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3-16-1988 Lanthorn, vol. 22, no. 24, March 16, 1988 Grand Valley State University

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This Issue is brought to you for free and open access by the Lanthorn, 1968-2001 at ScholarWorks@GVSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in Volume 22 by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@GVSU. For more information, please contact [email protected]. N t ’ W S 1 .1 p S U I t ((pinion Calvin and Hope ,Sports Sen p. S for the Vol.22 Issue No.24 March 16, 1988 yorey (Clads Grand Valley State Universiy, Allendale, Ml News Room Advertising Manager (616) 895-3120 (616) 895-3608

Eberhard Center Open For Class This Spring^ By Kurt Ogrodzinski News Writer

Classes have been scheduled for the new L.V. Eberhard Center, downtown. The nine- story center will offer classes in computer science, engineering, education and business, among others. Enrollment is now being accepted for the Spring/Summer term. "Classes are already more than filled at night," said Provost for GVSU, Glenn Niemeyer. "The bulk of the classes at the new center will be offered at night from 6 to 9:00 p.m. There will not be a lot of classes run during the day and there will be a select few on Saturday.” Though the building boasts nine stories, only 25 rooms will be used as actual classrooms. The remainder of the building will be used for other purposes. One of these uses includes housing Grand Valley’s two television stations, WGVU channel 35 and WGVK channel 52, which (lop) The railroad bridge after being reconstructed. Now with opening of the center it will used as a footbridge for students attending occupies the entire eighth floor. The classes downtown. stations will no longer be run from (above) The bridge before being reconstucled. Photo/ Denn\ Kraai Allendale, according to Chuck Furman, Assistant General Manager for West teleconference facilities occupy one wing of for courses being offered under these management, physics, poliucal science, Michigan Public Broadcasting. This will the new center. headings. psychology, public administration and all give Grand Valley’s broadcasting capabilities Courses for the Spring/Summer 1988 Classes scheduled for the Fall 1988 term the courses listed under the Spring Summer more reach with in the Grand Rapids term include classes in accounting, include various courses in public relations, term. See the class schedules for specific market. advertising, business, communications, computer science, criminal justice, courses being ottered under these headings. The new center will also offer conference education, finance! hospitality and tourism economics, engineering, film and video, The dedication of the building, which has arid teleconference facilities. There are management, liberal studies, management, health science, history, industrial already been graced as the L.V. Eberhard already teleconferences scheduled for lawyers nursing, stxnal work, sociology, social technology, manufacturing, marketing, Center, will take place on Friday, April 29. and technicians, according to Furman. Hie science and taxation. See the class schedule mathematics, occupational and safety

Student Senate inquires with Old Kent

GV May Get Automatic Teller a" » ’ • ♦ ri- 'if— ft* ■ . Mt-\ Grand Valley students will soon have would begin to have access to the machines accot/nls at, whether they had an ATM card, f !jv ■ ’f!ttit ft* « r an par:s . "tdidaie money at their fingeitips. it ( (Id Kent Bank and if they would use an ATM machine on if Old Kent made a favorable decision, or ».:h ’ ; v ae- ••u: of 140 approves a plan to place Automatic feller campus About 1000 of the surveys were what the cost of putting in machines would r.f! > a pt ,,J 1- ’ • t ! s h» ■ h.; t 1 with 14 Machines on the Grand Valley State returned to Old Kent Bank, which is now be. "There are too many variables right '• a.'* ' - v i ,x h while Campus. The machines would allow reviewing the surveys before making a now for me to speculate on that,’’ she said, r' -n ;< M.nif ' ’• •. •! ■ ; ■re and anyone with a Magic Line, Sirrus or Old decision stressing that Old Kent has yet to decide , , • 1 G V • : • , i , \ Kemp did Kent Action Bank A IM card to have quick Wilson could not sav how long the whether to put machines in at all and easy access to their checking and saving decision making piocess would take, hut ATM machines will allow users to open accounts. noted that more factors than the sutvev a checking account, withdraw money,

According to ( (Id Kent s Public Relations would have to be analyzed. "We need to transfer money to another account, anti find 'g ■ o «v : .ill Coordinator, Lisa Wilson, the bank and hxik at some financial considerations; out how much money is left in an account Grand Valley’s Student Senate distributed what’s needed to build the machines, "It just allows people to have quick and easy 2(KXJ sure ess among students to determine construction costs, where we re going to pul access to their rnonev.” said Wilson T r r Page 2 The Lanthom March 16,1988 News

Eight minority police officers have A trial date for Muskovita vs. Attorney General Edwin Meese HI said Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir sued Grand Rapids and it's police Grand Valley State has been set for Sunday he would not step down pending indicated in a statement that he will give department for bias in promoting officers. April 21,1988. Lawyers for both parties completion on an investigation of his the Reagan administration a qualified The suit seeks damages of at least have yet to reach an agreement The case role in a proposed $1 billion Iraqi oil reply to the U.S. proposal to hold peace $4,623,000 and a change in the will be heard before Judge Grave in pipeline, saying T m confident that the talks by May 1. He added the Camp department's promotional system. Muskegon. The trial will start at 8:30 evidence will prevail.” David Agreement should "serve as our a m guide" in the current search for a Improvements willJ|fcMqade to tidie John C. Holmes, the pornographic negotiating formula. southuth campus, this sulnmer.summer. LightingLightin The state Senate is considering a bill film star who became a central figure in will be installed on the pedestrian that would require 40 hours community the unsolved 1981 Laurel Canyon Panama government leaders met in walkway from Lot J to Grand Valley service for high-school students to murders, died of colon cancer Sunday emergency session as they struggled to apartments. "The walkway currently is graduate. It is scheduled to be taken up night at a Veterans Administration overcome U.S. economic sanctions aimed unUghted and heavily used,* said Terry by the full Senate this week. Hospital. He was 43. at bringing down the military regime and Sack, Physical Plant Director. to find the cash to pay 130,000 public dates have been set for employees. Gen. Manuel Antonio Noriego was telephoning other countries in search of financial assistance and received "some very positive answers from some friendly governments."

