ta'-- I, a r') ic.aikabl, ,.,nide i.rsalilliv nip Well, in this i ..!.., ih. re are thr, e j Ihe mailer of hoiisiti";, clothing mid lag-n'tr- I "Jo sc. Jos.-!- he shouts; t win. lualh ,inr f..r i Ilat'.ior.l on., would think (livias and Icol ili,s is only foe, were no! many, and easily sup- "thou tille? les luía 'end. niiv I,, i It tlo.-cjo- I , how is it thou fa st again is I.; con thli liicariiatbm ol Hi.' b. ,'t v bo .1." all. r a piarl, r ..I nturv of i a hou s !) ml one . ateriain-- j plied, and thoimli he was old!",-,- io that IJIt solid carbon, the sub It insures a tcady, sure - -- to ring the pel at sunrise'.'' tinuou3 Kllí hT Itllt rl, iioiei.,,! ;n, stadv and int. rpr- tat of 'ha h Í in? thiiius liban II,' fioelv o raise the food or the padres and the stance remaining after gas Is ta- fire requiring but Httls - I I A l'.iit Jose answers not. Having that uli,- oasi.l, i s b, r v..r,j ei i, !i!i,. Ilai'l ot Avon s,. uo:raiue,l !i, lhii'iier,oe will b.un at the r.lKs'J sm.u: Harrisons, he was obli"ed to ken from coal In gas retorts. attention. I j , - night la lapsed heresy he Mired thun h. r leoo ' in,!,- i, ,n, m he i ...ii) not t. t il out ot Ins laid t ' i I. morion nn In u h u laii.s! raí i the f, io,i tor the p adres and the into has Cjlt removes one of ths worst I ' oucbt the snect freedom t,f the chap- of f - than lor hue b r In r nx.tii. r i ti. j In- iiaut'd t... ics! I'un.iil, ill,' ta-- , In, a ton "Th, mall Kart ..i. his life cannot liase j It makes a smokeless fire amd troubles the urnacc cllnk- ' - ; Once more he ft!lonK in. III icio !', .Mr ll..lll"ld lias 'a ell .,'-- . Met! IT!'!- ,' T" ill.- '.., s on at I!,.' lo.-- I . . arral I'.rother Antonio therefore dors away with tlnf rs. No clinkers In coke. fmll. ' llo-ii- , I'-,- . ,1,-M- , s ., ,, shouts, no u'ti r i:eii!i-rii.- ' uh .i'.iivi s, f, plii boa-- ;! pl.t.. . ,i. U lioi.xei: ' one-I- to ra t e' i one s in .,r hi in, and petting st'l! worst kind of u furnace nuis-- t I'll n presents, per ton, more ' i i, il ,1. he climbs to ihe belfry. t i ernuiiy Pel. r i.pi m.,i: , a "v iil ;.. if ).. ru.i in. it ,io- port l.oii I. cl.ta s th,. top ti h and i iihuination of am . value than a ton of hard coal, , lngli-pi- u d tKlr.'te ara,.' la l.:s iii.tav 'ioiici. ,e,l a.l .rtbeh at, n, ,..-.,!-' ua.--- i b, a no ha niel aatl.oity nil the modern The Mieccssion of lii notes but is far cheaper. i. w .' I l ! p ! over In th, TP art i' . - ' lea 'I to: o v.. a.'.eis ...l.i on tn.'.-l- ,iii, ,iUv,Mi'' . traveling the ihapartal in thf (;It give off mor heat nn!tt; t;It wiU make you total fuel bill the (Oí. e r an. use iv i, i. i,,,., - , i. h ,..r pr.'veill- .1 a p. ispiakilll. ."líos n n , It. laid- tl as! " In n il i "liles to pille. II nidll Iter-- I nrisK morning nir soon brings tvirv, per ton than a ton of ur.y othiir lor winter much less than If J'Oii Klr-jri- . ',- - ' , , .tt'..r-1'- l i; I, I , ; ! - - i . I ( ., U one thin t ..iipl. In on two i'.- "i,l ai o X:.Hf,. il I. one of the I.K'heM. oils, lb I it", li er n c lit . "The Three within i.ntl without the mission to fuel. otlxr fuels. tain top trie illusion .1 !' Vir-.ii- ;,!! ..; !i oiat .t sh, i, - o- ,i . .,.,t. et.- -t and oto.--i t.;; mis,, a; on m has t i , ry w ht re pr,,i ,n a stir. Ju. in, another Ini.hiTi convert. l I . ;i ., . . -- v from paleM. t HtlJ on OIliM a ui tr. f ,i 1,'. p..l;,-,.-- b, íeami a ;.i,s o bit Aiu.i.,,,a 1,.. No i nolle, r. os teettiiit'lit Is so rapid, ils rises bis sir.iw wipes a1 ' : I , - '- , , Í t s Representative Will Call i I V It - I, ,1 e. I a a Our Convince lihent i o in r Z "i li, e, "d ,! r,,; i i, b a 11 J el: a... "It a l! u vj,, r s! n s so iiniiv. its m rls. t í'oo ps o ,lilll hand IPs ha and - ! lt'.-l- -- eyes, a j niatieii plan.- tor b ,.:l.s ,.: !.;,., .p ,l. lisle .ul e ie oiidjils la lb, b.t,.!.v of th. m so Jil'.-tt- and its hat Hie clfetl? indulge in cavernous yawn, You a- .. ,. lfo. whom e ti.. hi'a 1. arn. .1 ! ai: mí,.,! i i!i.,n f otb.r; Xni- -i .'v in i so i r.inr 1.8 ti.-- sciiiliii". 'bh, lane been ami then makes his way toward the; "IfsaSavme" , ... b . í I lttr ttpiritüall lint !, h Alio I , ..a t..r l'at b tó s rt tl j 'a. a pi," and litanl.e lib, tl'.t le'llli; Willi a fusil atl.l the op. r.t house chap, entrance. He is Mill very " ' - Mm. feelHiK that silie i a x! ii e N., I t to ijbr .).,, i ai ', i on., if MrtiKtii'! Ki s ni" .i !i are Hi, !,. w ,l ;,i oel the nian.itnit room mkii sb. pi . All day y he had ALBUQUERQUE GAS, ELECTRIC LIGHT AND M.o riel-,- .uní t i. a. .1 pel,. i a- - m, ,al ni:-b- been clt lth hid Htibh o nuaii' lí i is!, x... il 'uno t,i.:ai,s tli i...i,rr..u t Th.. "fmblle Suns" alune out the acO'luia which l -- f m - - i! ii, u I K - ,n n.iir-th- i' .an;, ' . n nm. ft her tr nkits au plans to pt,r j irk bs !,.,'.i,,i- 'no "in 'a. lull i: if. "Yam.. voiti; ntnl olh.rl hud lii'uniii hok.,1 with teda ami rf-x- itr rrvtirti sit i i - ! !,. ,.,. . .. . 1; i w .1 v,- ! tons'. I1 i l. (' thdt. her fr rdom. ll r r.alor b i e, r. i..r. nii; sb e rls hit :a,na.,i b, .dr avul lubt i la iñude a biK hit mud. aial todjy h.; 13 not in the bi it rnoxu 08 tier mnl nnrn her to r, I, .in" be h f- -r t .as m' ! tb, pi. n,l i I j ii.r. v e.l p,.,.t!,i , 1, irb ! ,!,, in, e,irinli, ti' : n,l t'n, mu..- - la in main I possible frame of mind. He is leo a . i j ' I I A I ,e ,be In pn? "1 ''i'i ' . i ';. i 1, eie ,,i r r 'i ,M i, i i o . .1 i .r.t i ,', . a ,.i t 5lTt I. ;i tc Par fcci r vps- -

-- ' mw , , i


' . juUil Its v..l,i. :ip ii lonrist point. thut' of let's t'.ifc." inf. 'ii t' move 111 IV'.: In-- A. !: Vi.'iM'ii buJ ivlfe, cheerful voicoi unil liuiBlilnc faces the ! my ni l( has i. a ertain extent In ii res lure, IH Ii 'Id sh-c- order liiiuSC into II. Holli'lll uní Mis' . A, K.-n- - fathir oí a family when he return SAN MARCIAL LODGE . ' HIS BIG HOTEL . M' .M.i-- SMS t has i.lso I cptlred time ll' h led I.U.I r' vi in .iv, M I'but Mr i'.A Qnlti- - home, wonri.'il v ,th the .IepreMlni , t ...m in.-,- ; in Iff dr. whet" that, Inn .iii.l i. s n hiliois el ' Oifcf hUriilleraw - ? 1 .!.. pi..p..Mii..ri lia merit. Thin, trnw- J Wi.tiar i.ll Lit Thursday for U ÍÍ CI . 1 h.Ve I'ovv sue 'I ill do'nii Joja. win re he iu telen-- i .l.itnes V. folllim hake J hie'iil .in.l ' mut l..c itmi-- nns.-l- i isn, 3ml luke '!. - Seventy-Seve- PROJECT IS ñ 'iint i i t lull., while NSTALLATIQN in lij. píen in s C, 11.imi.Vs n,.w hi.K--c oven1'" wi of niyoll' tltnt I nn- Imifi Humphreys n "ir f:ni' "'''' ! vt' "ill n:..nK I'll I. ih.. t itri-:io- IliU we. U. Tim .nl.hlloii Mr. H.iiitm "iirM tn he tin- jo iui.1 llirht oi Kenu'dy for ripS3 I Ftinious si. Ii a tniK on. will, h joins the siore, it1"'" home which It him plcnncil im up. . Mi is I'.evie Com. Ktmicnt lit tli l XV,v M'M. i' ni (!lr 'ri!!'t1!r flft.v-- itt- - ! preelm! . Tro v niel i. c to hewtow upon Xi.ntvil school in si ,T v. in iii'i.- - ven hy ehriitei'u feel, cini a Ki.-n- t toivar.1 movemi lit h is -- 'IU.e l.e:.!, the hnkiiiR ilep.,ntl'.ellt - Masonic Order Inducts h,r v"i,n '' in ih- moo rieiu of i: riit 'LI' .Ncw"" i itvip i ns hich ma he o. cm-- I ' will lut.v itiy pew rent tliW your, , ...,iii.-,- l I 1 - licit. l in rnl:. j,i railroad pie. l.V ellp!e Tin 1' Il .1 " f ' n l''tiy IllVMelf IleU (l ÍT- Officers; News Notts of the! ctv.te nm .e retunu-.- i e. cien i uní .if nu i - - (.!!! in Ii. Mi development min i Lekiiev sei lü. c .,f nine !v (..Ice i oct '''"el mj cluhli- n huye M tío wlth- r- - ,,""r w"'' imi: i.rni i rti. i '' vsnte ni tne i. : Week fiom Lively Tow,i,r "lit. lili IIT.h. f.', ho, p lielll ho.i. fee) ill n t e Imvi) not í - .c-.- . Mllt'llcienlll" 0U1-- Di, Wacner Expects to Ha.e pntin :.. i, i o vi r m o,l i ii tolule itellitíl Thejf. is nothing so had n cnlij . m s ,.r ünr , , , iiinMTsiiMi.l ml the""mimher .if f)own River. ""- on the .... - lii . fr ,, ,lctter the oi.M ni. ii. ii w.n I.;:. il :u oiini.l- 's little luxuries for the sr.kc of aw iiemci-i- - j n'. re Antonio te.n hef.. n if I .1 Njuu.uuu noiti ue vulvas i;ti-'iii.'- is who will come h. in t"n. .lic rahle !'..l i.. the l.c-- t e.u.ij.p,.,! miilntiiiniti ('oo.l rippini-.tnc- lit so ' There is n.iihlntr fpud for Cohl ', ,;e,l h ,i who a Mill piohiihlv thi iis ' I' tur Munln. en ): ..m i ..I he t ouniry. '''"'l'. a ".Seventy- - veil." ' e o In t . Santa Fe Under Way within i,:r.; facilities ...I l!ie (."Willi! Currpnnd)-u- tu Murninf J.iunmll , le 4 .it 'hiiu niliitu i. Tok.ti at the tltst CoelluK of Jns Sar.t.t will proh- - ::i - - A Few Mof territory re ':.n M.r. lie.. T!'." .;i..v- .Mr. l.rolli Ii. itiltide tllld WeiiUlless, the I'Otit tlls ins. I... 1 Suggestions il.y never mir nl the iinium nil OI'!!, , , ,. In! John ; in i h n.-- sl.irlei! Some for New llnr elective evi n Ilt.'ille.l Ktisivf l , lippcars ut iu . m" ih,. . cniifiil. r- - "Shiiw iii lining iriio fashion ffiiiet the lo,!ce '"r '"s ' "l" "" - Taken ufter you hrwln to CoUffH will t... !.- -. !.,..!,. .veniu. Year's Resolutions. ajiiill. (Jeer.- h!e nren of luni! lll'IlU. ami Huecze, It Iir. .l.ihn 1. V .f Kama K'ei.l.-- i r. John-oi- l. V. M : I.. A lakes JotiRer to break; fV Veloped iil.i.icent to i! üilil trihiitiiry tn t'.irr. "Vv h." her iinnviipathetii' husliiiinl W : ; i, h- - ill,. .Ni'iv 11 re- -' !. W. J. .tnj.'i', .1. .1. i: spent ii'.irn il. iy visim: lends ti from the north, l.ut itn chief A . i"it'.-tiii.- ' lisped, they they i inlet sen. ui.I nr. is I "have lound that nn . y; Iieve mi Handy to ctirry. fita pocket. Will to ileepl ois. ireiisui civ ti Vei Ueii, m'.'Ii-tur- will .;ci i;p aii.l dress when the the vfst in llniiiii'rii.H-- uill !. (sources ils on MiiM.i.1 ' make Mhawlü which will cost more and here for !' -' the ti.i hiiiinti now All Dt'URKlsts, a,"e, one of ' tin- himorle points S. WVntcott. iv lei '"'' "Kfast iM'li i itiBü, a il:iy nr two nil hasin- ss. I ir. Wn ini. r.nt ni iii.i .Mi, Aieleix,.!! .ml yon llohert than fnm"" I:c1uiiip. !oi ih.. n.illon iin.l iln ilinnite which, h.ive .itn to Si .... r, to resille t.'nip.i- - will let loinplain wlnn every IIiiiriluf .v.s Horneo, ilediclnn Co., is promoter of ill,. pi- I .t!- mr the propi.,'1 com. in hem-- ! - :. T. - . ,,r,,i:; wiihoiu this cn.l sun. J"ii i ' I'i'I'lT .- t lij;nlty I'ltlls for. SVilllam and .Uin Ktteets, ÍÍBrti HI.4MW in. Il l in .S.iiun IV. to ii'.- suit in.'. Wlinv IIohii. isnln i". This hotel will iiinkc S ini.i a lil S.. '!' W'ihiee.i.ert. 1'.;. re (íin-s- t ... York. ViH-!i- 1 IV' 11 Willie-- 'm' known us 'Hotel il. for :i 11. ..t Wile as politely as Little What is dlttnity pit? y ii,,ss:hle im tmirist point. It will' at Cit.t.ii,, .! k t'r.ii..of,l j , I - ' the home x,,n A ,,HVk r ,mjK. ,,.u if. n I . , iii son. Is .ih ith plans ni h.'n COmple I'.ir' lie i of till portntit Mo Hi.' Ml.' IS a pillee! S! V Hi;.'-!'- somethliiK the firm of munlier Mr"' M' l'i.ii'oi .s .1 slKier i.t Mis-- ; i ,,. , p.. (Tin past. Ti,. ,,,!,.,, for n,i M..x,, M, man en n't on when he finds - time for for thos,. in' i I l p. (a stand (.'Uln- iir.pi ovemenis crinn ra t..r.i Ilil.! heetl Mliitiili:, of :,,,!O.I, Will SO oil! llllselr nllrniT fVen. ,1 h.iv,. pm in pr:ii ti. iilly all of 19(1 c. ii the himself in tn,. rear of a crowd and Miss J'iisshj i.r, h of he.illh. The nee.l f..r Í I. I hat a lovely Rown t l'i.- - !.. a i n. or. ler that ni '.aiiiilv mny enj.. ... in ormn Id iim plans t'li- construc- -' etc .l.o.H eiir the wants to the pi o.'esKioii. Chicauo iinj Willi flnani iiil sue- : you have mi! Hut I It v.Ty rent iis i . .1 I m haven't seen Airs iN. n anl ilaiin!iler. Miss l.iti Iv inmsfei i;,.- o lia'i.tiii; nod in I ii i; pliasatc of , News, tion of this hotel," Tir. Wanner ecus e nhmilntely nKinncement bet ore '.' :is lielieve sure. the. I. i in-l- ive X.'iM... Kil. ami I.. At. I. ash y .in:, yi'Sti'i day. fully expect In- .mil Jiis. yiiinain sot. iinuiici cntod .v.'iiins in tin "iii.l ilint pio.i.-c- t shouiil not i'. much ' Miss Tntilelnh Xo, not. way Kiiwar.l atlell.leil lhc I .itn-ra- el I'.inl Oluet .t a hniiio liotiie. think construction Milt le under lolljic!-.- " The Will mill the Uhv. You see. I've, only worn very ! ii p,. I Will t it ut :i at Jieniinir Krl.l.iy. ami Mrs nret,ui ami sons, lo he mole ll.ulf'.ht ul j ii.uv within comparatively short m season, l St ell hi liutrox says he Is ilyitiR smnit affairs tills Brooklyn time. Ii has I., en more or less diffi-eu- lt i:, ite W ill'.-- ot A!lnin,icr.Oe. ate for n: own c.uiHori, Unit oiIicih ii1." f'li.'inihet Iain's Pomrh Rcmeiiy never i.- i ' for love me. l.lfe. to convince even tile people of Airs. 'ani enlet laine.l lie rhi :ii. s .linn, r in re with iltamima i i " me happy, may also endeavor to of (lisa for . W o,- l A1utide--Vc- Santa I',, of the merits of this project. ppoint ments those who use it J. a. lies lli'i.tae iuii e.l oes. lay. I.'.n.j How ,r,. eiiutern.-.- ll. In that cane I'd Tin y have (.'one ilonii for so many nlist in.'He cmiyhs. col, Is anil irritations I will mo spend so inmh money you to lead him to the altar at Tlmso ;ii'ls. - . u.-- 11 I.oltio At charity lie Willi illMlleilllMI,. hotel of ami Itins's. Jt (tumis uti-- ! Airs J!a- uc ilosi.l her popu-- l Th.e.. who Horn !,, the this eUr Oil ti"' CO IcsS II llltles l ;oi,-e- If iiMi don't let the fair VC.irs facilities the throat h,ie him have his a u '.-i-l ,. f M! hie for kiss." lar resta ara ni. on Kmlav i , , AI- - w p.'. to ss i way soverelatt and have so Inns overlooked th,. efi pi rlviilleil as a remedy for iill threat niul Main street fun. i;m. Lewis at life iit iir iiepr upon now you'll not show up in hts I I'.'. .1. lot tie Yes, there's nothing lid I III j ami Satinalay Hunter, proprietor i u. ; n lllllil.N ol - IV createst resenree. its climate lung discuses. !)II hy all DniSKit. dl s.iay, :.i. l!ev the lilllv CI'eclinK with will later chicauo News. wouldn't do ii- charity! Lite, S

