Sommer School – UPV/EHU The development of skills for employability at OWL university Prof. Dr. Stefan Vörtler
[email protected] Head Learning Center – KOM Campus Lemgo Domostia – San Sebastian, 14.7.2017 Prof. Dr. Stefan Vörtler 1 Employability meets Teaching („Humboldt-Ideal“) Prof. Dr. Stefan Vörtler 2 Employability meets Teaching („Humboldt-Ideal“) Misconcepts of students Heterogeneity Flipped Classroom Blended Learning Financing Education Decoding the disciplines SoTL Peer Instruction Just in time teaching New Study-Models Prof. Dr. Stefan Vörtler 3 1. Framework 2. Chances & Challenges 3. Visions 1. Framework 2. Chances & Challenges 3. Visions Titel Teaching, Learning, and the Generation Z Shift from teaching… …to learning (from wikipedia Prof. Dr. Stefan Vörtler 6 1. Framework Needs & Wishes of the Empoyers 2. Chances & Challenges 3. Visions Titel Competencies for Employment DIHT survey - 2004 HS-OWL Prof. Dr. Stefan Vörtler 8 FieldsTitel of employment for graduates Production/ Technical Services Research & Management Marketing & Finances & Development Distribution Controlling Employment in the dept. … Degree in …. Economics Law Humanities Math & Sciences Engineering Employed university graduates in different company areas according to field of studies in percent DIHT Erwartungen an Hochschulabsolventen, 2004 Ergänzende Befragung IHK Dresden bei 164 Betrieben mit 21600 Beschäftigten, 2004, Seite 1 HS-OWL Prof. Dr. Stefan Vörtler 9 Titel Important fields of compentences Professional and methodological competences Unimportant 1, very important 5 Analytical & Learning Knowledge Research Decision Making competence in other competencies disciplines General Broad professional Professional knowledge academic experience knowledge DIHK Erwartungen an Hochschulabsolventen, 2004, Seite 8 HS-OWL Prof.