meeting on March 8. Could this mean the action would be taken by the Student general consensus concerning Jimmy / senate is not fulfilling its part of the Senate. Swaggart It is true that Swaggart did Letters: resolution? g If the Senate wants the new resolution to commit a sin, however, who are we to To the editor If this is a sign « the Senate's real work, they must take the responsibilities judge? God forgives anyone who believes in f would like to address die Student Senate "concern" far the underprivileged victims of that accompany it Him and asks for that forgiveness. I realize on its newest, and hopefully last, the Program Board's unscrupulous Respectfully, that the responses were only opinions, but I resolution. progaming, I am not impressed. Dan Martuch feel that they prove one of many important According to an article in the February The Student Senate's resolution- has Program Board Member' points. It is important that "men" do 17 Lanthom, the Senate, as written in its given them a new responsibility and the not place our faith in the "man", but in resolution, is required to be present at all least they could do is take on that God. "Man" is not perfect and he is prone Program Board meetings. responsibility. Mrs. Matron, to make mistakes. "Man" is NOT God! I was disappointed to find only one I'm sure that if the Program Board did not I am writing in response to the Thank you for your time. senator, who happens to be a Board live up to the resolution's expectations, the "Opinion" section of The Lanthom. I felt Sincerely, member, present at the last Program Board Board would be reprimanded and, no doubt, that I should say something in regard to the Wendy Lolita Brown


Senate to Purchase Ovens Senate Election Update The student body of Grand Valley should by informed that * Candidates turn in your the Student Senate has petitions Thursday, March 18. recently passed a recommendation to purchase * Students show your concern by two microwave ovens for voting for your representatives. student use. An oven will be placed in both the Commons * Polling will be conducted and the Kirkhof Center. March 30 & 31 at the following locations: The Senate would like to thank Doug Klunk, Director of Kirkhof Center ARA Food Service, for his help Commons in securing this opportunity and Zumberge Library Bob Stoll, Director of Student Union High School Activities, for his support of this worthy endeavor.

i Sue White; So. Psychology "It's a good idea. The cost of living's going up, how do they expect us to live if 0[p3mS®ini IP ® ! the minimum wage doesn't?"

f Do you think that the minimum wage should be raised to $4.65 and hour and why?

Photos/ John Freel

Brian Mulcahy; Sr. Eric S. Brown; Fr. Accounting "It would be good, but then again, "No I don't, not that high anyway. It everything elso would go up too." would increase the productivity of the workers, but not enough to make up for what they spend.”

Julie Baker; Jr. Lynne Bruce; Sr. Elementary Education Hospitality & Tourism Man. "Yes, because the cost living is going up." "$4.65 is kind of high. $4.00 an hour maybe."

S i We’ve Got the Most | Engaging Ideas In Town ! §

ALL $990 *149 3 RINGS J b + T r


The Laruhorn is a student run weekly publication. The majority of its revalue is raised through the sale of advertising. As Grand Valley State University's official student newspaper, we wish it to be known that the opinions expressed in the Laruhorn do not necessarily reflect the position or opinion of Grand Valley State University. The Ladlflorn welcomes and encourages letters to the editor. Letters must be signed, under 300 words in length and non-libelous. The Lanthorn staff reserves the right to edit letters to meet space limitations. The Lanthorn's deadline for all material is NOON FRIDAY, prior to the week of P publication. The Lanthorn conducts business at the Kirkhof center, GVSU Campus, Allendale, IMPORTED Michigan 49401. Phone: (616) 895-3120 or 3608. Subscriptions to the Lanthorn are available for $10 a school year. Make all checks payable to the Lanthorn. DIAMONDS $100 TO $10,000



Friday, March 18 9:00 p.m. Crows Nest, Kirkhof Center

Fourth Encore Performance


RUCK KELLEY i 5 %- REGENC ■ A night of Contemporary, Jazz, B lues, and M otow n music. / i SATURDAY, MARCH 19 -7:00 P.M PROMENADE DECK, KIRKHOF CENTER

Special Mocktail Bar $.25 a drink


L — v v,v,\\\v.v»vivi'.->v.\v'>v-x s & ig c # r n r .r r .v /,« ■ V v.v* w.s<.» • *•••••• •vMv.>v«v*> v« Campus Life