?V vr

- , niT....íTTonniT ,.,,.,,,,.,.- r , mmtmm f Yt I to of all of my in t am determined dispose stock and have made a cut prices never before equalled by any merchant Yt t Y r in this city. The prices that now are offered you are far below the manufacturers' cost, and the goods are all standard Y T Y merchandise, the kind that only the best stores have on sale. I am anxious to finish disposing of my stock so that I Y f Y r can get out of my store as other-partie- s will soon occupy it with an entirely different line of goods. Look over t following list OÍ prices: : : : : : : : : : Y f the Y Y r Y r Y OUR CELEBRATED LINES. OF CLOTHING, as COMFORTERS AND BLANKETS all reduced be- NOTIONS. Velveteen, silks and . satins, taffetas. Peau do Y f : Soie, etc. etc. ;.: r Kut, Nathan &. Fischer, Sinceiity Brand, Becker, low cost. Wool skirt binding, worth 15c, now ..9c ", Y r Mayer & Co,, Juvenile Clothing and also the Regular $2.00, now $1.45 Pearl Buttons, worth 5c now 1c Worth $2, now $1.34 vcf renown Steilins Brand, Regular $2.25, now $1.58 Amole Soap, worth 10c, now 5c Worth $1.25, now 98c yd f Regular $2.50. now .$1.60 Featherbonc, worth 10c, now per yd. .. . .5c Worth 85c, now 59c yd MEN'S SUITS Worth 60c, now f Regular $3.50. now vVOi yd .$2.60 Pins, üi 5c, now . 1c :...44c Y f Worth $ 8.50, now $ 4.65 Regular $6.75, now $4.65 Needles, worth 10c, now 5c Worth 35c, now 22c yd Y ? í Worth $10.00. now S Y V 6.68 P0RTIERS AND COUCH COVERS made of Che- - Worth now Buttons galore, a'l sizes, colors, materials ALL VEILS AND VEILINGS Y v $15X0, $10.98 mille, Silk and Heavy Damask. Worth $20.00, now $14.00 Worth 15c now 8c doz. ReguFar Price $1.25, Sale Price 74c Y Worth $7.50, now Xt Worth $27.50, now ..$18.45 $4.70 Worth 20c, now 10c doz. Rcgutor Price 75c, Sale Price 49c Y Worth $2.50, now $1.44 Worth 40c, now 24c doz. Regular Price 35c, Sale Price 25c Y Worth $1, now 38c doz. Regular Pricec, Sale Price 15c Y f YOUTH'S SUITS. LADIES SHORT AND LONG COATS, made of Y Worth Taffeta, Melton, etc., beautiful trimmed with All $ 5.00, now $3.12 Our trimming department contains yet an ex- Net colors, ecru, brown, cream and white f Worth $10.00, new braid or bands, etc., only the latest styles. and silk t $ 6.75 in you may chiffon. Y Value $ tensive assortment almost anything 8.50, now .$ 4 65 Worth 50c. now 30c yd. Y Value $ 7.50, ask for, every yard must be closed out. Vi BOY'S SUITS. now .$ 4.05 Worth $1.00, now 69c yd Value $15.00, now 9.00 Worth, yard 7c. Sale Price, yd. Worth $1.00, now .55 .$ .4c Worth $1.25, now 74c yd Vf Value $20.00, now Worth, yard, 20c, Sale Price, yard. 10c Worth $4.75. now $3.15 .$12.24 Worth 75c, now 44c yd . Value $25.00, now $14.75 Worth, yard, 40c, Sale Price, yard, 19c f Worth $5.00, now ..$3.98 Worth, yard, 75c, Sale Price, yard 38c ALL ? Worth $6.75, now .$5.25 BELTS AND BELTING AT HALF PRICE . ALL MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S COATS of Worth, ya'rd, $1, Sale Price, yard 49c ? Crushed Velvet, etc. ? Plush, ALL TRIMMED AND STREET HATS AT YOUR ? ? MEN'S, YOUTHS' AND BOYS' OVERCOATS Value $9.00, Sale Price $4.57 ALL OUR ALL0VERS IN LACE AND EMBROID- OWN PRICE. T Regular now Value $6.50, Sale Price $3.24 ERY AT HALF PRICE $12.50, ..$7.92 ALL HAT ? Regular $ 6.75, now $4.69 Value $4.00, Sale Price .$2.64 TRIMMINGS. AS PLUMES. QUILLS, V ALL FLOWERS, Worth $ 5.C0, now ..$3.15 Value $3.00, Sale Price $1.94 RIBBONS REDUCED BELOW EASTERN POMPONS, FOLIAGE, etc FOR LESS THAN HALF V COST PRICE PRICE. T V EVERYONE OF OUR LADiES' SKIRTS MUST All Men's and Boys' Single Pants at almost Half 2E CLOSED OUT. Belt Buckles worth 50c, now 24c Muslin Underweir for less than Material Costs Price. Worth S 3.0C, Sale Prh? SI. 95 Belt Buckles worth 75c, now ...34c Yt r All laces, Wortii $ 4.00, Sale Price .$3.00 Belt Buckles worth $1.50, now 74c a handsome line. . Silk lace in white X ? All our trunks and suit cases with a uniform re- Worth $ 7.00, Sale Price $4.61 cream, ecru, black, valcncienne lace, torchon ? 1- i duction of 33 -3 per All f cent. Worth Si 0.00, Sale Price $6.65 ALL INFANTS LONG COATS AT ABOUT HALF lace, etc. these laces and insertions must Worth $15.00. Sale Price $8.95 PRICE go at less than cost price. r All our Men's and Boy's Hats Reduced 33 1- -3 y!, X per cent. EVERYTHING in Ladies', Misses and Babies KNIT SHAWLS. All shoes for men, ladies and children at and be- low cost. Underwear at Prices never offered bcf:re. Regular 75c. Sale Price 59c ? Men's Shirts with collar attached md without ALL LADiES and thildren's hosiery below cost. Regular $1.50. Sale Price .84c All ChildrerTs dresses at half the regular price. VI collar, made of flannel, percale, saieen, ging- - Regular $3. Sale Price ..$1.65 hrilYt VÍ t rhamht'w Afo ot oactorn nrirp aLIThTh Tetlan id TlossTsxoYy"" YARNS , i i I I I .. v rnct CI f en n r riir.k4 a n ...... muí o iiiyni yuvviio ctMU OlUllllj llctllllCI JCl r r AND GERMANT0WN WOOL BELOW COST. All dress goods, as ladies' cloth, flannel, cash- ticoats at cost. t Ñ MEN'S NECKWEAR ALL COLORS J.. S H 0 R T A D TXN Gl IKÓVes7 ALSO THE mere, brilliantine, Panama, etc., fancy and all All of Worth 75c. now 48c Celebrated Elite Kid Gloves solid colors. remnants dress goods, silks, cotton goods, f etc., at your own price. Worth 50c. now .35c Worth 35c, now 22 Worth 35c, now 24c yd Worth 35c, now 24c Yf Worth 75c. now .48 Worth 50c, now 31c yd All our waists, made of net, silk, sateen and Worth $1.25. now .94 Worth 75c. now 48c yd linen at half price. All our men's, boys' and youths' caps must go Worth 51.50. now .31.10 Worth $1.25, now 76c yd Al Yt at manufacturer's cost price. Wcrth $2.00, now $1.24 Worth $2, now $1.18 yd COATS COTTON 4c SPOOL. Y t ' z IP IS I offer only first class merchandise and uarantee every article purchased or will Y : MEMBE refund your money. Come early and make your selections. VP",f ii I Central Ave. and Third St F Central Ave. and Third St. Y JAiiUA'RYi; THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SATURDAY , ÍStii " Albuquerque onlst fore from the starting point lo publican house in the next congress of ,1- - p firs ')' .oí !ety. fr. r.i the thi th Mr any higip-s- to tin.' w-- . r,.-- ail dettintttlon. for Cannon or other repub- B lo.esi, Th agrffmrt further pr.iviik-- lican to be of 7 n th at the festival it3e!f. nP'tr ' thót Tcnrion. round trip or one w.i "At th w bone en f.,tn Steond "At the door of tr. lit x limpie trie hive P roo-""io- morning journal - object pry-ije- i jen-ti- the j.pii fir 't nrul iiond limited far tti,. H' in- FlddU - Stylish i..i T.'at ii. et by a I'lii- I, Who road 1 he h.'Hi not ! icseit or re'.oi:ni7,t in i? tiriR the to stay In the (Official NVw4Mipcr of New M'AáVo) ritual ol" ricrriitJioii i be deir opened t.niiliHhltiit f.iie for transportation pally, but firmly notifjinti tbern that and it like a spirit appeared Published by ihe l?n ernniiTil rc'iueRt, Tariffs ahoxvin the majority would continue to rule. from the inner sard nary to receive 3ÜÜ M wm stall nduied faren ate to be supple I has become increasingly evident HANWI IT.K Oenernl Kstrada is the shrme, v, t it posi- he. of gelling the Gentle CO. ami onie into to sure JOURNAL PUBLISHING mi nted or rei.ued ho as to make them that Messrs. Cummins, !.n I'ollette attending strii fly to business, tion in the new ta berna.i, . The w alls . very l&leñ corred: cultora applicable only Mere canh is paid on and the rest have no use a repub were hung with ancient and priceless-tapestries- l. i for ályle in your footwear at P. A. MAtTHRItSON. Prr shlent delivery of lirkrtH. This is cuppose lican party which fbi lines to ro their SIMON IiK.SllI.KIt now looms as n The ceilings were covered .x. with brocades of inimitable reasonable price, is to Saddle V, HI' It K K Kditor to be on ac.oiiril of lonii delays In way, ithkri Ihey cannot whollv dmn national wrestling champion tio it texnife a n and form. disposing JAMES K. HI.AfK . . . v Kilitur with govern After of for 'air of fit KUii settlements the iuate, Simon. priest., tome to ui a I 11. O WIMGH T. . Advet- the withdrew, bowing Mmair uoni lor iruisreirtation bills niter "It has become evident that what towards it eight times, the lights' were servil has bren rendered, beintt held trentb rnen seek is to th IP TUR grabbed Kntered as second class matter at these control Of'Tiil'I'S hasn't suddenly extinguished and a. military Horses i the postr.ff ice i! Albiiiiiernue. N. M up for various reasons, including red republican orKanization in th next lile Petos valley oil field John O salute was heard; the multitud.- broke REGAL tinder act of i'"iiKri"M o( Mann tupe, whereas the public is required national enmpafsn,- and that they r"- - inu--- i be filing into a d line. Into conversation and began to molt 17. o pay f.r the ticket on delivery. serVp to themselves full liberty of away, many of thi-- having' no hope I or living to r, peat SHOES I ; ,nn action in case they fail to control it ZPf.AYA INSISTS that lie is still Ibe wonderful Shetlands ill MiiiiMM. i:ai, is nil They have every stylr-flu- I I 9 Z r 1:1 i i ss. then aa they have failed to control it piesideril. If he feels that way about I i in k imi'I'.i: To in: ltd: in sini - ni;:ii(;Mi'.Miii, si i'i'oiiiiNíi nil congress and in the Taff admlnis- it, we minlit as well let lilm Insist. be lound in llie mast rxpro- H J l'ttiNCii'i.i h ok 1:1 l tr.ition. Have y on a weak throat? If so, you New York custom-bui- J tiii:- All tin- P .Hli'ians in WasbiiiKton i and nui ' - .' f.-- cannot be too careful. You cannot :J nv ncTV ti.i tin- timi:. ''- k i. r- - Th,. aitiiiok- pl. ii:l is thai unit I. FT VP Tin TIIA.VICriT. even and in R.?al j i i k :th the begin Ito J m: ni1 i:i i i r.i tin-- e v.ay a treatment too eariy. Kaeh cold i .Miiinii hi: I, .1,1.: i,, I of can have tbmii their brief wartn spell in which to gloat we (AN PARTY WIIKN 'I 1 1 V Ai: the the .iiiiii mak. s you nore liable t,, and they do not car muí h uh.'it happens over the plumber tin- - liaron. another tie U1Zt ' tmmltlee wiiiib and n the last is always the harder to cure. give you a l n 5 i:k.iit. i Burros v i i I er- - the parly. you t. - i i in le the í.ií ii ní I'i itrhot will ko Cham!,, Haiti's Cough S y I f !l H a dangerous TF.XArf t Tl.itMs or si iNi:iniu., Ciiul-- ( ,sh on "The leHllll situation I'oKSN'T believe th: Ta ft at tic- outset you nal1 1. sav- í, i . . .O.I, until' imadi-.o-mra- Polly, by carrier, mom Ii . . con- - 11 s.,j,i l .1 I for the n uibli- an party in the know bal is whiskey. After this ed mu. h tro;;!i!e. ,v lially, l.y mull, Tuesibiy ii is expert hat every all on" month el n xt fall, no matter suspense, ;s t be qill S- - ! oil,' Ol the J. int rumitti e of eleven cressionai lion the to Ii : the insurgents' vvm or lose, tied ? Larger t irt iilaiioii Hum iimv otht lie peTii.'l p I :i will have tiecn se- - ictiol X .Mexico, they to a nom- - F. rt. Bnow.V, Jul, L 11 paper ill Vet Tin' only paM- leete.l by the leadi th of the hniise and ivlicther continue uive carpenter has I i - imiii'il Iji y In nllesjianci outright, moved (.hop .)1 In Mexico 'TI xenn'e. inal or xilt WITH TUP. P,Ii;r;r:ST in his to 515 S. 7tli St.. I 4UÜ ' I t'J I i year. i t 1325. ( tlie .are a Plain men tired of ineissant the history of the postof f ice the pessi- lihoiie I i. A III I Mtr?.. : Senal u'4 la kn about coin - 1 tli upon stal- is 1 , lir Morlilnii ,liuiriiul linn a blithe miilee if eleven Hint will have six wranKlins, and effect mist miiht admit Unit Albuquerque In not in public going circulation raimu than accorded I') "elt.ltorj and live rt prehcniatiyes, but wart republicans olllte ahead. J any ollirr iiaiH-- r in .New Mi'ilm." nor seeking it, is evident in their widi - il M be ievill that the house will not Am I 11m American Ncttspniier Hireclory pkoyi-:p.i- i i t' this. Th. popular and mpn spread remain that what the repub in i: old th.i to.. úMmí al'rec lican puny most needs is 'a good my criol-.- spoil i:- - - v m airlii runs braro h toaiall.v demands th' the broth miht Ai.m yi Kiiit st i:ko modified to state too many north I r represei.iai ion on a com that Á Joint '"Whether 'he next house will be re poles spoil the Cook. At these .springs j on ran g t n new '.NV f $ í,' ' X ( l ml! ti e that Is not mad" up of an equal T Q 4 A SANK OVSlll HON. publican depends largely on what the of life a rfe, st, ano (i j number from each house. Frb-nd- of (r. health jüfM present congr"sn dues. It the regular NOT A PAD arrangement of the L J It may have been noticed I ha Mr. P.ii haid A. liulliiiRi r, seiretary of beneficial recreation. II -- re are the I .publican leaders there get together alendar this year with a following the interior, and Mr. Clifford Pint hot . '!) of our tbtnocratit; contempor nil insist on nothing hut common Sunday in which to get over the ef famous curative, waters, iinsurpassed $r (j i x chief forester, lire making every eifort sens,, legislation, country will take nrles In New Mexico seem to think to see that neither the conservation the fects of both Christmas and New for the treatm-n- t of P.heumat ism. H. M3V. - X tr capital of or granted that the 'insurgents' are ear s I&- they tan make political out nor ntl- - men get n prr Ividney, .AMIP tin- - noise and uuthing more, and the party Liver and Stomach Disorders. I 3J t Vest Central. the Tint that pending statehood ponileritnce of votes on the commit JfM. t u of prop- - j hill undertakes to throw mmp safe- - will stand more than fair chance TUR NKW MEXICO Central will bt These waters possess medicinnl M tee. Is anticípale,) now- that men I f??s J it success next Neverntier. again. Tint they only I iZ ' ' guards nroun.t the fundamental law of like Senator Knute Nckoti of Minne built tVen if erlies ,in,sim.l,.,l even be Do. m,.l ,,''?Mfflfci'k l.y provldtni- - lint if the present wrangling goes buikl Irnent, a good Idt)b the new state that the sola, who never sides on another insta it's has taken in, and attention is given to insur thing to boost. Albuquerque noted health resorts the j&MMWMÉÚ i Z constitution shall be adopted mid nub question, will be chosen. Mr needs this clamors, some republicans weak ln-- r " ' milled to cofiKrrss for approval gent' that railroad in business. p'1-- .. Neisori Is pretty certain to be tin in the faith will conclude that her,, is to Our i before vote in taken on the bill commit! airman of the mole than poise, and still more will A young man, committing for the admission. We should renard Mr say they Tfil.ltDo llallinivt's friends become Increasingly dlseiiHleil and suicide, a was I pastime r I It n ft waste of time to give serious public nvestitcalion, yo left note saying lie so horseback riding, dtlvlng. ..ortvt.-- t. nd roppFn atLOUlOlXlCriC f want h that ptone to slaml asme nnu let It long- any of nonsense in tneir bashful he couldn't stand any " attention to the every stage t.f the bearings may be hunting, billiards, or, if you like, just jv,.rVi it Sale Stables. l ' tlulged In by our democratic neigh party take the good licking' that er. This makes one t remide for the ivcil ami irst printed In the newspapers and títere many of them already feel is almost ring. hop-- - Turnouts at Jteasonahle Pates, if bors on linn point, but win III UK continued existence of Col. Solkrs ant! Plain loa The aecommoda- lss an be no cbate-- later to say that 3. Second Strce, j essential to Its salvation. . e.ophnne North Kent to the Voter til' .New Mexico others. tions are id.-ul- A I anything was covered up. Mr. Pin- 'Therefore the Inter Ocean takes few weeks at this g that they niitrht learn it valiiubk say gj QQ hot's supporters they have leave to suggest to Mr. Cannon mid TIIC MILK TRUST is milking "home ,.f health" will add many years ñ II lefsort in to the evils likely to - the PUTNEY rerd nothing to fear from an open lives- year- - LB. t VV - dprinjf a "orajy iiiUl" const! other and consumer, it is alleged. Probably the toyouriif... It is situated in south- - Irom more open it i.'t after-yea- Up tiKation, and the til. r republicans that the issue cause of complaint is ,rAlU.ISll ID l73. jQX tulloii. by ii ritreful perusal of chief that tho west-r- n New Sivty-da- y - better they vvlil like it. f insurgency bus been Mill ficlently de users of milk throughout country round imi.ale (iroci r. Hour, ro d nnd Z o following editorial from tho Enid the l ' fined, and that lieteaflt-- they attend trip rates, on Santa Fe P.oUle Asent for .Mitclu-l- Wagons. If Kaisle, one of the leading papers of are getting dropsy from absorbing so the '' r: - - v iti: am. ni'ii.T way. strictly to the business of the day and much ti.Ki'Qi Kiroi m:h mi:k) th Mate of Oklahoma. Wv copy as riu water. Address T. C. McDcrmott, Faywood jf f-ll- tiit let the spuuters spout. T'or the real J llC " follow: question, as already remarked, ia not Í5 :: "The Eaule listened to a story yen Tile s.ii iol board of the ity of Se THE APT OF tax dodging says a B. H. BRIGGS & CO. X WashitiKton, Is who Will Ii,. Speaker of the llcXt house, telday whit h would be well worth Bttle. slaie oi enai;ed census report has been practiced since X In a hopeless contest with Cupid. In il is m he'.'ier there will be a house the ancient and honorable days of the Druggists publishing If the gentleman who told any republican can be speaker It would permit IiIh name to be used tin el.ort to ascertain why so many ol that Horn im empire. Kike other ancient 1 I'ronrielors of Z o TSÍlf"? fTlin fgL ' ' are re. im- If Rut lo; is In tho ministry and docs 'eattl.'B 73 school teachers f" arts it ha added some modern M 1 1 1 Im E nI? W First: Highland I'liarmncy, Cor. Vdoll not want to set mixed up In política iKnlnu weekly, the fact was tlcvelope provements. "J B i í 3 J v It 9 SlifeHsS 9 Vlvaratli) Pliarinacy, t or. fiold and !! i In that 'unid has claimed tino A i: HK MI.NKKAI., !!' He Interested the construction ilí i I of a new church edifice and desired from the number since epteniher IT IS MATT Kit for gratitude that 1 1 8 II is commercially in I COMPANY to Kciir n loan from the usual lile si hool board ulieuiiv over tin Pranium Is found zero weather down here doesn't com illJ ilbllLi THE WM. FARR if outlook .'d' losiiiff battle this only two in tho United pare sources from which such loan arc this minerals with that in the effete, where the I Wholesale and retail dealers In V neVer-eiidiii- ac- t secured. Ho he went east and made slriigsle with the littli States, pitchblende and earnotlte, Ohio river freezes from Pittsburg to his application. Jlelng connected winied nod but It is a foe they face cording to t ('nited Stales Geoloi;! "ai Louisville, anil the natural gas I Wnghts Riding whicn is ;j 1 j j j 'iggest paid with men of national reputation winter and summer. Survey repoi:. Pitchblende, ibrjl (fj j j j I market tuiees ate X ( tmmMM o M denomination he anticipated no The public Is lamrirlng for men widely kno.v.i because of its use is an trouble-- 'Certainly we run get yon teachers, partly because of their more ore of radium, c.icurs In quaimi,' in TIIK AMKPIi'ANK were not exe 1 & LlVCLTV I only Oüpin says FRANK REISTLE School that kn," these men autiil when ap main iiualillis, lind because, if lhe ihe Pnlted States In cuted hv his order, y.elaya. In should get niarired during the school ittinty, Col., where there aro fai t, tine can picture him interceding proached. And they started mil fur Ave- - ear, they lit posts. oc in con K 813 ,,"'"e24, net It. The first nii.ii iipproilt hell, remain their Put mines that produce it. Carnotite passionately behalf of the t5ÍRa hard-hea- rt j flIy3 the women marry de as ii bright yellow in Yankees hia i president of n lai'fce trust i teachers and curs powder demned with 'll'r)Y" the I í ; - part The extra llsl kept by the school sandstones in and Colorado. ed subordinates, all in vain. II 1 1 feí.ií lain v. said; Sony we cannot in- tiah bjL i SHQIa board lias been No. p since are radioactive. lllf I exhausted minerals -- commodate you, but we do not Iota Cranium liiliMÍiiniUiiiiiriafTiii iii ñ , fill leachi-r- may test- - VAP.IAPII.ITY masculine Lm',í,... jr .jj money in Oklahoma." The second null, and where other can and their radioactivity be TIIK of I - is pointed to scorn by name. The third man he ohiulncd m lake the plaits of the hv their effect upon a photograph- affections with man said the women folks in the case of Mr answered ditto. The fourth replied big number that will suiely resign plate, which will show- shadows the I week ave during the prcj-en-t holiday season in"l alllc objects placed betwi'cn it Prokaw of New York who last In kind. Ami each one the is IpSSSSSI loved passionately, this week indif name reason, 'your law maker not known. and a specimen of uranium mineral. FíWPiliT yet put l ferent, and next week will be indig I KIVfrntNOWrt K'- -',t Se- l- H ilimn there do not want to give capi- Superintendents of each of the thir Cranium has not been IqlS K P W i 1 TOfAlt. S,eit! e schoold pi Seattle have suspl- - many uses. It is said to ne nant. B E B B MB nWn!'fllll l4ff f'I tal a fair chance. Your constitu- practical iail Italia M K'nUV I KWri-- it;!ríírs 5X2 i tion In h work of ull aggregation Ions that three irom each school art used In steel making in Oermany. In grasp of Cupid Iridescent ill!. HKNKV. of graft prosecuting of demagoguea. We can loan our the and the chances Cranium sails ate used in H I I jl & I I ft I IS JITDltCiiClCO...o7,L.O..T," people I'nr these teachers returuiiiM after Hit glass and In pottery glazes, and uran- fame, ought to have a thicker cpider 3 l'i tí money In itlateii whore the by to tie led into holiday recess are slim. ium compounds are employed in mis this time than Sold Albuqutrque tf. O'ffiefjr & Co. do not elect such men to office and instituting a libel suit. If he has WILL GIVE $1000 in by, we decided to keep out of Ok- hemisdry and in medicine. A number I have good people know it 'i i: f the uranium salts are violent made the won't Htlaiajajaaailial gla)tai m ajaj gl gajaj atajaa1il lahoma." And each banker, each Tin iiKitoisM. any a libel suit IF I FAILTO CURE ANY CANCER or TUMOR aiaaf finan- poisons. Cranium and uranium salts better after he wins trunt company president, each always TREAT BEFORE IT POISONS DEEP GLAN03 .No hero medal was ever more re Imported into the Cnited States And there is a large chance I IF YOU WANT QUALITY USE cier approached had a copy of the KNIFE or PAIN 1 plaintiff will lose. Without sun Iv earned than by Mary Prown, In U i S to the value of $7,H5. that the Oklahoma eotiKtltution ready at hand No Pay until Cured. It min- the trained nurse bo, with a bullet and read extracta from to the PI! I LA DELPHI A has been electri- No x Hv or o t h e r REX FLINT-KOT- in her lungs, the other day prevented A 111 MI'KU An kUtid E ROOFING ister who applied for the hmn. NOT (TíOl, fied by the charge that Quaker City dwindle. a uKR'Htcd, "The iieratigeil patient ruin shooting miltes the cure. "Then, trieiid doctors nr0 deliberately prolonging Hi ABSOLUTE GUARAN ft E. Ihe numbers of his I'anillv bt 1 Vlin .Mutual Lite iMHiirance com- alter While our farm crops are breaking ñes on of patii'lits to A uiiinr, Lump or Albuquerque Lumber Company 23 First st. id wounded her. I his y oung the nart their face mi pany Is makiliK loan in Oklahoma, records the crop of available demo receipts. Queer that such Son? on the lia, or uiniin was on duly. She was t harged prolong the ivbtre six ni'intria SOLE AGEXT let im nee them." so the mlniHter cratic candidates, mr tho presidency prac- (V.orr. THEV NEVER iih responsibility for sick man a universal and well established went llh letters of Introduction to the foej, tint show much Improvement. no comment else- PAtN unfit 1'e.t slHiie. tice which excites nt memiiw office of the penn Mutual, ho had been placed in her tan After looking the tield over carefully BOOK the main where, should slir up a fuss in staid frpf wnh (4 way clrclen. While neressailly absent from his Springfield t.Masa.) Republican tfiuuaniali lie made his to the Inner the old Philadelphia. th" itaml.t P':i.i ftl h'"-- "No, thank you,' nali) the Term Mu- side be procured a weapon and in th- - sa ys WRITE TO THPM tual. "We are not loaning nny delusion of his fever he went forth to "if ten ill niiKTiils well informed ANY LUMP IN WOMAN'S BntASl lay. Mad it not been for the brav- - DON'T WAIT money In Oklahoma directly, you ace com eriilng American politics were to Japan's Holy of Holies. Is CANCER, and if nierted it will nhvays coi- GET TOUR COAL IN BE FORE THE FIRST STORM tlie Instlctive response to tlan- - Vill ouii kly. your constitution," etc. etc., and the the nli r on the subject of the next dem rón .livp liin.b in the aroit'i' and 4JVTHRACTTK AMERICAN BLOCB r and CHAMLEY & CO. clergyman was again confronted call the remarkable nirtiliidc ocratic candidate for .the presidency, Address DR. S. R. (All W, I!. HAHN The Beit Ikt-ene- d Ihe muse a wholesale C'an. aoeinli-- t livu.,7. CO. with it copy ol the document ami tragedy they would conclude their delibera- A Tokio correspondent of the l oiccf.ful fr CERRILLOS LUMP Gallup Lum miKht have been As it Is. anuiiis, to a tirade Oklahoma enacted tions with the public statement that Standard describes the ceremony 747 5. Wain 8t., iu MILL WOOD KIÍíDUNP Ihe Hie ol girl lies In - SCMEONF WITH CANCER 91 tierna Kog in r. this the balance. conditions; arc not sutflclcntly devel- MNDLYSENDTO "ACTOR Y WOOD Phone COK she Is of the transference of tho Imperii, "Hut you me loaning inon there," hit will recover Ihe earnest pid to warrant a choice, yet tiny BRICK BUI LDIXO hope v, shrines at Ise to their new taber- UME SUPPLIED the ioinl"ii-- iiinim, d ol the entire conununll She would privately agree that the govern Morning Ad i In nacle, just completed. This festival Try a Journal Want ' Ih. es. w ba vc t'lai cd a f. w s shown the spirit that animates or olilo is tin. most promising dem 1st! r Is witnessed ome in twenty-on- e years, loan I Ml las ol healing who are enlisted m ocrat nl present within the field of five lent lltroiimi one was the fifty-sevent- i light ag. .Iiim suffering, exposing v ' and the witnessed loan coinp;in V"i Hie, w harip. Ishm. rec- when faltli- - according to authentic ttie Italian company lite per i iit and ir livis arises, Montezuma Trust Company i ords. It is the greatest of all Shinto they loiin the mom-- out In Oklahoma lul to linar trust, oml'iirtlng tin wil l, NEW l wiivr tiii: otui ks io? religious In Japan. ALBUQUERQUE, MEXICO at eiubt p. r nt. tal..- Un ir ehall, es h.iigis iin.l allaying Ibe sin erlllgs ol observances lls. ase. No sobln-- evi r faced "The multitude without w ah breath- , tl.l l Bi t 111" cllfii li'le e ill lllli lesl We ilealb Men weighing less than lárt pounds ifVlALOY'S Capital and Surpi--- , any moment $100,000 o your more i ourag'-oiis- than did this liail less with suspense, as at would be yiml let people have sa d to have been discharged was . woman, or a iisvv ei more promptly might emerge what to them tho the money at iw per in but nun mu i Haiti railroad workshops. Men NTEREST ALLOWED 0 N S A V I N G S I il v . on earth. 0 S Mii-i- a lo he summons to ut most sacred material object EP0SIT law! ai- lh.ii iii.ik,. hi K J un- iv i. it: more than ito. unless As were heuird within, a rt i t t here w M him It III faint sounds loa iliii fll' iisua ly ta II, have been "released" as crowd. CAMIXiKM NAV f. I I . i it v m mi solemn silence fell upon the to US, SO on pa y he big! ml soii: soi in: siitet-ei- r conductors as ton to ,, fat The rumbling of drums advised the tu: wi.i-- s the extra interest Is JUst the ililt. tbrtad the thronged aisles. Men over .111,1 law-o- i "hi. ago Inn r ' of a t. waiting worshipers of the approach of 111), '.'', IH ."iO. hitwt-t-- oui laws the l l forty find it hard to git jobs because and doen. ' :ti-'- a leading n the imperial shrine Petween two her tal. has art le givum th, an- too old. Men under twen Sweet ami juicy 111.1 n p. ilcatiS :n .f Co rif-r- . nt lending depth to ihe impenetra- GROSS, It i in- and out lishts KELLY llllnistt r gave up - & CO The he- find promotion tliiticult -- .1. a.!v w lili h is .o ble darkness objects were seen mov- i i - back to Oklahoma empty h lll'ie s.aini i.n.l use they are too young. And the thai it is w ..rthv of the i i r. f i ing. A priest came out. crowing like ucorprtfd "I liave leal tied ! to tiling." he New- York World in.iulri-s- : Will the ill I 111 t ! TV pac object m pi-- - of ellil,l! ans See a cock: Kokeko!' The rod nri.i.i: ka id. "i 'at pt ar p i ili dt in tv i s by sri:i;s rrri: o - work presently all be done 'Koke-ro- !' Wholesale MerchanU it i.ti-i- I I non the Co unirv Mi is t.d- was lifted. Again he echoed 40c :b. and Dealers i in i tor their loct ii. kli'iw between twenty-fiv- e and thirty- - low s, changing the utterance sati-facti- Iways, it before." helt-h-t fhi.-W- - this time (ives in Wool, . five and of medium and Hides I'hi'-a-i- and Pelts ikl.tlio-u- III a a Cun inr.ati aiel s.v a little. This performance Is sail to "So te.ll'i.e.e cotitinu Ana t v. -"- .J ü.c III.UIII p.ip'-- i oi i uiiicia symbolize of day or. in Blanket:., to pv mni p. r cent lot t t tel t!VI the breaking Vavajo riñon Nuts. Beans. Chili, Potatoes n v p th.r.- on t.f light. pt r rent tno le and to ikt r.'pll.i ! ether words, the approach Other Native i y a Washington ,1 ,. Im.-II- . reverential- n ii i.titis Products I ii !iali:-- t rv Sand. under u Then the ancestral shrine tome m ic an.! haili . Kss ."it- - 1." iisst-rt.l- Il in si have bt en .1 so rry ly borne I i.i!-.i- in that the .n Christmas emerged Irom the shadows, dotn give empi .ilia-il- to not nr a ii air. House HI tjist 1 it í'cgitít, N Albutpn rqtie, m,; i v ill I , ,i ,i n - for Mirk Tnitin tic had Just lost on the shoulders of the priests. The frc-- h, .. Tucnintmi"! I ! Joseph "annon net in l coltl sloracc II na!! es it il.a s ill on.- N. M.; Peco. X. M.; M o! s. tv i daiiK'ittr from bis household by litareis were clothed in while and Losan. vi,! Trinidad, Colo tf - t K(.ile - .al..!,. speaker the ond tin at in k the w hi. n wore white coverings liver their i .Hi' t as, iri.l loitti I.K that marriage h bad lak. h r bey ond tiition, tb, pl d b il. dirt Il k r ta mouths, lest their breath should con- r iro m pa'ia- tat- st ,t, and t he ol h. r, w bo had re- - It Is id t! n.-.- taminate and offend the ancestral famed tod !o r ma l to cite for the age. I author, iii:.rv (tu I v 1. sa object all ul if ul ;e gl. w spirits. Put the red itself Ml n. :i Int- v is tound d. ad of cpilepsf tut Ctlfi-l- cooUtd ready to cal. WITH iMPLE MEANS AN 1) .1 anil an rvi, the could not be seen, being surmounted i CXsntPASSKD FACILITTE o!ogn-- gai ai.-- r I n lie- i iZ. S pie n, v tiuig oi the Í lib. Ch: Try nn, rom Ii bar SI'S istm.ts found by protecting screens and canopied by IV' a tan it lis h.-- tit-li- S S' HltelS oi Mark Twain abule til Sturmfirld, a beautitul tt curtain. I i fi a I i or fhe Bank tic is v. 11 of a all I.- thus . ri do it t:o kin In nil Amerl a and his "F uir large tor, in s now appeared, Commerce of Albuquerque ' . mI. le, spotless- I. sle tie inspnatiori of w ewn tarter marly end W hat a and the proi .ssion overa Dcpot-lto- r I 111 I'" tatends to Proper Accommodation i i T. , ly way to tempi, s. Kid Solicit Naw Ml ST ol! Hi II. i.1 es and (.ung.-tlll- lav f..r the Master o! the Pools; white the tiew hut no screens were re. l!y necessary to Accounts Capital. SláO.OOO.OO. Mi ll III t I. will re! ir, t r- on pi , object pro- Mfflcent and Directors; Solomon Lua a. V. solan le u p:l s:tve the sacred from the President; S Strlckler. Vlo In.lir .1. b:, wb bis oliMitueiits l. Th.- .1. i ng r dissolution of the pres-- t fanation of th vulgar gaxe. for every! Presltleat and Cashier: W. Johnson. As.s.e-,- iviin. tern P I rot rsl,t.. ut.. nt Prlüsh parliament will occur on head was bowed as the thrine prc-- j IV! !H.h. J c- - IWililrldee. A M m l st p. - A. ItlackwelL O CromweU. ie ! l.tli. "All wlm an llil. ri Mills; l i upon way. i. a t ceded its object tnus aioy ! v Mh oi ti prest nt month which The r..r bis i.n!'a a ir.iii-ii- r tu.- a w .nA' la no. a. r in bub tli h.tpp. ris I., be tilt anniversary of cnshnnc.1 and ten. ia:. d is suopos. dl oth.-- r si n- e I it. - bt-- Om. 214 CENTRAL AVE. toiks. ti'si.rg. il pi.s is in tin- hitbii ,.t Jai victory New to b tho sacre,) mirror given to the eCet t, tile ! k..n ai Orleans i - into ell ni. lint: lb. ,s!l b,. talher to ibe tbolitiht but probably par'lamint fir mlt r of hv his divine an- i ni sii t why iñ r.v a pound. 1. lo I'mi-h.ib- didn't take PHONE 72. rnrsii. Tt'ritht's nnil Pal 1.1 i- the t.l.i rule to in v f i .minus, and ,.f Mr .t cestor. In this cei ninnv of removal I iiit ' - that Int. i account mcr's too l't flnincry and ode no pti'in IS to b 111 liioii- The telina; for the whole nation t kes part, in a bo. Calendara eirt ie ft i.inindii.e sll whom it tv pant,, ;u, si int gitcu get one. 1 1 the in nt begin on the tf body. ss tall and t.t th gov r.ient r tr.i!i.,..ii.e o'lii'-u- i ib., i he wasnt brought not in 'Minnie th proyt ol M aa. Kitrt and t.utiiHie t:!l the i'Mh. The removal on the memorable night lion of jl III tilt MnilllN t.. be d b V . Is their S.,r p.n liam.-n- t do n n n will majcsUt s. the emperor and empress of ! 1 Th,. ristdoiior id. a!l. "Ib.vviver ii.-- mill lile ilOOIt . nts arnillf - .n the lnii oi Pebntary. They do Ji'mn. .stand la an vtiinde devo- CHICHESTER SKILLS Williams Drug CoM 1; W. Central xh, led, HI I .lot as tii.-iiis- , t n late iner.t... la .mi lia ir bat e. a Mr. 'aaiien 1; l m. ihm- - iiitiih' r, ov. r there. tion ff re the nncesti-.i- altars in the inv itattons iroui U.t i n.u. at j..r , etuii,, K.iiu, chapel m Tokio. Simultan r- w t.. . - l . hi. la quotat;.. r.s sir:, t. d. ..I0...I f P., .r !.r t.f lb.- d.y and eously also the imix-r- crown t.ri-i- e here "land J.r: r .iiit t Is re- - who at that time was on a i iUi't:.iii, That is wheihtr tour - t it n , lit vvr CLASSIFIED COLUMNS mured, 1 r it nr. ..1 .l ri.'f n e w . v Mr, Cllilieii wui fv)!. untie to bt Mic.lJ,. TrY a Morning Jgurnil Want Ad throiiKh the country, assnmej at the I'll !.(,. I DIDTyQU r t t- - t I..S l.O. d it i . w - ppomicd i4 v., ruj.t READg tu! el ,i, rid r It 9 belli, r tiore will bu u rv- hour tc MtutuUv in the direction of Ise. Theli various "'n PAGE SEVEN T0DAY7 at i A Great Stock Reduction Movement Affording

AU mall orders filled at sale Remarkable Savings on Seasonable and Staple prices and you con do you sliopplnjj here- - by moil s satis- factorily as If you made the Merchandise store a personal KIi. An unusual sale at an unusual time. Bargains and price reductions that are generally offered a month later Seasonable apparel re- duced for clearance presenting a most exceptional opportunity for timely savings. It will soon be stock-takin- g time and we would countsss.up the money in the bank than to have the goods in the store. The following items are a few of the many attractions rather you will find here this week.

