Seasonal Changes in Benthic Fish Population Influenced by Salinity and Sediment Morphology in a Tropical Bay

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Seasonal Changes in Benthic Fish Population Influenced by Salinity and Sediment Morphology in a Tropical Bay Examines in Marine CRIMSON PUBLISHERS C Wings to the Research Biology and Oceanography: Open Access ISSN 2578-031X Research Article Seasonal Changes in Benthic Fish Population Influenced by Salinity and Sediment Morphology in a Tropical Bay Srinivasa MR, Vijaya Bhanu C and Annapurna C* Department of Zoology, Andhra University, India *Corresponding author: Annapurna C, Department of Zoology, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam-530 003, India Submission: November 13, 2017; Published: February 23, 2018 Abstract Coastal Bays are productive habitats used by a variety of fishes and other benthic organisms but little information is available on the ecology and population dynamics of benthic fishes of coastal bays in the tropical zones. This paper deals with the biodiversity, faunal assemblages, seasonal variations successivein the benthic post fish monsoons population and of pre a shallow monsoons tropical during Bay 2006 named to 2008.Nizampatnam Water and Bay, sediment located insamples southern were province collected of Bayfrom of 20 Bengal, stations East covering coast of 10, India. 20 Theand standing stock of benthic fishes and associated environmental factors of the study area were also reported in this paper. Sampling was done in two 6 orders and 1 class were recorded in this study dominated by Cociella crocodilus and Pisodonophis boro. The mean of Shannon Wiener diversity index 30 m zones. Altogether, 128 biological samples were collected with a Naturalist’s dredge. Thirty benthic fish species belonging to 21 genera, 12 families, H’ was recorded 1.3±0.4 during post-monsoon and 1.2±0.2 at pre-monsoonCociella crocodilus, suggesting Cynoglossus that the benthic lida, Cynoglossus fish diversity punticeps of this andBay wasAstroscopus poor. Multivariate zephyreus (Group(Bray-Curtis I) representing similarity) post-monsoonanalyses typified and two Pisodonophis large groups boro, of stations Trichonotus representing arabicus, respectively Acentrogobius the cyanosmos post monsoon and andPseudorhombus pre monsoon elevatus periods. (Group The two II) representingfaunal associations pre-monsoon. recognized Canonical off the correspondenceNizampatnam Bay analysis were, (CCA) showed that salinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen, % sand and sediment mean particle diameter influenced seasonal variability in the distribution of benthic fish population. This study will provide the baseline information on the biodiversity,Keywords: ecology and seasonal variations in benthic fish associations of this area and will contribute to the Pisces list of Indian seas. Species diversity; Seasonal variations; Benthic fishes; PRIMER; Canoco; Physicochemical properties; Nizampatnam bay; Bay of Bengal Introduction higher latitudes [4-10]. Even though on a world wide scale there are Approximately 98% of all marine species are supposed to probably many areas of shelf and slope that have not been explored, belong to the benthos [1]. Benthic organisms link the primary they were evaluated to a little extent in tropical waters [11-14]. producers, such as phytoplankton with the higher trophic levels, Yet, few benthic studies edging the Pisces have to be conducted in the tropics compared with higher latitudes. In the Indian context, such as finfish, by consuming phytoplankton and then being other bottom prey as food sources for part of, or in some cases, all consumed by larger organisms. Many benthic fish species rely on over a few decades in Arabian Sea (west coast of India) [15-19]. of their life history [2] and inturn become the rich source of food demersal fish assemblages have been examined by few authors In the Bay of Bengal (east coast of India), comparatively less work for fishes in bathypelagic and mesopelagic zones. Hence, they play was done on the demersal fish component [20-22]. Even these are a very important role in the marine food web. As benthic fishes are huge trawl nets) community with cursory accounts of ecology it is very important to know their status in an ecosystem for a better mainly directed towards the whole demersal fish (collected with a good source of food for mesopelagic and benthopelagic finfishes, (collected with small Naturalist’s dredge) component are scarce in and lists of fauna. But studies focusing exclusively on benthic fish understanding of the fishery management. been studied beyond the compilation of species list for given Communities of fishes on the continental shelf have rarely both temperate and tropical zones. The present study area, Nizampatnam Bay (Lat. 15º 28N’ to areas. Information on benthic fish assemblages is particularly located in the southern province of Andhra Pradesh, Bay of Bengal, exploited as principal targets or as by-catch [3]. Most studies have 15º 48’ N and Long 80º 17’ to 80º 47’ E) is a shallow tropical Bay scarce in the Bay of Bengal where demersal fish are heavily East coast of India. This Bay has a coastline of 122km occupying an examined mega faunal assemblages, while, only few studies of area of 1825Sq. Km with a maximum depth of 34m. The discharges from the river, saltpans, aquaculture ponds and mangroves built temporal variation in composition, abundance and distribution of fish community structure have focused on patterns of spatial and along the coastline are influencing the ecology of the bay fauna. demersal fish assemblages of the continental shelf and slope at Volume 1 - Issue - 3 Copyright © All rights are reserved by Annapurna C. 79 Examines Mar Biol Oceanogr Copyright © Annapurna C of estimating Bray Curtis similarity after suitable transformation in the diversity and faunal