Much 16,1988 MOTOWN RICK KELLY and REGENCY O w in g . tS. GVSU

By Lyn W olf famous high - energy version of "In the Campus Life Writer Midnight Hour” is balanced by the original ballad "Be A Woman To Me Motown is coming to Grand Valley Tonight" which touches the hearts of all March 18 and 19 in the forms of Rick those present Rick is completely self - Kelley and Regency , as the Nite Culb contained utilizing synthesizers and drum Series presents "Heard It Through the machines to create his sound":------Grapevine". In 1987 alone, Kelley performed at Kelley will be performing March 18 eight regional National Association of at 7:00 pm and March 19 at 9:00 in the Campus Activities College Promenade Deck. entertainment conferences and made over After receiving his degree in vocal one hundred and twenty campus music from the University of Michigan appearances. In August 1987, Kelley in 1979, Kelley moved to Los Angeles, was nominated for the sixth annual where he began writing original music NACA campus entertainment award, and for documentaries, commercials, feature recently released his second album, "I'm films, and songs for major recording Back". artists. Kelley fronted for numerous Regency will take the stage before groups before going solo in 1985, and he Kelley on the 19th. Regency is a five has been on the college cicuit ever since. man accapella group from Baltimore His performances are reportedly with roots as a street act singing and emotionally charged and pure performing anywhere a crowd would entertainment, aimed at getting the gather, this group ahs become one of the audience involved with him, his music, hottest musical acts in the country. and each other. "Rick won the hearts of Regency combines classical the audience and got them involved in Motown, Swing, and current Top - 40 his music", said Steve Conlin of music with its own choreography and The ctccappella group, REGENCY, will be performing on campus this Southwestern Technical College. "He dynamic stage presence. In addition to Association of Campus Activities. had people dancing on stage and assisting touring festivals, clubs, and perfoming at Contemporary Artist and 1986 Jazz You can catch Regency at 7:00 pm on the keyboard . We had a genuine over three hundred and fifty colleges, Artist; They were nominated for 1987 on March 19 in the Promenade Deck, good time with his performance". Regency has written and performed Contemporary Artist and 1987 followed by the second performance of Kelley's show is a blend of original television and radio Entertainer of the Year, and have been Rick Kelley at 9:00. Kelley will also be Motown/Beach music classics and commercials. - nominated 1988 Perfoming Arts/Music- performing on March 18 at 7:00 pm. original compositions. "His now - Regency's acclaim includes 1985 Artist of the Year by the National The World at Your Fingertips

Randall, Student Services Assistant. By Lyn Wolf Campus Life Writer The main feature of Ethnic Festival '88 will be Hugh Borde's Trinidad - Where in the world would you like Tripoli Steel Band at 5:30 pm. "Born to go? How about , , or West from the desperate days following WWII ? or maybe some place exotic when it was not possible to get their like Singapore? Perhaps you have instruments or money to play their always wanted to know what borshch beloved Calypso music, the natives of tastes like? Or what the newst fashion Trinidad discovered that abandoned oil trend in Bolivia is Well, your dreams are drums could be used for musical tunes. about to come true. This feat has astounded audiences not The world is at your fingertips at only because of its oil drums, but GVSU ' s Ethnic Festival '88, scheduled because of the unbelievable fidelity and for March 24, noon to 9 pm in the artistic accomplishments with which Promenade Deck, K.C. At the Ethnic they render each concert or dance number Festival '88, not only will you be able . . . whether it be modem, classical, or to see the cultures of Italy, France, West their native Calypso". The group toured Germany, and Singapore, but those of with Liberace for two years, and has various countries from every continent of played in such places as the Rockefeller If hnrshch does notjsound Plaza, Central Park, and Lincoln Center pleasing to you, have a croissant or a MaTT In~Newr Yorlr City, The—Pan crepe, or try some African Pocket Bread American Union in Washington, D.C., Pie or Japanese Yakitori, or any other of the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, and the wide range foods offered by the many more. various countries. Following the band will be an "The day long event gives students international fashion show of the county with different ethnic backgrounds an costumes modeled by Grand Valley opportunity to share information on their students. , countries through displaying clothing Also during the Festival, students and samples of their ethnic cuisine. of the Russian Club will be singing, and Ethnic Festival '88 is designed to educate Honduran Folk Dancers can be seen. students on different cultures they may Admission for all displays is free. be interested in someday visiting or just However, some organizations may to satisfy their curiosity”, said Ginger charge for food samples. Hugh Borde's World Famous Trinidad Tripoli Steel Band. Oh Top at the Box Office By Brent Baum COLUMN ARTWORK BY JOHN FREEL Have you ever watched a TV or movie screenwriter Dick Wolf. Of the movies I mystery and guessed the killer in the first have not like this year, my complaint M m b SW fifteen minutes? So many of today's about many of them has been that they mysteries are predictable, but this is not die were predictable. "Masquerade" is in the case with "Masquerade." same class as "Fatal Attraction" in terms of Meg Tilly plays a wealthy but lonely an exciting story, with lots of twists and heiress:ss, who lives Hamptons, a turns. resort area on Long Island. She meets Rob The acting in this movie is also good. Lowe, who is racing si lips fol the summer,si Rob Lowe is not much of an actor, but he They fall in love, and Tilly thinks she has does alright here. He is not called on to finally found someone-yhqgjptesi.whodhfres her for show any real range of emotions, but he is herself, and not for her. money. She does believable in this part. Meg Tilly performs not know that Lowe and her stepfather are well as the lonely rich girl, and there are planning to have Lowe marry Tilly, and two good supporting performances. Doug then kill her, so they can split the money. Savant plays a local policeman, and John Now, this is just the tip of the Glovert is terrific as Tilly's scumbag iceberg, but I do not want to tell you any stepfather. more, because the surprises are what really At last, Hollywood has given us a makes this movie work. really creative, original movie. I have seen a lot of mysteries in my "Masquerade" is the kind of movie where time, and I have gotten pretty good at you do not want to go get popcorn or go to ini o •:Drawn while discussing man's guessing what is going to happen next, and the bathroom, because you ‘will miss 12201 dom ination Of lap dOgS. 1988 John Freel sometimes guessing the ending. However, something. "Masquerade" surprised me again and again "Masquerade" is rated "R," and is and again. Credit has to be given to playing at Studio 28. Domenico SOUTH AMERICAN His Audience CLASSICAL GUITARIST By Lyn Wolf Late Campus Life Writer the show, combining pantomime and Had you stopped by Louis Armstrong gymnastics in a tribute to sports. This Theatre between noon and 1:00 on Monday,,. portion proved to be another high point of March 14, you would have seen a man Comedian/impressionist Tony the show, with visuals so real that one dressed entirely in black playing nineteenth Domenico took the stage with full force could clearly see the missing pieces of the century Venezuelan romance music on a Thursday, March 10, before an picture. six-string guitar of the sarntf period. over-flowing Crow's Nest crowd. Opening The show began to go greatly The man's name is Bartolome Diaz, and his act aiPee Wee Herman, he was received downhill as Domenico moved into the ad | he is a protege of the eminent South with chdfcring and wild applause, but, by lib section of his act. In the guise of a ' American Maestros Abel Carlevaro and mid-show, the crowd's laughter and interest seance, Domenico called up the spirits of Antonio Lauro. Diaz is noted as a was dying. his original characters. Donning a World musician of intelligence, diversity, and Following Herman, Domenico did a War I flight jacket, the audience was vitality; He has appeared as a soloist with bit of Mr. Rogers while changing into Dr. introduced to Lieutenant Dinsdale Rawlings the Carcas Philharmonic and the "Juan Ruth. If was as these three characters that HI; and he wrapped up the show in fuzzy, Manuel Olivares" string quartet. In add­ he came up with the best lines of the show. footed pajamas, in the character of ition, he maintains duos with the Probably the most memorable and amusing four-year-old Nickie. prominent Venezuelan harpsichordist Abraham Abreu and with soprano Maria line of the night was "Dr. Ruth's" retort to "Am I keeping you up?" Domenico a heckler, "Somebody give that man a asked. The answer from most of the Josefina Riera. An active teacher, Diaz has condom. If he's going to act like a dick, he audience would be a definite, "Yes!" taught at international guitar seminars in should dress like one, too.” "He had a few good lines," said a the United States, France, West Germany, Domenico did put some action into spectator, "but I'd never pay to see him!” and .