GARMENT VALUES 510.00, $m and S'X That ore simply unexcelled anywhere in the city. When we speak of garment value we take three things Into consideration. Ilhe worth of the materials, the Gossan! Corsets Quality of tailoring: and the style that fashion demands. These offerings for this week exemplify our Idea of exceptional value to a marked degree Note tne prices 5350 ai V Oosserd corset iteyei siid lllicict Ihej!' ta Wished prices Tin rtWHoii lot tun. Mule tit the factory has sent several ooaien corset.- - J X TAILOR MADE SUITS which on eKaniiimtimi tt- - how Touik! liie is sjiotn, some the snte oi n Tiiumh mark.; liieiv n --- ;. Tan Ilaljr Their Aotnal Worth, $9.8. trifle larper and other hardly ilwmnlW., tint- J8 ine more serious itiun u siighi li trlctly tailored suits In the newest styles garments that are notable for their and there which Jn no way Weithenn tne taini or affect cornets. rr-- a. . large women. the Them. coret)j r pxquislte lines and fine tailoring-- All tazes for small and iroddK in the models, .up fancy worsteds and latest imi.le to til! tioii The materials from which these garments are made include sprlnit orders. The m. le start- limnirn unu ev- many pretty effects in mannish mixtures. Every garment In this lot is easily ery orset will be titled nn an ut uitcj ti.. ., worth twice the sale price, take your choice of the lot, at $9.88 v.lth the extreme rare exercised t.x in Jlttot lit corsets at t)M. regular price Ts phone nr mall orders. None sern V ti I e m approval. FINEST TAILORED SUITS Both plain and fancy at stock reducing prices, all our suits are placed In thU sat as to reduce our stock. There are so many styles It Is Impossible to give a detailed description. EMBROIEERY SITOAES FANCT TRIMMED SFlTS -- Some richly embellished with braid and others with fancy cuffs and collars. Plain tailored suits of the highest grade material We nrc prepurniK for inventory nml inul iiimui lOttq; ürrnüüt. ntr trn. srwsf and workmanship arc Included in this sale. Our entire stock divided into lots ijf my short In. ov reiniumM- that we hav. tneov.-j- i nu ., n v. tm :tbr-TaPle- f and priced as follows: in tl.e Km hroide-- ' s';'i.on and nairkii th--n- ; exrecrii-'- oir --w. it 'in .rtr ('lit t ht- - lot t his V.'ei U. WOMEN'S SVITS AS FOLLOWS: Jliindredc tit short pieces ot eniiiroidcrj :u . yarm ;n. 'J- Ixt 3 Special $18.50 lot 5 Special. .$21.50 ruiitiutK t Ww . . and cons.Ftini; ..: ( '.í f'.iv.n - 3n.;i STi.umttmi- ! Lot 3 Spex-iuL- SH.9H lxt 6 Special .$25.00 lnhortion. Lunes. l.niiii oi."- Lot 4 Special $21.50 lot 7 Special. .$29.50 KIMONAS AT A REDUCTION 'divided into lot, i.nd spei ialh priced kit mif ui. i i..!..'- - SMALL WOMEN AXI MISSIS' SFITS. lol 1 Sale bt yimi tl- - murrt; . 2 M .'. n- - 25SH- .$19.50 h. I11 01. MHlltK mo ot J i. i it r li y I'- lml sale l"rtr. yard i Ml ite iKT; 1 Special . .S 9.50 6 Special. Kntlfe of iimiP.iM Hl('lllf Lot Ixt r.c I T. -,- n. w want d Kt le and dor. li ll m la red Lot a Sulc rbi. i ne.1 i Htf 2?t?' rarrt. IjM 2 Special . . .$11.50 lxt 7 special. .$23.50 'iinnneii ttv and tilk, every and Lot 3 Special . .$13.50 lxt 8 Special. .25.00 follows; .$20.50 I.ot 4 Special . . .$15.00 IaA 9 SHH'lal. LOi! KIMONOS A.M BATH ROBES. . Lot 5 Kieclal .$17.50 7 . . ML.-.- Lot 1 Special 1.25 Lot Special N Ff"K T Ml sri 'i'l 1 Cm-- xi-'fH- vt vt: lí'ra. a' ttv Lot 2 Special SI. " s Special kH.;i srieci.i! sale o! U omen s Neckwear I 1.5" J. ..Ji.i r.'..cii. 1":,.., ... ..o-s- ITnice- Lot S special SI.HH i.'t Social consist in ol' lace Imimk. kiocI.u l..: l.'M Special .$13.50 . - Lot 4 Special SCJ.OH 1" embroidered linen ioIIiiik, tal.c .our aiul ,lal.,:, 1. I'.JK"! "t c:tiet4l- 5 II Special SSIM.50 Lot Special ..HH lot choice oi the lot at ü.'ic. rron: mill n lair, n- -t J! tt: jSnc Women's Skirts at Reduced Prices Lot 6 Special 4 Lot I 'J Special . HÍ25.1M1 KIIOP.T KIMONOS ASI iuíf.ssim; St Q I ranpre to from variety of styles and mnterials and a wide of colors choose 1 Lot 4 SI. 35 Great di- lot Special ISc to sizes lengths all . . í in all sizes from skirts 30 inches In length the extra and 2 li.Sc Lot 4 Special i.'.i:. money saving prices. Lot Special vided into lot numbers and priced at Lot 3 Special 05c Lot ti S:a:ci..l ;t.;i IN PITTTICOXT SECTION. Lot 1 Kale Price $2.98 Lot Sale Price $ .98 ANOTHER W EEK OF FNIM.RPRIt Fl SF.LLINO plain or lancy striped heather bloom and $3.50 7 Sale Price $ 7.98 Petticoats of plain or striped ginghams, Lot 2 Sul llioe or petticoats, selling in a resalar way from 75c to AM Lot.It 8 Sale Price. $11.98 black oriental satine BLACK TAFETTA SILK SPECIALS Lot 3 Sale Price $3.98 lot numbered and priced as follows: 4 Salo $1.98 Lot 9 Sale Price $13.98 Lot Price . 7.1 1 . . Lot Special . SI. 1!2 V $5.98 Lot 10 Sale IVice $13.98 Lot Special 15c tiicti nioiicj wortti WiiiO. uffem 4c ütwculi 7Tr Lot 5 Sale Price 7 Special thi Lot 2 Special . . 65c Lot ...!.:. 2ti inch iixinei .or ili bluo). mttcui ... . ' Lol Sale Price $15.98 S nlHf It 3 . . Lot Special rTll Lot special .D5c ..2.f. til fciMiej-- !l . . . S2.H." Inch noi.'ti Muli wfleui tii,r4i utii iwnil i.S. Lot 4 pedal $1.15 Lot Special I fl . .J83.95 lí inch l'ei'leclliiii Illa el. Ttillrta t.JZT' Lot 5 Special . .$1.2. Lot Special wlm'ifliwidl MILLINERY SPECIAL 20 PER CENT OISOOI NT ON Fl'KS Our entire stock of Furs to he sold In order to close out our remaining at a discount of 20 per cent or C CHILDREN COATS 53.00 stock of Trimmed Hats we will still off the marked price. , our V price sale tor this CHILDREN'S FTIt SETS. continue . Wil.OO And again you ran take x é .,,.. .1 orti, r Eft T .bo vmii rtinic" lliiw wffk at ...... week. this week k'f jvai iui ii' t" f i.ov, i j your choice of any child's white Fur THREE DRESS IxOOKS SPECIALS Remember any Trimmed illut at ' Set and pay Just hair tlio marked price. price. - - c- marked Stock .Ahou:. áa pteeei- it dresh pooiij. in al! such uf- uiiii .Ii.1,, j.iii.i. il t.o'l Children.s Wool Dresses at tl.ohairs li.lliste;. Henrletlas, lanes pUlflf iillli novelty ntmtrear 11. WMrtr nuw ol robirlnits- nuitcrin Is thai soul up to Sl.r.e a ar.; ni1 limo míe í :tni priced es ll.Il.o. HOSIERY SPECIALS. I'NDERWEAR SPECIAI-S- . Reducing Prices 3 pair for $1.00 Children', Vest or Pant. 25c. Lot 1 special Frioc ".m Lot i Htwetit! ! ..! wti Women's Hose, black witli lace boot Children's wool dresses of plain color, serges and lany plaids, all neatly trimmed Lot 3 iper'iiil Tfiee . Tic- ntl Children's cream ribbed heavy fleeced plaid-- , all neatly trimmed fany velvets an.l silks, and Mncv - or black oil over, lace or black with with braids, buttons, A MefnlU pt'.ii'Tii trrr tcllti m itrr- juiiik vim umia ptv, Vests or I'ants, all sizes, worth up to divided into six lots and priced as lo)Io.s: split sole; a 5flc value; Special. 3 pair stock 40c; choice of any size, 35c. . DRESS GOODS AND SLID $1.00, Lot 1 Special 75c Lot 4 Special $2.25 TilUTL Lot 2 Special $1.35 Lot r. Special . jiiMmns n. am uvwKwn- aaaci."E3 li .S1..V t,oj. itwí. 1 Special . lyot Special íf Lot $1.9 5 Lengths are íi om J yard up I.. oi 7 at .lf. wim. va! Ienrtl" ii:oT Min- ffMJttJi 7! 41 1! J , ! rjnsn 1JSLE UOSn 75o. OPTINO FLANNEL PETTICOATS and home drese etttliN; are priced fow i. iuai.tio rrmaiiftn by On yard, A waving of .': ! r, or an a. Lisle thread Hose, with can't tear top, 18c. Blankets and Comforts Specially Priced cut ;'ii.. double sole and heel, comes in black, Women's outing flannel Petticoats, in cream or pink and blue stripes, 60c No matter how little or how much you arc prepared t.. pay tor bedding, old rose, burgandy, tan, Emerald, .ru- - value; Special 48c. comparison will show that we give tin mate hie valn-- s at the chosen Copenhagen, Fuchsia, etc. An extra Women's knit petticoats In all colors, considering that the price of aii eoii. .a Scls arc soaring away up. Hie ;are Icsk than tney wonni i om oh a. value, at a pair, ..c. priced at 75c, $1.00 and $1.50. prices quoted here in many instan. Yz?-- i I tp wholesale, but we find we hace many on h.unl an. lh' slock must Collón Goods 21 2 .1 to blankets and comforts at a reduced so come this week prcpim huy . great saving. A whole laid' lull ol snort ot remnant .otioi ;..ii; ii:,i o. I'litnup-- cretonnes, flimn lett. perca ctturlian.. colon fl. uno ü niailnv, "i n i'ti;tli BIjANKFTS $2.25 $7.5(1 Wool ItlatikclH S5..VI $1.75 cmilPHTs $I..V1 $2.75 from ; to 11' yards and tniiterial.-- that car. 1 un-- v 11 nnv a l.s IW 351 Wool finished silk-olin- e No. No. 05- 4- Wool r.l.u.kets .'n (ill Comforts, You Can Yard 11-- Cotton Goods Buy 4 aflOc a In . Blankets size, tan e.ty.-l'eil- cotton till- com.- in grey, or tan cotton throw l ojt e- - or white, a $2.75 value; they ed, the usual $I.V5 kind; flock of coodf. and '"r' heavy twilled outing flannel In plain, pink, light blue or white a 11 Extra Special sale price $2.25 with n.i.l pink or blue Special sale price !.. ch .Ice tins wc l. nt yard ' Kxtra heavy unbleached or bleached dlmet flannel. Heavy outing flannel In grey. pair. ami Extra heavy bleached or unbleached cotton flannel. These outings, domcts. end $3.75 BLANKETS $2.95 borders: a fod large 2.2". OVIItHtTS 1 5 eotton flannels &rc worth 12 and 15e regular. You may choose from hundreds No. 12 Wool finished an UK? heavy blanket and in No "4 comforts, larg of yards this wvek .it Yard Blankets, extra large 12-- 4 .".ft slhkolin cmrr-e.- l. size, come in grey, an ele- ordinary way vorth $7. sc.c. line 1 v hi!.- - i l i led und gant blanket and worth .".."0 ü ' Special s..V price III -- 25 . Spec nil sa le $.1.75; Special sale price oi pure SI W.Y S4 o 'iiMitini' .;:.". a - 2.05 a pair. pir. ., I,:, 'J COtlOl, Ulleii l .'ll.- ' $1.00 BLANKETS 85c. Willi. (.! t i 75c BLANKETS 5c. , " i 'tlRIt lortí-- (I l.e-- a 10-- ñv.'r, útil, ooaif - -. 10-- 4 57 4 . i . aró 1..S- No. 15 Cotton blankets size: No white cotton Blankets. S4 oe. l. Toa good hul.ll lml, v..rlh about 50 pair, worth 75n; Special sale size; a weight, ordinarily worth ai, ,rie. a.2:.. o' Pili, ri price, mir. $1.00; Special sale price. 85c air. - 65c a r,.Mi 11 - (hiiii:t .1 I.! (,.!"'. "' cVT rr. $1.25 BLANKETS $1.00 .. VI" r..lll(iTIK f,;i-- ll Villi: I"'-- ! C..II011 i;! 90c BLANKETS' 75o. 11-- thi!', ata' No. 69 cotton Blankets. 4 vlille White l.Hit tk.d.oe v ..rib J "c !.cm t...w No. 66 Cotton lilinkctst in grey, tan size, a large heavy blanket, worth and pr..-- :;:.. or white. 10-- 4 size, nd the regular $l.2."; Special sale price $1.00 pair. jnragKEORDERS SOf kind; Special sule price, 75c pair. t BLANKETS $3.95 m I $5.00 WOOL 2 Tt. il.M Mi (mwinmv .!' . . . ;ti- - $2.50 MAS t ETS $1.95. No. 633 Grey wool Blankets, lurgt ,, ,,n,i..r iill...; ni. e . , . . j k .. .i ------i 1. .,n. .0 .s.. i ir No. 831 Large siz. hea.vy wool nap size and a very serviceable blanket,' llilltv who. coll. .11 n c.e c.-i- o- - s:ii.-te- Blanket, comes in grey with blue or of boll, I.. .let-- ..a-'- l Miri. tl'li comeg ingrey with neat borders -. pink borders, it lo a ltd feelslike Special u ri'fumr 7.1 Sp- i.ii nrc. blue or pink, worth $:,.00; a- woo! and almost as arm: Kxtra 'pe- MlLllllilV " t f .r :- !.. price sab- $3.95 a Mir. DSY WIOM dal price for this slle SI.95 a ir. for this EXCUSiYEO: AND READY TO WEAR GARMENTS -- tl'k.

