Sommer School – UPV/EHU The development of skills for employability at OWL university

Prof. Dr. Stefan Vörtler [email protected] Head Learning Center – KOM Campus

Domostia – San Sebastian, 14.7.2017

Prof. Dr. Stefan Vörtler 1 Employability meets Teaching („Humboldt-Ideal“)

Prof. Dr. Stefan Vörtler 2 Employability meets Teaching („Humboldt-Ideal“)

Misconcepts of students Heterogeneity Flipped Classroom Blended Learning Financing Education Decoding the disciplines SoTL Peer Instruction Just in time teaching New Study-Models

Prof. Dr. Stefan Vörtler 3 1. Framework 2. Chances & Challenges 3. Visions 1. Framework 2. Chances & Challenges 3. Visions Titel

Teaching, Learning, and the Generation Z Shift from teaching…

…to learning (from wikipedia Prof. Dr. Stefan Vörtler 6 1. Framework Needs & Wishes of the Empoyers 2. Chances & Challenges 3. Visions Titel

Competencies for Employment

DIHT survey - 2004

HS-OWL Prof. Dr. Stefan Vörtler 8 FieldsTitel of employment for graduates

Production/ Technical Services

Research & Management Marketing & Finances & Development Distribution Controlling

Employment in the dept. …

Degree in …. Economics Law Humanities Math & Sciences Engineering

Employed university graduates in different company areas according to field of studies in percent

DIHT Erwartungen an Hochschulabsolventen, 2004 Ergänzende Befragung IHK Dresden bei 164 Betrieben mit 21600 Beschäftigten, 2004, Seite 1 HS-OWL Prof. Dr. Stefan Vörtler 9 Titel Important fields of compentences

Professional and methodological competences

Unimportant 1, very important 5

Analytical & Learning Knowledge Research Decision Making competence in other competencies disciplines General Broad professional Professional knowledge academic experience knowledge DIHK Erwartungen an Hochschulabsolventen, 2004, Seite 8 HS-OWL Prof. Dr. Stefan Vörtler 10 Titel Important fields of compentences

Social competences and abilities

Unimportant 1, very important 5

Operational readiness; Dealing with Communication Intercultural readiness for Responsibility criticism action Team player, Dealing with competences cooperation conflicts Leadership DIHK Erwartungen an Hochschulabsolventen, 2004, Seite 10 HS-OWL Prof. Dr. Stefan Vörtler 11 1. Framework 2. Chances & Challenges 3. Visions Four Locations – One University

Lemgo Höxter … and joined together as CampusOWL U (23600 S, 2700 M, 256 Mio €), FH Bielefeld (9800 S, 660 M, 70 Mio €), HfM Detmold (740 S, 300 M, 15 Mio €), HS OWL (6700 S, 700 M, 44 Mio €) U (19900 S, 2300 M, 203 Mio €) Seminar Building „Detmolder Schule“

Detmold Hannover Berlin

Cologne Region Ostwestfalen- OWL (eastern Westfalia and Lippe)

Prof. Dr. Stefan Vörtler 15 . Region with 13 Universities – 55.000 Students . 350.000 Capita, 100.000 in full-social insured jobs (first job market), 30% in industry . >100 Patente/100.000 Capita, Average in NRW: 38 . 1400 Companies from Small or medium sized (KMU) up to leading world-players . Export quota 48%

(Zahlen: Statistisches Landesamt NRW, Daten aus 2012/13)

Prof. Dr. Stefan Vörtler 16 Ostwestfalen University of Applied Sciences: . 9 Faculties, ~6600 Studierenden, ~500 scientific staff of which: 60 PhD-students, 175 Professors . Lemgo (Le) E-Technik, Maschinenbau, Medienproduktion, LifeScienceTechnol., techn. Informatik, Wirt.-& Produktionstech Le

. Detmold (Dt) Detmolder Schule Archi-tektur Dt und Innenarchitektur, Bau.-Ing . Höxter (Hx): Umwelt.-Ing, Landschafts- Hx architekten & planer, angw. Informatik . Warburg (Wa), Studienort) BWL für KMU als Wa Duales Studium . NRW founded in 2009 4 new Polytechnics plus 6 Studienorte bestehender eingerichtet

(Zahlen: Strat. Hochschulentwicklung, HS OWL 2016)

Prof. Dr. Stefan Vörtler 17 Network Example: BMBF Spitzencluster „it‘s owl“

174 Cluster-Partner

• 24 Kernunternehmen (Investitionen in Industrielle Innovationsprojekte) Informationstechnik . 80 Basisunternehmen (Beteiligung an Transferprojekten)

. 22 Engineering- und Consulting-Unternehmen (Multiplikatoren)

. 17 Hochschulen & Kompetenzzentren

. 30 wirtschaftsnahe 2012: 24 Mitbewerber, Organisationen 4 andere Cluster-Regionen: Individualmedizin (Rhein-Neckar) Elektromobilität (Stuttgart) Unternehmen Hochschulen und Carbon-Werkstoffe (München) WirtschaftsnaheForschungseinrichtungen Einrichtungen (Brancheninitiativen, Biomasse (Sachsen) IHKs, Wirtschaftsförderungseinrichtungen u. a.)