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By Glynn Washington

George Bush, Pat Roberson, Gary nation's monetary problems. Imagine Hart, Jesse Jackson what a pack of Pat and Jesse on the T.V. ,"If you gumps. I ask you, does any one of would just send a small donation of ISO these sorry group of clowns inspire the dollars to the deficit reduction fund, you unbridled loyalty and dedication of the will become a lifetime faith partner masses? I think not However this has with us here at the White House." been a rather exciting race , I have George Bush needs to take some really been having a good time. The serious action to erode his "wimp guys should go on the road as a image". He should promote a prime­ traveling comedy team. Seriously, I time boxing matchup with that epitome believe some of the pseudo-candidates of brutal masculinity, Pee Wee could actually be good presidents if we Herman. If, by some incredible whim could get past a few major faults and of fate, he could actually go ten rounds quirks. with ol' Pee Wee, no one would dare C Name: T o n y S e n n a Class: P h o to 1 Gary Hart would make a good call him a wimp again. The rest of the ZD president if the nation could come to canidates should just go open a losers accept a first harem instead of simply a museum somewhere. - *— — •: a first lady. His promiscous lifestyle When the search for a leader sepms could actually prove to be a boon to and endless exercise in futility, th&je is international affairs. Suppose he trades hope at the end of the rainbow. T am wives with one of those crazy bearded not talking about Iaccoca, Cumtnoror fellows in the middle east. Talk about Trump, and no I am- not rutini^|his increased national diologue! After an year. There is a man from the depths of experience like that the boys could take In a radio show style performance, our own students will showcase the popular political obscurity with unbridlecbwit a seat, crack a couple of cold brews, and jazz and show tunes of the 20’s, 30’s, and 40's. Costumed and choreographed the and charm coupled with expansive solve their problems like every other "Music in Motion" song and dance group will present a dazzling show on Saturday, national popularity. This man (4>uld March 19th at 8 p.m. in.LAT, CFA. ------civilized hum an being.______Pat Robertson and Jesse Jackson Yes, there were romance, music, and broken hearts in our grandfathers 'courting groups, and he has the guts to squarely should get together and see if their days'. This show depicts the finest popular music of that era, tunes like "A in't face any goverment offical. David » Misbehavin'," "Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy," and more. combined efforts could solve the Lktterman for President f v ' > i ,:-r '-Ji m t. >or: rrl, FAMILY PANTRY DELI DIG mu. AUOIO iti- dirv Open 7 a.m. to 2 a.m. Seven Days a Week! 411 Wilson N.W., Standale, Mi-Comer of Lk. Michigan Dr. & Wilson — ------791-0740 ------SAVE ON ecials ♦< Busch/Natural CD’S life 15 case shrimp BRING IN A GOOD CONDITION, USED 6 pack/12oz. cans dinner >■< ♦< ♦< COMPACT DISC AND EXCHANGE IT FOR $ 1.99 $2.99 -ftax ►A ►A ONE OF OURS FOR A SMALL EXCHANGE +tax & dep. expiration:3/20/88 A< FEE*. IT'S EASY! AND A GREAT WAY TO UPDATE YOUR MUSIC LIBRARY AT A LOW LARGE SELECTION OF PACKAGED LIQUOR A< COST! EXCHANGE FEES j s3.99 - one disc — $3.49 - k discs — Cherry Street Plasma Center $2.99 - 3 or more discs exchanged NEW DISCS ARE FOR SALE TOO! / 1973 South Division Ave. MOST JUST $11.99 - $12.99 ( corner of Burton & Division ) 241-6335 Hours for donations: Mon,Tues,Thurs,Fri 6:30am - 4:00pm Closed Wednesdays EXCHAHBEa Help Olliers & receive a $ 5.00 bonus with TWO GRAND RAPIDS LOCATIONS your first Plasma Donation, plus this Coupon. $ 7 for first visit during the week ROARING 20’S PLAZA BRETON MEADOWS PLAZA $ 15.00 for second visit during the week 4575 28th St., S.E. 2273 44th St., S.E. EARN EXTRA INCOME WEEKLY BY DONATING PLASMA! 940-1850 455-6700 Identify yourself as a G.V.S.C Student and "If it meets with our approved list we'll make an appointment for your first visit. I