' -- v " " THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAU SUNDAY, JANUARY 2, 1910. ITr people live modern ing the Hough scheme of helping tlte have .lone nolhliitt more from overwork. The nvei-aií- infitif of the to the day manufacturer realias tlmt pnce. II ability to wotU very poor. Wq You 101 run-sla- nt :i. work is not nearly so ixhnustlnir lessens their Treat: n mtinnitotiiont dommulK ft int. Il'iieiitly to iteiiiiinil of the time. Major General Edward Fielding, of mrninifi H. p..i:'."l-hl- e a common and to enjoy. NESS ..v crsiirht nf his machinery hy Modern invent ioni tuiu imul.i Is any one ot hull dozen ,h.. Vnlonteei-- of America, from the mis- cities, where are seen the most Unll DUül ill,, p ili'iiiu tment to do Iiii.xIiichh nt Krenl.r nieid forms of dissipation, too often "The among the IIO inoNt efficient of modern business aspect of 2fi years' work FREE t stirring examples Bays I1M it ix pnssllile to tiruMiitZ". The illi ii ever before. The telephone, taken for recreation. 30 peo- movement destitute and the needy, has expressed (".ta y ma It re- ph, rnplil irniiMll, "The increased perienLntte of sliced, are foremost in this wise iniiiiiitHi tutor ok , typewriter, lel.m.i himself a hearty endorser of the plan. 1 to vitality. Munici- LrciikiiKi' living find woikinij cloH.-- tom-lhe- in ple round in Insane asylums hss been conserve human wants PUCE MAKES LIFE pairs Intnl.' orriir. mod- watching water sup- "A practical salvation for, the 0I1I hcIiik... h Mitch In our cillliN, huvo till lellt KfPtllvr point.-,- out as proving that tho palities, are their r. nlizcs hut tli Krent sewage systems, their of the unemployed and a distinct iiiti.-,- ' H 11 hoiiKt-Iw- lil faeility hiiKtneHH I rn nwii tione. ern business psee Is weakening tht plies, their a time diiv.-- Irn.. nf to u economy to the nation, rh well as i 11 use. cleaning departments with 11 tlioiiK-.11- 11 due to lnteiltucrit of such street r'"nlr li'iiMrtni.'iit, "Thif. Kpeed. however, is physical mote frequently beneficial Investment to tho capitalist . n People are now" USiliK careful eye, and while too tlm.-- triii in himin.-sd- entirely. None of ttir-s.-' itiveu-tinn- institutions. are all enfolded within this working H.eei, - horro-fl"- d those fail in doing their work and fail- WORTH WHILE iiitlnn of Hie y.iluc them wh;i- would have been "grub-staking- on farms, Thf Kiiin.. i.iirci has iiiimIp poimilile liny irientnl lo llip world's plan of " men iii-kT- p mere mention ure means terrihlp loss nf ili.y in In lie foiinil ("Inn Fiftv yeiiin :iko It was not not lotiR aun at the with machinery, hind, seed and money livc-- fund of vitality the tare of such be- .mimiK th,. ir.x of Iihhíih'HS men. .'i 11 of them. till the yield poNslhle tor inun to writ" letter it relatively new and reflects enough to hack them 1 piu-ru- Is true of sanltftrhimn things Ninety-nin- e 100 lin n whim." r. drK'.c iih fast as he could think. To.hi), "The same gins to pay. case of - thp idea. :it 11 winilil I. ill If tin- ItuslnesH men are employing tlmso modern a j Hi. 'in xi.'i'il with .Mlenniiraphc r nt IUh elhow, lie of such investments would fetch SUCCESSFUL MEN ADAPT . (1 ago the Tiverage irtiii hill.' thi.t ciirrli'il tho h w. rc Institutions as ;n Important factor "Pour centuries to Investor with- eoiilil, ho fat- iis physical capabllitl!' length or llf,. In Europe was only handsome profit the II. I ill K'iiiiI C'lllililiilll. Tlli'V lliivt. , In their physical repair departments, positive re- í 4 BODY AND BRAIN TO SPEED! are eoneern.-d- write it many timet twenty years. The average life In in five years. Itesiilcs this f.iiiri.l Hint In onli-- to nit tho ttioit yeut who twenty-fiv- e years ago would have of" principal ami interest It f::i"t,r Hum ho 1:111 think. forty-fou- r for men turn both n would murk America today is (nit of l.nili. they rniiHt Imve II a replv thuimht tlmt usin? them may conservatively figured that nil A? iK.i leotili'i'd rlavn to receive forty-si- x women. he In ti ( cl i prir f tjn-- 'molly eoddles,' II the word wa and for money re- .rvi. th.'ir 11 it require increasing amount of the t lo letter, where now In length of life Fminr-n- Medical Authoiity Tiny tl'.nt v. it in In use then. And thus It is that pome "This change the ami philan- rinntR. hour.. In the ilnvn of our father, a only an indication of the funded now lor charily to ti worn out líitli-- of the facts connected with our life is. however, of cost of j man Iiumíhi-k- In Hulfalo had to thropy, to say nothing the Out Increased t with occurred. Points That n It l j n .1 to re- today which have been pointed out teal change that has by want and desti- wnMte neveral days hohik there to todnv is mor intense. We hnve crime engendered place n orn-ni.i- t liver. A ti.-- Inn to im provliift thHt wo lire defienerntinK surroundings, would he saved the on Vitality are Met J iratixai't it. Xow, the telephone nml tute Demands n can to greater opportunities in business, art. furnish frvxh ulr to work mom trnnMfi'4-tlo- n rcfilly prove that we are nllve the community. Reckoning that over a the telejirnph (.mpetefi the social pleasure, ., lh' mv.i twtU mercury 11 worn-ou- t onn, tint steps literature, science and cost of Blom! rHs. fttn it by Ifcrease-- Vitality. ..ailly situation find ore taking the including the H Ur-- u ri'iiliic in an hour or two. opportunities billion dollars, or poi.ish. Vn-.- v lcnw Uus oin-f- n worn out lhi-- not merely because the pov niiui'n Ihhmh nr.? thlH oí timo necessary to prevent defeneration. .rime, is extiende! to ameliorate Int Mt'flicul mUiimitH-- s..y o. ibe inesi Ill's." "All iiiitniK short the are lull because we have the t thp I1'kh puiü-.i- tiat i i titlrily. Tln ri fom Un' only great factor In this increased here alone, the sav Ui'iiíí tun ivici tuve iir. :oric IiiisIiipí Iiuh mail.' "nn erty in New York state ii scvphiI - required for iloln power enjoy them. Wo have the Int. i th svsi-i- find miHitliiT it fur A f tin- mnili'in IniHlnosB miin to men find themselves to a man where Now V .rk 3 in. l. new view for r'OfHihle, vitality which v. ex- ing effected by placing Tli-- ui,!rii TUiiik vi'H art fiunl. immil more hiiHinel"! and therefore power arc lli.-- Ki iH l to use them because tui.t y.m Ihar 111 il American men an.l mitinnun Hi.' n diw ami able to can Into use in meeting the he can have a free hold to till and BWiuilmrs Wíli.btvük ""t. nu a nlnch han made increased demands on the power judiciously. Ian',, i .st tin1 Inte, to fti'.- to fie full- pending that more ..un huí. tu'eti rottuiK all lour (111H1IK HH nut lir.iik down ih it tliut world'B problems is realized to its spfTiclenf to food nnd clothe irtOM-- t ISSIM'S, worn, ii live thi ir ati.1 k.hIilI human nieehanlcal plnnl. Hut Ulcer Fatigue, which lias always been one of then earn ii'cih will itfitin to mm In-- . Vp recent no vil! jIiiw Iti live in taken t.,v I.uthor ilnlHcy .lo. riot wctir out. iikch, heln met est hy physicians only. to en his family, so that lie need ask e demands urn .In riioí"t greatest dnmpennrs of human Hf'Ul Vt UhWl'f uf t Ih ni'Tt ur)' Mini .! mnjority or tnen lire vital- the riH'ti i.ulu-k- of pat Imt nt nl 'Tlinl tho limen the urent bulk of human aid from the slate is patent. . hutt'Tii- director the hy InisiiiesM men with the inti lllKenee ergy, no longer exercises its sinister iMitii-li- Ar:i'i, I': I ve. 11ml dis- t thin more ami inore. heli. tiusi-iii-f- ity In unnecessary T do not believe In the wholesale i ITI' In ti almost m i Child ll .cii n. of Hi' Kuweit s.iKi vim harueter iMtle of our h wim wasted to prevailed !V Hill! jTfllllltn. IPrl!il (IoIiik they nhle to out and peo-pl- o influence the extent that is 1'ahic. Anv niciJjpul ;t,H Ii will coi ii.b'.rfilt rouinl.-itinn- unJ former director of In 0 dr.. (''! ease. The lives of most of tho colonization of derelicts, but that í v life today. not many years ago. linsiness hours rlu M' if i!t'inMits. '('if r j York of Itff. tlip Krent.Ht poUMllile npportnn-it- the. world over been lost or not Hough plan, and I am firm Hi a steal Kiliictition of the New ' Many p. opio hnve taken 11 super-flil- have we domand the proper the 0'iliflc Tl attnent Hocx nf 'Ivhe iu if un.) to kIvi the world nil Unit Is in have are shorter and foe the Of the sold f',r ptiMir whoiiln. I)r, C.ulich, who view of the Hltilation and have enfeebled by diseases which rest ami recreation. oroimtunities sub- of work nml power to érente. conquer- lime for family who is out of considered n .nithnrily ml the them npee.1 busi-ik-- now to a great extent been it the man with a ile-ri- 'f H.'en only the at which "Indeed, in the word 'recreation price s "Ami In thiii inn IritniriliiK n hlirh . ed, death, or bubonic tdnsuo, work, unable to obtain employment, Eluoú Poison ject, :im that the .American ni'-i- suei'i-SH- They ltlack this. We no m of vilnlliy tiny nr cnpnlile nf move to tln'ír Small self we find the reason for out monev. nnd tuf tliivs il out. It pof.tivply miiliiiins il' in. necessarily 'th- pace that Kills" In Is practically unknown now. to of without nrosnecls ji..;."iii liaií'vt r, so (lull n'- wvi'tl u iln' have Keen men amassinit niilllon now know that In order lo liv,. our lirc-u- i. - i liil'lren hm HtroiiK iih they yellow to join tint pitiful 'l'rput'.ií-ii- í y.ii ron lit tpinl'lf k bul raih.i- tlii. i that main (hell- 11 III pet pox Is exceedingly rare, while to other than ii!iií!'. Hie It took therx we must have lime - Im'.kpií your niTVC'i Ctill ;i t IIIMel V. H. Jt in tills eVerlilHlillK time enemy fullest capacity now- so t,r lt;ifhii . r s.tfi.u. lull!";. II'" nut that nr.. longer a line, long In the cities. l:!lin-.v- dcuiMit-rat- l.l.iri, vvnlfh points l. cnin-pele- fever is no successful nu... u it. .tup Tth viut4 (i'-'I- I'i'tt mi, .r iii-lie- 111. Mirether h eomparallvely mo.ef. i on vtir II'.- - .1 over.u-,li- of the ilepiirl til toiu ,..i.. 'Every year reveal that the WHiilif-K- Tli- - Oi.Mit' Trfatni'-ti- Is ii While there ilu r.'liM. unit e, one man of man In civilized commounities. lie statistics lu'ntn The have wen sleri! machines must big i.r jiMblnr-iiit- rí'inarliübl.' fh:ir,fr''M m "iilv . "11 vitality i.r of th' ir Hint tnkoH weiKlit diseases cost of the poor increases in all tüii'Vf l. mamls the 11 rnili-neiil'- s Tho largo group of malarial th- - of orT.f any WoM oft.-- eonirolllim tin.' dominies of We must nllovv nature, chief ::tt Tills is whv lo hi ore (if vitality with which from the exprensei! opinion of u great mensuro titamjied cities. Indiscriminate charity iaus iviiitr, no huw had a u tin laystein, while his fath- have in been p departments, it" oppor 'vlt'tlin nuttffr IH- - Unit rnee railroad ogr lis' T'lii-nos- ilefentH-it-s own ends. lo.n t.i meet these th tll.'l tl il ImH 11 !.'' thP th,. will deten- out, and I need only to mention the we of. liPeiiiine er found his life crowded in the hand- tunity to do lu r work, anil snow or, to 30-D- ny FREE . r. .1 erme pliyHleully nml tnenlully tigaltiHt 'Pl.o.... ihlncrrt lo do is educate Treatment a. or a fifty-mil- e they comparatively recent crusndo la- broiling., oc t tirnl (upmI It ling line. And il must before 'down-and-iiutt-- r" to r'Vijii tPjini hi cnrftl "t - m tins... of trememloiiH dr.ifl on vltulitv hook-wor- sap- that a help himself, In- lulu h, who ha m;ulf the the that pernicious t" lf.ivriM'H Mini Mitrfiwy ami iu(ii-I- i fui- A hiue salil, 'HiIh pace at which HT ufe curs. nope - H. ttly mil. i' In connection hy modi-r- IniHlnesn rnii.lllionH. of southern give him hack latth in lum.scir, in yitnr fni- l tu nsiiini;. Y..i of ttiis ft i pace per of tho vitality tho f"i- Hi "TIiIh new iitutii.l... Imvnt'il HvltiK the that kills.' in bis own aballitv to create a Hi turo ilí oj'fii vntit pyi's ni wliiit it will do yon with Hie worU nf the Russell Kcitc f f- -r H .lu-- r bid, pesNimlsl U: phrase states. - ii mcoth; U tn-- iii'mih p in In trinny pveryil.i.v Tin? mot in new land, tind.n- n new sky, and 'ii riiiiKl.itinn. liken Hi.. If iv i.tliliiil.' ni a wrttf H iiit' ;uiri g.'t tljp trp:iiiiipni fw. TlM'n it Indeed, ullunlion "The war against tuberculous, tr'jit-iiiHii- huppeninKH, Inil nowhere Ih It hett.-- would. deseiibe the as a producer is the one chance lor yon HTt Putt'-iii'- it i flip uiil romfti'I;al.l" t hnsines ni.'ii toward the rniincrvation of CAPITALIST HAS NEW touk, y.-- fimJiiiiu- if - moilprn pnoo is responsible for the death von wvr itni "u ihmvn thnii In tin- new hnhll of tnk-hi- e If null were union: the which the efficient men In the army of the of vitality to tin' m.nt. rn attitude one out. eleven oC who dlo be- ttisli. Ni'vor tu yt'iir life will yon rver uK.iiu yíicntl.iiiH. with (heir fathers' lack of rt'.Ritnl for of all li a complt-tí- í um rr-i'- t s ttj iierlo.lleiil Iíiihíiicri , unemployed." hüvc pii nri ot.iruuiHy for iin. nf rj.r.nt t.nui toward ih. well-beini- thirty-five- tli-- lr pliyKliiil f. tween the ages of l'llecn and t . . 11 men tlmt they ihiihI nivo their I, p nf tii. ir rti planiR. one fights 11 mil) "It is trni' that many men break is of the most stirrinif "Wln'f.'im lift y y. urn ano." said' IT ho.hly plnnl rent. They not ever Properties of Illum- Great Obbac Treatsnent v t lve.M, down the strain of modem life, in which tho human taco has ND Poisonous y.-- tiike vnciilio'ifi hetnm hut they under .SCHEME i y it PM'.Hn' You ipu notlilitff. n Hiili. k v. "a manufaeliiriiii' cmuhp like, ma- ti Tilia toif In most of canon the been engaged. This disease, iiijit,'M, make us ui jironiisos, excfjit to tuUtt tin 11 moohan-i- . on ..mploycs tnkiiiK such rn would ni t. rl( its insist their tlnir ' inating Gas. unci may In primarily significant, not be- J .. i Ul muí to tlmt In eompnnuiyel? be found the method livinx laria, 'U'fipwnn.-t- only MiMxf plant 10 ih.' nii pmnt nn extent in- coal-ga- Tin wonderful Test. ilt hours;. of deaths poisonous of s 1n only new. outside of business Men break cause of the number The properties poison test l:nuwn t Wts. nruvi-i- (tint make repairs where up completely by Tin" Outiin- Tn'iit-rurn- t. In ehniiKP of townnl down more often 'from lack of volved, hut because, it uses tin generally attributed lo its li"ly is piiriti'd made tli.'tn iilm.iliit.'ly nooewary In thin nttiliidn power POVERTY are ftnd (tint ntrfury tnd p"iif:li du no. cure l I'm physical they do race's vitality, Jt reduces tho - to continue l.unincss, tin" present their ph.VKienl W lli hllfillleUM men their plant than content of carbonic oxide, especially hlood !oisii)i. Pit down itiid writ- to uf. iiiviru order a full hisiory of your cai' in d lnii. We will as no other substance of known puis trpiif vour l"tt i iw u i;:icni1 fi?irnN'ncf. and advtre frep. A win cmoI yu uUu onous properties; has been found in it, tiio reiriArkdido book. "Driving t'ut iüooti jmIniu' William Pearson of Winnipeg and patients suffering from cool-ga- s poisoning show the hymptoms asso- THE 0B5IAC CO. Offers Backing for Trans- ciated with the inhalation of carbonic At including Hie peculiar bright Bldg., Chicago, Illinois, Weep oxide, Don't Staking of and Grub planting red color of the blood. From experi- City Unfortunates. ments made by Dr. Von Vahlen, at Local T'rlilc. we must Halle, it seems probable that party kicking about?" revise this view, for on making ex- "What's thai said one New- Yorker. Ice (By Morning Jnomal RnensI I.af1 Wlrel periments with frogs, animals par. House - guys The oxide it "Oh, he's one of those who are Chicago, Doc. 26. Backing- has tlcularly resistant to carbonic poisoned lucky and don't know it," replied the going tn conquest of pov- was found that they were far his lung leadership, this recognized and if they are been offered for the coal-ga- s came on a Koiiie people RW.-I- up on "emotion"! in labor eonvenllons and thus carry "That and more rapidly hy than hy the other. "lie here round apparent ImpnsHihility to fill his place conform themselves and their futur erty, now costing In futile charity in nf oxide. trip ticket from Philadelphia and lost u.-"hi- le out the leaders' schemes, frequently corresponding amount the brewed from untruth. nop billion dollars a coupon. Washington ; to his head, him work and actions, in accord there the Pnited States a with dogs showed the return ' an mil trl. k of the leaders of' ablmrreiit to the rank and f!. so it has gon(, and made Other experiments imagine be Is much greater a to." year, in accordance with Kmerson the poisonous effect of coal-ga- s Evening Star.. tin- Labor Ti iiM to twlt facts and was at the late Totuñio .c.nvcntlon. that Hough's plan of transplanting from that man than be really Is, is undoubtedly Let the people remember that com- was twice or three timos as great ns make the " mpn hetlc mies" "weep The paltl delegates would applaud the cities the efficient unemployed, A Vicious Circle. and as tiompers wanted th.. case, find for the tactics ment, "The Federation of Labor in that of carbonic oxido it contained. at (lie Ice hoin-'c.- " (That'll part of the "resolute" accotmls educating them in the essentials of con- Wifa (red .Hot) try any eva hut now and then Homo of th.. real ques- before, tho bur o! Evidently there is some other . Don't h,. has adopted in dealing with particular stands agriculture, providing land and lend- nu-- . tale further on.) win l.lngmen Insist on being heard, convicted stituent of coal-ga- s which is poison- sion witli sir. Where have tions before congress, when) he hit public oplnioh having been ing to ut current rates of in- -- " 'biiiipi i i et al tni'i'r it spit upon sometimes nl the risk of (heir lives. them ous, though what it, is cannot yet be you been unnecessarily iiiilagonl'.ed men to of HoirishnctiH and a disposition to rub money necessary to reach and (let) mir cnurt.-i- sympathy lielegalii Is t'epni'leil to have terest the stated. Merely removing the carliollio Hub (ninudlingly.1 M'.lear. W'ua's all ot the country ill th the point. Not only coal-ga- I yon:- you f.ilM.-l- said at Toronto convent Inn: whom organized labor must look for s will not .suffice to shnse! If uitslt'r qucn'lm, by telling the pcuple the courts the of few.'' a capi- oxide from of recognition uf their demand, and interest the has philanthropic Canadian The iron will qtics'hn my : Huston Wei,' irjing to deprive them of flee "If th.. officers the federation great lit) per cent of American! owner, William Pear- tender it would only adheie lo the law we measures are op- The talist and laud monger. Transcript. i s where labor often Kindly to of tyr- cl. peech and fi' t'l'i would a lot of them," do not tuko the tuts son of Winnipeg, signified his vision think tnnie posed mi in count of this very antagon- anny hy these trust leaders openly de- process trans- Men can nj.eak freely and print ! to personally aid the of The ml Council of the Provin- ism, which would otherwise receive manding all people how down U ..(.nii.ifirt in this country and that Hough's hook, "The a irt'.i) Ass 11. of Canada planting, which imtL-awaaM- 11. it cial WorkiiiMiinii's Mltppol'b of Uihor Trust and vvt wrmd tiffin i.inrm i .nut will ohiei t. but they aim. severing all the rules the Sowers," has made a topic of discus- n has ileel.ired in favor of "Tbere lj no doubt but what organ- are treated to the humiliating specta- he allowed prim mutter lis part of conn.', lion with unions. In the 1'. S. sion throughout the Dominion, but . i.' ized in would he cle of our Congress and even the Chief to injure and ruin having Its seat of labor this coiioliv is enlist- Revolving saying "any union 11 convictcii Mr. Pearson also personally MM m B a her l iliZ'-iii- much stronger with lender who was entertaining these i I W , liov'l. in America, and pretending to in law listening with con- ing support of statesmen and phil- tiu-- t lntiK mot(, touch with conditions as they breakers mid the tñíJ'ÍÍM and his aHsm be international In its scope, must actually exist, who would bring to their Insolent domanib anthropists In the Pulled States and out tu the HI ove and sideration M.irteil ruin Lu.ks fight Iniluslilal battles acciirdiim to to tho front the new policies which or- that tlte very, laws h chailgd to al- England ns well us Canada of the ru nt '.i, iliive Its hundreds workmen American method. Said methods it carry piar, y ganized labor must adopt If expects low them to safely mi their I oí - plan. Bsii .ul ni work an. ileum. the value hay.- cons. quem es which are abhor- to even its present standing of gaining control over the affairs ol As Handsome as the Finest Davenport As Comfotíabía as tl.e Best Willi. I In fa. I Can-id- a maintain The proffer of this support, which Ilie plant ml tenar, the rent to the law abiding people of lo say nothing of making prog- people. 1I1 it e irri'-i- t 1111.11. y nl men who hutm.-r- , future the once changes the matter from an Involving nilsetv, riot ress." Aniericr at Worked. I.M'1 been invested tllill'. hloodohtd and murder, all of which Tim sturdy workers of Idea to an approaching- fact, was made A Conío!Í2Íí!o prac- We quote portions of another e, have come to know the truth about 1 .,iiiplriit'-i- w.-r- by the might he let- d a result of the In a hi which Mr. Pearson said: A The told a sum,, sacrificing themsclvet litter HANDSOME ill'-- " yi.ii.iis now In progress In our fair reprint, from the labor these "marlvrs i lo "trusi" tical war : "1 ant ready to say now that am glad fia tu-r- in noble cause of labor" but it't ! 11 111 province bv foreign emis- the iiit.lio.ii!, I'lfml.t break the and directed ones w ho swell Ul to associates myself with the move- STATIONARY 1.., ,,,,'t ome but uf Pulled Miners of Amer "Organized labor, through its lend- only the hysterical Miiii.r Irusi rate), saries the a mi cry over aforesaid "heroes,' ment and assist it financially and bed at night lliMl.-a.- l ers, inútil recognlz,. of the of stopping Illev "d.n'e" the ica." the mistaken reminding one or two romanth In anyway possible. The plan DAVENPORT poni-i- t liciii demaiiit Ibe part if Ihev expect to perpetuate the courts to tin.l Thai Is an honest I'unadian view of elderly maids who, weeping copiously, outlined hook provides for Com- a t heir orga uizat lonH or to develop in the ' assuring new laws to pi meet them In such our Infamous "Labor Trust.'' the by at - Xo were discovered the old janitor petent to be helped in I - u ij i attd lyriainiii.s a. 'is as liu-- movement which they head. training for those the l 3 I' -' "T-jtr Xt.i. A few days ago the daily papers Mt. Vornoti on own i. " may .tefc.r. 10 do The reason following: movement, no organization, no nation before setting them up their 'if m good night's hi:-- , printed the develop beyond it It you direc- C. .nil., is and bund peisislcd tu call the Intellects "What ails ladles?" Jleadings, Canada contributing daytime. - ( Hy Press.) organii-.- I i to ruin the Ituek W'oi k ' the which guide these ions, and Taking the handkerchief from on tion and superintendence, its well as ref;f, tr;ni char-acterlv.i- a ,i l.e.aii.-i- tie slow imnpany Washington, J. .Nov. l'h- if th,. lenders are dominated hy swollen red eye, between sobs she the field the experiment, the cost ;t C orga ion will for the right to keep sum" old tile nllltudc of Samuel luoilvc the said: to he directly by the govern- rt, "ib- prank n spirit of selfish- borne unr.r rt - ees at lien util.m" (lumpers, John Mitchell and tinted with "Why we have so long revered Hit or hy government, assisted tt-- ness, to ment the to .1 o--. a hi ed and some of M.iliitn.ii of iho American which has never appealed . ..r.hie.t in any at any nu mory of C.emge Washington that by private or organized philanlluop;.-- "lie g.illg 111. of Labor in the contempt proceedings mankind walk of ble we privilege to come here t feel it a one of indi- In eonrts of the of Colum- time siii.-- history began. This makes the matter II III .v.: '4:1111 P.. -- Now lei us reyente the conditions the weep nl his tomb." 11 iLVi.-- I MLL.iXtJJ-i-J-- i- s. bia, In connection with tint Pin ks' can In and vidual, as well as of national import- lili rsc S n 11,1 t .1 li..'k. "It be said extenuation of de- ha Stove Itange company, as a "will- lead, "Yas'tn, yus'm, yo' shore litis a ance, will result in the near fu- ordered and certain is of organized labor that yo' hut yo and Sai't'.'s-- the bad il ellleilltalctl viiihllli'tl of the position oc- sire to express sympathy, in to test out i f---dl ful, th,. precarious which they i: ture an organized effort tlie union to men from - are overt lowin' at do wrong spot, yo dismiss certain lav." Simon Hums, general master cupy as leaders has had a tendency- t" proposed for the conquest of S. . KS f J 4 I S fa IV Bl . ami, demand being tie the plan union ibe ie. workman of the general assembly, cans,, tlieiii to lose sight uf the object weepln' al ice house." poverty. iiised, snmtl, I a lioycnlt a severe get about Knights of Labor, has voiced behind the organization. The natural llou't maudlin authority It is stated 1? i.nii'-- iiiiion. pithiutt its naioe in of leaders. in power punished if very On best that i." ' condemnation three instinct man for and position who must be the 11 111111111-- l, up execu- v ..a l:i list, In.sirnct nlhel expressed bis in is In no of people is to he main Mr. Pearson has taken the Mr Hums confidence small measure responsible for existence our Foun- all i'V r the I'mted Suites nils-take- tion of the plan with the Sagti turéis ,. limits In general and In those of the the of Hi,, leaders, not neces- tallied. i.,ii to buy he '...i that ummi. uf Columbia ill p.H'tl. iilar. sarily Ii, labor lina. ns alone, but tn sympathy dation, oiriain other phihinthi opl-- s at Oes and I'isuict If you hav'o any surplus i.m.iintl-.- .'II si. It) Oelegnlcs. t vei-- branch of society. This desire work- in No'" ni jvhilnnthr.-ip- in nu-r- b'liil" Approved it can hi: extended to the honest 'i' Two in One ttiieai-- I" li.'n I'll if the for power and leadership l Chicago iih. In England with Lloyd Ideal Pieces of Furniture b 1U1Í..11 hv Hut ns was in his and ers who continue to earn food wher si.i.t ainiinng that This rebuke negi'.'ilhbzemellt vvhe h ; bo placed in position i niurtiing and with one singla, simule l causea men frequently iiurl Oeorge; Churchill :' Asquit ran the k- llli-Il- H ,ini',u.. 1. port to tin- geii.-ia- assem- threatened and are Winston I'll the where have been earnest ami in their - movement at night, a cuuil'ortalilc lied is ready for occupant y. Pi- w .i nrga lb- recelxe.l sincere and sometimos killed before the courts Duke of Sutherland; Sir Robert P.rk- kIiiu ni "ii hi home, bly nl liis ion - ..ik ..Li elicits In tlte start to deteriura Ie inln . - m is never e.sary hi move tin- f'liiliiiaii Kevolving Scat Davenport from hl-.- li.'ii-.-- s I w (he hearty approval of the delegates i ..1. tell.- l' itiitli. es; charles tirigntman watioio, It up llielr an. the tin-r- . - mere politicians whose c'xerv net and l wall, cou..ctpiciilly, is no ur lUtu.ige t.j'., ruv., ,.r .u is. I'-- Unit- de- (iem-ra- Hooth; Purns, the jk a ti.l .yen murder a who he rd 't i'"'"l at anliuil tun-oi- l l Now the Labor Trust leaders England; John v..ik. utterance is with he desire lo e. -- s. tin- - . h 111 t . In North-OlifT- All weight, rests directly upon the ppriags nii.1 niaitr. nut up.. a uphol- i .1' h v I" i',i. iiieel tng tils ity Iiii-.- it of Congress that the courts Lord and Lord the ih.. union to passions of the mand Strathcona - I .1. cater the Injunction: stery fur this l'l till- I'nlllllllll ICetolvillK Sent Jllteni..i vvill la.t twit".' U.. lung 'It. id h, 11 U- -l oh. ttle nl Is nl ' Tin re is tin trust ur cmnbin ili.-t- in or stripped of power to Issue " maturity the societies 01 and' will never have, tin: battered up iip.ii iirarieo of the i.riii.ury lijvom...!t. Ü..I.IS. d Iptt.i III Said to prevent them from assaulting held .1 I' of capital the world." Ml. ni .'a iu?.a ions and this is iiii.loiibl...ib The known interest and views t oit.-li- . ing men w ho 1 Ytiu find tlio Seat Uaieiipoi-- a w . he laws lead- perhaps nun del dar. upon the. will Pnlliiiau itetolvini: raiot radica' and H ocl.l rt.. inly be t.ur lor Putt's, "that violates true when implied to the present by by statesmen in England . i; a 11 i a t i. ill s earn a living when ordered tht 'i .ir.aaiical tiirce of furniture. . i'i..,li t" it" lh'-- l'iim;s it iawlul than tin the tlllsl labor il ers of tin- I'fd. rallón We mention growing problem of the army of the 1 t l .Id un- Peib-ratio- hor Trust quite work. ; .,! !h, I b.'.e Tl ,isi " .I" h. in Id. h st in more lion. M. the ..f Labor particularly lu in unemployed, which has totaled con- Vlfiany all 11,1 I, lid pun House" uní styles lo select from reasonably prfcet'J 11 11. 1. I' I' fair a methods tow. in Hits because thai orifanira- t "weep tit the lee mi, h .1 in" s the artille tinuously in London MbOttO to 100,000 i ompet s any "I is only any set of .ai- .1 mu. oí "in. - I" '"' their il"i Iban tiut it oi the of labor don't permit "ill- . . , v " a during recent years, gives promise of .1 t ni tli" inn which litis yet found Itself in direct to bullv our courts, ii your voae nc out s id I he .."Ills H on .hi' t'le pro- onpo-ilbi- ii lb,- - ol' land prevent. He sure and writ speedy response to the definite , ,..,, i.. i .o), titling tr. Ml- Hill IIS S lid the a. li.lll uf "these lo laws the vote can .in .,!. ..tlu-- ;.: a t in Mr. IVarsor., the plan pre- Hi.-si- m ions of labor your Iteptcsentatlves and Senators posal of ',', i,, n n i'iiiok in- o. Su...... it, leader." would be liallinul There are nl.a -- not to vote fot In Sowers'' having been ttle ...nii'i-i'- ih.Mil.l i.e. lor ve.n-- l" Ii.. win alleiiipis whose have made tnistak.s Congress asking them sented "The COME AND SE - alvv avs-- li. pt up any prevent court: ., , I , I I .1 i.UI oil lahuf leuls la ion. lull they li.ii themsolv measure to tile given wide attention in the ltritish mm It. .." del 'Were mole in nhl.iin i t - I aid orna ti t.a tip protecting homes, property am i.i-.-- i h. unta rol in a p. tsist- "1 II I.I.Ut.iblc ions within from press. "is he Labor Ihitest." I hornets ol I.IW an. respected ttn persons from attack by paid agent: - "'II I'l'IU, I'1irpn.l w i paper, put of loe The press comment shows how- ser- tril. ork nirai.i ns ;.s as ,.v. consider-!iii- - - ii.l-.- I 1. .111.1 richis of iv other in. in in of great Uthor Trust. I'll- l mo t'1" 1:1. II I'll' '' Ul If "The l.itllltlllll! nl this iously proposed remedy tor the alll. e'lllllfd ti..- or I It. msi-ive- a this t. . I Ii I a . - riuliis nd theb wrlti :n. Oil1 1 i'.. ' tit.- i Let every render write, and is ti. m. ii. "f C.nii'ei ism. maiiv " ii : of trowing- poverty in cities being p i t l Ulli.-l- t .Ii' - rntisi ueiicy whereas, iho motto h,.v K" ni' fi.'lii Ibe j aliens Ii. omillK tiled of tile I'lll' ol :('. In a review of the hook Dr. i"i t I , tlte Is jii.r lie reverse, and lb. .1 ibe man. l'l ote. hem ii.iili it . w hi. Ii tiave been ilil.-r- sit and allow the organ- OUR FLOOR l.ili.l.m: lilill Don't silent 5. E. Manitoba Normal ON - A unless the leaders conform themselves Lang of tho K .,,,.1 ti ti tl I).' I! i" til'pH'S-f-- ...I hv I . - l.i. ot l h.- A P. .'1 of great trust he pi ill IIH7 iti ized and paid men ihis his ot - v I - j.iti.l their ..ii: ittun accordance rep- ichuol lias written endorsement tl Th- II t'n w.oiel r.ts.. the !l.- Iti,. to force Congress to believe they .1 I with laws "f tile land, the leader: to il as an edu- t s .1 1;" "O 1. I. In t' hi I .1 - ot Ameri- the project and refers t ; ".it I'll t's le b It a his b .ub i resent the lit eat masses the t That is r.laill. land tin- ton itself most hi stat-- d, t d t r ...ii t U'.n n t 11.11' ill In' ..remita your say mid let yom cational book of value, ltri. fly 1 ,op lei so b.l.g a nil" .u tb. f.l. .1 sun, .1 nml into histurv can people Say ..v. I'.-.- I" m piss he says: "Mr. Hough's proposal is I. Is clltienu: 1" p"'l. s t"..r Ain.'i-i.- tip- representatives in Congress know tha. I lot sluobnlll in '.minion sense ir 1 it- : t m m t tie governed under xpcrimnl on a u hi, h Hi lll-'- e tt'tlii.'li.ttil "I the ' m l'l, Old is it. ' (,i a e you do not want to that an educational ' - , i ..11 ' l'io-I- v ' v v .. t la ms would empower tht very be attempted II .1 i.s I. ' ol k MKiili ti let e si eo l"t f rs ni t. I. ul n n v on tb new which large scale should . . than nation 1,1 - I s e . with legal right ,tl 11.011 "I I'll", 'he I... ',.. i.e loll. d. 11... Peen ..i nml .... h a ii. I he p "I w ho are t to Trust leaders on the clay boll lands controlled by .. pi-- e I! Whore! Km iM s l.aM .1 ". " O" vb ari "t Ih'" M titltll. nt'.t biting "ti l.oin-- l ,,f I m cnurot-- to t. i.'ii when to work. the Canadian Northern and C.ranti - f.-ii- price! What to buy! - 11 lo- o putt "I the t,t Mint tic Will ll.V'el' ail, svstom .lev- whom'" At what railways. Hi- proposes the . t" Trunk Pacific I poS'-.l- al'-- III. .111-- : ! not huy! Whom lo vote for! Ib,- ts I'l.lce.l (11 n..iiioii till' hi In. l" be ib v . l.m in this . oinitrv y huh does mi' What to steps be taken to provine s.rt w fi- pav per month that should WE ARE THE EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR ALBUQUERQUE - vt 111' von - -t 1I1I1"; tin- iihtls'lti ss .'l the ll it he m. et Willi th.. I of th- - major low iniuh shall t. bet.- ii iini- .In "in- or . .ipprnv etc. training in agriculture lor that very - I a, pi a I in tecs to Ih.- Labor Trust! He. nlll.-- MM II Willi mi ile- lilí ni ..íi. tor the t" it.- of he il 'ens of t ie c.nintrv. who iHlll In - large class of immigrants nine Hii-- go no in, in ..pp. is. ti. hi to Urn I f,- - etc. filt.g (.rilff. or out "I nation "Tliis must have d Itself mmr t tl. n- ib living from the Iti. s and towns of the old . the to '1:1:, there i. povv t r is now being deinandei In reiun nml .nhbt.on Ibe I. lob rs ol the P bratii.n bv tbb This - V Tin hi iirs - - I. v to tin- t EfiHy lu-aki- III,- .vv n .lib ol Ibe Congress country and h". hat n.m.iI.iI lt- shl tines. Iho time li tl bus n il. he leaders mus hv tb" pus.iigs. of laws In r- - P ..i I. and bis poo': al . . ' i: your and Representa- ictt-- if their previous occupations, i, '.I.- .. iti i.e ite, eliminated. Tin- ore ani.atimi which Tell Senators . I'. in- It. .,( .'.til. .bb-- Keep a . is Ivvhi.h Pas him I" tntn plainly you don't want their are more likely to fail in Can da than 11 it.-t- 11.1. w I., rt-- hev has .loin- 1,1, mv tivos that r rs. H.iok iv nt nnitiiii!-- ; held will al- ;t I! !cii. oti Ih.' ma. him iba in I past and til peon'. to vote for anv mensure that to succeed." her tl..r. r.iohs "t kind. III. tallbflll lie!., tl- - jlhinvs tins any represent- o - eiii.-ti- aiiotl. and have .r,- m low set men either D. Davidson, AIBERÍ t m 1. "t t..'...r r. "Iv an. vvdbng to lc 'i Col. A. known through :. niuiii'i ir., i i itieii.. govern and rty- it., a i, tton where tli.v "ii ing 1.a nor to tLül cl- or ... 1,1 ., t t t 1 11 'nowl. th.- b. ii. whi.'tt Capital rn in .11.11 1,0 I ins their v, out Canada an.l the slate, a" do mm tiio.l ( win l.ev.l constt-liu.-ti- . t. it.- people, h l .',-i- . nst:- ! Itn Proir-h- t to Ii. to tlie common - succes-fu- ti,, :: i pi. iof . itoris lull.. their one of tin- Luid op- i vi, ' h" 'I' d go t ome, wolk inoit t t 'l'h- - W.'lll It-.- ' niis'hi ti' as a whole, ta t at the pres, n' prof, r to free to and IIU ' in world, whom Mr t't i'"' tli-s- m t , n thi y phase erators the nnl f . 111- ' lie ii. r - in:-:- IP p. Herat or .t. vote tor whom AIVD ...... t R ' e at till P ii ilu r j tint- ibor ins in and re-,ii- ., r CARPETS is t m ' .I'll ti.m - "iva Hough o ..f FURNITURE. DRAPERIES 10 . tin- . .'liven! lolls, til llrtll- .. in an will disappear calls "the s, rt.,. I'.tn, in .lot lit lot ta: at last :nd Ihc l'..bri,.m labor Kurv man's liberty givfs in , " Noll-'- ' -- f piililie Uihoi western Canada." testimony ti..;. r. ..k t'-- i.iw ' ' .mi.- siitstiiioii lo spring tin lite one .1. id it. stand licfoie rJte liar when iho leaders of the great III till- - 111. imcill. !. itig tws'n set-- Í can ride "The Sowing" as to foe type of man it., .,'.". r'l-r.n.- is to "H"l'til Kill hill psvillolouiiltl t. bit. ni. Int. tmtl1i-.- of Trust 1. anv other trust - vvt I o Ml I nf tli.s-ili.l- wl ev.-- r needed in. and by ln 11. 1. r of Lit ii'ii'-n- Tl..- ( r. ii l. h mini. l'l... litio lie li'I'l flsline.. mitt i It rule rough shod people and mass tren thejtypc created in. "r - - 111 - tit'tv ..r lb.- i.'ih. ,i,l ' union nu n jt ittttrivr I't iti titti-s- ol I lie istti.l,- of the he titter-, i s .i prevent our courts from af the conditions of ihl Canadian west: . .v ntpa I h. i. i t- I Tbel'-op- . r.. p.H i. . t .tr.. p. ... m. i t'it'.-i- lb. a'at tclt. a wave nf (ho lev. n' lording lion. jn.l on this stl; "J the boundary l.l I le n- i g- f , ilín. lorn, vtltnh I to llie .''.Ml N'ew Chicago, .s . III !"'. o! .ill"! lor tariv in. .iiiiiic s.eff a Lesson." line, both in Y rk nnd AND CENTRAL AVENUE i . 'Theit's 308 'I'll 1. 310 t Kair-- feet, titvV ..f 1U- - Fi-t- i.ittor Tmisi Ibe ,1. off their tied s..n wbifll tl.ev b,.n t" public spirited uen ere iiiprott- - ihr I t - t C. W. TOST, It.ittio Crevk, Mich the nt ti' tn.ii it:i kind ni-- in tus t'.--- !' tu'ti. S" tí I" Ho lead- Is K"fnK THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. SUNDAY. JANUARY 2, 1910. g Saul DaaanBBUMraaBBwgnn

Mail and Phone JANUARY No Goods JANUARY Record-Smashin- g Record-Smashin- g SALE Charged WDBE-- os. Orders Receive SALE kg , II ' i, IM III None Sent on Sr Prompt ONE-FOURT- H OFF ON ONE-FOURT- H OFF ON CENTRAL AVE. MEN'S OVERCOATS MEN'S SUITS Approval 316 WEST Attention L Wednesday, January 5th to Saturday the 22nd Sixteen days of unsurpassed bargain giving. Prices that sweep aside all opposition. We're forced - -- goods go. Our to turn one-ha- lf of oar stock into cashprofits are out of the question- the must argument: We need the money. " most powerful Record-Smashin- g Sale Men's Trousers at Record- - January Smashing Prices of Hats and Caps

Caps worth 75c and $1.00 now 50c,' , Serviceable Working Pants worth JANUARY RECORD-SMASHIN- G SALE begins Wednesday, the Caps worth 50c now 25c $2.50 at $1.50 O' 5th and ends Saturday, the 22nd. There will be sixteen days of irresist How about your hat? (letting to look u Utile, worn about tna Are Jim in need of n )nir of trouBcrs? ible bargain giving, of unexcelled values, of buying opportunities seldom, if in show you what we are offering during this edges? Step and let's No need for you to wenr your old lint when you can buy Record-Smaahin- g sale. ever, presented to you in this city. one lit n reduction of Ivvont-llv- e per cent. Blacks, blues, fancies worsteds, serges, cheviots, home- a new, ISewrcl-SniHslilii- R l'rlco on every lint und cap in trro tora. spuns and corduroys. black or brown, sreeu or rey, mode or tun I'KICIU AT AX KXACT 25 TKK OK.NT OFF. Soft or stiff h;itn, WE MUST RAISE THE CASH unv color, iiny shape, any style. Trousers $2.25 $3.00 ' for this extraordinary price-smashin- g sale: $3.50 Trousers $2.65 and here is the reason "We must $2.00 Hat $1.50 $4.00 Trousers $3.00 raise the cash." Want us to give you any other reason? You must respond $2.50 Hat $1.90 , Hat $5.00 Trousers $3.75 quickly to this announcement, for the stirring price-reductio- ns will rapidly de- $3.00 ...... $2.25 $3.50 Hat $2.65 $6.00 Trousers $4.50 plete our stocks. Daily demonstrations of our value-givin- g ability must make Trousers $4.90 $4.00 Hat $3.00 $6.50 you a frequent visitor to this store and a permanent customer. $7.00 Trousers $5.25 $5.00 Hat $3.75 X() CIIAUGK FOK ALTKHATIOX You, men of Albuquerque, cannot afford to disregard this appeal to your Crushers in white, black, grey or tan, 75c grades Record-Smashin- g saving instinct. Come to the Sale and take advantage of this - , , , EACH 50c.