Prof. Dr. Stefan Vörtler 19 Titel

Bridges to student success !


(Quelle NZ-Online)

Prof. Dr. Stefan Vörtler 20 Main Topics

KOM & Learning Teaching Teachers training, Life Long Learning School development Continuing Education Evaluation & Research 1. Framework 2. Chances & Challenges 3. Visions The University Environment

 Economic stronghold in small and medium size businesses („Mittelstand“)

 High density of „Hidden Champions“, but big players as well (Dr. Oetker, Bertelsmann, Miele, )

 Strong regional orientation of students and the work force in general; regional education outreach but national and international reputation depending on the field

 Education is generally highly respected, requested and regarded; high figures in “first generation students” (average ~65% ); Recent Trends in German Higher Education . More students: 51 % of an age group is studying, more than entering the vocational education system.

. “Universities of applies sciences (FH)” becoming more popular: since 2005 beginners increased by 60%; student share between FH and U is approaching 40:60 rather than 30:70 as in the 1990s

. Number of students more then doubled since 2000 in Lemgo (from ~1500 to ~3800), corresponding to the all- time-high in student numbers in

. Growing heterogeneity: between 2010 and 2016 66% of freshman are „First Generation Students“ Studierende der ersten Generation Studierende der ersten Generation

One Size DOES NOT Fit All

Lehrzentrierter Blick Studierendenzentrierter Blick CiiContinuing Learning Research Education

Pre- and Bridging Study methods PM course Scientific Studies Courses

Guided Mentoring School Education Evaluation Studygroups

Profession guided eMentoring Project Weeks


Continous development of further topics! topics! further of development Continous

Thesis Organization, C.V. Preparation, Preparation, C.V. Organization, Thesis

Graduation and Job Entry Job and Graduation ►

Readings Strategies, Text-knowledge Strategies, Readings

Reading Efficency Reading ►

etrWitn,EfcetCommunication Efficient Wrinting, Better

Writing Laboratory Laboratory Writing ►

Learning Strategies, Work & Time Management Time & Work Strategies, Learning

fetv erig etrLearning Better Learning, Effective ► Study Methods Study


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Titel 1. Framework 2. Chances & Challenges 3. Visions Demands from partners and the society  High demands on expertise and experience in the respective field but as well in soft skills

 Graduates (university alumnis) have no longer or at least a reduce time of ajustment to a new job or new project; as a expectations to perform immediately is high

 Often not a replacement of all ready existing duties/ tasks – rather project like new job descriptions/ layouts

 Vanishing traditional life-long employment and working relations to just one employer

 Remains open: employee engagement; finding the right employee and keeping it within the company; leadership, (…) Hallmarks of changing student generations  Dissolving barriers between work and leisure time; Convergence of communication and media use (…)

 Focus on „making sense and making an impact“ in; maintaing high degrees of freedom

 Cooperative Communcation – „sharing economy“

 Digital is dominating; knowledge is available where- ever and when-ever; excuses and allows one owns part knowledge

 Remaining unsolved: Leadership, decision-making, hirarchial communication etc.

What are the consequences to the general study- programs and ways of working? Changes*

■ Student Orientation: Docent as Coach, making individual „offers“ and advices ■ Outcome-Orientation, thinking about DropOut quota, accompaning the transition, stronger focus of the gouverment on these issues ■ Questioning the Effect of Teaching aside of Evaluation ■ Questioning the value for society, „Third Mission“ aside of Teaching and Research: Transfer as well ■ Competion between higher education insitutions – and systems in differnt countries - as well as private universities ■ Tendency to more specialized degrees

(*… to be seen as discussion points) Example: Thinking with-in the Taxonomy

[Bloom (1972), Taxonomie von Lernzielen im kognitiven Bereich]

Prof. Dr. Stefan Vörtler 34 Example: Constructive Alignment (after Biggs) Learning Outcome What are students able to do AFTER visiting the course?