Mitchell’s Three Firsts Pace Lady Runners

By Mark Phillips 50m dash, and added firsts in the 300m and Sports Writer the 400m to her long list of credits. Mary Fran Peterlin again took the 50m high A fatigued women's team came through hurdles, but placed a close second in the once again, beating their tri-meet rivals 600m. A mere two hundredths of a second Hope and Calvin handily with 89 1/2 behind the winner! Karey Anderson took points as compared to their 44 points and 40 first in the high jump, Sandra Terrell took points respectively. The women had not the 1500m by storm, Ellen Wiland ran past fully recovered from their Saturday meet at the field in the 800m, Laura Moore defeated Spring Arbor, but performed magnificently. an all GVSU team in the 1000m and Pam "I hope that having these two meets so Rupert ran the distance in the 3000m, again close together won’t affect their overall finishing first. These are but a few of the performance." Coach Gary Martin stated honored many whom did and have done our worriedly before the meet. school proud this indoor season. They finished first in 11 of the 16 events The men did well, coming in third with held, and swept the 50m dash, the triple 39 points. This performance was helped by jump, and the 1000m run. The shot put and Phil Van Dyke's first place in the 1500m the mile relay team both broke school and a second in the 3000m. They also records. The shot put record was broken by swept the first three places in the 600m, Williams with a shot of 39’ 2 1/4". The lead by Rich Truxall. Ed Kiessel took the mile relay team broke its own previous third in both the 1500m and the 1000m. record with an incredible 4:12.62! John Sanders ran a fast 6.27 seconds to Angelic Mitchel headed the crowd in the finish second in the 50m dash.

Run! Run! Run! The Lady Lakers ran over Calvin , Hope and Spring Arbor last week. This week, the Ladies travel to Aquinas to take un Aquinas and Alma on Friday at 6:00 p.m. This meet will be the last indoor meet for the rtinners. PhotolDennv Kraat St. Joseph's Ends Lady Lakers Spectacular Season By Eric C. Nietling in 12 points. Sue Polus, another senior, Sports Editor had a good day on the boards with eight rebounds and three assists. Came Dillon led In the Lakers first post-season tournament the Lakers in rebounds with nine, six on the bid, the Ladies were put up against St. offensive end. Joseph, a team in which Grand Valley has A 32-32 halftime score gave the Lakers an played twice in the history of women's oportumty to keep up with St. Joes, but basketball. The series record stood at 1-1. the center-guard combination of Jeanette Grand Valley winning here last season by a Yeoman and Tracv Pavne combined for 23 bucket. In any case, it was a dual and a points apiece to leave the Lakers half. St. Joe's coming out on top 70-61 and defenseless. Pavne also crashed the boards went on to win the regional' over Lake with a game leading 10 rebounds. A 52 ...... ■■■ i.i ...... Superior and advance to the finals. Despite a first place and a second place finish for Phil VanDyke (above), the Lakers finished percent shooting average was the difference third in the meet with Hope and Calvin last Monday. Photo/Denny Kraat The Lakers were led by four time All in the game. The Lakers ended their - - _ * GLIAC forward, Rose Antrim, who pumped spectacular season at 20-8. Great Lakes Intercollegiate Athletic Conference Women's Basketball 1987-88 Women's All-GLIAC Team Final Standings NAME SCHOOL HI POS YR HOMETOWN GLIAC All SCHOOL W L W L Tammie Anderson Northern Michigan 5-10 F SO Ironwood Rose Antrim*“ Grand Valley 5-9 F GRAND VALLEY STATE UNIVERSITY SR G.R./Northview 14 2 20 7 Debbie Delie Oakland 6-0 Lake Superior State University C SO Warren/Cousino 13 3 22 4 Brenda Eiseler Saginaw Valley 6-2 C SO Oakland University St. Johns 13 3 24 4 Vicki Hill Lake Superior 5-11 F JR Saginaw Valley State University G.H./West Catholic 12 4 22 6 Lisa Horne Saginaw Valley 5-10 F SO Hillsdale College Flint/Hamady 5 11 13 14 Sarah Knuth” Oakland 5-10 F SR Homer Northern Michigan University 5 11 9 18 Sue Mayes-Scott Saginaw Valley 5-7 G SR Saginaw/Carrollton Ferris State University 4 12 11 15 Jill Meerman Grand Valley 5-7 G SR Coop’ville/W. Cath Michigan Tech University 3 13 10 17 Gwen O’Connor" Lake Superior 5-8 F SR Goetzville/DeTour Wayne State University 3 13 8 19 Sandy Skaisgir* Hillsdale College 5-10 F SO Grosse Isle Teresa Watwood’ Lake Superior 6-0 C SR Hancock/Central COACH OF THE YEAR: Pat Baker Grzyb, GVSU previous first-team selections PLAYER OF THE YEAR: Sue Mayes-Scott. SVSU FRESHMAN OF THE YEAR: Deanna Sutton J^SSU The Lanthorn March 16,1988 Page 9 Laker Skaters Rout ~ Western C; Make It To ___IS Steve Lefere League Championship Chris Cabbage LouScarpino ALLEND ALE-The Grand Valley The Lakers took the lead for good at Lakers Skaters Hockey Club w ill be playing 7:22 of the second period. Tom Santarias' Tom Samaria* for the league championship this Jriday. A .vl-C/T- shot passed a sprawling goalie only to hit Daryn Lawson successful rout of Western C, 6-1, in the the post of an open net The puck fell right semifinals, put the Laken into the finals. on the goal line where Mitch Master was in Tony Obermeyer Outstanding goaltending by new Laker position to knock in the rebound. Brian Esparea goalie Doug Kadzban has kept Laker From that point, the Laker Skaters never opponents under two goals per game. Laker looked back. At 8:45 of the second period, captain Tom Santarias commented "We have Chris Wilson netted the first of his two a lot of confidence in Doug. He is the best goals. The assist came from Chris Cubbage. goalie in the league." Apparently so-in At 11:38 of the second period Lefere found seven games for the Lakers Doug Kadzban an open Mitch Master in the slot who has posted an undefeated 7-0 average. He is cannoned a wrist shot past the Western C the spark that the Laker Skaters needed. goalie. The Lakers now commanded a 4-1 After knocking off first ranked Steelcase lead. Two minutes later, Steve Lefere in the Quarterfinals, the Lakers were a heavy struck again, this time coming from Chris favorite going into the Western C game. Wilson. Western C scored the first goal of the game The Lakers iced the game at 18:02 in the at 10:55 of the first period. That was all third period. Chris Wilson scored his they were to see as the Laker Skaters ignited second goal of the night Assists came for six straight goals. ^ ______— from Espaisa and Cubbage. Freshman sensation Steve le f e r e netted The Championship game is set for the Laken fust goal with 2:05 left in the Friday, March 18th versus second ranked ■ first period. Lefere received a pass at the AL. Williams. The Lakers are 0-2-1 versus blue line from Brendan Brosnan and beat AJL. Williams during the regular season. Western's goalie high to the glove side. Come out and support the Laker Skaters in After one period the score was tied at 1-1. the Championship!