Record-Smashin- g h, d, Winter Underwear at splendid chance of replenishing your wardrobe at one-fourt- one-thir- and in Prices some instances one-ha- lf off regular prices. to move every single piece of heavy 1 1 -- We have determined abundance-securethe- m. Brothers-31- 25c Half Hose 2 2c underwear on our shelves. And the quickest and surest way of Values will be here in Friedberg 6 West is put prive within the easy reach of your doing thin to just the Record-Smashin- g pocUctbook. So then we are placing on sale the followirg: Central Avenue. January Sale, Wednesday the 5th up to and Heavy ribbed Underwear, reg. $1.50 Suit. 90c including Saturday, the 22nd. Record Smashing Sale of Trunks, Heavy fleeced Underwear, rg. $1.50 Suit.. 90c Med. weight wool Underwearreg $2.00 suit $1.50 Bags and Suit Cases Heavy wool Underwear, reg. $2.50 Suit... $1.85 Wo hove been lenders in Truvellnjf Goods ever niñee this 1- buJlucHH him been orKiinlzod. Heavy wool Underwear, reg. $3.00 Suit $2.15 Suits and Overcoats -4 Off We buy our Trunks, Mugs mid Suit Ciihos from mnnufuclur-- i heavy wool Underwear, $4.50 suit ,.$3.5C IS' i oiiNlderc, the bes In their lexpeetlvo linen. Extra Our trunks will tumi the hardest knocks our lings rind Finest all wool Underwear, reg. $5.00 Suit $3.75 Any suit or overcoat in the store fancies, blacks or blues ut a Suit Cases are mude to luHt A new shipment has Just been received und theso will (to of S3 C'KXT during this Janinry Sulo. Boys' fleeced and Ribbed Underwear per suit 75c discount PKIt In with the rest of our utock during IhlfeJiinmiry ltccoi'd-SiniinH-in- g Do you catch this? line fourth off rcgulur price mi upy soil or Snlo. Wool and silk mixed Underwear, reg. $6 Suit $4.50 overcoat in the house. And tliu upxortniciit 1 .iiiiu extensive. All W'nnt to uve u few hard earned dollars? opportunity now the now', suits und overcoat. No Miopworn, out of date itJ' t ijwu The it lure. garments. Come und muke your selection b fore they .aro picked A Discount of 25 per cent on every Trunk. Bag and Record-Smashin- g over. Suit case in the store. Sale of $12.00 Suit or Overcoat. ..$9.00 Delivered free within the city limits. $15.00 Suit or Overcoat... 11.25 S18.C0 Suit or Overcoat... 13.50 Sweaters and $20.00 Suit or OvcrccaL. 15.00 Record-Smashin- g Sale of Shirts, $22.50 Suit or Overcoat... 16 90 Sweater $25.00 Suit or Overcoat. - 18.75 Neck wear and Gloves $28.00 Suit or Overcoat.. 21.00 $30.00 Suit or Overcoat. .. 22.50 Men's Neblineo or liolt Shirty -- for Coats work or drcHti: with or without col- $32.C0 Suit or Overcoat... 24.00 lars, dink und Unlit effect; vulues 7 uc to $ l.(K); ut I.'x: $35.00 Suit or Overcoat... 26.25 Sercrnl dozen of sweaters for Coif RhirU of various material, well men and boya are placed on sale $40.00 Suit or Overcoat-.- . 30.00 made, well fntlnj;. Our $l.;'5 and at a great sacrifice. $1.50 grades Hoc WeM rather clean them up Mitiiw ftm No tions 1 now ut actual cost price than charge for altera tu, I. AfLiK, UNus. a lu. i:it carry them over until njxt whi- Jlundrcd of beuolit'ul. pure ollk ter. -- liuuil.s, French etuis. f i : vultim Thus we are offering them a ;i I 'J.'kj follows: . T5c nnd $l.(ni nt óOc $1.00 Sweaters at. Record-Smashin- g t..u i;s. ....65c Boys Suits at Record-Smashin- g Prices $1.50 Sweaters at . ....95c Yru blinei, 50c vhIiich af.i'tc $2.00 Sweaters at ...$1.45 Figures on Bath Robes, House Coats. Pa- Yum (ilove, 7,"e values nt...riOo .Suits for the little fellowa, too, must go during & fochn f.loveo, lined, $1 .'( $2.50 Sweaters at jamas, Night Robes Fancy Vests a!o t Si lo) ...$1.85 this Itccord-PmaKhln- jf Sale. Nothing reserved price must move very lit nor $3.00 Sweaters at . ...$2.15 the Neither timo .Mochn f.lovoa, unlined, $l.."i(l tie fellow's suit now on our shelves. spaca will permit '.loe at f I no $3.50 Sweaters at . ...$2.50 What's the inducement'.' a full description of CVaiiii I l'l-- . $1 "II npie i Well, let's say a discount of twenty-fiv- e per nt llmvv . nbovr mentioned HI SI (10 0 $4.00 Sweaters at . ...$3.00 on every boy's suit In the store. nrliclc. 3 Are your dollars worth saving? Sufficient to say ft at . Reduced price on every pair of Gloves in store $5.00 Sweaters ...$3.85 Then cVinio to this sale and let's prove to you that that the nsHortmrnl the for real, bonafide bargains you niuM tí to 1 biitRer ii nd belter I bun can be found elsewhere. Hund- Little fellows' $3.00 suit now $2.25 red;! of fancy vejls Unequalled Opportuni- - JANUARY Use Good Judgment íívL ill flannels, ninurss JANUARY Little fellows' $3.50 suit now $2.65 I ''t''itfSr nm' pl'iues. HatIII Little fellows $4.00 suit now $3.00 J hfj of heavy si Record-Smashin- g Record-Smashin- g Now n WopJs wool materials nifh ties Are other Little fellows' $4.50 suit now $3.35 .Uppers to match. SALD Little fellows' $5.00 suit now $3.75 Pajamas and Mh'ht SALE s oí J "one I ( Attend Little fellows' $6.00 suit now $4.50 Kola Placed fUnnois, nul'i '".l.H, drills and Mlk Little fellows' $7.00 suit now $5.25 During Jat.u.irv n'cord-PmitiOilii- g w offer Before This Little fellows' $8.00 suit now $6.00 11 of the alo.. at a reduction In pri e of ONE-FOURT- H OFF ON ONE-FOURT- H OFF ON Little fellows' Overcoats 1- -4 off I -- 3 You. BOYS' OVERCOATS BOYS' SUITS. regular price. 33 Per Cent THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SUNDAY, JANUARY 2, 1910.

class shape in every way. A have LAFXDr.Y imminiMiioiiDiiimnniiMiiiiimttittttttim tenants for all dates extppi Friday FRENCH & L0WBER nveninga, and 2nd end 4th .Saturday FrxEiiAti Dirtrcrons eveninit. The old hall will da known Now Mexico' Pioneer .Icneh-r- . I.lccnwl Emhnlmrn after thi)8 A the A. O. V. TV. lioll, WHITE pciMed, ? have u Inri? stock of Diamonds 317Vá South Second street. Christmas ha wetill LADV AHS1STAXT WAGOXs mi W'flulii', which tv shall offer lit very low prices. The following Is a list of the orders 501 W. CeiKral. 860 TILE ABC1I ritoNT. 113 South Second Street. TfU'ii'ione meeting in the old hall: I Second Monday evenings, Missouri Club. say, that Ilia newspaper field in Mon- I All other Monday evenings, A. O. I'. ti, nn in a live wire and that the north (VJ AV. First and third Tuesdays, Mod- west Ih the eoniini? country. ''r ern AA'oodmen; second and fourth Tuesdays, of Owls; first CRESCENT HARDWARE CO. Horn, to Mr. mid Mix. J. It. .Sala Order and AVednesdsys, D. H. : second zar, ,i2H third of c. Went HnnlriK avenue, a Wednesdays, Fraternal CANDY IS FRESH Bunt, Barigo, Hons Furnishing Cnods, I ullery nuil Tools Iron hahy Bill, Thiirxdaj- - morrilin?, Heeem- - and fourth Union of America: Carpenter's un- Plumbing, Heating, Tin and Work h'T no, 1 ripr, Valves ami 1'lUliiss 0kt 10. ion every Thursday evening; first Every S18 WEST CENTIIAL AVENCtt l'IIONK Zli Mr. and Mr. T. I,. Wllliamdon Drill Saturday, Ci. A. It.; second and fourth Day children have returned, home after Saturdays vacant: third Saturdays. spending the hoilday In Newton, Ladles of O. A. R.; first nnd third Lawrence und Kaunas City, Sundays, B. of L. F. and K.; second JiKlge Merrlt C. Mecheni, nnot latc and fourth Sundays, I!. K. T. THE OLD 1 STRONG BROTHERS JUHtl.K of the New Mexico Hiipreme Afternoon meetings: Mondays, O. MU I! I Alvl llS court, Socorro yeHterday II. C: first and third Tuesdays, L. WALTON CORNER arrived from Tuesdays I!. II. Pulton, l.nd and leuvcH today for Kanta F; to at- O. T. M.; second and fourth AV'ednes-day- s. 1APPY I nil. aimer. tend the supreme court acufiion. vacant; first and third Copper nod International Auxiliary; lor. Coney B. Montgomery, Successful Gospel Singers Grand Plioiic No, 75. T. llrown, the well known Mr. and Mrs. C. second and fourth Wednesdays, va- mlnliiK man of Socorro, wuii in the cant; Thursdays, B. of li. K; first cily yeHterday conferring gome Aiding in Revival Campaign at Methodist Church II about Friday, O. A. It. Circle; third Friday, Socorro county mining property with . icant; second und fourth Fridays, V. C. AVetherill of Jicnvcr, a promi- NEW YEAR in lb vant that fun ahould Dot Boyal Neighbors. your morning papar nent nilnliiK mini of that city, A. JOHNSON. M. AV., POHTAI, TJCLBORAPHtl Appear I. phona th Singers AV. H. Gospel at Hev. A. M. pUHlor Lodge No. 2, A. O. U. CO. giving your nana and addraaa Mandalarl, J Benefit ad th papar will b dallrarad y of the Jmmaeulato f;ono..tlori church apaolal maaaaoaar Tba talapbuo la returned hint niKht from Banta. J'e, Nu. It. whero li conducted a three das" re- Revival Service Tonight Claud Hutto ADO BKWARD .M. Ta aliu a raward will ba pal treat nt the territorial penitentiary. HABVEY HOTEL AÍ for tha and onovlotlnn of ny-n- Th,; retreut wuh very Muccpssful. TO cauihlrrtataalllig eopla nt tha Stenographer Morning Journal from th door- TI). prlHoneM in the county jail AI r. mid Mrs. II. C. Montgomery IJ. C. Montgomery assisted me In i way! of auliairlbara. were treated to a splendid New Year's evangelistic Trin JOURNAL PUBLIaUnXS X whose beautiful kIiibIhb of soapel month's services at and Notary Public dinner yeHterday by Hher'ff Jchub Itv Denver, to my great eat COMPLETE songs has been heard before in Albu-(ii.-rcu- e, church. (tornero. ItoiiHt beef, pork, maHh-e- d isfactlon. They havu the right spirit potatoen. nnd different kinds of will sin? tonight preceding and tlie right ring to them in every 117 1-- 2 W.GoTd voKftablea, fruila. nutn, cinara and rof-fe- e, the evening service at the First Meth wav. I unhes tatmgly recommend ALL LOCAL ITEMS OF INTEREST with numerous other (food llilin? odist church. Mr. and. Mrs. Montgom- theni to any church wanting the help IN SIX WEEKS to cut were Included In the menu. ery will assist throughout thu series of of evangelistic singers. Phone 898. The remalna of the Kit.. A. J. renter siTvitfs which-- uro to mark the re- LOUIS ALMEKT BANKS, Independe-ne- Ave. Drink Qlorletla Beer. Phone. 482. were taken yeaterUay lor nurial to vival campaign"' Inaugurated at the I'astor of The Campion, Kj, accompanied by the Methodist church by lJnstor Frank AV. Methodist Spiscopal Church. A. Menu, well known mcr. of Pablo the widow and two children who Otto. The latter who recently arrived Hedalia, Mo March 18, 3907. Inauguration Service at One hunt of Howe, N. M-- was on Albu- were with hn ileceaned when dentil hero from liocky Ford, Colo., to takr I heartily commend Prof, and Mrs. ir of Best Houses on System querque visitor yesterday. tamo. Th body w as nido nccompanled charge if tlie Methodist church Is pe- Montgomery, avIio have led the sing-In- I., one irreat revival. They are Wallace Hesseldcri, Hi,, well known cunt by a brother of the deeaaaed. Dr. culiarly (Hied for evnngei.sJc work, Will be Welcome News to tj. N. Center of llaz. ldlnc, Ky. man vf titules vigor and activity flrst-cias- s singers and have charmed Ward's Store contractor, returned yesterday from a pre o They thoroughly Travelers, Hon of Mr. and whose rapid-flr- preaching gives his our oeoulc. are trip to Denver. Merrill Stewart, As west. The St. Louis basis is to be week's business will Im- congreguf'oiiM no chance to grow pnreu. consecrated to their wurk. Mr. David Stewart, leave for as a raised $25 to $27.50. Kansas Mr, Frank II. .Mourn of West Cen- City, Cal., Sunday nitflit. Ho end h') has already Infused new a leader of a great chorus ami from Homer H. Ward, Mgr. perial ; Montgomery Is seldom City rates will be advanced likewise tral avenue, Is entertaining her moth- expects lo rcHido there permanently. lile nnd iitiir.siasm into an nlr soloist lrof. Officials of the Harvey system or- Montgomery is a fine by 50. and from St. Paul the in- er. Mrs. I,. I!. Buss of ilorlon, Kalis. having accepted a position with the prosperous arid effective church Mia. lure yesterday said that the con- 19 Mar Mo Ave. rimuo 200 ganization. ' cornciist. Tin- - duets bv the Professor crease will be J. To points which John H. P.cavcn of the Olarkvllle music firm of Hall ond HoiiKhton. or oruer. tractor promises to have the beautiful lake less than maximum rate the yes- In for Mr. ;:nd Jlrs. Montgomery prove .mil his wife were the Ingnesi the mill yiinl, wiih a visitor In Oallup Merrill has lived AlbnUeriue success or our and unique new Harvey hotel at fares will he as heretofore a fare and to mutters. the punt years and has a host invaluable aids in a revival campaign Much of the revival terday attending business sixteen conversions of more than Lamy Junction ready public in a half plus $2 for the round trip. ul lrlftiids the yountr people. as 'hey havi? In AlbuqiK riiio: and the for the HORSES CLIPPED Harry MeCrcury, mid Itor for the will Kid souls, and SO additions to the six weeks. This will be welcome news The other rates for next year will be - In previous ;tars and they Harvey system, arrived in Albuquor- Mr C.ustav Thelin nnd Mrs. Olive back. they have pleas- church is due to the g to those who travel to Santa Fe and the same as for the last two years. It for Thai WRIGHT'S RIDING SCHOOL liii. yesterday and will hi' here Corcoran, were married at miunigni ed people elsewhere Is shown by the inirliiir under their management. Indeed to travelers who are going is proving impossible to get the roads SCV.TIll (hlVS OH bUSllll'HS. Krldny In the parlors of the Columbus following little endorsements out of recommend them to any and all anywhere on the New Mexico divis to agree on a 2c per mile as the W. - 315 Silver. Harry Cooper, Who has n con- hotel, the ceremony beini; pefloinied many such: churches. ion, The new- hotel, which is a pet minimum basis for special rates, us by C.eorne It. 1 S. MARTIN, fined I,y Illness lor Horn,, lime to his .ItiHtlie of the Peace Cily. Mo., Nov. 10, ÍI0U. S project of President ltipley's will be lias been the desire of some of the Moth brld,. and uroom nro Kansas Kpiscopal homo al tli" córner or Twelfth street raiir. the To Whom It May Concern: Pastor First Methodist in the style of the old Spanish ha- - lines. The California and Colorado Good Family Group Pictures known In and were homeseek-er- s' ami Itoimi avenue, In reported con well A'.bu.ueriie This Is to certify thai Mr. and Mrs. Church. icni'ai with a touch of the Pueblo lines wish to retain their Can be Made With siderably Improved. busy all day yesterday r.celvinK the Indian firchltecture and will be In ev colonist and tourist rates and the conitratitlations of their numerous ery way pcrloetly adapted to con smaller roads will not give up their H. Warren, who ha been ensured 3 PORTER & NEFF'S Irie.ndH. services. Junior Fiiworth league at ditions and environment at Lamy. It special excursions. III newspaper business ill Helena the Coday p, Kpworih cague al 0:30 w ill be one of most popular Im- 111 In runiral services lor the late Jose Ulbere to lUorsDip m. Senior the a cities Montana, was RENT ml oilier Ilar-woo- d CAMERAS William I'adllla, n stmlehl at the V. m topic, "Making Iteligion a provements ever completed along the Henry Newell, Santa Fe agent at the elty v ester duv en roale to Kl Paso IndiiHlrlal school were held yes- Ilcferelice. Phil. 3:13. Leader. Fc system in New Mexico. Kedlands, Col., died at an early hour Phone 435 - W. Gold ami southern Arizona. Mr. Warren 220 terday afternoon at I o'clock at the sr. .loiivs t in i; ii. Mrs. C. A. Hcrnnrd. Let us get a good Thursday in that cily after a short I'ren. h and Lowlier parlors, Hev. (Cor. AV. Lead and tlh St.) start it ii the New Year. Don't neg- Fred T. Perris, manager of Santa illness. . W , l Hector. Tin- Is IliOO. Tiloma H.irwooil oliiciatim;, assisted Ucí nrreii. lect I liis first Sabbath. public Fe oil properties has received New Since Mr. Newell has been A' - on by the Hev. I. C. 'urtw riwbt. The January -- Second Sunday niter cordinllv Invited. ear's gieetings from A. A. Ilubin- connected with the Santa Fe the Angeles is well lather of the dead boy, liec. Samuel Christinas. Holy ciuiiiiiunion at 7 a. ii, formerly chief engineer of the Los division and Ta. lilla of Wauoll Mound. X. M.. ar- I I LSI' PIHSliYTHtl V. Santa Fe .system. liach year Mr. known .y railroad men. His first m. Holy comlutinioii and sermon at An-u- sa GREAT rived hen. to intend the funeral and (Corner Filth and Silver.) Kobinson sends an engraved New service with the company was at left, vcslcrih villi the remains for 11 ;i, in. Sermon, "The Mstery of II mili Cooper. Piislor. Year's card to Mr. Perris. Mr. Lob when he began bis duties on Feb- Waii.ui Mound where burial will oc- - A'iruin I'.irlh." Son. lay school and rec Services at II a. ill. nnd 7:4.". p. in. insón was chief engineer at the time ruary 2',. mini. He was later trans- cur. tor's Bible class for adults at 111 a. m. Mornintr theme. ' Live in the Sun Mi. P. i ris occupied the similar po ferred to I'pland and then to lied- .' p. i I I lar-II- . sillily for a. nt l. yourselves in the on Coast la mis, taking charge of the latter Noble i Iran. I larry J. Fouls of Itible class lulls shine." Text, "K.cp sition the Unes. - at T:.'I0. 11. Kv.-iiin- station October 10, 1903, and since Sale! moiiy l,o(le, I o. I'., left for ial- F.vculng service and sermon love of Hod" Judc. Alteration mon, Signl'i'icance of the Nunc and Mu- The San Sun says: that time he has been in charge of hip yesterday mornlug. a brief Sei "The theine, "The Wise Foolish." Bernadino alter in of Fe at in th city, .luriiiK which he pre Diiiilllis." Music: sic by chorus choir under the direction On January !. the. Santa Fe will the affairs the Santa that visit Following Ja- point. sided at the first meeting ol the oou Processional hymn.. loliu Slaincr of Miss Caroline Strong. augurate Sunday service to San new temple, Communion scri(e... J. Adlent the eveiiinif sermon Mr. Forrest Cart- - cinto ant' other branch way points. Fellows held in their r IS NOW IN FULL SWING. PAINTERS', PAPERHANG-er- s Friday night. Mr. Fouls was formerly Offertory aiilhein ..... Double quartet wright by reiiuest will sing Tenny The new train Is to leave here at 10 a. lleghiiiiiig at midnight. DoeemlM-- , e at Line will charge city ticket liuelit for the Santa Fe Introit.. J. H. Dykes son's "Too Late, Too Late, 1 can- in. and nrrivelng- at San Jacinto 31. Oakey's Hack the I ; . Uarnby buck fifty and Caipenters are at vvoik on the building. There here, but left recently for the Car- Nunc liiniltls, ; . Sir J. not Filter Now." The service will be 11:55. The return trip will be mude regular fare of cents. bon City to assume the position of K.cessloiial lomn A. H. Messitcr appropriate to the beginning of the leaving at 3:30 and arriving hero at is noise and paint and bustle of busy workmen while we chief clerk for the railroad company. Thursday, January 6, Feast of the year. Sunday school meets promptly conneetlmr with the B:23 for Journal Want Ads. Get Results. and children accompanied Kpipliany. Holy communion at 7 at 3:15 a. m. All members are re- Los Angeles. A through coach will Mrs. Fouts coming up are converting our store into an him home yesterday. u. in. quested to make nil earnest effort to ba run Irom Los Angeles be present as the school record begins on No. 40 and returning on No. 45 TU13 ATIUSCO I' A It M People place of business. I tew aids. lMMACVIiATli OOVCiaTIOX. with the year The A'onng at 5:25. (Incorporated) The cobbler w( an honest man; Coi r AVest Copper.) meet 6:45 p. m. The public is There hau never been Sunday ser duty. t in Sixth and ut $23.00 villi buy a hliaro in tho greatest ii.. nlwi.vs did Ills . to nil services. vice to the branch points and for got mending shoes H A. M. MuiHliilurt. I'astor. most cordially invited profit maker in the Sout li west an ln The plunks ho from 7 yearn and ooo.y. Karly mass at a. m. High mass the residents of Perris fan In an alfalfa fiirni for only Ho wisely callen nis Kvenlng FIRST BATTIffT have been seeking tho in- - tcrcsl In Order to Clear Our Counters of Columbia Jester. anil sermon at ü:3(l a. m. Jacinto 807.74 licr tier. .Dividends of 20 po Sheep raising was the ranchman's service Hint conference at 7:3(1 p. m. (Cor. Broadway and Lead Av.) uguratlou ot a train on that clay. assured, bo on Sundays cent lor full liartlculars rc-H- every 7:30. Friday J. A. 8haw, I'astor, This train will run lVml-riN.nnrkW- c aKI offering the most ll trsde; Muss morning at address ur call on All uncommon luck. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. inly, there being no change in th" H hud evening services nt 7:80. STKOL'P. Wllliei MUUU5m:ilkrihnv:1llf,s on Supt!ior And every ten-sp- that he made Sunday school at 9:4 5 a. m. Toung .reuenl srvico w hich Is mu daily ex A. B. Ha spokn of as a buck. People's meeting nt 6:30 p. m. Sun cept Sunday. Kecord-lleral- JvHllKH 1H1VKT. quality Clothes., ii i respective of the fact that woolens have guv, (Corner Stover atld Houth Fourth ) day school ut the North sevenin Thu baker Is the rasv . 3 public know. He-- 1". Tommaslnl, I'astor. street mission at p. m. The is Colonlbt Hates Atltanced. Wallace Hesseldon 10 --10 per cent, As all the world should advanced 25 For all hi earns hv ninklng pt Communion mass at 7:30 u. in. cordially invited. As a result of a decision just reach GKNEltAL CNDNTRACTOR. large Is added to his dough. High mass with sermon and benedic- ed by oulcials of the western rail- Figures workmanship count. Anticipating the increase, we contracted for ITV. west and Exchange. tion at It: 30 a. m. Sunday school in KT. TAlTIi'S litTTnERAIi. roads, homoietkers" fares to tho Wo guarantee moro lor your money new law be- building Immediately after (Corner Sitth and Wst Silver.) will be c.dv.inoed next year. The max quantities of goods lung befoie the tariff school , than any other contracting firm In Dilcnmui. J. AV. l'aí-unick- Pastor. Chicago is The l'rofosor's mass, conducted by the Sisters of llT. imum one frcm advanced Mburiuerque. protecting our customers as well 60! Cop- .Sunday school at 9:4", a. m. Eng- $5. will tho rate to the came effective, thus mistletoe she's fairly Charity. Pastoral residence, which make r Heneath the at Office Supc-rio- Planing 51111. caught. per avenue. lish service with holy communion Southwest $35. instead of 130, with at the ourselves, Hence, these taie inducements: 11 a. in. livening service at 7:30 to tho north I'HOXE S 7 7. as And he perceives that the's u pre-tt- corresponding advances KTISOOPAIi. o'clock. The public is cordially in- miss. . FinST METHODIST (Lfsd Avo and Srd Street). vited. Clothing His tavorlte tlpory all comes to Frank W. Otto. Men's , Pliune-33S- . naught. Pamonag.-- 111 South rtr.Third. KY AM.. M MISSION. WATCHES SILVERWARE And ho forgets) the microbe In tho revival Ices are now on. (7l;i South Arno Street. 1 tiinl $S." and $JO.tH) The sen IH nntl - J.r.O niloii klss. Judtfi Preaching at II a. m. by the pastor, lli'V. I'. Krolsclmiar, PaMor. Own-mil- l IhiiltH very Ou-riotn- Mills mid ami UirmnU subject. "Joshua, His Courage, obedi- Herman services are held I Suit " HMO. Tln Crtmo of ence and Success. ' Preaching ul 7:30 Sunday morning at 10:30. Sunday I t,ucccc.h-- l in fas- $16.00 $20.00 $24.00 First Petcctlve p. m preceded by a song service led school at !:30. a woman tening a crime on beaiailul by pro!. I!. C, Montgomery: subject, All Goods Arc Marked in Plain Figures. morning. to Sal- Mayoard this "Kepi utancc Is It Necessary muiisTiAN cunten. Second Aha' a South llroadway.i I.iijm'. lint- - lietcrllve vation?" Sabbath school at !':4"' (lib . IVe li:ivi n In .select my wif.i's A PI detective llultiincd 1.1, alter 11 Hrjaoii, I'nstor. First . A ii superintendent. Mag-atin- in D Porterl - 10 a. nt. Morning M dresM up Ho- back. Hrownlng's :30 p. m. Sunday school at en s Jioiii and during this sale make Fpworth at service at II Christian Endeavor at JEWELER i p. service 7:30. j,. TION M.. 30 in. livening at the following quotations on well knwn standard goods: a Itecord. I'lltM' IIM.111.1. Midweek service Wednesday at 7:30. OPEN FOR BUSINESS liokcd l.lkc (Corni-- r Hroadiiv slid Coal Ave,) What are AV, .1. Strangers welcome. Mrs Chimsonbeak , Her. Maisli. I'sstor. ALL MONA Ut II AMI II.SON IIKH slllli'ls- - íoll ur at IT bosoms Koiug to with that porous pla.-tcr- do Siiudav school at : 4 á a. m . H. S. wbii h hiv iimiuII eold for H (.a ,iu i.5. Qf John? The pastor Till'. Y, AV. V. A. 1I1S. Fourth St., New Stern Block fgfc I'm going to see lalhgow. sain rlnteudciit. A'.spcr services at the Y. VV. C. A. Alt. iatloii Halo IMiee O" Vvlilj Mr Crlinsonbeak preach appropriate to the it will play on the pianola; will sciinons home on Fourih street will I"' held at what tine New Year at II a. in. and 7:30 p. m At 1. l! In Clu-- tt WUmmi Uros, vine tslili Is ; soft 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon. Miss Ida I'WI'V r.1 ll Yonkir Statesman. i i..., H : 4 j p. ill. All PHONE 415 l.riui Kn.leavor at rr.-t- ?!i. . . MafWnx will bad th- - or f.l'f In.-.- .a.--- w!ii.'h are Mil,) lor $1 jO ar - cordially Invito.! to these services $1.25 (.CIlllliK. 4 uii.l ÍI Alterallon Sale IVIee Follón ing are the inusu al selections: 1 1 i i ;n :. Mrs. oi ,1 must nisi ax sci ci DIAMONDS CUT GLASS 'Mamma. Moi'idosr. (At the Library Building.) come of a m i y old and arisloi ratio ( oigan prelude. 'Andantino.' Services at II a. m. Suh.lei t. "(loil." J Extra Special for Boys family, doe- n't she?" ). Sniidav s. liool at 1? m. Testimonial T don't know ali thing about her Otlertoi . "Au.lenti' front Sonata." meeting Widn.sday at 7:30 p. m OU I I" I' I I AH s: pro ea 12. 50 family. Whv do y.m ask"'' Nothing Your IÍO KM IN M euloi Ian.mtt II oin I I'.cet h.. en . room M.oi.iav. Wednes- Starts Blood to Circulating these cool mornings "She alviiNs kinsmen instead Leading olen sas cue Sweetl Solemn 2 4 p. Onc-Ha- Solo. day and Friday rom to m. like good Block i:.:::;:.,:;::'.::;;;;:;;;:: if Price of ." Chicago Tribune Thought" (!udli p.uik). Mrs. i:. L a American Coal fire. We have :r W'ashbc.t n -- I .In the .lob lor Her. I .. OLD ODD FELLOWS HALL 111 C I W is I. on all - want Is a Postltl.le 20 Per Cent Discount Paragon Trousers. Prices Lmploy.i What I. telling. The American Block d Coal some-bo- BEING RENOVATED FOR uiht watchman watib.s ing.'ii pM'ludc. " n. lauto Peligroso' ranging $5. $6, S6.50 and $7.00. v who .an sleep with one AZTEC FUEL CO. ce I iN OF TELEPHONE 201 1-.- not ving USE THE LODGES .iPd both i.irs. and who ntraid : IT WILL PAY YOU TO BUY NOW. i plus Piaxer" to la.-kl- inilhlllg See? ;:i. rt..i. I b.'ss. I'll send Ho- tK'.li'l PURE FRESH AppiUatU sec. - ( n- - BUTTER MILK Anthem "Ciossoig tío- Par" lidllor Moi ntng Journa I wl I e around. .Meptr's b I. iU..l tei AViiii. I ihink that the new I u E. L. Washburn Company S..lo, "I'll.- l.esi I'h. I'd" iSa'liiani. and GOLDEN BUTTER Trnx-- l o. F. bail -- just .I. t to Tiiti't: who vEn I ..' i X- h. r out the finest 1IOWN tíl.l.AUS MAV SOTH Miss Ollt ie, M' J O. Gould. thing in the ily an-- I am .iust as riATlKY MIM-H- l OK-- l solo. The Matthew Dairy Co. tll.Ai: Poslhl.le ill F. t I'.. proud of it as am .me. m i I say &Suppy l lt-- I X1ION OF COI-- I. listel. must Till! Sed.-r- TFT.El'nOXE 420. - VORTT? All tXlMKOIIT. IHIKSN'T CHUH Mr. si in:. on,. mist that it is not Die ,,nly ball in town. I7(i lYirRTfl RTRFF.T In order to prev ril any niistinder-standtii- g r 1 11 KM. HTHI ll, AMI HIS THE - lilt. Ill M ll I1IOD1-- T I HI 111 11. among the different lodges as Tli: Sl.ll EAY. lMri.KlAli LU'X- . CHARLES llfELD CO. us. t x S ed li A-- no to their 1. jtioii. I w ish to s.iv that t.. riiovK I'a-to- iitv oliioitms . I'larU. r. P.eiu-ri- L"Uge No. A. o. V. A"., .!.!. s. heel at V C. U. 111.. W. C. bought of jHiuor 4 1'lif-,i- i has the interest Odd ti i'ak Warn. k. s ndi nt. Fellows In the old hall EVEETT ds h... k line wi'.I cliargi i'l nts i. rint. and that the i Wholesalers of Everything n at 11 a in. and 7.30 p. m. Service workmen are now busy renovating It. i 'P. Special Leading Ad, appropriate to New Yea! The building is to be painted and Jeweler LAS VEGAS ALBUQUERQUE SANTA fry a Morning Journal Want musí. ,,t t.eth morpipg slid evening papered throughout and put in firstr HIAMOXD PALACE n ntE CEXTKAX, AVEXCE ii