associations of macrobenthic population of sample abundance data. The similarity matrix was subjected to Hence; a study was conducted to evaluate the seasonal variability and the effect of different physicochemical parameters on the same. both clustering (hierarchical agglomerative method using group- average linking) and ordination (non-metric multidimensional segregated and evaluated for seasonal variability. This paper is the From the available macrobenthos data, benthic fish component was scaling, MDS) using PRIMER 6. Significance tests of sample test. The contribution of each species to groupings noticed in first available data set on the benthic fish species density, diversity, groupings were made using the ANOSIM (1-way) randomization assemblages and influence of environmental factors on benthic fishes from Bay of Bengal, East coast of India. the clustering and ordination analysis was examined by SIMPER Materials and Methods percentage contribution of each species to similarity within each (similarity percentages) implemented in PRIMER [28] to quantify group (i.e. characteristic) of samples and to dissimilarity between were conducted through two successive Post-monsoon seasons different groups. Other routines (e.g. BVSTEP), namely stepwise During this investigation, four cruises (FKKD-fishing trawler) (October 2006 and November 2007) and two pre-monsoons searches of combinations of species considered to be ultimately (March 2006 and 2007) between latitudes 150 28’ to 150 48’ N and responsible for the observed pattern in the biotic assemblages, longitudes 800 17’ to 800 Observations on physicochemical characteristics of the seawater Analysis (CCA) [29] was performed to possible correlations 47’ E in Nizampatnam Bay (Figure 1). were also carried out using PRIMER. Canonical Correspondence temperature, dissolved oxygen and salinity were made using an onboard WTW probe. Sediment samples were collected using a van in site pattern, using a form of stepwise regression. A Monte between environmental variables, benthic fish species and variance 2. Carlo permutation test (unrestricted) was used to determine the These samples were oven dried at 60 0C and stored. The sediment Veen grab (Hydrobios, Kiel, Germany) having a mouth area of 0.1m regressions of environmental parameters against biological indices significance of species environment relations. Simple multiple 2000, Malvin Instruments (USA) for soft sediments and Sieve texture was estimated using a particle size analyzer Master sizer (H’, J and d) were performed in SPSS 14 to explain the extent of matter (%) content was determined by the Wet Oxidation method of environmental parameters. Shaker, Retsch instrument (Germany) for hard sediments. Organic variance in the distribution of biological indices influence by a set by [21]. Results of Walkley-Black using rapid titration procedure but as modified Hydrographical parameters Figure 2: Temperature (0C), Salinity (PSU) and Dissolved Oxygen (ml.l-1) from Nizampatnam Bay during different Figure 1: Study Area: locations of 20 sampling sites in seasons. Nizampatnam Bay. Bottom water temperature in the study area varied from 25.0 0C (st.9, pre-monsoon I) to 34.1 0C (st.13, post-monsoon II), Altogether 128 biological (dredge) samples were collected with a Naturalist’s dredge. On board, all the organisms were washed monsoon periods with much warmer bottom waters in post- with seawater in a large metal tray and after separation the animals mean 29.3±0.18 indicating a significant variation through various were carefully transferred into polythene containers, labeled bottom water salinity varied from 24.8 PSU (st.6, pre monsoon monsoon than pre-monsoon (P≤0.01) (Figure 2a). On the whole, and preserved in 7% formaldehyde/methylated alcohol for later I) to 36.8 PSU (st.4, pre-monsoon I and st.18, pre monsoon II), saline in pre-monsoon than in the post monsoon. The differences study. In the laboratory, benthic fishes were
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    Iran. J. Ichthyol. (June 2021), 8(2): 114-124 Received: February 9, 2021 © 2021 Iranian Society of Ichthyology Accepted: May 6, 2021 P-ISSN: 2383-1561; E-ISSN: 2383-0964 doi: 10.22034/iji.v8i2.584 Research Article Morphology and DNA barcode confirm three new records of gobies (Gobiiformes: Gobiidae) from Bangladesh Md Jayedul ISLAM1, Tania SIDDIQUEKI1, Amit Kumer NEOGI1, Md. Yeamin HOSSAIN2, Michael HAMMER3, Kazi Ahsan HABIB1,4* 1Aquatic Bioresource Research Lab, Department of Fisheries Biology and Genetics, Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh. 2Department of Fisheries, Faculty of Fisheries, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi-6205, Bangladesh. 3Museum and Art Galllery of the Northern Territory, Darwin, NT, Australia. 4Department of Fisheries Biology and Genetics, Faculty of Fisheries, Aquaculture and Marine Science, Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh. *Email: [email protected] Abstract: This paper deals with three new distributional records of gobies viz. Amblyeleotris downingi Randall, 1994, Psammogobius biocellatus (Valenciennes, 1837), and Valenciennea muralis (Valenciennes, 1837) from Bangladeshi waters in the northernmost part of the Bay of Bengal. The examined specimens are identified and described by morphomeristic characteristics in addition to DNA barcoding based on mitochondrial COI gene. The COI barcode sequence of Amblyeleotris downingi is submitted for the first time in the GenBank. In addition, an updated checklist of gobies of the country is also compiled in this paper. Keywords: First record, Gobiid fish, Saint Martin’s Island, Sonadia Island. Citation: Islam, M.J.; Siddiqueki, T.; Neogi, A.K.; Hossain, M.Y.; HammerM M. & Habib, K.A. 2021. Morphology and DNA barcode confirm three new records of gobies (Gobiiformes: Gobiidae) from Bangladesh.
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