The World Bank Report No: ISR6157

Implementation Status & Results Lesotho HIV and AIDS Technical Assistance Project (P107375)

Operation Name: Lesotho HIV and AIDS Technical Assistance Project Project Stage: Implementation Seq.No: 6 Status: ARCHIVED Archive Date: 03-Jan-2012 (P107375)

Public Disclosure Authorized Country: Lesotho Approval FY: 2010 Product Line:IBRD/IDA Region: AFRICA Lending Instrument: Technical Assistance Loan Implementing Agency(ies): Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, Ministry of Local Government and Chieftainship Key Dates Public Disclosure Copy Board Approval Date 27-Aug-2009 Original Closing Date 31-Jan-2015 Planned Mid Term Review Date 28-Jan-2012 Last Archived ISR Date 03-Jan-2012 Effectiveness Date 14-Jan-2010 Revised Closing Date 31-Jan-2015 Actual Mid Term Review Date 01-Oct-2012

Project Development Objectives Project Development Objective (from Project Appraisal Document) The project aims at building capacity of government agencies and civil society organizations at both the national and local level to address the identified key gaps in implementing the National HIV and AIDS Strategic Plan in an effort to contain and reverse the epidemic. Has the Project Development Objective been changed since Board Approval of the Project?

Public Disclosure Authorized Yes No


Component Name Component Cost Component 1: Improved institutional capacity of NGOs/CSOs to implement HIV programs 1.70 Component 2: Scaling up the Health Sector Response 1.78 Component 3: Supporting a Decentralized local response 1.22

Overall Ratings Previous Rating Current Rating Progress towards achievement of PDO Moderately Satisfactory Moderately Satisfactory Overall Implementation Progress (IP) Moderately Unsatisfactory Moderately Satisfactory Public Disclosure Authorized Overall Risk Rating

Implementation Status Overview Project implementation continues to improve since the final approval of the restructuring process in December 2011. The restructured project now focuses on high-priority

Public Disclosure Copy interventions such as building NGO capacity to address the HIV epidemic, strengthening the supply chain to improve availability of HIV commodities, and developing capacity support to district and community councils to mainstream HIV activities.

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Locations Country First Administrative Division Location Planned Actual Lesotho Thaba-Tseka Thaba-Tseka District

Lesotho Mohale's Hoek District Mohale's Hoek District

Lesotho Maseru District

Lesotho Mafeteng District

Lesotho Leribe

Lesotho Berea Public Disclosure Copy


Project Development Objective Indicators Indicator Name Core Unit of Measure Baseline Current End Target Number of council approved projects that Number Value 0.00 64.00 192.00 include an HIV component Date 31-Dec-2009 13-Dec-2011 31-Jan-2015 Comments Source: District council report This is a new indicator to national level, MOLGC introduced through the level II restructuring. Consolidated 3 year rolling condom forecast Yes/No Value No No Yes and procurement plan in place Date 31-Dec-2009 13-Dec-2011 31-Jan-2015 Comments This activity is included in the This is a new indicator 2012-2013 AWP and TORs introduced through the level II are currently under review by restructuring. the Bank for technical input. Percent of Global Fund quarterly grant Percentage Value 0.00 50.00 75.00 performance ratings that meets or exceeds an Date 31-Dec-2009 15-Mar-2012 31-Jan-2015 adequate expectation Comments Source: GF Grant This is a new indicator performance report. Q3 and introduced through the level II Q4 ratings not yet received restructuring. from GF. WB and LCN are following up in order to update this indicator.