-- " .m.ii.,iimim tiwrnwHtw n, II III r T it Iilimmnt-I- "r""" "'" ""' a M n i , mm III f

Are you prepared to attend the greatest sale of Shoes ever held in EVERY I NOW Y :n PAIR I New Mexico? We hope so, for nothing so pleases the majority of IIS THE Jr' the people as to save money, and this sale certainly proffers that 551 opportunity. QThis is a sale of good shoes-sho- es that are the equal, 1 often the superior in quality of shoes you'll find elsewhere. Just make up your mind to this. When this sale is finished you'll never get


(91 Tell .'dippers, fur trimmed, fancy buckle, f.9 pairs lamín & Son's women's fino shoes In button and lace 2900 pairs of sample baby shoes, sizes 5 In button and lace, 13 pairs women's white cravenette button boot, hand welt, pairs women's belting sole, low heel In three styles in patent kid and plain viol, both welts and turn soles. w,1th hand turned solos, black kid, patent tips and red kid sole, short vamp, 13-- 8 stage heel, real $7. value. fljO QC hand turned leather "7 C. $3.00, $6.00 and $7.00 values. 1 Values $1.2:.. Sale Price MONDAY PZr. S J colors QC 3Qr t Sale Price MONDAY "P ' Sale price, MONDAY Sale Price MONDAY 21 pairs London Smoke suede button boot, with light gray A sample lot of women's fine shoes, made by Wiekert and 21(5 pairs child's fine shoes, In button and lao.e styles, patent top, high knob toe, short vamp. A real $7.00 value soles, QC 8 pairs women's soft kid, 3 point slippers, hand turned Laird, Co.. and .). T. Cousins. All $5.00 leather, brown kid ana vici kid; hand turned soles; wedge Sale MONDAY Gardner, Sclioebor Price low heciB, regular $1.50 value. heels. Values to fl.r.O. $LJ $0.00 and $7.00 values. J QC Q Sale Price MONDAY Joe vP I . Sale Price MONDAY ,DyC 325 pairs women's patent colt bluchers, hand turned soles, While they last high Cuban heels, short vamp. A regular $4.00 333 pairs men's tan and black slippers, patent leather trim- 313 pairs little patent leather shoes, fancy white and colored 212 pairs women's boudoir slippers In red and black kid, value. med. Values $2.00. T C tops, button and lace styles; sizes 6. Keguiar $2.00 finny, silk pon pon, no heels. Sale Price. MONDAY' $2.45 !l;!UiUful 7 Or Sale Price MONDAY J value QC Ule Price MONDAY ' 29 soles,, ' Sale MONDAY S pairs women's patent colt, button boot, band welt Í L ' Price J 39 pairs men's patent colt button boot, pudo on one of the high military heel, black cloth top, medium swing last, top 322 pairs children's school and dress shoes in calf and kid 69 pairs women's one strap, common sense slippers, made of very newest New York lasts, high knob toe, perforated tip. toe, A real $5.00 value. 4 leather; lace style, school heel, can be used for boy or girl; fine glazed kid, hand turned soles. $2.50 value. t 1 'I A li-- 8 military heel. Regular $7.00 value. h O Q C Sale Price MONDAY ,V sizes Values to $1.00. 7Q pJJJ Pule Price MONDAY P ' Sale Prlco MONDAY 4 J J GO patent colt, cut boots, dull Kale Price MONDAY 495 pairs ot sample women's party slippers, fancy beaded pairs men's button and blucher solo, quality felt, mat kid top, medium, close trimmed, hand sewed soles, swing 69 pairs child's scuffers, sizes 8; best tan, Russia calf and strap and open work front, Louis XV heel, hand turned 134 pairs women's comfy, bedroom slippers, best last, high military heel. $6.00 value. t "2 A C dull kid leather, blucher style. Strictly $2.00 value. d 1 OQ in patent, plain kid and black suede. 1 QC all color and sizes, values to $2.50 d I 2 C ' J) I . P ' Sale Price MONDAY . V J ' J Sale Price MONDAY 'S Sale Price MONDAY J Sale Pilco MONDAY t NO ONE CAN AFFORD TO 11


1; In tnn leath- 72 pairs men's vici kid, brown leather lined shoes, blucher cut 73 pairs men's tan, waterproof, bellows tonsaa shoes, full 7 pairs men's dongola rotneo's In black and tan, hand sewed C7 pairs boys' hiijh cut, school shoes and black 11-- Regular price $3.00. straight last, half double sole, low lieeL A real $6. double soles, hand sewed. Genuine $6.00 value fc 2 C soles. Regular 12.00 values. ers. Sizes .1 QC 3 C)r ' Sale Price MONDAY i$J,JJ Sale Trice MONDAY S Sale Price MONDAY 4 Sa-l- Price HOBDAY S'-- " 312 pnirs boy's fine calf skin shoes, hook and lace style, 228 108 pairs men's tan waterproof shoes, bellows tongue, plain pairs men's vici kid and.,,box calf blucher cut shoes In Sizes 11-- 5. style, soles. hand oft toe, easy fitting, do ublo, hand sewed, sole. blucher cut, heavy extension, rook oak 73 pairs boys tan and dongola slippers; Everett light and heavy soles, broad bull dog toes. A shoe for com- 1 K -- Values to $3.00. d A turned soles, regular $1.50 value. VOr1 fort and wear. Real $5.00 values. AO QC $5.00 value. O 7Q P ' Sale Price MONDAY 7 Sale Trice MONDAY Sain Price MONDAY ' Sale Price MONDAY 7 J ..; cut, made on S7 pairs men's vici kid shoes, canvas plain, 117 pairs men's high cut, lace, waterproof boot, made of best 109 pairs boys school shoes, box calf, blucher and leather lined, C3 pairs misses' red felt, fur trimmed slippers, hand turned toes, viscolized tan leather, full double, hand sewed sole to heel. fool form last, fizes 6 Vi to 11. A splendid $3 00 broad, French hand sewed soles. Real $6.00 soles, spring heels, regular $1.50 value. $7.00 value. (K O C value. fQr value fc3 Q QSr Sale MONDAY 9, Sala rt rr & y One salo MONDAY Price Sale Trice MONDAY pJ.J J J JAKE AU VANTAGE EARLY UN i HE SAL

Read our newspaper announcements concerning this sale. They are of more importance to you than the 1 Something telegraphic news, for they mean dollars saved if you take advantage of what is offered. Something Different Different Every 1 Every SHOES SHOES Day To. inrW A T Day THAT iwi Til "SEE PAPERS" SERVE r SERVE "SEE PAPERS" t FAMILV SHOE STORK. NEW Í.IMOX STEIUÍ nULDl.VCJ