Testing Teaching and Learning How are the test structured and Which teaching and learning designed in order to JUDGE if methods will help to REACH the the learning outcomes are reached? proposed learning outcomes?

[ ProfiLehre TUM,] Prof. Dr. Stefan Vörtler 35 Example: Work on complex tasks – like writing a thesis

[ Kruse (2007): Schreib- und Forschungsprozess im Überblick;Arbeitsstelle für Hochschuldidaktik, Zürich] Prof. Dr. Stefan Vörtler 36 Taxonomy of Projects at the university

MINT- Mentoring Student Projects (OWL MaschBau) (ReEng)

Semester- (Vor-) Projects Labor- Praktikum Werkstudent praktika INCREASING degrees of freedom (topic, content, format) DECREASING curricular fixation (acceptance for ECTS?)

Studienarbeit/ Projektarbeit Projects (third party) BA/MA Projectweek with a Professor Thesis Planspiel/ Virtual Business Game Companies

Prof. Dr. Stefan Vörtler 37 Example: Dual Studies

►How many companies offer dual studiy- options?

Prof. Dr. Stefan Vörtler 38 Example: Dual Studies ►Total number of dual study programs in all fields of studies in all universities in Germany (up to 2013; at present: over 1200)

Prof. Dr. Stefan Vörtler 39 Example: Dual Studies - Models ►From practice to theory

►Alternation every 3 month

Prof. Dr. Stefan Vörtler 40 Example: Dual Studies - Models ►From practice to theory

►Alternation every 3 month

Prof. Dr. Stefan Vörtler 41 Example: Dual Studies – Models (II) ►Study locations ►Franchise Study Program - chemistry as main topic - for trained Laboratory Technicians - partnering with scientific publisher Springer-Nature

Prof. Dr. Stefan Vörtler 42 Example: Dual Studies – Models (II): Chemistry (B.Sc.)

Prof. Dr. Stefan Vörtler 43 Anwendung: Burning Man Pavillon, Nevada 2017 Studierenden Team: - Architektur & Innenarchitektur - Elektrotechnik - Life Science Technologies - Technische Informatik - Medienproduktion

(Kontakt [email protected] ;

Prof. Dr. Stefan Vörtler 44 Anwendung: Burning Man Pavillon, Nevada 2017

(Kontakt [email protected] ;

Prof. Dr. Stefan Vörtler 45 Example: Production techniques & optimization Card-Board-Engineering

Prof. Dr. Stefan Vörtler 46 Example: Smart Factory OWL Industry 4.0 at the University

Prof. Dr. Stefan Vörtler 47 1. Framework 2. Chances & Challenges 3. Visions Example: Lead Concept „Decoding the Disciplines“ Bottleneck Expert-View

Share, Distribute & get better Modelling

Measurement Try &

Feedback (David Pace, Joan Middendorf (Indiana U),

Motivation Prof. Dr. Stefan Vörtler 49 Example: Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL)

Prof. Dr. Stefan Vörtler 50 Example: Neuropsychology, Neurodidactics - get the brain „jumoing“ Our Brain= most important organ in metabolism, trained to be most efficient energy wise ► No plain recepies – an no miracles, just training ► Find out what works best for you and your learning A general view is:: ► ‚Brain-conform‘ work is to work connected, linking : the information using existing knowledge, pictures, emotions (…) ► the brain cannot be trained to be more efficient - it is not „trainable“ to perform better, since many areas are “unused” sind – but it can be trained to perform tasks more efficient ►the connections and the network is dynamic, it can grow and it can be lost – thus using the brain helps (example: musicians)

Prof. Dr. Stefan Vörtler 51 Examplel: (Radical) Change of study & teaching formats CORE-Conzept of the (private) SRH Hochschule, Heidelberg CORE = Competence Oriented Research and Education

Prof. Dr. Stefan Vörtler 52 Example: Chances in the adressat Generation X to Y and Z (and back…)

(Abb.: McCrindle Research, Forcast & Strategy 2012)

Prof. Dr. Stefan Vörtler 53 - Parenthesis 2 -

►What do you remember of this presentation?

(1) Which color had the bridge in the beginning?

(2) How many weeks dedicated to projects are running?

(3) What happens to the water level if you are in rowing boat …… ☺

Prof. Dr. Stefan Vörtler 54 Vielen Dank für Ihre Aufmerksamkeit! Thank you very much for your attention! Gracias por su atencion!

Prof. Dr. Stefan Vörtler

Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe KOM - Institut für Kompetenzentwicklung [email protected] +49 (0) 5261 – 702 - 5352