Calvin Sweeps Club Netters In Straight Sets

By Debbie Stetler lead once more. Calvin, not ready to lay Sports Writer down and die, tied the game at 14, and went on to win 16-14. tony Obermeyer |center) skales down Ihe ice for a goat at Last Kentwood. Saturday, when After a three week break from action, the Still pumped up from winning two the Lakers took on Calvin. The result was a disappointing 9-2 loss. Scoring for the Laker Men's Volleyball Club traveled to straight games, Calvin grabbed the first six Lakers were Mike O'Garek and Chris Cubbage. Photo!John Freel Calvin College last Friday night only to be points of game three. They extended their handed a disappointing loss. lead to 9-0 before the Lakers got on the In game one, looking organized and scoreboard. Grand Valley then took five improved since their last match-up with the unanswered points. They were able to bring IM Championships? No Problem Lakers, Calvin commanded a 7-1 lead. A the score up to 14-12, still Calvin's lead, side-out by Calvin gave Grand Valley the but Calvin had enough for the win 15-12. By Eric C. Nietling points early in the second half. opportunity to put some points on the The match was a sweep for Calvin, three Sports Editor Led by an offensive surge from Tammy board, tying the score a seven apiece. A games to zero. Davids, Lori Wagner and Jana Findlay, they driving hit by Alex Vazsonyi and two Calvin coach Barb Landhuis was pleased What a season! The intramurals ended up came back and at the regulation the score straight aces by Stan Strait gave the Lakers with her team's performance. "It was a good much as a expected. I picked six out of was tied at 43. the lead. Calvin put a stop to the Laker match, Grand Valley played well. We seven games right, not bad for an amatuer. In overtime, Wagner's five points iced the momentum, fired up by a punishing hit by changed our rotation to see how our players The championships on Sunday were victory for the D.K.'s; 51-47. Mike Jorritsma. The final score: Calvin would play in the new positions. I'm really highlighted with a variety of different teams. There were some remarks after the game 15, Grand Valley 9. happy with their adjustment.” Calvin In the co-rec division Whatever outlasted that a girl from the that got hurt early in the Neither team seemed able to hold onto extended their record to 11-4. The only the Ravine Grizzley's 84-61. In the resident game was the difference, but I still thought the lead in game two. Calvin jumped to a team in their conference credited with hall division, the No GPA Crew prevailed the D.K.'s deserved the victory and the t- quick 3-0 lead on straight serves by Ron defeating them is Notre Dame. over the Heavy Metal Boys by a score of 77- shirts. Kooistra. Grand Valley then put on the Laker coach Tom Ruede wasn't as 55. In the Independaent division, UNLV was set steam to roll to a 7-4 lead. Calvin pleased, "(the loss was) very disappointing, The most interesting story by far, though, to face off against the Relief Pitchers, but at responded by taking another six points. we have no enthusiasm. Part of our was the women's division game. The game the last minute, Baseball Coach, Andy Joe Bilancio served an ace for the Lakers, problem is we have no court time. The featured Leroy’s Ladies and the D.K.'s. This Chopp, wouldn’t let any baseball players giving them the encouragement to take the administration is shutting us down." game was particularly interesting to the fact play in the game. According to UNLV that the D.K.'s were down by as much as 13 See INTRAMURALS, p. 11 Men’s Basketball k Final Standings Great Lakes Intercollegiate Athletic Conference 1987-88 Men’s All-GLIAC Team GLIAC All SCHOOL W L. W L NAME SCHOOL HT POS YR HOMETOWN

