CSIS___________________________________ Center for Strategic and International Studies 1800 K Street N.W. Washington, DC 20006 (202) 775-3270 (To comment:
[email protected] For Updates see Executive Summary: http://www.csis.org/features/iraq_instantlessons_exec.pdf; Main Report: http://www.csis.org/features/iraq_instantlessons.pdf) The Lessons of the Iraq War: Issues Relating to Grand Strategy Asymmetric Warfare, Intelligence, Weapons of Mass Destruction, Conflict Termination, Nation Building and the “New Middle East” Anthony H. Cordesman Arleigh A. Burke Chair for Strategy July 3, 2003 Copyright Anthony H. Cordesman, All Rights Reserved. No quotation or reproduction Cordesman: The Lessons of the Iraq War 7/3/03 Page 2 Acknowledgments The author would like to thank Brian Hartman and Julia Powell of ABC for help in the research for this book, and Brian Hartman for many of the numbers on the size of the Coalition air effort, and Coalition Forces. Ryan Faith helped with the research for the chronology of events and both Ryan Faith and Jennifer Moravitz helped with the organization and editing. The reader should also be aware that this book makes extensive use of reporting on the war from a wide range of press sources, only some of which can be fully footnoted, interviews with serving and retired officers involved in various aspects of the planning and execution of the war, and the extensive work done by Australian, British, and US officers in preparing daily briefings and official background materials on the conflict. Copyright Anthony H. Cordesman, All Rights Reserved. No quotation or reproduction without the express written permission of the author.