1 iii.k in, i un. i i m .l Im I.i'Ifirti' f i h ii i1 f i li t io Hl VlHly Til.- - lltlll'lltll UH'-HI- Ill HUl'IMUllH'P Patriotic Societies Install 'il lllllll (H V ill' WilH Wl'll Awake! n I. A irnl a iM'f'l ly.- IlIlM II Wi'H .'TV'il. 'J'lll ÍM till Officers for the New Year tun. llmi at the dull under 111. lion ifl the retlrinii mci Mr Arise! '. K l , who a Hiu eeili-- mining in the Ande, ha approved the hv Mr W. Urn van ma ti m-- in which the Andes company CEREMONIES ARE is it;, i un on the work and recently Order Now A elahorale and pretty M-ii- t purchased a larxe bluck of .slock, of th,. past week a the dinner pui'tv "I level. .pnieiii work i liolni;- iilont: .1 11 l. Mih. I Kicn Hmilhcr ut tin in fine shape," Hit i Mr. Khler yester- Loose Leaf Alviirado hold .Monday all. moon IMPRESSIVEE day. "We have already installed two Th.- eieiit nm In liniior of MIhm Mary plants for panning out the (sold and - Hi Ledgers Mi V. W M.rii-n.- v.ii" IlitMti'HK of St JiiIiii'h I :iiIhi iiih church .il' Al- liailklu of 'lOHhell, New Vlll k, wliu a third Is nniV in course of construc- r . - , -i Ikk i t in-- Tin- i'iiipli-- iii- iv in r pareiilH. Mr mid Mrs Hurry (,, u larg.- lllllnlliT nf l.llllf r.l a vi'lj hiiiiy ith tion. Machinery for a fourth plant i m 1. i I li in' iif H'linl Itaiikin is HpeiiiliiiK I he holiday In ha already been will .'l-lt- il II I'll , of, hied and Statement (Hfll i Tin rnooii, lii-rn- - .i wlnhcs Irmn n ti u tn in !! thin city. Tile kiii-hI- wi-rf- rented (it INSPIRING n on he on the ground. The proposi- .1 l - - t l in-- Imiriu I'll .Vorlh l'"'Uiiili Mr. mi i l.iit- ni'.ini trii tu ('hlciin a lai Ke tahle nt Un- hi. nth end of he tion is looliiiiK better all the time. ( - - Outfits i i N'i-v- tul lilu'iirv el h iiml tin- imhiiIi. helm; - I Tlio I'lirlurg .mil Vmk diuiliu hall, the tr.hle handsome- The gold there nnd nil that i nec (l.'1-U- l ti v ii'l IVcly ütl il i h oinriaiin ii Iv decora tel. A center nf whlli: essary tn secure it is to put In the t'l'ru' iiii'it n veiy lili llhllltf it I i n ii Tli I'cit Iihiih" iiml Ihcir wivi-- mil ariiarinn Kl'iteeil Ihe tahle and holly equipment. Special !!A .MlHH FOUR ORGANIZATIONS Mik, AM'lvlliin il iiHHlWll'll ilnwn lust nlylit at the Alvmailn In the wriathH and Hinihix wa art Intica lly "inir holdiiiKH are plenty largo KM V rlH- - I ii'?' rtiili1 Wnlki-- i MI' Kh IIDMIIIII N'l'W Yi'tll'H llllllll'l' Ivcit hy arranged. Ihe place riird, cadi hear- HAVE BIG CELEBRATION ennuiih tai permit of extensivo work Account (inri.1 Hull a,!a u. nilHtli iirrl. Jli Mint I Ioiii IhIiIiik sucliil hi a;uii.m ion ing uniall Iwlii of lni' and tied and we are iiiHtallinir the machinet-- ;lal h Mi 1 Jiunfilin iiivl .Ml! l'll 11 ill' An fliHctiHhcil mill with red fil.him, tnarlteil Ihe place til Uh fitHt iioHslhle. U'e - cliilini'iitc rni'iui huh as have an ii 11 ii M i s. 11,1 In- n''- Books M. t ii. Tiloma the alTalr war, extremely n.l'O utile, , eiich t'liist, Thue Mho enjoyed the UHt ihle supply of heavy pressure !. G, K. mil.'.l lit the (.iiiirh how Klirlliv H'lll hohpiiality of Mrs. Smithci'M Warren Post, Sons of Vet linter, which of course is the main ', Mih I: 'Himin wln-Mr- . Mi Mrs. Harry l:mi-- l Hi.' lomar. It. .Ml. Mt'H. Slininn, 0 Mnrv Itmikln. thins: luiK'Ssary in placer miitin Office ami Ieli','e G, A, R. 11Í1114 tin1 firnt muí S. E. .Míhh Lillian t. erans, Ladies of the il.i' Kellt ÍHHU il Itn it.ttiiitm lit. Mr. work. KvorylhinR looks- rosy nnd the llll'lllle, ha(. Al NVu I'fimi r l hi mi Till' III! It'll . Itankln, i.s Klolsa Yrisarrl, lor the iiiiirriiiKe of th lr iliiunhti-r- and Women's Relief Corps prospects for the colli iiiued success Stationery White, Mihk t KiX'St.t Hilt': Mary to Aliilu-i- ' Wiilia. The Mrs. Charle (race of Hie i rili-- prise are very bright. i A II. KhIcII,. Ma- Mih U. N.' r, Mix. MIhs I.uthy. Minn 11)11, 1 f. miif eililinu "111 tukp iliaco nt Ihf linnic Join Together in Interesting "A ileriue nearly 7.IUUI miles vou a 1 r: ooixo nfj:i I!Y J.WL'.tltY 1st. into. A Hlttn.-r- (V il, I .11 11 kin, Mi .Strh-li-ler- that to M.'Mllli'iv, Mr. I. ln nl' tin- - hrlile'd parentH on VV'iilni'Hilay intni Ivalheilne from Azanxaro. lieenuse-- of the fact 11. I.iiwIiit, M 9 .1 I'. Mis . A. M iH Mary SininiH, MIhh .Vila lian-ki- Meeting, Manufacturer of l,uth. evehini:, .lanunry 12, 111 s .'clock. that iln; I'eruvians themselves are m ' r:. M r Jliss di:-vicio- s, j: waiki'i. I'lmicin Mr, Thotua lianahi and so much interest in our work lii,K titioks, i.oost.; j.rAF M (:. link's'. Mil. I''. W. Mauri, MalMiiret SchiiHlcr iv,- feel very much eluted H. S. Lithgow itrnitKit stamps. M I'm. W. '. m Went and feel Mis, S. I'.nrKtiarT, aiímh M..,. Ilazehliiie A í;íhiii, - patriotic, domonstruilnn vliicli confiileiit that we have a tinml uopo-sitio- I'lioiie 021. , Tin as asenuc han jiniiounceil the eii- the-u- A .1 .i Mm, n. iii.i nn. Mm. mo I the prcltlcyl,t cVi ni of ;!'. of her ilaiiMhter, Míhh Muy ivuh Indeed nnlahle in many ways, wn iM-- though " far nwav." T Kiimiliy. M i' It. Minn seas.. 11 tin- reception niven hy Mr, - .M- - 4"r'i' -H .Mr. JalrieH W. t'etlijohn Un- - ovc-nin- 'r't't Ituy llazehline. In A. I!. of huuoi'. lielil lit Odd FellniVH liall last .. Mll lllllll, Mih. in honor her lvliir. lamí; California The ed- - H A. A. of I'.eech. MlH Tin- Met ia f fey neensioti installa- AND SI. niiiu. Mix KiiIiIii'II. MIbs Mildred ihe helns the LOCAL PERSONAL n, ; Wils.-n- I - ilihn III take oh Tni'Hila'. J, lie Hrenna P. J. K. S.; ('. Kep- a vrnv i.itti.k Jioxrv vii,r, Mm. A. 1'rnM, Mih. M. S In. ni, inosl hen ti it ully ili'corat.d tion of (il'ficerM (liii-ltii- i peífi K. (.f h. ; Marl In Kva n, nf w. Thulium. tin- - to serve the A WAV AM) nary IK, al hnnii. i.f the hrhle'i carna-Th- e Aimriii rtniilfll N' 1. Iv ; i. o it. n. Í70 I.OXO Willi IS lliitini', Mr Solomon l.liiiu. Mis. W. Willi poited plmitH, ros. and year 11110 hy u- -r 11. 11 tin- - Ht the four patriotic Ccorce. I'ladt and II t!. Marmon Htnl thtrtl "rinirsilay HlKht $ VOU CO.MI'VANO KX.VMIXR iiiothei'. Hev. Mr Warn ..f il firt al ALSO. ,1. Mih. I room wiih very elah-re- I;, fnilws, Mi': Vrlxiirrl. J ions. diiilmr ietloH of the city. Lamina, spent in city w'flid.'k, ul lieii Alen hall. 4J. Julili H IOilHcoial church will nl Delate - of yesterday the Ol Ii STOCK. 1'. l'HA'IT & CO., i II, form- 1. J.i .Ml I,., Mtv. I'ai'W ..rate roH.R, finí and hells wun liiili-Hpi- 4.-- wk, 1.1 utt.-mlei- l ..Tile hall crowded li the ilnnr fleorKe to til I . hie will he hy her returned 211 s. si;ciM ST. I'- The. y liiiiTuilnlli', Mm. .1, l'l'iit,'.-- intf th,. decor; Molí. Mr. Mi Mal fu. veter-mi- I. O. 1J. II. iiioi; Mm, J. K with ifrizzleij and Rttty liainul city yesterday from the sad mission of tel. Mih. W. liaiiu. of the I'ily of I A NT. Mm. V. II llahn. Mm, Itol,, rl Sniiirl, win. h Miss Minnie ulzinan. uf Civil war. wives, feous IhiirjMfrntin I.xt;t Nu. Toiltír the Ihcir accompnnyiiiK Ihe body of his brother, Ja f fa, pre nn lent Samuel NVustaift, Collón Sí'ínI rcdiHfil 1.. .M Initially, Mis (ludí Hfrrt" .Mrs M. Hi. an. Mrs .S.lilom. r. Mrs Thotiian and UituKlittTs, all of whom hdnned Kdward CillcHple, who died Ruildenl tary. Meets th mnl third Tii'tttlavs from S:S.0(I prr hiindifNt to $: anil i n, Miss firt .I C. Wiiil''. Mr. I. K .n il. .Mm .1. U Chihler, Miss Krna In one nf the four Tip' tn thlfl city days to family each m.inth in the vciry Mural nf lh (ii;ilily. ('lafi.ti-- H uritarilziitiiin. ten iio, the heller , In lit lit SI. tempi!. Kl.ti-r- M ins M. Arnoltl, .Nil. 1.. nil Katlieriiie Slriekhr, Mr. Maynard fjrand ATmy - Rioup of men, tile boy in, me in St Ceorm', Kansas, where in i:. Wi I'ntnoy, Mm. K. iueellt's in llllemy m ill In ICHIItlll'll I.I- MiiiihiiI, MIhh Ucl.ecca rearee, Mr. liny K. p. Mr. Itolu'il, uf 'f.l whri served under firant and torment was made on Christmas eve or 212-2- 1 W. ,vtul Ave. riiont' II!. morrow t III' N". W. roliH'iti. Mr., K. A. .lo"H Mr. J. iii miiIuk niter I'lti'll i'llt Statniti mid lr. W, Alt;er, Sherman ami .Sheridan, were mral JiHÍiTP No. 4. Kiiitfhfs nf rvUilMB. the tnot Mr. (lillespie who connected with I'vi-i- ,M tn VAkn In.ljí 1 ten ilay The majorliy of the out of inlay Myht th T Mrluijlillti, Mi. II. T. .'''. Mr. noticeable figures in R.ithei'inn. !', i. it nieTnhei s A MVP! OP who Hpt'iit thu hnllUuyn the the Santa railroad offices lure hiff conllally Invited. WE 1IANIH.IC FINK M Hiiniim I'K, Mm, II. !' nwen, tou imials Mr. nnd Mr. Thn. X. Wilkcrsnn l!y of prestige seniority Ilut tiur, keeper tf record unU CA 111 riKht and will remain in Albuniieroiie indefin FI5KS1I AMI Wl'll I'lMITH. vllh their tnu'eiitH at their horn rilcrtain.-- at. mi dinner - Mih. P. Jítiiiiim, Mi. Ai'tm llnnliiR, Informal the Grand Army uf the liepiiblii- took holy. eiioMo us Yont ouDioit. v. v.. A KnhliT-ilny- . viti'tmiH parlH of the hoiiUiwchI, re a ernunn. K. OI C. M,, J I!. fin Lin. Mt'f. .1. f4. party Saturday Ihe tahle the initiative in the ceremonies of the 111 ATT & CO., SU S. SI'.COXD ST. lain.1, In- - ciiy ycHtei'ilay. The A Hmnitprrnift ll No, fiJ t KnlKhtB of I... K n . Mm. Ilmry lo a liernilifiilly deciirated with led or- muni Mih, '"(' eveninK and the officer of their Sanitary riuniliiilii & HciiliiiK Co. CnlumliiiM. Mee in f a ml Thursday I'llOXE 4ñ. hieal corn-eti- kIi Ih enjov e.l the vacu- - ri.R.'H Willi carua iit third liainklii, Mr. II. It. I'Vikuw MfH. and frreen wniie ganization were mustered In first. Rcpalrinn Il specialty. Hit South "I each month In K. . cnimil rhamfteiH, II ill i 11 lliill lili lelV, llllllll'tl'IIH llll'ol'llllll lions, were laid for fiiiirleen. Went Cehiijil broth- st i :. V' MiiiliS'.tl. Mih. I', II. K'lit, Mm. 'tivers The luidlo of the C.raiul Army of Htoaduiiv. flume 01! or 11111. jienin. 'iHitiií Xow ("riip ÍU-- Ciilil'nriiia JJtiHtil pal'tleH 11 hy K. ers cordially linitecl tn vlait rluh rnomi ami i lii'illK Kiv the llieiiilain KlleSlH helllU; Jlldno Phil Mi'. . , M Mcill. r. MIhh M. Hi liliUK. M. lie the liepuhlie the wivcH, widows nnd ml meeting. Jnhn A. It'ddy. trand Hiuli-v- "(I His. lo Kii'li. $1.10. oioil , oi he HlKh School cluh. . Mr. ami Mr rsitiii- i kit if: tit ; T. 1'. Ke'ein-r- erc-- ( M i hit. Mif.. v. J. Mil' hicr, .Ml". Mann, llartli. children of Civil war hemes, were There more Catarrh in this sec Jr., finaiitla l'iiiu ill it low I'i'ioo. Try a SiicK. Mrs, A. IPil'il 'I'H, Mr. anil tary. .1. Mm. Kcinli MrKcc, Mih t Mr ami next iiiHlallcd. alter which the wo- (ion uf the country than till other i ". v. m i:. I Mrs. 11. I!. Stemi, Mrs. I::. z. I !oHS Dr. 1. N. M, ill .in, ,VI"k. W. V. Walt. in, Mih Mr, 11ml Mih Carl loppim;, of men's líellef Corp and Ihe Sons of diseases put together, and until th M. W or a. 212, 211, 2lfi V. Loiiil Av. J'lioiii' in. ' i ' 11 CIiiih. A. II dley nnd Miss It, Hunt. Mri. i i .i Ii a ii , Mm. I. Siuilli A rim Hi reel entertained mini Krank. Mr. VelerutiH held their Insinuations. last few years ivas supposed to h. AllMiTtn'rouft en m p f M. W. of A Nr. ,Me.-- t pv '1 I.; Mih, A. t'liaviM, Mih, Krulay M.irj'irle Slean. xr.ñ many years I3.::ii:t. nurday veruns at Diihlicll, her of nl iihiIh The exercises at 7 o'cloe!: incurrí tli For a real M'.d...-- !t K II, i'.lkit' Insulin- -, t V. Mi'H, II. Ml In. Is. Mi". '. S. Willi'', W. Tim weie very prettily It. was well after III when the Rather-Iu- r doctors prniiounccil it a local disenso clerk ; F. ). la. cnnsul. , e Mr. Ml'.". M ol (, Chllili-l'- Mrs. W. I'. ,).'lin:".ll, Ml'ü. (leciirnleil wllli holly wi'cathH. uiíhIIi'-to- ami clark Carr adjourned, after HpeudiiiK a very and prescribed local remedies, and h.v E L K S' 14 I THEATER I .. sir eel Wet',- a morí O It L It OK 'I hnriiKin, Mm. üruiiH'.ii, Mr iiml h. llH lrinneiliali-l- I'iiIIom Ink N'nrtli Fourth enjoyable eviliins. An impromptu constantly failins lo cure with local ours. i i' r eelved over Ptiue Tit y Nest N't. 1 o 7 7. Mpí( very Ai ki 11111111, Mih. kiii-hI- repiilreil tu I tus ilinitig holiday culi taim and Itri.'.k, Mih. KriinU cui'iIh Ihe pi'OKruni of patriotic music was one treatment, pronounced il incurable ( i ri it i .i y a ij. I . hi a no l ii ni hi., - r me eiti'HlM ycHtei'ilay :i f f. il, Lintel', Mrs. W. I' M.'linlf, Mih room where an oyHtei- Hiipjii-- wan hundred of the fouturi'ii of the entertainment, Science has proven catarrh tu he a at K. ''. hall. 11 'e.i Central avemit. Friday Night Gnly 1101,11. In une iva cry hea ill fully 1. 1Í. i u r ns. president; r, K, Shelley, uve- - I!.iih Mrs, IC, (i. Ani'lln, Mih. nerve.1. Kami painted place cuiiIh he numerous national airs nnd inspiring const it ut I, ,na I disease apd therefor il 111,, neciision. ft tu ry. 1). A. Mai iilicrmn, Mm. I'. '1. Ciiiiih. and tall' card were iihciI. lecorali for pali'lolie Melodious heiiip rendered by reouli'es constitutional treatment. Jan. 7th. Mi-i- T. .'., Mih. Mayniinl The Invited kiichIh were; Mr, mnl tnlentel muslcian nf the vurinii Hall s Catarrh Cure, manufactured by OIJ TOWN IMtOTlTTIVK ASSN. AIÍH. Mary Anil, who ha Hi í'ro-I'f.i- luiiHtil, Mih, Fii'il llcyn, Mr. W. W. Mrs WcHley li'imter, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, .. is tin 'n. edad Sv Mexifiina Mutua n lions. i New Society nf Mm t mil 1. W. Wll-hc- rl client of In r uncle tin autii. nr. aim Alrxiiftn HENRY MILLER Sjinniii, Mt'K, .1. linker, Mr.v 1'. Iluny Mr. and Mih. The folloiviiiq- of fleers of the vari- only const itul ional cure on the mar Nn. 1. Meets vs 1. first Vt Mrs. II. Cams of WeM Cold in ( A - Kiiiik, Mrs. i:, I!. Slcmi, Mih. M. n WallliiK, Mr. and Mih. Win ous HOi'letleu were formally installed: ket. It taken internally in doses west end W. etil ra h venue, tild Ihu- Presents , nun, .Mi, inlay evetiini; i.oh Ail I'liiii'. .leKii Komej u, prcsidetit : i Mi h. A, II. ,sir.nii, Mr Mr. and Mr. II. S I.IiIikow, left lor (I. f,. C.. HI to a teaspooni'ul. It niif 'hiul limn lie, In-- K. Warren 1'ohI No. A. ii., from drops i? rn el, secretary. .1 lo, Khe will risunie "Tim W. 11. H'i Mikh H Willcv, MIhh I. Mr. ami Mr. H M.'I'i'V, Mr. and ulule II. W. Turner, post commander: n. S. acts directly on the blood and mucous 1 SIlldicH of the violin. h-.i.- Wilhy. Mm. Ituy Mi lil, M r Mií Win. I'hamlieilalri and Mr. i'illsbuTy, senior vice post conunan-der- : surfaces of the system. They offer IÍ. N. A. (N. - .1 ( Thp liiaai.- Il.iilli. Mr. Nnlainl, Mih. NViii. 'huí les Mi l 'o.v. .1. (', Mui'iihy. vie- post one hutulerd dollars for any case It Itovnl vtphhnrn of Amrrtcn Pvnsil(ri '.Mi'. D. A. jiliu-iihe- sun who mis iunlor Camp M.jetH rtoi'iiiifl and fnur'li aft- - Press,) SiulliKcr, Ml'.'.. W, V. Wnrrcii, Mrs. commander; Itev. Thonuis llarwood, fails to cure. Send for circulara and o.iiiji of nmntii Ht ";;m, in 1. d. (. Ciiuncll. lllleil to 111' tile Hllllllell lli'lltl P. hall. Mrs. .lewsiu i.,'lifii'd, recorder; Mis I.i.iiIh llnniiiur, Mih. Win. A mm-h- n !, hamiuet nnd flanee will 111' chaplfilii; Williain officer testimonials. of her hrolher, the late ( A. Frank, oractt. I'olln liiHln In lull of new halli of day: Clark, quurter-nuiHte- r; Address: F. J CI i ION FY, Toledo. i. wlhe the Sleinheeli of thai city, ha letiii'iied tn the Levcteit "THE GREAT DIVIDE" H li'i A. .1. surgeon; Sold by DrusKÍHt, 7.',c. v. w. MIhh Mary liuriUIn, of ilnHhcii, Xcw of Ihe alei'iial Unit lierhonil In her home here. AiTustrniiK, or Tm-il- iij I'VciiiiiK ciiicrtaini'il the new nhl I'YIIiihh Icmple Monday ,loepli rtoylan, officer of the Kuaril; Take Hall's Family I'HIh for Con Albtintierriun catTifi No. t, Wondmon nf the Viirk, ntt t (Special Corrpsny) i t World. Meetn at he Knrest hi tin Klka' .MUHIK ICIIllc 11 W lit. 1'ollow'inH .1. (i. Caldwell, ndjiitiuit. Delewate to si pa in n. rillll'li tllllll tWII lllilMlll'.l The prourain has Mrs. llalli,' Wile of ipt. V. TJ. huUding every Friday itvenlnff at S n'clneU. : - J. V. Mur- Í .. V. .Mm cnllMll i;i if II lit J 1). at a hall unit illniicr nt the AImu'ihIc hcen prcpu red Dame, of Mevlcit City. In th- cll.v ilepnrtment encampment. ire, tlrt uT l Woh'e-Smll- h I )l i ii eieiit 'I hnl'-- M iihIc lli'Hlni phy; alternate, Charles F. Shelton. iii ncfii r:ducaiioi. t Hnii-- lie ilininij ruiiiii 'if tin' lie lief Tllothel Mr.s W. C. Cut intiwooo croA-f- no. y ircif By Wm. Vaughn Mootlv. Hie Kllesl of s ' 111 u fiin-- Violin.) The l.adh-- of O. A. U. Mr. Has son ever made t hi h Tuend.iy - mh iiiumI nn a hall in anil tin' (Harp and l.l?,i of 7 l.'t W. "l'lJl'I .IH ai i lllli'. the lliliic's Meet second and fmirt af lllili'. i tus ul :;:o, in odd J'i'llow' hail, nt.cil ti 11 illnlinr ilium. The rniiniH liea.lniK T'oilla' AihlrcHH," from Lucinda Steward, president; Mr. of his colicué education ?" ly .I'-- i Culi-liiiin- a I Lucy lieed, senior vice president; "I should suy so. He was held UP era niiiKltiflc' nt iirat.'il. "The Merchant of Venice" Mrs .1 II. 1'HIelly ha issufd in Mr. w. r. o. r. "A drama of Amoric a few n n 1 a río." an.l I'iTdh ufi'iI I. aura CariwrlKht rl v 11 a .Mrs. liacliel Johnson, junior vice f h 'Wedn(1Hd;iy in K'.u'i' tritlon fur il reecpttoll to he ; Meoti necond nd mirt i - - Mullifran, K. C. p Mrst prose," (Lei id on. D a tliriinwhiinl. Tin- Ilh11uln11ll.u1 wan Vlulin nolo "I oe' liream M'ter horn., nn North Ninth Hlrcct Jmi- - president; Mr Martha "Yes?" hall, at ni. Chief iumíit, her secre- "And he Ills assailant low lin; recnrJiiii; secretary, Mrs. IVlut hi t'i'il HmIHh in the ilinin Ihe Mall" C.ihulka N, chaplain, Mrs. Cora Jackson, tackled uno Mil. a ihs. Daca. Standard) iinuil iitul mi em h lahle a emuh MI. Ilaz.-- Stone. tary; .Mis. Hurnett. conductor; .Mrs. and threw liim for loss of four t'en-tlir- .1. c,. Caldwell, He on his co .OKi' n waft a KeailiiiK. ia il De Liinii, ktiiird; Mr. learned that trick lienilllM rail hhaile Mi Mae ItelllcllH elltl'I'tllined " III"' 'leven Fvohanca. LA30R ORGANIZATIONS It'll ami Hieell tarmeil loitn nolo "SpMiiif Soiim'' unrulier of 1111m! h inl at her home alstant. suartl. Over 600 Performances in MiHt li M.'llilelH.'-lihl- (i. K. W. C. No. 1 Km-m- n inliir .Hi hciiu; ihrnuKliuiit. ti'i' l on N'orth onilh Hired, New Wars Wurren, I. , Itaim-ay- . New York. Now crowd- nuil Imllv vvtciilliH ere us. in I i Itruce C. Whitson, president; I'.va Hyro, Mullí- - A. T. V, I'iihIimi The hall li.iim "üh a hewer nl Vocal Hi.l.i .MIhh Neher .senior vice president; Martha ing the Adelphi Thea- illiim-lilate- Temper-mic- ALBUQUERQUE AIloinMeroijp Tvimirranhical union No. SM, lieaillj. I.i inn limn! l llectlveli hy MIfh Small Hall. Kan, Junior vice president; m first .Sunday in each month tn I.iibor ter, London. with hilllilreilH el i 111 a lule itii M iihIc Smith fell. 'St ra Whlleomh, treasurer; Anna J II. at :;:,':o n in. c. u. simde, nrs1Unl; l SECRET SOCIETIES tm seeretary-treasurc- I'lerirle lii;htn, hiHialli'il cHn-clal- 'i'ol SALVATIONIST 10 llrnuElii. chaplain; Carrie Davidson, l.ttuti, n - Ktiui'd; JoMeph conductor in', union. l: IIh mnl Kt Hlreani- of the prominent Hin-ia- event Strain. the line .secretary: n. i. r. or a. Seats on sale at Matson's holly lis ami iniHtleiin h nf Sadie liowdlili. Martini MM cih. the collllim week will he the "(let A. & A. M. Local Nn. Meet 8 fourth TucmlMy of cainailoiiH 11 nu'iiK Hul ler, patriotic, instructor;' Lydiu I. fVieh month at S Went Central avenue. Tl. hit: and i'itik card party, to he given tí, r Book Store. Prices 75c, $1 : Alici TVrnnle UAe So. A. l A. M- Hcsu-In- Hodgson, tit-o- Miller, stcro- - tin- Ioiih nl the hall foiun. I11 I'.rack. press (orreHpondent itiTora ihe Knlchu of CiiiumhUM hull TONIGHT flr-s- t tary, LECTURE - mt'ciiiiKN and tiiUa Thursdays in : : t hy (in on lu Htra Shoemaker, iiiusli'lan; Kmina C. Jlirt- and $1.50 Reserved. MiihIc ivaH uiiilHlii'il Thursday evening, January Ii, hy the 'U'h m.tmii. J lurry Hi anil, wirshipfut In an man, ftuimi: Klimihetli 1.. V. which .ih hiihUn trorn vio Yoiiuk I.iiiIIch' Sodallly of the luimne-ulal- e assistant m,it-- f; J. A. MiÜ.r, uveUry. 1. OF AND F. Highland No. 407. Mi'ets üfcond and lut il'il arianiáeil (jiiillo. The h. Sodal-l- l ilriibb. aiBtHnt eunductnr; Jeuiue (lio lirurnlo 4. Tl. A. M., IuiIra all Cone 'iitlini chun The chapter ,V. urlii Wednewdays t I. O. O. 1''. hall. J. l i IV MIsH Mulligan, No. 1; Anna (atf.l Tlnnn-la- or Were l'. veil Mar a 10 color bearer rinvourion finriil each 1'rnlia-slia- , C. - WANTED HATS lien extend lal Im itation i master; A. Culver, fleeru- 5,000 lii-t- I No. 2: Hall, mmilli. cusinnmv, hiU piWst; Jiuiiy ami moth' r. Mr. la ri l ra ti m IT tn In Captain Many Leo, of Chicago, Hush, color hcurer Marian ary. Itnnklu the city intend the itiaun, secTi'inry. K AMI V1.F.X I 1. ami elahorale color bearer No. Í; lMla. C.raliam, to ia.o Kalllllll. iiicinu the party and cn.lov thcmrelviH. They riln'im N'o. K, K. T., Blaterl n. or i., f. AIAKK CiOOI) AS M'AV - NotiMl to Deliv c 4, cftnciuvi-- 4 (it. 11- Co lIUI'i'M Ihe cvenlim llave a Anny Woikcr olor lii urer No. fuurtii Thurmliiy of each mouth, Tilo TMicrro TD vision No. Meets fivrry incmi niude elahotate rra mir im nl for cxc-i.- Cnitip No. 1, Sons of an.l Tliur.sday Ht t. O. ). K. hall. If. J. Kehd.-r- of a Kit Carson iluy. ; ROYAL DYE WORKS. ihe larvm tiumhcr er Address at K.lw.Uil Alien, tnmt4Mii comma tulrr; K. John XUivi), seen tary; t , W. l.e. Intnestiim V. Wilson, comman- i y MlH on l.un 111' of ;ueHt and II Is expected that ev.-r- Veterans: John Uní tilnun, i fon lt A. E. Avpniic. Mr ami .Olo r. 4HS W. Ccnlral :n w a der; F. I'riitt, m nl, if vice Itntlut At.yjtd ttini'lt A. A. O, K. M. 3. nu;ht of I leeenih. r t'e linsl ami one ho attend ill have sph mild Army Bai racks, i. r.. Dr. Hubert Smart, junior Hernial' ttio imcoii,! MutHlay i. a. n. or i.. k. uoi-Ich- 11 a anil nt tulle. Iluminóme pi will he award- 4arh M. Vhnml-crilu- , - hall iliuncl cal secre- piten- TiirnimlgM livisimi No, 1 7a. Meets very ARTHUR E. WALKER 11 ,1 win-nu- vice commander; K. L. Cruse, tai-- y O. Ihe Alvaia.lo, than I o h in ed to the Lidie an.l Kentlemen llari ilullunl. rMrder. first a nil t hiril Wed lleuda y of each month larv-cs- W. D. cliapn-- :., K- H, t 1. O. Aluji, - of -- 1, tary and treasurer: Steilinn. Allah No. (. Regular O. K hall. Mrs. ii. U pns- Mri" Iiwiiriiiico, .Mutual e,(l. h. IIILi Hclil. 'Ihe reoll'.' the nuiuhcr card nnie An lid, r lii, on the Salva- l k ture iiie.-- ihe firm nntl Hunt Vi Uhiym. lAu y ideni, acttiig secretary. 111 I , ilu-r- iiitrlotic instructor. iiih I'.ilililiny I'lioili' I, I I. lliloui;h-- a Inn la- a tro-ph- li n, oomph: eliaplaln and w l ; e ll.lllilH'illl coral. and will upi'opria le tion Aimv. ils parpóse and ; ni hy niair.Mi ra I'm nam, ec-- t cnlnr bent-er- II. I V i'iury. ÜI7 Wi-x- t 4 Aoiuu'. . I. un- Imhii an.l a f.n uiihUi i MH'l al plnyoiH. Ue-- I ill he 1, lii ere. hy I Joseph rhillips, n. or nut. niiinerun him nls. A. i iiií i - s 111. s 11 p.- Schuyler. Kuide: Jay Hiihb. suard; t in inn .'I hi .el .i MlVcil lillllllK Ihe llal l i la e o Chh aito. a tu.leil Decfrnt nrs nnd Paper hSTifr'Tfi N.. 11. S. musician. Council: C. A. O. I . W. 21. Meets first nn.l Ihil.i Wedhesiluvs ,,f mi ,1 II- v r.ath- - ami .'M'llllilJ III iilin he selec- Sal- l.íth;ow, lions hein and there uoiker of il i.isauiatloii. at the fit I.iiIrp Nu, a O. V. V.T. MPts itdi itinntli ni US West Central uvenuti. li. Cushmaii, II S. LHIiKow, Tilt r 7 llll.llleloe ele II In ui-.- ami lin tion hi m asi, a a rl vation Ainu hall mi Wist Silver me 0 at A 4. IV YV. hall, 2 So. Mecn.t ireet . liimmd, secretary. ELK'S THEATER comí Hiél lOinlli 1 . Jnhn-un- , wi en Mil-li- "I nu.-- even- - toss. a. I'oeniM at lit I'te hec.uinini: Il ck tills HKiHiLi' fti'iUtnan, W. 11. Lout, .Mis lioMt.-i- rocurder. ii. or it. l.cauiy The I'oer I In- ilmlllK 11.0111 lainice Mi c. Han wa Iny. I" h eimnsed t. ipiani Allmriiirrnne lodce No. óM, Mcts sec- - Monday Eve, Jan 3. n 'I I . v. t. In. h to a llianl'i r el llolldH I a ii cal t. ilh in Armi w.ak ea and can ' IKrre of Honor, A. tl. I'. V. ond and fnurih SumlayH nt I. O. t. y. hall. - . h.-- fi- r ll.ll Iil.iUt.'i .1 ' lie. Il II tl t ill' lie. ol she ai pla in in a it .a l.iuu Ihe 'liff Hnii nr. Mainaif) Weming; i:. WÜkoii, masier ; Wm. Mas- n. set'tu inner Kt I.i Allu-nt- i. ' r 'Ill: him. Ire. at h r, North Koui'ih DEVELOPMENT WORK Mefm first and M. .nii.iw Mllll" the lie. ni al!. a itlis a ml s. "(.. the on;a ion. ilniJ Mi.iitlays nt o.l.l FfUttwa' hall. JOS. GAITES 1. i v ,v I in.-a- si Th,, horn. pi'i la-- i t .1 A. M. V. a- - la ' h ' He n iilh M r. a i, lure se ral da, I. II. AMI m. i. - - r. do. .1 1..1 III.- nil Miss l. .1 - SniU'ty f 11, inie l.iilia Mi- oral. ac. olil pa nu le M i- la e and a son. Italian rhrlstuphr Tlumlius. T.i li Nn. I. M.-- Is y Thursiluy at I I ff tn f M Sun tl.i y In January ml every i - Offers. I M - I ' M I 'I la n na assi led lll 111c, h w ill-- IIS nil urn- Juni.'?. i 'HlHllii'i, C ..; nn nn. ilk 'a IT. cell ho w ill la nun II Al! m t lu-- r. j í It, an ni . luiilt't'iuc mil lit eaf 1. une scrv-- ; M. .Mi, i, N"-,.!!- I . . ISH I ' '0 rin. ai j lre;i3m'iT. i Mi- -. and II' liorra-- - a ry. M H A m i.. i'F.11. di 'Iiml. Ii 1" n up. la e i IS PROGRESSING 1,1 Mi-- - dalle. All, Ihe e.imr. num'u r ..I p. II u chi.-- The Greatest Musical HO Me h i.eimlK. Is to ri to '.. ithill the O. AMI J. v. ir . -. IOCS . H - av.. .1. B. 1. O. F.. M i.K hll.l. pi cl nd The first 1 hut It I.".1lT9 No. Mf rj. a e.i l'i ixoll. le few da "ill lilis A I Friday nt II lloiv.-i'lm- .in llUin'HTH" )Ke 4i;j, K. Ki.- Mallv-y- , - M I. c Me- - PI 11 I. inllful pi. nl, p. O II. hull. premilenl; Comedy Ml-- I.' Ill'- i.i i.-- Km. .nn tor.- sprinir. al which time titmn h. a if.. y ::í',T'tar'. Success America ; i4m!ii,.,i,i, ;,ry. ' ' 1I) "'!'.!. i'. . i.i Atlss l.oriiel urn Mcfitt ii i lían. .M tliiiiliiu. Ill" (won w th ii et a in a seci'ti.l ml fiMiriU WV.lnei.layM eaeh , r- Ictiiie RAPiDLY h i?.-- 1 . pr.-tt- nn 'in ul KlkH' iiail, il I l!..l-c!- .t a I.". ik. was corner 1M avenue Has Ever n. Mif c.- audileiluni. lid I'lftll ireet. r. m. i. r. Known. imlulK'-,- iv.'li I. Mi-- s II,, el M ilov II. .wliu: 11 in ef it.i, in I 'a pí a in .' ' s add ' s t h is evi nn, T.n.-il- l l.i'lPd N.i. 443 Murta TiipüiI.ivü nl . .11 w 1,'. . 11 lain In on nil,-- In ni elahorale II la- i he ir- -l o a sei if led Ul e n. o. ii. W. I'.IIII'al ,l,.hn . .1 .1 1. tl'lliinn r- - The iimt en. sis he II. t e FJniffki-- ii'.ie Nu. f;;. n. o. ii. Mfis ial"tit: financial and t . unen liarme, he reai.viliilitii; .'tut y. e- I., a 11. II I :. s.-- Calil eerv ati.l fmirtli TueSi.lav In tne sc.'i M- asa al v i i n.-- t Alive .ti s nu n pt in ill Salla livians Becoming to nont ni l il-- hall. lr red M I.i I.- Walk,? Mess J. 11. 1. a. M. m Army aiialis dpt.. III domain I, I ú or I I k- - fi,i ni n o n. W Ka Ii. . hi, ,,f ni,m,- Lii. seconil and fourth! lull ilk. Mi s rule Sirn -1 in,-- .1 We; i i i y 1. w i ' i u i He- local post his a tor ut JM al IIS U iViiIihI avenue I'. Me,; t: lie I. nl M'.-- l.ollt:, ttil h. I Ul 'l .Il , OV i ; fcjchcikB, sec e h. lalli Ukill pi ill! Azan-gar- o, ! A- - .. Chas. 3 . A (r-te- TWNS ' Ii','., r Milium: M a,-,- I'.orta.laih Mix. Piopeity in Vicinity of ii iiir ni6 re I. mm ndi r. Im in ak. s his h .,,l,,ar- - of r;ai;Ui. M. ts tirm anj (hiiJ i'li' ihe M . t M l K.-le- v ,i c.,l k r. aim lii. I ut nt mi l ..i.l i s i in. r. another h Mis, tith j. i. n. v. M: I ...h-ioi- ,M iss l'lh. hail. Weft m Yen at. fc-- s it nl or r. I I,. ,1 s.-- Í. Mi'i'in u nd h .'i-I- i.i Chi, as:o. olie ol '.aii 'fu' reiai , ..tml V, ? eotld fourt th. I. I .1. Mis, i e.i- ii 11 With S.i.m. M:s IT mas r. e l month Hi Wet Ctrtral, Victor Morley, Bessie l it. V i.rk.-- U I.eaJ iu'llUf. i .Ii. ; pl .olían o. ; Try- - H uí,. I:. ink a. Mi-.- l.i.l Mi l.alii;h Hurry a ., .1 Mis Si s I, r. fituitn "al and, tleasurtT, Cima. I Th. th,- mi. M.-- s II ri i. K n Mm Trihl.s. it S.. Am. I li VI fr.H.N II, HKill IIKKIIUOl). I. Seeietttry. Clifford and ic.i-- l I ... villi r, s. n. ml Hi-i- ll malol.-s- m,o Il ! M Mah.v. Mis .1. S. pl eiiomnu to AlN ;jm nme ice S k r,l, Tal .1 i k Iii-ii- Hr.-- ). M nn al lr Th, on , llalli test lb.- d.-v- lupin, nt work t; i.'Xm' i'....m k. r. I iid M f e ' h ih .llprntlr l', :ni' .1 . d i'V capital III rt third 80 OTHERS SO !'. .i am. oil .I.U.ll.r.Ue m 1:i:f ..ffi.-- I. Mi 11. 1' ltf i nt 1. ii. Tl mightiest li'tl-- - tl'.lt .l!ii't l. lull. nt. n n I. I'lltll . vi.tli cxploitinix pin. el- K.'iii c. V. Ni.lil. rvl.i! y. ni. i'.t ''i! tPli: is i iia ml'.-r-lai-'. u l.'l. hi Ihe muni-i- 4 pi op. My m ar I', ru. . r Tablets A. V. A. 1. . - II or a. d i I. ni-- : l.- -t ol l e- - Hi. n. .. i r port ivc.l r, Without of Contra- ti in V.T oil .diiK icc. W"iÉrr-- .. ii.i.i at I Fear , a it N f..uiih n . t . i at;-- .1 Klili-- v il! Mis. S i, , .0 .lil thai o i PI. Is i L. of this ii ' l firit 'A. Ill ti M..iii:i !,ii, i ti.j i i . Mus. r. tary. as tu- i.-- I t - a m r "I. .ii, i.. I'll 11. Kill I" l.vlh i. tali and ire i!. the An- lio diction as the Largest w co .. J.-- ou.-l-u -. nuii'ii'i iijáijiit. till II. I. Hi. h! lo'ld Minmi: .i u.pnliy of K. 4F TII1Í M tit le one don't A - - V 0 P re lie- II I Ifv O. in.- T. ',1 t ni Musical n I . va a I, , and Best Comedy put i;a! vi i at I'll..' .".It.--" A M- ;.! I.. .11 il TP At'. s n a( h. ',... dp. N VI. TS s ,,,'li. i a,.i. I kji a. ,. i - A l ..I 111. a, k I Pi bis .!!l.-'i- i it I' M title Ll.l.r .1 1'. miid'. 1 M;i.-- , Entour. I. I s. h..S 1." r. it ' f t1" at lo ell aal. r,rM a . nt , I .. , k pi ii cs ol . .' '... .,. h n. v sile 11.1 in south ni I'eru. ho:. '.....,lrirli. II- 11, IndM-a-t- il K. Prices $2, I.. Mr V.'. In - e til. Ande As all $1, $1.50. - kl':' I on. I .1 -"I P ron; et tl'- ,Ti t n t: t which Ihe VotkH. S4.1 'l'V , lor tn.- II "l!'" it, 'la'll-l- nt M r r.: K " ti I l..k-'.- l "i ! .U'l--,!- M-- I. ' .1.; k; He Is I'p.'U hi 1A I ami Boxes $2.50 ride mo! sni'i'i i. r fir.' - th- - I 1 "iii.i ia, i, . .i . ( ii p"-- Olí IS' o ' J ll !HU VU'lPl f k nnd f T ..rid xi i l. !:;. lo :.l I " 1.11 Id!" 'en: vtain. l" rti . - ml tt i ii.r- Sl . m. nt i I" n er. ' t I A rc , I r. si l. r.; hil r .n in V c i O.--l i.e. Id y oniiK' TiltleS . !',! lt ..r-li- y Seat Sale . i ' v f. ' M - i.. .,ro iitid other m .t:i.-- at Matron's Men has .l ;ties plat'.., ' n. - : ire-- r. v pa- -l Tin- p. 'a Tl-- n .i M r K" I -- H. L. ri j of wat ora it I f. 1 U HI K r w Ami o m. '' ' N'' l"1'' M . i or r i t I .1 In Ihe pi - n. I. a Mr l'.l I VI H I I W ti e P. nil cormress. - I' W orf A. Friday, Dec. 31st. ..ri',. rht. ,nl li It ? M- hull. J ill ll to. . Viv TtIÍ 2 " l - v. i I I t l . ry f.. w pla. r Wttl'it-Hti- f(fit i" iln a. Jm, J. .'leinU tin- l Mr rr. i,l mi Mr V: an "l'.l t.ol it miliar .th the f mih at Ii' l 1.;.. J .' f (!' L JANUARY 7 THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SUNDAY, 2, 1910.