14 2 23 4 Ferris State University Eric Allaire Hillsdale 6-4 F JR Mason 12 4 20 8 Wayne State University Scott Bittinger' Oakland 6 2 G SR Tojedo St Francis 11 5 19 9 Oakland University Lake Cosby Northern Michigan 6 4 F SR Highland Park 8 8 18 10 GRAND VALLEY STATE UNIVERSITY Mike Davis’ Grand Valley 6-1 G SR Bloomfield Hills 7 12 Lake Superior State University 9 15 John Gilbert Lake Superior 6-5 G SR Fenton 6 10 12 16 Michigan Tech University Brian Gregory Oakland 5 9 G SO Mt Prospect !L 5 11 9 19 Northern Michigan University Marcus Kennedy f erris St 6 6 C SO High'andPk Troy 5 11 9 19 Saginaw Valley State Uni, ersity Rod Ruth' Michigan Tech 6 8 f SR Cassopolis Beatty 4 12 12 1? Hillsdale College Herb Schoepke Saginaw Valley 6 6 F SO Lansmg Everett Jarvis Walker' Ferris State 6-1 G JR Oak Pk Robichaud COACH OF THE YEAR Gieg Kampe. Otakland Hank Woodmore Wayne State 6 0 G SR Auburn Hills Avondale PLAYER OF THE YEAFi: Scott Bittinger Oakland FRESHMAN OF THE YEAR: Rod Creech. Saginaw Valley * denotes previous selections,A Page 10 The Lanthom March 16, 1988 ...... — — J Follow The Yellow Brick Road To Kansas City played in Assembly Hall, The Dean Dome lost along the way. contributed," said Moore. "I'm happy we "The Road to and Rupp Arena shouldn't have any The another key ingredient needed to won. A lot of guys on our team never problems with courage. make the long journey to Kansas City is played organized basketball in high school." Kansas City” Intelligence (brain) ' will also be heart The team who wins the Moore feels the loss to (he Relief Was it Dorothy from "The Wizard of needed. A team who performs with the will have a great deal of heart Pitchers earlier jn the season put the Crew Oz" who followed the kon the right track. "Yellow Brick Road" toj Both teams traded Kansas City? Oops, Ibaskets in the first half my mistake. Dorothy, las Tim Lewis sparked was from Kansas and |the Crew with solid she followed the from the perimeter. "Yellow Brick Road" to| scored five Emerald City. :utive points to Well the team whol tive the Crew a 19-14 follows the "Yellow! Brick Road" to Kansas) Outstanding three- City will need a greai in t shooting from deal of help along Dan Kapp tied the score way. at 23-23. Kapp had a Pint of all of a team will have to ask intelligence of the "Scarecrow" should pack (o aid them when the going gets tough. Just great game from outside as he popped in the "The Wizard" for courage. If a team their bags immediately and turn back home. like the "Tin Man” they will have to be several three-pointers. doesn't have courage and the fearlessness of The road will be to long with many curves oiled every now and then. Robert' Bell took over with three a Lion they will fall early. Teams who have and the teams who don't play smart will get After you make this long journey you minutes left in the first half and scored six will have to report to the "The Wizard” to of die team's Iasi eight points as the Crew r PREPARE FOR: 1 see are you worthy of being the 50th NCAA toe* a 33-26 lead at the half. Bell had nine DID YOU KNOW? Division I champion. The "Wizard of points at halftime and finished with 20 STATE NURSING Westwood" former U.C.L.A. coach John points. The National Woman's Wooden has made this journey many times. Shaw was held to nine points in the first BOARDS (NCLEX-RN) Christian Temperance Union reports that... If you follow Wooden's instructions to the half. "I broke their presssure down, but my tee and your team has the above ingredients shot wouldn't fall,” said Shaw. "I had 25 There are 37 countries on this you have a good chance of making it to even though I was double and triple planet that have banned the Kansas City and going into the record books teamed." advertising of cigarettes. They with Wooden. Bell and Moore took control early in the J all report the same thing. You Midwest- Purdue has to be the favorite second half as the Crew extended its lead to Q H CBNTCft LTD. do not alter much the incident of n s r MUMMIXM IKCM Um (MCI «w and with solid leadership from Everett 44-31. The Crew's big men began to pound C a ll Days. Evas A Weekends smoking in adults; with them you're dealing with hard core Stevens they have a great chance to win the the boards and take over in the paint. 2627 East Beltline nicotine addicts. But fewer young championship. The other team to watch is Byron Brady was the only inside threat S.E Grand Rapids.Mi people start to smoke. the DePaul. Rod Strickland is one of the for the Heavy Metal Boys. Brady felt the 49506, 957-9701 best point guards in the nation. Sleepers- officiating had something to do with the Vanderbilt and Eastern Michigan. Favorite- Permanent Centers In More Then 125 Major U S Cities I Abroad -Sponsored by Vernon’s Hardware final score, but he felt the Crew had a good Purdue. OUTSIDE N Y. STATE CAU TOU FREE MO-22S-17S2 team and they played hard. East- Temple and Duke are my The Crew slowly pulled away as they favorites right off the bat, but Indiana, took a 69-46 with two minutes left in the Syracuse and Missouri could challenge. game. Temple plays Georgetown early; don't be surprised if the Hoyas upset the Owls. This I-M FINAL TOP TEN is by far the best regional. Sleepers- 1. U.N.L.V. L.S.U. and Iowa State. Favorite- Duke. 2. No G.P.A. Crew West- Arizona is a clear cut favorite. 3. Relief Pitchers North Carolina will choke somewhere down 4. Druids the line, mark my word. I have no idea 5. Heavy Metal Boys what Michigan is going to do. Sleepers- 6. First Edition Honda and Loyola Marymount Favorite- 7. Staff Infection Arizona. 8. Pist Offs Southeast- For some reason I have 9. P.S. Hoops problems seeing Oklahoma in the "The 10. Unknowns Final Four". Illinios is playing great. Kentucky is inconsistent This is a balanced Note- Next week the Intramural Team regional; any team can win it Sleepers- will be announced If you have anyone who Bradley and Villanova. Favorite- Illinois. you believe should be on the team turn the person's name, stats and telephone number into the Lanthom by Monday morning. No G.P.A. Crew The Lanthom is located in the bottom of the Rules Supreme! Kiikhof Center. Entries can also be turned into the Campus Recreation Office. A pregame meal before an intramural game? I can't believe it! Intramurals have came along way since the days of playing Red Wings Continue to / games in the weight room. Roll Without Yzerman Before the championship game the No Everyone thought that when the Red GP.A. Crew went out for dinner together at Wings premier player Steve Yzerman was Ryan's. Latex that evening the Crew had injured the Red Wings would crumble. broiled "Hawk" as they rolled past the The Red Wings have put all those Heavy Metal Boys 74-53 to win the doubts to rest Since Yzerman's knee injury championship in the Residence Hall the Red Wings have gone 6-0-1. Good work Division in men's basketball. fellas. El Greco Shaw (intramural’s leading Detroit has a 38-24-9 record and 85 scorer) better known as "The Hawk" was points. They are in first place in their held to25 points as he was triple and double division and only Calgary (90) and Montreal all evening. He made only eight out ~ (90) have more points. of 30 shots, but provided the crowd with You have to give Wings Coach Jaques plenty of excitement. "The Hawk" also Demers a great deal of credit He made the grabbed 10 rebounds and dished of five Wings believe they could win. It will be assists. difficult for the Wings to win the Stanley The real star of this game was pint size Cup without Yzerman, but we do have point guard Dwayne Moore. Moore hope. penetrated whenever he desired and passed off The Wings have a new attitude and they to his teammates. The Heavy Metal Boys will not be happy with just winning the played a man to man defense and they didn't Norris Division. Three years ago you didn’t have anyone quick enough to keep up with have to wait in line to get a hot dog. Now Moore. Moore dished off for 12 assists and the hot dogs are roasting and the lines are added 12 points. long. So in other words get your tickets for "We had a great team effort; everyone the Stanley Cup Playoffs early. The Lan thorn March 16,1988 Page 11 Do You Know The Origin Of Your Favorite Sport?