Intermediate Results Indicators Public Disclosure Copy

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Indicator Name Core Unit of Measure Baseline Current End Target Percent of Project Committee meetings held Percentage Value 0.00 100.00 100.00 with 100% attendance Date 31-Dec-2009 15-Mar-2012 31-Jan-2015 Comments This is a new indicator introduced through the level II restructuring. Number of HIV Essential Service Package Number Value 556.00 877.00 700.00 (ESP) interventions implemented Date 31-May-2009 02-Dec-2011 31-Jan-2015 Comments This is a new indicator introduced through the level II

Public Disclosure Copy restructuring. HIV ESP includes interventions that support prevention through change in sexual behavior, PMTCT, access to HIV testing services, support to orphans and vulnerable children and support for persons who are HIV positive. This indicator is a result of the work completed by the CCSPs hired under the project to support ESP implementation. Draft module on identification and referral of Yes/No Value No Yes Yes OVCs included in the Social Worker Training Date 31-Dec-2009 02-Dec-2011 31-Jan-2015 Program Comments Source: Institute Training This is a new indicator Program, MOHSW introduced through the level II restructuring. Guidelines for conducting ethical research Yes/No Value No Yes Yes drafted Date 31-Dec-2009 09-Mar-2012 31-Jan-2015 Comments Source: MOHSW report This is a new indicator introduced through the level II restructuring. Policy guidelines on adoption of orphans Yes/No Value No No Yes drafted Date 31-Dec-2009 15-Mar-2012 31-Jan-2015 Comments This consultancy is in Source: MOHSW report progress. Deliverable This is a new indicator

Public Disclosure Copy expected before June 2012. introduced through the level II restructuring.

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An updated national Health Law drafted for Yes/No Value No Yes Yes approval Date 31-Dec-2009 15-Mar-2012 31-Jan-2015 Comments Draft laws and respective Source: MOHSW report regulations shared with the This is a new indicator World Bank. introduced through the level II restructuring. Percent of outstanding issues identified during Percentage Value 0.00 73.00 90.00 supervision mission addressed within the Date 31-Dec-2009 09-Mar-2012 31-Jan-2015 allocated time Comments Nearly all actions from This is a new indicator previous Feb 2012 mission introduced through the level II have been addressed. Two restructuring. Public Disclosure Copy items are currently being addressed but with delay. Percent of NGOs trained in program Percentage Value 0.00 0.00 80.00 management skills Date 31-Dec-2009 15-Mar-2012 31-Jan-2015 Comments Source: LCN training records. This is a new indicator This activity has not yet taken introduced through the level II place and is linked to a long restructuring. term TA that was given NO in March 2012. Trainings will take place later in 2012 through 2013. Percent of reports submitted within 5 working Percentage Value 0.00 75.00 75.00 days of the due date to the WB and GFATM by Date 31-Dec-2009 15-Mar-2012 31-Jan-2015 the three implementing partners (LCN, MOGLC and MOHSW) Comments Source: Reports provided by This is a new indicator the implementing partners introduced through the level II (LCN, MOLGC and MOHSW) restructuring. Percentage of Auxilliary Social Workers trained Percentage Value 0.00 50.00 100.00 in identification, referral and follow up of OVC Date 31-Dec-2009 13-Dec-2011 31-Jan-2015 Comments Source: NHRT records, This indicator was maintained MOHSW. By June 2012, through the restructuring 100% of ASW will complete process. the training currently in progress.

Data on Financial Performance (as of 16-Feb-2012)

Financial Agreement(s) Key Dates

Public Disclosure Copy Project Loan No. Status Approval Date Signing Date Effectiveness Date Closing Date P107375 IDA-H5020 Effective 27-Aug-2009 21-Oct-2009 14-Jan-2010 31-Jan-2015

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Disbursements (in Millions) Project Loan No. Status Currency Original Revised Cancelled Disbursed Undisbursed % Disbursed P107375 IDA-H5020 Effective XDR 3.30 3.30 0.00 1.53 1.77 46.00

Disbursement Graph Public Disclosure Copy

Key Decisions Regarding Implementation As part of the restructuring process, institutional arrangements were revised. Given the recent downsizing of the National AIDS Commission (NAC), the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare will assume overall responsibility for project coordination. The other two implementing agencies, the Lesotho Council of NGOs and the Ministry of Local Government and Chieftanship remain.

Restructuring History Level two Approved on 22-Dec-2011

Related Projects There are no related projects. Public Disclosure Copy

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