ARGUMENT FOR COMBINE PUTS UP BANK OH Columns CENTRAL THE RATES LotS Of Bargains In These or' HV .HIJAX 1. FAIliCHIID City Pro-ide- Kiiiys Count) Trust Company, New York OFFICIAL BONDS I" 2 per of 1930 3 " currency of 1S07 consisted of tho cents -- v.f " After the l'anic ' '' ." ' ' ii'Siinim um inililllil IIHIUII'il HlJilin of A 2 per cent bond divested of the the business community demanded upon STORAGE congress that monetary reform should privilege of issuing circulation PERSONAL PROPERTY LOANS M MONEY TO LOAN delayed. The response it would not sell at the present price. be no Ioniser Alleged Exorbitant Rates , 1 country upon that WANTED ríanos, household goods h-- t make desirable city an a monetary Therefore, the loss to tho banks MONltV TO LOAN. ' We have nioncv on l promptly of congress was to create ly 111 - So-call- etc., safe at reasonable iarc.V Ucina- could be sold in the ed "Sure- stored Wo make a ruets of tltl.j to all commission and to place unother a bond which Charged by On Furnliura, Organs, ii.iws. Plume G40 rea' estate loans. orobubly be Plane. rates. Advances made. Public 111, conve; aa.:l;ig. patch upon the existing system in the market would between War. ms Slid other (Hallen: a:,i en wnn Security Warehouse and Improve- - llllo county. Kirej lu nu ance. Notary dol- in Full Wim-hous- cm w us (10 00 una The one hundred million ty Trust" Will Result and Hiwelpls. 3 4. 111 It II A 1MÍOUN shape of authority to national banks eighty and eiin aru qmcKiy man ment Co. offices, rooms and vi lli must be met by the as liluli as 1110.00. Gun- - , Phone. I P! to issue lars Th!u loss private, emu month to (leant Block, Third street and o....-i in..eL to form local associations gov- Fledged Scandal, and strtctlv limn Mini emergency circulation. government some time. Let the üiib yar viven. Uui.ds tu renin In la jrour trnl avenue. bonds and sell possssslt.n. Our rates uro roas.mahl. Call national bank act was a war ernment redeem these . .... The with the inter- and us u... yearly becomes more in the market a bond I to unitiii"(rem all parts of the world. AUCTION. mcasuro. It of the Special Corrnpondrnce to Mornlns Journal tickets "'"" No country but the est based upon the actual credit 31. Kxorbltunt THE HOI8KIIOI.W I.O AN ((IMPANY, LOST burdensome. ex- Chicago, Dec. Cl.KAKINtJ HOISK. for States, with its vast resources country, tho new bonds to be for of- Rooms S nnd 4. Umnt Mldf Al'CTlO.V We will not he responsible United charges by the "surety trust" , ove-- r phone. working, changed for those now held by tho PRIVATE OKKIC-KS- If you have anything to sell call ot lXTs'rKcill of bHI" with somu checks. ads ordered out nnd its 87.000,000 of hard ficial bonds, regarding which a report you Discontinuance's must bo 'made at peoplo, could have pros- bunks and without loss to them. This Chicago to Ol'EH KVKNINliS. write us. We bring remits. If Keward. 315 W. Silver. strenuous to recently was made from furnish- business office. pered under a system which caused so is merely a matter of interest loss treasury department. tOIIVi West (eutrul Avenn. need anything in the house would bo extend- the I'nited States ing line, we have It, at auction FOR SALE Real Estate" many financial upheavals and such the government, and nromises a new revelation by the 11 of years, according our large salesroom, constant and unnecessary expansions ed over number Merrlam commission which is digging prices, at lit of banking credits. to the term of the new Issue. There West Gold avenue. Phone 451. Ed and contractions Into the conduct of departments at the THE ALARM. SALI! -- Hood frame Is experience, of Kuropis and is no reason why the a LeH'reton, Auctioneer. KOIt It the in city hall. Since it became practice dwelling with lot, lots of PROFESSIONAL CARDS. country a nation's money should be a preferred borrower ugo pay out of car line, good of this that grant of spe- two or three years to outbuildings, near street must bo based on three principles: (1) these days because of its premiums Tor neighborhood: only $2.500.00; will privileges. municipal funds the any- OSTKOPATIIY That the circulation be Issued by one cial banking surety bonds something not done irade for stock, automobiles or of circulation should be money. Lloyd UK. C. II. ins itutlon, whereby the amount out- The basis it is believed the' taxpay 0 w thing Hint is worth the according to value of elsewhere i Cold. All Diseases Successfully Treated standing may be increased or de- a 'percentage ers have mulcted out oV many llunsaker, 05 W. gold, commercial bein O N. T. Armiju Illd., Tel. 6,5. creased, according to the natural laws banklner assets of Mee pa securles. As thousands dollars. modern of supply and demand; CO that the per and established The close compact existing among DS KolfsAl.K new CLASSIFIED ls constitute good banking location; monthly pay-inc.i- ASSA.YKKH. institution be not owned, but super- to what shall surety companies ot mo casi, one 01 b'.tek, filio by, government, whereby Its assets should be left to the directors vised the statutory which has had as a director POKTKKK! KI.D CO.. W. JENKS great powers may not be abused; (3) of the proposed hank. No enabled Assayer. of sound Comptroller Wilson, has tneni IMS W. tlold. and that the circulation bo secured by detail can take the place surety bond rates until Mining and Metallurgical nttisr, to advance í'TVu SAirK--irTii- 'iu modern brick; barking assets gold, commercial pa- judgment on this point. The untaxed nays g0 West Fruit Avetius to per- Chlcaso. from tour to live times t i, we ith the price currency is circulation should be limited a OI Strictly rear Bo 17S. or at off les of F per and securities. Our m.ieii for honds as employes CO., Postoffice centage per capita of population, the 00 POUTKKKIKI.D not issued by one institution, super- ITncle Sam. Attempts to double and L'lti W. livid. H Kent. 11$ South Third stroet vised by government, In the Inter- excess or emergency circulation to be surety bonds of fed- the triple the cost of SALK house; $r,0 cash ATTOUNKY9. est of the whole country. It Is issued covered by a sliding tax. proved a failure, al- Koi: Itepre-yente- d eral employes $10 per month. by 6,853 national banks, largo and Government .Must He lfoperly was scored all CASH I) though an advance PoKTKltFIKl.D CO.. R. W. D RYAN forty-si- x In the Directorate of small, scattered over states, along the line. This effort was frus V 10 W. Cold. Attorney at Law. each having the right to issue 01 Central Hank. Due li Bank Build and by the efforts ol the men tn-a- r Offlcs In First National Unless government Is properly trated KOK SA1.K (u le k park; withdraw circulation without the guid- the ed bv assistance of Siib-'- l resurer ing, Albuquerque. N w. In some the a bargain; 4 room brick, ti lots, a ance or restraint of any central au- represented In the directorate Mr. lioldenweck, in can never bo estab- Holdeiiwcck. barga in; brick. High- Jno. W. Wilson Jno. A. White thority. , form, the bank report to the treasury department In ureal lished. HELP WANTED Male. lands, a snap. W. H. McM illion, 211 All Commercial Hunks of Country WiiHhiniflon. went into the details of WILSON & WHITE, Its business should be to act as fis- companies and the W. Ilohl. Should He Included as Stockhold- agent government and as the claims of the Attorneys at Iiw. cal of the complaints of the men. Cpon the MKN l.KAKN barber tradeShort KOK SA1.K iuO acre rune.11 j,, tveos er in Central Hank: the depository oí its current funds, to required: graduates earn $U val- of report a riling was timo mountains; located In beaut rul lB-t- li exchange, to cir- strentfili this to Moler College, rtoom One objection frequently made to deal in foreign issue to $30 week. Barber 3 railway station; mode bv Mm department the effect ley, miles from M A N N culation, to discount for other hanks, surety l.os Angeles. poslolTlce; small portion KDWAKD A. "Jlli: a central bank Is the difficulty of deposits and to carry that the bonds of accredited iloro and Attorney at Iaw to accept their be accepted, provid WANTlil AT UNCI-- : Carpenters inder ditch; good reservoir site and lUdg 228 raising the necessary capital. This of their reserves. In 1908, companies would Pvoom 2, N.T. Armljo rhone the bulk ed premium rates were not in ex (111 Of course, when you heard tho Colburn's Krnpluymeiit Agency, 210 extensive iirlgatlmi possible; 300 Albuquerque. N. M. objection rests on the false assump- United States deposits in national the valley banks only should cess of 35 per cent more than had burglar coming into jour room you West Sliver Ave. teres under fence; laud out of tion that national bunks aggregated $125,000.000. The with pine, pinon, cedar and DKNTISTS be stockholders of the new bank. No been charged for several years prior alarmed the neighbors? Solicitor, and com- linbrred cash holdings of national banks, state WANTKD salary ami well sodded with grama nnd such bank would have the confidence lying to that time. Bill I never snored louder In 403 W. Central ink. PR. J E KRAFT banks and trust companies then agreement upon premi mission. Apply ibuudant grass for stock. Ideal for of public unless all the commer- $1,816,300,-0')0- . This close life. .S g Burgeon. the Idle in vault amounted V avenue. Monday a. ni. ngoru goats and cattle. Pure run-tin- Dental country in- um rates serves to explain the bitter I-- Í. Building. cial banks of the were one-ha- lf amount Rooms Burnett FhsM If of this latter year oin-c- one first-clas- s water and unrivalled cluded in it as stockholders. If t In- ness of the opposition during the ANOTHER THING. T1NNKIC Wanted at mountain 744. Appointments made by mlL were deposited . with a central bank QUITE erecting suction Hood house and buildings. state banks and the trust companies. commer- to new surety concerns, notably th tinner for 'límate. there would be unlocked for Casualty com pun v. or pipe wiiii Intersections. Wages 50c Price, $2,D00. W. W. Bacon, 721 ANI KUKOKON as well as the millón! hanks, had the $65S,000,O0O, u part of Consolidated PHYSICIANS cial use or 4 ave. right to subscribe to the extent of say ganized by liobcrt B. Armstrong, for per hour; weeks Job. Address Ozark a. u. Biioirn.E. m. D. which could be canceled. American secretary of the I'nited Smelting Mining Company, Mag- 10 per cent of their paid in capital,! carry in vault 10 per cent of mer assistant and Practice Limited ts banks rita! pa in Chicago. The east dalena. New Mexico. FOR SALE Miscellaneous the necessary capital would be their liabilities, European banks 4 per treasure Tuberculosis. forthcoming. In September. ern combine has carried on guerilla v.- Hours: 10 to 1Í. promptly coro". 100 Heating stovea chenp 1HW. Gold. 1908, there were C.S53 national banks. not, warfare upon these concerns, but tho WANTED Salesmen Agonti Koeims State Natl, Bank Bld. While a central bank will of much pounds 11,220 state banks and 84- - loan and course, or New Year will find the west vtha'TEI) HONEY. 10 for prevent young men to by --aVlToMON M D. trust companies, a total of 1SH5 in- less dependent upon the east for sure WANTKD Ambitious Í1: can for $5. Order L, BURTON. commercial failures, it will remove the salesmen. Kxpori-erie- e W. Allen, V. O. B01 202, Surgeon, stitutions engaged in commercial money tv hnnds and insurance than a year become traveling mall. P. Physician and t incentive for the hoarding oí -- banking. aggregate paid in ago. The Kansas State Bankers' unnecessary. Uritdstreet System, Mbuciuerepie, N. M. lulte 9, Burnett Building, Their and protect sound institutions against V. capital, exclusive of un- sociation has adopted the bonds of Dept. No. r.72. Itoeliesler. N. 00 Healing stoves cheap 111 W. Cold cffieo phone 17 Res. phone lttt surplus, and currency famines. N M A company, owing to its list 1st. We .,oiiiieriiie. divided profits, was $1,800,000,000. the Armstrong W ANTKlill ler for Jan. -- of barnyard of rates. man. on SALE All sorts 10 per cent subscription, payable in independe nce in the matter want a íüf.ll per month slaughter house fertlllnor VKTK.ltlNAKY Management of German State been found that the. premi money ($2.j) advanced. High-grad- e, and gold, would the new bunk with It has reen or thoroughly dry and pulver-- u. upon of Chicago ofll No sam- capital of J1SO,000,000. Railways. urns paid bonds permanent business. Delivered in quantities to sun to have been from $4 to $5 pe carry. No selling or collect- zed. W. J. HYDE, V. 8. No Institution should be allowed clals ples to .urchaser, in any part of the city Veterinary. control stock in excess of 10 per cent $1,000. It Is admitted by several city ing. Kxiieileme not 11 rciiulslie. No Graduate ddress phone 1403. 71 0B West Oeld. of Its own capital nor 11 excess oV 2 officials premiums on surety capital needed. Small bond reijulrcd. Phon. The railway systems of 1 that per stale cor municipal employes and of C. C. líooles, D., 100 He stoves che ap 114 W. Cold cent of the capital stock of the manv are managed upon two general bonds Write promptly. aling fleers have been Increased from 60 to t . central bank. principles. First, they are to serve the Dayton, mil SAuiü f.ewing machines, rock objection is 100 cent in the last year or two 11 Another familiar that general interests of domestic and ex tier SAl.KSMAX ICxpcii.'ticod any line era. bedstead complete, sofa, R. L. GUYNN city pays the bill. For 111 Mexi- the control would become centralized ternal trade, and second, they are to and that the to sell general trade New tools and chest; cheap. 8 and and Decorster. or politically warped. This is merly each city officer or employe was proposi- rtntr the 11 co. An unexcelled specially I p.ullding. show satisfactory profit. The Prus bis own bond Grant Phon list Borne objection which was made in in 1908 reouired to furnish and tion. Vacancy after January 1st. sian railway administration pay 00 Healing Inven cheap i 14 W.jQold Europe when the private issuers of the premium. $n,1.00 weekly for l.K lowered its regular freight tariffs for - Commissions with $G0 currency for the several were There are about twenty surety com ' KOK-SA- - I ndian" MolorcJ clu nations 04 per cent of the traffic, in order to . expenses. The Continental Jewelry clcaniii done at tlnic-honore- Why not your called upon to surrender their d espe panics doing a general business in the W Cleveland, Ohio. 1010 S. Walle r. 4 lmc serve thL. exigencies of trade, by Co., privilege. is same ob- country, whose bonds are accepted I you to 1 14 W. Gold It the dally export trade, during a period of Irale Kal her don't want AN to sell staple Hue to all :00 Healing stoves cheap Tim jection which was In coun- government. Nearly all of these SAI.KSM made this commercial depression. The govern the visit my house again, sir. contract; commis-M-ui- try and inex- companies are members of the com dealers; attractive MOW MI.XKtl tl.l.AMNtJ WORKS when crudo politics the ment is in a position in Germany to Young .Man (affably It i not your expenses. Hustler FOR SALE Furniture perience of the people wiped out the bine which Is known as the Surety As advanced for influence the whole machinery of 1 visit, sir. hut your daughter. with clean record wanted. K. K. Where we have the Second Bank of the United States in as no sociation of America. The prlnclj WAN TKI ÍFuTiiirñFc to repair. W. A trade and transportation other Company, Detroit. Mich. to-ili- it i;ice and At r.OK. Most up- - thoil of tuniliii? the bygone days of Andrew Jackson. government in world can do, and members of the association are: Golf Co.. phone - thu company. WÁ i'i - e las salesman for out work pi iptl.V and wills- And it is the identical objection which must be taken into account American Bonding Bunk FAMILY LIKENESSES. NT L'Írst Nolliing too del- by this fact company. Kmpire Mexico territory to sell staple fin torlly. was subsequently made the old compet ers' Surety State New FOR SALE Livestock. UK e when other peoples think of new and exception- icate for handle. state banks when their abused right Ing on equal terms with tho Germans Surety company, Federal I'nlon Sure line on absolutely . Due having successful spo- ,.'oli SA1.K Kltie slcitfle driver and to "issue currency was about to bo in the far east or in South America. ty company, Fidelity and Deposit al transferred to the new national banks. company, Illinois Surety company. il; llj experience preferred. Attrac- rubber tired buggy, cheap. Inquire r all i'k The administration of the railways. containing lib- We call for nuil ilclio He who believes that nn American mines, Title Guaranty and Surety company. tive 'contract for li'lo I1B West Silver. telegraphs, telephones, and the clause, itefor-enee- s central bank is politically impossible public domains by the stake is possl- - National Surety company, T'nited eral weekly udxunee v(iiiiiD Jersey cow for Mile; will be 1 Miles K. Uixler Co., 17'- 1 PI fails to grasp the situation. Kor it hyo only through civil servants Surety company, I'nited Stales Fidel- required. fresh In February. Iminlre at 218 Hit W. (edil Au. Plmiio -' or trained MIL Ohio. the vice of the present system that it The efficiency of state-manag- mines ity and Guaranty company. y$ Cleveland. south Walter St. Inevitably to of According to testimony brought tends centralization and factories in competition with pri the F Ml SAI.K I team of inures; will SANTA FE TIME TABLE. bonking power. permits larger out congressional hearings In Wash- ! It the vately owner enterprises in Germany at HELP WANTED Female ride or drive. W. C. 1 , Journal. proportion of the circulation to be is- the ington the 300 per cent advance in conns from the character of 1,1-- A sued retired at the option of the rates was the result of a Ft S. - l.l'iHI pon ml horse. and bureaucracy. This permanent civil discovered COMKKTKNT housekeeper wanted. it 7 11. large banks, of which Is in meeting of representatives of the com- D. Johnson, phone the stock service is one of the greatest glories Call lOli West Central avenue. comparatively few hands, and it of Germany, and one of the most pow panies In the association. Bond ofi'i-- 1 FOR SA L.K Meo penile pollj, - bouse-work- . W. 11. Million. 211 makes the currency supply of twelve erful of reasons upiioiuing iiic inim- Us who appeared before the com- WANTKD ' il l for general anil driver. Mc thousand state institutions absolutely a mittee insisted that the advance was 1114 West Central avenue. W. Gobi. archical principle in " (huti-son- d by agreement Iffl " dependent upon the will of six form rn Germany. The 1'russiun not made but admitted national institutions, notwith- model of the older that it was the result of "an Inter- BUSINESS CHANCES bureaucracy, the WANTED Positions. (Effective November 14, 1909 ) standing that the deposits of tho for- states. Is the creation of the change of experience. The bond of- U'lMrt. tiermuii $1.2.ri PKK W11KD Inserís elasslficd .rum lite tui- -l Arrive. mer exceed those of the latter by during cen ficials complained that they had not Cat. 7.45 p io p Ilohenzollern family three POSITION WANTKD Competent ads, :i leading papers In the V. S. S.i. 1. Weuiti.rn Biprem.. In (.'allf-rn- Í400.000.000. had been developed und im been making money and that unless stenographer, experienc- Tin- - Advertising No. 3. l. Mm.t.rt ....lltjjp 1:JP tulles. It young ladv Send for list. Dake l. .10.66 V 1 Why II0111U .Selling sover were increased the exist- or tcmpor-ar- N,i. 7. North l Tint MIL. tiovernment Are 1, roved under all the efficient their rntes ed, will accept permanent Agency, 4:'7 South Main street. Lot 1:1 1'hmi T1..I11 1 MM!. ae on a False Ilnsls. elgns of the Ilohensollcrn line, such ence of the companies was In peril. position. 'Phone Angeles. Cal. N'.i 'Jl. Kl Tu' i'UHfeenffer. . . No.' lt:V Government bonds arc selling upon Elector and Frederick In contrast to this statement Con- two . t;i P. Me. City Ksp.lliStP tb Great FOK SAI.K - 'I'lllee bolels. HI"; UVmI .1 false basis they are deposit- a principle gressman Tawney submitted a state- W I'rean the no :!5 because the Great, and it has been WANTED Miscellaneous eery stores nnd one restaurant. N.. a. hielOÍ' fleet fwll I - .20 P ed with the government by Hie na- of policy of the Jlohen- ment of profit made by the various IN. Ilol.-- Deliver, So. 4. t I1I1.UKM I. Imite .1 t :60 P th nrlvate ', Futridle- - room 46 7:2 p do- S. ('III. Kan 1'1'y Exp.. p tional banks which issue currency at xnllei-- familv to rule through a body companies, showing that all wore WANTKD Plumbing to repair. W. 'No phone 4:iJ. Vlllll-j- r 'Irillll" pnr upon deposit, rt is claimed place In the ing well. "vVhv iio you have such an ugly ol f í 'o., MiS. IVeein the of eicll servants whose A. plome Nu. ml, AmnriiK It' iwoll nj by tho national banks, and rightly sc, slate is iia honorable as that of tlx dog?" WANTKD To rent or base li or T PERSONAL f,rl.l.ail ...... llll that they would lose millions of dol- army, perhaps It would be mon wir.' faiici'd him: said p. N11. B12. fre.m Oirlnlenil. - or AN ANALYSIS OP AM i:i IIC.W "Well, niv room house, (. I'.ox :i. .ll Kiel Anmrillu ....11 55 P lars upon their bonds, if the change lust to say as ranking next to the !l s reminded Ium- of an uncle whi: SKK Iteulty Co., before henith 111 iinFH WAN TKI I órs "clip. Wright's Southwestern From the " was to asset In nuit "t N . "'let P made an circulation. armv. The nonpartisan administra "l ". buy r. a to. "'' If 4MllCl.... was In tl'.e ra.isage :: W ml csla 05 7 : bond-secure- d Kidiinr School. silver. N 10, til., A K. C. Kl. s October, 1808, the outstanding tivo bode, with its own disciplinary leri. linvinh Mr. l.owe claims. In effect, that KKI.I A HI.K nib bib- age, lady can net N11. 10 t Ijony with circulation was $32.000,000. courts for cutting out of the public Ap- I na t " ,uc1 K I home Willi elderlj couple. until Honia of 0 per cent, or Íár.4,ni0.000. who uses his of farce and not comedy Is the measure WANTED Real Estate im, Now which service any member ple W Pacific lata la M"iiee. . a private inter WANT ADS. GET RESULTS (li WILLIAM RAT.FOttR. .IlL ficial position to favor of American humorous appreciation; WANTKD To buv a small ranch. his own or that of another, est. either and that "a fine discernment of the Address Small I;. inch, cure Journal. FOR RENT has kept the civil service up to a code , Dwcllinjs Territory of New Mexico, In absurd" Is raro among us as conipar-a- -K of honor that can be compared the pi "li- oí'-- and FOR SALE Off!''" of tho Secretary, mm-- , perhaps, be sum- i;'r" shingle roof adfibe United Scale otily to too. cn:c?. reí wHt liouscs, ruruiblied eir iinfurniwlicel. SIMIO navy. Elmer treeK. corner lot, latin the Brmy and the med up as a boisterous recognition of liKNT The most sanitary ano W. V. Futrelle. room D, Hotel Den- ihndo eb Miscellaneous Certificate. liolierts In Scribnt r. Poli lands, close In. the lncongduous. And doubtless he 1s rooms at tho Itlo Grand ver. Phone 4!'. good stone . - $1(1(10 - adobe, í - 111 v I, Jaffa, secretary right. There is certainly, for instance, 51! West central Olí- II :. T Pi aclie eilh roof, cornet Nathan of Seini-Proclo- u foundation, shingla a own fiirni-the- el the Territory of New Mexico, Stonc. marked difference between our KOI i I : K NT Large furnished room cottage', feu Iioiihi keeping Tin- - center for the manipula' Knglish lot. North 4th St. do hereby certify chief and the method of presenting for housekeeping If desired. 700 W. IJII I So. lalll II. brick, shndfl and that: seml-preclo- In $1.100 tion of stones Ger the humor of those odd examples of Ave Hroad- - Whereas, on the 2!th day of Until Itoma Fi'P' KKN'T - iii.i'lern bou'..', fruit trees, large barn, B. mnnv Ik in the Rhine province. personality that we call "characters." ..e,,(l1lMllMllIIH'HW!iia.1 H. March, A. U, 1909, the Albu- Important KOI! KKN'T Two large nicely furn- furnlfeh. d Other c.iiei! bou. vcay. at Oh'TFteln and Idar an We in America are neither poor in P. UM. I' CO.. elec-tri- querque Citizen was designated hail ished rooms, single or en suite. 'Hi iKTKRI frame, bath, industry has been created, which oncer types nor backward in exploit- i W. Oold. $0( close In. as the Official Newspaper of dye- North Seventh ft. lights; Highlands, inception in cutting and ing It Is - New Mexico, and its the them. But our literary habit FiTiri-:N'- 4. and easv terms. deposits a1-'- ". ing of nativo agate, the chief to emphasize their ciueerness and to KKNT Nicely furnished front run.i.'-heel- re modern, Whereas, said Albuquerque pres- Kolt beuise. "He 817UO - frame. of which are now exhausted. At let their normal hunianness (If it is room in n.-- mod.-r- concri let home. W. H Me Million, W lino. Citizen has ceased puUicatlon; chief- rooms. :ll fourth ward, to ar car ent imported stones are bundled lucky enough to get into picture No oth'-- roomers. ll Now, therefore, public notice the (Iilldien and ho Cold. 17.-- bungalow, modem ly, coming principally from Eng- as your il d. 1.030. Is hereby (riven that; In com- these serve background: whereus I.udy Phone " t America. Although South Walter pliance with ac t ion 9, chapter land and South Kugli.shmaii. in a like case, will, nine '.L' N01 in 1th FORWENT brick, mod- agate only was droand and colored In go at way MsceJlaneous $050 7'J of tho laws of 1309. requir- times out of ten. it the other I We front rooms and boarel ern, good cellar, highland 1 11 v. ing Secretary 111.- earlv year of this Industry, at about and. by placing their essentia) si i;i:r as ot young nun. all WsfTriTT: km wT A.1Tff &co. brii k.mndern, laigr the of the Terri- . Suitable for four fZK.V of mes are pre- r c f''".1. tory to dcslenete an Official present nil clashes humanity in the foreground, leave the m ot lu 11. u-- baked and w an prove modern; reasonable rates. Apply lilSIá phone' "cellar, corner lot. K Coal av.. In th s. however, KIStTNi! "jour nial with uh you Newspaper of New Mexheo: the pared for market. absurdity of their oddness to dawn It If you let us. The bin batch bak-.- W. Cold. I'.V terms only in forming ' ': K. the art consists not laughably upon a finer discernment. - sure results Southwestern ory brie Albuquerque- Morning day I.OVV popu'.!- it 111 nislu-- room. .',!.) W. lire S2elO.(Hl stone, but i:i giving it color de- fresh ci'i Shows Kolt KKNT jr.T. l'i Is hereby designated ax auch the rough It is only fair to say In our own No sick. ICeallV Co. Photli- nioilern, hardwood floors, near v. w women who formerly did Ace f ;.er month. Official New sniper New as well. It "as first learned thai the fense, however, that if we are some- is. n line. 4th ward. qf be car Mexico. natural color of agate .cold what slow leiitnini; to ,ro liee the their owi baking. Try a loaf or so of FOR RENT Storerooms. Several good pieces of buslneM by mak-ii- " III. Toil 'Oiled changed by firing, and then that method, we to be I le" s ts houses In all Given under ny hn and subtler it an y...t'll :te the u. re - property. and Jd in a solu- ' j.i.-- bes 1ep111r. il tin- rhh Miss j Ti iKK 1: M for rent. Apply Wright and the Great Seal ol the T rito.-- warming the dr"sscd f.,nes progress in esteeminu it. We huvi ,,.- - '.ciiii bono; baking rart f the city Tlanchei coating hot he an,' Youeig md .4 now off mi bis hone) tbhe e.ffl.e. of New Mexico tt the I ity of tion of sugar or honey and long, to cite ,1 simple case. given a suburban lioire. Mii)f to Icau. e d acids cr. memo." Santa Fe. the Capital. w 1 them with vaiioii encéntrate appreciation to w. v Jacobs, mis a I rcrtilv iloat know whether one MISCELLANEOUS fourth day of Ottober.j K. V. which carbonme the suirar, color who may be described in tills resarcí A. FLEISCHER it o k s moon or tils . t more porous I!. Kcr-foo- t. boiii'l all J. hoiio Insurant 1 was imparted to the as writing for beginner. J. " ríanse open j Real Folate iu. -- BAKERY harvest moon Hosioii Transcript. MCSICAf. klnderlcnrten (Seal) NATHAN trata, while in the ease of ugale the In Bvei body's. PIONEER ! an. I IocTbin.H Pnrt'tT nonds JAIIfa. both in lllerhlnn.H 111 Kucretar impenetrable, crystalline strata " S. PfCe.n.l St. rhonK of kw ji xlco. . :'" '"'' tilt. Inter thin hrr.-.r- Prolyl lournnl Want Ads. Gel RecuUi 207 Soulli Flist Street. Try a MrmisVj Journal Want Ad Slates l..r K' p'Tt. 7V JL EL isa 11 1

going make this Sale We are to a With plenty of cold weather still genuine hummer owing to the fact ahead of us these prices here quo- big stock hand that we have a on ted will undoubtedly be appreciated which must and will be sold TireinnieinidoMS Poce. Ciuiitftm En All Ones of Winter Goods Sweater Coats Men's Suits and Overcoats Underwear New lines just opened up Regardless of cost or value. We have 50 dozen of 150 Suits and Overcoats, all of this Season make worth $1 5.00, $16,00 Values up to 3.00 green tagged assorted wool underwear worth up to 2 00 each, $1.90 and $ 1 8.00, now on sale Values up to 5.00 green tagged 2.90 Green Tagged, per garment, 95 CGntS Per Suit or Green Tagged 50 dozen fleece lined extra heavy worth 75 cents, Boy's Sweater Coats Overcoat $10.7IS Tagged, per garment, cents worth up to $1. 75 Green 45 Cents Green Tagged 95 You will have to come early to get one of these for they are the big- gest values ever offered here Neckwear Men's Shirts I 50 Suits and Overcoats fully guaranteed as to quality and formerly

Choice Bows. String sold at $18.00, $20.00, and $22.50, 100 dozen 50 dozen assorted SHIRTS Tics and Four-i- n hands worth 35 Per Suit or worth up to $1.00 and 50 cents, Green Tagged Overcoat SI 47 Green Tagged Green Tagged 2O CtS. 45 cents 50 dozed Choicest Four-i- n hands Hart Schaffner & Marx V , . 4 sold up to $1 25. each Values up to 1.50. including 200 Choice Suits or Overcoats are reduced as follows: fine Percale stiff bosoms. Green Tagged GO CGlltS Worth $22.50 and $24.00, Green Tagged, $18.50 Green Tagged Worth 25.00 and 26.50, Green Tagged, 20.50 95 Cents Green Tag Specials Worth 28.00 and 30.00, Green Tagged. 22.50 Cluet Coat Shirts worth 2.00. Hoy's Knee Pants, size 3 to 8 green tagged 2Sc Green Tagged $1.40 Boy's Knee Pants 9 to 14 green tagged SOc Young Men's Suits These are plain pants and prices arc about 3 original value. Sizes 1 4 to 19 years, as follows: Green Tag Specials Worth $12.00 and $14.00. Green Tagged, $8.75 Men's Flannel and Corduroy Shirts at Green Tag Boy's Flannel Waists Prices. Worth 1 5.00 and 1 8.00, Green Tagged, 12.75 Values up to 90 cents. Green Tagged 35 Cents Boy's School Suits Fancy Vests 3.50 values, green tagged $1.5O D! I' ín . c . i . rf r T i ro I lain rviice am ouus worm up 10 pu.uu, vjrecn laggeu, p.uutr 4.50 values, green tagged 2.50 Men's Hose Knickerbocker Pant Suits worth up to $7.00, Green Tagged, 4.75 Black and Tan Nose worth 15cts. 20 dozen assorted MEN'S HATS Green Tagged; Men's Trousers worth up to 3.00, 3 pair for 25 cents Worth $2.50 and $3.00, Green Tagged, $1.90 Green Tagged $1.40 Worth 3.50 and 4.50, Green Tagged, 2.90 Worth 4.50 and 5.50, Green Tagged, 3.90 Big Price Reductions on Smoking Jackets at less than Fancy Hosiery Worth 6.00 and 6.50, Green Tagged, 4.90 Half Price We can save you money on nearly everything that Man or Boy wears during this SALE, and ask you to call and see us and compare our prices with others. If anything, you will find that we do more than we advertise. The Central The Central Avenue (tffT(Tl Avenóe CLOTHIER i CLOTHIER

' i' . Ii. u

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