By Debbie Stetier Contrary to popular belief, baseball was not invented by Sports Writer Abner Doubleday. The first mention of the sport actually appeared in the Little Pretty Pocketbook which is a With the ethnic festival coming up, it is only fitting to children's book from 1744. The game really didn't come t w m i f r look at the ethnic backgrounds of sports around Grand into any sort of popularity until approximately a century HUM Valley. The big four football, baseball, basketball and later. m m hockey all came into action in the time of about SO years. There are two arguments on the origin of baseball Football can be traced back to such savage tribes as the The first argument claims that the game originated from the Maoris, Faroe Islanders, Polynesians and Eskimos. As far British "rounders" which is similar to cricket The second as modem football is concerned though, the origin is belief claims Alexander J. Cartwright as the inventor by . The sport grew out of British rugby which was drawing up the game and rules in 1845. Cartwright first played at Harvard University in the-U.S. in 1875. belonged to the first baseball club, the Knickerbockers of Football is lucky to have survived this long. When first New York. played in England, laws were passed against rugby because Basketball, finally, was one of the few sports to the game was "violent to the point of brutality" as it was originate in America. The game really only came about out referred to by the prominent writers of the time. of necessity. Dr. Luther Gulick, a professor at the Hockey originated close to home. This sport began in International YMCA Training School in Springfield, Canada in 185S, the Erst game being played in Kingston, Massachusetts. The school needed an appropriate gym class Ontario. The games' real development however, didn't come for the men in the Secretarial Department They also needed until twenty years later. The Montreal students at McGill an athletic activity that was interesting, fun , and could be University developed the first set of written rules, apdy played indoors during the winter months. The game called the McGill Rules, in 1875. The game then woriced slowly gained the popularity which made in one of the four its way down into the American univerities. biggest sports in America. The D. K.’s erased a 13 point deficit in the second half of the Women's Division Championships and won the game in overtime 51-47 over Leroy's Ladies. PhotolEric C. Nietling INRAMURALS

Chopp was being overcautious in not The game was forfeited by Chopp because he didn't letting his players play the game. "They played all want his palyers to get hurt, although, other didn't season and through the tournament, and Chopp never think so. In any case, UNLV won the championship said anything," stated UNLV member Ray Bennett. by a first ever forfeit in intrmural championship "He was just trying to show off his coaching power." history. The win stopped a seven year stretch in which the Druids have won the championship, they were rhe No GPA Crew (left) won the Resident defeated earlier in the tournament by UNLV. fall Championship last Sunday over the The resident hall championship was a good game ieavy Metal Boys by a score of 77-55. also, with the No GPA Crew winning big over the PhotolEric C. Nietling Heavy Metal Boys. All-Intramural MVP candidate, El Greco Shaw had an average day, but his average just wasn't good enough. ARE YOU TIRED OF THE HIGH COST OF UTILITIES? Grand Valley Apartments Has The Solution! *Come live in the Solar Envelope Buildings*

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1 PATIO .'e-tfirWfNnfWryYitv'j ^ - Pag* 12 The LaM tah' March m 198fr> i " ■■ ■ ■••mim * . naini Dm * « i <,tafiM44A

Tony, - H I m tn you very much. I cant wait to d i,>; tee you for Batter. Are you ready for our ... WANTED: ' \ * Y f ••*.■ , v ' • .- .• • meeting with Mike? , ¥ m m c. ' . ;■.' -:•: , ■■ n i , ;< <• I love you and cant wait until May 14th. Dawn ADVENTUROUS, MOTIVATED PEOPLE READY

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: ■ WANTED-GRAPHICS DESIGNER for The Lanthorn. Next fall you could gain valuable experience while being paid. Call Laura today at 895-3608 or 895-7488 for an interview.

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